HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-06-24, Page 3Q V
She w4i's one
Aaqurs -in
6? 41
i,�me Wed, R'
r,om oun r to
;-WAtsait asked""hi
"What can fget,yo�
"nil M� 7
rigypulan lot
1,90411dering most of iti
il'g, vnyr, -q -S,
. W
$;;Ak 1A
" 1 011 "'t �114 91
_,,13P R!" 01,
spotlight to play upon his person
1pounds to 114 pounds. For this rea-
throughout the trial. At other time.3
MOA I advise all weak girls to try this
Try Dr. Williame Pink Pills. f(kr
he would- em onotone
�ploy a qentle m
In order"that the emotiohs in the
witness, voice mieht be the more im-
$22.00 to
e fog of, 4,04
qountcr� cklma -this
lanaem* rheumatism, neuralgia, net-
pressive to the jury, and, this was
stands after the test
of o*er t we"d
.11 , - 1 11
—ere y A.'s I voaw� e6niisi'114 . ,
men, per ap*,
t I pi 40%
�.XOrself, And tb "0
Buivii� h �alf with stilj�, o nting, the way to Economy, t
w, urrdfig� -on h�r hus-
.drugs or liqu(
y,rpTor,�e&: U
"Madam; Tim was not the picture the
uwytc thin Value that br'nda abiding ffir
s Jj
if. yol w6t6d tak6t�the lift r ga�e., Ho- showed them a St and CIA
-to 6ur roof',g' rd
a �n
you'll se", gre"t charming girl, falling in love with J
a -brute to( whom she surrendered
hA - in -
herself, and then finding t joaction.
stead of a wifehe wanted a slave 16f
4GAINE0 IN HEALTH the harem. 'He, told of th6- beatings
'AND bought at I'M
IN, WEIGHT and buf�otjngs shp,had s�fNred at his There'
cruef hands, of his oath sworn'on the no regrets from clothing
N11:11 W,
]Now Gives All the Credit to Dr. Koran that he,would slay her, of the
Williams' Pink Pills. warning, mysterious note she had St 0*re.
received- shortly- before going to . . . .. .....
Wheb. a young girl becomes pale, London that peril or death ;awaited
,plains of exhaustion at the -least her there; , He proceeded to describe
�caxeAlop,' hAs'!dizzy spells,, headaches the terrific , electrical "storm. that, eryou w
,�or stomach trouble, she should know shook Wheth ear clothes that are Made-4o-14eas-
- Lond6n on the night of ths,
-that these are some of, the many murder, of the frightened girl, who
-symptoms of anaemia, which means had already suffered a beating that
-that her blood is thin and weak. In day. He acted the scene of the ureor Ready-to-Wea'r, we can give you a suit
:,'such conditions therq is. the most ur- shooting, his voice rising, the words
-�gent need for a tonic that will coming in sharp staccato phrases,
ptly 'res tore the missing quali
- like the crack of the pistol itself. at whatever price you wish to ay and we will
0 p
:TireM the blood and thus bring back Then with a magnificent gesture he
]health and strength. For this Pur�' seemed to hurl the pistol to the.
,3pose there is no tonic can equal Dr. floor, and instantly crouching down, gua�Antee you the greatest possible satisfaction-
,Wiffiams, Pink Pills. - Thoi�§ands,of he peered as at something on the
-weak and ailing girls have found new ground. It was the now conscience-
-�%ealth and happiness through -this stricken woman huddling over her for that price.
medicine, Miss Gladys V. Bond, Kent- loved one. "Sweetheart, speak to
-ville, N. S., used this treatment sue- me " he moaned. The next instant
Acessfully and says:-�'l cannot praise he'was erect, gazing commandingly
I)r. WTilliams' Pink Pills too highly at the jury. "Was that deliberate
-for the ood the hav done in- I
5 1 mur er o not as you for a
-was in a conditiorr of very poor verdict. I demand a verdict at your
.3health, suffered from severe head- hands." All very melodramatic, oi
xaches,and nervousness. My appetite course, bat ft saved the lady's neck.
-was poor, and very little exertion He successfu , Ily defended Smith,
woUld leave me tired out. On the ad- in the Derham * 011ing, when it wa.-I a ovu r e
-vise of a. friend I decided to try Dr. said that for the first time an Eng- Made -to -Me 0 Ready - to - Wear
_WiiihLms��Plnk Pills. In a few weeks 'lis'h court had recognized thd famous
I beglan to feel better, my appetite "unwritten law" despite the judge's
improved, and the headaches werg strong statement to --the contrary.
3ess frequent. 1 continued the use of His tactics were never -the same.
the pills until I had taken six boxes, Sometimes he did not hesitate to
1by, which time 1 felt as well as ever, stride to the front and invite, the SUITS.' SUITS
xand I gained in weight from 99
spotlight to play upon his person
1pounds to 114 pounds. For this rea-
throughout the trial. At other time.3
MOA I advise all weak girls to try this
Try Dr. Williame Pink Pills. f(kr
he would- em onotone
�ploy a qentle m
In order"that the emotiohs in the
witness, voice mieht be the more im-
$22.00 to
Pure Worsted,
lanaem* rheumatism, neuralgia, net-
pressive to the jury, and, this was
,vousness -and stomach trouble. Take
the role he played in the Smith-
,-them as a tonic and cultivate a, resist- Derham case. He took part in near-
nce -that will keep you well and what price you- pay these Suil�.-,
ta ly every memorable criminal trial rO MATTER WONDERFUL display of pure wool Ane
.Wtrong. You can get Ithese iplug in England in recent years, and had
-througli any medicine - dealer or by as clients some of the most cele-
'inail at 50c a box -from The Dr- Wil- brated 'of modern murderers. Some Nmade specially to your individual m easure, A Worsted Suits, made in the very latest style,
im,ras' Medicine Co., Brockvillq, Out. who sought 'his defence Weret. Dr.
Crippen, Seddon and�. Vaquier, the make their unfailing return in perfeet fit, single or double breasted. The tailoring is
piisoners, and Geoi-ge 'Smith the
AFAMOUS MURDERERS WERE HIS notorious murderer of- .thb "brides long wear and correct style. We take your measure; perfect and the inside construction of the suit is Of
CLIENTS in the bath." Fortunatelilor jlk4bice
he did not succeed is saving their
Sir Mdward Marshall-HaIll who lives, That would have been beyond you select your material from hundreds of samples. the very best materials. The colors are Grey, Blue
-4ied recently, will be remembered as the powe-i of any living barAster, so
Your suit is cu or Sand in a variety of fancy stripes. They will
.4ne of the great criminal _1�wYers of well had the police done their work. t and made by the most expert tail-
,Mnglandw. If riminal trials there are The first ease that, gave him prom -
,,conducted tvig, the� strictest &TmalltY, itience, whou after ", a period of ors in Canada and is guaranteed by this store. You
� in lowtoned deferential . voices . by. obseurity, he was briefed to defeiI4 i wear and keep their shape and color.. This is a very
,�awye whose main obJect is, to ob-, the murderer of a yomk girl, found
.4 rs
aerve a most meticulotw decorum dead on Yarmouth sands, after hav- will be'surprised how reasonably you can get a suit special offering of high grade Suits at a remarkable
"toward -1 ien: strangled -with a shoe lace,
.tho- judges then Sir EdWard. ing be
w" somewhat of a pioneer, He,. gave hipi also - a shock at the last tailored to your measure under this modern improv- low figure. Sizes 35 to 44. We guarantee every
,fiintroduced a.method *bich 'we ark' moment. -His client was a scoundrel
e to suppo�e-�eculfar'-W Americah named Bennett,' who embarrassed ed method. Suit.
of justice,'Tor he was not Ouly the defence with two alibis instead
.i_ -a lawyer, 'but an act4i, and did niot of the c 'to Neverthle,i4s
Mary one.
'eth ;!"i1Tts .4t MAighal I made a tremendous
,�Ihesitate to emOlo3
In P -parti u-
�,to the calling when thg. chill 'Ata&'es fight, his, E plea Wag c"
for,,.�t., A writer in the Now larly' emotional. Just before lie
Wbild iiagwine says that he closed, Bennett called him bver and
IWN�. fxe" ntly by,judgea and whispered, 1�1)o the, best you ca . n
'was imdered It by,,, the" More i6date for me. Don't foriNat,that you and MORE NEW SUMMER
,jWdWbetg 6f his profession- because of I are old friends." F'dT, the first
Ao of i appeats.. time, a.11agh of recognition came to
the lawyer and,he recalled his client
. V.ailt
had for.
ppiren#y inspired with the idea that as a scoundrel whom he
s main object was not to give the merly defended on a horrible� charge,
siding judge a a -ad vrho now in a moment of emo- New se.3
'Moolk but to salre tb*6 lVe' of lient- tio_ndl folly, iad revealed his secret.
�i his a e
."That he was e3rtraoTdinarily success- Notwithstanding his two alibis he
t��flul �Oj. doing so is rd. was hanged. There was another
a ,,matter of rep
�,*Thettrittiph gallow :As hard to o6st, strange coincidence in the career of Stunning Styles
but j - chdifed n4lnbet -the TM#eenth Juryman. When
Iiis . lawyer, The Newest Styles
, I �;,� � pl# 'ii his father's home one
Id was diftid 11T�2'; Wrtiihth dk ,jfig, ab,* Reasottably Priced.
#�n* pistol three rough -
Tau 1�6 �e of __i s0d4eA11*, appeared. 'Me Moderately Priced
7.,Vang co!=E
ce e on t d the Z Compare these new arrivals -from
t t6a y6ling A* rid inlUIESilately"V8 -on e low
k*Think as the jurymen are thinking," volver at th4 Uade- them throw the standpoint of-4uality. See the
��Ihe said, "Become one of them. Get up their hands, %6� they backed
nto, thb box with,them. MtLkb� 70fit- 6*ay.� had V6. perfection in the fit. Note the en -
come' an eiiiinoi# d'-p4mbiol.
th0*t1irteq)1th jitryman," HoVag tirely different attractive styles; ob- There is a delightful array of new
jug 80 e
tkittl Jutymen, no matt4f * t
��Allty and their sol_ him d h, I . . . . . . with a thilll serve the delightful -new shades and
*hat their nati 1 Summer Hats. The popular at
eingg wtkwn, he hqd,,
oath, alre primarily, human beingg of the ap'. &it color sch�me,,. Then consider the
ed to just like other c e it C Peace, 6�6
sud as
�vlawlbt appp �ijis I
% , 4., '06� nctMou very reaso;iable prices at which these white is here in generous variety—
a, not content .0 e in I s ol
vito' clipped lie- murderers. dresses are m
Grey, Rose and all the popular col -
h them
Comein any day; rou, will be sur-
prised St 'the wonderful array we
EnongWs Enough,Boys don't nsu�_ ors tkat match and blend with the
utkerfjping, "That School- Frock
ally 0 re gbo
have to show You.
kJ4. &mplexioh.1 That's the reason 3805
new shades in the Summer dresses
th4 btash the powder off their coAts
i1o: S00W 0 they get home.—Fernie TMS IS THE FROCK—
SMART. iSN'T ft? $9.75 to '"5-00 are represented in the latest shapes.
Free Ppess.
Sto�bor� Evidence.—The windowof
the viedii-ag.,robin it a taburban- sti-
tion �M§ receutly' broken. Aiienthui�
iastit re4ttoi4to d6o,ake§ that all tip,
houses are Wittik a Acnes throw,of
?k the station i's ftftf '#us olft.—Melita
--One fei�i-.
9ft Clireful Observation.
ST WART BROSO S --v,- a f 0 rt h'
2, .4,4 Von t I's an
e short skit...
A�fvx rests pn,,,o ot
f iepf the finest tlilt&
. . . . . . . . . . . .
P Alto) very oftem tw6 t
% . . ....