HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-08, Page 5V 4r 9 ., �` ;1" , , " "". I'll, I " 4 lip Ing: I eirson;_ A jwnd lt r. sport cho6l Ben tip,W 404 �17'. AV. e4 �,%* r 191, % - lett, Pr. IV e e J W—Glad e r end§ In q, -V I er vO John st� "Us.'65� at On. inargarep -jseim� win -1 w— 41. i -0-y -06 64.6. 1 Jr.. 11—ifay Lyddiatt, 54-�; lj,�, �C�urq 8aturday.'_ W11110 IV*T �irpo!lmd Hava and -son, C _Rarry Rapsop, 50. Jr. 'Taylor,lditLeipor Watsoniteid. W, TQ100lito; 'are Ija�g iss Mami Trim6r-4immY. AdEming, ­�_. M J, Swa�, this, -Weq _1=014 I auller. MCULLOP BAY IgAnEy Carruth-AWilliams.—The followin School Report.—The follorwing is the report for School Section No. 10, -Th f d Of � Mrs, fro�m* the - Wingh am Advance of ME Ray, on the Huron Promotion Exam- are soriy to hear -she jp week will be of interest to many hen inations: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV— -very*ill. with pneumonia and hope,for as the groom is a brother of Mri t ;`0 .,aispod:7 recovery. , Mr.. and A)�& Hackett, of Harpurhey: "One of th V 4r 9 ., �` ;1" , , " "". I'll, I " 4 lip Ing: I eirson;_ A jwnd lt r. sport cho6l Ben tip,W 404 �17'. AV. e4 �,%* r 191, % - lett, Pr. IV e e J W—Glad e r end§ In q, -V I er vO John st� "Us.'65� at On. inargarep -jseim� win -1 w— 41. i -0-y -06 64.6. 1 Jr.. 11—ifay Lyddiatt, 54-�; lj,�, �C�urq 8aturday.'_ W11110 IV*T �irpo!lmd Hava and -son, C _Rarry Rapsop, 50. Jr. 'Taylor,lditLeipor Watsoniteid. W, TQ100lito; 'are Ija�g iss Mami Trim6r-4immY. AdEming, ­�_. M J, Swa�, this, -Weq I F 4k Vo Qi= 1171–Trs r. = aw.041 C,,a-?- H,U, olqu- pe wu -A 1,,, r 1400 - Paljymple,. .01 Armstrong, 0 ist,46�,A. est Hur- arrie E. 4 ru, OW ,Taylor, Teacher. ley, The, West End Notei.­4Uyihg hfLseorA- u irson, oa#her. dimire iii their many 40103— W� t47-, ol 'Report.­iThe'0 foy t menc6d,4nd a fair cro Se il bwing are -friends FfT kW Act$ '444 T DE W ,p is being ga ghowa thpa* 0 AN] I AN 1-111' V, In,! 6red.--4Miss Llfatitie Turner, �of Torou.' the results a Exa;fil- #rbW theIr recent iied: b�va#vO­ ment. petion No. to, is sipending'tllei holidays at' her illations held al ,home here.—Mss Ada Gawley, who 7, Wbbert, on June. 2% iA All %-,�=d Low. Uoad,.14. Mote 4,ota I Andr 2. in has had the No. 6 sch"6ol for the past Marks required to pasi i9re as fol- X.0100, a' distance of 109 rb ship a ; M011 two years, has resigned .Mjj3j, Jam- tows-, � From Jr. IV to -Sri- IV., 5-52; AUCTION SALE W..W be received. by Saturday, July 1100% 1021. ieson, of the Hurofl. Road, has been aggregate mark, kG, ,Viom Sr. III Tendem will be opened At the SALE OF 40 HEAD OF STOCK Library, HaM, Seaforlik at 2.80 p.m. 40 engaged to teach No: 6 nwct year. to Jr.- IV., 492; aggreg4�e�park, 820. AU'cTIQN to al "M . From Jr. III to. Sr. 111.,,402; aggre- Sa HEIFERS from 600 $00 pounds, on date., it of 10 'M School Repq#.--The following Is urday, Jul:ir Oth, will be sold without re- A depos per ce Lt. of cantract lto the, report for School' $.'ection No. 9,' gate mark, 820; from Sr. jj� to Jr. 111, serve at 1.00 pja,. on Lot 24, Conces R6 pifoorthl., comp,�ny tender. Lowest or any tender not Tuckeismi th., The names � of thog'e 396; aggregate mark, NQ,.t, Promoted mexiliop; to minutes walk east of es necesaprily accepted. Work to be dimp 49 - promoted are arranged in order Of from'Jr. IV to Sr. IV--,Jang-.t Chappel Term, ­171,11 months' time or 6 per cent. per cording to pians and specifications of, En - annum. on bankable paper. L. FORTUND ginee; in charge. —Helen 728 (;H!on.). *Maude Bolton, 629; and G. LOWERY, Proprietors; G. Elliott, Auc- at -Lot 85, Concession 3, lie- mei�it: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV Plans, etc., Broadfoot, Dorothy Elgie (recom- *Clayton Horton,' 605- *'Mildred Rob- tioneer. Killop Township. 0 t mended). Fro m. Sr. III to Jr. IV— ins, 563. From r. IV— OHN McNAY, Clark. .sr. hi 'to. i Alex. frivine,11elen Upshall, Margaret Grace Couch, 721 (Hon.)- �*]Doris Sar , Lgg�w N. Proadfoot, Margaret Irvine, Margaret aras, 599; *Bernice Harris * Rn Ray, Marjory Hay (recommended). Val Cooper, 546. From Jr. III to Sr. tMIPORTANT NOTICES —Roy Hodgert, III—*Beatrice Drover, t_�69. From D&A Wes` IN From Jr. III to Sr. III AY FOR SA NOTICE Mae Chesney. From Sr. II to 4r, 411 Sr. 11 to Jr. III—Ross Hoggarth, 489 H LE. -46 ACRES OF MIXED bay, Lot 17, Concession 9. MckilloP. —Irene McKay, Lorne Hay, Russell i(Hon.)'; William Chambers, 356. Fro- -law of the County Apply to FRANK FINNEGAN, Dublin. Owners of live stmock should take noticef. Hodgert, Billie Dalrymple (recom- moted from Ist to Jr. II Earl 3108-2 that it is contrary to a By (eq- of Huron to allow their animals to be at mended). From Jr. 11 to Sr. I FOR —FOR Drover and *Benson &onernan - upon the County -law HAY MUM roads. This By G. IC SALE A QUAN large SALE. Jack/Consitt, Anna Love, Tean Irvine. ual), John Chappel, Lorne. Chambers. tity of timothy and mixed bay in the was passed primari-ly for the protection of From 1st to Sr. I—Robert McLachlan "Primer — Rae Cbam1bers.-' Highest field- Apply to R. McGONIGLE. Eg-mond- the travelling public, and there is a probabil- I mark in Arithmetic --Janet Chappel, ville, or phone 21 on 146, Seaforth. 3108x2 -ity that the owner of any such v. . kj li or "t. Glen Houston, Helen Doig. Prim;r_i may be held liable for loss of fe. Dubh% 011wo i." Robert Gemmell, Kate Dalrymple, 98; Mental' Arithmetic, Bernice Har - VOR SALE.---IFIVE OR TEN ACRES OF erty. caused by eh 'mob an Willie Hodgert, Stewart Love.—Al- ris, Grace Couch and Doris Sararas V good timothy hay on field. Will sell acre- HURON COUNTY WAD 'COMUSSION m --I. (equal) 1009 Literature, Grace age to suit purchaser, on Lot 25. Concession 8107-2 �T vin It. Do s, e.0 er. _1=014 I auller. MCULLOP BAY IgAnEy Carruth-AWilliams.—The followin School Report.—The follorwing is the report for School Section No. 10, -Th f d Of � Mrs, fro�m* the - Wingh am Advance of ME Ray, on the Huron Promotion Exam- are soriy to hear -she jp week will be of interest to many hen inations: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV— -very*ill. with pneumonia and hope,for as the groom is a brother of Mri Total 775, honors 581,'pass, 465: Hugh .,aispod:7 recovery. , Mr.. and A)�& Hackett, of Harpurhey: "One of th McEiwen, 723; James Roweliffe, 637; .John: Murray, Mr. and., Mw . Peter Eckikilt and Mr. Fred te=`--visited prettiest June weddings of the e I took place ort,satilTAay, June._25sthl Grace Dick, 594; 'Margaret Dick, 589; Mr. 'and, Mrs. Co� gAatt iii iSeajEoith St. George's. Angliean, Church, Lor Ted Munn, 562. From Sr. III to Jr. 'last -Supday._-W$ss Elizarbiith Murray, don,. when Hirie,t Tilllell.4, daughter - c IV—Total, 776; honors, 581; pass, -who.4lao bee4 teae4ing the past, year Mr. -and Mrs.. H. G. -Williams, we 4 Mr.- Vrederic *in t3. 465: Jimmie McEwen, 688; Alvin in Windsor, bis,'.g6ne to Guelph to united marriage _ Odrinth, Mtroit. Th Bell, 664; Garnet Mousso, 633; Helen take_�a-,course,jl�­the Agricultural 061- Lachlan of Munn, 619; Mary Hiuser, 602; Har- lege.4--Aflss k Agh6s ELckart, who *as bride who Was given away by he old Elder, 503; Dorothy Corbett, 374 teaching in' Amherstburg, is taking father, was pre#ily attired in (failed). From Jr. III to Sr. III— lier `Lvacation at the home of her dainiy frock of white satin charmeus Total, 675; honors, 6066; pass, 405-- fath�'i, Mt. - FreLd, Eckakt.-' with the customary brida veil hel jessie Dick, 466; Irene Mousso, 416. . I - with orange blossoms, and carried �From Sr. II to Jr. Ill—Total, 625 ; CROMARTY bouquet of Butterfly roses(. Her ord honors, 469; puss, 375: Annie Cole- Notes. Mr. Otto Walker and Dan attendant, Miss Kathleen Williami man, 563; Annie Huiser, 504; Mary WcK�Ilar­, of Detroit, spent the sister of the bride, was very swef Coleman, 470. From Jr. 11 to Sr. 11 -week-end at our village.—Mrs. Roy inea gown of amber satin with whit satill hat, and carrying a bouquet c —Edna May Corbett, 431; Edward .McCullough has returned from St. -Joseph's Hospital, and we are pleased Ophelia roses and fern. The grooy Corbett, 376;" Jack Munn (failed). -to report a satisfactory recovery.— was assisted by Mr. Frank Beatty, c Detroit. The church was attractivi From First Class to Jr. II—Marion Anniversary services were largely at- tended on Sunday_--Wr. Lloyd Mil- ly decorated and a large surplice Dougall, Kenneth Elder. From Prini- ler spent Sunday under the parental choir wag in abtendance and rendere er to First CIRss—Dorothy Munn.— .roof.—Miss Annie -Speare, of Toron- choral service During the signin of the register, Mr. Galloway, t1 M. G. Johns, Teacher. -to, spent the week -end at the home of choir leader, sang '10 Promise Me, ler fother,- 'MT. Joseph,Speare. Pressentation.—A pleasing event Rev. Mr. Gage performed the ceri HIBBERT took place on Tuesday,% June 28th, mpny. Immediately after the servic The follo-ing is the report forl -vvhen the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Hib- about fiftv guests sat down to dainty buffet luncheon, served at ti School Section No. 5, Hibbert, on1bel hert, presented their teacher, Miss Carrie Anderson, with a leather hat home. -of the bride's sister, Mrs. Cli Promotion Exams- Sr. Fourth—Em- and a rose -and -amber clock. Miss ford Collins. The bridegroom's gi� -box Mary Dow presented the gifts, while to the bride was a handsome rope ( Master Roger Christie read the ad- pearls, to the bridesmaid a silver con pact and to the groomsman, gold cu ,dress, in which regret was expr�ssed links. The gifts to the y6iffig coup -that Miss Anderson had resigned and -was engaged as a teacher on the -were numerous and beautiful. M 'Windsor staff. The teacher was com- nd Mrs, Carruth left bry fhotor f( Toronto, and other points. On the pletely taken by surprise but repliec, return they will reside in Detroi �4 in a suitable manner, thanking th,! pupils for their thoughtfulness. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carruth are we known in Wingham, having lived hei BRUCEFIELD from infancy. The best wishes of Notes.—Several from here attend - host of friends is extended for happy and prosperous wedded life. s6ad the services in Seaforth and Hen- sall on Sabbath last.—Mr. Grieve and TUCKERSHITH little son, of Buffalo, visited with Mr. :and Mrs. Douglas last week.—Miss 1 School Report.—The following 'Gladys Addison, of Orillia, is visiting the report of Sthool Sectiop 1�0. "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josepki Addison.—Frank McGregor is spend- Tuckersmith. The names are in o der of merit. The Sr. IV and Jr. ing a few days with his father, Mr. are those who were successful in tl Hugh WGr . egor.�Mr. Andrew Mur-Ijime testr Sr. IV—Margaret Wa I F 4k Vo Qi= 1171–Trs r. = aw.041 C,,a-?- H,U, olqu- pe wu -A 1,,, r 1400 - Paljymple,. .01 Armstrong, 0 ist,46�,A. est Hur- arrie E. 4 ru, OW ,Taylor, Teacher. ley, The, West End Notei.­4Uyihg hfLseorA- u irson, oa#her. dimire iii their many 40103— W� t47-, ol 'Report.­iThe'0 foy t menc6d,4nd a fair cro Se il bwing are -friends FfT kW Act$ '444 T DE W ,p is being ga ghowa thpa* 0 AN] I AN 1-111' V, In,! 6red.--4Miss Llfatitie Turner, �of Torou.' the results a Exa;fil- #rbW theIr recent iied: b�va#vO­ ment. petion No. to, is sipending'tllei holidays at' her illations held al ,home here.—Mss Ada Gawley, who 7, Wbbert, on June. 2% iA All %-,�=d Low. Uoad,.14. Mote 4,ota I Andr 2. in has had the No. 6 sch"6ol for the past Marks required to pasi i9re as fol- X.0100, a' distance of 109 rb ship a ; M011 two years, has resigned .Mjj3j, Jam- tows-, � From Jr. IV to -Sri- IV., 5-52; AUCTION SALE W..W be received. by Saturday, July 1100% 1021. ieson, of the Hurofl. Road, has been aggregate mark, kG, ,Viom Sr. III Tendem will be opened At the SALE OF 40 HEAD OF STOCK Library, HaM, Seaforlik at 2.80 p.m. 40 engaged to teach No: 6 nwct year. to Jr.- IV., 492; aggreg4�e�park, 820. AU'cTIQN to al "M . From Jr. III to. Sr. 111.,,402; aggre- Sa HEIFERS from 600 $00 pounds, on date., it of 10 'M School Repq#.--The following Is urday, Jul:ir Oth, will be sold without re- A depos per ce Lt. of cantract lto the, report for School' $.'ection No. 9,' gate mark, 820; from Sr. jj� to Jr. 111, serve at 1.00 pja,. on Lot 24, Conces R6 pifoorthl., comp,�ny tender. Lowest or any tender not Tuckeismi th., The names � of thog'e 396; aggregate mark, NQ,.t, Promoted mexiliop; to minutes walk east of es necesaprily accepted. Work to be dimp 49 - promoted are arranged in order Of from'Jr. IV to Sr. IV--,Jang-.t Chappel Term, ­171,11 months' time or 6 per cent. per cording to pians and specifications of, En - annum. on bankable paper. L. FORTUND ginee; in charge. —Helen 728 (;H!on.). *Maude Bolton, 629; and G. LOWERY, Proprietors; G. Elliott, Auc- at -Lot 85, Concession 3, lie- mei�it: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV Plans, etc., Broadfoot, Dorothy Elgie (recom- *Clayton Horton,' 605- *'Mildred Rob- tioneer. Killop Township. 0 t mended). Fro m. Sr. III to Jr. IV— ins, 563. From r. IV— OHN McNAY, Clark. .sr. hi 'to. i Alex. frivine,11elen Upshall, Margaret Grace Couch, 721 (Hon.)- �*]Doris Sar , Lgg�w N. Proadfoot, Margaret Irvine, Margaret aras, 599; *Bernice Harris * Rn Ray, Marjory Hay (recommended). Val Cooper, 546. From Jr. III to Sr. tMIPORTANT NOTICES —Roy Hodgert, III—*Beatrice Drover, t_�69. From D&A Wes` IN From Jr. III to Sr. III AY FOR SA NOTICE Mae Chesney. From Sr. II to 4r, 411 Sr. 11 to Jr. III—Ross Hoggarth, 489 H LE. -46 ACRES OF MIXED bay, Lot 17, Concession 9. MckilloP. —Irene McKay, Lorne Hay, Russell i(Hon.)'; William Chambers, 356. Fro- -law of the County Apply to FRANK FINNEGAN, Dublin. Owners of live stmock should take noticef. Hodgert, Billie Dalrymple (recom- moted from Ist to Jr. II Earl 3108-2 that it is contrary to a By (eq- of Huron to allow their animals to be at mended). From Jr. 11 to Sr. I FOR —FOR Drover and *Benson &onernan - upon the County -law HAY MUM roads. This By G. IC SALE A QUAN large SALE. Jack/Consitt, Anna Love, Tean Irvine. ual), John Chappel, Lorne. Chambers. tity of timothy and mixed bay in the was passed primari-ly for the protection of From 1st to Sr. I—Robert McLachlan "Primer — Rae Cbam1bers.-' Highest field- Apply to R. McGONIGLE. Eg-mond- the travelling public, and there is a probabil- I mark in Arithmetic --Janet Chappel, ville, or phone 21 on 146, Seaforth. 3108x2 -ity that the owner of any such v. . kj li or "t. Glen Houston, Helen Doig. Prim;r_i may be held liable for loss of fe. Dubh% 011wo i." Robert Gemmell, Kate Dalrymple, 98; Mental' Arithmetic, Bernice Har - VOR SALE.---IFIVE OR TEN ACRES OF erty. caused by eh 'mob an Willie Hodgert, Stewart Love.—Al- ris, Grace Couch and Doris Sararas V good timothy hay on field. Will sell acre- HURON COUNTY WAD 'COMUSSION m --I. (equal) 1009 Literature, Grace age to suit purchaser, on Lot 25. Concession 8107-2 �T vin It. Do s, e.0 er. Couch, 1 97; History, Haude Bolton .5, RcKilloP. Phone 15-235, Seaforth. Apply BAY I 75; Composition, Grace �Qouch, 9(1-, to VW.&LEY NICHOLS, R.R. 1, semorth. School Report.—The follorwing is the report for School Section No. 10, Geography, Grace Couch,',78; Gram - mar, Maude Bolton, 62; Writing, Jan- HAY FOR SALE.—TWENTY ACRES OF timothy. Ray, on the Huron Promotion Exam- et Chappel, 83; Reading, Griace Couch, timothy and alfalfa. 5 acres on lot 6, Concession 8, Stanley. Acreage will inations: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV— Maude Boltoh� and 5s lHoggarth, T i; sold to suit purchaser. Apply to JOHN 4k Vo Qi= 1171–Trs r. = aw.041 C,,a-?- H,U, olqu- pe wu -A 1,,, r 1400 - Paljymple,. .01 Armstrong, 0 ist,46�,A. est Hur- arrie E. 4 ru, OW ,Taylor, Teacher. ley, The, West End Notei.­4Uyihg hfLseorA- u irson, oa#her. dimire iii their many 40103— W� t47-, ol 'Report.­iThe'0 foy t menc6d,4nd a fair cro Se il bwing are -friends FfT kW Act$ '444 T DE W ,p is being ga ghowa thpa* 0 AN] I AN 1-111' V, In,! 6red.--4Miss Llfatitie Turner, �of Torou.' the results a Exa;fil- #rbW theIr recent iied: b�va#vO­ ment. petion No. to, is sipending'tllei holidays at' her illations held al ,home here.—Mss Ada Gawley, who 7, Wbbert, on June. 2% iA All %-,�=d Low. Uoad,.14. Mote 4,ota I Andr 2. in has had the No. 6 sch"6ol for the past Marks required to pasi i9re as fol- X.0100, a' distance of 109 rb ship a ; M011 two years, has resigned .Mjj3j, Jam- tows-, � From Jr. IV to -Sri- IV., 5-52; AUCTION SALE W..W be received. by Saturday, July 1100% 1021. ieson, of the Hurofl. Road, has been aggregate mark, kG, ,Viom Sr. III Tendem will be opened At the SALE OF 40 HEAD OF STOCK Library, HaM, Seaforlik at 2.80 p.m. 40 engaged to teach No: 6 nwct year. to Jr.- IV., 492; aggreg4�e�park, 820. AU'cTIQN to al "M . From Jr. III to. Sr. 111.,,402; aggre- Sa HEIFERS from 600 $00 pounds, on date., it of 10 'M School Repq#.--The following Is urday, Jul:ir Oth, will be sold without re- A depos per ce Lt. of cantract lto the, report for School' $.'ection No. 9,' gate mark, 820; from Sr. jj� to Jr. 111, serve at 1.00 pja,. on Lot 24, Conces R6 pifoorthl., comp,�ny tender. Lowest or any tender not Tuckeismi th., The names � of thog'e 396; aggregate mark, NQ,.t, Promoted mexiliop; to minutes walk east of es necesaprily accepted. Work to be dimp 49 - promoted are arranged in order Of from'Jr. IV to Sr. IV--,Jang-.t Chappel Term, ­171,11 months' time or 6 per cent. per cording to pians and specifications of, En - annum. on bankable paper. L. FORTUND ginee; in charge. —Helen 728 (;H!on.). *Maude Bolton, 629; and G. LOWERY, Proprietors; G. Elliott, Auc- at -Lot 85, Concession 3, lie- mei�it: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV Plans, etc., Broadfoot, Dorothy Elgie (recom- *Clayton Horton,' 605- *'Mildred Rob- tioneer. Killop Township. 0 t mended). Fro m. Sr. III to Jr. IV— ins, 563. From r. IV— OHN McNAY, Clark. .sr. hi 'to. i Alex. frivine,11elen Upshall, Margaret Grace Couch, 721 (Hon.)- �*]Doris Sar , Lgg�w N. Proadfoot, Margaret Irvine, Margaret aras, 599; *Bernice Harris * Rn Ray, Marjory Hay (recommended). Val Cooper, 546. From Jr. III to Sr. tMIPORTANT NOTICES —Roy Hodgert, III—*Beatrice Drover, t_�69. From D&A Wes` IN From Jr. III to Sr. III AY FOR SA NOTICE Mae Chesney. From Sr. II to 4r, 411 Sr. 11 to Jr. III—Ross Hoggarth, 489 H LE. -46 ACRES OF MIXED bay, Lot 17, Concession 9. MckilloP. —Irene McKay, Lorne Hay, Russell i(Hon.)'; William Chambers, 356. Fro- -law of the County Apply to FRANK FINNEGAN, Dublin. Owners of live stmock should take noticef. Hodgert, Billie Dalrymple (recom- moted from Ist to Jr. II Earl 3108-2 that it is contrary to a By (eq- of Huron to allow their animals to be at mended). From Jr. 11 to Sr. I FOR —FOR Drover and *Benson &onernan - upon the County -law HAY MUM roads. This By G. IC SALE A QUAN large SALE. Jack/Consitt, Anna Love, Tean Irvine. ual), John Chappel, Lorne. Chambers. tity of timothy and mixed bay in the was passed primari-ly for the protection of From 1st to Sr. I—Robert McLachlan "Primer — Rae Cbam1bers.-' Highest field- Apply to R. McGONIGLE. Eg-mond- the travelling public, and there is a probabil- I mark in Arithmetic --Janet Chappel, ville, or phone 21 on 146, Seaforth. 3108x2 -ity that the owner of any such v. . kj li or "t. Glen Houston, Helen Doig. Prim;r_i may be held liable for loss of fe. Dubh% 011wo i." Robert Gemmell, Kate Dalrymple, 98; Mental' Arithmetic, Bernice Har - VOR SALE.---IFIVE OR TEN ACRES OF erty. caused by eh 'mob an Willie Hodgert, Stewart Love.—Al- ris, Grace Couch and Doris Sararas V good timothy hay on field. Will sell acre- HURON COUNTY WAD 'COMUSSION m --I. (equal) 1009 Literature, Grace age to suit purchaser, on Lot 25. Concession 8107-2 �T vin It. Do s, e.0 er. Couch, 1 97; History, Haude Bolton .5, RcKilloP. Phone 15-235, Seaforth. Apply BAY I 75; Composition, Grace �Qouch, 9(1-, to VW.&LEY NICHOLS, R.R. 1, semorth. School Report.—The follorwing is the report for School Section No. 10, Geography, Grace Couch,',78; Gram - mar, Maude Bolton, 62; Writing, Jan- HAY FOR SALE.—TWENTY ACRES OF timothy. Ray, on the Huron Promotion Exam- et Chappel, 83; Reading, Griace Couch, timothy and alfalfa. 5 acres on lot 6, Concession 8, Stanley. Acreage will inations: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV— Maude Boltoh� and 5s lHoggarth, T i; sold to suit purchaser. Apply to JOHN Total 775, honors 581,'pass, 465: Hugh pils (equal) 88. 1�6smiarked by HYDE, Lot S. Concession 2, Stanley. 8107 -2 McEiwen, 723; James Roweliffe, 637; an asterisk e two classes ave n I ARKS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE F Grace Dick, 594; 'Margaret Dick, 589; during the school. st perfeet farms in the Townships of Usbarrie. Ted Munn, 562. From Sr. III to Jr. attendance during t e 'layton E. Bo Tuckersmith and HibberL Good buildings und 'ell located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- I IV—Total, 776; honors, 581; pass, Horton.—Victoria n, eacher * FRON. Exeter, Ont - 465: Jimmie McEwen, 688; Alvin School Report.—The. ing is Bell, 664; Garnet Mousso, 633; Helen the report of the promotion exam - Munn, 619; Mary Hiuser, 602; Har- inations of the pupils of 5Chool Sec - NOTICE TO CREDITORS old Elder, 503; Dorothy Corbett, 374 tion No. 3, Hibbert: Promoted to (failed). From Jr. III to Sr. III— Jr. IV—Honours: Lorne McGill, 77"',; Promoted to NOTICE is herebv sriven pursuant to the Total, 675; honors, 6066; pass, 405-- Margaret Jones, 76%. S tatuts in that behalf that all perso 9 ha v, jessie Dick, 466; Irene Mousso, 416. Sr. III—Honours: Marion Drak2, jaimn P�ainst th- estate of Jam es �From Sr. II to Jr. Ill—Total, 625 ; 81'4; Muriel Drake, 789o;'Pass—Arn- of the Town of Senforth. Blacksmith. deceas- died the 27th day of May, 1927. honors, 469; puss, 375: Annie Cole- old Barbour, 621/,. Promoted to Jr. d. who on e 'red to forward their claims, duly are requi man, 563; Annie Huiser, 504; Mary III- H-onours---,Frederick Jones, 76/,-, proven. to the undersigned Solicitors on or Coleman, 470. From Jr. 11 to Sr. 11 Iva Leary, 72% and Harry Drake, before the 29th day of July, 1927. after which ' te the Executrix will Proceed to di�trlbute '1�e —Edna May Corbett, 431; Edward 72'Y,. Promoted to Sr. 11: Pass— estnte havinir revord only to and beinst I Corbett, 376;" Jack Munn (failed). Agnes Miller, 645c; Leslie NAillery liable only for the claims of which she shall From First Class to Jr. II—Marion 60'/,. Promoted to Jr. II: Bonours-- then hAve brd notice. T,,ted st Seaforth, Ontario. this 7th day of � Dougall, Kenneth Elder. From Prini- Beatrice frarburn, 791/-,4, pa Julyn 1927� er to First CIRss—Dorothy Munn.— Elliott, 61'le. Promoted to Jr. 1-1 REST & BEST, M. G. Johns, Teacher. Honours—Eldon Barbour, 79",; pass Solicitors for the Executrix. IMPORTANT —Kenneth Burns, 65%; Lorne Flliott The book ace t, of the late James Davis HIBBERT 61",; Raymond Miller, 6T; . Pro- are now in ourolh'aLrLds for collecti— arid must The follo-ing is the report forl moted to Sr. Primer: Honours—Isa- bo onid at once in order to close up the School Section No. 5, Hibbert, on1bel Drake, Jean Tuffin; pass—Harol-I estate- BEST & BEST. Promotion Exams- Sr. Fourth—Em- I Kleinfelt, Jean Burns.—Jean Moun- 11- Seaforth, Ont4pria. 3108-3 V4, ily Harrison. Jr. Fourth—To Pass, I Lain, I eac er. BURSTING EVERY BARRIER. Sweeping aside all former standards of value -giving. this mighty torrent of Money -Saving will amaze and thrill you Read every item and GET HERE. Torn from b-toorings and swe t adnift at prices that will put dollars back into the pocket of every customer who a- - 918 this blammoth Sale. Dresses, Hosier5,, Men's Suits, Furn- R. J. Gibb's $25,000 Stock ishings, li6ysl Etc., at the greatest price concessions in years. Come For Mies. It Will FaY Yon. MEN'S FANCY SOX Ndvelty tterns in fine quality dress sox. Cgalar 76c quality ..... 59C MEN'S WORK SOX All -wool Work Sox; fine quality. They stand the gaff ................ 39C MEN'S FINEST CAPS Beautiful patt6rns In very beat 1.49 MEN'S HATS Caps, Regular to $2.50 values... Regular $5.00 MEN'S TIES Your choice of a large assortment - of Moire and silk and wool er 69c $3,95 Regular $1.00 value ............... All our "Biltmore" Felt Hats—the Mwter Hat of ATHLETIC UNION SUITS Canada, going during this Best quality Naincheck athletic sale ',at, ".9s. Union Suits. 'Very special at ...... 89c - R A 1r,"ftT?1I AN COMBS. UNING SPECIAL SAio 944 ;� bAy MO 1�o the first 16 . eusw�idq:, ktqilay inorning we will give 19C a pair of Ladies' Pate- Tft'es4,01k fHoflierY for just ............ Think of it, Ladies! Beautiful brand new Suni- mer Frocks, each one different and distinctive. Choice of Flat Crepes, Printed Crepps and other styli8h materials. All Sizes and colors. It N Pay ou To Get ere Guaranteed first quality fine bal- 98C 23c. Pure Thread Silk briggan.e6mbinations for men. Regu- lar $1.25 vallif; ............ I ........ MEN'S FANCY SOX Ladies' ' _HosierY SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Regular 76c balbri."an Shifts and �qc 79C Drawers. First quality. WY ... Ciiffil5kkN'S DRESSES Fine quality pure thread MEN'S DRESS SMkTS in Ginghains, e", n"A AtIvAr ntvlm. Values to $2.00... gilk hosiery in a nice as- libittlile of colors. Worth A lovely assortment Of fi'ne 16" shirts in beautiful patterns, collart to 1.69 pt sm, match, Broadeloths and Repps. Regu- lar to $3.00 ................. UNING SPECIAL SAio 944 ;� bAy MO 1�o the first 16 . eusw�idq:, ktqilay inorning we will give 19C a pair of Ladies' Pate- Tft'es4,01k fHoflierY for just ............ Think of it, Ladies! Beautiful brand new Suni- mer Frocks, each one different and distinctive. Choice of Flat Crepes, Printed Crepps and other styli8h materials. All Sizes and colors. It N Pay ou To Get ere Early. BOYS' STOCKINGS Mercerized Stockings in black only. 23c. Regular 4�lic value .... * ------- -, MEN'S FANCY SOX The very best men's sox. Smart patterns , Regular $1.00 values ..... 69c MEN'S WORK SOX Here's a fine work sox. Regular ,35c vah�e; medium weight .......... %W MEN'S BRACES Dress and Work Suspenders. Strong 59c elastic we -b. Regular 75c .......... DRESS PANTS Men' The very newest and smart. eqt patterns in dress pants, Regular 3,98 $5.00 and $5-W values ............. BOYS' SWEATERS Pure wool Sweaters, OULton neck, pullover styles. Best colors. very special ............. .. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Yarn dyed Chambray Work Shirtg, Khaki, Blue or Black; guaranteed fast 95C color and exceptional wearing quali- ties. Special ............ ... Ciiffil5kkN'S DRESSES Assortment of Children's Dresses Chambrays, Pantie 1619 in Ginghains, e", n"A AtIvAr ntvlm. Values to $2.00... Buy -,-j' jjj_,kjkj1VjLjVjrL L!�UJLXZ5 Mothers! Here's a wonder value. 2 -Bloomer Suits, reg- ular to $10. Fine Tweeds, well tailored, nice patterns, only S, WE GQARANTtEE ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION ON EVERY ARTICLE .,,..DURING THIS SA.LE, As ALWAY f 7 7, w,';, �A tit il,�, I P ilki f