HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-01, Page 8. . ... ��
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`��, '-ugl ;t4 tqtk VQW4 This ',�'.."` , I , I a ,Most ftYbrable, XmPr�§,61'91.k 0A,,`;A*.', .'�f
"; , V 4for iv9rqu8AW �
�, I , 'R ity 1p� kllok i what is , Jly,a Mg no . _,
W,�'_,_ .1A, � -better lu"Auglil.T Man ,.,
""M .g
� � % appreclarma ane enjgy-vu Ehai" nvel��l "
"�j4,1'11-""' .. j . , -t UP, 1 1867 -This Yeariv,V pepple of 8�e t�, wAo,, I- q
1'�',,,W.. P, . I e, a I 11 �. I
`�,X2i N '' - , , ,� , V J_ .. ., '', . ,
�,�..� in %like . I ,
1.111,11, oroluary gans, And
"I I 1V w ' .. I
�,M, t ' Ma
, E ?�i:` " You 4oult'have to buy your ther Of
, ,i
�,%�,, , ya�jo�'SyUTJP_We 114,ve the best
�j,,,� , �A Flags frQm linay 441his'analeated org;60,zation. . , I
, . I that . 1, up. � us, but We wish heafl I
-.1-1111 'T,�'%, �' "' ii , It costs more for this Outsanding � _410- -
%1-11 ,, than tallfe syrup, but the Aerence Z(,,)u would I
�� 1k; " , 1.
1, ,�, I A � . Id be used in
V ry,v � �, �, I I of cost in what won bration. $aXbara\ Xkkman Auxiliary,The .1
,A;�,,�,,xAx�,� � 00 prices are, tight ; our last Meeting ,of Lhe season of t1
i'll, 1'1'�� , � an ordinary baking would. be per- ssortment is good, and we Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was -heia "
h4ps not more than a cent. a
"I �,m"',�:: � 10C would appreciate your bus!- in the school room of First Pro I
. 1�by_ 'I
E, ��,. I Get the ,best. Fez. an church on Tuesday evening of � "'
,,, ,4 � ness. teri .
'Y'� � ENQLSH DINNER WARF-97 piece
,� ..
�, C..� 1". BEATTIE SELLS FOR LESS this week. The meeting opened with -i
I %�','J',� sets, plain white with .
, , 1� $20.00 for$17.50 I a hymn and Miss Jean Elcoat read �-
� pl"'��., . gold line. Reg.
,�l M 11110111�
� ,I "I,,. the Glad Tidings prayer. The Scrip- 1�
11 .1
�11 ,&,10' TOILET SOAP SPECIAL—An ao- ture lesson was given by Mrs. F. W, ;
. � Toilet Soaps; ,
I .
11 Z;V , ,.,.,*qrtment of Albert Wigg, after which Miss Belle Smith �
I P-1, cakes, regular price 45c
"I . .. ... 6L 25c BEATTIE BROS. read the minutes of the last meeting �
- ," �
. ... . for ............. .......... I
, "I, I ,�,._ MLE GREEN OLIVE I and the roll call. Miss Belle Camp- -
_11"11 COM- 25C 1 bell read the tr"surer's report,, Mrs. '
� - I L MEXION SOAP 5c, or 6 for
`_ . 'US11 LAVENDER SOA il short report of
..... J. H. tibsou m a
," _j&G — __ ne
�.*, P 25C the National TC, of the W.IVLS. ,
:1 �,� 1.11
� ,
11 Joe, or 3 for ..... � ......... Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. W.
1. -11 CASTILE SOA -P meeting held at Windsor solne time
" � Miss Edith MacKay read a
ff; - 25C F. McMillan, S.aforth, O.t., .noun,e ago,
, I "', 8 for .............. I ....... the engagement of their elder daugh- paper from the Toi�onto Star 'Week-
, 4,11 EDDY'S SILENT MATCHES ter, Jessie McIntosh, to Mr. Stanley
'�Ii 25c ly on "Early Missions." The Con-
� . 1'. are Eddy's best- 3 for ...... M. Gray, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
..'.." �L 1[)AJRY` BUTTki��We have ample federation prayer was read by Misr,
I I., . he quaHty W. W. Gray, of 'Stratford, Ont-, the Harriet Murray. Miss S. I. 4eLean L
� .
. ,
,.fl, supply and guarantee t marriage to take phtce in July. contipued her talk on Moslem Women
", satisfactory or we cheerfully re-
. er, and Miss Pearl Patterson read Cur-
1@.'�.;. turn the price. , Lion Roars.—The official opening 01
I I 611, 1_� '": I the Lions Park will take place on rent Events. Miss Edith McKay sang
I �
I -1. 1, I a very pleasing solD. The meeting
_"L F. D. HutchisonS Thursday evening, July 14th, when a
. closed with the Lord's prayer in uni-
�` . ial programme of swimming
spec som -
��,, 1, , events, band concert and orchestra 40�
11, ; , .. � music will be provided. Expert divers For Sale -One now Quebec heater, used two
1. . -
lo ..., from Toronto will put o.1 an exhibi nionths. Apply to Mrs. J. Patterson.
�: , " tion. Full details will li� furnished Rooms to Rent-Appiy to Beattte Bros.,
_�. -tf
L�. I RESIDENCE FOR later. Keep this date open and watch Sesiorth. 31046
.. "I, DESIRABLE - . For Sale.-Hoarie hooked mats and home-
, �. SALE IN SRAFORTEI for printed programmes .made quLlts. Apply to Mrs. John HildebranL
, I,", . -The Egmon,dville. 3607%2
.�' Middle aged wi,d&w lady desires house-
L.�, Solid brick, nine room house with furuace. Decorated For The Jubilee.
�', .� bath room, to,4m water auldevery convenience. Seaforth Post Office building haS keeper's position in elderly man's home with
'L, , centrality located and convenient to schools, tely and taste moderate wages. Appily to Box 167, Sea-
........ .�L L churches and business secition; two jine lot,,. been very elaborat fully 9106-2
,� I �,L� good harm and gs,rden. House has small am- decorated for the Confederation Jub- forth-
., For Sale. -Lumber for 6 gravel boxes and
� L ,nex suitable for an office. Bargain for Q?icik ilee on Friday and Saturday of this
- 12 hay racks, and 6 wagon tongues. Phone
, I sale- Apply to
:,� JOEEN H. BEST. Barrister week, and presents a very attmetive IL J. McMillan. or see Harry Charters.
,:, f
.111, 3101-v
, 1� 3099-U Scaferth. Ont. appearance. The work was done by
,� ___ Mr. Thomas Beattie, the caretaker, Senforth Golf and �Cotwtry Club. -All golf
� L ,., - . membership fees for the current season are
L' .
"" . and Mr. D. L. Reid, and it is cer-
� no, due. Please remit. J. G. Mullen, Secre
L' . �___ tairilv a credit to them. tary. 1 8107-1
;,�I -
Lost. -Between S. S. No. 13. McKillop
i V,�,�:
Letter of Appreciation.—The fol-
School House. and the residence of Mr. J ohn
Sc,stt, Roxboro, a child's red waterproof coat.
� g"
lowing letter was received by. Mrs.
Finder please leave at The Exposit,or Office.
,�,'�, -
H. J. Gibson, President of the local
, I - -
branch of the Red Cross Socie ty:—
Found—On Tuesdayp June 28th, on Provin-
V .1 If the furnace needs ex-
. Dear Mrs. Gibson: On behalf of
cin] Highway, 3-% miles east of !�eaforth, a
ladies I coat- Owner may have same on prov.
the Ontario Division of the Red
.ng property and paying cliarkes. A. Cadder,
1, ,
.,. pert overhauling or the
Cross, I beg to and the
-tender to you
Sea forth. 3107xl
w'' I
: goes w r o n g
peo le of Seaforth our grateful
For Sale—Second hand corn scuffier. Mas-
binder. internatio-1 B -t:
��, plumbing
11 , I
thanks for the splendid contribut on
sey-Harris corn -�Pe
in :,!-
_,; �
11 .
Phone 23
to Red Cross funds. Yours is the
, ilo filler wit+i 38 feet blov, Pipe; anI
diiitributom, lvlas�sey-Harri� 8 JLP, g as co-
Apply to J.. R. A�i� �
".., �
I .
first complete return to be receiveii
gine on truck. . 1.
Agency, Seaforth. 3106-2
�, , I I
from the Province, and we are very
1 � "
Robt. Reid
grateful for your giving so gener-
ously and promptly. Yours sincerely,
For Sale. -A fine 'location on Main Street,
with good house, newj,v_ decorated. Would
be good place to open up a tourist's rest and
Adelaide M. Plumptre, Pres., Ont.
tea ro,om, where ice cold ' drinks and fi.Ah i;up.
ii,erii �uld be seirved. Free Parking .�pacc_
. Plumbing a n d Heating
ADPI y at The Expositor Off,ce, Seaforth.
1 Clinton School of Commerce. -Tho
Club Bag Lost. -Lost betwe�n 1L., miles
I ��
, of Commerce has just closel
,�outh of Hem�al) and 21,. - , rn.il� north of
a most successful school year. Es-
Kipperk on Tue--iay. June 29th. a black club
. ; —
�! . ,-l'i,
peci&lly in the typewriting depart-
bag contAining ladies` clothinw and a pu,rAe
of money. C�d reward. Finder please leave
I � ,(
n noteworthv,
at Milton Ste,wart's, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth
. t
the students having won 46 awaras
from the Educational Department of
or phone 228 r 11, Seaf,qrth. 3107�i
! -
Used Car Bargain. -Six 4 h
,,,c linder McLaug
.". .
. - .
United Typewriter Co., for which
lin, A 1 condition, fully equipped including
ditch light, wings and clock. Engine just
I ,I ,
excellent standing the Principal, Miss
overhauled. cylinders honed and new pistons
� � � I., Laid
We Will Pay for New
B_ F_ Ward, B.A., wa!W awarded a
and rings fitted and in splendid condition.
Tireiv real g�d. two just new. This for
, ". ''
11 �, �,
pearl emblem, as an expert teacher
From the Education-
quick sale i,,i offered at a real bargain price
of $2.50.00. Apply at The Expositor Office.
" '11
of typewriting.
the great international convention of
41 I
al Department of the Remington
House For Sale. -For sale the midence on
I -
",11 Extras, 30c Cash
Typewriter Co., th� students have
James Street, occupied by Mr. W. D. Bright.
The hou,�e contains living room, dining room
33c Trade
won 51 awards, the highest being a
and kitchen. 3 bedrooms and complete bath-
�,� Extras,
Gold Med-A for a speed of 58 woricig
room. hot and cold water tar's in kitchen.
per minute. Mr. C. Hunt, the district
Two blocks from school and church and one
block from Main Street. Wiil be sold reason-
Why take less?
representative of the Remington Co.,
ably as owner is moving to the Coas;L Apply
called at the school on closing day
on the premL�es or address Seaforth Post
I' . . �
and told the students they had won
Office. W. D. Bright- 3094-tf
Special optical Off�High grade hen"
, : .11 � Bring Your Eggs to
more awards and their papers had a
iiv,ight vold-filled �Pectaclin and eye wlasses
higher standard of accuracy than any
with best flat ,,Phencal leni�� for only $4.00.
i"'11�15� Egmondville
other school of the same enrolment
All other .style of fraxne,, and lenses at rea-
6, I .
in the district, for which outstanding
Fionable pric�. Ey� examined by our well
known and painst,aking ,,pecia,list, Mr. Hugh -
record he cong ratulate'd both teachers
�vn. with over twenty�ix year's experience.
and students highly.
You are &-ure,d or the best optical work to
�� _
20 per c.
be obtained and at very moderate cost. Mon-
day, JulY 11th. from I P.ro. to Wednesday.
I ]i�
Postal Information. -The new Jub-
July l3th. at 12, .noon. Come early. Best-
ilee issue of %tamps is now on -ale
til" Fair. Se.f.rth. 3107-2
C;�. I
I �
lat the post office. The issue consists
11 .,
of a le, 2c, 3c, 5c, 12c and 20c spe-
Stock Judging Competition. - A
ll .
cial delivery. All are very fine. sam -
intion has been given
great deal of attc
� .
Fresh. Fish.
ples of. the art and fittingly help tr)
celebrate the Jubilee year -Rural box
in recent years to County and Inter -
County Live Stock Judging and
I I,--- --- - - ,1_1 -
.. _____
. . -
i - _____,____ �___
11, " -
PrI. ment is insisting 'that they use tho tions. We are plea,red to learn from
11 1. �: " .
I R1. z So many of our Customers have proper printed forms when requiring G. R. Paterson, Agricultural -Repre-
i14 .
1�i� % I I been asking for Fresh Fish, we a money order or postal note. The sentative, that Hnron County is at
� �,., have decided to carry Lake Huron couriers 'have instructions not to lift last to have its first event of this
, I-
".. Trout for the Summer season. money from rural boxes unless a re- kind. Arrangements are being made
.. . I
I , , �' s ceipt is given for same. Such re- to hold a Junior Farmers, Live Stock
i ","
� - . ceipts are on the lower portioti of Judging Competition and a Girls'
.. ��. �' �
�� , 11 11, -per I.,., to be filled out by Household Science Judging Competi-
D. H. Stewart f rural patron. No delay in t b'e tion at Blyth, on or about July 21st.
, I
(.,�E' The Reliable Butcher ,ending of the money order need re- For the benefit of the uninitiated, livo
- ,
.116 'i* SEAFORTH - - ONT. 'u It, since -the courier may he given stock judging competitions consist of
&,��, ". authority to kave same de�ipatched the placing of classes of horses, beef
,.", � Phone 58
.1 . the same day he takes it from th? cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and swine,
, I I rural mail box, These Troney order as well as the giving of reasons why
, "! �',
�'? ", __ — - - forrI3 can be had from the courier for the placings were n-cade. Household
E 11�., . the asking. Registered articles should Science Competitions caTilprise elasses
,�",!, be handed to the courier and a re- of school lunches and family menus,
'W .1
- 31 Eye, Bar, Nom and Threat ceipt given for same at the time tb? farm living room aud kitchen lylans,
_ r receive -s the article. -After dress parade and country gii. - unn.-
'.� 1� , I - Graduate in Modleloo, UniveMty of courie
'i ' ,
", � I July 1st the war tax on money orders rorbe. SuitaWe prizes are being ar-
1444 fL, Toronto.
t.- - .
. ,:: XAte 8SWOtguit New york Ophtb& not exceeding $10.00 has been abolish- ranged and all of the young men and
.1� women twenty-six years of age and
� . . . . . "I OW and Aural Instltut% MoorstolCo, ed; hence the new,ecilrimission will be
:��_ . Z�p and Golden Square Threat gog- 7c inxtead of 9c on �ums from $5.00 under who are,' resident of. Hi3ron
.", I � #K London, EnglantL Aito Ciam. u,p to and- including $10.DO.-Tuly Ist Courilly are eligible, as well as all
. �,�� .
, Q. , - n official holiday for the rural members of active Junior Farmers'
ivyg� � imirda Hotel, seafortb_ is a.
.V 'I
'I, , '13 , Couriers. No mail will, therefore, be and Junior Institute Clubs of the
,,l I
- ��, I
�� 1��,� delivered on the rural routee on Fri- County. Teams to represent Huron
, `31," day. July 2nd this year is to be ob- in Inter -County competitions will be
It ": served as a holiday, but while the chosen from among the winners. This
U. post office will be closed on Satur- is a real effort on the pa# of the
,. .j�, I
"; :�.., I I . day, yet the rural couriers vn11 de- active Junior Clubs , amd the 'Depart-
, ,.�,
111t, , ,,, . . liver mail on that day as usual. On ment of Agyieultur4 ta p -
I 1''.'r, � ,romote great
1, I
.11 '. � the holidays the wickets will 'be open or activity and interest among the
;:..," "; ,� I
I ,
p 14�1,,�,� n NOTICE , frqvl 12 noon to I p.m. and mails youlig men and young women of the
, "�,
, "
"i �
.. � i, T will be despatched a% usnal. county
i, I ;,� . . They should receive the
: , ". ; . 0— -4� hearty support of allwid tbtre should
.." �,A-,,,':
,f�,i � 1�1 The Sunbeara C�ncert Trio. - Ille be no difficulty �n showing the rest
jj� � ,,, ,.,S,. ,
1i �' � �1
,;! , ,��!',,_,
;;�', �,�) :, - � �, - . The bduatidd idortgage and concert given in Cardno's Hall on crt the Province that Huroh stands
. �% � agnn 9# Cd=Panys of Bar" Mianday evening, under the auspices first it young people -as well as in
I avi
taJ11�,,N� * " ". 4 has . 1. of the ladies of St. .Ta-m4a' Chureb, other agricult&af wealth. - 11
,��U *P:, -, .
� V.11 �
.;�,; . i.?; , I I . I
,I, I I .00 -- . \
1'�j�.:Aill�l"V. � '. . a most enjoyable one and was I
� ��41 'Was
, ,,�,�P&,d,, , I
. 1: �,,,,�,g� -�.,�:r 1 $250*000 T6 LOAN - aaeorded very generous patrorage by dden Death of 'Richard Peck
, ,,�, ,
01".. I —
" I -'11' �.., I ,
; �, 0 -'. , .. . I I
� , �,t,�'�� "N' t, � ,; 'he public. .The pro&afnme *as. giv-
�,;,;�, '' 'k , I I t DAN came without wa;Vnitig to 14
",��,�,�", �,"
. �%
,��.�, 1� I I -forth's .best kitowli ,business
_,. - I "I
,, i.0 � �', : " 900d Attib 3*�&, at 11106r- en, by tb, 'Saftbe,rn Trio, Which ig of Sea
,,�,`��', 5A, ": �, .1 1, -
,,!�.,,. - ,-,�"
U.11,��Q,,,� ,; '. .., , I - I tyda b a when
, �.' , I;,, - " life **W. . 0 00imposed of three clever sitists, Mag r4ti� on Sat y nik tA st, hen
. 11
",�g,!";,��_��,� �,' I , , ;',9la,y, of ft ;61o. Ur,� Vehard R k Sitiff Ted a gtX6ke
!'�,")i . Gladp. rn* sopratid- 4
, q�,_IjV_ ..., I ;,,�,V' *M - reAdet ,� !
"I� q� 4 L �'�;� � ", ' . I I
I WWO dohft' 61610
. i Itit, and - Miss Greta ", ull&� of" Apoplexy wriele ZNng to �bnsl-
`�L�4�f�,'5'!�'�_ ; ,�;, spioly to - �4 � , . : A.TZA., of dlk�n4tffl -�i , ,t;, � ,au& �tes,s hi his Alt , 4 6' itia �lmogt
, , �
. ",�;Tp�' - .. �, "l- oil a
,�, ., ,.. I � - %'�.�, . ".. 1. . � A, f '
1�,,,.,,f4�,,,� ,; - -, . i,, , 1100 :,,A411s, A.T,43�� %� O,ti, � TnotAntly, ZZ;Wgi � slid got-
,g�p��4 I , - �� �;�, ,
11 "" I IF, " ,, " k"'k "sualloon, "Iti =9' - r�"4'.,J kcoM3,IWAs+� ,,,tilt, �1 a - ' ' '
--p, T., ' I.- . I dai, � w , r 7 About IN
., ,,, - ;- � ff h', alth
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",�Rm& I - , ,� ' -dn
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ke. 'ORR' * - o'� -*JPOOOV� I
� taken It - , �
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. i , " �.,'-�'"Pen at po 0 '' -
" _', ,
, i, _ ,
. :,I � 11 1: I I
", ' : , . . I
T "I
a,,% "�., - t ,, but the vital spark ,N
,, � � v�w mina e .
MO.,, #Ueady fled before he ,arrived.
. ,
DW*11:"LLars ago Mr. Peek 'suffered a
gve" illness,, but hoA. recovered. and S
. ,
vag��Ito, all appearances a pian with t
nan � ,',��ears of life 'yet before him, �
7!T ,
�q� th his sudden passing came with d
� �gtql!%� sense of shock, not only to .9
I . � . I
kiA inimediate,,family but to the com- x
I . �
. . I
al . 1411 1 14r at large. The deceased was f
iorn-ju Stanley Township 69 y"rs t
tgo,�,,�eing a son of the late William 4E
?e6k,"ard bad farmed in that town- I
ihip un � til twenty years ago when he I
)urchased the musie'business in Sea- E
.oAik from his nephew, Mr. R. H. z
?ec4s now of London, and which he i
ias -ca�ried on most successfully ever (
4nee,., Ile was somewhat quiet and 2
rvtip 'g in disposition, but a good i
. n
)usrnep5 man and one whose business I
nte,grity was never questioned. For I
,wenty years he had been the next i
loor neighbor of The Expositor Officei E
and during that time no firm has ever I
had or could wish to have a kinder, '�
more obliging or more gentlemanly -1
neighbor, and his familiar presence 4
is missed by the staff. Mr. Peck was i
Wee married, his second wife, to
whom he was married in 191% being
Miss -Martha Ann Richardson' of "
Stanley, who survives him. He is �
also survived by two sisters, Mrs.
John Consitt, of Hensall, and 'Mrs.
in his famous fun -shower that
had the successful run in Toronto
a few weeks ago.
� Let It Rain
Monday. Tuesday and Wednes ay
Pne of the Big Dramatic Triurnp
of the Winter Season
The Flesh and the Devi
Co -Starring
IDon't. Forget
The Store that brought I
down the price of Shoes
in Seaforth.
It's the Little Store with
the "Big Values."
An Opportunity to Serve You
will be Much Appreciated!
N ..
____._ _!1111 11
Bayfield Pavlon
Two Special Dances
XLY Ist AND 2nd
Ha . la and Black Bottom
dancers -both nights.
E. R.'VF,ST0N,
P, � -1.1 !0 I
_—, ___ -
. I
St. Joes' Church
FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927
Comm-emorattilg' the Diamond
Jubilee 6f' Confederatioik in
There Will bt a HJJb Mass of
Thanks iving at 9,ollelock a.rn.
sermoir ,,to- suit the occuion.
Satutday, July 2nd
. . I
at 8 o'Ooek a,AL, Requiem High
Mass fol the tepose of the
SOPIS of'o'lit dear dead, especial.-
ly of but PloniaeTs, for God
and Cduhti�y in this Province.
.. .
SuiR4,iay�' July 3rd
First Mil 01'§ L fit g 6"C110A a.111,
T�h I US .At L 1,0.$O eclock am.
io 213 *ill be one of Peti. t,
ti( I ga" i" Catiada-atid �
for i4 &,000� sdid ptospofl#- '
,# , I
both sb0ifol, - Jifid ffl'A*tft1 � �", �,
. ` �
4Seftn6A:t6._,.,'h4ibA-6ni2e Vittht' 1�1, .
. occasiok""IM4 '06, , r �*
Wire , I o"
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. "y � - I
-�,..`A§" " 'Dqnhl't� 111,60 - X., , t, �!� � , , . .
411 �-v 4111 lot of IAOU* � �lor asso , efit � I I ?11
� �P�� X,W'4�14, A_fflm, "414 � worth , I ,
0L, " I A I I "' - � worth � .", - Uh-115 , ii 004, � .
. I , , . � 1. "", - 11 , ". I
'. , � '117 poqo# ', ,* , , ,. I ; I"
.1; I ft , , ;'W, " . � � i �',j �' - I* .06 '1� I
i'A.4 00f 04VAIX; VUTI %#Agg, ,*�. , �', . ;J "', t, � � . I't
14 . "d .lift , � I ��. �Ie � .L,, I , ,,,
- ., " �� ' , ' 'A A7.. , , I 1! 31.i"t, , I
, I 7 �J� ,�,I� -4, " #'f ,,,
i., I'T , , , $4,004 i ...A '. , " 1� "I I
1r.w,J?'_; , ,-A "" - , , =47E Cut Glass, # ",',"".`,, I
1144, Ly 446:6; _',Mr, j., , , i, �*.';� . . . S i f I
. , % I I I
r � 419rol;tl�. .. .,. I worth $4-Q0, 4,�t` "'.. - - - - - - - .. ,�fii,� U 11 �, ,�%;..,..
I.Xjlqq4l� , ; I " I � ' ' ' . .1
- - ", .1, I � , . roh4rp. Pencil$. 11 . -.7'' I I 1� - �,-'':. *,
.1 1,._�. � ",�-.-Il", �_ I � ..... 75,0 � . �� .. .11, ,� 25c ,
po,w�uug 7��,�lr,p . ` ' �gular $1.09 at, , , , ., Ra. .... '' I ... - fp ; ; -
4ulle4t, �; quiiuol
� - - �-, ,�� 1 8
�.otch poupAP4� �*,lpr�ljn � wou*�''Qf � e Limoges, Cups and I a I � �,,., , I -
I - 11 , � 1 : � r , ,""'., , ,:� " , I ,
, , , , .0
I ,_* No, at ..... 49-6 n " " 11'' ;, 1, '.
, IIRV i, ,As saucers, wortu s " I -, h ,at, � , �;.",� T'�,)� -
, I I I ,n� , . 1w,
, �%, L 4 . ''I I 1�.+i ,�, � tT., ,0 , �,
1. I . �� -, . . ,, ,;
, �
,gr0,",S;,,.9A_ .
. I
.I( , " OAAV,?,� '' ... .,. ...'' .�' I—. -
a I on tfi� clAt '' 1 ,M,
I � . � . . . ,, , '' _ � I "
�y of this w,dek.. Perfoct *�Athiw I I . , � , ', !;, , . ",
* _
, .
ad greensand 32 rinks."AhAhe'Araw . ' � 1'-', �L, ' " �
' EXTRA SPECIAL—Cut,Glass Lemmade Sets wit, , 61- , �
n4e an Ideal dsy's,qutihg�` $eii� 77-1 L Si'D kS , ; Worth $�.00' af '
, I - ,
nth rinks -were ,m4e'fortunate,tha)a , i0re(l D6 ) ver set .......... %. .4-29w-
sual, winning the first 'and 'second I .. , I ''. I I I I I I I ".."
vents. In the finalB for the li�e I � , � I I . � ,4
.. I - I - 11.11 - I I I I 1. .1 . I
ress Trophy which now becomeffthe" If A -4- 'n wir 1-1 " i
I ' n e uctible ea+&, cc cm, bUr 15 -Jewel Ladies Wr vv a �6 —
, .,;
, is
roperty of the Club, M. R. Rennie , 3 strands� yii0A1$I.MJ at .... I . 0 worth $12.00, at . 4 .. � . . . � - Ma
nd Reg. Reid came up against Hart 17 -Jewel F S " 'Raid4f ' - $1:�6,90r ' .
pm n 15 -Jewel 14k. Gold,.L"es' .
nd Cha an,of London,the Londo Gent's'Watchi, worth'$25.. , , ,, , worth $2�, fit I
ink going down to defe#t by a score row Wrist Watc,b, 3 00
'he Savauge Trophy, the Pearl andCrystal Th s . . , I I I �
f 14-5. In t wort . . $2#50 Our special small size Gent"Is, Watch,
edond event, C. A, Barber and W. h $5.001. at ....... . e ' r � ,
. Compact with chain -season's 16 -Jewel, Gold Fill d
,ment and IL Stewart and Jack latest; worth$2.00, fqr� ...... 956 Watch, worth U?; at - - - 113.50
:eattie, both Seaforth'rinks, met in �
he finals, Stewart -and Beattie win- I I I I �
ing out by a 10-5 score. In'the con- I � 1'� L
olation event the winning rinks was And* a i#holeptore fuU of simflar good values on Saturday; �
[unt and W%itesides, of Goderich. . . . . -, . ,.
'he outside clubs 1� I If next, at 111.,
' I 0"
,oderich, London, and Paris. The .. . I I
raw will appear in next week's Fix- O'd :�' -;,�; .. -
ositor. .0 -1 - � o" .1,
Savauge's'-fiii-Sh'' /I
Jubilee Service -The Jubilee ser- � . I . I
ice entitled "Canada For Christ" ' 0 Seafortit
" Opposite Post Office : .
elebration of the gixtieth annivers. I I �
ory of Confederation was held in the I
>resbyterian ,Sa:bbath school on Sun- . I - Is
lay morning. The superintendent, J. - , - � __
' $
,,. Mullen, presided'and^ the plat-
. orm were the pastor, Rev. F. H. , I
. larkin, D.D., Thomas Mcldillan,M.P., I
7 .1 . ,
. , G. Neelin, formerly superintendent .
)f ,the Anglican Sunday school and / _40� �, - .
; - 4e��_ �
ff . Kneebtel. The meeting was 013 000, . , ..
med by the scholars, of whom there I "Z , 10,
vas a large attendance, singing "O I
,anada.11 Thomas McMillan, M.P., .
,,ave an excellent address on "Our - -
Dominion, Christ's Dominion." "Can- - . It
ida," he said, "is a land which
3hould appeal to �he pride of every .
"anadian and particularly every boy I
ind girl. There is a great destiny
n store for C.5nada if we and the I I
Doys and girls do our duty. We
5hould thank God for the vision that - _A "
,ie gave the Fathers of Confederation
in gathering together the different . -1
provinces and making them into one
IE> � , I __
,noriouscount,ry. a ysmwaso—
�ome and they sought the vision of
gill the people in the one common am- I- I
bition to remNin loyal to the British HAIIA, lul AIN UFFEKING - -
. �
!rown. Canada has great wealth in . .
mines and fields and forests, but her
richest heritage is the noble -men and
women and boys and girls. Our mot- ' I
to should be that of the 60,000 Canad- .
ian soldiers who went to France in I
the Great War: 'No retreat, no sur-
render! Every b,oy and girl should
be thankful that they were born in
Canada. God in His love has given
us a great land. The great central
factor in human life is the coming
into consciousness -of the oneness of
the infinite life and having it flow
into us. The realization of �od's
loving kindness should lead us t iv�
Notch Price' s
lives of goo,dness, nobleness andLast
thoughtfulness." W. Knechtel offer-
. .
ed the closing prayer.
- I
Egmoytdville.-At the closing meet-
ing of the Young People's Society be-
t rom the start
fore the summer holidays, held onn
Monday evening, a most delicious
— — e1____ .
treat of ice cream and cake was sup-
plied by the Webster and Chesney
families, which was thoroughly en-
Many people wiR wonder how we can afford to seH W-
joyed by all. After a few games I on
linery, Coats, Suits, Dresses, House Furnishings and all
the lawn, the meeting was resumed,
-when excellent papers along a patri-
kinds of General Dry Goods so cheaply now. Well, we
otic line were given by Earl Web-
simply caWt.' It is just a case of being determined to give
9ter, Agnes Adams and Margaret
Ferguson. A splendid piano solo
the public better prices than any other store in our line,
was contributed by the President, Mis,;
holding a Sale w -ill give.
Billy Chesney, who is leaving this
. I
week for tleveland, and will attend
the great international convention of
Special Sales a�e advertised, therefore Good Judgme-1.1t,
Christian Endeavourers, where an at-
tendance of 25,000 delegates is ex-
Good Business Policy, Good Storekeeping demand that we
pected. A pleasing duet was render-
eilter into the spirit of the thing likewise. Hence re;nark-
ed by Misses Jean Webster and
Jeanette Finnigan. A committee
ably low prices on everything go into effbet at once.
composed of the r4ce-presidents wa.1,
. I
appointed to arrange ,for any ipecia I
� I
meetings or any matteus
-_ I
during the holiday. The meeting wa,3
in charge of Miss Gertie Webster,
one of the vice-presidents.
—I%e young people's anniversary
on Sunday morning was conducted by
Rev. J. E. Hogg, We
20 per c.
Half 1
Church, Clinton. MT. Hoggsley-w"lls
is a very
able preacher 'and held the audience
Priee. '
off on all
closest attention from begi,nhing
ue. He is always
elcorrie visitor in RMoiidville.
Ve Egmondville minister conducted
,& . .
the service at Wesley -Willis.
I .
-The,-deople of the commu-nityare
Molting forward wM great eagelineas
. ,. I
I I Q_
to the coming of Eli.' F. A. Robinsoll
, ,
D 9 E S S GOODS, SILK190 - LIMN .11, 91 , I
and hisr daughter, Grace, and Miss
C. B. Gro'nert,' They will be in Sea-
, . . , :: � I �
, � � �
, , "
.�', ,.� , -1
forth on"Sunday, ;vlv loth, conduct-
, " , 0
=MA - .
ine the service at Egniondville at 11
I � �. - � � .. � '_�
. , �
a.m.: in the . Presbyterian Ch-arcli,
I - I . I .
Seafortb. Ett 3 p.m., and Northside
United Church at 7.30 p.m. ,
. . I
. . , ,
Bariiins �
. ..
� I I I
. .. 11 . IP a
t . . . . . , : I I 1. 1� .
- Hargahis
--On ,Monday, Tuesday a -nd V&d-
nemiay, July 11th, 1?th
. ,
' '
"I � .� !, , I
11111. e.
, , I .
and 18th, R
conference will be,beld in'NorthZide
church, at wkieh- Rev. br,� W, 'C,
In, ,,
�pi�ftt,s -4 , � -
. 4, , �
�,��, , ,�, .
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P i
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I . � Dregl�.
I "I I ,
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'i ja
Poole, one of Xnglandiiq
�114: " _ I
� ,� �., � , ,
r: to_ ck
. � �
"I - .
� ""' *
g. r4at prego_h.
erg, successor to -Dr. -P. 11. ,Meyer, ir
.. .
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10 .. � ,
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" I I I I., " I
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-Christ Chur V 'n ig',; M41
ch., Lolid , th
I ' "
Presiaent of, �hd & .0. ,4, _,
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er. The tei;AoU§4�01 bo dt'2.9001'�-
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,fti lguft- Cut dovm the ' 6$t d, .. , �"O "
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I I � 1-1111 ,�,�Oio--- -1 �, ,
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�,B. 4 .
, hy, o',w * when you can oavo, , -A"
, � Ift
, � � � � p f, youi� Dry Goods iteins.
I .� 1.
I . I
� -
I i likii , , , , , , , , , , - I
I .. 11 11 . 1. .
� � � . I I
I � �, - I � "I I �� 111�� - ". I I � � I
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