HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-22, Page 5� 1 ,"R; gj��g�..�",v,,��;- � " j*, T,�q , o, , 1, ,�,',f�,;�i',,i�,,,,���r�.,",,,�"9�,1!��,,�le 1, , � " N, , ", , ,� I R,�'; . . . . . . �,,---,,-�-",!�L�m,,�N",,'0'4�,�IA'�A, ggt��,�,,�g� . -1 ,� T, 77 I ��,v,""V�­'.'Z­),� ,.,. _.1-___1_ �. �i'�,�,r�,,��,;� ,"y - �21 �,�­'�,'�",��, `7-705ffn��7` "';0"' ",11'," , li, ­'J,-&��;,A;gl ��'RKI`,, J!"'g,'��g';!%,mg-I'l ­� ., �­��'­�,"' ., ��, �.. ii`h 3m �'..,t� .,�,,1,1,-,',�,i,,', , , " , .��,_., 1-111N.­­'.."�. , V^'k- 'A"'p"'. W;`,I�,V'�.� -, , .. �� 1, .. .. .. , ".f." ".. , , " �, ,��,:. ��, ,;� , � . W �� �"Z, 1�'ql "i , I., - - .11 " �`­ ""' ". ", i� " , !kr 444A - I " 'I , ., �� �. �'­ I _ ,�, ", I)W,43,.4 U91A 1114 , � M '. ,* , ". 41 � x" �,o � - , `314� , , . , ,�T I . , , . - 4, � I WM I , , �114; � � ,'I., I , Y " I �, Ai t " -il � 4 , R.I., � I., .�o�.� ��: `� i-11 - �'Ilf 'AP*A4­*ilt,W0.r%,§, 16 �1 �1 I !, � I ,, X"O �11 I �, F � 11" , ""C'. V, , , _1 4 I I 1, . - I ili_ I � ,. � , ho _t It _)� , ,,, -a"ka, ,,, kU� , �;;' �,�e,ot,�,f,�,�,:, ,7'. � W,Ml RM"'7, �, 40109 1XIN" " , 1"i �Rixt� �:?.,. , Z N� ��1!111�`1111 �, �" " �,�;.: , , " '' 11�. 1,; , �, I , " " ­ " A . nlnw -11 .b. I A� 4-)- ,�, %0 _." ��, ­��,r43,�, - tv')��',', .: I .1 � , . ,'; I . , . .11,111,11, " - IMP ­ ,, . 1W : , I .:� ,,.�,�i,161 ,�, , . " -11 � . 411� Y. - , Wol W, ", , , 1- , ... � 1, �", I .l!", I � 1 �1,1111,1_17_ -11-1- . q . , ... , , 1�1­ , , 1., .­ �, - - , "I'' I ` � " _­�,�, .". , " � I � ... . n �; 5BA4Ey111M,1T � , o !� I 1�; t .� , , - IM ; ,51N I ,�� f, , - � I 'k R",M.,�i���.,,,��.."���.�,�-�.,�,,�,, -, , , : �,�,i,'__,b;,i� , W ".. I "11RI, I I "Ili� � I 4 � 11 ,Zvli � ,, , �.- ,-�- - , I . . . . , . . I . . I ." I ': I p� � F9 ,. �� "Ir , _;`;"`1_ I , " :41, � '_�;.- . '�,�,J�"�,��,.;,,G-,, "ie ,,,'.-I-,,:", I , X I : �:,�`�,. ,,, ., 2�,� .�,,.,,qg:,n,� 1, I", 614 , , . - , , , � � " � ,,,,�,4� � 1, . I I I - , . , � I ,� p I : , , , 4 �� I , I ... ... I- I , 4 � 0 !,, ,-:0 :1 -, 7 . . � 1. I I .,; I , , ;. �, , � . . �.� , ,, 91", Am ,X�, " I �'.,* ,�, ,;'� . Mtn 1, I ,,, � utda,v" . ,Schoq�,4­4, , i.r. -, , , 5, R " 1 . , , rl� x1le ­­ 14'" -,A I ,4 � � , 4 Xtr*4 4.91 1 1 11 , -, a 0 1 . 1 ,4n%'_ . ", ` M , .1 - .., . -.4 , 11.11 - : ,, t, - ,, , , - , I . I Ozer Z. ,. ", ., , . , - I I � . . . , . :� " ,, . , : " .. ­ , W4, -F-, - , V- � I ., �­ , TV.' , . ..-AINY , �, 4 xi . .I. ,, - � __ - . I -1 U , _44#161','1151 4 - � 17"-, _7 7- , , * , , �, � , , 1, _7 �., . . - �, , .,.f .t­.,,,O'�'�!4i, , ;Toie#,� � 1%_ . I 0 , . , - , - �. . ,. , a � , ,,:, 'A,-". ­ - I1VW`:n2WX4 ; ­!, . 4q.A=6iO4X .�,��..-,. __ I � OT­xv*�, M, . - � 1 ,:�,-;�,7-7 , I I . ....,_. ,- op�-�qwy I. ." , �, ", - , ­ I I I I z . . � � . ", � !�!?� _0,,11 " I I , . , I , - li­� nfbl, 04ary ,,, .1:`6,0h -� "' ,'�Io ' "' - Ro*-ROM0,��:A104" � I _4 , . .A. "&4 704-" A!lvin, .Eft I , I - p - � , " .varov, .J � , _ , - T-*Rp 15Y . 5'. g_" , w ON", 'dia"'. ­1JL_.-.-Jie10n1 '* ';: each d � � I , . I I - I _ :zQreg,or,; 8� AZM914 14'', . .."'.1 � - " A t I Jack . XCLIN4ilig, 674; lqal�,"ret Bea . t. ,, , ,,�, , �. , �­ - , � � , - . � � , , , I �_ , - 0e; 64; ,Nay Ly4diatt, 55.8- aV I "_ � I , - , "­ I 'I , 1. _47. ,. . - :,, ' ' ,,%. 1 .0, -, napson, 47A. Prlmer--Sbn1Gr-­JW-!l� I ,�,Vr. de4i hioisb . tg lovso sumovy" of, """' and , ., 11 0 be, Taylor, 85; Ida Lelper, 82; W.410-� !e' 11ri.,voorge -0.: 0. Haria, who V ea avvi, . va lrbronkp, Aprill 2W, 1925, son Reid, 74; Junior 'Prim,er-._J1mm , , .: ,� . , ry ., , . , I �McEwing. - Marjorie J. Hiekell, Always so.,ogod, unselflBk and ki , Few -pn this- earth his . nd, - Teacher. , � , �eqiml we find; 4 � .10 . . - One of the best that God could Bendi . I A loving f0her right t_9 Ithp "&"I . I ICHISIKLHURST ., ' . I , , go had a nature you e�uloAt help loving, . Notes. --Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Fa.1r, A head that was purer then, gold, ' And to these who knewhim, andloved him, . . . bairn, of T-111sonburg, spent several gi, m,m,,;y will ,ever grow cold. idays at,the .home of their parents, -:-Zadl7 MbBed by Wife and pamuy. Mr. and Mrs. George Fairbalra.--M-r. �- and Mrs. Kenneth Hodierts, of Port Hope, during the past week paid a In loving memar-v of Andrew T. Scott� whom yisit to the home of -Mr. and Mrs. God called home one year ago, April 24, 192ii. � !Arch. Hodgea-ts.-Mr. and Mrs. Wul. A precious one from us has 90nei � � Vennor and family wore in P.arkbill A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home latst Sunday visiting relativeB.-Miss Which never can be filled. 'Grace McLean and Miss Nora Dale are spending their Easter holidays God in Rig wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given; vdt.h friends in Detroit. -Rapid pro- And though the body .I.mb.rs here, I � I � igress is being made with the seeding The soul is safe in Heaven. and this week end will see a large 3097-1 -Sadly missed by Wife and Family. part of it finished. . __ 10 " I BEAN MARKET GOLDING.-In loving memory of our dear - Toronto, April 19th. --Beans, Canadian, grandma, Elizabeth Pitman Bell Golding. lhaiadvi,oked, $8.60 to $8.90 bushel. Primus. $8.45 to $8.6o. - - We are -thinking of you, Grandma dear, - - Thinking of the past; Picturing you in memory. Toronto, April l9th. Just as we saw you laet, - Dressed You left behind some aching hearts. Spring chickens .................... 60 Chickens. 6 tbs. up ................ 40 That loved yon most sincere. Do. 4 to 6 tbs . .................. as That never have and never will ' 3 to tbs . ................ *: Do., 4 . 85 Forget Tou, Grandma dear. � -Inserted by her grandsons, Orval, Halrold, Do., 2% to 3 1/2 tbs. . .......... 94 Frank and Wilber. 8097xl Broilers, 11Xj to 21/2 tbs . ....... :,.,. 88 Rens, over 5 tbs .................. 82 Do., 4 to 5 Ib .. .................. 30 Do.. 8 to 4 lbs . ................... 28 Elizabeth Pitman MI Golding. -In loving Roasters .............. .............. . 25 memory of my dear mother, who passed Turkeys ... .......... ......... 4647 away April 22nd, 1926. Z)uckllngs, 6 Tbs. and -up ....... :::.,,. 85-M - - With a breaking heart I watched you, DAIRY MARKET And saw you Pass away. Toronto, April 19th. -Cheese, new, large, Although I dearly loved you 18Y2c: twins, 183A to i9c; triplets, 18% to I could not make you stay. 29C; triplets. 181/�_ . to 19c. StiltOns. 21 to 22,. Gone and forgotten by some you may be, twins, 21�,', to 22c. Old Stiltons, 28 to 24c. But still in our memory for ever you'],] be. Bu tter-Finest creamery prints, 44c; No. 3097xl -Ever remembered by Lillie. 2. 42 to 43c. Dairy prints, 35 to 37c. v Eiggs-Fresh extras, in cartons, 35 to 36c; Ifresh extras, docse� 34c; fresh firsts, 82c; fresh seconds, 29c. . � I I ._. _a_ CARD OF THANKS . GRAIN MARKET Toronto, April l9th.-Manitoba, wheat -No. Mrs. Donadd Grassick and family extend I Northern. $l.&61/,,' No. 2 Northern, $1.511/4 � thei.r sincere thanks to their friends and No. 3 Northern. $1,461/4. neighbors for their kindness and sympathy , I Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., nominal ; No. during re'ent bereavement. :8. not quoted; No. I feed, 56V,c; No. 2 feed. snominal; Western grain quotations in c.Lf. - liports. American corn, track, Tormato-No. 2 yel- Ilow, kiln dried, 843�2c; No. 3 yellow, kiln dried NOTICE !81%c- ,,n:!llf4eV-iLeBvered. Montreal. frefebts. bars d. , Per tan, $82.25: shorts, per Take notice that Side Road 5 and ftia, $84.25; middlings, $40.25. 6, McKillop, from 7th to 8th Con- , , � OntaTio oats, 60c f.o.b., shipping points. cession inclusive, is closed to travel . Ontario good milling wheat -$1.28 to fl�1.24 f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights, by the publk until further natim DaAey--Malting, 68-r- The cause is bridge d1own and Dillon 10 Buckwheat --*Oe, nomival. . Drain construction. Parties doing so I Rye -No. 2, 98C. Manitoba flour -First patent, $8.00, T.,on- do it at their own risk. to; do., second -patent $7.50. By order of Council. � I Ontario flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. patent, F. J. McQUAID, Reeve. - barrel, in carlots, Toronto. $5.26 ; sea Elrd, in bulk, $6.30. 3097-2 - 40. - - = LIVESTOCK MARKET Puffalo, April 19. -Hogs -Receipts, 12.000; 17cw pigs, $12.125: 150 to 170 pounds, $11-95: 380 to 220 lbs .511.65 to $11.75; few 240 tbs, 61 1. 50 ; 800 i�s. up, nominally, $10,25 to Benefit to Late Seeding I . A $10.75; packing Bows. $9.25 to $9.50. C�ttle--Receipta, 1,800; top $1 2. UO for A.A. Quality Fertilizer and Agri- --boice 1.200 -pound steers: bulk good steers. 13110.76 to $11.60; medium gmdes $9.50 to cultural Finely Pulverized Limestone $10.50; medium heifers, $8.25 to ig.40; med- will have your late sow -n field ready I lium. cows, $6.26 to S7,25: cutters, $4,50 to to harvest as soon &s early sown 134.00: bulls, $6.50 to $7.35; choice, up to .�. S8.25. grain without fertilizer. Calves --- Receipts. 2,600: bulk good and � We have it and will deliver reason- -dhoice vealers. $15.00 ; culls and common, $10 to $11 . 50. able, so do not have a late harvest. Sheep -Receipts. 7,400: tk,p wooled lambs ' Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer $17: clipped. largely $16.00 ; few, $16.25: culls and con"I"n. clipped, $12 to $13.00 ; I I . Spring Iambs, naminally $20.00 to $28.00. W.M.SPROAT Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 19th.- Vre,boliday activity that held the market firm and strong last week was missing in trade in PHONE �ttle here to -clay. Suv7r>]Y was light, but 3097-2 � falling off in demand was indicated by the Cact that not over 1,000 head had crossed the -_ scaJes by 2 p,m. and a decline in price of . � wriost killers amounting to anything from n � -shade to 25 cents per 'wt. Apparently. re- tail business for the holiday had not lived up to expectations . and some packers had not 5ret killed a share of last week's purchases. In the heavy steer division three loads sold Standard Hotel, furniture and stock. 2)jt H to 8.40 cents per pound, and only one Solid brick -building, 2% storey; eleo- lead, extra choice, made the 9Y4 cent to'- tric lighted; heated by hot air; bath Good near -heavies came nearer to holding eitead y for the bulk at 8 to 816 cents per room and toilets, water system in * wound, with one load making 88/4 cents at house; good stabling. Average re- , the top. Pal ceipts, $40.00 to $50.00 per day. Con- . I . .0 r to good butcher steers made 17.65 to 7. cents, and best butcher heifers . Gold from 8 to 8 ' 35 cents per pound, or 1', voinient, to station. No opposition. I - conts per cwt down at the top as compared Situated in thriving place tb bes t -with a week ago. Cow prices also looked . a6 cents per ewit. lower at 6 to 6.60 c,iits grain market in County of Huron. per pound for good butcher kind. and 6% to For particulars w -rite or apply to V cents for a few choice fats. A load of thin --own was taken at 4% cents per pound to, go on grass nd th e was some enquiry for James Watson . � . mwre of th�ta kind etfor that Purpose. S&Pe � lialf dozen good bulls sold steady at 6 to 684 ,centa per p,ound. but medium bulls were ess- Real Estate Agent fier at 4% to 5% cents per poirrid. A few I . � . 'baby beeves moved at 91h to 10% cents per SEAFORTH, ONT. I wound, which was away below last week at dhe top. There was some enquiry for stores. in view - of the approaching grass season. but supply I ,ww light, with no feeders o'e e I leads of atockers, 660 to 725 T. --�!, -2r." Baby Chicks and -Custom sold at 6 ito I cents p4v pound. a7id a load � 4of stocker calves at 6 cents Per Pound - Ile calf trade was -slow on a light q Ing and prices moved anywhere from 86 Z111; I to, a dollar And a half per cwt lower. &'*I- Hatc, hi vmon calves, which were a big ahare� oFf the 4offering, selling as low as 4 cents per Pound, an e a . C. W. Legborns, $15.00 per hundred cents per lxmn(L A few choice veals moved B. Rocks ........ $16.00 per hundred at from 111h to 128/4 cents per Pound, three Custom Hatching ........ 5C per egg I 0 wrimes only making 11he top, Lamb supply vroa the lightest of the sea- son 'to date, for it Monday, bdrely a scor�a df Individual machines, 100 to 600 egg ZqB9,r1inga sold �iit .IS t9 I ,it% cents. or, about size. The best of attention paid. to otendy. quality-tonsideod. Spring lambs were austord ha6ching. No order too small lower than last week ,it -a slbreiA of $10 , to IPS -50 ou to-dAy's s4les of less flratl,#L�,ftzen or too large. Get yt)ur chicks early lbead. Sheep WI a it 8 9 cents Par so they will devellop into good size . . ipound for godd i d. 6 ,4, gi birds- to get the early markets. Early Rot , values I a . or imadlililik volume . 'I , , o 9 ea lfiijayterhiM;."pullets make the beat winter , tj senft at 9% " " a. and gad 10 . - 11liat I bWal, 1,0A..b.. at. 0 a .. - , � ' & , - ' lvfe�# -,,Pq�*o - I 2,969 'cattle, (ItT . :i . - . - , , �- 0 . ga ft4 07: shebp and lambs. P- J. TREWARTHA, . . .;,'- - _', 6' ' : R, '' , " ort steer#;, $8.95 to I I �, "I . . I . ­, . Holmesville, Ont. . 'S I , * . �A 0_ to 18.00, butcher . AVE -0 -`,$4.15- 6. &ir to good, * I i� , 48,b I I . �� , � ;' Ujitcho." ,h�tjoM alwite, $8.25 Phone: Clinton Central, 22-611 '. I I $ . ,; , . I . ,�, . wl". ,�. � to $1,26, but- , , ., . . : . :L �, � el . 'a to tfi�15 -,� do. 3097-8 � - L - L 0 ?901 - to medluth, #440, td ,15;pp . , Uft $2.154 110 4.4ift',' ,Q-1 ,-thojog, 26.06 t6 "fq�a',',-.",�t . , , jr, 96 - '. bol6&66'�4 ,4 :4 i;R 'sa.60 to Fg-4,0., . I I *0 j7.50, do. fairg $04t 'ehojee, $950 to $T.0Q;A . k $6.61.) ,td 'so.00, B-0titgL'i r'llob ec,", �$66.00 to $1 Nfm edwa, $40.0 to $6 - .41foo to $12.00' dor. - ?I$10.00,, ,do.. ectiambia, %4 1 �ehojcoj fi8.50 to .$14.00". vu�,­OeBA thoi-, $ . 4 %,A§A;;, 6�"�', $4,10 40. 46-00 .., , ,. I's .06 1,16 I ,- � I -b. I A k ,, . , :V,.., �t At"KI'l F711 .�, .4 ""�M , �� ,� . � 0 40114 4 .". , � 4. 'A'Zt, # 1, , ., ft Ir ow,1111.1, .11 , �_ il, ,& b- - , � V *, , Vui ��:� �.' �t-,':, , "' , , ­ . ­� .. , I..- � , 4�4,: ".", . �. , '' ,,� 'L"ig , ­" , � , , _'.�, �,.,� - ''' L;" ' ", ,, 4"-h ,� � �� " � -4 ; � ,��'IN�, %'$ �7�,'� ,: Qt,', �%:j�;t k �L,, , � � , '. " - ,,,�,,�� ��".,,"_,��, I �� � CO S, , I , I 5"', �" � I , -1 , � 1. , 1�;:�,�,�42 ", ­�,.I- .�,N`, ,�,P . NA.;i,Nr%�� , �, � . . ­ I �. � , "�,�,� L ,4 � i� "'ou'l," M ". � '� , � , �� , , i - 5;��!`�"W.'.'," � iO� � �',!,� , ,��;�,,V,, '14�,,,,�!',',$,,',,',V ,�. 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" :" , ­_ I fJJAftt.0J1*i'*111 , .'�,' 10Sk, I I.: , 11, ., I I L ..* , I L' 1� " .,,�, � , " ,� �. _ " �1, �'4:p � "" , 1! ;,.".�� . , . , �;F�,' 7��,,� ."�- . ,, - -- , 11 , 1�;11�.. �,Fl_j;�.­,�,�,,"I".' ,,�., �­ � li . ,�_ I., .."41 "'� i�, , I . . �, " , , � " 'o, ,N�.,��, ,,',�').k, ­�,V "', �11.o..-. �, . . 2 ' , �'.. "�',�­ "",��,��,",�11��,"�,,'�t. ,­ � � " �' , .. �, �,,, I ,�� , , "�,­. , , , �",' 1, , ,,� tf­ J � 11 I 1. I., I I � LI�,,��,,F"'�,.�,4�.�-lk-l��l�,,,�,,,�,,�,�,���,'t',,'�,�,,,,�,,�I ,;� ­,,-� � �;�. V��,N - _:', �, �, ,, -1 5"I", gt� 'I.,", . . . . . . . . :::.! nl��Zll qW,� I M? M,1117P'Mr 7�771t�, . ,A4,,��,!,'j �11, , W%113 .. ,, 4 M& 201 "At"'M .1111. 1&7"�f �, ,, �$& 1w .... � �Pl, i 'RIT 11,r Vmr4� ­,t"L,w�­ 111�h , . _n ,� "I I OR , 710,,Z) ,R,44�,,� , I , (;� 1�i 4. I 1.;"� � g�, ,� I 1114.1 * � i _ . � �WP �.',-,A 11;1r'X� �,­.." 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AM -� " � .� -'�-,," 1; , V _� , r,%*t:,L""_ F W ' 41,1' Tro * '�, a d L _ �� �,,,� I, , , , 1'. , . ,� - ei - W -V - .F- , r , , it, _ ,.,; , T_ 1;4"�,�,# .wl ��,"11 , 4i , �" , 9 - . , . , � re,0" , I " 1, 'AA', - M, V,W-Pwk, z MA 0 I -is I I I IN, 'o 'i ,%, I I f, r . , 1 4 ,'�' , , , ,.0 NTW�;:,�:q 11 11 L : ._, �, 11'�', '� , .. , 1, ,,� , -94 , 1144,0.11 �, I �, ,-1-j."�', , . - , r ,Al., 0491 . 0 - I , 1 �_� d, , ,,� �,,��(,�, .. . , . ­., . ..W .� ,B I " , I , �� Fl�.,­1­111"11�011 1 ,,�, . �' A;'.�'A" '�*04w#; 094 -` 000 ,Q� Wjk J , :��, , . Z(4pn �, . j.'14. 1. #,Y of . , I " , ,� APO � MR, I I. , , . � 14#44*aw, 34mr, 4#yZ,. = . x I , W` . I ­Q*r 11411if c , , XU ." , �, .,�,, , M Irm ggg -- , AS4# %LJ,;Tan 144" , . I . ,per geiilt'..)(l � 0 CANL,, - *Pro,: �,;_, " I *%4134 I _.OR51314 % ; ku �`3;� V,q5;k%&X"; � 14 , _:-, - - .1 - , , - , . 1. I ­ I I 'fraw'". W"o ,v6�4�.-�px,�-si'l,to;,Il�'O'l,q * sllarelwl,ft �PA,441;v_�,h5,1 " ' ,,,�­ 14 -'� I ' ' ' ' XV,*jI., jj�'J'*,­ , 1=94- 18)ee`.rP9.F_ f 1141eU44 11 yeip � . Mi, � , F , � 1 :. �'�''.'4 1 1 "t - I � � . , , , ,. , 'f- 0041 4 _ 4 ", - _ Pic , :�_�;" " m , � V` I Min , I . ., . aspnabuk, ,)Raw,;� - C,=,. -T .-n-41 0181, vafm)- ' - Re . , I - , I , , I I . �, 4"I =P F_� rn, fryl vans, , rG IMPERIAL- RQTAR11"1e*'xBS I I . .� � . : , Won pow qnr a (" . ­,. , � " . 0C'l0` � , I . , , ., , ,, , - 1� � C0XPAWT,,,-,',,$ -�, I I numer'! '' *,�, Wgite or phone Cluj' .. s 0 ,; , � � ; � I eus, ta meiatjoq� M . . I I I W , _TTM11_ .1 I , . I . I , �. , -. 9 TAUZAnqm, if ess;' ur Web . 'BY L IL �, 1 .19160 1 , . ;�Ili 11 I , , , , , , . Augitioucer., . .1. . . I ..., I , I . ri ,� ., � ,, 1. '. . . 1. 171� � � _. � .1�1_1.1' I 1, . I ­ , 'EXEdUTIORS- 'SArM OF: VILL4i3V7 �� - ,��,,� o. E, K EP PERTY AND HoUSEHoi,D EFFECTS_ Ko" Us Kompfo'c`*& C , ps'& $on Them Will be offered for sale by' public iniae, . 11 . ­��.,,_ � I tign Eut the Village of Staffa.on Thigsday, . W.,,",'.;; - . I I I loll 110 11::11 - I April 29th. 1927, at 2 o'clock in the gVar4 Lim -A - ;.�.e,t�,,,---- . inoon: Three piece 'Parlor pilite, ,mahogain , ' - - I . I mahogany pedestal, P mahogany parlor tabil�,, Toronio, ind L6W6n, . , DRAIN. TILE Parlor mg 9x9, oak dining room suite. writ, " . Ing desk and book case combined, Morrie 011taldo"�-, 71­'�: , i large sto�k of Well , . chair a= roclia" chair$, 2 bc=dwom I .. . . , - , We have .a euii�� and ;rnattress, 2 feather ticks. mn - I Burnt and Seasoned Tile on hand, . 2 couch-, sWA1t=y commode, large chest 2 � � "':r! -.1-ich we will clear at reduced'prices, sawing machine nearly new banging 'a' ck We " 2 extension tables,,2 W;h ta�jes. glass _--______:�� - to � , , _ make room for the neyv to. e � =, . , now haVe a large. truck'an de ­ cupboard, carpet sweeper, lawn mower, coal NOTICE TO C , " �' : RS Rates. d wilt all stove, kitchen stove, 2 trauks, several pic- _�� liver at Reasonable tures, set of'dishes, meat grinder, 2 tabs and washboard. 2 brackets, dres. maker's moder, . . NOTICE IS HEREBY ,GrVWW th4t all per- KRUSE - BROS., a quantity of co4 and other articles too num- sons having claims against thg� estai, of R. R. No. 8 Seaforth, Ont- erous to mention. At the same time and WILLIAM SINCLAIR. late of the Townshi Phone 14 on'160. Place there will be offered for sale the resi- of Tackennuith,' Retired Flaximer, who died on . dence of the late Aggie Hotham, deceased, the 80th day of March, 1927. are Tequired to 3095X3 consisting of two -lots with dwelling house forward their claims duly provgn to W. N. -, - and stable. Termsx-Cash for chattels. For K'necbtal, SeafOrth, or to the undersigned on / real estate, 10 per cent. to be paid down; bal- or before the 2nd day of .May, I once in thirty days, GEORGE L. DALTON AND NOTICE IS FTIRITIE[ER 9&EN that NOTICE TO CREDITORS and FRANK HAMBLY, Executors; Oscar W. after the said date the Executor will Proceed . Reed, Auctioneer. 3097-1 to distribute the estate having resurd only to I the claims of which he then ohall have notice. ' - DATED at Exeter, this 12th day of April, NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes 17, in that behalf that all persons having any WORTANT NOTICES '9 claims against Henrietta Barwick. late of the - Exeter and Hensall. Township of McKillop, Huron County, widow. , FORSALE. --SEVEN P16S 6 WEEYLS OLD Solicitors for Executor. who died on the 8th day of March. 1927. are Apply to JAMES MURRAY, Huron Road' 309" required to Bend to the undersigned solicitor East, R. & 4, Seafortli. 3097xI - - for the Executors, full particulars in writing -_ - and verified by afflidavit of their claims and CATTLE WANTED -WANTED TO PAS- the nature of the securities, if any, held by tare a limited number of cattle by the them, on or before the 27th of April. 1927, sesson. Phone 3 on 236. Seaforth. of address -0 0 after which date the said Administrator will DUNCAN McCOWAN, Senforth. 8097x2 <> S. T. Holme 0 proceed to distribute the assets of the said 0 & Son deceased, having regard only to the claims of TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. -FOR SALE <> Funeral Director -and <> Which he then &hall have had notice. a quantity of Timothy on 146, Seaforth, or address Egmondville Post - I.Acensed EmbaTmer. <>I DATED at Seaforth, Out., this lat day of Office. ROBERT McGONIGLE. 9096x2 0 Finest Motor and Horse- ,0 I April, 1927. R. S. HAYS. - - N OTICE.-WILL TAKE A NUMBER OF <> drawn equipment Beattie <> Solicitor for Executors. cattle on Lot 34, Concession 3, Hibbert, <> Block, Main Street, opposite <> 1 30954 or will rent. Apply to RICHARD BARRY, 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 01 Seaforth . 3111,2 <> Holmes, residence, Goderich <> i - -_ CATTLE TO PASTUR�­f WILL TAKE <> Street West; Chas. Holmes' <> 1 in a number (if young cattle for the sum- <> residence, North Main Sreet. �O 11 Automobile I n s u rance mer; good grass and water. Phone 11 om 241, <> Flowers furnished on short 01 Se.forth. JAMES E. MEDD, R. R. 1, Clin- I ton. 3097-tt 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0, � Every car orwner needs this protec- 0 ho ; FARM TO RENT. -PASTURE FARM IN o Istering neatly done. 0 tion. With heavier road traffic you Tuckemmi,th to rent. Apply to, J AIAY,S Phones: 119 or 254 J. .0 i cannot afford to take chances. SPROAT, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, r phone 0 <> � 34-160. 3093-tf o o o o o o -0 .0 o o 0 o 1927 RATES FOR SALE. -BRED -TO -LAY S. C. WHITE ___ __ ___ Chevrolet, Chrysler 4, Dodge, Durant Leghorn chicks, $15.00 per hundred. Bred- - - 4, Essex, Ford, Gray Dort, Star, Max - to -lay Barred Rock chicks, Guild's strain, $19 <> 0 <> <> 0 0 <�- 0 <> <> 0 <> I per hundred. Apply to JORN A. ECKAR7, 0 . i well, Overland, Pontiac, Etc_ -Public R� R. No. 1, Dublin, Omt Phone 23-23. Dub�- , <> � Liability $5.00; Property Damage $4. lin. 3097-3 ,> W. J. CLEARY <:> I Chrysler 6, Chalmers, Durant 6, CATTLE WANTED. -A LIMITED NUM- 0 Licensed Embalmer and O' Iludson, Jewett, McLaughlin, Nash, ber of cattle wanted to feed on grass liT 0 Funeral Director. ,0 Oakland, Studebaker, Paige, Willys- the month. o,n Lot 84, Concession 14. Mc- 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor <> Knight, Oldsmobile, Etc. -Public Lia- KLIlop. Apply to JOHN FLANNERY, Wal- o bility $6.00; Property Damage, $5.00. ton. 3G96x3 Equipment. 01 __ 0 Night and Day Service. <>! Six Months' Policy at 70 Per Cent. . PASTURE LAND TO RENT. -TO RENI , 0 Phone 19-22, DublfiL 0 Lot No. 16 in the 6th Conces" ton. flay. 0 of above Rates. 100 "res mor� or le�s, a very fine pasture 0 rarm with spring creek running through It. 0 <> <> <> <> <> 10� <> <> 0 <> <> Gives $11,000.00 protection to the Apply to ROBERT M. BELL, Box 63, Hen- ,car owner against injuries or d ath iall, or at the homestead farm, Lot No. 20, ______ - e �rd Concession, Hay, a 4ittle over a mile w --t 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 .0 ,0 <> <> ,�> '0 0 - of any person or persons and damage Df Hensall, $097-2 0 1 0 to other'cars, vehicles or other pro - CE. -VTE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR ,�> * perty. Legal expenses and doctor's NOT' 0 40 , bill are also included. 4day Id chicks, for the Elynslea Chick W. T. BOX & CO.; Farm at Clinton. Barred Rocks hatched from 0 Funeral Director and '0 RATES FOR COLLISION, FIRE & mi-efully culled high producing winter lav- <> Licensed Embalmer. * cm, $17.00 to $20.00 per hundred. Barron THEFT ON APPLICATION Strain. single comb White Leghnrns from �C' H. C. BOX 0 Everybody's Auto Accident Policy Elm.],. F,,m, ni.tings, $14.00 to $1.5.00 per aWM * hundred, May delivery. J. M. SCOTT, Sea- 101 Beat Motor and Horse -dr Premium $5.00. Poolicy $1,500,00- forth- 8097-2 0 equipment. 0, $2.5.00 per week for total disability. <> Charges moderate. 0 $12.50 for partial disability. Th-, big - FARM FOR SALE. - FOR SALE WEST �C. Half L�ts 7 and 9 containing 150 acres FIOWers furnished on short 4:> gest Five Dollars, worth you evcr g9t ' � 0 on 9th Conceaaiim. On the premises are notice. .0 for your money. 5tory nnd half bFrick houqe. bank barn 66x98. <> Nights Calls Day Calls * Take no chance% -Accidents happen hog pen 65r2O. drivinig shed and garage. The <> land is all cleared but 12 acres bush: tile Phone 175. Phone 43. 400 no matter how careful you are. drained and well fenced: mile from school. 6 0 0 Call, Write or Phone :�`Ic` 'rcm" SeRforth and Hen -11. Rural mail 0 <> <> * <> 0 <> ,C* <> <> <> <> � d Phone. This is one of the heat farms in Tuckenmith and will be sold on easy term- . as the proprietor has be,en foreed to give up __. - - A. D. SUTHERUM � enriming on acc�ount of ill health. Also Be <> <> <> <> 0 <> 'C� <> �-> < � <> 40 1 acTe grass farm. east half of Lot 7. on 9th <> 10 General Insurance Agency I Concession. These will be sold &9 one farm � or in separate parcels. For further parti- ��' W. J. Walker & Son 0 SEAFORTH : PHONE - I.5, 2 � lam apply on the premis- or address R. R. - ( No. 2. Kipper. JOHN HAY. 3094-tf <C* 4> __ ___ __ __ I <> W� J. Walker, Funeral Di- <> `1ft - - - . - ___ - - __ __ - - - 0 rector and Embalmer. <> 0. 0 EARN $6.00 PER DAY . <> Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 Earn as you learn work, �O Cars or Flowers furnished -0 '. . . garage battery, , welding, housewiring, brick -laying. harboring � as requested. 4:> .nd hair dm�sing. Fr� employment service -0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 4:> rro,in coast to coast, Many vos,itions now open. <> Act quickly. Call or ,vrite for free illustrated <> I U.talOgUe t1D FAI,ED t -d- .ddres.-I t, 0- I ­­­ FLEMPHILL DOMINION CHARTERED CO., S inv Avent. D�Psrlm­t of Publir Worlts. 163 King St. Wesk Toronto. __ - - Ottn­ ,,!I I- r-ei,M at his offi­ un'll 3097-1 12 .'clock n.... Tuesday. April 26. 1927, for t,h supply of �al f�r the D�iuinion __ - - THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of aU kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 WANTED V_ .1 n In*- fns.'V.1,oW-+A.- Buildings 0,­wh,­t th� TI -i-, �f Ontario, including thp City of Ottawa. Fo-s �f t-nd�r .,iLh %p-if-4i ­s and mn � diti­. alfs,h,�i ,,n 1- .bt.i�,d fmin G. W. I I)aw­n, Purchasing Ag�mt, Department of Public Worl(� Ottawa: and R. WinteT. 59- 61 Viet -is. Str­t. Toi­ont�. Ont. T,nd� will ; not h --id-ed uiil-s inade .n th f p , I ,. c ­ c " I sun h., V th Depart -tit and in ii,,�,ds= � With &p.o-W sp­ifir.ti�n. and con - I diti�­. � I Th� ,wht t., -fill I , , i�lemand�frnmntb,rosucc� terd- , . ,I t- . n�t P ,eedi g per "nt. I (if the am,,�jn� ,,r tho 1 -der. to -ure the' proper fulfilment of the contract, is rme-d- I By Order, F ,;. E. O'BRIEN. S-mtary. Depml­t .f Public W.rk.. Ottinw., APH) 5. 1927. 3096-2 %.M �_" . _­_ - --.-- , Refrigeration - __ - - ­ ' Strong Canadian Company rapidly expanding its representation wants to connect with good reliable dealer in this territory. Big future profits for Tailoring Advice those who start now and grow with businem. Write for full details. - - . BE ' 3 Bright Salemen Wanted . I SURE An� ous men with some experi. I TO ence and capital Will have 966d fiftture I businesd 6pportanity,. _- B V Y UNIVERSAL COOLER CO. WINbSOR, ONT. YOUR 808(;-tf - . TAILORED I � .- _­_ ... - .0 11 .... .1 � I ... . i V,111,2" -rk^ S" L , aha W vote I" 06, 0a U" 0"* k 'AWL, NO - aft As,A*-""^, , I , __1 .V ", ­ .,.", '' �, 1: � I *pAt'. Awis u*k"W* Not" �, I ; , , '' 1. .., I � '' . , , , � . . , , I , 1�� - � ,_ ...� ,, _ .,; � ", � i';. 1, .. . . , 'd -�,� 1� .� . . r - - �� ��, � �,�,­ �,r .1 � , ­�� * I �14'14�.� L ­ , ­ 11 , ., � , - � ,1-1 1�._- 1_% (5 �:� �'.. !,� ,!, �":;v,� 1�11 � , �, I..., -:%6 ,�­� 11 .j­10­11'1�, , ILUto I nZZ) I ..AT.- - - ,,R,,E.BRIG0,T, Seaforth � I , � I ,�_ I . . .. : I Dress W611 sod Succeed I , I I , 11:�")LORIWG ��'P­ ELADERDASMRY , - ", -41 :� ��!. 11� -, . . . L '15;,,� ,,,, .�,-, 1, I ,, ,,�.'_ �' . �, I I I ill �_ � I � i� , I . . , �,!, � � " ;, .,. ,. i - I .1 "i ".4". , 1, - 11 I .. I I . �1:1�1,,,Wlk I'V_1,'V,,�'.. ,,'�,"' L ,�, M� ;,. ; ,W W",." 1, ��'Ifk".`.�,,Lio ",��, .ii�;,�,.._V, �1111.... 'i- , , I t. �,� " 50k �', ., 7. 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', L 7', 1 1 ''. li;­­ season itself Gibb is showing a complete eollection I I " ��,--', - �. of the Newest Styles selected with the very definite , I . ,,,,,t;Q1 I : ­�­`�,-;� - _,__� idea of filling into the perfect picture of smartness and I I . . I ." , .� �'­�, __ .. , I �._. - � ... . . - - , 1 _'�l . . , __ I ' I I ��` I . I I I , 1, I , ",I Three Bk Groups of Womeds Coats 7 . ..�111, . ­_� . . . . � Misses' Coats, Exfta SpecW J ..�', ­ . � : � I A varied group -coats that in the ordinary way would . ,� sell for dollars more than this price, offered to early sboppers at a big saving. fhose are Tweeds in smart � shades and styles, some have fur trimmings and some are of the boyish type. Sizes 16 to 20. Extra Special................. 9.9 5 1 Women's Coats, Extra Special . Here's a collection of unusual values - just on the brink of the spring season at a price that is surprising - i ly low. They are In numbers of styles -Fancy Tweeds with leather trimmings - the Navy Blue Tailored Coat. Don't fail to see these coats. Extra Special.. $1409.5 Such variety 1 Coats in Satin Mixtures - Coats in Twills, in Fine Charmelines, in Tri cotines- Coats with Squirrel, Mole or Rabbit Trlmmiuigs - Coats with tucks and pleftts in Navv, Sand, Black and Blue Grey Extra Special $25 DRESSES That Are Dainty We offer you a wonderful op- [� 711 � , I\ q portunity to purchase a 'New' (, i bilk Dress. By '_N e w' we / I mean new in colors, designs I., , - and materials - the newest / , that Sprin�r 1l,tS to offer, at a r, price that is exce,edingly low. 1, The dresses are, principalk 11 Silk Crepe ayid Georgette, ,fl I I � " beautifully trimmed, Some in � I * two-tone effect, wh I le others . . I bave pleatiDg. It is a chanco to get a spring dress at a price I . - . - I I that should Ile appreciated. C�_, �_ - - . - _�_ ___ __ , , - $10-95 to $22.50- - I- __ - I-t's t he C -us t OF yourClothes that Count In addition to the made to - measure department we carry a complete range of suits that are sure to please you We are pleased to announce as being sole agents for Seafortti and district for sueb clothing bouses as Kellert's, Empire, Cornell, Walter Blue and Tip - Top Tailors. We are in a po- sition to meet your demands in any suit or overcoat prob- lem you may bave. We guar- antee every garment we sell to give perfect satisfaction or we will refund your money. Suits priced from $12.50 to $25.00 I , , � ,.,.�. I I 'A' ly��,'& I . 11 . �,,,, .1 � A R. I Gibb, Seaforth. -,,. .11,11, , ". I . _� . � " �, .,'�� �,�,�, (,., .1 1. I I 1. , I ,etl, � I;_ , . : , , ,;"�­ ", , . ,­ . 1. � ,,:' 1� �� 11 1% �, �� ,� . . �. - ,Iln I I 1. � . � I . 1 � � . I , , , - . . I -1. . , , � , , , , I, - �, . . . 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