HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-29, Page 3ie�y; zfs,. °n�GM S'.44 rtega-,11, r Canada ,and .etrofl abro are in 'a poazti.on to. ollnpt ,collections ,in all parte irit Ole ''old Acceptances are uickl obtained, pay riernts pror4ptlr transmitted-.detai1s are carefully and accurately Icamlleit Ask our local manager fol complete infornatdon, et ,oc}' exhibit d` h '+ . co p of a lates odels for Sprl. "witching . alaxy of metra stylish e Wer garments ' for women and • . m s es w=h+ would have new and becomingly attractive garments at very reasonabe prices. BETTERI MERG IANDISE, GREATER VARIETY, LOWER PRICES (M 'NAMUR BRA1 cB • �yy,(� Rim. �d ..' DEPOSIT "S"M ` Manager. I1AKE CARE OF BABIES EASIER Stomach disturbances and constipa- tion are responsible for much of the Teevishness of babies and young child- ren. Wlhen the baby is cross or irri- table the mother should not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to correct the trouble, for in the majority of 'casesthese mixtures simply drug the aihild into an unnatural sleep. What is needed is a gentle laxative that will sweeten the stomach and regulate the .bowels. Such a remedy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy to take and guaranteed to be entirely :free from opiates and narcotics. Ccn- �cerning them, Mrs. Jos. Tousaignant, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes:—"I would like all mothers to know that I feel there is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a 'box lin the house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. LESS THAN ONE-THIRD OF MAPLE TREES TAPPED The production of maple syrup and sugar is one of the minor farm industries, varying in relative im- portance according to the different districts of the country, and in vol - wile of output in accordance with the season from year to year. With the advance in raising of cultivated Meld crops and the clearing off of forests in preparing for such prac- tice, the maple sugar producing area in Western Ontario has been reduced -considerably, but in the St. Lawrence Valley area of Ontario and Quebec, and in- the Maritime Provinces, the industry is still active and of con- siderable scope. For quite a num- ber of years the output for the Do- minion has shown little variation, other than that resulting from sea- sonal conditions. Measured in sugar the amount produced ranges from 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 pounds per year. The Dominion Forest Service esti- mates that the total stand of sugar maple in Eastern Canada is approxi mately 5,860,443,000 board feet, or in round numbers, according to the us- -nal conversion factor, about 60,000,- 6000 trees. Canadian records show that each tree tapped yields on the i � average two and a half pounds of sugar annually. Calculating that at least one-third of the maple tree stand is easily available for tapping purposes, it is seen that a possible total yield of 60,000,000 pounds per year is a reasonable assumption. The other two-thirds of our maple trees may thus be regarded as a reserve for further expansion in future years. How She Gained 10 Pounds in 22 Days SKINNY MEN CAN DO THE SAME That's going some—hut skinny men, women and children just can't help putting on good, healthy flesh when they take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. They are rich in vitalizing vitamines —the kind of vitamines that create strength, improve the appetite and build up the power to resist disease. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. 60 tablets, 60 cents. Ask any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets and if yon don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your money back. Demand McCoy's, the original. 'SWINE BREEDERS DISCUSS THE MARKET An important eonferenee of live- stock men, particularly those interest - ad in swine, were in session at Ot- tawa recently. The conference was field at the request of the pork pack - ors owing to the collapse of the Brit- ish bacon market last, year, partly as result of the coal strike and also partly due to the embargo placed by "Britain on fresh pork from European countries. The embargo restlted in .considerable increase in bacon exports to Britain from these continental countries. The conference is there - fore seeking to decide on a definite forward policy for the swine industry in yiew of the present marketing sit- uation. It was stated that since 1921, when the last similar conference was held, there has been steady improve merit in Canada in the breeding and production of hogs, particularly in the select 'bacon grade, which is suitable both for the British export market and for Canadian trade. J. H. Tapley, of Toronto, president of the Industrial Council of Canadian Meat Packers and S. E. Todd, Secre- tary of the Council, presented the ease for the packers at the forenoon session. Hon. W. R. Motherwell in his ad- dress spoke of the importance of the, industry and the necessity of co-op- eration on the part of all the inter- ests in order that a solution of the problem may be found, so that the great improvement which has been effected may continue and keep Can- ada in the forefront as a bacon pro- ducing country. The Minister of Agriculture said they should be capable of providing the people of Canada with the very choicest of pork products, and have still sufficient for export to Great Bri- tain and United States. Is More Than Pleased With Results He Got MANITOBA MAN SPEAKS HIGHLY OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Mr. W. G. Kemble Used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Weak Kidneys and Found Them Very Beneficial. Minnedosa, Man., April 82th.— (Special) : The following is one of the many letters of praise which we are continually receiving. It comes from /Mr. W. G. Kemble, of Waters Street. He writes: "Getting up in the mornings I used to have bad pains in my kidneys. I was told to try Dodd's Kidney Pills end must say I have to thank the person many times for telling me about Dodd's Kidney Pills for they 'brought me great re- lief. I would not be without them." That Mr. Kemible's trouble came from the kidneys is evidenced by the relief he got from Dodd's Kidney Pills. When the kidneys become clogged or out of order, the circula- tior>, becomes sluggish, the impurities are not sprained out of the blood and the result is weariness and lack of energy all over the body. This condi- tion is not only disagreeable but dan- gerous as well. The impurities in the blood are the seeds of disease. .Guard against these diseases and get back your accustomed energy by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. FOODS TO SUPPLY BODY WITH IRON Dr. M. E. Champion tells us that new born babies do not need iron be- cause their mothers started them off with enough to last several months. The body of a new born baby contains three times- as much iron per pound as is found in the body of an adult. Therefore, a baby can, live on milk alone for several months without be- coming pale and anaemic; but if he sticks too long to that exclusive milk diet, he uses up the surplus and then trouble begins. A grown person needs to eat about one-fourth of a grain of iron a day. Women require a little more than that. The best foods to supply iron are the green and yellow vegetables, egg yellow, cereals from whole grains, lean meat, liver, dried peas and beans, and fruit. One large helping of spinach daily will supply one-third the need. Steaming spinach wastes less of the iron than do the other methods of cooking. Spinach with egg, plus a serving of whole grain cereal, whole grain bread, a pint of milk, a serv- ing of fruit, and one potato, will sup- ply as much iron as a man needs for one day. In a study of the availability of iron in various foods, Mitchell and Schmidt found molasses and meat to rank first. These were in a class call- ed very good. In the class marked good were egg yolk and spinach. In the uncertain class were raisins and dates. In a classification of inorganic iron salts on the same basis, they put iron chloride and citrate ammonium iron in the very good class and iron oxide and carbonate in the good class. Folbes and ,Smith furnish the fol- lowing information as to the amount of iron indifferent flesh foods: Beef spleen, liver, kidney and blood contain more iron than do vegetable foods. Beef and veal contain two-thirds more iron than do pork and lamb. They obtain ten tines as much iron as does milk. Beef heart and brain contain twice as muth iron as do beef and veal. Beef liver contains twice as much iron as does beef heart. Beef spleen contains about one-half as much iron as does beef liver. There is twice as much iron in beef as i rw white- flour and corn meal, and eight times as much as in apples. Peas, beans' lentils, graham flour, oat- meal, Shredded Wheat and spinach eon- taifl More iron than does beef. - 7125 Women's Spring Coats ELEGANCE AND FIT, DURABILITY and STYLE AT ECONOMIC PRICES Imrnen:s ~! Smart Hat ALL FEATURED A VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICING IT IS almost impossible to describe these hand- some Coats without ap- pearing boastful. They are simply gorgeous in the many new style ideas they portray. Whatever you may dispense with in your Spring apparel, it cannot be the Coat, that one garment of every day, of all -the -time usefulness. And behold these lovely Coats in all their attractive- ness, offering themselves at strictly moderate prices. For in this high assemblage is a splendid array of specially priced coats that will at once appeal to every woman both for appearance and price. Black Satins,1 Navy, Grey, Sand, also fancy Tweeds and Checks. All sizes. Prices: Women, $9.75 to $35.00 Children, ,$4.00 to $10.00 Stunning Dresses In Style, the Last Word. In Variety, Unequalled. In Price, the Lowest. E HAVE put forth an extra effort this Spring to assemble a display of the most authentic Styles, charmingly exemplifying every new color and design in correct dresses. The display is now at its best. There is a vast fascin- ating assemblage of attractive New Dresses that are ir- resistible to the woman who takes pride in her personal appearance. This wonderful display is so varied and satisfactory, selection so easy, they will gladden the heart of every woman. Come in and spend a little time and see what is new. You will really be surprised at the very reasonable prices for such lovely dresses. Prices $8.75 to $25.00 The Newest Ideas in Dress Accessories. ALL REASONABLY PRICED ALI, these attractive little aids to becoming and pleasing dressi- ness are here. New, interest- ing, stylish— Lovely Scarfs Classy Hand Bags Attractive Flowers Dressy Gloves Dainty Hand Painted Kerchiefs Silk Knit Lingerie Collars and Vestees. There is a delightfully interesting display at our smallwares counter— all the newest novelties so dear to the heart of a woman. They add so to your appearance, and the cost is - so little. DTSTINGUISHINGLY smart are the new Spring Hats we are just passing into stock, un- mistakably correct in every detail and representing the very latest ideas in shapes and colors. Charming in all the loveli- ness of the new Spring shades our Millinery De- partment offers you a choice of styles and colorings you will see in few stores indeed, and while variety makes selecting a becoming hat very simple, the reasonable pricing of our hats is a fea- ture that is appealing strongly to every woman. CHILDREN'S DRESSES FOR BETTER WEAR Girls' sizes 6 to 14 years Natty styles, best quality, silk knit and silk crepe; col- ors, Blue, Pink, Rosewood, Green, Beige. $5.75 to $9.75 Wonderful array of early Spring and Summer Dress- es i n Ginghams, Voiles, Broadcloths, Fugi and Raw Silks. Sizes 2 to 14 years. 75c to $4.00 The Loveliest Hosiery You Have Ever Seen NEW shipments of Hose arriving every week keeps us in touch with every new shade and weave. And our connection with the very best makers is your guarantee of the greatest possible service for the least money. Pierrette and Super Silk Hose—A pure silk thread to the hem, and silk and lisle hem to stand garter strain, in a range of twenty colors, including all the new Spring shades to match the new shoes and frocks. PRICE $1.59 Monarch and Mercury Silk Hose— Silk to the top ; the two best dollar hose made in a very comprehensive range of fashionable colors. PRICE $1.00 Art Silk Hose, two special values in all the popular colors, reinforced throughout; silk to the top. All shades. PRICES 59c and 75c STEWART BROS., SEA- 0 toommoulommosamoommami ud: