HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-05-06, Page 6,, .-f-I , � 11� , : I I I :,;" � , , f, . � , � . I � � I � , , : � � , I . . . .. . . � , , . . , , ,, ,� , . ,� - " , � �� , � I , I , I , , . , I � I 11 I i0l�,;,�,4 ; - I I 11 I - � '), I � , f� VIA --,a ",- I � 4, —.7 � � "'..., � , , 4 � I . � 1: , ": 1, : . � 1. . . I I , . . I . , , I �,'�, � lvi-v� 1.11 It ­­."", , ,;;1:,- �., 1. I � - "'.11 I., ., . w ,tv,,��,�, . ", . , . , . 1� - " '. � - 61,;�Vf�lj�� ,,,�(�I­kk:` %.!��­�, , IQ,.-. �­,,' ,,,,�, . , . , I I � I " -,�� , , ", , , , ` '. , .a,q,k "', -A". �L­ , "A�,"�,.,,�,,�,,,.�,�.,�,yAiv".",�,�'I ­��,-Lf,!`-­Lu ,.­-�---,1�-­ , ;'? ','� -, - -.el'tiA ­ ­ I'll ---1---- �1-1- . �V"- ­­ --,-r, ,'r , : "I'll", "I'll , "p—ml."Fo - —, � � I . � M ,"., ,,. 3"A 14 11:-,1�3'111111 — I ,'�'; � , , . ''. � . V ,4, , �', 2� " " 11 . I " ol'�, , :;­ , . ,, ,6 � NZTII�'�11:7�, "; � , , ": I" .� , P, ...... z:, ". * " , ,v - , �, �� -.��,'!k,%:,w,o., ,W 1� I , , - " , I . . "I . "I %, N*% ��,%:�,' . . " ":,�,, ", - , I ��� , X IN * , I I 1: " . ; . I T , I , 0 . I-, 'K . , I . I �".. J - , ,,� �;, * �� , " 'a ,. �,�, - . I " . I ,., , , ,` t '.i� , " , , , 4� " , " I . a ". �. 't � I., I" ., 4'.o, ,.�,,: ,?�­, , I . I � . V1,41"A t I 01 �. . , a l,'Z!­'�­; '; , ,,, , , I . �, . ��;I�i �,-.. " �;It- I , I I I . . � , . .. .,�,`,, :� - mmm 1 . t k!mpm , I . � .. IL j" `��'�� �A - '�J' � , I I �Ll I I Wa the, � 6upeo :b4ttle -Mone's. R=Ta 04" 44 1* X4 . , " k" � (NII 4trength) And apply nig eavit ''o'- 1000,4,k �, NI- " . .., y iqwa ,w* ww*. morning (to the Swollen, 4ixi ,., '.., �.` . . . veins. $oou you w111 notice th ��14 �, I , ,..V� ­ * I- � are growing. k m,ller and the , I . a, or O." relv&4 0*': WOuds gre - ment should be continued un ' " ' I veins -are of normal size. So ;,be.`M�47a-,�.of v4vio,om v4xiA, or ' I � ,V :, 6 tiiiii biiat advice that anyone trating and rowerful is Emers w C . orld can give yqu is to� Ask I that even Pi es we quickly ab raggist, for an original two- C. Aberhart sells lots of it, \ plm�lp ;-,, � �, rdW,R1*iL1. I 0 �ourhome -A wint enddrin 0 beau 9 Can a da Pai�7,,4 heazzly 10SIS hecause ,4ho Qaoli�� Is*C'fuPI-01ne. The amazilig durability of Canada Paint is duc to tile fact that the finest of all White I.cads — Gentilne Elephant Brand — is 11"cd for tile Pigment and combincd with tile purest linseed oil. In the matter of color beatity, Canada Pallit I'S 1111 "Urpassed. NO Matter how (]ill] thc ontside surface of your ]ionic may bc, the iii,igic totich of Canada Paint color will transform it into a home of which voii will bc justly protid. i Refore you begin an, nalliting Job, Coil - stilt the nearest Caii­,da Paint dealer. I le can supply ,,-oil with col(,r cards and hcIpfill iiii,orniation covcring the parti- cular work you lia-ve ill view. Write for our beautifully illustrated free color book, showing actiial color photos of lovely painted lionic's, to guide i yoll in selecting color schemes for the . ' interior or exterior of your home or mimmer cottage. Address, The Canada Paint Co. Limited, 572 William Street, Montreal. k\\�-61 ­,T--�J�,� ���-,W-�7,�Trrr",T,FqT,.M I'll , ,­ �—�""F,93,FF,,F,7k7,,,----'��� -- �- - 7 t - - �,� 1�1� ,� �.: �, ,, , , " � . ­" � � � 4,.,;,:� � ,,,�,,k,�i � , "" �� I � � -I , �, I 1. I , , , , ­ I' 1� � I,; I. , I'', , -,. , ," � ,, � . I , ,. I, �", .,i ­�, , , I �11­ I z � . . �,, , . I I I �­�, , , :.� ,�6`-.�": ; I . . .. ", . ", . , ­ ,,,, � S... ".y . - , 1-1.1 -11 I'll- 11 I �. I I., - �! 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I �.­ . - .1 I .,. 1��,�2�`P�:,Y,�`� * .�."h'."', - ,- , �, ,� , '� 'f' , 'W".. . �- : ­­ � , , , :, �, ; , .. 1. ", - � � � . ,LLL .11, � '. .,�� ; - F, , 4. � �`.f 1, I. �, : . .� - I - � I . 'L I ", " ," � I - I ,, �: . ., 4 k , L, V . � :I, I , - � ­ -d ,-- -i� ., , � � a 1VT I 1, ." .11" I . --- 'i , N il'!,�i, !� -1 � ,­­. I I- I'll � ­:�.­,­ � . I ."�t,�,v-;�l.".,�,�—.�,-�*1.0�. � � , . �11 �'1'11,,V­ - I ii, , . I'll , ,;. le ,` . . . 11�1, , , . I i� , . , ... . .1 , r �. � . % . i ,� ... , - , I . '14 � ; �� � �, 1, .., � " `�� :, . "' , �� , IRAUP.JALUM& 00�6�isla , .. ; .... 11 :, , 1YT : I " . 011, 14 I " � .... f"' -11 .. 1), � � ­ . � .LADY IOUCK .1. I 0 11 I - I d I , � -1 ; . I �� : $f thi :041 now -Twi bi ., ; at , MP4 . �":� - "I � ­ I . , . As our reiiidere will already b*ve .­ , ,, ,,',V� . - - I 1�­ . * 'k , . 11 realized the hasoball season is Again , 1­�;�,*.� - 11 M - I. I . � � � I m 11 0:, On � off 1 4 , Q� ot, 1 I.. . . . . . I.. I fil A �­ Id Oil open, with sixteen clubs in the major . . O.". 114, Mother and loko the, q, Maill, I k1-11 is 11 4A . ri ' . - � I � - lt and league3 hoping for a penant Jiff they el , I � lltaa � one strong Aud. well� r I - .. 11b , , w � from the . I 1% -'16� ,h4."-. � I o ,. 3,ro 4. 1 p7�jlily one & urily and foll , � "'T � _ 4. �0�. �iA& .of j.vd, . O . I I.ar . I I I arged have a bit of luck. It is true t�har, , *0 " t ,X twe'-Ron.. W.. - .. Jardine, 0 isecre- blo, "h - � I L . .1h . I- � ' - . the slaimy Oue-taW OU talry, With. Assistant Recretar R, W. viiw44',fw�'*,�-t�h�a�'.1�,�i�bA 1 �010-44iiy, a& t they luck plays a bi r part in winning - ­ .1. . I avail -, - po ds of,�., Id flTsh --Get X0100y's , ,and A 1Wfnb0r of WIG will VAO,og �*A 471$5� I . :.:,44v'4UQeg-, gge, , . A,V -, AAS V. S., treat- a pennant than a pitching staff, ,t� . � � . Dun," l� 1. % � I -,Xaeo the .., �� Cdd , ,, .. t ableta. the The�� torAmiler%. 14. , f " to til the though the theory is that over a , , xtrae attend Congreas. The United , I ,,,, ,q,r,,,. - ' -$?4 V - , Govfyr 4 106nW.Ws B04 "T.0ted ,000 quarteirl" i, 1 .4 , n. pene- stretch of six Months the breaks of . T a ' .rich in vitallmug vitam- -St4tes ' ' w .y. I - ines_ -, of vitam-inos Viat ore- for a iyPitional exhibit, *h iv� now iY debt, the lf.�tteryto �meet current . Id Oil the game will average about the same ate atreil, d, - . � I . # ,curreol;i : :revenue There never was a g* improve the appetite an being preparedi and jw,Qme- tw6tity'of expenditurei! who , . I sorbed. for each team. , resist disease the stqtes 4re participating ,b more focitUsh theory. There is noth- -build i;p7thi power to . ,.y ig � o� fails to zueetit, Both- AVe phottnter]U� Childt4lik.-1ove them as they do vidilig material, ' . advances, ThelfAvee-:&M, whicii t1iq­ ing at all, average about what are candy, %cause they'are sugax coated Dr. JuR told of A new featuTe that bank notes are maft oomos,'fr4m Lav, called tho breaks. Luck will strike and eas;�, to take. One lboy� gained N being- incorporated in the United erstoke, in Hampabire,'wher6 it is anywhere, and unlike lightning it may , , strike in the same place a dozen 11% poijqds in seven weelm. and is States national exUbit. There will made from fine4rish linpn, assisted now healthy and happy—thowands be demomtrXiitions,-by four teams by the peculiar qpalities'of the w0er .. � times, and like lightning is not guar- of other children have grown 'strong from jqovenile pouWy clubs, of the that flows . ugh the works. . thio anteed to strike in any place even and rob0ist 1-chipill, Ver- As a dealer in gold, the bank's , � States of, Nebraska. M once. Another curious thing about Sixty tAblets for 60 cdnts at drug- mont and Connecticut. It is pro - bullion office is compelW by law to luck is that it does not exist for those . .1 I POS 14, gists evvrywbere. Try them for 30 ed that the Vermont teanj give its sell standard 22 -carat gold at the ut for those da , 6,8 . I who do not believe in it, b ys and if you are not happily sat- demonstration in the French langu- equivalent of $1 . 7 an ounce and . who do it is more real than religion isfied with the test get your money age. As regards commercial exhi-b- to buy it when offered at'$19.84. It or politics. Mlost ball players, we back- But_demand McCoyos--4t pays fts from the United States, Dr. Jull is accordingly not a free agent jond gather, are superstitious. They have to get the genuine, stated that all the space allotted for the, result is that the bulk of the � . seen luck working too often to doubt 11 I American exhibitors had been taken business is in the hands of a little its existence and naturally they do ---�­ ------, up. The United States committee has band of bullion brokers, who meet what they can to ingrat;iate them - 4 selves with the lady. .. exuberant rookie shouted, "Only six planned a number of tours for clele- every morning* at 11.15 o'clock at John C, Kofoed, a writer for the more _to get out for a no -hit game," gates at the conclusion, of the Con- Rothschild's. Four vety old firn�s k Public Ledger of P'niladelphia, has and Morgan blew up with a bang, gTeSS. ,The Un,ited States live bird handle most of the bullion that is perstitions of losing the game. But for this ouT,- exhibit, aside from the display orf th,! bought and sold at Rothschild's. ball players, and seeks to show that bust of ill-judged enthusiasm he American Poultry AssDeiation, will be Oine of the many picturesque cus- they are by no means confined to might have entered the so-called base- a cre4table one, Dr. Jull states. Prof. toms with which the bank is en. the less intelligent of them. EddiL ball hall of fame. � W. C. Thompson, of the .College Of crusted draws nightly attention to 1, Collins, for instance, is a unl�versity - Agriculture, New Brunswick, N,. J., the gold reseriVe in its vaults. A man, who would be at ease in any HORSE KICKS AUTO TO EXPRESS has this matter in hand and is mak- military guaa7d is furnished and in to cultivated society where baseball was DISLIKE in.g excellent progress in rounding up fine weather it marches to the bank not discussed. But he is a slave to Apparently imbued with a dislike the varieties of which it will he cOm- about 6 o'clock, stopping as it enterE a wad of gum. He carries it stuck to automobiles, a horse owned by A. Posed- the city to fix bayonets, in accord - in the side of his cap, and whenever M. ReCannell, Waterloo Road, Guelph, , Mr. H. A. Craig, Deputy Minister ance with the right of the Guards there are two strikes on him or some madie a vicious ,attack on a motor )f Agniculture for Alberta, said the regiments. It consists of a subaltern other crisis arises he removes the car driven by R. J. Stewart while poultrymen of his province were show- a sergeant, thirty men and a drum. / gum and chews it vigorously. H (.� the latter was driving towards Guelph ing a great interest in the coming mer, who has never been known U finds it a great comfort. Without from Hei�pler. As he passed -a farm Congress, They had a live provincial sound his drum. The men get E ' ittee, which was doing good his gum he would be in much the lane near ,McCannell's home he heard cOmm shilling a night from the bank in ad. same position as the bull dog de- the thunder of hoofs and on looking work. First selections of live birds dition' to the fee the bank pays t( for the Congress were now ,,, eing scribed by Max Adler, a now most up saw a horse charging at full speed I the Government. The officer gets hi,, forgotten humorist. This was a towards the machine. On reaching made by a representative of the com- dinner only, with the right to invite g notably fighting dog that always took the car the animal turned around and mittee, who will later on make his friend, who must leave the bank 153 a grip on the hind leg of his antagon- commenced to kick, planting its iron- final choices. The province hoped W midnight. z n'exhibit worth while. -0 ist and never lost a battle until one shod heels against the body of the put On a day he tried to grapple with a dog automobile and shattering the glass 0 that had both hind legs cut off in a in the rear window. Two laddes, who N saw mill. Having nothing to grip were riding in the rear seat were NORMAN REMAINS HEAD OF J. 10 More Piles this unhappy dag had no way of fight- fortunately Unharmed by the flying BANK OF ENGLAND ing and fell an easy victim. Christy ,rl,ass. The aninial was finally driven Thousands Bless Dr. Leonhardt, th4 I Matthewson, another college man, arid uff before it could do any further Recently, if original intention were Physician Who Discovered This a gentlemen of high rating, would damage. executed, Mr. Montagu Collet Nor- Common Sense Remedy invariably spit in hi, hat if he hall- mLr was re-elected governor of the Ban], of England for the eighth con- If you think that the surgeon' pcm�d to meet a cross-eyed man. It Excellent Testimony 1,e�-Illive term. It is Pin honor ri-:wer knife is the only method of escap was the only means he said, of aver�- ' ing the jinx. From (graduate Nurse before conferred upon a governor of from the misery of piles, it's becausi He also had a strong prejudice this institution. ) Until the wa-.- th�, you haven't heard of the new treat i�gainst tossing the ball to the thi rd � WHO USED DQDD'S KIDNEY tl'H�i-tion was thAt no governor of the ment known as Dr. Leonhardt's HEM baseman when warming up betwefn . PILLS NNITH VERY SATIS- bnil� should serve five ternis, but this ROID. innings. Rather than do thi% he FAC`I'0RY RESULTS wm, due to the unprecedented condi- This Doctor's treatment is internal would have walked off the field for Li011S created by the war, and now Mr. By experimenting, he discovered th he felt that it spelled disaster. Many Nurse James Suffered With Her Kid- Nor. )ELn begins his eighth year. It cause of piles and then went furthe other pitchers ha've the same pr(-ju- neys and Yotind Relief in Dodd's :-; probable that the bank will never and compounded a remedy that woull (lice, and readers might amuse theni- Kidney Pills. i( tuin to the ancient precedent, remove tbe cause. ,elves by noting how this venerablel Toronto, Ont., May 5th­(Speciial) 1�ough there are those who opposed Every pile sufferer should benefi �:uperstition manifests itself among,! "I am glad indeed to recommend N11%.Norman, They represer�t:d in- by his discovery and so that there wi rur local athletes. Some supersLil,- � Dodd's, Kidnry Pills, having taken ("Ll,itlial rather than ,financial intcr- be no doubting or delay, all druggist �ons are individual. Others extend iseverad boxes with very ilenericial re- ;,.sts, and thus call attention %,) ti -e are authorized to sell HEM-ROIJ to all the practitioners in the ar,. I sults," writa4 Nurse James, who re- fact that these interests have as a v.ith guarantee that it will do as stal For instance, all ball players believe 1 sides at 630 Collcge Street. "After the rule taken opposing views on the ed or money back. that to see a load of empLy barrels' first box I wa, vneouraged to go fur- question cf deflation. D�, financiai On that honorable basis every sul on the way to the game is lucky. John I ther realizing that one box alone could ini-re-ts I-elieve that Gr -a-. Br;tain ferer should secure a package of Di , * ­ I and the Bank of England did a great Leonhardts HEM-ROID to -day. , McGraw, manager of the Giants, one', i not give me the satisfaction I wanted. took advantage of this foible His - After f-l��ng ,�vvvral boxes I am satis. .stroke by getting back to the gold *- ' ' ! fled that they are worthy of a trial. I basis. They point to the fact that team was in a slump. One day J oe ,McGinnity entered the club house be-' suffered wdth .severe backache and in 1920 the pound sterling dropped as CONGRESS DELEGATES WILL I - 3-20 while to -day it stands "ore a game in high spirit-,. "We're urinary troubles at times. My eye low a." $ , f - SEE ALL CANADA going to win to -day boys," he an- sight was greatly effected as a TeSuju at $4.815. That, in their opinion, is nounced. "I saw a load of empty bar- c -f my kidney and bladder condition. the sufficient justification for the With the co-operation of the Hor rels outside." Sure enough, McGin- Thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills, I am Norman policy. Industrialists, are crable W. R. Motherwell, Minister ( nity pitched and the team won. Me- greatly r(,:ipved and frequently recom- not quite so sure that the return. tjl Agriculture, and the two great rai I Graw then hired a truck driver to mend thein to others. I was indeed th,u gold standard was the best thing way's, Mr. F. C. Elford, Director c pass around the park each day with - reluctant to try these Pills, but my that could have happened. the World' -s Poultry Congress to I hig load of empty barrels" and th,, I husband ,aid try tillem, they have The critics of Mr. Norman and the held in Ottawa from July 27th t Giants kept on winning for the roitl helped whvrs. So, to please him, I Ilan], of England are fond of unfa'T- August 4th, has been able to cary of their home stay. Eddie Plank, of ! did so, :i: -d am very glad of it." orably comparing the British banking to fruition a plan, as a result of whic 'he old Athletics, was on�e of the best Thery i, no teason why anyone� .system, which is to .say the system a train of thirteen cars will leave 0 Pitchers in the game. He never woul3ishould c,nt�nue to suffer when Dodd's of the Bank of England, with the tawa on Augunt 4th laden with pitch unless ht� hail hail a plate of I Kidn,-v Pills can be obtaim-d from � more fluid Federal Reserve system of ,,Ie,t4,d number of delegates to tf . I 1) . tomato soup for lunch, and sevingi rUKMsl, (-verywhere, or the Dodds I the United States. They want th" Ocingress, who will be shown tl !that tomato .soup is no particularly I M,(,dickw Company, Limited, Toronto, bank modernized, for they say that wonderful extent and potentia-liti( exotic dish it. was easy enough to pro- 12, Ont:ir;.-. the rigidity that the Act of 1844 im- of the Dominion from coast to coas , . ide. him with it wheni,ver it was biO 40 I poses on the Bank of England harn- The "qeeing-Canada" train will fir i I turn to go on the mound. (*. S. POULTRY EXHIBIT FOR , pi,rg industry by a complete depend- make it,; way via Canadian Pa-cil , � ,; Ed. Rommell, one of the Athletics'l NNORLD'S CONGRESS I once on the movement of gold. The Railway lines to the Maritimes, sto- stars, obj(,cts to autographing a base- I , Bank of England is in some respect--, ping first at Ste. Anne de Bellevu 1 1 all, a practice in which Babe Rut h I Pronli­­ of fullest co-operation: like the British Constitution. ILmaY where a visit will be paid to Macdol . I from t%k,- Government nfricials andl be an anachronism in theory, but it ,and others excel. Om- day after hi,;1 ald College. From there a jump w - team had won the fi rst game of a; the pr- id,�rrt ,of the Oldest poultry I works because it has been able to he n -rade to Fredericton, New Brun Idouble header, he was invited it) assovint; ,ii in the wor!d wit;h the � adapt itself to changed conditions., wick, thence to St. John, New Brun . : autograph a ball, and innocently did World'- l'oultry Congress of 1927. Like the English themselves, as Clair wick, and on to Halifax, Nova Scoti . !Fo� Ile pitched the next game and to bv hi��d in Ottawa from July 27th. Price writes in the New York Times, A vis,it will also be paid to Cbarlott the worst raking, of hk to Aligns: 4th, were listkned to and the bank has within it the germ of I town, Prince Edward Island. On tl ! got one of I career. This prejurfice is not gen- hoartily :ipplauded by members Of evolution. It came into existence in . way westward, strips will be made (-Pal, most players, espf-cially left I con�,,rvs, executive at a meeting he!d 1 1694 for the express purpose of lend- Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto ai hAnders, being rather flattered when t Wt4iwa last week. ing the Government of William 111, Guelph. asked to autograph a ball at tho i il Th(- G(,vernment officials were:- - the sum of Y1,200,000 at 9 per cent. Then over the lines of the Cailadii implied suzX(,stion that they can; Dr. M,,i-i,-.v A. Jul], of Washington, interest. It was then, as how, a National Railways the jump wiqll ' write. There is a general prejudice D.C., United States Poultry IN- I private assocation, called the Gover- made to Winnipeg, -and stops will I I lmnflrnan, and Mr. 11. A. Craig, or nor and Company of the Bank n among good hitter -q again,;t letting, Of lade at Saskatoon, Edmorrbon, Ja anyone else use their bat.s. it pro- I Edmonlom. Deputy Minister of Agri- England. It became the administra-, , per Park, Vancouver and Victor� bably arose when Wagner wa- the rultur- for Alberta. The president tor of the national debt by virtue of Striking eastward agalin the train w king of hatters. Never would h,, I 'if the Amorican Poultry As,sociatinn, its dealings with William, and it re- call at Lake Louise and Banff, w :illow anybody else to swing one of i Mr. Thomas F. Riigg, of Fort Wayne, mains so. It was about 1800 that it Calgary, Regina, Brandon and Wi . his clubs. His carefully reasoned" Indiana, was the third. The assoc'.- acquired the .special privil,eges that nipe-g will he visitm. From Winio ihoory was that there are only s) Ition has .some 14,800 members in now distinguish it from any other p(,g the train will proceM to Niaga many hits in a bat and if anyone el.;,i hranrh(-s ill every state of the Union, bank in England. Fal,ls, and after a day there wifl . gvLs one of them there is just one on Japan. Cuba, the W.e�st 1ndie,;, Pitt's Government was in desper- to Toronto where the delegates w ew ner of the bat. Egypt, and other countries, and hag Rte need of money, and in return for he turned Over to the ()fficials Of t Most players take pains that the or- been carrying on its work of stand- an advance of 13,000,000 the bank Canadian National Exhibition, who derly line of bat,9 lying before the dug 1lr`d'i7Ati,,n for over half a century. was granted the sole right of issuing guests they are to be. The trip is out shall not be disturbed. Spectators, Dr. Jull sbated that the programme notes redeemable in gold on dema,id last from '2"; to 27 days. quickly the bat bo� of the United States in regard to the across its counter. No other bank - makes the line level if it has been World's Poultry Congress was pro- within aixty-five miles of London was inadvertently disarrayed. The o1j. gressoi.rig favorably, and while there permitted to issue or deal in such Athletics, however, used to mix th-eir is as y(�t no reliable e4timate, the rotesi, and this special right was bats up arid toss them about in the number (if delegates will probably ex- writtem into the Bank Charter Act -if ACIDS IN STOMACH midst of a batting rally, and they ceed 2,000. 1833, the basis of the Act of 1841 profited as much from this super- There are group of 200 coming that still defines the bank's position. stition as did the other team from from certain states, parties of 100 The 1844 Act,made the bank's note CAUSE INDIGESTIO'. the contrary doctrine. and more from other states, and re- the only legal form Of paper cur - Bob Shawkey, of the Yankees, _ , -- -- rency the State's contract with the Create Gas, Sourness and Pain won't go on the field unless he is bank to be terminable at a year's no- How To Treat 1-7-1 Exchequer I wearing a red sweatshirt. Urban tice. Provided that the Shocker, of the same team, believes Only Powerful repaid to the bank all the principal Medical authorities state that neg be courts good luck when he lays and interest due it from the Speaker ly nine -tenths -of the cases of stoma a strip of slippery elva on the palm Medicine'Will End of the House'bf Comnions to the Gov- trouble, indigestion, sourness, bul 6f his glove before the dugout after " ehrior of the bank would suffice at ing, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., s p each innings. A -superstition that this moment to gitre the required due to an excess of hydrochlorf� a4 / " is universal among pitchers is that RHEU,MATISM year's notice. in the stomach and not as some I 11 to be reminded of the number of After more than 230 years of life, lieve to a lack of digestive Juices T men to be disposed of before the it matters not whether you have the bank is still privately owned delicate stomach lining. is lltriia; game is over is the worst kind of had agonizing pAing from rheumatism and controlled. Its affairs are di- ditestiot is delayed wid food sou . luck. There is more than supersti- for 20 yearsi oe distressing twitch- rected by its governor and deputy causing the disagreeable symptol . , tion in this. The pitcher is cobeen- ings for 2o ,�veeks, Rheuma while governor, both of whom are elected which every stomach sufferer kno it, .. trating on the batter who faces him, harmless, is gtrong bnough and mighty from among its directors. Gover- so well. - and suddenly to have his mind dia- and powerful -en6ugh -to drive the norship is one of the most powerful Artificial digestents are not need MNT tracted by the thought that after rbeumat.io poasong, from your system positions in all the banking world, in such cases and may do real hat this One is put out there are two and abolish all ml�ery or moneyback. a fact that Mr. Norman's aecom- Try laying aside all digestive aide a more to be disposed of naturally All druggists, sell *Rheuma with plialiment of deflatiou'amoly attests; instead got from any druggist a :f, upsets hilm. This applies with double guarantee of'par�eeit satisfaction or but the 'Governor in, theory is re- ounces ,of Bisurated Mag)14MJS 9 CANADA PAINT PRODU , force when a pitchei is going along money refuftdA A large bottle ic spongible only to -his directors. There take a teaspoonful In a quarter gil ,Ila , '1'e " smoothly without -having yielded a inexpensive, atia after YOU take the are twenty-four of these, chosen of water right -after eabing, T1 E, d by the inakers of the famous, 'n the small dose as directed twice a da r a g th p in . hit. ,Who this happens and y -f om M070 e AvtneTs the sweitenh the stomach, prevehtd, i Eti ,ph , . n M 11 A d4brand GenuineW, h! Ifte Lea& game is iiiaring the end the otbtr for just a few days you should know leading d-ty' firms, with the proviso formatio of exe seld a 0, th,ro , players never mention the fact to that at last, .y#% - have obtainotd a that no Clearing Mousie banker shall no sourness gas or-'pah L. gg�rw I Abotr -sale h - the pitcher. As likely as not be Is rgrnedy that does relieve yo,41, suffer- be eligible. Diredtors, genetally Magnesia �(in po-wdelk-oi 6 a fd *"W .y -, - I . 1 ­ I t . � not thinking of it. His mind is 021 in$,08"d will douquer .rheutnatism. serve for life, bVitt'ste r"leet8d an- --nevet 114uid oi, milk)' As bp4TA14 , , -1 ,�.. . I � the neat mail -not upon a no -bit gnme� r 'ver � " i v yedrs. Rhataina. bae nually by the, stookholders or pro- to. the. ztov*N�. iAftobnsive to ta 9,-'­'-�"-.,��­­ � .1 '. of* I , , W. -I.- . . 1,� �.�, "; I I . , I � I . I . � Mr. Xofoed recalls a game when Cy, been sold &M, �tddollolirded .m. As thus Organized, tho � and is the -ittitist i&#iAt form -of mi I .1 "I e . . , ... I I Morgan, a spitball pit4fer of e Old beat druizgigtsio, Iff: AW'Oilft- It hko Bank of Ep'gfland is the nation's IwAtt 1, IN'' ft*ogeli� It is I I I .. 1, . " �, �, . I I I . th hi,no sense a nil,�, i&'�ty.­;&Wii�ai o� #idole- who e'* � I Athletics, wag going great gabs and ,tdleggo 11�� .1 I I I I I i ,d tbotighibda :froth agony, pain bank- but it is Ji 'h "I', P.11. I .. 1- I , �.' �01 ftltL at the end o1d* seventh not the sign and degpAir,,'g#(1 ,,should do tile sarde tior6i bank. It has all the GovevIll-, tho imeala wit - no. Wort feAr of I I . I. ­,W,�,41­­�,, i ­­ I 11 of a hit had been made ofk him. An fo-r you. I 'I.; . I �. r4eftt, wou"U., - At thn0A aspimally �ij \ . � -Y, , , "' ,.. I" .. 1 I � I 11 .. 1. 1, . I . I I 1. P 61i. . ��"!,v , ". 1 �, "* I .1 I 11 . . � I . - I . '. - Clj,,�!', "'. - I :1 11 . , ... . . . I , ... I .�.,,�,:,�,� ,,,,-',! t,� ,, . � �, .. '. ... , ,' - . - % . I . . ­1� ,�, , .. ., , " I., I L , �� . . I , ­ - 11 " - . , , I �.'­ "I . ,­ ­. I I I ,�, , , I ­ � ."f$,T, "I"'. 1-4.1 , 11, . � 1. I I . . I ,� I , I .� .'I., """ ", �F,�). " . . ,� . . 1. ,,�'. . � , I I i . .. , 1,'; 11� - 1�. I �, . , , . I . . I . I � 11 �Ml, ,.�.'­ ,� ". . 1- , . - , , - 11 , . 1��­� I � I .,.­,�.,� " I , . , . "A .�4i I , . , , .1 L ".. i4 W5 . � , , . I 1. j �;, '! ,,-�. ­,­�'. � I . 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Beattie lalock - - beaforgi, OnL . . � I . . � . - - � 11 - I I I - R, S. HAT$ Barrister, Solicitor =.syapw " ' .P C To and NotAry Publi, - , r r for =* Dominion 13ank, ioMeo.in r.�ajL,qf t% Do;niniou Bank, Seafoith. '7Mdn'Qy1,'t9 loan. . - . � , . . . . . . �­ . . , BEST & BEST Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- . cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office in the Ed-ge Builtling, opposite The .Expositor Office., I VETEkTNARY I . JOHN GRIEVE� V.S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- erinary Dentistry 4% specialty. Office and residence on Goderich Street� one' door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea - forth. � A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Gradua'te of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated . by t h e m o s t modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. � MEDICAL DR. W. C. SPROAT ; ! Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, I University of Western Ontario, Lon- , don. Member of College of Physic- . ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office . in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St, Seaforth. Phone 90. . I ! . . r . I DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honour graduate of Faculty of , Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- I versity of Western Ontario, London. I Member of College of Physicians and ) Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors - east of post office. Phone 66, Hensall, Ontario. 3004-tf - DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY . Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 pin.; - Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 f - DR. F. J. BURROWS f Office and residence Goderich Street, e eatit of the Methodist church, Sea - 0 forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the y County of Huron. h DR. C. MACKAY I a C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- e ity University, and gold medallist of e Trinity Medical College; member of 6 the College of Physicians and Sur - t. geons of Ontario. it c DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate, of University of Toronto )- Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- ?, lege of Physicians and Surgeons of '- Ontario; pass graduate courses in - 11 Chicago Clinital School of Chicago ; - Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, 3- England; University Hospital, Lon- I- don, England. Office Back of Do- �- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5- ia Night calls answered from residence, It Victoria Street, Seaforth. Ld 4' DR. J. A. MUNN .n Successor to Dr. R. R- Ross )e Graduate of Northwestern Univers- w ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal s- College of Dental Sufteons, Toronto. a. Office over ,Sillt' Hardware, Main St-, 11 Seaforth. Phone 1&1, id I- DR. F. J. BECHELY 4 1 - Graduate Royal College of Dental .1 Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. IL ro Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea - Ii forth. Phones: Office, 185W.i resi- le dence, 185 J. 056-tf ;e I to. AUCTIONEERS . THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Correspondence arrangements for sale dates can be 4 made by calling up phone 212, Sea - forth, or The Expositor Office. Charg- es moderate, and satisfaction guaran- teed. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- r� tional School of Auctioneeringy Chi- �h eago. Special ediirse'tAken In Pure a- Bred Live Stock, Real 19stato; Mer - re chandise and- Farm Sales. Rates in -id keeping with pftyilling market ' Sat- e_ figfaction assived. 'Write or wire, ite Osicar Klopp, Zurich, Ont.* Phone. id, fg-03- 286"2 , . I �139 as R. T. LUKER V9 Licensed suctionjisi br thQ Cotaitty of Huroti. Saiga attended to in sffl ed ps,r,bs; 0-1 the eoun�y. - Se,ven ftarso ex - in. peri6nee itt Afshifobs, and Saskatcho- ad Wal� - Ter , gi reasonable. Phone No. , ,w, lIg r J1 lxetdr, Centralia P.O., R.RL . ad No- L Orderb t $it The Huron Ex - Ss OoAltor Officb, Senfortb, promptly at- asi, L toded. . . he 1, - . ..-.. --.--.,. '18, ad . F., W. AHREN9 "- Licensed auctioneer for Perth and ss, Ouron Counties. Sales solicited, W Real Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Tiermst 9- (Ynd-balf per cent. on all farm stock, is- ItAplelpents �&,nd real estate proPerty; oy no :0h,ar do, where sales. not t4side. 11- 6 Siebs,, R.A. 4, Mitchell: Lot 62 Z"AafijkjA*. A— t�A&gjfii T�hi%JnA JR*"_ ,% 1"!:A3�!, I j;, I !V L - 1". k ­..., �., ".. �1. ,� I "'. `.,;:i,�L ., r'L. " �- , �,,,,, , , '. , .. ,, r I r . �, 1", . " .: I I .,�.. . - , . " 4. � �r �, ,.; I , . . . , I , � ;;; :. ','.��",. . . , , I 4 I . . ,� 1 . " 11 .. . I - . ­' % . -2 . I ­ -14P�1. 1 , " " �L ; , i - . I � � � I 11 I � �, �- �, � � � - - - --.- - -- -I- s. - - I 1. , ; .. . . . I � i - .. I ":, . ) . . , I * I . . I . ,, "I .1 I .,�"­­. .. ." I - . . .� . ,q �,,, �:­', I" ". , ',, � , ,�,�,'., , "'. . I - ..��,�­, , �.L, I . ", �.. ., t � '-.s :,.,�` - , % .. xl)�O.S­ 1110 I"! . - , " . -, ", '', , - " ,. , 'A .,,!�.,,.­��,,;�, , �81 , , ot­­�;�,11.111 ,.; "I A, .. , ;'% &,,-"",A,,,,.�,� . ,;.. .� , !o , 11