HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-29, Page 2- 0', - I . ;� 1. 1. . - I - - ,
1-1.% X --57"
10914 not *0 tpmw Ig
q.Vnl help, yo.4 somb other
0 via, futt of log4 and businpop
'10 W�MNVT -to win; If they thought ablAit
*Modlb -i'lu -be brisk
other eoAseqtieXtc@s at gill they con-
pldere4 161aslil fives would
ht manfoy onward; dark passions 84, 400IN
- 1
wire; pro -of
'T'Ook evw to Jesus—He will carry yva vligr tbe land fOr farrapra, and, that ?
tirofigh. it JqV ever didlail there would be
Weather or stq*,
4agge-loads andwagonloads of wheat
16 wires, 40 hiChes, high;
Shun evil companions; bad language to, tAke thlox place.
Oer r,od ....... 63C 04sh disdain; has
Bu� the succeecting generation
Goil's name hold in reverence, nor 4arned that banch of this land, though
18 wires, 48 inches hig I -
-take it in vain; Qspable of producinj trees was not
Prod ...... 72c Cash fitt row wheat axid- other farm
or To him that oexcometh God Viveth a Two
20 wires, 50 inches high; craymitli we
f; cropa, and that these repeated fires
Through shall conquer, .4!eogt�yed not'ouly the young'growth,
+'-A, -,'+-- cast down 4U. lk— �f *%. f....+ h f I" some InAR14 for fr swinPlv*
per rod ...... 78c Cash
—Horatio Pahner. very soil itself. And
cases, even the
PRAYER people are getOng ever the idea that
we thank Thee, our Heavenly -it is a slur upon C"ada to say that
n and flower later on. Yor a sheet of bloom the
that there is a power lFreater rauch of Gvr. land will not grow auyw both the cutting garde
Father, x
Intermediate length class da best, For
than any human power which is oura thing but trees, *hen these trees can border. An all -season cutting gar -
for the taking. By the in -dwelling arf typo Is excolleA4
by the lumberman, be turned into the den will have Annual Gypsopbila, edging the dw
SPADES AND SHOVELS Spirit we are kept through faith in nd for massing one Flaould choose
Scabious, Cornflowers, 4California Pop a
finest structrural timbers In the world,
Him who loved us; kept from yield- and by the pulp and paper industry pies, Calliopsis, Zinnias, African Dais- one of the giants. Do not plant
Either ditching, garden or long- Ing to the tempter and thus made ies, Snapdragons and other st�ples freshly manured soil, these flowers do -
handled, in Sterling Brand, solid more than conq4erors. To Him we transformed into the multifarious val- can be Ing best in ground which was well
uable commodities for which the na- started as early as the ground
rtilized and cultivated the
ascribe all honor and glory. Amen. tions are eompeting-with ever incr�as- worked. The cutting garden can be fe
neck, extra strong handles. ry spells it is better
--ing eagerness. The satisfactory thing planned in conjunction with the veg- year. During d
S. S. LESSON FOR MAY Ist, 1927
etable garden for convenience. to give these flowers i gooq mulch of
EACH Lesson Title --Peter's Denial and about Canada'h timber situation is
apdragons. lawn clippings rather than Water fro.
Repentance. that, if Canadians will cultivate their Sn .1y grown, and "quently. In fact wi,* this flower ay4_
Lesson Passage—Mark 14 : 53,64, forests instead of mining them, snapdragons, are easi
66-71; Luke 22 : 61, 62. will not only keep up in perpetuity there is no finer annuak for garden, all others an occasional' soaking In.
WRENCHES AND TOOLS OF ALL .12. Mrs. Godin's letter is of particular interest 'the production of -timber at the decoration and for boucpxets. The stead of the daily sprinkle gives mueb
Golden Text -1 Cor. 10. to women. approaching middle -life. It pres actor in growing them, is to the best results. To gro1r, large
SORTS After the observance of the 'Pass- reads ent rate but they will even be able main f 01he 'flowers, confine plant single stemsi
over and the institution of the Lord's to increase the annual cut without en- saw early. The seedlings 'will c J10
I am giving this testimonial hoping it up and apparently stand still for sev- pinching out the �ide bianehes, as thAi
Special sets of four double-eMed Supper Jesus and His disciples went will benefit evety woman suffering as I croaching on the forest capital. The piedium and large typw
into the Mount of Olives. On the did at the change of life, I was obliged Our financial leaders stress the eral weeks, but in reality they are appear. a foot each way.
wrenches; per set ............ $1.00 way there Jesus said to them, "All ye to go to bedv had terrible dizziness and point that the forest is our second simply gaining speed for the spring iequire
Monkev Wrenches ..... 70c and 85c shall be offended because of me this pain,'and felt extremely weak. 'Eruit-a- greatest natural rescues in point of
hes .......... 20c to $1.00 night." Peter &aid to him, "Although tives' were- really a God -send to me. Now national income. And, on the admin -
Car Wrenc all shall be offended, yet will not I." I am in perfect health. Every woman istrative side, it has been shown that
Car Pliers ............... 25C to 75c Jesus said untohim, 'Verily I say un- should follow my example. They would Canada has so handled her forest
Rivetting Hammers, extra to thee that this day, even in this surely get the wonderful relief I did.)� lands under a system of leases that
night, before the cock crow twice, Mrs. Onesime Godin, Paquetville, N.B. , over 90 per cent. are still owned by
special; each ................ 59C thou shalt deny me thrice." Peter By toning up the stomach, kidneys and the Crown, that is by the people, and
spake the more vehemently, "If I bowels, "Fruit-a-tives" is a great help to that from these forests the Domonion
should die with thee, I will not deny women at this trying stage of life, "Fruit- and provincial governments draw rev -
BARBED WIRE thee in anywise." Ldkewise also said a-tives" is a sane medicine. It acts in a enues totalling over $14,000,000 per
they all. Some hours afterwards natural way because it is made of intensi- year. That, in many respects, is a
when these disciples saw the mob, f1eq fresh fruit juices combined with happy position and many states and
2 point Barb, in 80 rod lead by Judas, apprehend Jesus they tonics. Let "Fruit-a-tives" help you, too. nations cast envious eyes upon Can -
spools ................ $4.10 Cash all forsook Him and fled. At least Start today. 25c and 50c a box, every. ada's good fortune and good admin -
4 point Barb, in 80 rod two of them, John and Peter, followed where. istration. The point made by our
spools ................ $4.35 Cash Him and John, being known to the financial leaders is not that Canadians
door-keepeT, was allowed to enter the War. Soon Appaii enlisted and was are sinners exceedingly above all oth-
Don't forget our 8 -wire even spaced high priest's palace, taking Peter sent to the front. After two years er people in wasting their forest heri-
fence .......... 45c per rod, Cash with him. John pre�sed up towards he was invalided home and was re tage but that with the experience of
the elevated part of the hall in which older nations to draw from and with
Christ was standing but Peter stood ceived ' by his village people with the great opportunities of the twen-
back. He wanted to witness the trial much pride. They had been proud of tieth century before them they are
but be was afraid for his own saf(.,t:; the wrestler but her pride in the war apparently in danger of allowing
so stayed in the back with the ser- hero was far deep-er. He was de- their forests to be reduced to the min -
G A0 Sills & Soins lighted to find his buy Jayavant had .
vants. He did not, however, escape � , , , f 4.0 ;11 - school and on imum by fire and wasteful cutting
recognition. One of the maids, look- ns e a e before they start to grow them up
mi ing at the stranger, knew she hail I the recommendation of the teacher again, Planting forests is good, but
the father, in spite of the o
Seen him before and said to him, , of all his family, sent his son to the a system of so cutting and protecting
"Thou also wast with Jesus of Naz- A .9 existing forests that they will bring
Chinchore mission school. 4 rsr
Areth." On bearing this Peter den- forth increasing crops, is better.
all seemed strangv to the shy Mar- t
ied, saying, "I know not, neither tin- The forefathers of the present gen-
atha, boy. His dearest ambition was GIddWeBou&
derstanoltst I what thou sayest." to be a great wresLler like his father cration of Canadians—legislators, ad -
This was a falsehood on Peter's part, -' ministrators, lumbermen --did well, Cr
so he was soon a leader in the mat- )HOK
-apead i t and, knowing it to be so, he became very well considering that they work-
ches. His mind was keen, too, and
embarrassed no doubt, and, to bide ed without maps, surveys, or Limber
he did well at his lessons.
bis confusion from attracting further estimates, and could not possibly for- Tbaes the way the menfolk talk when This Is Interesting,
In the beginning Jayavant didn'T
f 'or attention to him, he left the fire and see the tremendous demand for forest
know what to make of the service in the old wood stove has been replaced by a "'With a Perfectiam
went out into the porch, hoping to be products that new needs and new in- youdow't have to scurry
unobserved there. Then the cock crew the church but h<� liked the singing, ventions would bring, but if the pres- beautiful Perfection Oil Stove. Fine for d and get wood to,
lot and gradually came to undersband them I No more wood to chop and carry I "'
but evidently that did not startle ent generation is not to be recreant build a fire. Simpl]t
Peter. While out there another maid and enter into Christian worship, to its great trust it must build on the But it brin 'joy to the w touch a ?match to it ass&
recognized him and said to those When he went home he had many omen, too, for
foundation they laid. They in a large you have a hot Pro at
around about. "This fellow was also questions to ask his father. His measure saved the forests for us— it means far few hard work; tio ashes to once. You c" hwe 0 -
father said to him, "I hear that Chris- remember the people of Canada still lug, no backbreaking drudgery. Meals can little heat or me,14M
with Jesus -of Nazareth."
w,� In Luke (22:58), we read how that tiaDs say that all men are brothers. own 90 per cent. of the forest land— be cooked In no time —roo waitift, no beat, and if you are o
a man standing by also said to him, Sturdy their Scriptures well and tell and we must save them for our sue- worry. Less pot -washing, for the Perfec- little behind hand, w
me all you learn." intense beati I never haS
"Thou art also of them." He denied cessors, and for ourselves. The great
both to the woman and to the man, Three years passed and he was still engine -for achieving this is at hand tion gives dean, smokeless, odorless heat. U fail me yet."
and this time with an oath, that he in the mission school. A moverneitit in an informed and alert public opin- See the new models, ices 09.00 to, $170.00. Mrs. T. BL,
was taking place among the older . Distributed in Can2lvby Tillsonkur,16 OJOA.
knew Jesus. About an hour after- ion and with the average citizen tak-
boys. Easter was approaching, and
wards -he re-entered the main build- a class had been formed for those ing an interest in forest conservation TI-rE SHEET METAL PRODUCTS CO. OF CANADA,
ing and they that stood by said �agam and doing what his intelligence sug- LIMITED
to -him. "Surely thou art one of who wanted to join the church. Jay- gests, this vital question can be settl- MONTR]LAL TORONTO WINNIPEG
them, for thou art a Galilean, and avant and his most intimate friend, ed for all time. "MONTON VANCOUvEx CALGARY *74
011mjD1raN Vithal, were members of it.
thy speech agreet1h thereto." it is U. .0-+,- , � . .4
ely calling On Crease of 13 3 7o over the same two months.
promises, and profan called St�Dmaeh Troubles-4ndi- make up for a late spring. * In small i
i_wl %*,est So- gardens a heaping teaspoonfnl is suf- of last year and an increase of 10421yo over. f
qc;l God to witness What he knev
Bond Int, v to be gestrion, dyspepsia, gas, so
false, that he did not know himl Yet urness, etc.,
d are, in probably nine cases out of ten, ficient for a 'square yard of soil, re- the corresponding period of 190.
Whpen your inter"t coupons becomee d up, while we weep over Peter's -fall, an, evidence of "too much acid in the pelating the application about every These figu - hat Oldsmobile
seek not to palliate his crime, we in days or tw-G weeks. This fertilizer
tj� -ses prove beyond question t
stomach" souring the food, causing the
rtaut practi-
or interest should draw from it ImPo nger formation of gas and starting acid in- should not be allowed to touch the Six is succeeding, even beyond, expectation, in its task
or when you receive cheqms f cal uses such as: (1) The da foliage if the) latter is moist, as it is of supplying to the C=idiani people a six-cylindar
. . . . . . bon&q. deposit them in a Say. of self-confidence. "He that think- apt to burn it. On this account it is
an te&teted nd , Gas distends the stomach and caus- automobile of unquestionably high quaRty, at tj
4th he standeth should take heed lest safer to dissolve in water and sprinkle
es a full, 0 ive burning f phenomenally low price.
ppress eeling
of MontreaL he falL" (2) The highest favors, the or it may be broadcast by, hand duy-
A"ount in the Bank known as hea:rtburn, 'while the acid
most exalted, privileges, do not secuTe fore 'y 'Oldsmo-
irritates and infames the delicate Ingor just before a rainfall or be �o ou hive seen and driven and known
u will
Tfie lAoney you rec&ive on your investment us from the danger of falling into It should not pprzciate why "Canada 6s endorse&
stomsoh lining. Get rid of Gas and the hose is'turned on
gin- (a) When a man begins to sin, f Indiges- be applied until growth h" started. the Oldsmobile Six."
Acidity, and you get rid o
La bon& wAl t6n eam wwr"t for you. his fall from one act to another is
A Cutting Garden.
tion. Theredre a few good-territorks stlU aiv
easy—perrharps almost certain. (4 44ok for
To stop or prevent the sournegs a -ad Often the beaut3r of- the regular responsible ikdlers.'
Tr-ae repentance is deep, thorough, gas, to neutralize the'stomach aeids flOwer garden is marred -When blooms
Hensall Branch: W. A. HOUSTON, Manager
bitter. (5) A look from Jesus—a Write Olds Motor 'Works of Camads
and keep the st6mach sweet and free are cut for decoration, indoors. The zdw*k Oshawa, 0"tada
ifflinton Branch - H. R. SHARP, -Manager ;k look of mingled affection, pity and fronN Indigestion, a teaspoonful or practical gardielier now has a special
reproof—produces bitter sorrow for four tablets of Blorated Ma esia patch -which he grows in rows like
sin. sbould he taken fit d Ifitle, wate'rfifter vegetables, inalcing it easy for etilti-
Brucefleld (Sub -Agency). Open 0 F WM
vatior, for cuttin�g purposes only. 4
Tuesday slid Saturday eating or whene-0er kau, sourness, pain
WORLD MISSIONS or acidity is felt This Here tooare grown those flowers such
quickly 804FORM
k:%�,� Appaji Bhosle had 'for Years sweetens the st6,w1&, rAutralifts the as Cornflowe" or Bachelor 'Buttons, MARIO.
j4 famed as the best wrestler in all the ndidity, stop4 th'b',1WJ1 and is harm. Mourning BAdes - Sea�lom dhid Salpf.,
la home In India; but less and inexpeiisive to use.
region round hi glossIs, wMeh have beautiful blolonis
Wde-r or tab. but poor WiAg;L Tbe, Main crop bf
news of far greater ev tbAn Biatirated %
0 h 116�00n* d from ally asters may be gro
yead lets only, ci On hare, as these
-plantg owup
drug,store and'ift'd#4 the y a g*dAt deal of apace
t* t t
6 ng I't before r, du bW fl M lass
4 's stomach in fine,021,
lit A ;1A
! 1 U$te
nV& 0 0-111114D,
bro 'a
a ra,4 C to do am at M6- ppi" and
�i " =41kya.,
T ital digettkafto '800res of vwbrg m9y be 00" 14
1 Skkav V artific
lolp, M1, � "IM
"N.-il: �011
� I .
probable the Galileans were dig-
tinoguished for some peculiarity of
Jayavam was a ers — n
shared to the full his love for his
Early Planting.
J& IF JE U WX I ti a IN
perhaps some peculiar
Motherland. This only deepened his
coarseness ia their manner of speak-
love for Christ, whom he had come
to look upon as the only possible
As certain kinds of vegetables
should be sown early in the spring for
Oil Cook Smes and Owns
ing, that distinguished them from the
of the city of JerusaleT'L
Saviour of his country. But the ob-
best results, one must be prepared to
'When thus addressed, Peter became
irritated than ever and he added
stacles in the boy's way to making a
profession of his faith in Christ, were
commence operations in the garden
just as soon as the soil is dry enough,
to the sin of denial that of cursing
and swearing. Immediately then the
cock crew the second, time. Luke
in this connection that "the
staggering. If he were baptized be
would be an outcast, His relatives
would regard him as a traitor to the
family name. It seemed to him that
advises W. T. Macoun, Dominion Hor-
ticulturist. Those plants of which the
leaves are eaten should be started
first. These include lettuce, spinach,
Lord turned, and tooked upon Peter;
it meant pulling his life up by the
mustard and cress, and -there is little
and Peter remembered the word of
roots. "It would be easier to die,"
he said to Vithal, the son of the holy
danger of planting them too soon.
Other vegetables which are grown far
the Lord bow be had said unto him,
"Before the cock crow, thou shalt de-
man. "Yes," VIthal replied, "it
their bulbs or roots such as onions,
thrice." Peter went out and
would be easier, but we aren't here
carrots, beets, parsnips and early
ny me
wept bitterly. Jesus and Peter were
to take the easy way. We must be
loyal to our Master and to our Moth-
turnips may be planted about the
same time although they are not quite
in the same roorn—Jesus at the upper
end of the hall, and Peter in the ser-
erlind —Undia on The March).
. —
so hardy as the first mentioned. Al -
thoxigh peas are about as hardy, they
vant's part. Barnes in his commen-
By a tender and compas-
should not be sown until the weather
tary gays:
sionate look, a single glance of the
eye, the injured Saviour brought to
It is sigmificant that many Conadian
bank presidents and financial leaders
turns warm as they are liable to roL
Of course it is a worthwhile risk to
t a or tWo in. Other vegetable.s
all Peter's promises, his
in their annual reports on the business
Pu row
own predictions, and the great guilt
of the year 1926 laid stress on two
which should be started early to Ot
best results are cabbages, cauliflower,
of the disciple he overwhelmed him
with the remernbrance of his awful
things: (1) the. im portance of our
forest industries to our domestic and
tomatoes and melons.' These will not
stand any frost, hence the plants must
sin, and pierced his heart through
export trade, and, (2) the need for
be in hot beds fmmes
with many sorrows. The conscious -
prompt and vigorous action to ensure
tha� this g-reat. resource be not de-
protected or cold
or in the house until danger of frost
ness of deep and awful guilt rushed
is past.
over Peter soul; be flew from the
stroyed by forest fires.
Fruit Trees and Shrubbery.
OVERNNENT statistics prove the pu6-
palace, be went alone in thedarkness
Time was, in the mein ory of those
still living, when the Inhabitants of
Fruit and ornamental trees, shrub-
acCeptance of the Oldsmobile Six.
of the night, and wept bitterly.
This same Commentator says:
bery and rose bushes are planted as
sooln as khe ground is dry enough to
Automobile regl�' tration figures tell the story
The fall of Peter is one of the most
dig. The same rule applies to bush
of Oldsmobile's ever-growmg popularity far
melancholy instances of depravity
corn-mitteed in our world. But a
fruits, strawberries, and herbaceous
more graphically than words.
perennials. Once the soil loses the
little while before so confident; seat,
moi ture of early spring and, the hot
A comparison of the years 1926 and 1925,
ed at the table of the Lord; drstin-
throughout the ministry of
dry winds commence a much, laTgeT
shows an increase, throughout Canada, of
Christ, -with peculiar favors; caution-
proportion of plants is likely to die
than if planted earlier.
10876 in Oldsmobile Six registrations.
ed against this very thing; yet so
Tells of Pleasant Hotne Treatment to
Bring Swift Relief.
A Short Cut.
January and February 1927 in
soon denying him, forgeffing his
With - IRA- Wtrste df god- one can
of show an -
ely calling On Crease of 13 3 7o over the same two months.
promises, and profan called St�Dmaeh Troubles-4ndi- make up for a late spring. * In small i
i_wl %*,est So- gardens a heaping teaspoonfnl is suf- of last year and an increase of 10421yo over. f
qc;l God to witness What he knev
Bond Int, v to be gestrion, dyspepsia, gas, so
false, that he did not know himl Yet urness, etc.,
d are, in probably nine cases out of ten, ficient for a 'square yard of soil, re- the corresponding period of 190.
Whpen your inter"t coupons becomee d up, while we weep over Peter's -fall, an, evidence of "too much acid in the pelating the application about every These figu - hat Oldsmobile
seek not to palliate his crime, we in days or tw-G weeks. This fertilizer
tj� -ses prove beyond question t
stomach" souring the food, causing the
rtaut practi-
or interest should draw from it ImPo nger formation of gas and starting acid in- should not be allowed to touch the Six is succeeding, even beyond, expectation, in its task
or when you receive cheqms f cal uses such as: (1) The da foliage if the) latter is moist, as it is of supplying to the C=idiani people a six-cylindar
. . . . . . bon&q. deposit them in a Say. of self-confidence. "He that think- apt to burn it. On this account it is
an te&teted nd , Gas distends the stomach and caus- automobile of unquestionably high quaRty, at tj
4th he standeth should take heed lest safer to dissolve in water and sprinkle
es a full, 0 ive burning f phenomenally low price.
ppress eeling
of MontreaL he falL" (2) The highest favors, the or it may be broadcast by, hand duy-
A"ount in the Bank known as hea:rtburn, 'while the acid
most exalted, privileges, do not secuTe fore 'y 'Oldsmo-
irritates and infames the delicate Ingor just before a rainfall or be �o ou hive seen and driven and known
u will
Tfie lAoney you rec&ive on your investment us from the danger of falling into It should not pprzciate why "Canada 6s endorse&
stomsoh lining. Get rid of Gas and the hose is'turned on
gin- (a) When a man begins to sin, f Indiges- be applied until growth h" started. the Oldsmobile Six."
Acidity, and you get rid o
La bon& wAl t6n eam wwr"t for you. his fall from one act to another is
A Cutting Garden.
tion. Theredre a few good-territorks stlU aiv
easy—perrharps almost certain. (4 44ok for
To stop or prevent the sournegs a -ad Often the beaut3r of- the regular responsible ikdlers.'
Tr-ae repentance is deep, thorough, gas, to neutralize the'stomach aeids flOwer garden is marred -When blooms
Hensall Branch: W. A. HOUSTON, Manager
bitter. (5) A look from Jesus—a Write Olds Motor 'Works of Camads
and keep the st6mach sweet and free are cut for decoration, indoors. The zdw*k Oshawa, 0"tada
ifflinton Branch - H. R. SHARP, -Manager ;k look of mingled affection, pity and fronN Indigestion, a teaspoonful or practical gardielier now has a special
reproof—produces bitter sorrow for four tablets of Blorated Ma esia patch -which he grows in rows like
sin. sbould he taken fit d Ifitle, wate'rfifter vegetables, inalcing it easy for etilti-
Brucefleld (Sub -Agency). Open 0 F WM
vatior, for cuttin�g purposes only. 4
Tuesday slid Saturday eating or whene-0er kau, sourness, pain
WORLD MISSIONS or acidity is felt This Here tooare grown those flowers such
quickly 804FORM
k:%�,� Appaji Bhosle had 'for Years sweetens the st6,w1&, rAutralifts the as Cornflowe" or Bachelor 'Buttons, MARIO.
j4 famed as the best wrestler in all the ndidity, stop4 th'b',1WJ1 and is harm. Mourning BAdes - Sea�lom dhid Salpf.,
la home In India; but less and inexpeiisive to use.
region round hi glossIs, wMeh have beautiful blolonis
Wde-r or tab. but poor WiAg;L Tbe, Main crop bf
news of far greater ev tbAn Biatirated %
0 h 116�00n* d from ally asters may be gro
yead lets only, ci On hare, as these
-plantg owup
drug,store and'ift'd#4 the y a g*dAt deal of apace
t* t t
6 ng I't before r, du bW fl M lass
4 's stomach in fine,021,
lit A ;1A
! 1 U$te
nV& 0 0-111114D,
bro 'a
a ra,4 C to do am at M6- ppi" and
�i " =41kya.,
T ital digettkafto '800res of vwbrg m9y be 00" 14
1 Skkav V artific
lolp, M1, � "IM
"N.-il: �011
� I .