HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-06-17, Page 5ff�','�z ",.�, - , �'.,,�Z��
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1, I _�s - I �. , UNPA", "Z%6,7�,TI'4,�,��thseae, nc*� Imtic
�, �� T)t,r1r4:A gl p%v%-�Iwnd,ef ,94 '4,04,0,t2
, , !�!4.�,j,twlns,� 910"bo ale', triplets, 201A
� . , - Nk 'C)W-' ' "' RhA vdr-� ,,�i� ,
.. 11 .
I � , . � Iv � 1k I 4t 1;1 A � I- 11 - 91�r+
.A �
it ,
I � 7 VP;. ,N,4 , i� MA 10. ) ii - P ?Vhl- Old, large 2§o- in.
, :, , �' - `�'in - Toronto,, #4 , il
, ,J�!Itl 4§ �- U �', 4 wt , . 2,71r.- :
11 , ,� 413 '�'Ij". "e"g, - , L I , , , � 4" � � 4 044 *JIt6.W I I
-"��,g'��:,...q,,:PilYqr � MW Paces. of 1011,4 "I O,e,l cre0me" 87 to 88 ; N . 2
. �. � 4 . , ' �tl "PUt-10- , o
" Z 5 tdll�� I .1
,; 1� 111 � I, , a
" 0 I ,at hav I aa� "")w � � , . � . 0 In ca! 1
,�4-v - ,�4000 tli ,e not, . - extra
. ., N. , 1, . 1A -41.f , 11; -Eggs rtonsi, $6 to 0.13
, .""'7'. - *Psh
. r.�Zt�' in, Io'r'A , ` , a. aliq,; ntats, 3zo; aecou&-
. f, ho*bA"bii,i :* ext*, ip;oii . -�.
I �11�1q? 14ft, ,greatest tfav6Jl6rg'6t'1i)J6dsj'jj 1�. 1 21111- I . - '
,,�, . ., _ I � I
, -
" � , .
-1 I �-AALT?R-.!, Allau$2JUla,of 40" �ho . � . i 0014 1 . �
'L , ,, ;14140�':v
Al `4A -,,Who re, . , ,� . , . I � . I
.- I "him sp6ak - CL � I
� , �6w . 41*:�rftd tilin f6l, the gfcat� influence, b6 - , - -GRAIX MARKET
0 : ., � I I
,b0came Irt, the live,s- Of "millions, ": of, , , I , .
, �61 . , TiVrontq,
,, Pqqipld,,We'r� U11 �'e: Vf,.,th`0,- I- - PIOKbetn, .;fl'63, a. 2 Northem $1 63
";y,.un& , - JuAe, 14%
, 'k
."�� , tm.nitAa. wheat --No
, i.�%n- � - - , "
.%.aaa � _ '�j , , A 1--b ,t -,U . -f - .
t at -q * s _ ,O*ar
4U .. ad= ,y bi tfil' ,Nb. �gprtherim; $Lft ii.i. . ports
: �:�'iRilf- that- thdY - li d � IW- -i ig �. Manitatfilioats-4mo.-.2 c.W., nowinal. ; 140
� t�,., I --A - - , 1i h -.to �. not ,V%
I 1-�, p �, �'�l , . _ ,L�d; No, I .fecd63c.� No 2 feed
- - �fxk a ,, "e, of"th-eip , " 1 . -
�,!�M� Lv�&�!.,; h", , s �,'o'n , 14�wn lumA Z- Western^ grain- quotations in c.i.f
,.. .
-they 14Ve tL6 ,plaim,!Q�Ptain, loh�rles, = - - .1 .
. - -- ,
� _JUatei��a"",
' 1"db6kkl��*'-Wi6se , ,�� Lgr , and- American oorn, Toronto freights, No 2
. ,� L '- � - �alrb* kiln d1ried, $1.10; No.: 3 yellow, 'kilv
. --wlgther lived here - tit one Mit' , .
- e' vl�, dried, �1.0$, . I
,,'1'9Cid:ik's.'fi&r was ,Charl �S Carey MIl!Lqe0L-BQVered, Montreal, freights, bisgi
. ' ,
-�;Sy"es,, a member of --aa. old New 'acludid.: Bran. list ton, $3�.415; shorts, si.ra
. j ttm, $34-25; middlingsi $41.25.
,,�,�E'Hgland family, as Was his mother. Ontario oats=57c, f.o.b. ohdppfn� points.
1. - L '
z ]kjL�Syinmes Was a civil engineer, and - Oritarlp,, good milliri whe&
., . , t-$117, f.o.b..
I hi I, " ints.'hecording to freights.
.:soon after his marriage. went to Ayl-- a IppLng PG
I .
3ne � r, BR'rleY-Malting, 78c. 1
. Quebec, where on September 12, Buckwheat -80c,
1851, Charles was. bom, Two years Ry -No. 2, $1.05.
I I Uter-�tbere was an"outbreak of Asi- Manitoba floar-First patent, In eott[on,
- �911.5. in jute. $9.00. Toronto; second patent,
,=fic .6holera I and Mr. Symmes, while in J,Ae, $9.60,
. lieroically 'laboring, contracted th e Ontario flour-Toranto, 90 per cent. patent,
,�disease and died. 'His widow opened per barrel, in car lots, Toronto,.$5.80; sea.
. ;a school for girls at Aylmer'and for board, in bulk, $5.95. -- .-
34ve years taught in it. Then she too . - .
.1)Aised away, leaving the seven-year- .
�old boy an orphan. . LIVESTOCK MARKET .
He was given the name Clark by Bllfl1l-, June l4th,�Hogs-Receipta 9,000
1his uncle, Rev. E. W. Clark, Of bulk Pigs and light lights, $"5; 180 to N6
Auburndale, Mass., who. adopted Pounds, $9.63 to $9.75; few, $9.85; 260 to
him., and who was but too keenly 350 Pounds $9.00 to $9,25; packing sows,
. largely V7.50.
,awarb that the name of Symmes was CaLtle-Receipts, 1,750; top steers, $12.00;
.,contemporaneously remembered as Yearlings� $11-90: bulk yearlings- and light
I -�designating a member of the family 't", U0.75 to $11.75; medium steers, $10
to $10 50 * Yearling heifers, $10.tS; good
-who bad written a book - called gr -de,,' S�.75 to $9.50.
"Theory of Conflicting Sphe 1,500: good and choice
� refl," itl Calves -Receipts,
which he argued passionately and ""', $14.00 to $14.,',O; cull and common,
$10 to $19 .
-with what seemed to him the coldest abeep-ieceipts, 1,400; bulk good lambs,
logic, that at the North Pole was to $17.00 to $17.50; few choice, $18.90., fat
be found a Irdle which could be en- ewes, $5.00 to $7,00, .
. tered, and inside would be discover- Union Stock Yar,ds. Toronto, June 14th.-
,ed'a,nother inhabited .globe revolving With supply beginning to show consistent in -
about the same centre. The'boy had crease, In keeping with the advance of the
.. . reason. the market for cattle to -day was slow
already been under strong religious in opening, and gained activity in the later
4nfluences before he entered his stages onix, under the influenoe of a price
wricle's home, and there the influ- reduction amounting to 25 cents per cwt. on
,y mostekiller classes. Only half the offerinz
-ences-were intensified. He was ear had rossed the scales by 2 P.m. but from
anarked for the ministry, as he was then until the close movement was a bit
-�a most seriou�-mirided-lad, and after more rapid. The run -included several large
I . shipments by individual consignors, and the
-graduation at Dartmouth be passed supply aff the road 'vv -m heavy. The odd
three years at Andover Theological small lot of heavy steers sold at 9% cents
;Seminary. His fir0 -pastor's charge Per*POun!d, but the best for a Joad'of cattle
was 940 cents p�r pound, made by a load
-was in Portland, Maine. Just after of 1,,nd,,,i,ht steers. Heavies. outside the
leaving the sendnitry he married top lot sold Inostly in small lots at from 9
. -Miss Harriet Abboti, of Andover a to 9'�� cents Den pound. and the bulk of the
�� a ,c"Ice butcher steera,- hancly and near heav
� . Vioug young lady,- who, cQnducte tile Weights fr�im`V to J9.45. cents; fair fd good
_vouhg: people's organization in kind at 8% to 8.80 -cents, hind a few ccm-
1, . church she attended, which may have men steeip as Jew as. 7.30 cent3 per pound,
Choice butcher heifers mdfle 9 to %I/, cen!s
,given Rev. Dr. Clark his' original per P�uild generally. with a handful of fat
-Adea. I . . 1,150-P,bunders at OTA c6nts. Good butcher
The found ' ation for his work was cows, selling at 7 to. 7�1, cents generally were
laid by an -evangelist, who a s & quarter -lower dor the lmll� and the few at
hort the top were down 10 cents, selling at 7.40
.time*before he went to the Portland c6trbo. per pound. Medium - iowu also were
,-church hdd',brougbt niany to a state easier at 51/2 to 62/4 cents Per pound. Best
civa-lity bulls sold about steady at 7 to 71,4
-of grace, including a great number cents, though very few made the top, and 511�
-of Young people. When the Clarks to 61,9 eeVit--took the bale:nceOf the butcher
-wett to the pastorate they found I-Ils. Some naal choice baby beeves sold at
theyefore an unusual number of 12 cents,, withemost of the choice kind at 10
. . to 11 cents rid medium down to 9 cents
:y6urig people with strong religioull per pound. Store cattle wire scajmie. as
I -v.onvictions, waiting -to ,turn their be- usual; just the odit I�ad of light -stockem
: 'liefs into actions. . moving at 6 cents per -bound.
I He,wrote later. Calf supply was 400 beaviir than last
1. VI , as young = MoAdaY but medium .to aholce-,v6ala sold
. , yself gha �was not
e never steady With last week'd. A&kno, ar fer primer
,.'to . -I vo making 12 ,cents per .�bound.aud the -bulk of
� *J)Mirl - .i�-VeAML-bt.
I �edllh c6d�jfng : yo,uilk peo I
1� belie ple. — to choice k nd 10 to 111/2 cents. Iked-
In my experience they have always tu�m veals brought 8 to 8% cents, while com-
" beeit ready, wWing' and competent mon veals and thin- gftssers. which were
4 -It plentiful, sold f;wn 6 to 6% cents per
,. to. do hard and important work. Pound, 1,
� ,came to me t,h#t it .*as my duty to 0
. ,.Aprir4x lamb prices continued on the down
�, therii *i3 -64s �a di'fficutt. work.' grsd0t, the 4>tdk of �,waice to -day sellilqF at
, ,give . eri , -
1. W'fth thatobjec� in view,,I called a 16% Points, as against, 17% to 19 cents per
pound a week -imp. while medium lambs
� .meeting. The donstitution and the made lr,'11,, .tq ,16 cents and, culls 12. to 19
, :Pledge had -been written opt before- .6elft 04ir porund, &'couple af Ion& of year-
- h"d. Moye� tl6aw forty young men .4inza s,qld at a spread, of il to 12% cents per
I :and I Pound 'Ot about stei,,17 -with last week. Sheep
. � young -women signed t)ie pledge were 'scx,rce and, a, allude easier, the -beat
� and acceptpd the co.n9titut16n. A ligbt ewis to,fty selling at 6, cents ,Pe�-
,� litil� later' I ,igrote out nij exp ' i � pound and. culls -downw,srd to 3 cents per
t I , moundL . I
I melfivs, Aw, ftrV'e'r�llgious periodi �Rmz ,'Prices were. linchanir
ds., . ,Z bWn- selects
7he �ii��' gi�adually spread iZ 'selling at 101/4 cents w^c., thick smooths
�, - 9 cents.cm the same basis, with bo�ers
."Ptu I . . . . . . 11 � , I I �, .11 ;-iv - A1,112.t quarter lo*br for, to-m6rrow's load-
- . ..
u a , I 0 n w some 9 ings. &
=a ye .0 - .1 -- The receipts "ar were 4,284 cattle, 1,026
-- - � , ffifr��ew wwi�tondoun&;tu- -7 s I ,�cslves. 1672 hogs and 695 sheep and astrobs.
, ;71 '� - ' Quot4ioims: Heavy beef steers. 0.00 to
,Mt- " ,f $0.60; 4q.,. $a$r. .$0.?0 ,Ao. $8,50.. butpher
, , 4,ld. Aqye, -*e N9,119-1 pep le r*
, ,
114CM6f %,',P;"6rt0 . � foi` A14XPre-8916fi bte6i%cliblc,� V-06 fh 10. ,', "do. fair t6 .a
,� 'by means of words and services for $8-25 to $8.76; butcher heifers, choice, Va
�' , to #9.26. do., commor, $17.00 to 117.60;`but�
o eChrist and 'ehift0;'I It seems dif A to $7.4501,'do,
� , good to choice, $6.Y
;f Acult to ,beMvl.j� `tio* that hat -he :0 it to ROW. $6'.26 to $6.00; �do comn4h fo
,� dse qV" �.",
�v, � i#Vy oviginal, it- seems �?Viodliurn, $4.50 to $5.00; do. einners and'
t Prop ., I 11. I—, - r,�Pt-
, . .� 19 . - -terel, $2.50 to ;4.00 Z bute,hei -bulls. R to
A so,a, Avbd�il to tktik , ut its - tremen- bhojes, : SCSO to $'f -m - d6.' 'medium, $5.2t to
5v,dous suc�-es& shows,Uat therb must. �to 415-75,;,46.. bolo.gn��'.'ft.'75 t..$5.25; bWby
:1� I 13 4 - 1 ', t - wan b
,V, 'Fo 9 t J tre it
I ,m-.Seei , -he, bed, $1.90 to $ff00; feeders, choice, $1.10
p � .� � it W, fdft�,:$6.26'lio $9:75.- dtockers.
- � ,
,A �!pbe to P.5 ; d .
4� , onk, WN 114t, � choilde, 'sk,90,16: $T.bD,; X64 fair to medium,
160�, - ,- . k
. . ,
V'41olty o"giQ MellnDers in��e S5.150 to $6.00; springers, choice. $00.00 to
i;* -until now it is estimated that there $115; mildh —, cholef, $90 t-4110,
ie lkame pmaed%. through the society at medium cows' 4.46.00 to 11a; calve�,I:haniec.,
� , $10.00 td S&W. do. medium, $8.00 t
r, -one time or ariothW 25,090,000 peo- Sq.so; &a., conrawn, $5.00- to $7.50; sprin'g'
1; -vie, Lmhe body is, international, in-- lambs, ahofee, $16.50 to $17; sheep, choice,
$6,ftL.to $7.60;, do., heavies. $4,00 to $5.00:
- terdenprainationol and infer -racial, do�,V�ullo. ftoo-tol-0.60,4 hogs, select vwv.o.e.,
11 '��Witpg, pat0eled. in t" a 1
4 lbeing... 1 S10�25 -, dd., fed' hfitt ad, $9.95; do.. thick
. . llr-r
,,% -respects by only such orgainiz i S ;: � 0.1, �
.;6�h, � w ox.. . $9.16; �o�. �ted� "d Watered I
v iwgtlie Salvation Army and the . . Regirlar dia-mountg, an Interior grades ' of
f ut, � e , w 'th . . . . . I , .
. , C ,A ...... The � � Itag I W"I q#1 hog& . 1. I
q., :W111 I - &C . . .
.� &Iab&� sp�ea"And oligh not long I - I I
,E �4� , it b t , be6ri, Igtindh6d Dr.'
:��, ! � 01, y I .
� �. , - -
,*P. 901 , . **�vl �a! led to 4�]Roston church
, . , . WRTHS
i ,
,' I
X�- he� p idn1oulid4fitit I 66 W40. to give - .
1, . �, ,0 i �). -
' -
1, 41jiL .g&jjjJHbJj �&',Lt*j O,V, Beittow.-In 'Seafoirth, ou WAY 18-K. to Mr
al � . I , � A-410?.-J&&O , ,,6r,
4:�: ' ' uttd Mrs. Alvin Vastod, A-, ddi3gb�� (Gwen:
A 14, ,Obtad, b& ti#4W-,W-,.`*, , . `X 1,
�, I .1 I ftte��' - , t".1 ,�, 06ti" , �dol$% FAivA itth)'. " '
" " , " "', 'k ,*iX -to
- , #0 ,#�.- , -, �� , I � -
,!�,, - t V611"r-10 ` �
4 ', .t--%"�4,-�.o0v ,-V4* -" ,Ubts, on J,Oter�fth; Mr. and
� , , * , ", I W . -, -1 �Z� . '* 'ka diadg to
". ta- ll,-V-si�v , ,�VOFf'�."�% , � �, ,�g Wsta n4,:,a I h V�
, , _ d�4j,
�:� I , , ', ii �f " ( , - 6 q0f&4� ; , ."( rltp
1, L", .I I 1. , At, 40�-�.Iub6 Oth� to Mr. and
I i 14 1'1�1 I ,
� ,
1' - � -�'f q'I '�:'�4 J4' 1 1 " .
�, �j ' . 64.1"M ,� -V � ,... , I
�, , - ., " . - W- " ' ' !&, ;;b'Z't Alll4e,, I daujh� -
'ffl �rd.,X ,b is 46" (3 �"iA - 11 I
, ,16"
, � V - , " -1-01 ,, 'Aixi.�4' a fo
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10 Yli� ,, "' � .. . "I , I _ A
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�; it - � DAW601%-Awdnt,-� the: 116ttopollbab Unitkia
tw&.-q�oot ., � 01 [,, bn #Tlwior Wh, * Rev. N.
r,wg e"Oo6 It, I 1,
''Ill., " .% =4 'A - �, lyt&sols United
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"I 1. - W 4211�' A
I . - d.� � -�h, %
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, s.
I -1 I LZ;,, A,JALA'In$W' � L ftnd Urv, PhilloAftent4 of Bru8s ,,, to Mr.
4�`, " . . 4', �11�t . 'I , I .1.14 .
il- " I .0. 4X"'g.ft" 1 . 0 , . r-eoV)gd DiEfto)". 0, pta'Aft#a, - "
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,or call %P,r� , rpp,��t*txq e(lg.�,Wokup.' JR.v�pho
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A&ND MAOMNIPY.-jo. -',V7. Reed, muc- :
. ,
Waiser, nes -receivgu instructions from the
undersigned to sell .by Pub,hc) auction on Lot,
25; Concession.s. Hibbert Township, on Silt-
�---!Y,,,Jvne�j O'clock, -the follow-,
cDon 1'3�% at 2
Aug team X-pizirle, . 22-20 H.P.,
Sarnia Separator with cutting attac
grain elevator, I . , 4ment and
wagon =13 tank w'klh pump
sun hose, Gilson cutting box,,2 Massey corn
binders, new drive belt. Terms.-wrThreshIng'
outfit. 26 per cent., cash with approved secur-
ity for the balamp, 'be%rimg interest at 5
Pei? cent. Time arranged to suit the Pur-
chaser. H. . W. TEB4EPLEM-AN, Secretary
Staffa Syndicate. 3105-1
deneg of the -late Robert Willis, Ooderich
Street Week Seaforth. on Saturday, June
25th, at 2 P.m. The Executors of the Estate
have instructed Thomas Brown, fLuctioneer,
to sell by public auction on the above date
the ,entire contents of the house comprising
the follovrins� articles, all in good condition:
.Walnut sideboard, oak secretary leather cov-
ered couch, mahogany upholUered settee,
in-ahogany table, 2 oak tables. 4 upholstered
chairs, upholstered easy chair, oak rocker,
birch rocker, oak pedestad, 3 small tables
hall mirror, electric table larnp, electric lighi
fixtures, set of 6 diners with leather seats,
�ining table, cal6et square 9 by 19- living
d. . carpet. stair carpet, bedroom suite,
quantity of linoleum, Davis sewing machine,
II green bedroom rug, 10 pairs lace curtains,
c .rtain poles, framed Pictures, 4 kitchen
ch -airs, kitchen chest, dishes. chinaware. glass-
-are, flatware and other articles too numer-
ous to mention. Nothing reserved ,ps house
i� sold. Terms- Cash. W. G. WILLIS and
WILLIAM BLACK, Executors; Tboa. Brown,
Auctioneer. � 3105-2
1 — I
— -
farm fo r r.ole. Cash Price, particulars.
D. F. BUSH,. Minneapolis, Minn. f
either single or double; ciiiiet and reliable�
rising seven Years old. Apply at he x - h
Positor Office. 3105xi
" tity of buckwhe,mt fit for seed, which we
will sell at $1.00 per bushel. We also have
45 acres of pasture to rent: abundance of
wafer end -shade, Apply to M,RS. ALEX ' It
ROSS, R. R. - 2, Walton, or phone 4 on 248�
Sesforth. 8104.-> 1
. Cancea_aion 18. T6wuship of Hibbert, so
acres cleared, 20 acres Of good hard wood I
bus.h. Well fenced and tile drained; one I
never failinsr well at house and overflowing
well In yard; also river touching on corner_ h
There are on this property a large brick 0
house with slate roof and frame kitchen. Lame
bank burn 40 by 90 with straw shed 29 by F
45 with ceVneut floors throughout. This
P;��rty ir Otuat.d 7 miles east of Hensall
and 8% miles south of Dublin ; 1 mile from f'
school nnd handy to church and store, witk
mail and rural route and telephone. Giving 3
up farm on account of i'll health. Possessleii
given after harvest.. For further particulars '
apply to WILLIAM L. M�LAREN, R. R. 1. 8
Cramarty. I 3103-tf
- -
.. R
Annual Meeting v
. 6
Son$ Huron iberA "
Assoeim—oft t,
� I . I S
' M
Town Half.Hen-sall '
Ms. A
iaffs&y, June 2kd in
At 2 p.m. .vr
and others will address the meeting. E
A . full representation from every
polling division is desired. .
I - - Secretary. h
I I . If! - . an
.,� — I it
Enrich the Soil t'o
1"'kc,' �i��',I,,�,�i,.?; - .- �11 ., �
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!klpugi,41ict�xiortax 1 2�4111
� , 11 try'a, gor,nmpn;
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.1, 4,
,ff:uro;� � ;�,, HOLM, ARM. . Jfudsou, Jewett, MeLwwh N 11,�, ff,* Vu, �111 h
11.4 I
- I , W116 . I I
. I . , F;1 . 'ift � p-
. 11 ... ve�fent., t6l',� j -I�W, 0
R. -d to Mel- . � . Oaklaz;4, Studebaker, �Paige, �, I ,11 i .
Dah]'M' �,Ontafio � Knight, Qldsm I # i
, 4
,� 111;0
-I- "
I ,
" A
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the- or noon; I ''. ,ebilg,. Etp.-,publip, ?4� �011tuateft,,JA� 004*111 f,4� il , 4
Ae. Set. .. � I I Z '.. ,
- bility $6,00; Pro ' .00 grain; Truirkot J , , , 1- , lor e�2�.�
. perty DapL4p, , I f� �
mro. ' I
T , , . , , , - 4�
$28 for � I - . - -!-' .0h , , 1.':�::
_SiX Months, p ^cy; At, 1.1k,,P
, .6jp Ce - il!',
, ,D ;,
�17, b# #a I " ,.. I'll, I
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- " "! .�
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FOR 1 . 11'0 1-n I I � � ,.,. of above �Rqteso I I , I , " W, - � ��
":, '12" " I . .; j . I ' , �
Proptletii , U`ZR� � ag�r Gives $11,000.00 protection to the . --' V111"i"
7 I I ,
fiZ , . I car owner against injuries or death , , " . 37N
�, :, %!,, I" � i" � - i . i �,"
,,, � I , , - 11
�, . . � .. I I 1 I " w, � "; 111.1, I " "lY �N,
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- ,.A -- ,�Jt,,,1 � ,�
The P B 1tF-4, �' n Stallion' 11 �: 11 Lr- . ,;:,;� � i� 1�
" nd damage - ;,,,� , i, .,,?' 'i
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, "l, �- �, "� ,
of any pemon or persons a 1, . I',',' 5;,,41,,�U�ki
" I ,.�1�;,�Z�,.,!",R
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I � ;� ,,�,! �,
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I , "' . � to other ears, vehicles or other pro- . . ,�: 1 6.� ��,;,��,�'� �]',
Approved Enr . ,!,?" .",
. � 89-1 Form 1 <> ' * perty. Legal e enses and doctor's =. �, �'11�
M .- ., -Will .1�1i- *table Eg- XP I . , �, , ;,, '- `-7 1 --- � ,,� ,�, �,� ,� ;� ,�A
, "',
I "I ��,,� 1� ,',�,!'..,'�.�, 1
,o"M..- and V.--'; Pgxwl ,> � S. T. 11rollues & Son � .....
, , Kipi)en Road 21/. - 0 bill are�-also included. � , ,�,
" . ; - ,1�1 11
miles; then east t��, Wil - MorrL - . ROSVS MOI �,`�,, .1
. son's, for ,Co * I MM 8 -C. � ,",��,`��-
I ., "
noun; then east to ' �� oa,d and north . RATES FOR COLLISION, FIRE & � I � I . . <7i,�'
I— -e
:r Rxs�, 1 ,,;,,,�4':�5, 1
� , 11�11$� ii
-R -1�i
, ,
'a Y. -North 21b, theensed Embalmer. <> THEFT ON APPLICATION . WHIT9 MG -R401 ,��, �.
I " . �
to Dublin, for nlght",� 0 . !_,
,� : ,�.-�t -
miles, then west 'to B d and north to 0� . * " . ,-, �� -.,
. ,,, " 1�`,' ,:, :� ?�,.
n'm Lynch's, for noonll� 1 21/, miles west Riverybody's Auto Accident Policy For the entries in the 'Q*Ldia),� .11", ZI �:,
. , � � ,,,, s
and 21,/2 miles nGrtJV,Xi ,i� . 0 - Finest Motor and Herse- * ,r I �.;,
-1 I "Ie", '11-
at to John Me- Premium, $5.00.. Policy $1,5oo.00� Laying Contest -at Ottawa, var p6nrj*, `,; I 41
M, ". , 1�n_
Spadden's, for riight�- �, -1 d.y.-West to 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 1 itk*. ,�,,,`��"," ,i
0 a �
�� 1� $25.00 per week for total disability. in first place for entries from Ol - "k . � ,,�,4""
141i , , F" ",
Harlock to Norman Sh I . l' -r noon; then <> Block, Main Street, opposite .0 "I ' Pl; "
, . "74?V)
;QJ,:. I ' in the light brAeds. ' Ju 'Ibe i0h�'W
south to Kinharn and:. George Dale'B, 0 $12.50 for partial disability. The big- , � `
A, � i�ima , " , ". 171�1. .,
v.., 8 � The Expositor Offiep. S. T. <> ' ", ... �, �, . I
for night. Thursday.- � miles and gest Five Dollars, worth you ever got Contestotir -pen is again in fin,t� l" , . 6 , �
south to �Owen Re3in.,Aa!��-NX`orl noon- the,, 0 Holmes, residence, doderich 0 . Ajmw
" bim, �,l
south 1% miles and ed4':*,rni1es W il�nard 11.0 for your money. for the. light breeds. I ' r :11
. .r 1� � - 1. 0,
. , * Street West; Chas. Holmes' Scotia Contest our ptn is in � S#�, A -: I
M, , ,-,,'�.�,
Nott's, for night. Fio�m'' ly' mile$ 0 residence, North Main Sreet. 0 Take no chances—Accidents happen ' - , , %%%, �..
and south IIA miles A#4,,,-,,,y�,eit to Fred Pep- 0 place, as well -as having second, 4114 11 ��, ";
� ' .,
per's, for noon; themF7,4�,.V�,,ay ,�f Flowers furnished on short 0 no matter how careful you are. , I, �, �,
., 2nd Con- third high hen, B b Chicks, gu4r- ",
cessiom, Tuckersmith. i6 "" Call, Write or Phone anteed safe Miverya, �12.0.0 #er 10k , :,111111,
where he wA?*0main until the 0 bolstering neatly done. . . .
own stable, 29300-1,ille, to his <> notice. All kinds of up, 40 .
following Monday raoriqjg""�� , , ',�,��
.,g 4:> r ".
Terrus.-To insure a. 60� si i.00. 0 Phones: 119 or 254 a. <> A. D. SUTHERM WALTER ROSE 1.1;�
- 9 . A ,j
ROBERT PENHALE, P-tai*ietor. Bayfiel(L 0 * General Insurance Agency Brus -'�,-,�;�,-'�,�
D. REYNOLDFIV,'Manager. , sels, Ont . �1..
I <> <> * <> * .0 * * * * 4> .C, SEAFORTH ; PJI()NB 102 3o0%-# . ,� ,
, �11
The- !., I . . � 1- "I
Handsome 6h-7,01y;�Rred Clydesdale - . 1. 1��,
� I I ,
--- - . . I '.
stalli�n�. , — �� - . i - ;: , ',�
I 11;
BONNIE G1,t$iGYRE — -- 4.4 � .
(Impoirt-4), * 0 <�. . -- — —in . I
No F23WAAI Ptdh's I .
EnTolment No. . 864 . $ ) Form A I
Positively the Biggest Discount
-- ---
Will stand for mares for ,,Oe -Qf�-Qn of 1927
.. _
as follows: �,
Monday. -Will leave lidi'0;�r ,iOfl, at John
Licensed Embalmer and
small cost the whole int6ddr may be transformed Into
Caiinw, Lot 21, Concession jli`,.,11il-,t. and pro-
Funeral Director.
ceed to James Hills, Concjssi� r ,4. Hibbert
or noon; then to Angus 4 �ki Ill T",, Lot 10'
Up-to-date Horse and Mator
Funeral Director and
ricession 11, Tuckersinith-l'to, -01t. Tues'
Licensed Embalmer.
ay.-ro Lilther Reynold%�'idot 27. Concession
Night and Day Service.
, Usborne, for noon; theia, J.,O. w. , mood, ,
Lot 1.3. Concession 5, , 1144.� le a
,on-, r,,r night.
Phone 19-22, Dublin.
Wednesday�-'To Fred I)h (.,-. l'ot 9, Con-
nrodTnenl; No. i9Gi T' For A 1
Will-StaUd for the HUr4M lireeden !V1 Club
Charges moderate.
ession 9. Usborne; for n9dh,, th,r- 21,� miles
A $10.00 WATCH FOR $5.00
mares. nq follo�wm--. 11AV Brueefield.
Monday. -At his - ow�n .
Flowers furnished an short
AORL I Jewelry
d S Store
east and 21/2 miles north bj�:Joht. liallant ne's
or night. Thursday T? PA��;,, mon.teytth's.
%�r %�� %-P %',P %'-� %�� <> <> �O <> 0 -0
Positively the Biggest Discount
Money to Loan
-- ---
� -
Lot 9, Sout a -C r-, m�on: then
. Phone 91
' o Dan Brintnell's, Lob �:7,'Aiw..,-� lWundary,
or night. IF id ---To 0 ' %�,Oker's,
<> <> <> 0 <> 0 <> <> 0 ,�> <>
Jewelry Sale ever offered
' . A ff one-
alf mile east of " f ' 114�n; then
small cost the whole int6ddr may be transformed Into
1 21 1 63 I .
No. "�
No. i308 Form I
, �'
o his oWMm stable, e ' -W,.: r,nisin untA
W. T. BOX & CO.
to the public.
he following Monday mo F
Funeral Director and
Proprietor. Manager.
- �- I
Licensed Embalmer.
A Stmkht 50 Discoot Ue.
Preimium Qydest%ir Stallion
. �
. � L
Rarria 11ay Loader, good -as new! I comiseision
per cenL
Beat Motor and Horse -&awn
nrodTnenl; No. i9Gi T' For A 1
Will-StaUd for the HUr4M lireeden !V1 Club
Charges moderate.
A $10.00 WATCH FOR $5.00
mares. nq follo�wm--. 11AV Brueefield.
Monday. -At his - ow�n .
Flowers furnished an short
A $2.00 WATCH FOR $1.00
ueMay.-East by way �f `thi . kill Road to
alliday corner, then s�uth L6 Alv. Simpson's
Nights Calls Day Calls
A $50.00 DIAMOND RING FOR $25.00
(ippen Road, for noon: th�-n to. -D. Pothering-
&-*s, for one hour fnpni thrp,e to four
Phone 175. Phone 43.
A $25.00 DIAMOND RING FOP. $12.50
then to his own �tmble for night.
Vednesday and Thur�day At,�]a own sta.ble.
0 <> <> <> <> <> 0 <> .r> <> <>
A $12.00 MANTEL CLOCK FOR $6.00
ridaY.-Weat to the S�ld of Stanley, and
wrth to John A.- McEw- , for noon; then
A $6-00 MANTEL CLOCK* FOR $3.00
--- - �---
�ome by the London R�nd :o U4 own stable
r night Saturday. -At h,.4 Owim stable.
Tertns�All fees to bp paid to George R.
0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 k> �r� 0
oCniftney, oecretary-Troft;-er; for the Club.
ROBERT D. mvRimicu,
Every article in the store marke4- in plain figures, and
Pioprietor and Maikageir.
102-tf I
W. J. Walker & Son
You can buy at just half the marked
The Premium P�cfiererk Stallion
W, J. Walker, Funeral DI-
rector and Embalmer.
I'lis � nobld,but a Genuine Bargain Sge.
nrolinent NO. 2019 Form A I
Premium N,, TO -
Will stand for the inirqefixelit of stock
Motor or Horse Equipment
Come in and look around — Watch our Window.
is season as follows: I �i . �
Mondaj;*ill leave li��; r of"Ae. Bruce-
Cars or Flowers furnished
as. requestedL
eld, and go west to Prr Le, ftauley. to
k1f. JOh1k%tO1L'S, for n�n then north by
��urima to GodericJi To-bip to Aarthor
Day or Night, Phone 67.
�-� .
Da the Jeweler
elah'il. Hayfield Line. f.r rAiM, 'T%siday--
forth by VvsY of Gth C,,Nsiob to Porter's
0 <)v * <> <> <> 0 0 <> <> 0
III 4t Fred Pickard'a, for "OQ4; then vorth
James It.' Mckillan'R f- rflqht�
37--Voew �y way a 8millq-a� to William
U11%."for 110011; then hv WILY Of Maitland
�Olftcessioq to Rolraesy-We *.,-31m Harry
weei's, for night. Thuiaj.-��t, to Sum-
. .
er War Pit William 'Me -1 < %dk fid6n - then
ast tu Odusta4we at B I? StAbbingob's for
Ingl7nnni-A Af all L-l'intila
i --
" .
h -L ,Trid4y.-So.th b), iag, iod, Alms to
�.irou R,oad and west I L,1 !njjoa, to Frank
rafter's, &r 'noon;
Bonds. Real Estate
dien txl hig'to*ift stable for
ight. Saturday. -South �n Whaoi Road 2�4
Money to Loan
ilea and east to Is"c Moore's. -.for noon-;
ien to his own stable f�r un
Teiins.-$F15 insure:
to PI-ItZlY no second
M. . " %�
. Phone 91
an I
I Proprietor & MaQae1L-'
I - ,
Clydesdale Statillon
� (25022 20574(,
nrolmont No. 2096 Appn�V�qd Form 1
This Celebrated Stallion *104 stand for
ares its fallinwa: .
Mandn.Z�Wllll leave hi� own,litable. Lot 29.
oneession .5, Logan. and proceed -to Philip-
eiany`4, IM 2. Conc�i 3, Mdtillop, for
oon� thence to Peter liijzIN.r'L& 14, Con-
saimV 6., MoKillop, f-, mObti:- Tudisday.-To
is Own stable for n h L L�.h will ,
s4n for the aftern.� - IZZL a
� &�'. - To
ck Br6s., Broahasren. r- �66dthence to
hn Deafz)5, Lot 7. Cor.�ian 1�,-M.Kill.'.
r night. Thursday. -T,, Da4 Regales, Lot
Oobc,�$siofi 14, McKill,,p foe no6n; thence
"rg`e SlOuk"'o, T�t 14, �i[�i dowlain ii.
I Fridny 0 Ames ROY.
for igh -Jr
i Cc ion I"Z3n, for'noon, thence
.1 b I
I - rill 11,;Oceend4 hiLfitwn 0-1,14. *U446"he will
. . . remain flatil Monday m—ink;V` -
Termi---To insure R f"l,:W,l)(h
. JACOB,MGNELL, Pr.priet9f,;& $ftiaaffer.
White Broadcloth Shirts, C011gr Striped Broaddoth Shirts, col-,
attached (Paddock) ...$2.40 lar attached. .$1,75 to $3.00
B)ue, tan Broadclo-M Shirts, col- Striped Broadcloth Shirts, col-
lar attached.. $2.00 and $2.50 lar to Tnatcb..$2.&O to S&OO
P., J. Kelly, Stratford
One way fare paid from MitchelL Dublin and SeAforth, either by
railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over.
— - -
--- -----"- - - - . -- ,- - - ----- - ----
. L .
. I — �
. I I The-MmIard Bred TrotlilqjJ"gthIllon — — -
. . . ('54161) 1653: � ' A BARGAIN
- Enrolment No. 748 Form I
Will stand for mares .1, hid 6vrm stable, Lot .
. 8, 'Oontemqtoii 4, Tuckersnilth.' ""' ' F"
Spreading of barnya;td manUTe Terms.-Tii insure a f-1. POR SALE,-Flve sens, aw m9a .r
en- 412X0; payable .
I JanVmrY Ist, 109, Parti� with. 2nares In from Sestorth; toodern boula with ..
I.. L.
.-iches the sioil, feedA the crop,-increas- foal and dis f thom beore Pebruary furnaft, batb and t*006 NnM 6682- ,
�s the yield, build$ lip net profits. Ist will he'ZIldIg roes Pon. i bid 10-f Insurance. rood orchald. Taxes, P& - IN -- --
The McCormick,Deering Spreader is M'air`110 at Owner*" risk. " �� , " W, UM
4 41--Z . V"LLIAM RIL � chance to start ellicken bok
I — SF at�wr, a twhanical un-
toadef It is supreme in, the spread- siol-tf
�r fiei& E'all beaThrg§, ,steel
O#Hetor iiwii`
rk, and W(l.'s0or,
. I I
I I .. �
1, 1 ".
44. AvOy to J�
,--Is it as Attractive Inside as Out!
an all
cravi*,' and patented lover tatcheit
I — ��.,
The Purp, Bred Clyd.Ad 'd 11fallion
IL & ItAT86
aurdr* ()NL
MAKE Your summer cottage comfortable and bome-like
with Gyproc Fireproof paetitions ind ceilings. At
.'46d make this mae�ine exceedingly
I - ,
small cost the whole int6ddr may be transformed Into
:ight drtift Instant regulation the
low caii be made from the driver's, Enrolment
1 21 1 63 I .
No. "�
No. i308 Form I
attractive, cosy rooms. I -
/ - . .
;eat� I I . . towv!�
Will stand- for the sessoin(�'q�T027 w fol-
, V "
Write for free booklet -"My HOme." it will tell you how Gyproc
R000aM Gypsum Insulating SheeAhftig o:nd IdaulOr will reduce your i�-J
Call and let us demonstrate th'ig .
Toeqfty's.-At Joe Flynn'sx,61h. Concession,
bill from 2D to 40%.
lew inachine. - � ,
o n and Massey. . 9=tj�'d.-At
for noon: his �wn 04ble at night.
'10 I I Grnhpm limpW"Awto. dliftto,,;
of V,,Oek his Lot
11, I
. �
. � L
Rarria 11ay Loader, good -as new! I comiseision
ot owii-lii)*bjt� 13,
. s, limillett. ,� .. �
11-A - V,i�. W8"W&
i " k4�� AlllftL t J�l
� IV
;eeoTxd'htttd-:Deeri"z A-E�v Tedder and . Tornio --To iffodire a foal ;fl ptruble wboyi VV
mail#- �!tofiift t6 bt- in 1`0114�,:�Xotsg Iiiot re. 3bdP#4& cau ft Vdie as at
tingle:Ampow Viding Plow Rnd 1114!� AttfhiA.10 � full ina-mr- I ,
, . I ,trlarly will be cha, Q , 400 ima job you 160
, 4 I'll
`� . 08 duow mom
mke, -Will sell chelip for eashf�� it b t I f al or natk": - WAIL 100 I
,'. I
� , " 1;� KI-ilm"4§ 169,101.0 fo%liogf,�- � 4bl b; .1
I i �)� "', 1.
4311'd� M yoll imAftnce, All'�- fs a risk
I ' S, �, . 164.
C. ...+J,UJDS00N I .�. I tv 16M ot w4waa. I eiin.fob' ow Imares .1 I. .
. ". `IMMAIU, ONT. , . Y-- . 011,0=0 it $1,40 per we lvj� *ater, . 04
, �. , ,� no b4fV�*'#& ThU horsk x4M��'�.�co.,At. in . 1. .-- 11 - I
� . 11 V.4 i
'gon ` rtil".0h,04.0ifti 'I 'I 0 , 1.0,61c � . .
k�.� em i6b � - , T at 0111a � � Im , , , �`;,,. �,'- 1. , . --.7- , ,
I � .16 'TON, PraprI14 "I �
, " ! I I I �
WWOUZ ALV � - 'mile 14 , �,VW,P, I & -"011intbill, - . -7-77 - �� , —-
k r
001 ��4q.�;,W.1401A ".
, e r,- ,�'K.� �, , ''s.:Z-1. � , ".1 � �. t'. #� �, ; '1� 1! 00- C.
110-9 � , 'u�,,10,4 rl,,Am J I',,, 4, Geo. �
1. , , , , , ,,, � , , " 'M, ,:,!:, 1" �, � ., . I , Akftv I
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