HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-01, Page 61%, IT4 *11
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�11_�11�1` . ,F�, I I Malaria, _ , � 4 . were so , . I clg�l`��'N�,'%L do , ". , 4241",U,fa
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rl, I VAth quinine, When 4 C le 0 �, 40 1*01"tion " r , t .
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k I WOWS, You are quinine. i I . I disouse,as will serve to, prevent ouch
�;,W,5, In the old days, in regions where� I porgoi � i. from exercising reasonable
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� IS I benefit as malaria was less of a trial doubtless,::: . 1,
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g q�_,'A ,,, getting
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R, gj"%�T�p, , � cases of undulant fever were4 vehic
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'14, ...,bile operating the s
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� "', , . called typhoid fever. Wlen it did not' ou'x I I � �� �, � �
"I'll Aw lgliways.
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�, �11 �h�. � act exactly like typhoid the doe ors I 1%, -T.,he department shall not issue
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�, " , I I were perplexed, but they did not know , ''' ' t Is license to '
, �,n,. . . . an opora or any ,persQp
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1�� E 1W :, of anything else to do but to stick to . � who has not operated a motor vehicle
��, ' I , the diagnosis. Now malaria and .
� .... � , . .. I ,t)ie highways continuously for
11 "11 . I UPPA I -
,�A,�,�, 1, typhoid are becoming so infrequent at lesit six months and forn distance
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��� ��;: I .. C1122 that close study of individual cases is "am you we one of " of at, ��o
... .4st 500. miles nor any personi
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f,V, W - possible. W%en this is done some of cords, hWY [IM9111 - who.orz�'4pplication is not filed with
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11'j� AAer ewry med the fevers are found to be cases of from .a. F"Westone, Gisiaw the department on or before the 30th
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,, .�Ii - .. . . I undul4nt fever. !�pped 13aHoon T'ire carcmg. day of November, 1927, unless and
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, � � I Undulant fever first saw the light The end is unravelled into I uwtif.he� shall have secured and filed
� � ., . . I I . of day in the Island Of Malta. For malliF cords, composed with the department a certificate as
", � A T _' years a peculiar fever had played 15a to his ability to operate a motor
_7 � �, - havoc with the British garrison in Of milliolis of cotton (Oxwo. vehlclo�, furnished by an examiner ap-
:",. IT= MCKILLop MLTWAL Malta. Bruce went to'work to find Firestahe d ' ips all the cords pointed pursuant to section 17 of
I the reason why. He found that the in a rUbber'80l1ifi0M EVCrY the Highway Traffic Act to examine
. � .
., V= INSUP,ANCE CWY. fever was due rto As bacillus which was Mer is saturated and insu- applicants for chauffeur licenses.
. I , spread by goats' milk. The fever was lated with vuhhek add "§. Operator licenses issued pur.-
�: I 0 kig
I called Malta fever. suant to these regulations shall ex-
MWAD OFFICF�SEAFORT% ONT- Meanwhile, in other parts of the great strength and :!nabl[99 pire on the 31st day of December,
I � abortion of cows was due to a cer- the cords to flex with mint- 1928, and shall be renewed annually
I OFFICERS: tain bacillus. Then it was found that mum frictiom thereaft' -
.; 4%. .,V
,T., C0=0117, Goderich - . President practically all the raw milk sold in Go to y4mv pearest Fire. 17'hen a person to whom an
Iss. Evans, Beechwo6d, VicepWilidmt San Francisco contained the bacillus done Dealer to -day. He will instruction permit or operator's 11-
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Tresa. Of contagious abortion. This was cense-, -has b,een issued changes his
especially true of the very expensive, provide thew "Better Zires" place of residence he shall within six
'AGENTS: high grade milks. along mith helpful services days send by registered mail or cause.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton ; In 1918 an American woman, Alic4 v&i& means extra mileage, to be filed in the Motor Vehicles
W. E. Hinghle , Seafdrth; John Mult- Evans, found that a certain bacillus safety and comforL branch of the Department pf, Public
fty, Eginondle; J. W. Yeo, Gods- in cows and that of Malta fever in FIRBSTONE TrRZ & Highways his change of adfiress and
gkh; R. G. Jarmuth, BrodhagAw human beings wefe either the same OF CANADA L&WR CC). every subsequent Change of address.
or else they were twins. , Hamilton. ontmdo '�7. The fee for each instruction,
DIRECTORS: By 1924 we had found that there perrnit ,shall he $1 which fee shall
.. was a disease which we called undul- MOST MILES PER DOLLAR also 00yer a driver's license if'secur-
Witham, Rinn, No. 2, Sealbith; ant fever which was about the same ph,eatoacElW14s the 0.1y0tun-Dipp,ti Tires ed during term of instruction permit.
John Bennewies, Brodhagen; J810� disease as Malta fever, and that it The fee for each operator's license
Evans, Beachwood- X McXwen, Clin- was due to the bacillus of Malta fev- - shall bq, $1.00. The fee payable to
ton; James Connofl�, Goderich; A1*X er. Since 1924 the fever has been I I _. the examiner for an examination
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Broadfoot, No. 3, SearOrm; J- 12- found. in practically every part of 0 leading to the issuance of a license i_w��
Grieve, No 4, Walton- Robert Ferris, ,America. miles th-ough the air, and a detour shall be $1.0,0." ' Equally in- I . 1- I
Elarlbck,, .&orge M;�artney, No. 3, In Illinois. whenever blood is sent may' force it, as in the case of the Driver's licenses or permits will be quart
, er, core and pare the apples and feature of the returns,
Seaforth; Murray 'Gibson. Brucefiela to the state laboratory to be examin- Berlin ght, to come down short of available in the license issuing tie- put them through the food chopper, teresting and more important is the . . V
-1 � ed for typhoid, and is found to be the go2l; if the margin is narrow it partment of the Ontario ,Motor using the coarsest knife. Mix the large group sent bark* to supportl I
__ 11, negative for that disease. it is ex- may involve descent at seat and per- League and the Department of High- apples with sugar and spice and fill De Valera, a group in some respects,
a amined for undulant fever. In a haps disaster. ways in Toronto and at the offices each pie. Put on upper crust and hardly distinguishable from the Sinn ,
JAMES WATSON series of 69 such bloods. five were In practice no aviator can fly of mlotor vehicle license issuers bake. The pie filling turns out far Feiners. . I I .1
found to be from cases of undulan't qui te straight for the simple reason throughout the province. juicer than when sliced apples are In the last Dail the Sinn Feiners I � I I
� I
SEAVORTH,ONT. fever. Two of these cases were that the air is never quite still. Lind- us6d, has a better flavor than pre- did not appear except to make I . _8
;'ound to have been infected by drink- bergh's wonderful flight by dead The Ontario Motor League for cooked apple sauce, and takes less formal protest against the oath of' I , A . �
GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT - many years has advocated the licens- I I
representing only the hest Can- ing raw milk. reckoning came out so well because ing of all drivers as a means of ex- time and labor than either of these allegiance which as members they 0 * I I 4
In causing the disease, drinking over the ocean he had the wind methods. were obliged to,take before being
adian, British and American raw cow's milk ranks first. Next mainly astern. A head wind would pediting and facilitating the elimina- Another quift method is to peel seate*d. Since they would not take '.- . - ! I
Companies. comes Pating fresh i)ork; and oth-r merely �have held him back, but tion of those who through physical, the apples, witkiout coring them, then the oath they were not seated. The , � " - M11111 �.
All kinds of insurgee effee4Q causes lumped together rank third- strong side winds would have carried mental', 'moral or temperamental dis- to grate them on a coarse "rapid" question arises whether the Republi- .
ns or vio- grater. cans will take the oath or remain
Dr. Hill thinks that some of the him off his course with less delay l i ation. of H.T.A. are to be endorsed I
at the lowest rates, including- ability are unfit. Convictio f
FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- so-called typhoid. malaria. gallori"�-' of forward progress, but with more outside. They are pledged to fight
MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATB consumption. and tularemia in Illin- serious dislocation of his flight un- on the backs of the driver's permits 0 1 against the'oath, but it is said that. I .
d be or license cards which drivers will be ; they may take it-kissing"a thumb" -
GLASS RISKS. ois are really undulant fever. less in some way the error coul required to produce on the demand of OATH OF ALLEGIANCE
. -Abe Wiping out this disease will not be corrected. This difficulty may stand - � maybe, instead of a Bible -in order Best of all Fly Kfflers--10c and I
an easv matter. The infection "' in the way of t.be projected floatin judges, magistrates and police of- AGITATES , IRELAND I to carry on effectively the'ir cam- Z5c per packet at all Drpggists6, -)
REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT very widespread in*cows, and the vet- filling stations at sea which Lin � ficers. i
. ' d- . paign for the abrogation of the Grocers and General Stores.
erinarions are at a lr)qs as to how bergh so warmly advocates. Me- Ireland's second general election treaty and the establishmen - *1%
and Erie" chanically they are said by engineers - - Independent Republican . li� I "Vau .... -
Representing "Huron to control it in that field. under her new constitution has re e an t -
Mortgage Corporation, of London, AKING suited in a curious mix-up. Presi- side the British commortwealtif- of 4� If the oath is to r .-main, then one -
Ontario. - to be feasible but they would be a PRACTICAL HINTS FOR B , dent Cosg-rave no longer commands a nations. The French Royalists wh third'of IrelancPs voters have practi-
Prompt attention paid to placing I small mark to aim at in a sullen and PIES majority in the Dail Eireann, but get themselves elected to the Cbam- tally I disfran,�hjsed themselves, and I
risks and adjusting of claim,6 WORLD STILL ROUND, "LINDY" fog -bound ocean. Dead reckoning ,
' seems still to be the chief or sole de- Fpr Better Berry Pies. merely heads the largest group. ber of Deputies take the oath of there, are those who expect that in
Business established 50 yeat% REMINDS US pendence of the airman on the great - There were about 400 candidates, of allegiance to the Republic, but are[time it will be modified, though we
guaranteeing good servim voyages that have stirred the world Use minute tapioca instead of flour whom 153 were elected, their affilia- also committed to the attempt to do not see how much further it ,�.
OFFICE PHONX f& Landsmen have been taking an un- to .such enthusiasm, and within its to thicken berry pies of all kinds. It t:ons being as follows:- i have it become a monarchy. If the could be modified while Ireland re-
. - limits it is marvellously efficient in adds to flavor and thickens the juice .... mains one of the British family of
wonted interest in problems of nav, Free State Government. 47 Republicans take their seats they
RESIDENCE PHONE. 60. gation, a mystery which ,,eJ' to be the case of a machine that can be evenly. Just sprinkle it in as yon Republicans (De Valera). . . . ,44 : will be the chief oppositipil, and nations. It is recalled that oaths
supposed to concern only mariners, driven so fast and steered so closely. would the flour. 'Sinn Fein (Macgwiney) .... 6 1 President Cosgrave will have tollook have played a m r
- - Lindbergh's flight set a lot of people Its onLd great defect is that error, or Lahor ..................... 22 1 to the Labor party for support. Irish his,tory, and that it was the
I who had forgatten what they had the risk of it, is cumulative; it is Crisp, Flaky Pie Crust. Independents ... Even should the Republicans ab- I refusal of Daniel O'Connell to take a
LONDON AND WINGRAM learned at school; about geography, "dead" reckoning in that it is not has- National League (Redmond) 8 find it necessary to I Protestant oath which kept him out
I he of the British Parliamentand brought -
to puzzling out the paradox of great 6ornetimes the most careful cook I stain he will �
circle sailing ---cutting corners by go- ed on fre ' sh facts. discovers when she rolls her pastry Farmers .................. 11 i provide himself with allies, and question of Catholi� emancipa-
North. . Newfoundland was the last sera , Miss MacSwiney was defeated. and might find them in any group but the
P that it is not as "short" as she would tion to the front., But De Valera, at
ain. P.M. ing around. In theory we all know of fact that the flyers had to deal like it. With a spatula, spread short- the Irish electors therefore declared i the Sinn Feiners, for the others ar4 has repudiated violence as a e
lboeter ............ 10.16 6.04 that the earth is round, but in Drac- with, and Chamberlain was not sure that they were not in favor of the concerned with domestic rather thal� any rate,
tical experience we find it flat. When ening on half the rolled pie paste as - � Imperial problems. \ part of his system. He is hardly less
10.30 6.18 we whether the next land he saw was 'e' 0 f Sinn Fein policy which was one of anxious to have the Irish language
10.85 6.28 ,ngland or some part of non -co-operation with the Govern- I The oath which must bo taken by .
go for a long journey by automo- Ireland, F though you were buttering a slic �
" bread; fold over, spread again and revived and re-established than lie is
Briiiefietti ......... 10." 6.32 bile we use first one map and then Europe. 1�t�lffine to let observa- fold, and repeat once more. Then ment and a renewal of the agitation I all members of the Dail Eireann was ng fealty to an Eng-
10.58 6.46 another map, and except for the hills tion with e .ive view, survey for conyplete Irish independence. I that agreed to when the British to avoid sweari
s as flat as - ro Cb roll the crust. It will not only be Some believe that all thingi lish King. He hopes to see the day
11.05 6.52 the world as we see it i, mankin&,- in China to Peru," but wonderfully flaky but will not soak 3 consid- I Government gave the Free State its .
Chilton. LV . ....... 11.16 6.52 the map. "East is east, and west is the aerial observer ,naturally prefers hen English in Ireland will be stud- - -
west," as Kipling has so finely said, up juice easily if made this way for 'red, Pre0dent Cosgrave did as well I constitution, and is as, follows-- w
Clinton Jet . ....... 1121 6.68 to know which country- he is looking . at the election as he could have ex- I "I do solemnly . swear true faith ied in Englano- That is to say, with
12 and it is not easy for the confirmed t, and the risk of going wildly a juicy pie. . . pected to do. It is likely that he and allegiance to the Gongtitution of the best intentions, he wishes to rain
flatlander to believe that a straight a . Ireland economically and cut her off
317th ............. IL" 7.21 , astray increases rapidly vnt e when Baking Pie Shells. will form a coalition and carry on. i the Irish Free State, as lyy low
east -and -west road is not the short- distance. Columbia's predica nt His Governn)ent, being the first , established, and that 1. will be fsitly- forever from the rest of the world
Belgrave ...._Ir ... 11.56 7M est distance between its terminals. If the pie plate is lined wit Tlay ' ful to His Majesty King George V, until she reaches the statud of Lap-
Witshaw Jet., Ar.. 12.09 7A5 What has become of the globes that was of course made worse -by the h pastry since tl�e Free State was set up, � i , �his heirs and successors by law, in and- I
WJJQ,hani Jet, Lv.. 22.08 7AS used to -be considered so indisnens- failure of its earth induction e m- and the pastry well pricked, and It is be compared to a war Government
pass, a remarkable new device- then placed -an the lee over night be - and we know that hardly anywhere I virtue of the common gitizenship of
able in early Victorian days? From which helps, dead reckoning by sub- fore bakinW it will keep its shape in the world did a *or Government I Ireland v4th Great Br*ain and her -- --- - .1
sontL 19th --century fiction one may gather stituting a steady dial hand for a better and will be more crisp. long survive the' war. He had I adherence to and membership of thel I
that "the use of the globes" was as flickering needle. For Lindbergh it To Prevent Seeking the Bottom Crust- pioneering work to do, difficult and group of nations forming the British I
a -VL p.m. important a part af,the polite educa- worked admirably, and there is no Brush it over with melted butter, unpopular path -finding work. He Commonwealth of Nations." This, I
Wbeham, ......... &55 8.15 tion as drawing, French or calisthen- reason to suppose that it cannot be dust -with a little flour, then �dd the had to handle the Republicart ex- I form of words was chogen after � �� " ";; . I
wbghwp JcL ..... 7.01 8.21 ics. made reliable. No way has yet been filling. Start pie in a hot oven to tremists by force and blood was shed. grave thought in the expectation �� .
Belgrav'e ...... o ... 7.15 8.32 rust what "the use of -the globes" found, however, to correct error due set the�bottorn crust, then reduce the He had to demobilize thq Republi- that it did not 'provide too bitter a 1, I 1. .
imv;ih .. 7.27 8.44 was to Miss Pinkerton's pupils may � a -Z -U �164 fruit In ,-I-- --It 11 I ,�
11. 4 � 1.
� A
� 0
........... to unit, except when the sea beneath eat w -.6 . can army, bulance the ("ug by dose for the epu cans 0W. . t� � � -
7.86 8.52 be a puzzle to young people of to- . " . I I :;, " .. I k
1",desborough .... To lKeep Fruit JUio;es in Piem. deal with the It will be noted that the term - I
. is clearly visible, so that motion over taxation and even
7.49 4.06 day, says the Springfield Republi- the water can be measured. "Shoot- Tie a strip of cloth about three liquor problem, a ticklish job any- "allegiance" is not applied directly ' �i , t � I I I
Chiln 7.56 4.13 can, but it seems to have involved ing the sun" is difficult because of inches -wide, 'wet in cold water, a- wl*re. From all sides he was as- to King George. Nevertheless, it - 11 i
8.03 4.20 elaborate exercises and the solving the upcertain horizon, and the crack round the ed& Of crust- Put Pieces eailed, and although he will no doubt acknowledges King George as the I ', ,,
Brucefield ......... 8.15 4.32 of problems in a simple mechanical flyers seem to prefer to fall back on of macaroni into two Or three of the be able to find one group or the King of Ireland, and we recall that ,_ 1>
Nippon ......... 11 " 8.22 4.40 way requiring no advanced mathe- the simple method of going ahead nn- slits in pie' imust. The juices will members of several groups to give I Lloyd George, who helped negotiate a I A *
4,50 matics. Possibly nowadays not ` til they get somewhere.. W-1th a con- bubble up into these and return to him support, while the electioii was the treaty, said that there could be
Igzator 8.47 5.05 ougb time I,; given to the globe in " I .3 1. ,I- 4.4. � -1. f� -1. T I I 4- --+U -F +I-,- . "
............ nent � a in take Inewto wor q e pie. as � . on it was a ught. W,wevii the 0 so ute y no ems ng o -
the schoolroom. and adults are inclin- well, but before Col. Lindbergh's flonc- ernment and the field. The loss of factiolig"if this fact Wag 'not ae- 0 Z .
r -d to neglect it altogether. Certain- ing harbors a Apple Pim . 0 . .
. re open to navigators, several members of the Sinn Fein knowledgpd, The Sinn Feiners' who , 1.
C. X. R. TIME TABLE ly, the globe, which makes a Plc -7 some sure way of finding them will I I I "a' � 11 I" �,_-.: �1- I . I - �
I turesque adjunct in an old portrait Apple pies are ,more delicious and 'Party,,, includi* .-4ts redoubtable conducted the negotiations for Ire- "
I �. .1 .
. East of a navigator or merchant prince, evidently have to be devised. less of a task to prepare if the apples leade4 the sister of the late MaXor I land accepted it. The first Vail was I . �.. , . � I t - I
a.m. P.m. is an awkward bit of furniture in the % are put through the food chopper. of Cork, who fasted for an in- I elected on this condition, and now I .. I ,,I
6.00 2.20 modern home, which finds the auto- - Line the pie pans -,%Kith pagtry. Wash, credible period, i� an interesting , De Valera wishes it scrapped. � .
. - I _ � .
I , �
061iDAsville ........ 4.17 2.37 mobile road book a sufficient geo- The telephone is the best thing ev- . . I . I
. linton ............ 6.25 2.52 graphical equipment for ordinary us er invented for testing tempers. -Mr. - - � . . , � . 1111111,111a,so, - I .1.
94eaforth ........... 6,41 f. H. Neville. . . . . I . -1 . I ... . . , I . 1. . I I .
3'12 Yet when ireat circles are the topic - ,, � \ .
I St. Coluraban ...... 6.49 8.20 of the hour and great minds are . . . I 0 *d, , i �, 0'r_ . � .
- I I �
Dub -tin ............. S." 8.24 . I � 1, 1.
west wrestling with the problem of a 11 I 11 - I I .. . I 1 , , 11! 4 , �-; �
short cuf to a point due east, a few Nowadays it is not far front a wed- I ke - ,,
a.m. p.m. P.m. � I .. . I I , k. �,:: �.� � -�, � -
minutes of experimenting with a ding ring to a divorce mill. -London , . I , , . ",
Dublin ....... 10.87 T he, L, ,� i . � -- , �: �,,,,
9t. Columban. 10.42 .GA4 globe and a bit of string may\ save Advertiser, i C, I - 1-1 .1 I. I I .. I � I I ..
i ... hours of argument. We easi]3� fan . ,-- .1 � I . 1, . � I I � .,�,
. , seaforth ...'. 10 -BB &as .50 i '! woo I - - I . . 1 .1 I .
� 10 under the sVell of the map, forget- - . I I -
I/ Clinton ...... IL10 6.08 , 04 ting now d I I r ! � , . . It., � I A ��� ?� I 1
7.03 10,1 elusive its plaugible pie- , im
.. 01 eftille . . 11.20 3 ture cvf the 'earth's surface may be. DRIVERS, PERMITS WILL BE, . Xlz& 11 "I , .1 I . . I
irrith . ... . IL40 7.90 10.gV , , , .. , f 1.1;,.
V .. . � I �
" A new sense of geographical r"li- kEAIiY EARLY IN JJJLY . � I—'. "I'll- . ,� ,� ,,�� - '1':, � I �1 :1 V -
I � I . I .
I '' . tie% may be one result of tho conquest ; I I , .��
L I I . � � I I'll .. .
I . , , t Body -41s uc& � � " �
� �
, I 11
12.011 11 "I
. I b I :11
1 ,,, I ,� C. P. IL UMV, TABLB of the air. For the landgmenAins I� �s int0resting to note, in view of , mu�w reasons for tU choice of 11W* vith fb Vkb , : .
9- TfCmbe`ftdetetti6e two - car bome - its de- tolca"Its- basis ('Saida 01600�ats loo 0 ... �.�, � -1 41".- q�. ,0- � � ... 11 11' ��,
, , I IV I ination is cramped by fixed points.- I V 01 lipe"ging OT all drivers lavr . ti. , t, - ,;-,,, I
J� � I . . podability1n all weathen and itfider all dd6- clttdlng -all filt&, Wr deo SAY 9thm . 110,,,,��*�-AIA-di I ; 's, "; ,
� �� . �r� �
, .
� .,,� �,� I " 1h ' ' es et&tive in Ontario on , low jifiteg'. the ld*�it I *0 , � , .
'':, " But - - -er satt M .
1,4L . I A.M. No matter how grandiose his journby, i 7 � 0,; " ditions--its quick respomse, ease in handlior. -is mg at new, pt - I 1, I
'... . , . e""J, , ..
I .�� , - east- god its irresistible beauty appealing to thes � �� I I � old In 4*4 - 11
�� . L ., , , " 4r1eh .............. _ it is risAd up of small bits, and hia, 141 t both the extreme r'R � has . 0. I I
"�:k W .... I *ad. .11 . � 1� I./ �' I
........ 6 .. .6 ... SW RoNdatet $750
1 iftet sdvertuvo is but a sum in' addition. au western provinces have simi- . I- 045!_� tates. e many imprNemefift, rdt In- I ��
':� . 1, 1. � 11MUML,,JtJ .Dly_ Al"do ,.� . - 0,655, Touting - ." - 6151 I
. .W � ,
� . . M, by ChevfaW . - , I
,. L I eo'..�#.�*i .......... : . The sailor has a longer tethev, buf laws in effect. . Nova � Scotia, the stAkIng beauty of design and colbr make it 3 0 I" I 1. . I � I
.�, 441* , � . 0,04 be, too, is ti&I to fixod points , he,, somewhat aritielpatqd Diftish Colum- .1 S= : I I 0 I 1. � . . � !Irl -4 ,
, , I - I o" ,, I , "�. 1
I . 161'.r.4 * .. # ...... . 7= 17,4 'i ',,�? �, p
_( T' ""' ,
jl'�: - , I � . . i byp .*,. 6.11 ) ,
, , I "I �� 'k. I I I i � ;2 of big cars ate, now turning to 9:x2i'l- Ro euv Pa.! , . I -
: &O muIxt double tha's cape or W bin in passing licensing of all drivers Lfttirles of MZ Td%= " V
" � , '.�, A `�."4 . * or , , iw�l, , �
wl�ll 11 11 ........... 4-41 ... : 6,40 through these straits, and his voyago. legislation. , 11 . . I I " a i4ond ar� I % . t � �, r 6 . � . . � I � I I -
", "" � 11 . - I I 1� , I - , , -v -1 I -
�, i,t" I L &g may be anything but as the er It. is understood that drivers, li , ., JW 11�
I 1nR_.L11V1 i,w,.. �4.�O.*;.4,*. 0 6*1 - censes vi ., 1�1 %1: . � *qu-� mist flempt 14ni chevraet In chmadt , , - I Ewra ", , I
, 0 � 6 , . - iftA i H be available in Ontario on . 11
&t,;',�'0,:, . *�`;,4�Q�";4.ro.::* 10,28, filea� Only the drmAn is Tully fted � �,", , ; .., �' I 11. 6�011i, , �;"_ -
� . . ,, I ''I, � .
I . . rd6o�rfdr soon after tl�6 first of lidit manth. -f , ,: �, �. I � ;
,-.14- �� , I ,�, .�, , I I p
,� 14 � I r 11 . � . . I'll I
*��,,L, , W"t O)i � ,-, �,,� . ...
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P.vtn�,,' � ''o, ',:�.Z- ,,, . . . I ,�,
", � r, �)", , ' ' - .� �, � " 1, M*! OnO tb dart like a, bird atrsiglt� ! t I , L ... . �
` - , . . But wwht ig, 11 r Z . , . I , , , ;
, .
4.�*;i 4�0�#,# , *�*�4, � - ,]4�p *e -A filAtt'i f1m �7, . , , fit ,,,to . I I I :, ��
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- ,
q&g I -1 -h lv�.,;� 1 .0 W , �� ,W"- .1 I 11� . I I I
"Ll, .
, P" Jt4,*. ,Jj&* qig*ifida#��_�'t "tl�q, ASIATeur wulqtl takp I out i " .. . i �� C?,,� h - I 1.0 le,,,`,�11` -:�,�,�
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