HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-01, Page 8. . ... �� M. I , I 15F . ., 1, � I 0 4 . , il , I I . � --...-..--��'.."--��".,..�,,.', ­_ I M , - I ,p,7,",7,.'.7,1' -,,'7-l1`-` �' ­­ 0. ,,,.-.� , ." � ,,�, ," \ "V , I .1, '"' '­�' �' .K.,M�0�a -,411 "R.4 TOT, 1-4,41' �j, . ,., ,�,�. .1 . ; I " - 1, k..", I �, I I J I . ... , -Af ` - 1. 11 , � ,A, kul Ta� ,. , V,�e . -, � � " !kg,�, ,, .111.� �, , '.�" ''FYI' . ! " � S", �­.� 111PA.4W,V%.:1M1 140r, I �, PA ,_ - "", , wom, I I" �, � ,. � . ,�, ,, R V`7771'��`w . - ., , o � I , - ; , 15 ! � N'L�, f" `4 '.'�'Jp �� , 'I", t d *11;, *1410 XWO., AS,A? " 1, 114,11, i, .. - _ W ,a �,,,M, , . . . , � . � I �R , , '4 I I I - - I ,� : � , , . ,,'ec -i�, )'N", " , W , I :0 I 'PlAw ;, ­!",-'.;o,r��). ! I,- '' .$VP_�,?1SR#i,ye,d ou�00441#9014X=q �'�: 1� -­. , ',�� ��i.', ­�w* I ". 7_. I � A I . Thq� SUO , I Ap 11 �. F , �, b M ,p � I �, I'll .,04* � � �i, _ .4 - it " �, �-T�, �:, �, , ", I , ,, 0 alumv, I ." "PR" '0�� , , , p 3qG, XKA �. ,Wt�__ J.wve b% 'I,,.- 1, � ' , , . ., .. , I - `��, '-ugl ;t4 tqtk VQW4 This ',�'.."` , I , I a ,Most ftYbrable, XmPr�§,61'91.k 0A,,`;A*.', .'�f "; , V 4for iv9rqu8AW � �, I , 'R ity 1p� kllok i what is , Jly,a Mg no . _, W,�'_­,_ .1A, � -better lu"Auglil.T Man ,., , ""M .g � � % appreclarma ane enjgy-vu Ehai" nvel��l " , "�j4,1'11-""' .. j . , -t UP, 1 1867 -This Yeariv,V pepple of 8�e t�, wAo,, I- q 1'�',,,W.. P, . I e, a I 11 �. I `�,X2i N '' - , , ,� , V J_ .. ., '', . , �,�..� in %like . I , 1.111,11, oroluary gans, And "I I 1V w ' .. I �,M, t ' Ma , E ?�i:` " You 4oult'have to buy your ther Of , ,i �,%�,, , ya�jo�'SyUTJP_We 114,ve the best �j,,,� , �A Flags frQm linay 441his'analeated org;60,zation. . , I , . I that . 1, up. � us, but We wish heafl I - -.1-1111 'T,�'%, �' "' ii , It costs more for this Outsanding � _410- - %1-11 ,, than tallfe syrup, but the Aerence Z(,,)u would I �� 1k; " , 1. 1, ,�, I A � . Id be used in V ry,v � �,­ �, I I of cost in what won bration. $aXbara\ Xkkman Auxiliary,The .1 ,A;�,,�,,xAx�,� � 00 prices are, tight ; our last Meeting ,of Lhe season of t1 i'll, 1'1'�� , � an ordinary baking would. be per- ssortment is good, and we Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was -heia " h4ps not more than a cent. a "I �,m"',�:: � 10C would appreciate your bus!- in the school room of First Pro I . 1�by_ 'I . E, ��,. I Get the ,best. Fez. an church on Tuesday evening of � "' ,,, ,4 � ness. teri . 'Y'� � ENQLSH DINNER WARF-97 piece ,� .. �, C..� 1". BEATTIE SELLS FOR LESS this week. The meeting opened with -i I %�','J',� sets, plain white with . , , 1� $20.00 for$17.50 I a hymn and Miss Jean Elcoat read �- � pl"'��., . gold line. Reg. ,�l M 11110111� � ,I "I,,. the Glad Tidings prayer. The Scrip- 1� , 11 .1 �11 ,&,10' TOILET SOAP SPECIAL—An ao- ture lesson was given by Mrs. F. W, ; . � Toilet Soaps; , I . 11 Z;V , ,.,.,*qrtment of Albert Wigg, after which Miss Belle Smith � I P-1, cakes, regular price 45c "I . .. ... 6L 25c BEATTIE BROS. read the minutes of the last meeting � - ," � . ... . for ............. .......... I , "I, I ,�,._ MLE GREEN OLIVE I and the roll call. Miss Belle Camp- - _11"11 COM- 25C 1 bell read the tr"surer's report,, Mrs. ' � - I L MEXION SOAP 5c, or 6 for `_ . 'US11 LAVENDER SOA il short report of ..... J. H. tibsou m a ," _j&G — __ ne �.*, P 25C the National TC, of the W.IVLS. , :1 �,� 1.11 � , 11 Joe, or 3 for ..... � ......... Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. W. , 1. -11 CASTILE SOA -P meeting held at Windsor solne time " � Miss Edith MacKay read a ff; - 25C F. McMillan, S.aforth, O.t., .noun,e ago, "i, , I "', 8 for .............. I ....... the engagement of their elder daugh- paper from the Toi�onto Star 'Week- , 4,11 EDDY'S SILENT MATCHES ter, Jessie McIntosh, to Mr. Stanley '�Ii 25c ly on "Early Missions." The Con- � . 1'. are Eddy's best- 3 for ...... M. Gray, only son of Mr. and Mrs. ­..'.." �L 1[)AJRY` BUTTki��We have ample federation prayer was read by Misr, I I., . he quaHty W. W. Gray, of 'Stratford, Ont-, the Harriet Murray. Miss S. I. 4eLean L � . . , ,.fl, supply and guarantee t marriage to take phtce in July. contipued her talk on Moslem Women ", satisfactory or we cheerfully re- . er, and Miss Pearl Patterson read Cur- 1@.'�.;. turn the price. , Lion Roars.—The official opening 01 I I 611, 1_� '": I the Lions Park will take place on rent Events. Miss Edith McKay sang I � I -1. 1, I a very pleasing solD. The meeting _"L F. D. HutchisonS Thursday evening, July 14th, when a ­ . closed with the Lord's prayer in uni- �` . ial programme of swimming ­ spec som - ��,, 1, , events, band concert and orchestra 40� . 11, ; , .. � music will be provided. Expert divers For Sale -One now Quebec heater, used two 1. . - lo ..., from Toronto will put o.1 an exhibi nionths. Apply to Mrs. J. Patterson. �: , " tion. Full details will li� furnished Rooms to Rent-Appiy to Beattte Bros., � , _�. -tf L�. I RESIDENCE FOR later. Keep this date open and watch Sesiorth. 31046 .. "I, DESIRABLE - . For Sale.-Hoarie hooked mats and home- , �. SALE IN SRAFORTEI for printed programmes .made quLlts. Apply to Mrs. John HildebranL � - I , I,", . -The Egmon,dville. 3607%2 .�' Middle aged wi,d&w lady desires house- L.�, Solid brick, nine room house with furuace. Decorated For The Jubilee. �', .� bath room, to,4m water auldevery convenience. Seaforth Post Office building haS keeper's position in elderly man's home with 'L, , centrality located and convenient to schools, tely and taste moderate wages. Appily to Box 167, Sea- ........ .�L L churches and business secition; two jine lot,,. been very elaborat fully 9106-2 ,� I �,L� good harm and gs,rden. House has small am- decorated for the Confederation Jub- forth- ., For Sale. -Lumber for 6 gravel boxes and � L ,nex suitable for an office. Bargain for Q?icik ilee on Friday and Saturday of this - 12 hay racks, and 6 wagon tongues. Phone L , I sale- Apply to :,� JOEEN H. BEST. Barrister week, and presents a very attmetive IL J. McMillan. or see Harry Charters. ,:, f .111, 3101-v I , 1� 3099-U Scaferth. Ont. appearance. The work was done by ,� ___ Mr. Thomas Beattie, the caretaker, Senforth Golf and �Cotwtry Club. -All golf � L ,., - . membership fees for the current season are L' . "" . and Mr. D. L. Reid, and it is cer- � no, due. Please remit. J. G. Mullen, Secre­ L' . �___ tairilv a credit to them. tary. 1 8107-1 - 54,;, ;,�I - - Lost. -Between S. S. No. 13. McKillop i V,�,�: ��, � Tinsmiihin Letter of Appreciation.—The fol- School House. and the residence of Mr. J ohn Sc,stt, Roxboro, a child's red waterproof coat. tl! 0&!, � g" lowing letter was received by. Mrs. Finder please leave at The Exposit,or Office. _ ,�,'�, - H. J. Gibson, President of the local 3107-i ,sk, , I - - ; branch of the Red Cross Socie ty:— Found—On Tuesdayp June 28th, on Provin- �;tl", V .1 If the furnace needs ex- . Dear Mrs. Gibson: On behalf of " cin] Highway, 3-% miles east of !�eaforth, a ladies I coat- Owner may have same on prov. � the Ontario Division of the Red .ng property and paying cliarkes. A. Cadder, ' I 1, , .,. pert overhauling or the Cross, I beg to and the -tender to you Sea forth. 3107xl w'' I : goes w r o n g peo le of Seaforth our grateful P For Sale—Second hand corn scuffier. Mas- binder. internatio-1 B -t: ��, plumbing 11 , I i thanks for the splendid contribut on sey-Harris corn -�Pe in :,!- _,; � 11 . �11 Phone 23 to Red Cross funds. Yours is the , ilo filler wit+i 38 feet blov, Pipe; anI diiitributom, lvlas�sey-Harri� 8 JLP, g as co- Apply to J.. R. A­�i�­ � ".., � I . first complete return to be receiveii gine on truck. . 1. Agency, Seaforth. 3106-2 �, , I I from the Province, and we are very Moasey-Harris 1 � " I I Robt. Reid grateful for your giving so gener- ously and promptly. Yours sincerely, For Sale. -A fine 'location on Main Street, with good house, newj,v_ decorated. Would be good place to open up a tourist's rest and .� Adelaide M. Plumptre, Pres., Ont. tea ro,om, where ice cold ' drinks and fi.Ah i;up. I.. . Division." ii,erii �uld be seirved. Free Parking .�pacc_ . Plumbing a n d Heating - ADPI y at The Expositor Off,ce, Seaforth. 3107-3 :11 1 Clinton School of Commerce. -Tho Club Bag Lost. -Lost betwe�n 1L., miles I �� , of Commerce has just closel School ,�outh of Hem�al) and 21,. - , rn.il� north of ' ", a most successful school year. Es- Kipperk on Tue--iay. June 29th. a black club . ; — �! . ,-l'i, peci&lly in the typewriting depart- bag contAining ladies` clothinw and a pu,rAe of money. C�d reward. Finder please leave I � ,( n noteworthv, at Milton Ste,wart's, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth 1.1 . t :;"�, . NOTICEthe the students having won 46 awaras from the Educational Department of or phone 228 r 11, Seaf,qrth. 3107�i - ! - Used Car Bargain. -Six 4 h ,,,c linder McLaug ­ .". . . - . United Typewriter Co., for which lin, A 1 condition, fully equipped including ditch light, wings and clock. Engine just I I ,I , - excellent standing the Principal, Miss overhauled. cylinders honed and new pistons � � � I., Laid We Will Pay for New B_ F_ Ward, B.A., wa!W awarded a and rings fitted and in splendid condition. Tireiv real g�d. two just new. This for . , ". '' 11 �, �, pearl emblem, as an expert teacher From the Education- .car quick sale i,,i offered at a real bargain price of $2.50.00. Apply at The Expositor Office. " '11 of typewriting. the great international convention of ,... 41 I �, al Department of the Remington House For Sale. -For sale the midence on I - ",11 Extras, 30c Cash Typewriter Co., th� students have James Street, occupied by Mr. W. D. Bright. The hou,�e contains living room, dining room I 11, 33c Trade . won 51 awards, the highest being a and kitchen. 3 bedrooms and complete bath- �,� Extras, Gold Med-A for a speed of 58 woricig room. hot and cold water tar's in kitchen. ,,� per minute. Mr. C. Hunt, the district Two blocks from school and church and one block from Main Street. Wiil be sold reason- � Why take less? representative of the Remington Co., ably as owner is moving to the Coas;L Apply ' .�." - called at the school on closing day on the premL�es or address Seaforth Post - I' . . � .. and told the students they had won Office. W. D. Bright- 3094-tf Special optical Off�­High grade hen" , : .11 � Bring Your Eggs to more awards and their papers had a iiv,ight vold-filled �Pectaclin and eye wlasses 5�'� � higher standard of accuracy than any with best flat ,,Phencal leni�� for only $4.00. i"'11�15� Egmondville ,;�-, other school of the same enrolment All other .style of fraxne,, and lenses at rea- 1�1� 6, I . 01 in the district, for which outstanding Fionable pric�. Ey� examined by our well known and painst,aking ,,pecia,list, Mr. Hugh - � "L WJFinnigat'n record he cong ratulate'd both teachers �vn. with over twenty�ix year's experience. 4k, ��, and students highly. You are &-ure,d or the best optical work to �� _ 20 per c. be obtained and at very moderate cost. Mon- I- - day, JulY 11th. from I P.ro. to Wednesday. I ]i� Postal Information. -The new Jub- July l3th. at 12, .noon. Come early. Best- , I','-EGMONDVELLE ilee issue of %tamps is now on -ale til" Fair. Se.f.rth. 3107-2 11-1 C;�. I I � lat the post office. The issue consists ' � 11 ., of a le, 2c, 3c, 5c, 12c and 20c spe- Stock Judging Competition. - A ll . cial delivery. All are very fine. sam - intion has been given great deal of attc I- 11 .1 � . Fresh. Fish. - ples of. the art and fittingly help tr) celebrate the Jubilee year -Rural box in recent years to County and Inter - County Live Stock Judging and I - I I,--- --- - - ,1_1 - .. _____­­­­ . . - i - ____­_,____ �___­ 11, " - PrI. ment is insisting 'that they use tho tions. We are plea,red to learn from 11 1. �: " . I R1. z So many of our Customers have proper printed forms when requiring G. R. Paterson, Agricultural -Repre- i14 . 1�i� % I I been asking for Fresh Fish, we a money order or postal note. The sentative, that Hnron County is at � �,., have decided to carry Lake Huron couriers 'have instructions not to lift last to have its first event of this , I- A:., ".. Trout for the Summer season. money from rural boxes unless a re- kind. Arrangements are being made .. . I .. I , , �' s ceipt is given for same. Such re- to hold a Junior Farmers, Live Stock i "," I � - . ceipts are on the lower portioti of Judging Competition and a Girls' .. ��. �' � �� , 11 11, -per I.,., to be filled out by Household Science Judging Competi- ­ D. H. Stewart f rural patron. No delay in t b'e tion at Blyth, on or about July 21st. , I 1'�,� i'l " , (.,�E' The Reliable Butcher ,ending of the money order need re- For the benefit of the uninitiated, livo - , .,q,("�, .116 'i* SEAFORTH - - ONT. 'u It, since -the courier may he given stock judging competitions consist of I &,��, ". authority to kave same de�ipatched the placing of classes of horses, beef _ ,.", � Phone 58 .1 . the same day he takes it from th? cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and swine, � , I I rural mail box, These Troney order as well as the giving of reasons why I , , "! �', �'? ", __ — - - forrI3 can be had from the courier for the placings were n-cade. Household �, E 11�., . the asking. Registered articles should Science Competitions caTilprise elasses I"', DIL F. J. R. FORSTER ,�",!, be handed to the courier and a re- of school lunches and family menus, 'W .1 ­ - 31 Eye, Bar, Nom and Threat ceipt given for same at the time tb? farm living room aud kitchen lylans, ...... 11, _ r receive -s the article. -After dress parade and country gii. - unn.- '.� 1� , I - Graduate in Modleloo, UniveMty of courie 'i ' , ", � I July 1st the war tax on money orders rorbe. SuitaWe prizes are being ar- 1444 fL, Toronto. t.- - . " . ,:: XAte 8SWOtguit New york Ophtb& not exceeding $10.00 has been abolish- ranged and all of the young men and .1� women twenty-six years of age and ,, � . . . . . "I OW and Aural Instltut% MoorstolCo, ed; hence the new,ecilrimission will be ­:��_ . Z�p and Golden Square Threat gog- 7c inxtead of 9c on �ums from $5.00 under who are,' resident of. Hi3ron -v .", I � #K London, EnglantL Aito Ciam. u,p to and- including $10.DO.-Tuly Ist Courilly are eligible, as well as all . �,�� . , Q. , - n official holiday for the rural members of active Junior Farmers' ivyg� � imirda Hotel, seafortb_ is a. .V 'I 'I, , '13 , Couriers. No mail will, therefore, be and Junior Institute Clubs of the ,,l I - ��, I �� 1��,� delivered on the rural routee on Fri- County. Teams to represent Huron , `31," day. July 2nd this year is to be ob- in Inter -County competitions will be " , It ": served as a holiday, but while the chosen from among the winners. This U. post office will be closed on Satur- is a real effort on the pa# of the ,. .j�, I "; :�.., I I . day, yet the rural couriers vn11 de- active Junior Clubs , amd the 'Depart- , ,.�, 111t, , ,,, . . liver mail on that day as usual. On ment of Agyieultur4 ta p - I I 1''.'r, � ,romote great 1, I .11 '. � the holidays the wickets will 'be open or activity and interest among the ;:..," "; ,� I I , p 14�1,,�,� n NOTICE , frqvl 12 noon to I p.m. and mails youlig men and young women of the , "�, , " "i � .. � i, T will be despatched a% usnal. county i, I ;,� . . They should receive the : , ". ; . 0— -4� hearty support of allwid tbtre should .." �,A-,,,': '14 ,f�,i � 1�1 The Sunbeara C�ncert Trio. - Ille be no difficulty �n showing the rest jj� � ,,, ,.,S,. , 1i �' � �1 ,;! , ,��!',,_, ;;�', �,�) :, - � �, - . The bduatidd idortgage and concert given in Cardno's Hall on crt the Province that Huroh stands ­ . �% � agnn 9# Cd=Panys of Bar" Mianday evening, under the auspices first it young people -as well as in I avi taJ11�,,N� * " ". 4 has . 1. of the ladies of St. .Ta-m4a' Chureb, other agricult&af wealth. - 11 ,��U *P:, -, . � V.11 � .;�,; . i.?; , I I . I ,I, I I .00 -- . \ 1'�j�.:Aill�l"V. � '. . a most enjoyable one and was I � ��41 'Was , ,,�,�P&,d,, , I . 1: �,,,,�,g� -�.,�:r 1 $250*000 T6 LOAN - aaeorded very generous patrorage by dden Death of 'Richard Peck , ,,�, , 01".. I — " I -'11' �.., I , ; �, 0 -'. , .. . I I � , �,t,�'�� "N' t, � ,; 'he public. .The pro&afnme *as. giv- �,;,;�, '' 'k , I I t DAN came without wa;Vnitig to 14 ",��,�,�", �," . �% ,��.�, 1� I I -forth's .best kitowli ,business _,. - I "I ,, i.0 � �', : " 900d Attib 3*�&, at 11106r- en, by tb, 'Saftbe,rn Trio, Which ig of Sea ,,�,`��', 5A, ": �, .1 1, - ,­,!�.,,. - ,-,�­" U.11,��Q,,,� ,; '. .., , I - I tyda b a when , �.' , I;,, - " life **W. . 0 00imposed of three clever sitists, Mag r4ti� on Sat y nik tA st, hen . 11 , ",�g,!";,��_��,� �,' I , , ;',9la,y, of ft ;61o. Ur,� Vehard R k Sitiff Ted a gtX6ke !'�,")i . Gladp. rn* sopratid- 4 , q�,_IjV_ ..., I ;,,�,V' *M - reAdet ,� ! "I� q� 4 L �'�;� � ", ' . I I I WWO dohft' 61610 . i Itit, and - Miss Greta ", ull&� of" Apoplexy wriele ZNng to �bnsl- `�L�4�f�,'5'!�'�_ ; ,�;, spioly to - �4 � , . : A.TZA., of dlk�n4tffl -�i , ,t;, � ,au& �tes,s hi his Alt , 4 6' itia �lmogt , , � . "­,�;Tp�­' - .. �, "l- oil a ,�, ., ,.. I � - %'�.�, . ".. 1. . � A, f ' 1�,,,.,,f4�,,,� ,; - -, . i,, , 1100 :,,A411s, A.T,43�� %� O,ti, � TnotAntly, ZZ;Wgi � slid got- ,g�p��4 I , - �� �;�, , 1�wL"'k 11 "" I IF, " ,, " k"'k "sualloon, "Iti =9' - r�"4'.,J kcoM3,IWAs+� ,,,tilt, �1 a - ' ' ' --p, T., ­' I.- . I dai, � w , r 7 About IN ., ,,, - ;- � ff h', alth '1,j,�-,�'�). , ,,�,,, " : L I . v�" �gff�M(11;` anTly in , , � Nk kf-�;, ", . i," " ". -_ I , 0 - b. t 10 � ifto -4 I ,X�,�11 ;_ 1, I I I 0�,:,_1�1 , " . # * 116 - . - �� 1 . I 1. . . �, 01� ,I 1,111,�,Vip,q",�,V -'-111 �, . " , , - 14 , , 1111l'k ,V . � - 148 vir, .� , � 11 fr', !"L , llg� ­",�Rm& I - , ,� ' -dn 11-1 1� v �6 1 01 d", r6l"L 'r4'k#. I',, , �,­',!`,;,'�, ',(10�jl�;��,,) I. f I: t � IT11h 11 ,�i,;�,A��i,�";,�,��,�pY),.'�i��, � .. , "� - 7L�4­iii� "ZIA4 1,0 .-� � �, � t;:;!�`J` .i A; I Z,v UZI," I I � %, ,�. 0,fj��,��;"�U`�,�!,>�":�' P� �,.;,T L ,g"'��, � ":1,"." � ,,, ,. 1, , - ,p.,,4 - , , �91 , , � I , ." � � k", Al 140 1,4 i .��Ili,�, " �., " 4 I W 116 W ''.4 0 " r'. � I I US . i U �1� ", W_ 0 A 01016� ,;, . , , A "."r # 4 "."M,6" ,�,.,� 4 xv.,� R11 - W . , '61 , " " .9 "�'11 , . , , - ,�. 1. . , . t., " (03 � , "o, , 1, , " A ,. -11 VW." A# 0 " a 1111" . 19 ­­ I � , ;',irl .�ss *06sq" "' 'I , ,�; 11 " � 7, " i - .. ,�, ,,, , I . ,�V�i,�, 7 ., - . , " ,�: I � 11, I 1 . ..,.., tfl,` It"O ­­ * � 0 ,� 11 11�.,, , , 11, ,:. 1� , i�,- ,,;� �,�, ,; T,:, - A� I> , � , , �11 � " , � : 1 , � j ., . , . , "I -V, i , , � " � , , �A , 1. � , �� 1� , '01u�, P11,80!; I I ,'. � ;_- ,�� WW il t, I % ke. 'ORR' * - o'� -­*JPOOOV� I � taken It - , � ., Xr 1A .3"0014" , - � . i , " �.,'-�'"Pen at po 0 '' - 04", " _', , , i, _ , 11,11-A-11 . :,I � 11 1: I I ", ' : , . . I T "I % a,,% "�., - t ,, but the vital spark ,N ,, � � v�w mina e . MO.,, #Ueady fled before he ,arrived. . , DW*11:"LLars ago Mr. Peek 'suffered a gve" illness,, but hoA. recovered. and S . , vag��Ito, all appearances a pian with t I nan � ,',��ears of life 'yet before him, � 7!T , �q� th his sudden passing came with d � �gtql!%� sense of shock, not only to .9 I . � . I kiA inimediate,,family but to the com- x . I . � . . I al . 1411 1 14r at large. The deceased was f iorn-ju Stanley Township 69 y"rs t tgo,�,,�eing a son of the late William 4E - ?e6k,"ard bad farmed in that town- I , ihip un � til twenty years ago when he I )urchased the musie'business in Sea- E ' .oAik from his nephew, Mr. R. H. z ?ec4s now of London, and which he i ias -ca�ried on most successfully ever ( 4nee,., Ile was somewhat quiet and 2 rvtip 'g in disposition, but a good i . n )usrnep5 man and one whose business I nte,grity was never questioned. For I - ,wenty years he had been the next i loor neighbor of The Expositor Officei E and during that time no firm has ever I had or could wish to have a kinder, '� more obliging or more gentlemanly -1 neighbor, and his familiar presence 4 is missed by the staff. Mr. Peck was i Wee married, his second wife, to whom he was married in 191% being Miss -Martha Ann Richardson' of " Stanley, who survives him. He is � also survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Consitt, of Hensall, and 'Mrs. I I . NOW PLAYING DOUGLIArb MadEM in his famous fun -shower that had the successful run in Toronto a few weeks ago. � Let It Rain SHIRLEY MASON Opposite - Monday. Tuesday and Wednes ay Pne of the Big Dramatic Triurnp of the Winter Season ' The Flesh and the Devi with .JOHN GILBERT GRETA GARBO, Co -Starring Princess ­ _____ .1 IDon't. Forget The Store that brought I down the price of Shoes in Seaforth. . THE ECONOMY BOOT SHOP IS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. It's the Little Store with the "Big Values." An Opportunity to Serve You will be Much Appreciated! I � N .. ____._ _!1111 11 I Bayfield Pavlon Two Special Dances XLY Ist AND 2nd Ha . la and Black Bottom dancers -both nights. E. R.'VF,ST0N, Bayfield. P, � -1.1 !0 I _—, ___ - . . . I St. Joes' Church FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927 . . Comm-emorattilg' the Diamond Jubilee 6f' Confederatioik in CanadA, There Will bt a HJJb Mass of Thanks iving at 9,ollelock a.rn. ' , sermoir ,,to- suit the occuion. ) Satutday, July 2nd . . I at 8 o'Ooek a,AL, Requiem High Mass fol the tepose of the SOPIS of'o'lit dear dead, especial.- ly of but PloniaeTs, for God and Cduhti�y in this Province. I . . .. . SuiR4,iay�' July 3rd . First Mil 01'§ L fit g 6"C110A a.111, H T�h I US .At L 1,0.$O eclock am. ' io 213 *ill be one of Peti. t, ti( I ga" i" Catiada-atid � for i4 &,000� sdid ptospofl#- ' ,# , I both sb0ifol, - Jifid ffl'A*tft1 � �", �, . ` � 4Seftn6A:t6._,.,'h4ibA-6ni2e Vittht' 1�1, . - . occasiok""IM4 '06, , r �* Wire , I o" . r!��, , . cotwlud4,41.�Wotfh tld�,Aigffil ............ . ,.!�� �I ,­,.�� � . "The Ukftft 01P., Ift ." �1. I, �,,,,,T 11 ,I " "' , , I � � . I I lt4 , L"� "Ill, � ."� , . I I _ � �, I,- 11! � , I ..� . : - I . ,�', ;", p I ... - . I .1 ' L ..", � I " , �'? ,'I � , ;I , , , T, " , , � �,� i "I ` 4 , v � `14 � .. i, - ' ­­i��, � I ,, ­ L ;',/ . � I . _1`134.1 e, , 11, � -111 I" 61A:Aill � ,,,, A . qVI:iAll, I . ,_t � � * I ",.� I pill ii,.,i ",4"M , k !`;;`� 1. ��-,,,�, , . 7'' 7 ;N,!,qT ' ' allo"I'Mil � "M", , "" "' � ,,, N'T .'r, ' ' 'L:,., "�"5 . ", �7 � . ,I�N�� . !.,,,� ,'L�, ­'� �' , , � ":,�­.I.� , 1�17r.' . I , " r, _ , IF L,, 11 1. ,�,;..." 1, , ,� , � 'T $7 --:`,1 `- 61. " _0 " - , " , "� �­71-7 (941 crr.. , � pmr, " R I , 11 ,��,,�,i,.�;",i�,�,,�,�i�,,�""""-,�-.�,,T,i�,�.,.�, I ,� 7t , - i ,, ,,,"'l � ,Nw,iM !$1V1'L' �� , , , � IINXI $ij��"q , �t`,_,;. I vp�xy, v,�,q4u�'11�11;,Rl ,� ", I'M. ,�J , , ,;�� 1. , . """ t, � I , "gu'I'l "' ,;i 'i`��J,X!,�,�,,j4,`,, .-, i� , ,4 ... M M_, - 4 7u,, lz,m, 7y , , ,. ,� NO, ­�'�' 'i 1! , �, j,� �� I �, ,,�,41h . L 't��'L"�� I �14;1 i4r ;�, i �",., , �t ��T&'?���, 1, �'14121!�i,V,_, I ,J IM, �.,,, A.,� ,��'Ll; '- � ,_T� 7. 7, ,0,..il�,�,11',,If�; 'I`,.,, �',,.�,"�,'�,T� -w I "I' , � L" U� , �,4:",­�- ,,z, I 11 Mww­ I,— ,,, 1�'z,!"", 0 t . , , , , meter ,,:�,,;, Aw TA I 1V *�, - "IFIOPq i 19f � �� , I �r '0&. ".1 *"sm 041,0 "'S; - ��L.," .� *& , 'W, .J't�"J�.W"Vt� ,,, M M 14 '. ��,`,AOPAOM,'i. A! , �, IT "', 8'''', - ,,, ,i .,,,A ", , , -�,, i. I , + �., , ,, 14 1 ' , , 40*1%SA�UnAV '"040 t.� � �i 11 RA . - ., At,0,W1e�VQY:,b `.,�`,�� "t ��",;",.':,&i, , Apt, W -.,,,� I 0 Ok "A % - � � , , , 1 - - . I '­_ , -� , I 1� � ; . "", ,� , , '- L, "Arle 8%) a � , :� " ib, ;�40��%00 t ,���t�,,10..I,i;"���.%f-,��$��qp,� .. , �Lt, , , , 'Wil � . ,,q 4,4 6, f, . - � #�, .. - a. - i 1, �� 40, ,%�,q 1-l"', i - I 111% , li� I L - I A I 'L , ,. ­ .q - � I , �. 1�,� I . " . Y- -,-- . 1; . , lu 1, ". -'11 �­i:��., .1 �, I � *-`;,,� I '� 1�1 � 71,11, , ., I , I ,�7 � I 9 I , " �, , "" � W , `7"., ,.".4i - ", , 44010"O's " - , t , a flo �' , � W4,6, 4 _, �,, �40 N, W �, , — . . 4 ,�,r , " , -" Ti-,;94yi K* or M I 11--.1 I i , "", 7'. , � I I " � � 1, I t , 'r I At� P; � ..� 9 "Ll. 'ou�.�,T,; L P . � �, 14 .1 I I ". . "y � - I -�,.­.`A§" " 'Dqnhl't� 111,60 - X., , t, �!� � , , . . 411 �-v 4111 lot of IAOU* � �lor asso , efit � I I ?11 � �P�� X,W'4�14, A_fflm, "414 � worth , I , ­ 0L, " I A I I "' - � worth � .", - Uh-115 , ii 004, � . . I , , . � 1. "", - 11 , ". I '. , � '117 poqo# ', ,* , , ,. I ; I" .1; I ft , , ;'W, " . � � i �',j �' - I* .06 '1� I i'A.4 00f 04VAIX; VUTI %#Agg, ,*�. , �', . ;J "', t, � � . I't 14 . "d .lift , � I ��. �Ie � .L,, I , ,,, - ., " �� ' , ' 'A A7.. , , I 1! 31.i"t, , I , I 7 �J� ,�,I� -4, " #'f ,,, i., I'T , , , $4,004 i ...A '. , " 1� "I I 1r.w,J?'_; , ,-A "" - , , =47E Cut Glass, # ",',"".`,, I . 1144, Ly 446:6; _',Mr, j., , , i, �*.';� . . . S i f I - . , % I I I r � 419rol;tl�. .. .,. I worth $4-Q0, 4,�t` "'.. - - - - - - - .. ,�fii,� U 11 �, ,�%;..,.. I.Xjlqq4l� , ; I " I � ' ' ' . .1 - - ", .1, I � , . roh4rp. Pencil$. 11 . -.7'' I I 1� - �,-'':. *, .1 1,._�. � ",�­-.-Il", �_ I � ..... 75,0 �­ . �� .. .11, ,� 25c , po,w�uug 7��,�lr,p . ` ' �gular $1.09 at, , , , ., Ra. .... '' I ... - fp ; ; ­­­­­ - � 4ulle4t, �; quiiuol , � - - �-, ,�� 1 8 �.otch poupAP4� �*,lpr�ljn ­� wou*�''Qf � e Limoges, Cups and I a I � �,,., , I - I - 11 , � 1 : � r , ,""'., , ,:� " , I , , , , , .0 I ,_* No, at ..... 49-6 n " " 11'' ;, 1, '. , , IIRV i, ,As saucers, wortu s " I -, h ,at, � , �;.",� T'�,)� - , I I I ,n� , . 1w, , �%, L 4 . ''I I 1�.+i ,�, � tT., ,0 , �, 1. I . �� -, . . ,, ,; , � ,gr0,",S;,,.9A_ . . I .I( , " OAAV,?,� '' ... .,. ...'' .�' I—. - a I on tfi� clAt '' 1 ,M, I � . � . . . ,, , '' _ � I " �y of this w,dek.. Perfoct *�Athiw I I . , � , ', !;, , . ", * _ , . , ad greensand 32 rinks."AhAhe'Araw . ' � 1'-', �L, ' " � ' EXTRA SPECIAL—Cut,Glass Lemmade Sets wit, , 61- , � n4e an Ideal dsy's,qutihg�` $eii� 77-1 L Si'D kS , ; Worth $�.00' af ' , I - , nth rinks -were ,m4e'fortunate,tha)a , i0re(l D6 ) ver set .......... %. .4-29w- sual, winning the first 'and 'second I .. , I ''. I I I I I I I ".." vents. In the finalB for the li�e I � , � I I . � ,4 .. I - I - 11.11 - I I I I 1. .1 . I � . ress Trophy which now becomeffthe" If A -4- 'n wir 1-1 " i I ' n e uctible ea+&, cc cm, bUr 15 -Jewel Ladies Wr vv a �6 — , .,; , is roperty of the Club, M. R. Rennie , 3 strands� yii0A1$I.MJ at .... I . 0 worth $12.00, at . 4 .. � . . . � - Ma nd Reg. Reid came up against Hart 17 -Jewel F S " 'Raid4f ' - $1:�6,90r ' . pm n 15 -Jewel 14k. Gold,.L"es' . nd Cha an,of London,the Londo Gent's'Watchi, worth'$25.. , , ,, , worth $2�, fit I ink going down to defe#t by a score row Wrist Watc,b, 3 00 'he Savauge Trophy, the Pearl andCrystal Th s . . , I I I � f 14-5. In t wort . . $2#50 Our special small size Gent"Is, Watch, edond event, C. A, Barber and W. h $5.001. at ....... . e ' r � , . Compact with chain -season's 16 -Jewel, Gold Fill d ,ment and IL Stewart and Jack latest; worth$2.00, fqr� ...... 956 Watch, worth U?; at - - - 113.50 :eattie, both Seaforth'rinks, met in � he finals, Stewart -and Beattie win- I I I I � ing out by a 10-5 score. In'the con- I � 1'� L olation event the winning rinks was And* a i#holeptore fuU of simflar good values on Saturday; � [unt and W%itesides, of Goderich. . . . . -, . ,. 'he outside clubs 1� I If next, at 111., ' I 0" ,oderich, London, and Paris. The .. . I I raw will appear in next week's Fix- O'd :�' -;,�; .. - " . , ositor. .0 -1 - � o" .1, Savauge's'-fiii-Sh'' /I Jubilee Service -The Jubilee ser- � . I . I ice entitled "Canada For Christ" ' 0 Seafortit " Opposite Post Office : . elebration of the gixtieth annivers. I I � ory of Confederation was held in the I >resbyterian ,Sa:bbath school on Sun- . I - Is lay morning. The superintendent, J. - , - � __ ' $ ,,. Mullen, presided'and^ the plat- . orm were the pastor, Rev. F. H. , I . larkin, D.D., Thomas Mcldillan,M.P., I 7 .1 . , . , G. Neelin, formerly superintendent . )f ,the Anglican Sunday school and / _40� �, - . ; - 4e��_ � ff . Kneebtel. The meeting was 013 000, . , .. med by the scholars, of whom there I "Z , 10, vas a large attendance, singing "O I " ,anada.11 Thomas McMillan, M.P., . ,,ave an excellent address on "Our - - Dominion, Christ's Dominion." "Can- - . It ida," he said, "is a land which 3hould appeal to �he pride of every . "anadian and particularly every boy I ind girl. There is a great destiny n store for C.5nada if we and the I I Doys and girls do our duty. We 5hould thank God for the vision that - _A " ,ie gave the Fathers of Confederation in gathering together the different . -1 provinces and making them into one IE> � , I __ - A � 10 14 1� 11 ,noriouscount,ry. a ysmwaso— �ome and they sought the vision of gill the people in the one common am- I- I bition to remNin loyal to the British HAIIA, lul AIN UFFEKING - - . � !rown. Canada has great wealth in . . ' mines and fields and forests, but her richest heritage is the noble -men and women and boys and girls. Our mot- ' I to should be that of the 60,000 Canad- . ian soldiers who went to France in I the Great War: 'No retreat, no sur- I render! Every b,oy and girl should I be thankful that they were born in 14`� Canada. God in His love has given us a great land. The great central factor in human life is the coming I into consciousness -of the oneness of the infinite life and having it flow into us. The realization of �od's 1, loving kindness should lead us t iv� Notch Price' s lives of goo,dness, nobleness andLast - thoughtfulness." W. Knechtel offer- . . ed the closing prayer. . - I Egmoytdville.-At the closing meet- ing of the Young People's Society be- a t rom the start ' fore the summer holidays, held onn Monday evening, a most delicious — — e1____ . treat of ice cream and cake was sup- I plied by the Webster and Chesney families, which was thoroughly en- . Many people wiR wonder how we can afford to seH W- I joyed by all. After a few games I on linery, Coats, Suits, Dresses, House Furnishings and all the lawn, the meeting was resumed, -when excellent papers along a patri- kinds of General Dry Goods so cheaply now. Well, we otic line were given by Earl Web- simply caWt.' It is just a case of being determined to give 9ter, Agnes Adams and Margaret Ferguson. A splendid piano solo the public better prices than any other store in our line, was contributed by the President, Mis,; holding a Sale w -ill give. Billy Chesney, who is leaving this . I week for tleveland, and will attend the great international convention of Special Sales a�e advertised, therefore Good Judgme-1.1t, I Christian Endeavourers, where an at- tendance of 25,000 delegates is ex- Good Business Policy, Good Storekeeping demand that we N pected. A pleasing duet was render- eilter into the spirit of the thing likewise. Hence re;nark- . ed by Misses Jean Webster and Jeanette Finnigan. A committee ably low prices on everything go into effbet at once. � composed of the r4ce-presidents wa.1, . . I appointed to arrange ,for any ipecia I � I meetings or any matteus I -_ I during the holiday. The meeting wa,3 . At Least 1� in charge of Miss Gertie Webster, � one of the vice-presidents. —I%e young people's anniversary Trimmed "mm' 0 on Sunday morning was conducted by Rev. J. E. Hogg, We Hats 20 per c. / Miftery of Half 1 Raw Church, Clinton. MT. Hoggsley-w"lls is a very able preacher 'and held the audience in � Priee. ' ' off on all I Price. closest attention from begi,nhing ue. He is always t "I . elcorrie visitor in RMoiidville. Ve Egmondville minister conducted ,& . . COATS, SUIT$, DRESSES, UND9RWEAR, the service at Wesley -Willis. I . CORSM, HOSIERY, GLOVES; N9CK- 11 -The,-deople of the commu-nityare Molting forward wM great eagelineas . ,. I I I Q_ WEAR, WASH GOODS , LINEN% CO I "9,� to the coming of Eli.' F. A. Robinsoll , , D 9 E S S GOODS, SILK190 - LIMN .11, 91 , I and hisr daughter, Grace, and Miss C. B. Gro'nert,' They will be in Sea- , . . , :: � I � , � � � FLOOR OILCL !Z!!:m C-URTAN � , , " .�', ,.� , -1 � I- forth on"Sunday, ;vlv loth, conduct- . , " , 0 =MA - . # SVC � ' ine the service at Egniondville at 11 11 I � �. - � � .. � '_� . , � 1� a.m.: in the . Presbyterian Ch-arcli, - I - I . I . I Seafortb. Ett 3 p.m., and Northside United Church at 7.30 p.m. , . . I . . , , . Bariiins � . .. � I I I . .. 11 . IP a � t . . . . . , : I I 1. 1� . 0%, 'MS - Hargahis --On ,Monday, Tuesday a -nd V&d- nemiay, July 11th, 1?th 'i . , ' ' 1� I "I � .� !, , I 11111. e. , , I . ba - I and 18th, R conference will be,beld in'NorthZide church, at wkieh- Rev. br,� W, 'C, In, ,, �pi�ftt,s -4 , � - . 4, , � �,��, , ,�, . . 1� I ,,, �: . . li I. , ! '. . �? . 1, ,�, 0.11 �rl I 4" , , , " A . I �, I , P i . , . " I . � Dregl�. I "I I , ., , - . '_ 'i ja Poole, one of Xnglandiiq �114: " _ I . ', , � ,� �., � , , r: to_ ck . � � "I - . � ""' * g. r4at prego_h. erg, successor to -Dr. -P. 11. ,Meyer, ir .. . , r 10 .. � , % ,,a fi IMP t, .. .. #Inso. I � .1 I ; . I � - �:��, " I I I I., " ­ I .1 , �, '4, i"'A' ,:, .1, , . � . ' ' �",.,,Z!��,, '. - :` ,A " �., . . , ,, . I I . ,,, I -Christ Chur V 'n ig',; M41 ch., Lolid , th I ' " Presiaent of, �hd­ & .0. ,4, _, � y6 kt,§ ^ AJ§ ... � , . . , l� , . �� -, ' - L '­ � , ­ ", .. 'A',' i'��; , ,,� ­­,' " ,, i, I , -, . �111 ,� , ,,, ,:, , �, : �,'� "­ - �� - � (� " Of; L 07 ,;.! / 9 �1. .. I -� I , soclaticln" vi'd to,464, *1ftdJ41 er. The tei;AoU§4�01 bo dt'2.9001'�- 0 -P.11�. ... ".-V., . - I—. I I - � ., . �, I . . . , I — . I . "I 117,,�,;rjrl, , , . 1 ­�i,..', ., - � - - , I \ I , �. 11 ,,�, ". �f .. -,,, �;', - I 1. I .�,Ilv,, o".1 , I . , - � � aild 'fAt VA,��,�!-',, , , " I I i a , I � , , �, - I .1. . nq , � ''. . . . , , ��. "; 1%."'I" � � - -'� , , ;, 'I, ,)T., ., , , . 41 I I . � - I 11 .1 � - 1. - .1�,''S:, " 'i L' � , I I ... - I I � � � �fijf - , ,fti lguft- Cut dovm the ' 6$t d, .. , �"O " "', l saly �T[?- - �, . - I ., � 11 � " , q, . , � M., � 4 I I �r 1% I . ., V�­, " �A 'I : 6ohi -i)ii - 2111 I 1, ,J.�-,�11� ,1� ��,Ip IilRfto " . , ; " " � ... I , i� , , s 6�'K 1. 4C o& tdbo' - " " 11 I _ �1�51 , , , -, , , "", I ; 0 ", , - 1.", :;, ;., i , , , �, � -C _ , 1311' , i v..i.;,." "', Z11 1113 11. I I � ­ 1-1111 ,�,�Oio--- -1 �, , V� . *00(4� *"MT MMM �,B. 4 . , hy, o',w * when you can oavo, , -A" , � Ift - , � � � � p f, youi� Dry Goods iteins. , , I .� 1. I . I MR, RIQHT AWAY �0)' " � � - I i likii ­ , , , , , , , , , , - I I .. 11 11 . 1. . � � � . I I I � �, - I � "I I �� 111�� - ". I I � � I �1,1. I I .1 ... .� " ... � I - _4, : 11�, . � 11 ��'� i - � i. � � ;1 I I � ,? ,'��.� "I f: . % ,�, ,; I � ,.. Y, � I . � �.� 11 %. , . . i� "..� ��, 1�;�6, r �, I I � "'. I .1 , :1 , �,& b �­, 1. - � . � ,� .. " " �­ � I *­ '�%t��J�"W­ '1;�,� , ` � .� I ,,vP-p�i'' . � ,, ,,� -.�,,­ I , 21:�.�, ,,;��', 1 �i, ":. 11,1,il"� I , i I I I � �,;"�,,,:'�. ; � ,.�'': , r4 . . , � I ,''�., 1. , I �, .. ;: � ,�� ,�-,�..:,��,­� ��-',,,, " , !11 11 . i ­�� '�!,�...�,,,.­,'t,',,­ , ,"T � I., ,,, I.% 1. � ,,�;,,',i,.,7N,1 . 0 � ,,A, " � 1 �.". I " OA 4ho