HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-05-06, Page 7T.�1?114�.,,Ip�i'Aoq , , " �
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Brodhagis. 1 W -"r_*_ -4 . ,face from 411 Ze years "he U4 knowt
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.� . . . DIRECTORS: ..� I � . I �yes,- almosi
!.. � . � " . PlAclUs4i were the same, as was th(
I \ Rinuf No. 2, Seafort,%; . eeks .and the darl
� VVIaM HARPER 4, BROTHERS high volow in her Ch
-10ha- BolkneWles, Brodbagan; James . I . 901so Of her wavy hair; yet the Q!j�
Sm Isi Beechwood- M, me"u, CU& P0141010 . pres,slori sion,,ofbW J,
I . I I eatures had un.
. I dergone some baele modification whaeb
tou., Jdmft Connollyi Goderldu;. Alex I New York AnCLondon
. Seafor,t7x;, J.. ,G, : . xmdon ... robbed them completely of t4at oelf�
Wmdfoot, No. 8, ,, I �
Gdeve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Penis - , - suAldient detachment that had ma4e
� Harlock; George McCartney, No. R I her at one and the same time the
Seaftrth; Murray k*W30n=MC0U61d most -affable and U,napproaehaIlylik of
(Coution0a,from last week.) women. So it was also wM the tones
I of her voice. ilt , seemed In6edible
He locked his 64nds between Ids that the voice which ,had said, "'Hello,
., knees and twisted them until the Ritt," coolly and politely at irregular
JAMES'WAT&ON joints snapped. "And the worst Of Intervals during -all their lives, with-
SEAFORTH,ONT. . it is," he said, fthat I knew for what out ever leaving a mark on memory,
I ruin I was headed, and couldn't stop. should have emitted this Clarion vall
GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 'I felt it again and again in my heart. of good fellowship, interest, and wel-
I felt it on the ,first night of my come. Bourne was suddenly glad
reptesenting only the best Can- meeting her, when she seemed to me -that sih�- was there; not until he heard
adian, British and American .a n-dracuibous visitow. I knew it, ye-- his own sigh of relief did he realize
Companies. I couldn't stop; I couldn't keep my- how much he had resented her pres-
All kinds of insurance. elreet*d self from trying to break her wings ence with Boies at Long Leg Hole
at the lowest rates, lncluding- so ,that she could never again fly a- Amelie's first move was to I'001,
TO .
FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AU - ,way along the path of fancy to the curiously at Ritt's car, and then all
MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE hidden place from which she came." around with one of those swift,
GLASS RISKS. The utter despondency with which sweeping glances with which women
-Also he spoke aroused J. E. to an effort are wont to register instantly every
toward comfort. "DoWt rush to meet itern in any panorama that interests
REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT trouble," -he said. "We may still find them for an intimate reason. Her
her; she may even come in at anY eyes failed to find what they were
Representing "Huron and Erie" moment.". .
Mortgage Corporation, of London, seeking, the amazing wife of whom
Ontario. Ritt shook his head. "You know Boies had told her so little, and canx�
you do not believe that any more quite suddenly to rest on Bourne's
Prompt attention paid to placing than I do. Wherever she came from face.
risks and adjusting of claims. there she has gone." There they stayed. She said not a
Business established 50 years, "If she were any other woman," word, and yet in the long moment
guaranteeing ' good servim said J. E., "I would say to wait and during which she looked at him he
OFFICE PHONE, 33. .she would surely send for her clothes. felt her growing tender in the read -
According to Simon, she took -nothing ing of his catastrophe, not as men
RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. not even a hand big. But with Allo- read by word and line and page, but
I way it's different. I won't lie to you as women comprehend wholly and at
I . __ : again. I believe that the hope of once with equal heart and eye. Her
your finding her soon lies mainly in face sobered, retained its softness,
HEIRS WANTED the strength -of the love you have yet seemed to abjure sentimentality.
planted in her heart. In the mean- The calm, practical Amelie of other
time I want you to feel at rest on days was by no means dead;ahe took
Missing Heirs are being sought one point. I shall employ every Bourne's hand as frankly as she would
Ahroughout the world. Many people means at Tny command to find out have grasped that of one of her own
sam to -day living in comparative pov- for you which way she has taken and babies and led him off to the house.
sarty who are really rich, but do not where she has gone. Have no worry "I don't know where Boies is," she
&mow it. You may be one of them. on that ��core; there is nothing that said, as she forced him into a com-
Bond for Index Book, "Missing Hein you can think of that I won't do." fortable chair and then went about
and Next of Kin," containing care- Bournle passed that night in the her busine�,s. "He's been startingout
My authenticated lists of missing library, not because he expected Al- at daybreak lately to take tremend-
heirs and unclaimed estates which loway's return, but from an instinct ous tramps. He's cataloguing all thc-
have been advertised for, here and for penance and in the desire to'find places where motor cars can't go. You
abiroad. The Index of Missing Heirs himself again, to drag himself back know, we are going to find and build
we offer for sale contains thousands to those fixed standards of comport- a Long Leg Hole of our own." .
of names which have appeared in ment from which he had been swept "No?" said Ritt, his interest a -
American, Canadian, English, Scotch, by bi.,; surrender to an unbridled de- roused.
Irish, Welsh, German, French, Bel- sire for unlimited mastery. As he I'Uhhm!" mumbled Amelie, testing
gian, Swedish, Indian, Colonial, and looked back even from the vantage of the consistency of some mixture by
other newls%zI,pers, inserted by lawy- only a few hours of retrospection be letting it drip from a wooden spoon
mm. executors, administrators. Aboo was dumfounded, at the chasm which "We'll keep an apartment in town
eontains 14t of English and Irish his bereavement had opened between for dead winter and schoal and that
Courts of Chancery and unclaimed his present sober sanity and the sort of thing, but in the summers we
dividends list of Bank of England- beadstrong, unthinking, and untender will build, slowly. Every time Boies
Youar name or your ancestor's may be paroxysm of selfishness which had finds a likely place he drives me as
In the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar) found its culmination in a last straw near as we can get to it on the next
at once for book. of unjust dernand. It seemed to him day, and we look it over together and
utterly incredible that'he should have talk and plan -and get excited and
International Claim Agency wounded a thing so airy, so yielded argue and quarrel and make it up a -
Dept. 296, into his power and ,so beloved as the gain and -and grow young and fool -
girl who had come to him as the one ish and -and like it."
Pittsburg, Pa., U. S. A. great gift in the hand of Crod, the Ritt smiled in .spite of his abstrac-
2920-tf breathing body of a young man's v is - tion. "You seem to be very busy,"
ion. He was fill -ed with a g-reat re- he said.
__- ----I vulsion; -his spirit seemed to arise and Amelie flashed a glance at him and
turn its back on his body. laughed a low, chuckling laugh. "Very,
LONDON AND WINGHAM When J. F. entered the room in she said. She dTopped the spoon in -
the early morning, according to his to the hig yellow bowl of batter and
North. custom, Ritt got up and stood erect tu rned toward him. "And it's all due
a.m. P.M. before him. "Father," he said, "I' in to you," she continued, "to the mad
Exeter ............ 10.16 6.04 going to Long I,eg Hole. I ,streak in you which I bad never gues-
Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 Account to settle with mY%el-- - -- - - � sed when I called you slack water.
Kippen ........... 10.35 6.23 know whether Boies and Amelie are! When Boies comes I'm going to put
Brucefield ......... 10.44 6.32 still there, and I don't care. If I find my arms around you and kiss you if
Clinton Jet . ....... 10.58 6.46 they're in the way, I'll turn them ow.1 you don't mind."
Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 In any case, if you want me, if there's A spasm crossed Bourne's face and
Clinton, Lv . ....... 11.16 6.62 any news, that's where I'll be." passed, leaving it peculiarly calm. "I I
Clinton Jet . ....... 11.21 6.58 J. F. nodded bi.,; ponderous head. wouldn't mind ordinarily, Arnelie," he
Londesborough . . - - 11.35 7.12 "Perhaps I didn't make it clear last sa.id, with a frank sincerity which
Blyth ............. 11.44 7.21 night," he said, "that I had finished I stood out stark -against the back-
Belgrave .......... 11.56 7.38 with rebuking him. I have, my boy.
Wingliam Jet., Ar_ 12.08 7.45 There isn't a f1b,or in my I y -1-1, I __
Wingham Jet., Lv - - 12.08 7.45 doesn't acbe with the wish to help:
Wingham ......... 12.12 7.55 you -and Alloway. Long Leg llol,- I
or anywhere else, keep her with you.
South. I like to think that we Bournes mea- �Z I -- , T r
a.m. p.m sure the love our women have borne I I 11 - . �: I
6.55 3.15' uA by our own constancy. It sounds � 0 �, I : -
a strange phrase, but it expresses ex- I - �_? - I Ei I
Wingliam Jet . ..... 7.01 8.21 actly t(he thought I want to .share I - "
Belgrave .......... 7.15 8.32 with you; it's not our love, but theirs, . I _1� � I =,
Blyth ............. 7.27 3.44 to which we mu&,t do honor to tri- �
2 " I
Loudesborough .... 7.85 8.5 umph. I I
Clinton Jet . ....... 7.49 4-06 "I shall keep her with me," said i I 11
Clinton 7.56 4. 18 Ritt, simply, bi.,; face showing white . ,
Clinton j�C..* 8.03 4.20 after bi.-, long vigil. I , -:�r_ I
Brucefield ......... 8.15 4.32 Ire. moved t,oward the dmr. 44A � =iz_ I
Kippen ........... 8.22 4.40 moment, Ritt," said his father . "I I ... .
Itensall ........... 8.82 4.50 must bother you with bile question.
Exeter ............ 8.47 5-05 Did Allow -y have money with her
and do you k- how much?" How they hold '
0 Ritt ,stopped and turned slowly, sk
C. N. R_ TIME TABLE puzzled frow-n on his brow, "It's an their trade
East extraordinary thing, qir," he said, "but
a.m. p.m. I don't renif.mber ever speaking or ',No," said Mr. S. to the
Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 thinking of money with Alloway. It
6.17 2.37 91hows you, doesn't it, that we truly salesman - "I get such
Hohnesville ........ good service from MY re
Clinton ............ 2.52 lived with our dream; that .she was 9-
6.25 , to me just beyond the ular suppliers that I could
Seaforth ........... 6.41 3.12 something . le? Only,
St, Columban ...... 6.49 8.20 range of the measuring ru not be induced to change.
Dublin ............. 6.54 8.28 now that you ask me and have madp They caUed me by Long
West me remember it, I can tell you that Distance and I have just
m p.m. she has &]Ways had money; money
a.m' P. - to buy wbatghe wished when I wasn't pla,ced. my order."
Dublin ...... 10.87 5.S8 9.37 with her, to give to Janet And to
St. Columban. 10.42 5." . ... I.eave lying around." Back in the wholesale
SeafoTth ..... 10.53 5.53 9.50 "That'q all," said J. E. "Run along. wptrehouse the Long Dis-
Clinton ...... 11-10 6.o8 10-04
Holmesville .. 11.20 7.0S 10.19 A cold 'bath And then food and lot,; tance order was received at
doderich .... . 11.40 7.20 10-8o of cold air. Handle yourself sanely; 4.25 p.m. It was shipped at
with you." 5.1() -p.m. The order was a
. - . Ritt followed his father's com-ands long one and the charge for
until he wa,q well out upon the open
C. P. R. TIME TABLE road, -and then for A space be aban- Long Distance was $4.25,
past doned him,elf t,) the full fxtent of but this expense amounted
A.M. tile power of the car, hurling it for- to only one-third of 1 per
, hat
Goderich ................... 5.50 ward at such -1-601101's `Pped t
Menset .................... 5.55 he found himself catching Iii,4 breath cent of the sale.
McGaw .................... 6.04 ,gpismodically ,And with sching con- qWillingne.qq to pay .Ruch tiifling
Auburn .................... 6.11 traction,q of 'his thrn,nt. GrsduAlly �errentages to spr'urr ni-der.q by
Blyth ..................... 6.25 his reckle,sm"s subsided and from 'Ong Di,qtnree rnupled with
Walton .................... 6.40 that point, on he drove 4,ver more sach almost imeanta,neov.R Be?`
McNaught ................. 6.52 slowly until, buried deep in tholight, pice, is an efferhwl bar to cort-
ToTonto .................... 10.25 be pa,sqed beyond the fronded entr petitiolt.
West R-ncp to I,nng Leg Hole Find, when -
I. If I
he notired his bnd to dri,, .. 11
a.m. , ornisRion, ". . 0
Toronto .................... 7.40 on Along the nsrnrow rountry road
MeNaught ................. 11.48 to find qpsce. in whieh to turn. - � � �Z)
Walton .................... 12.01 IT,e esmn to the crossw,qvq I'llst be-, ...
Blyth . ............. 12.12 . " -
Auburn ............ :::::::: whc d AllowaY bad left 1 200
McOri* ............. � ...... 12.34 the ,,, to climb to High Rock on tbe I
Veneset ................... 12AI dav when be. bad won her. TIP Rtolp- I ' - -
0 d stared at the weather- I - ----'--'--'----'-'- -
� odelieb .......... j...--._..., 12,46 ped now an
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, Sedau - - - - 490" Reacister DelivM . 651,8 -W E. WYAWM; D-111.9=11'atTTV _,� � - I
. I I "dW Chassis - - 49&00 Utolty i��, Ch� - 64S-00 � . , , '.�!` wj,.'_t�,111 . . . . . . . . . . . . "I
PricuatpozAvy,00tavo--C�.r"aE"4ra IF, WF,LSII,, MIANAGAIR', � %� .. � �� '.4z",V, ".. , I.,
�'., .,, �. ,��,,*Z " - i "" I -1 � V,
: 1-1., F.-�."m. .
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4""itAm. I 0'r,,;. I - �'. 1. ',�', t. I X111
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- . ,
, ' '
gTound of her kindly-'b�nter, "but to- Alloway so many aeons ago, where ]had his 'bath, he ran to ',bbe ed& of �_r , ng, - i
day I couldn't 'stand it� even from he had first kissed her, first dared to .the overhanging rock, stripped 4k AM4 ;**,DA17 4T*V'Ju`J" I , , ", I .0, !
you.rp I- take her in his . , womwit. . , �.�N
..arms, and whence they plunged headl, oug into the ick ;rZt0r, is - .0.ut.. V11Ttftr1'*_,1:-�: ..., , � "
Amelie's face grew grave with a had looked Ioupon the whole world He struck out with a furious energy, sh4>uld. . 1*9
'e, - ,�
'400, _41abift , ,�- :�4
. " I—, X ;�
sweetness he had never before seen spread like a gay earpet and- crying and responding to the Cal - � �rt'�., �,
upon it. She took off her apron, laid out for their fee to come do I, W .chil tions bp -PlOtod,_ �, t, * t .'..,"�:- ,_.,1_fN'., e.,,� wl�
. 'Iner �", rilk. ,
, W I'll
W -We",
' t wn -from led blood grew warm, moved, raced, HGVV inany 4T �
,al heights abd tread itis and finally tingled in, his veins. He PrOgen - .....4". :
it aside, drew up a stool, sat upon it the era ji , - f , A �,O'k.:,
y from ar4mab liliow.-U.T ito,��,'% ,.� 11
. ,. P I -
�lose beside his knees, but not torich- flowered pattern. That day seemed plowedhis head through the cold flood diseased and -of . I1�11'11,v
la,emilor .t� ' - ' � "
pe,6r A,mt; - ,
, , � ..
". , 11
ing him, and wisitod. He glanced very long ago; he looked upon it now until the, whole intricate mechazilsin grain Iliarvestbpd, fiv ha ' - "" �4:` ,J�,-.,, � I
down -at her and for an instant a flush as one gazes in one's mind at some ryf his overstrained nerves tuned itself fields and expect In 'GLY smol-"_�!�"""' �
* -,,
to -be i,eeeiu,pgjWa&." . -"t , " I
-1.1.1 ,� �
...... -A ,
. ��,
. �40,
. ��,
. ��,
ia ,:1.
mounted to his cheeks while he hung remembered- scene of beraluty. The to a new accord with a universe strip- for their efforts? Then why eooet ,
poisedbetween annoyance and an ach- keen wind, whipping the last leaves ped to -its hard, and primal,attributes, so much from a potato? ,-.,8hbw.,s; lit_� �6 ��. �
� , 11
;1� .
_. ., ., ., . 'i � J�'�;�, A
, .
poet t ��' ''
ing desire to accept her gentle invita- from the tracery of the bare limbs of but somehow infinitely enhanced even He foresight. You can't ex " - 1, �
, , p il.111.
. '_`4 ��
tion and pour out his heart, In the naked trees, was no cleaner or sharp- in its desolation. son all your marketable ,sto*. imjj& :', ��,
., . 1�� "I
, f�! � I . ,
, -
end he chose a middle course; he laid er than the spaces of his mind an'l When he came in and bad dressed, keep the seeo Its for your le � I ,
n( _* . W, � .1 "2 I
trembling fingers lightly upon her visiorL The fever had gone out of Amelie served him as she had served ing without paying the " 11, 0. 1��. ".. � "
shoulder. his blood, the madness from his brain. Boies on the occasion of pe�dAlty- A11A _... "I" ,� '. '..�;., .1 I
. J .,
. � ��,-,,
when planted,, h�w,'4.lj " 11
, I % ,� i ?
-day, Amelie," he said. "I -Sitting on that roof of their own in that house, but with no sPdrit Of eye that is 'All S,ome people think -%is '' �;� ''
"Not to his first meal long as a set,
;_ -
want to, I really do; but somehow lost world, he saw Alloway and he rebellious or teasing banter. 'She rnov- necessary to securre satisfActory re- I ,1..'1k1V9
- . 01
I can't." saw himself as they had been when ed about the austere interior with a turns. The laws Of nature cannot be � %'Im- �
It.',, _�
, -,.�.
'. ��; I
"It's just as well, Ritt," she said, caught in the maelstrom of their Own quiet dignity, as though the weeks disputed; a man cam harvest only .'"' .I I ,21
. . .
. ; ...
. .
rising quickly, "because Boies is cOm- emotions, carried on the turbulent she had spent there had imbued her what he plants. If only carefully se- , :1�,.` 11
"� , 11 �
ing. I heard his whistle. But r- crest of a spillway of wasted waters, with some of the occult grandeur lected seed is used for piantdug -the ,.-"",A A �
�, -
� I
, "
member this, boy -I can help you. I a thing of grandeur in itself but flow- which attends all simple things samp- more than Com- . . 1
,� I
11 .. . '.. ��z
11 .... �
don't know why, but I feel it. Per- ing to no noble ends. For the first ly done through sympathy with the Pensate for the labour expended. ,,�".,jl.
haps it's. just because you first help- time in the too -hurried days of his basic tasks of life. She had become . 1:1 -
. - �
ed me." - :,.. �
winged flight above the plane where graceful not only in action, -but in .. - I
She went to the door and passed human -f 4- .-+-11 - 4. 4-- A 1, I I——
A I _- .,:�
Y - a e un er ying 6pi 6, and when h4e haO
swiftly from his view. He braced saw Alloway, the tender stranger, in done eating, his eyes meanwhile
himself to face a boisterous welcome the full prOportions of her native her with a puzzled curiosity it was
from Boies, but, as moment after mO- strength, and measured all the length with a supreme naturalness that she
ment passed and he Temain(A undis- and breadth and the amazing profund- took him by the hand, led him to the
turbed, his tense features -relaxed and ily of the individual river of life freshIy made couch, and made him
with a fe-eling of warm gratitude to- whicl she had poured recklessly once sit down beside her. She turned eyes
ward Amelie he realiz-ed that her un- and forever from her heart. "That's full of a soft gravity upon his face.
derstanding had already begun to bow love is given," he muttered, bro- "Ritt," she said, "tell me every -
serve him. kenly, and thought long on -the sorry thing or I shall scream because you
Boies came in finally. "Hello, Ritt, part he himself had played. will not let me help you. I know I
Ad man!" be said holding out bi.- TX_ 1_A 11Z 1 Ir 1� � "--.I ! It
Weffl' -
I as mse w a ma can belp you. - I 'I, . � - I I
�'i , �
�and. "No use telling you Amelie and by what road she had come from he - 1,
. I
i tire mighty glad to sea you. COmO hidden land of fable, pale fle-sh grown' I CHAPTER SIXTEEN . '-1, "
ind waNh up and let me give yju a wa HOLLAND'S PRINCESS NOW I."
rm from out a mist of dreams, and , Ritt unburdened his heart, but not ; - I
, � ,�
rnesh. shirt. What do you mean by upbraided himself again and again, � as be had done to his father, for E -.
w(,aring a stiff collar out here?" not for having loved and taken her there its a ,,subtle difference in the X. I
"I didn't think," said Bourne, "but so passionately, but because in the way a man -talks of the woman he Notice is hereby served to all am� _ -
I've got a bag out in the car that fire of the great -test understanding I loves to any male, however near to bitious young bachelors with a dash � I, - 11 .1 I I
3imon packed for me, and he's sure had failed him and robbed him of the him, and the way be approaches a of royalty in their veins that Prin- .11
. eA -
..o, 'have done the right ihing. III I cnduring power of those who are I woman of whose sympathy he -is sure cess Juliana of Holland is in a re- � 1.
I - I
.etch it." steadfast in waiting. He had been with the selfsame story. In relating ceptive mo,od. Having completed her I 11 �,
The two friends walked Out to- guilty Of running amuck among the to his father what had happened lie course at the University of Leyden, - . I � I .
zcther. and with, the invtinet for tap- still flowers of a walled garden, of had brought to bear all his powers which polished ,her into One of the ...,.'., *. ..
. "..
ping another man's surest�aources of breaking butterffies' wings, of striv- of narrative and introspection, pilin most intelligent women In all Europe, 1� � " �. , I
9 I !'4
mthusiasm which was one of his most ing to .sweep up the star dust from hii one detail upon another in orderly se- she is returning to The Hague, where ...
ovable characteiiartirs, Bourne said, own heaven. quence; but with Amelie he unloosed she will officially come of age on ,,. A
'Am-elie tells me you're looking for At this thought he sat suddenly emotion and sensation by vivid flash- April 30th and enter Dutch society. "".
inother Long Leg Hole." erect to the realization that Alloway"., .."i - I
Stephen stopped in his stride and I (-.9 and left it to her instinct to illum- I For years past -the newspapers of the "b.. I
'... .
. wing -s had escaped his destroving'ine the dark reache�s in between. I Netherlands have -been running little .- .1, ..
I . "
ii -9 eyes lit up. "We Are, Wirt," he clutch. For whatever reason, ' th,- I "Ritt," ,,aid Amelie, when he had items relating how one distinguished ".. -
;aid. "We're looking with both our .strength of her ,single purpose and; finished, "women aren't different from I s'ehOlar after another ,has laid all his ;_
, I
ieart^q and our heads. I shall never desire had outmatched his. In that ! men by flits and starts, but deep down � knowledge at the Princess's feet. In � ,�
. .111,
->e able to tell you just how much we I r,owhpre to wh,ich she had re,turned ! and ,steadily. For ,instance, a man , her spare time the y,oui,,g lady has ac- . "'K. ,
)we to you and to your ,xonderful old I ,,he was .still while, .still endowed with'likes to say, IT qhall he on deck early,! companied her mother, Queen Wil- . �,
_; .
1. �
Tian and to Long T.-eg Hole; I won't; 1,11 those minute realities of person: every morning, before breakfast,' or! helmina, on a round of visits to hos- , I
I 7,
wen try. You'll have J;tj,;t to accept i ,vhich, finding their roots .in the deep: 'I shall he at the turn of the lane At � ritals, schools, and bazaars, and from .� 1,
t as something that is !ied into the �soil of generations, endure through ' ten minutes, after four,' but the girl! babyhood uprward .she has learned t'.) ,::T I
�ears you and I have kn,w.ked around' " tmsg, turmoil, and suff(irinz l2nd . never willingly says sh-e will he on - hear herself like the queen that she ,; .
� �
�ogether and that will �huw up only i stand at last in unity like the ever- I de< -k enrly every dav, or walking in I will be some day be. , .
vith wear like tb.e bottom stringg in! lzr"n rniumn of A cypress, seren-cl a- 'thp lane in the aft�rnoon. Without i Her education has been on the I , , i�,-
. -,
i jolly old carpet. We have found � lxove the tinne-stained tableLs of the 't.elling even herself, she intends to t)e 1 American plan -which means that her ill
� -
-nf, or two places that. will certainly; little dead. . I "'.. ..
there, but she would so much rather I father, the genial Prince Wilhelm of . '�11 ,
io, but we are making surp. that there I Not for a mompnf. did he attrihiitv the man would learn to find her with. ' Mecklenburg, has had nothing what- ,.-
I ! .b.m
.; no better. Do you want to know I to her any hysterical deod; whf,nr(, out words or a fixed time-tzhle. It's , ever to say about iL A prominent �, -
he greatest good I've g t qut of the! ,he had entre. *t.h(.r(, -ho had gonn, And, in these trifling things of .so much im- � figure at the winter balls and fetes, 1�1��".
. "I
. ,
warch? " I rr, fnrther. III, knew it hvvnn(i even rwwtance that m -en never learn pati- and a frustrated lover of the chaste, 'A,i
"What is it?'l asked R,urne, oblig- the birth of suspicion. Bpin'g life it- ence. They wish to take no chances, � which he can only enjoy in his native .1 .-,
ngly. I self, concreted for thk- renewal of on -P, but the Rirl is willing to play with I Germany, on account of the tender . :��'.
"The visualizati�)n of the years 2- man's faith in a triumphant a.spira-: fate for the sake of her belief in the feelings of the- Dutch toward animals, _�Ir.
i�pad," said Stephen, promptly, show- 1 tinn she rould do not (Aher than keep - reading power of love. Do you un- he has remained a bundred-per-cent. .,.,_
ng that he had tboug'ht. the matter I , - .
try,A' with her own destiny. Sorne-'HeTstand rri,e?" Junker, innocent orf educational theor- ,:..
mt. "We Americans, Ritt, your sort i whery she walked with heating h,eart Ritt nodded but did nntspeak. "This if -s. The queen has meanwhile seen � , �1,i I
ind mine, have lost the roundness of pulsating in the whit,e temple of her; lovely girl," continued Amelie. "whom to it that her daughter shall be well ...
ife. We are all specialists, experts body. placid of brow, wistful of face, vou bave ]ost from -.igbt hasn't irnne I equipped to govern the rich distant -,
ight rope, Even when and with the sadness of a new mPm- I 'very far in the fle-9h; before Another possessions of her native land. . 4
valking a ,t I ..
Mme Johnny gets a glimmering Of nry, ini-frably swept Find bitter, writ -,day is overr your father will have, Princess Juliana is described as an . . I
;he fact that something im wrong, ben deep into li.er himinous eyes And foun,i ou.t where sbe is. Probably all, ardent lover of sports. She has been �
vhat does he do? He specializes in anchoring her illusive spirit to the he need do is to persuade the hotel I permitted to mix freely with other 'g,
y 1.
,oing back to nature as if be bad very human ro�rk of this world's grief. people to show him the register. I I young ladies of her own age, though
)een bitten by a specific hug and had That thought dragged him to biS can't imagine the girl you have pic- in some respecU% her- life has been 44,
, -
.o take a specific curr. All this may feet. and to A desipondpnt gvsturp of tured premeditating a fal-P addres.%. sheltered. At a recent performance "A
!ound like rot, 'but I know exactly balf-lifted sarm-s. it made his heart of Tannhauser, for instance, sbe did ,:/. � ...
what I'm trying to say. I'm trying all but burst with an nect,ss of new Ritt Oart,-d and looked at Amelie not appear in the theatre until the .�
�o show you that when a man sits long�nir for her. ReAlizing his impot- I with a gleam of arlmdration and hope. .second act, for fear of being contam- t -
)n a g -ray rockat the edge of a wood- ence, he turned, climhed the rock, d y � Are rip�bt,` he caid. And half inat,ed by contact with Venus. Prin- ..'/�: ,
'", , _' 1-1
� "
,d building site, with bi.,; woman at fled from th,e cruelly vivid vis.uali._ 1'.r,,, as if to start for town at once. ccs_q Juliana is by all, odds the most I
y out his tion of bpr dee-p-brenthing reality an O,he drew him back be,side her. eligible princess in Europe and sdmc .1
lis side, and starts to ,,.tud ,,, e ��
7eal-g as siq accumulation and not as human nearness. For a while be "Wairt" she said. "Are you quite she has a large private fortune, . ,:1,
-he firs cken, sure you'are ready to find her?" Americans, presumably, need not ap- ,.. ", 1.
� A laip of a relay race, be is on cra.qhed blindly through bra
:be road to discovering the round ball brush. and thicket; then his pace "What do you mean?" asked Ritt. ply. Germany is subject to the same .11
)f the wihole world within the little steadied gradually to a long. pur- taboo, for the last thing Holland ., 0
.1 , �,� ..
maze of 'the thing we rRrelessly call Tos.e,ful stxid,p which devoured rnil,, (Continued next week.) wanU is a broke -n -down meriber of ': , ..14
lome. Do you get that? It's a bit nfte,r mile Find hrmigbt. him back bv 0. Central Furopean nobility. The prin- ,"
iighbrow." tbp sw"p of A wide circle of the rough ress iq also compelled to frown, on .1. �
- outwardly And ES WHICH SHOULD BE any suitor who might conceivably, by :,.. ,
"I get iit�ll said Bournp, unsmiling. hillpi.,Jeq, Pxbauqted, but CERTAIN TUBER BORNE DTSEAS- '.�
Fie picked up his bag and they re- inwardly calm, to the log cabin At ELIMINATED a succesaiwi of death, reach the � .
-urned to the house. Long T,r,g Hole. throne of some other country. �....
, Roies And Arnplia, . b
"By the way," SAid Stephen, in wrapped in roatz and rug -R, were sit- Severe And careful grading of pota- . .
I .. I I
- 0- 11
.11dden discovery. "if voulve come finff star-gAzing At the verge of thP toes intend M. for seed and the di, -q- ,
.o stay, where do You ql-P? Or are d.ppr). mirrnrlike tarn. carding of all abnormal tubers dur- BRITON"; BOW TO H. C. L. . . . . . . 11-'..,
'.. I
ve evicted?" "Yoiill find yniir supper at t he back Ing cutting Operations is not only . ... .
_ I
"Not at all," said Rourne. "I Sleep of the qfovp, Ritt," called Arnelic. commendable, but absolutely essen- Heavy taxes and Changed conditions , �,;. , -
11 .
iere, on Ithe couch." IIW(, 'had ours ageq Ago." t;al, if the maximum return from the of life bave compelled the Duke of t , I I
Both Amelie and Rnirq stared at "Thank you, Arnelie," lip CRTIO(i crop is to be expected. Devonshire, the Duke of Westminster '�::�.
iim, confused and puzzled. He step- h,,k. "(1ood night to You 110th." It is; extremely fortu-nate that the and many other British aristocrats to A "
Ded to a pillar at thi, Ride of the room, Ile entered the houa�p, went to bed, Tntajority of diseases which attack the sell their ancient London houses, 6 . .. - I -
Dressed one of the floor boards. which And slept. Dav broke, Boies &part- potato, if not entirely which are now transform into a- . ..
, - decresi,-ing ed , I 1.1, ,
.Pleased a spring, liftNI the facing nd and the oarly-wint-or sun was well ruining the crop, manifest themselves part-ment buildingsl or hotels. The 4,
' ., k �
,rom the upright, and revealed a bigh ,long it, low arch Across the heavens in the tubers before planting time. marquis of Bristol has, however, stuck � ,
-oll of eanva.,; arranged on -a spool. when 31t, last be awoke to the rejuvpn- Th,,-refore, removal of this aIDuroe of to bi,,; ancestral home possessed by :: ", �
.., ,,.� j,
FTd drew it out, carripd it around one atM eafferm,ss of R bpalt.by body, only contamination, insures the crap to a the family since 1677. Queen Anne I "', I;
),f the two stanebions w'hich support- to have bi,, unfounded elAtion sink remarkable degreo.. donated the site in the exclusive St. I ;, �, , ,
A the broad sweep of the beavy roof -he n th,� James, square to Jdhn Harvey H�the, . ", - W.. '... ,. 1, 1.
,qwiftl,,s back to the bPdrrwk level of a Refore cutting t. qe.�-d Tu -.1. .
ie,ams, turned at right angles and dreary outlook robbed of any saving - .-
,stock over a hand rack and remove an ancestor of Ithe marquis, and the I � I',, I
'a,stened it to a row or hooke on thp Vlmm of hope. Nevertheless, be -.;lip- I all tu-bers that are. off -type or under famous archibect, Story, built the ' ` 11 .�
11 � .. �11 ,
I ..
;vall at the, head of tb,- couch, re- d on -An overeoRt nrid. calling to three onne" in weight; all showing mansion in 1677. No alteration'; wt,re 11 . ,.,..,;: I ,�
' ' I , ", 1i
I, 1;, ,i: I I
, ,.
naining himself within the privacy Amelit- to kev-p to the ;house while 31" black scurf and any -thing .1rhOwing rnad)e until five years ago, when the .... �:; V
,2 -
i,f the quickly constnicted room to I brown necrotic ]esions on the surface house was rented furnished for the 11��, ��. . ,
__ - . - - ____..... ". ,- 17",", -
+ange his shirt. I or rot of any kind no matter how summer at $1,000 a week to an Amerl- AN 11 `
"Well, I'll he jiggered!" he heard rlight* F,v,,, during careful grading can hostess, who insisted ,on having ..... .1,11, �
. .
Rephen exclaim to Amplie. "So that Vj 1br b0^ , certain di,.wased tubers will We by radiators installed Ithroughout the . :�� . R,
s what those books Rrp forl" P ''. � I �,
U ars Of DF6_309 I un -noticed, th,erefore unless the great- house. It took the house agofit a 11 �,Fo.
world-famous prew ; I . 4 11.:�'4,
After ithe mij-day, dinner ho left arationforEpileps est care ,is taken the Object will be long time and much diplomacy to I , ,
7 _.,4�;. a!",
T-l"A . _�V`� "!
*6nd Fits-alm d ef eated - make the marquis nceept th-6 lad,�� � ;; -" %,
$em, 'Wandered about. the place aim- FITS home tros,tment.PAG ,. I, .41 1'4!�
essly, and then struck out for Hii Upom the completion of judicioue vew-fangled Moms. U the ,011d ft !�., � "
. 911 ovevsoyearalmtrnem Teshmorilslafrornsupmu . .1 11 ., 4AW
Rack, beckoning from across the, val- atbe wntld- oTet HAV In I grading there Is still amother step. owner agreed to put the ltot . .... j,* Zf",
I �,O JPmr. WrItO St OUCOW , 7 . ,. I
RENCH'S REm -D E.s LIMITED I , - .� Ii�,,� ;, ",,
.." �"J "S � .4
- I
ley. He reached it Awl climbed down MpTiame. Obarnbnrs.79 Adelaideft 9r, There, are many internal abiTormali- only If the ekpenabg *or 6 � :,"'IL�J'! 6 �Y�,;
to the ledge where he had sat with Turuto, 0yotarke ties such as blaelt htalt, stem end tenant. I .1 I .I"',." 1�7,,;,.., ',!!,�.,,
I 4�. ,,�,o, i'.�� �,�,"A'v, I,, 12il
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