HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-08, Page 3.01►1 "Ar 'IQ
►� eampulsory naotcr
xhpce i's': conning 112,01'4444w.
t•pr c etion. was made by'..Jo» oma aua,y,lO h seen a `
fOr,ad+d c't t9 and t1I evil It'ingex heli
;eoxge , H°�;nxy, minister of High- � �i,
i a far Ontario, in the course of his a .; ',,, Ttn e�k1a atr; f all lrnda'
d rens at • the •annual meetixtg. oi �tlyis 10eallty la'" desttr d- to • furnish
Vorthi. Wlaterloo branch of the t.?nt- ag �wei1, liver steam rpV. Which
a rio Motor League.. HOn. Atr• • tenry
slid not intimate dust what, fparm,'c driie thewheel'' of iii,dtistry.
of compulsory instyrance he favored.
'Engineers' gra tzty atigatixag the
Whether it is! the Massachusetts he bas
stxan gecforces that spout steam into
In mind, which is only,compulsory 'public the
the geysers Or; linclef' eand steandous m vents
liability insurance only, or the New
ampshire ' plan which! prohibits that dot 'Sonoma, County and certain
inciter Vehicle owner: who ares found
loealitzes, in other Western States. Un
inciter similar phenomena in a number
e.daporisible for accidents by immediate
Of other countries, the steam that
•e'nqu1ries from further •use of , their.: issaes from the ground in California
vehreles or driving.. other motor vehz.
is comparatively free of impurities.
icles unlesssur unlit covered by pl.
`Years/ ago, these strange steam
.sod p.d. insurance' o bended to a vents were treated as scientific aphen;
sufficient extent to ttarantee pay- omena And o'r)ore, 'No One thought
t =ant of damage awards.
Another suggested plan, though so seriously, ,of putting', them to work,
far not in effect anywlieref in to maks until the. idea struck J. D. Grant, ey
pl. and p.d. insurance' obligatory only large
o hbrsew th aroprty nscientifeec tuer of thrnl of
on 1motorists who bade' been found mind, that here, beneath their feet,
inilty of recklees driving or respons- was a source of power whose poten-
ibe for an accident. The- proposal is tial commercial possibilities might br
that the licenses of all motor vehicle unlimited.
.owners and drivers who are found •
'The Carnegie Institution's geo-
'guilty of reckless driving and -who do physical laboratory undertook an lnnot carry pl. and p.d. insurance be vestigation that has lasted for many -
until they secure such years and now is nearing completion.
.coverage, or bonds guaranteeing that
any who may suffer injury or loss as Dr. E. T. Allen, chemist of the geo-
tr result of their use of motor vehicles physical laboratory, and Dr.' Arthur
will be indemnified and that the L. Day, its director, have spent con
of those responsible for traf- siderable time seeking to obtain an
fie accidents be maspended unless ,or accurate measure of the possibilities
••umtil those who have suffered injury of the steam wells ready for harness -
to person or property at their hands Frig' ix wells,' said Allen, 'have been
ave been compensated and that they drilled to depths of from 200 to 500
carry pl. and p.d. insurance or bonds feet, closed in and completed. The
-guaranteeing that those -whom their capacity of four of these wells he
motor vehicles may injure in person erages 1,000 kilowatts, and the two
a.nd property may be reasonably surd
•of redress for such injury if legally others, although somewhat less pow -
r .entitled to it. erful, possess a valuable store of en -
The merits and demerits of com- ergy. One of the wells produces 50,-
-pulsory insurance have been discus- 000 pounds of steam an hour, and
the roar of. the escaping steam may
Fed at length from time to time in
M be heard for miles.
Id iaQ oricrasly p>ie ►ar
� ia>i# fio, itrl a ti e t,
pepul tioa., centres t irou0hotat ,q
` + a 91�ar noetlY tib ta,rqts�
these columns. The Ontario Motor
League's position in the matter thus T! Ie geophysical laboratory has un
far has been that of an open-minded der.a..en a great amount of work
testing temperatures and pressures
impartial but kedly interested oh- within the wells, determining the kind
server. It is stony ng the function.aim amount of gases that accompany
ing of the Massachusetts and New the .. steam, • investigating the hot
Hamnshirr- plans. ' springs and natural .steam vents of
Whatever will be the outcome of the area and their radiation to the
the compulsory insurance csnt.roversy rocks and other geologic elements,
the opinion is growing, says Canadian sod the natural chemical processes
Motorist, that the � faire era, in that are in progress. All this has
so far as the irresponsibler
motor vehicle owners and o y'rators deterneon undertaken for the purpose of
re concerned at least, should be enoiining the ultimate cause of the
abruptly- terminated. The subject is intensely interest -
It is a master of common known- ing, from either the standpoint of
edge that there are a considerable science or of economics.
-number of decrepit cars and trucks
in service the brakes and steering I
gears of which are such as to make
them a menace t'i life and limb. Them
is no adeouate reason why such old
�► '"crocks" should b' permitted to jeon
-nrdize the welfare of their occupants Careful Girls. -It. may not be long
and other users of the streets and now before you read about a girl' be -
'highways. The State of Pennsylvania ink choked to death by the hem of
taken of this unsalu-'her skirt.-Orillia News -Letter.
as a en
ary state of Affairs and has under - I Trustingthe Trust. -A man w ro
aken to eliminate it by passing a
aw empowering the highway traffic decides to put his trust in ric
fficials to seize and condemn such should be careful of the trust 'in
ehie1rs if they do not me"t prescrih- which he puts his riches. -Kingston
nod tests. Licenses for all such ar" Standard.
ancelled and it is contra"v to law
o take out new ones for them. Embittered. -An authors emarks
that there is not much change in
men's clothes this winter. Aren't
those married men hitter?-Montretd
Changing Landmarks. -People us-
ed to get married when they knew
each other thoroughly„ Nowadays
that's when they get divorced. -Van-
couver Sun.
Ineffective Rights. -The pedestrian
has the undisputed right of way -bat
they go right on making tombstones
just the same. -Windsor Border Cit-
ies Star.
Nature has bestowed still another
!bounty on favored California and
Bother western states, which may play
a revolutionary part in future indus-
trial development within the• area.
-Engineers recently have discovered
that the steam which issues from
the ground at certain points is un -
'harnessed motive energy, largely free
from Impurities, which may be dir-
ccted to productive purpose at com-
'paratively reasonable cost. The steam
,originates in huge -subterranean pow-
'er plants, sand reaches the surface of
the earth as potential motive powegg,
in the semi -finished state., Ubhai
scent Wilcox, writing in Business (De-
,troit). days:
`Industrial development on a large
scale seems to be likely in the therm-
al regions of Ale/ander Valley, in
onon•ta County, California. Even
know there is under way a plan • so
She Wanted a Simrt Term. -Wo-
man seeking divorce *ho was aske•i
for a definition of the word matri-
mony said matrimony wasn't a word
hut a sentence. -Ottawa Journal.
Conversational Starters.-Whe1S a
man tips his hat to a woman his wife
doesn't know, she asks more questions
in the next five minutes than a child
asks' on a railroad train. -Saskatoon
A Railway Safety Device
Every article in our store is Reduced ---Red
Qenerous iedctions.
• Reduced to apoint where the A ar airy is SelfEvide
educed in keepipgwith the reputation ®f this store
Real ,Attractive S le i.. rices.
And while prices are very attractive throughout the entire store, evidenced by the
crowds that have already attended this sale, we wish to specially emphasize a few
extra special features listed below. Remember the stre with the bestmerchandise
and he greatest variety to choose from, naturally has the best bargains when the
prices are reduced.
-Men's Suits
Young Men's Odd Suits
Sale Price $8.95
$15.00 to $16.50 Suits
Sale Price $12.95
$17.00 to $18.00 Suits
Sale Price $13.95
$20.00 to $22.04 Suits
Sale Price $16.95
$25.00 Suits,
Sale Price $19.95
$30.00/ Suits,
Sale Price
$35.00 Suits,
Sale Price
100 Boys' Suits
Regular up to $12.00, Bloom-
er style Sale Price, $5,95
Long pants style ; sale price
Famous Snag Proof Brand;
Blue stripe or black ; regu-
lar $1.95.
Sale Price
Men's Caps
New Sand and Grey
shades in fancy patterns; all
this Spring's caps.
Regular $1.50,
_ Sale Price $1.19
Regular $1.75,
Sale Price
Regular $2.00,
Sale Price
Boys' Jerseys
All colors and sizes
Sale Price
Mens Underwear
Balbri ii•an Shirts or Draw-
ers. Sale Price 49c
Balbrig'L'''an Combinations ;
white or natural. Regular
$1.25. Sale Pnice 99e
Merino Shirts or Drawers.
reg. 1.00; Sale Price, 83c
Naincheck combina-
tions; regular $1.Q0.
Sale Price 83c
B.V.D. Hatchway Combing-
' tions; regular $1.50.
Sale Price $1.29
Boys' Underwear
Balbriggan Shirts or Draw-
ers; regular 50c.
Sale Price 39c
Balbriggan Combinations ;
Regular 75c
Sale Price
Men's Felt Hats
All new Styles in Grey,
Brown, Sand or Black; all
the leading brands. Sale
Men's Dress Shirts
All the best brands are re-
nresented; a full range of
sizes. Good patterns, good
material s,big variety to
choose from. Regular price
Dress Goods
All Dress Goods, Silks
and Trimirlings
Women's Presses
Cotton Foulard Dresses,
navy and black in fancy pat-
terns. Sizes 36 to 46s.
Sale Price $5.39 ,
Voile Dresses in short or
long sleeves. All sizes.
Sale Price $4.95
Silk Dresses, new style, new
colors. All sizes. Extra
value. Sale Price, $19.75
House Dresses in Gingham,
Broadcloth, etc., a very spe-
cial bargain.
Sale Price, 89c and $1.19
Fuji Silk Dresses in white
and colors. Do not miss
these. Sale Price $5,95
Women's Silk Hose
Finest Art Silk Hose, silk to
the tole with a double run
stop. Excellent wear. The
colors are Champagne,Bran,
Blush, Grey, Black. In all
Women's Hose
Pure Thread Silk, reinforc-
ed with Art silk, silk or lisle
top. Every good shade;
Monarch or Mercury.
Sale Price
Full fashioned Silk Hose
the best maker's best makes ;
over 20 shades. All sizes.
Women's Fancy
All the regular New Spring
Every coat must go.
20% off
Women's Spring
50 Women's Spring Coats
in fancy Tweeds, Poiret
Twill, Charmine. Good
range of sizes
Sale Price
Child's Dresses
Play Dresses made of Ging-
ham and Broadcloth, pants
to match, ake 2 to 12 yea' -s.
Sale Price $1.55
Cotton Knit
Bloomers For
Made in Grey, Mauve, Pink,
White, Yellow and Peach.
Will wear. All sizes
Sale Price
Boned front, garters attach-
ed. Elastic insert. All sizes.
Sale Price 89c
New Spring Wash
Regular- $1.00 to $1.50.
Sale Price, yard 69c
Bathing Suits
Men's and Boys' Wool or
Cotton. Sale Price
11 he Safety'Dc
I a safety Bee
.derailment rl device 'tri
sear/of the wheels'` slid'
of the car both hitiadtitail
Exhaustive testa *ate."were attaehed, at apeeds•iia -
' 1etitl
deratnistratedlihat thi
auadian National Railways has introduced
ped on band ear§ and motors to prevent,
ix iinetat rackets placed in front and
xflTheile are bolted to the frame -
+ ttli•Which these bfackets
'' trifles en hour and it Was
h;i*i' inteiet on the rails.
r ttA�,F,