HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-08, Page 2777­11�7 1 1,17M-17 11 r,� ­ . irr,,�IATIW,�T, 11 7, I-, � ,­ , ,� , - ,� ,-­, '�rs- , 1;11,� ., , " �'?­ �­�, - .., , _-, ,�,;- - �,, ,� � ,, - �'11 , "I �31 � , , , " ,-, , !.� �� , , W 7 � , " " �;,,�`��, _ , . _ I I I 11, � . ", , I .1,11 �,,�� 71,117, 7. - 7, Y, . I - I , , I 1 - -4141 11 .,�, . I � . :,�!k­ I � . 11 , , - _4 '-1 :..­'� ,­:�,. '' �, ,,, , � " , , . �� _* , �, ­: ,,, � �� � , �,` . , ", , � , , � - I , � 1 " I . � , ,,, 1 �� ,; � I .,, ,,,4. - .,, ­`,; , 1 �, I ,� ". . . �j , 1j" -1� I i '� �7 ,,�,. , ;�,,��!, ­:,: , ­-',�,� ,. , , I � I I 1 7- �. � �.. �� � ; ! ,��,,�"11'1, ,,:, '�.'11 1 . ...... i, ".", . � .. , - " - " , , , , ,.;, �� - e ,�� I ��, �,� , `�,!�, ,,!!:1 , � , , � - " ." I . ,,, ,�,, .-',,' , "; ,,��`,, , , ;� . 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'_11. :� `� , .�'� Wl IDA "Povle, � , . � � R ", 'Drow � .�'p ,5,i, ,116 Al I- - " Al ,-,� Ail I i . ' ­911�.RZW�, DO04.5-All. sizes, tomplete wit � I I 4 Otedin"tWo4torhach-sli . � , PA, R". , . I � . . . It 1111 ,' ' M I A, V � J7�1.1 1 1'.�.,X. �' %­ 1.1-P ., , + .AN . .1k. ,h ThQ�cominj of thunder And rain iz . , gli , Al .1, ', -, 5" ', - - - - I . � , 11 i ". .11 � I I :1 , ,� I,. NA puIW and it SO to , . I . .�' � ',�'. . !, ­,­ �,., , N1. . I ." RAes, t fear In- TOR,01�:Q�an turkey, in tjl� 64,14B . , � I , 1111�. "N" I- '4 ". . . . . " . 1, I , resRojoise to Satuu,01's eall pu 'J. - , ..., ,�� :: 1. . �� � . - . . . I . If . i ... ." , 'r. ., 1�.­; , .11''. ,,, ; '-fZ"', 11 :, �',;,� , �,� � ,, 1� - .. � -08 ............ $2, , to the litarts of the people and they as 'dhNk , I slightly TAore is . , �: 01�11_"_. 1. , llzir. I . W.. . . - - I I , �4 a - - ' I , . I '. . / 11 , .- , _!,,'. , I '. - I I ... gpl`_ I I IV 14 � , I " , ", , , , , , ` �' I 11 " , " , , 11 I I , I I, , , , I � . " , 4 , I I 1� ' ovf�vlamb. . 16 ., . .. 1. -1, 1. I . * I , - ` 1� 11 160RERN WINDOWS -Extending from 22 callekupon Samuel to pray forthem, Thodiffereue,b "' , oi,',,,:, 1,� . . ., 1'. . I , �J_- ,Pe 1111.111�11'1�� "I , 1;�Y I I , I I 111," 11 I inp#es to 44 Inches fOr they now realizetl the shxfulndss . .._vemage Time of di stior� among - . , .111 I I "" � " I �� - � . gq . 7�., o: t� ,- , v - ..511 ,, .. � , , IOUs e4s, however, is eon- - I " ,.1 . ,:,A71' - k �Q . , I I ...... 45 c to 60c . , . I � 4 � ,� ,- 0, .4 . . ati.. I .............. of the thing they had done in asking, . � I 1, � . . , I � I '.."i, ,� � , I , - I , , , . � for a king. I - 77 R,17- , I 1, I .. I I .,� 6r0d tQ'be�,of slight significance, �: , ,�.�, I " o", . I -Rifts flies, motha, bedbugs, eopk :,::�.;..:.:,:1;5:::i.i;��i�...,.,.-�� I . . -I." �_ _ Tat; � - ;�,._J 'u, , .. ".4, I I . I . 'j ...... . �i,�,`,�,,:`,',',,!i, . I 11 "". , "'' . � . WRIZ .�.,,,': - . � gla . Samuel is laying down his kLuthor- , �"., 11 I I I . .- - I I.. � I'll , I I '. I I - - . :1,7*9 . � roaches, etc.; will not injure clothes, and � 1; It . . t, . .1, I I I ", � . I . �, ,.,Kh, -C"1111 . t ig a thorough them as a judge but he can- ,5 �F � I I k .t� I . " to 1�11.1'�L�47�. ' � , , At.- , . '. 1. 'I, - Aft I , .-;�!,,-,,�: . WHEN Every eup, iko 0 0 W." - ,,,��,v ,,,', " �Aor . � . I '� ., I : ,�, 65c I. over them out of his life anA " I ` T�* �. Oi PINCHE$ . . . � !1� disinfectant ............. .. Q C a t put . I ,U .1 ­tf I— ff �i . ,", , " , . � .. � : �,� I the ::: � I!, -;,. " " " , ,� . , ; i heart, He will still continue ; '� . I I I . . � I . ,_ �i ,...., :_ ,�,�L " .r- ,� I : �::.-'�:..,��'��::,':�:�i'4.,"�'�,'�,��, . - " I , k'�Ii . , � With hand sprayer ........ 65c to *1.00 . I ... ... I I f. 11 ,,;,,;; . &. . " ministry of prayer. "God for- . 4 ..: ..."", .. ...... I...'....'. ,�.-1.1'4 (By R. J6.,Deichman) ��, - I I ­ , , "I ­ .., � . . .. private . , , ') I , - I . 1. I I .;:�, �il.ii�.I,.�' t:_ ., . . :�' . ��:&�:".ji"ii,%!i., �._ ­ . . � t��4--­­�r— I I , , � t I .� .. . �', , :1" "....a.-....", .1 . . , . I I bid that I should sin'against the Lord "."'IM'....... �, Some ,time a o the Cif-hadi- Shoe" . . I . .- 1. � 1.��111 .-� . I I I I in ceasing to pray for you" was the . ., ��;:�.:­ ��:,�..;.:�$."f,,--k.-.;!f�.�!r - � , . ...�,"'�...,.,�.!�,,.���,�i,, _ - ,�,� I I . ., I '�,�,.:.�;.,%::.,.,:Z;..,�;tl.":$I Manufacturers TImude an application by the manufacturers- of'shoeo now, Ford'or depend 04 his, 0.#ti 11 I � I . ending of his public address. He was � 1.�, i .,: 1.:.X-X4J-kN-KPL::- I � . : I 11 , g� i WWI i�l , i�.` .1'ii.�i�iii� `.-'_,`1'10\g,.--�g duty on boots, carry duties of 25, 30 �nd 40 per 200,000 hands ,. re .. P � no longer judge but he would continue - ...... ­, .", . .. I 06 I , I q.,.�q,v,k ;. . BwehaU and Sporting Goods. ,--o--%� k:�.-,,.:;:.:.:,:.;.:.:<�,��.;,-.�;,.,����: and shoes coming from Great cent. � Does it. seem reasonable tha�t Ford pr 11 @ -9 I.L... I I He .. : � - Dri- , il��.i.ffl� office of prophet. � :-::�x;:;:',$-:* to fill the . �ii�,�i i�i�,*.,ii�.", ��4 Is it wha,t it, formerly Was, ut , � ese . . .. .1 tain. The appli"Itlqu followed th;� this condition should co'htinue ? I , I .. 1� � p I 11, ...... I -S—Official inseam would teach them still the good and S:::;1;$ usual course. T*o sittin s' ' were- fair to tbe manufacturer of shoes? hands c , ­.. I , m $QFT BALL olp� the right way.\"Here is the great g.?;.;.;,-�;:..:�!�;�, 9 � R , X� I I _111ii-",.:;,. held. All the facts ? Can we the machinery for the marwfacture 411 -1 at ................ .......... $1 35 function of men who have the pro- : were ap,pa;ently Is it fair t6 the consumers �,,� I 1.11, , . ".., Practise inseam balls . ................ 60c 0 phetic gift. They cannot fight, they brought out. Among other Ateras in -build up industry in Canada and give of'the new car has been created. New 0:;."�.'., ; .t 11 11 -Mil- .."I., ,. � . the relevant testimony was the fact steady employment to our people if buildings will have to be erected. t�'� �': -'�-;, Outseam. Balls ............ $1.00 to, s.1.50 IV. cannot make great proposals in the . . .; . , 11 . . . . . �*i*!:!*i*j:j�' ,Y�� , :i�!.. I i; ,I.- . 1.44- ot attract the attert- . .1 ....... that the imports of shoes from G�eat we are to penali.Z.e a great industry I)ens of dollarol",worth of new cast- � Ofaciai Softball Bats ...... $1.00 to $L50 :. . _ - �� " ' ' ""' ' ' m I I HARD BALL GLOVES—Special cut; 25 V state, they cann ­:;�._, x.. ��.'111 Britain amounted to aiid,.,, nobody yet knows .. ... "' tion of nations; but they can con- .1 : I . �:.;,: I . ;i.��,:-.;:.0 . approximately by such heavy imposts? That is the ings made, - .... , I . .: ...". - . I that the blue prints of the new car I :: .. nt. off . ....... . , . ` I per ce stantly touch the good and the right - .�� . ­, .... 1. $1,100,000, that the total productiqn problem the Minister of Finance �'dopted fin -ally. The more 11 y must settle in ,we been a ", �, ... Ift'SHING RODS rvW. J. F. RUTKOWSKA. of shoes in Canada was apparentl the next Budget and ha I . :� . steel .............. .......... $1.25 way, they can protest against evil, I here ought to be sufficient infbTma� thr new model differs from the old �!� " .. . they can rebuke injustice, they can "For several years I suffeied with severe $40,000,OOQ, raw material used, $20,- t f -E g a th ;��:;,l ll FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS I . 00,000 and that increased cost of tion now available to the Tari the reater will h ve to be e recon- .�.� I ression, they can constipation and was a nervous 'wreck. I 0 1 - able the Minister to frame struction, and the more it differs froin '. - Lawn Tennis, Racquets, o TaW material due to duties imposed Board to en I I* � Spaldings . ............. call people bAck from negligence, dis- had great pain in my limbs, and\such I I pidity nonsense the old, we suppose, the warmer will .. . east six a tariff less ful of stu , . 11 I �. Spaldings Plugless Tennis . solutenegs, worldiness, and hold up terrible hea&ches I thought I would go by the, Government was at .,;;. . Gee .1 e,�ermore before the attention of the crazy. I had no appetite, could scarcely per, cent., or $1,200,000. This 'is the and absurdity then any whieh has so be its first welcome. 7�.,.�",.. .. Balls .............. ............ . eat anything without stomach distress. testimony of the Shoe Manufacturers far seen the light- of dap in this Time, as Mr, Young says, is the 11.1, - ... world great examples and turn to , Golf Drivers �, a! q 17 After readilag about 'Fruit-a-tives' I de- themselves and it is ' ariff ridden DOm1M* � dominating factor now. Mr. Ford has t, �� � . proof posit!-�e t . I on. '­ � wood .............. .......... #4 50 . moral -account all the events which doled to try them. Before I had taken. that duties do increase prices, espec- already waited longer than motor men ".1. . I give vividness and s ,- ignificance to hu- ow � Golf Irons - sin- i I thought possible. If he cannot s�oom � ' , $2.00 . niariJbistory. The world may be poor- three boxes, I %vas entirely well. I ially when the,manufacturers have to ", �; each .................. ........ , . . ill: cerely think ,1-'ruit-a-tives' savedmylife." pa -v the duty. ace his new car on the* market his �, Golf Balls . - er by the loss of its kings, but it w ' Mrs. J. F. Rutkowska, Tolstol, Mani- i'low in the course of their argu- S dealers will suffer -greater losses andf :�,,, 13 C , � t - GoOtd S ch, o ,; " Spalding's .............. 50c to 75- be infinitely poorer by thE re'.-v'al 0.1 P, .. . ph Parker). toba. their lo§tes already have provoked a � ", of its prophets." (Jose ment, the manufacturers explained � -4 � Indigestion, biliousness, headaches, ner- how happy they would be if only .'great outcry. The activity of hisi �,:�� I Special Discount on balance of Lawn TMower Stock . vousness, pain� in the back and limbs are British shoes could be kept out I of grow. The Shaw Schdols have� grown. rivals t,ells the story. .In 1M, when :� ... ... 10 Per Cent. largely causcd by allowing poisons to Canada. They alleged that factories from One to Twelve, all in Toronto. he made 2,000,0,00 cars.,'the -Ch�vrelet, 1 11 WORLD MISSIONS . accumulate in the body. V'Fruit-a-tives" 'ovould be-busy—th'at industry would There its but one reason—Good work, organization turned out 314,738. In '' 1. � — is nature's remedy, made from intensified li,m—th,t manufacturers would be successful graduates.. .Free calendar. the first six months of this year it is ,�­ � I , , I ., a - "a _F 0-% A cause which contributed to the fresh fruit juices combined with towcs. sitting in the green fields counti W. H. SHAW, President, I estimated that 390,000 Ford.units will , ltbb, success of missionary work in Korea "Fruit-a-tives" stimulates the bowels, 1191 Dept. 4, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. I ha\ve been turned out, and in the same 111. 114 t% their dollars, and that the thrlill of a I . .. Go AV S I L L 0"' & So' %_1Y is to be found in the conditions arnids,t liver and kidneys to norinal action and new, National life would pass along 0 period Chevrolet production will be , ,, � I which the missionaries labored. 'Mis- I brings about a condition of de'* .;, -V-"u' the k,el of the Nation because of MOTOR WORLD AWAxTs'THE more than 500,000 units. Some sa3r �: ,. — ___ __ - ­ government and oppression had re- health. Buy a box of "Fruit-a-tives', to- ��, : I changed conditions, and that the 60th NEW,FORD CAR that the new model ni�ay be seen in &- �, -, I = I �__" - ____ --- —_ --- -_ duced the people to despair. Thel day. Enjoy life again. 25c and . 50cp Anniversary of Confederation would There'is to be ' month. Others say that to revofu- " . I measures taken for commercial and I eVerywherP. . usher in a new era of development �. a new Ford car. The tionize that vast business, the great - t�. , , SUNDAY AFTERNOON Gilgal and renew the kingdom there.,, political betterment under native -----. . -.---.----- I such as in our fondest hope we had lamous Model T. of which more than est ever built up by a private citizen,. :1 . This they did, offering sacrifices of leadership had termipated in disap- never even dreamed about. Perhaps 15,000,000 have been built and sold, cannot be done in less than a year. 11, a , Ont.) pointing failure. The people were ducts?" In general, they have found . will not be continued, although for If the car comes out this Autumn, the , , (By Isabel H milton, Goderich peace offerings before the Lord and . in this summing up of the testimony 11%.� �. . rejoicing greatly. It was fitting that tired out, weary, and disheartened th'at meat proteins not only have as years to come the labor of thousands rush for it may help re-establish the - ,.:,i I stretch the point a bit, but there is f Ford employees will be absorbed . .1, Judge me, ID Lord, for I have walked Samuel should follow this up by a with the barrenness. of pagan be- high nutritive value when fed in a no doubt of -their contention and in 0 old, Ford record of pre-eminence in , . , . . �2 In mine integrity; farewell speach. liefs and religions. Into the gloomy, mixed diet a.; when fed alone, but theinown minds they apparently be- by the manufacture of spare .Parts production. The grave danger is. �., I trusted also in the Lord; chilly atmosphere of their moral life that they greatly increase the nutri- for the 'Model T cars now in use. Six that delay will have won former users �. , Slide therefore shall not I. He referred to its being at their ame the gospel of Jesus Christ with lieved it, marvelous things to happen months ago, Mr. Ford had no idea of to other makes of automobiles. ­ , own request that the country was now c tive value of thc cereal proteins. Thus if the traiff were properly increased. I." , to take on a new form of'government. its radiant promises of better things, the proteins in the bread of a ham The Gains. Parting with his favorite, according . L. Examine me, and do me prove; - - wic more nutritious to James C. Young, who interviewed - � God had appointed that they should and the Koreans turned as instinct s,nd h become New what is the most that they — k% Try heart and reins, 0 Goid; be under Judges but they wanted to ively to it as the flower to the sun- when eaten in cAnbination with the him then and who writes in the New --- -_ --- �1� ' could gain from this incy(mse of the 'York Times. But already the rumor - I � For thy love is before mine eyes, be like to the other nations, so re- shine. (George Heber Jones). meat. I . � " '! -tariff 9 They assert. thai at the pres- has spread that a change was con- ,:. Thy truth's paths I have trod. quested a king. He called their at- _ - Another unusual quality of the hog exit t : e they are not making any .,. . , - . irn From Berries or Cherries - I . tention to his long life amongst is the widely varying composition of proilts—shoes are being sold at a templated. The origin of �he rumor "": With persons vain I have not sat, them: "I have walked before Yet, RED HOT JULY DAYS different part -s of its body. Moisture loss. was the conviction of the automobile to Jam or Jelly ".1 . -If—you are doing $40,000,000 ,a Nor with dissemblers gone; from. my childhood unto this day." HARD ON THE BABY content ranges from about 8 per world, the unanimous conviction, with I I worth of business and it is done at a '-�� The assembly Of ill men I hate; The people whom he had served were loss, apply your comm n school arith- the exception of Mr. Ford himself, In Fifteen Minutes . :, cent. in the back fat to more than .; �� - To sit with such I shun. now to be the judges of his Judgeshio. July—the month of oppressive heat; 66 per cent. in tenderloin. Protein metic to it and tell usohow much you that a new model would have to be built if Henry Ford was to retain his Do you k.Do the new short-beff I - Psalm 26. If be had taken any of their posses- red-hot days and sweltering nights; is varies from about 4 per cent. to more .wbuld make if you did a business of method w,f making jim and ,, ,., sions, defrauded, oppressed or taken extremely hard on little ones. Diar- than 24 per cent. in different cuts. great position in the industry. Pub- Zr .. . ,4 01=1 PRAYER t $40,50000. Remember that an in- lie t ste had turned against the ? which makes success cer- . I,, a bribe to "blind his eyes therewith," rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera Fat ranges from 13 to 90 per cen I credsed tariff would not keep out all No longer need you have �.. 11 . - depending on the portion of the car- I homely "Lizzie." When it wasbrought ... We thank Thee, our heavenly Father he offered to restore such. Tliese infaiptum carry off thousands of pre rtiom the shoes coming from Great Bri- out its -possession denoted prosperity, any fears as to the result, for ther 1: that in Thy Holy Word we have were searching questions he put be- cious little lives every summer. The cass selected. The mineral po tain. There would still be some peo- "set" * erfect every time.' And ­ cally spoken of as but in the past few years American the �1.19:; is gone, too. For in- ,.; 4Mamples of those who to Thee and fore them but to them there was but mother must be constantly on her of the meat, chemi ple who would wear English she prosperity had swept onward with . es. �; d that one reply. His integrity could not guard to prevent these ti-subles, or if ash, ranges from one-tenth of 1 per So the most they could hope to get ... early called into Thy service an ateiLd of tedious Jengthy . cooki-� ,, � "And they said, Thou they come on suddenly to fight them, cent. to more than 2 per cent. in dif- such a strong tide that there are one or two minutes' boiling is enough, an through life their feet -were found be gainsaid. would be an increased volume of not millions of people who have. found when Certo is used. 1� in the paths of righteousness. May bast not defrauded us, nor oppressed No other medicine is of such aid to ferent cuts. more than half a million dollars. . ,;� These variations in conriectionwith that a Ford no longer satisfies them. This short cooking saves the bright � . , Thy blessing rest to -day upon par- us, neither bast thou taken ought of mothers during the hot summer as is New on another occa ' k,, Sion some The car is as good as ever; better, in- naiu_4 color and the fresh flavor i.,�, ent's, ministers and teachers that our any man's hand." Samuel went fuf- Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate familiar' differences in flavor, enable years ago the Shoe Manufacturers ex- deed, but they have the money to of' the fruit. Besides it avoids the �,� " � young people may bear and see the ther. Their testimony was good but the bowels and stomach, and an occa- the skilful cook to serve dishes of plained that their profit on turn-0,ver spend for something still nearer to I . I great wasi;e of boiling away the iFice,_ . , , , ; things that will constrain them to de- he called on God and His anointed, sional dose given to the Well child equal relish to a laborer or to an was approximately five per cent. Re- the heart's desire. so that the actual cost of your Jan1s; ,, ' I . � dicate their lives to Thy service. For their new king to witness their testi- will prevent summer complaint, or if office worl�er, each product containing member that is a profit on turn -over and �jeffies made the Certo way is; . .. � suddenly different proportions of the food con- The rumol- grew and soon it was ,� , Christ's sake we ask it. Amen. mony. the trouble does come on s are'sold stituents through from the same ani- and would represent an earning con- apparent that some hundreds of about two cents a glass less than by,the _: & S. LESSON FOR JULY 10th, 1927 Having reviewed his own life, he will banish it. The Tablet for instance, as it siderably higher on invested capital. thousands of people were waiting tiresome old-fashioned method- . eview the history by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 mal. Boiled ham, If their earnings to -day are as large for the new model, or else were buy- Greater ease, better jelly, lower W.'. . Lesson Title Samuel's Farewell. of God's chosen people. Beginning cents a box from The Dr. Williams' is purchased sliced at the market, is as they were then, the increased prg- ocist-Abis is a combination which Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. richest in protein, whereas clear fat ing other cars, for the terrific Ford naturally appeals to women every- . 111. Lesson Passage I Sam. 12. with Moses he recalled and recounted salt pork contains little protein but fit of -the shoe manufacturers from demand slackened. Then n where. A book of. simple r�ci �. Golden Text—Psalm 26:3. God's providential dealings with them .0 this additional half million dollars' Detroit dealer, anxious to dispose for all sorts of delicious jams, j3es� ,. down to his own time; to the repect- is very rich in fat. worth of business would be exactly of a number marinslades comes with eaeb After Saul's public presentation to ing of ' It is estimated that approximately of Model T cars, appear- and � God as their king by requesting SCIENTIFIC REASON FOR BACON $25,000, and as there are 188 factor- bottle of Certo. . I � I the children of Israel as their -king that a visible king be given them. Ile 20 per cent. of pork cuts are sold in ies making shoes in Canada it ed before a civic body and. offered Send for this new (free) booklet. ;;, fresh condition and the remaining them at a reduced rate. "What is ;I and before Samuel the Ammonites en- called upon them to behold their king AND EGGS amounts to a net increase of profit the matter with the cars-" was the ��. . ed against Jabesh-Gilead. The whom the Lord had set over them. 80 per cent. as cured products. The 1, caimp of of only a little over $130 a factory. 'i-', ResuN of scientific experiments physical and chemical Properties natural question. The answer was Dou&s Packing Co., Limited �,�, calling of the people to the help of Hc never allowed the thought to pass bave proved that the public's appe- pork make it especially suited for These facts stand, if 'we assume that that there was nothing the matter , Cobourg, Ontario. �... their fellow -country'men and the de- from them that God's hand was still the manufacturers would not increase with them, but that the dealer did not Please send me (free) your new col - l.,, tite for pork products has a sound curing and smoking, and, with the L-,.; struction of the enemy under his own Ktretched out towards them. He as- . their prices. They assert that they , � 1. basis. Bacon and eggs are no ace'- exception of a few cuts, the cured want to have them on his hands when . ored booklet on Jams and Jellies. ,� ; leadership proved the worth of Saul sured them that if both they and would not but the farce and hollow- the new model appeared. Promptly �",. dental combination. Neither is a and smoked products are commonly `1 . in the eyes of his subjects. So en- then king would continue to follow ham sandwich. There are scientific preferred to the 'fresh ones. These ness of such a claim is apparent on an official of the Forld Company an- .................................. ,, I � % thusiastic were some of them that the Lord all would be well in the new the face of it. No Industry would I .;, reasons which explain also.why ener- qualities, which are inherent in the nounced that there would be no other .................................. C,1, they approached Samuel, saying, departure; but if they ceased to obey etic people consume pork so liber- flesh of the h I og, make pork a popa- bother worrying about changes in model. There was a short pause and 151 �% , , IcWho is he that said, Shall Saul the voice of the Lord then His ban-] 9 -and tariffs if the only gain therefrom was the, Mr. Ford himself said that there . 11�.. reign over as? Bring the men, that would be against them. "The prea- ally. lar food during Summer months . %.. I we may put them to death." Saul ence of the king was not to dispos- Investigations conducted by Ralgh for outings where supplies of fresh to be $130.00. woould be another model. lt� is re- , — --- — 7 ;,' -, , took the matter into his own hands sess the Lord of His throne in Israel. Hosgiand, biochemist of the United meat are difficult to obtain and where The Better 'Ole. vealing no secret to say that what . "t, - ­ Now the Manufacturers had set Mr. Ford says shout the Ford cars . I 211 I saying, "rhere shall not a man be It is God who must reign; it is God States Bareau of Animal Industries, there is no refrigeration. �?v i put to death this day; for to -day the who must be for a man or against a have been iZesulting in many strik- The zest for bacon and salt pork down in their application the items or the Ford Co-mpany or anything he I 11�t�_ -rought salvation in Is- man; it is God who can. send forth ing facts concerning productil deriv- among persons doing heavy physical of raw material enhanced in value by is connected with may be depended 4 Lord hath w ��I- 11 I ed from the lowly hog. The com- work is explained by the very high duties. They had stated the amount upon. He is the complete master of �, rael. I great signs, and it is to the Lord ail .�;`. bined results of chemical analys�s fuel value of these products. Apound of added cost of raw materials due the industry. To -day there are no �r, -Samuel Jeemed the time opportune kings must look, if they would reign ,�, and feeding experiments with small of either furnishes more than 3,000 �o these duties. Basing it solely upon other officials connected with the com- ".k. for his vAthdrawal from public life, in rikhteousness and have honor in ,I 414. so he said, 'Tome, and let us ,go to heaven. That such was Samuel's animals during a period of 10 years, calories, which is about three times the evidence produced by the manu- pany whose names are known and li&d! hav I I 1� I respected by the public, with the ex- ____Cr � , � ____ 11W . � : 1;, explain many of the food habits as great as the number of calories facturers themselves the Consumers .", I 111V. — _____ - _ _____ __ __ - ____ — ___ which appetite brought about long ordinarily consumed by the average League made an application for re- ception o,f Edsel Ford, f? 'dozen ��i , before their scientific explanations persons at a meal. duction of the duties on all raw ma- There was a time when he had big ' a , .�P. were known. In feeding tests, Mr. Meats of all kinds have been found terials entering into the manufacture men with hinf, like Couzens, and the I � I . � 1-1. I Hoagland bag Tised approximately " � of boots and shoes. There could be Dodge B,rothers, and Others. But - i;:� I stores M�. J 4,000 albino� rats. Because their — - ------ no argument in regard to the facts. gtadually they got out and were re- . �� nutritive requirements are similar to Every statement made in the appli- placed by other men, almost as well I f'r . �1, - for -1-141 , �, those of man, these small animals cation was taken from the previous known in the ,automobile world. IV I . . 10 .., W0111 ... I . I ..* � . � � I , � , � J , I �. I . i I . - � I ,I 11.M . �i. __q I , � I , . � -1 I . I , . . 4. 9 Or 0 1 � d W 1� ftl * ,*, . . , " Ill ft, 1 7!1 I . . % .. � � I � I * . , � I I � . I I , I , I I 11 I , , � I I I I � I , i I ., � . I 'i..'' I?- are commonly used in such tests. . application of the manufacturers of These, too, went, and the, supposition. Any time you have , gj,. WIRUblob-ouv N � �.��, � They- grow rapidly, reproduce at , bod�s and shoes. There was no es- is that they differed from Henry Ford aornething especial to, I * t*�`, 1, . . capinz the facts. If the shoe manu- on important points. The last emin , ­, . short intervals, a I Ml� I -I , I sell, take a quiek ' P�­ , handle. facturing industry to -day is in hatol ent man to step out of a high office ., �Iz 4 . I .7 PAINS ''BELIEVED ,.*4:", 1 �. Among the most important ex- luck its position is due to the duties in the company was Ernest 1Q. Kam- trip arnofig sorpe of tht!- ., �` � ,&,­", '.. � — , "." . . � , perim,ents are tbose dealing with the upon its rarw materials 4nd there Is ler, -brother-in-law of Edson Ford, and —by M �: " neat,hy, towns We- , gy, '! . . . I . mysterious but essential food sub- ', a sound historical basis for this as- formerly vice -President of tfie Ford I ,�;'Y­� ,� - . - ' . WP-`�Ic I � stances known as vitamins. The Woman Suffered Nearly a Yom. sertion. In 1922 Mr. Fielding brought Motor Company.* lie was held to be � phone—and eatend your I � . . . . , �' d' . , ,:." work has shown lean pork to lae rich Lyiia E Piukham's Vegetable down a budget which reduced the the ablest man in the For personnel trade. .�. . I . __W I i I I I , � in vitamin B, Put, on the other hand ' duties on boots and shoes two and alsince the days of Coucens and Redge. , �1'��. q. I . - 1� --"- Her Health half per cent. Prior to that time the, Hie wanted a%six�cyllnder car, it is o. ­ low In the fat-soluble vitamin A. Umpowd Brou . �1 �'_, . I ga! The* very 'low mtW ! . '... .. . But when one considers that so miny rate bad been 20 per cent. on shoes said,. but Mr. Ford wanted a four- ;.:". . , 1. ,, �! �;. .0 When on the Courts i tiske mq stand pork products pLre, commonly eaten Moose Jaw,, Sask*. - cli .. coming from QgreaC BriTain—it, now' cylhider. So Mr. Kanzler got out. , of Intemban Sa- t� l. :,I':- ., � 41"'.1" .. .. . 'M fl� . I with eggs, which are rather I ­ 'J.'T.9 to became 17Y, per cent. and this rate For years experts have been say,iiig ...'Z, - Ow in' try to tell ,von 'what Lydia . Pink- � vice�'—td'town$ wi&- I , , I -.,;., She flapprs mur ' ' 'Aint he C -i I .-- h �.. ... , yamd! - vitamin B lid rich in vitamin A, the was applicable only to imports from that Henry Ford could not c t. ue � �, ... *, .: - �, , "': 1 MU' I ba%'s Vegetable Coi4pound has done .1 vll, '�, - I — - nutritive value of the combination is the United Itingdom. , In 1926 the with the Mbdel- T. On in inja r&&us sa 25 mues � , of, ... ,,� 1 504 a 11�d rT� m mq tends, tr& for me. I suffered Vky liddly with Five years ago . y - I . ragging-downpams 'An in arrenit ' IM:Pds- - --Aeftbk-yott to nUke mok 4 - ..... , ".., * I I d ' i . d i fl - was ,,!�,�, I- . % apparent. further reduction was made by re- they were agreed that it � f��'l , , I . 4*re mq tum-ott toD Other important results' of studies ti I . - er ducing to the extent of 13/4 per'cent. sible. YWit is only three. ears. ago 1� . . 5 - , " " 11 � . . . . . . . . on, �a so pains m my right side ov . I . . , . . � �� - 1. "r., 1. ... . X�ts peak � ­ I I 1-M 11 I -Mq blazer with its colours bdqh.t T � . in the biochemistry of meat show my'hip and do-wn my whole side -into the duties on all booti and shoes corn- that Ford production reaehe � "Sdffi* ftips freq�tently. � - 1, t I I , 11 ,.."'," I f, -nation on �Ahgo - , , t"i .. . . I � I I ... -',;,:�., . . the vaJue of pork in 6ombi myleg. I bad(it,nearly a year wh ing from Great Britain. This left with, 2,000,OOQ, cars./ At,'jh* - , - i '17i",'.1 �­ -M� weil-cutflann S� Sn OW4 W h Re, I �.. o '. 4 Y '11 be surprised to t . . I _' , �,., _ � , . ,.� I �� with cereal and vegetable products. I went to a doctor and he said I the rate at I&V4 per cent. and was Henry Ford was Inaking'48:1110"k ce'lit., ou �1. ­?;�, ­': , , � f , - IN �, " -. . � i . -, � � I � ald have to.h4ve an operation, But applicable only to direct imports-- of all the v;utom6biles ma_&J'n`f !, . , And fresh W1 Jiget on, ing � �, , I 'Until a few .years ago it was cam- WO' �J" "U __ I ,,,, , ­�Pl ­ . _ i*q , find hoiv readify,out- I - , , I ,� - 1 I ia E. . -�"-,, ,1"1�� I -, monly wguined "that with 6eme ex- my, mother said to take L,vd that is to imports landed at a Csn;L-� United States. Once, Iiafi�, "id *� � Ao � . , �, — : - I . V, ". -1 , I ; .1 V . ,. - - I - 0�0;%� � 46 5UCb a=Wons.who coutd lose? pmt.. ktl�.W­ , I I - Pinkharri', VejetAble Com 9vo ;. I'M Tound as it of-io", cu$totle.m� , I � ,� . W", ., A: " � . �, " eeptions, a pound �� digestible pro- . dian, port. Now in these tyro yeafs many times in -the, 6 I , 'd ( ,� L i ,�g , . s �d her life y r I . " .. . §,. -,L , . " 1-1"'. � � , ____ tein in one food product had PTac- ve _pars before/ I took that lie was h4g)ri pdAIMt­�"6ft, . I ro1w. I . I i i `�' I I - . � :.1 - , 1� .1 2, .��,._ �"T � Mo bottles arid,1 JbiUnd I W98 better, we have -a total reduction in the du- ' , , nd W Mg,� Vtow � 1i ­ . I 11 I .1. . I _ - I-. ­ , ; - I . ,Valu#-, as h ties on boots and shoe 'of' 41 , *6 6AAkgu;;� . ; , A"A�0­ . 4 � 211�' """ . . t I I I , , Pi L 11 Z:." 11 1, �, t, I ,e I I same food so I ke t on tak,hig it and also used p /t per -else was, Whit., The_'pebp� . te . � 11 � . 't . ) I the I wtvW06 Tbat#a �, I �W'A, , " '. i ,..�; � .1 ... � . A, "__ L di I ,h, "WOis. , - . .., � '44 " �, i un in another. Now, as the -r,e- Is . Pinkhom's Sanative, Wash. cent. without any tedudtio-4 w"hateWr ,hot yet fed Op W11 . , �11 I I '�� I , ­­ � �7, "�, ,q I 0 0t, & 17'... �. .� , I -ments, *or , � . it 11A I � 41 11 � "I . ',�,7'­ ' L�'. " I s,ult o erensive eotperi It ig ftave.'had two,moreehildren since in the duties,ppory the il,a* biaterfals� But'the ni6tor, 'Id " I . V,�,�.�,Jb,�".' , - n ,,Klh,st - I . W99 r1rt. ,in _, ?�. . , 7,.i � ". - ;* I . ,I a _.. 11 ", " '' I I I ,e wide differmovs then and am pert-botI.V well. I used' Under the aircufAhOM00- the . i - 1"i� �,_,T.� I - I ..;� :1,11._� - k ;� 0, F . 14, there ar the 'main '66fitotiflon-tUt t e A- 4, I-` . . �4�,g - 1. j;�;", �4, '�.It_ ll � I V n� � I 1 1�4w,l� �. , L I � . - ,� 'de"- Re 9rod#4, " ",, �, ,_ I -, " ,, I 0 0.11 I., ,,, .1 , �. froln Vati6tis to have to lie, d6ft - o or tbree dustry in d,art9da 'sufarott It gul- tuo � 1A ,; � . - � .11�; l ,;,.f � , .. . hifto4k the Proteins tw Aidil -, 61 the del;' -T [.1 '�, " � ,','�'. , I,! '. - . �. 1. i , : � .'' , , �,tV!,i,�-,�;!,(���,,,,,i,�,'�.�.",". ? I I times a� day, pid'tow I do all my _' I wou , ),.""" � 11 ., I I , I � .1 *, ., . soia'�6ea. The protein in certain aft!- � . fered, not because If had too littjl� ' Id, prqv�- "� lefdaL It vta� I kMli � ,T,--7 ,,,,, , � , � ,, _.� , I A- ��_ i � I , - ­ ­ "' ­ - � - ­ I i " * I I mal products, such ag lean meat, fish, I " 'a fh0i, 'dgie, �'-!,* -d I I 1_J 1� I �, . - . � ,.24., �.-. � I . house -work wi 6116'trOuble- I df-' tariff upon Ittf ftishod .pToduet, but 0 .*09h the Pfo 1104"A' . 1, 1�1 f�,.. . : I . , ". , , . - . � . _ '. ", , , , I A . . 11 I - 6.1:% � ,,� ;"-,_,,, � , ­ . I V,10�,� � , , 11 ttillk and eggs, have a higher itfitii- ways keep th4 �, %orble Compound became there.. was � too tAtch *on ,Its WO%t1d,,'b09r8e- U, Adli.vy Pot., '.V,6 I ." , I � . " I I , , $1. � , ,* '41"L:": � I I "i , - ­ -, , . � "I' I .. ihe I _w � � W!ITA L : tO , 'MW ,*,,Oil;l�,� � I 1 4 it's i JAM' 19: : �� f� ­` . � '' I � - I , I ) I � .. h � . N , , , . - -�, IL " '� "i", J .� " in i a &86 now and ..: �.1; ill �; .1 �Iy . �', - �� und In wheat, ,-1W0*1 - #as 6 d ��P', �, � � tive veiltie th-an, those fo . raw waterfida, I 14ve pointed out =1 �.,�,� 14," "'; .�'�', - �!�` . I S . . I., ,�jlo, . . _� I., i. ­­ 1� � I I - I � W . . I i / , - iwft, rka, 6A 11 -81t0 I , L Q, --a � , .. , ., . . ,"'.. I . �� theft helps me., � 1 44ill "ling for yott ' i4b '01119ug �" " , '41 . 4",�:�y��A*M -, � 1 , " -. " , , .. . -y betihs 't ..1h, e-,dutida tipbuiltaw m4tert Wv, , . I ,,, _ ,7;,..; . �41 I k " I. - , 4 -and nav --%i� fb'use this lettoW ft I .:A A , .1 a ,%,A 4A 4&A-- �­4­ A-4. .or VMIMS' T&*A,or �, dfrr�� A �% 11: , �. I 11 iZ , . h6* 91 Wz I � ­� "�. � �11 1 4", - �. . fny When L-A&II rodfiet is, the AA -6 _1 way you see fit ,,�, I �­_,,;.�6!, 'I . ., . , , W�",;4;;­V, , .,�; . y I ut: ,F - V VV I I I V ., -11 . 5 ��,� '�,,-'t�`- 4-- . .1 Md I will Al t 1%, IfI dMb I ' ­ '"' 11, I 2 �; : .�.. , .., - -,� - ­­ -1 6 #,be 0�1 e P itatel �tih ;, �, I )" . I -­ - I- .111, y ly too th@.I110f4A96d` Vowthe d.,%sifteas" 1 , at V , . 0 - ­'�,_ I 11, I ?"I'Mi- 11-11 I i6401 , . B'duree of proteit Ila the diet, SAY Oth * , d, glad , � . I i 3 k I "ill .1 . . . I I I,,-,- � I . 11 . , "! �. I �, I . , v, - ,,� ":� ,� ,. do I . 11 � �. Wt J` , , � Sa' ��.� � . I I � �-&ows . � Te , .0 "L'�gdjgobd �,Ptait 61 1'' fic diheond6ud; N h� I -;� �1,�� � I I � '94�66gh%tt'ng,thut 'hidit t6't0y."-Mr&' SMM HouaRv6N, 'Dt* �'J W .,tr W,." I r �, � 1, 1jI'4)i. " *,#6i*S.4 *4r4P-T6ddded; couff" kiti;�,,�� ; 9 &Ww, ""a A. I . f� - 11 `�" VIM P 11 �� ­� !'� -,� �, 1 , , � , ;e�­,J�'' boki , It ,'� (�, t d , t , I 0 , � ly�,, r. - . , , I , � I , � , . � , . 41.; '761i 1 . .�Rtftd,, J;� thot0fo , g "E. , _71.g � 11 : �'I` ., , � �,, N V , ,� 1; i 0.. I - . I . , , li3 � I . - "t"tMAI'm ' "'I*' .1i'll I "I , - , , , 111�'11 ,�% � 4t, a, �;,Dfta ditty. A61h, Wa* `tfal� OW 1, 11 I i I �;� ,4�,','!,� !,e *, � " . ,, . .1, , 11 r, . . . . . ...... K ., �, , I Y:. . 7 .. I 4� .., � ,Pnd.-MW,Iv�'� . . ql . 4W., il", , , �,t"j.'41�14p'. 0,1#�.1*J*#j1t `W-MId it"11 `�i I . ��A �'_ , I ' , . I I I W . . � I .1 2 � - I., � - , 'IN M, I ITS 4r, __ '. �Vtmi 1 Z4 14 4110"Aho.#,,�rg -r, -�7 , N 'ro"xZ101 t ; _ IM"ffi 'OV, 'emolup, #* ,�.,p E�W�1! i OW10 ., 'L A �­:_ - 'i I ft,' ��� ... q .,� �,' , - I.W;" QVL� .... I - -011111 -1i1f"-111N­4-­F" - ", �',.,� 11 , 11 , ''. " ." . 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