HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-22, Page 4�AVRF�711wr­37"771 77-7F'w ", ­rW­V%�'-,7k' ,I , '71r�--V-r�wt-­ I , . ;..��_k�, ,, � I , I I ,, 1� ­ 1, I 11 "I � i� I I , -,--" , �j,�",.:"�,�.,, �' ., ,� li � , � I ,..� " � I , , �?!� �,; , ,� i,r , " '' �� I ". � ,,,�,,,,,; ,'��: ,�,, , �� -i,� . , , �,." I ,�­I,,­ ­�� 11� � 10�'11 " � 4� ­11�1 "," . ,��t� - I ... � . Y� ... :: 1, " ­­ . .... . �;, ,!:,.��,�,�'.. !�, - - 'I,' L" �:,�, I �1,11 I, � I i,�,.�",;� �:, � I 1, � I V1,%g .- �, ", , , ,�,�,,� i � ��, Iq ,',�,.,�A'­�j�ul�,,: �. 11��,'�t � ,; � _1 � 11 1� ­�% I . . , xx,t� , 11 , 1-1, " � ii - . I I'll, 1. 14:1, ,� 1, �; I % ! �D 11.1 VJ � , `� � � , 9, � V, � 11 �13 ff . "��'�,.11.�",I�;,'�.�:i�':�����. I 11 4 , , g. � 1� ,�,,�� �;:,,:'�� ,. 1.11 I , . . ,I I . ,, .. 11 1P, i N' R , , ,� , I I - , - 11 � "IN , , i I ,�� � , , , N , - '�).jO�,l��il,�,",��,�,i,�t,�4"�,-*�-.'�,'! �:,,',' ,,i) � 21 � . �, ,� � ,.,:� �,,,i �� �,.�, ""p, - " � 4", "� � ,. I , . 1. 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I : � .. .1 I _�X=W­11_­ --11--11-_"__ ". ,�"Ii.�1.11 - -.111-111 , I.- ­­ �.­ ­­ I I — - __.- ", - gh,-,%&,5t, .11 r 1..� , " .. "�T­­.!j­ 1., "I "I " , 1. ., .;,. IMF.;m 71m� W. ,�,,� : . �,_- - L.l 11 I till. W , I I - � '310-4 � I., 11. . . � . . � I , , . _Iii�,M_"_� , , ­. I � "'ir M", �,�.,",""% �,'�, ."""40A, 4514, _� ex, ­"' ­ - A,"-, � , � , V i ��, Rkwilt , " " - ��, 1'11,� ",.( ,�,�%�-�i.r-li;,:,��,l�7,:-,?�e"br,4.t 7.�.�yf. mg, the laolida , V...% , .,� �, .0.0,11 ''I "M�l 111.11". 1-%,W-4"' `1'1�1�1- .:R____,.. I ,� " , �4,1, , - , TJT�Jgelsjia rep er, 514- Aem TxW following :rvQ* Dotirqit� Ordeft; " " , " " , I _� Ito . 1--h. 1­,�- `,� " , -,� ., -.-,.. 11 . ",-P.," t - , ,, a , . , ; . 4�47 W6, : - � X, - M, - J - ., I �� - - I 'AAA 'Arma ...."111 7111" Of, ,'�_(,��,!, -:�_.'9,,4,z 1 . � "!,% ,J, � Woo I 11-1. I - �, 44� 44v, A, i SU110, . ....... � %�A. 11 .. i" , V k - ,'.',-! - , � " ;�� . �1_ 4'.: 1 1. . � 11 �,,V.T � ____ 11 - - ­" '.' 0V .1. .� � 104 . . , 'y . -77� 1.0- , . ZIP ,�'% , . V ,�� � 1�'11 .? ,%"_,ye4t,%` s. X!L ..... _._� I �� -11 11 ��_ V" �� 11,1*1i", .., - - .110, , I , ,%�� . 1- I ,� - " ,�� . _4 ....... . � . , i7' .�11 -i "',�,.,� ,; A--. . 1 77 1 . ;"­�r g. .!� ,. 1 - �. . 1�%sp,j4 474, 4. Ill- iW*4x;4QWl, 440. IJ Wolfe, CaroliU6 Xlkel� Wal. D1*01, �;,_,,., , � ; - , , i- � , % . 44 " �, 44,4=- - , , . _ . A P .. � ,_ 1, . . -1 , , Qjasa-m-OWI M- ing, 438 - Chexlio 'Bert Goltexi, Larry Rock R,ermav . . " , " I I "I,, I I I,- , ,.".k. _142 -!� ,44 . - I � � ,.; ­�, .: I �, �:! "A M4 . . . . . . I _�'. ..,� �,:, ��,"� .": 1!�, � , �, ., -I! 1. ... , .,..%, - - � ' 46. Bauer, Ren;ry and Fred, 'Scherborth, � . :t �,Add, Me. eta Lar�4- � - 4_ . . . . 1!�", . ,Antl.,�T, " � , I �� NAlkiwoo, 2 - Hardd W111ard, ? , ., -1 I � 1 ;.:�r . ,:��'. %, .., 11il" �-­ N ....... - X" -4. - I � .,�� _. ;., , �� � . ,�!,�;,�:'. . :1, 44.11, 1. - I I K. , , � � hn Heckman , : � ,X �, X. 'A. Fleming; , ,I "I . :. e � . � ,,�; , :, , .. . I . � � , 7 �1'1, : �6"o�� PIrst Glass to, be promoted to Second Mrs. A. Pinrieke and John 11eckmaA , � - , . . " , rp -4*7 `!, . .,p I I W-IN'tA9 , r - � ­, LN.k. � ., ! ,,,, I., :'.1 -.,.-, �11. , 11 - p" K, - �0 ,,�,� ��� ....... Ap*-` ',P-'r'� � 04411 ' ' � ,,, _,.�,1,:11j - T . - 0, - �,�, �� . �1 q;114 ,,� V " � I Gi6b, and Ruther- '"i . " ik , . . a "oll'n Miss I'll . 1, I 11' III . I , Class after Easter­�-­Bdison Forrest. and family. -Ed. 1. ! 40P � I , " I I � 'i - i wgre� visit- .� . . ' '"' . I � ,�.. , I , .-, , I `k -a Lainmie; -, ; ,4 , � ,."�_-�­ . .. -I." i '�' " ­', 264; Mildred Madge, Dorothy Tra- ford Henderson, of the Standard Bank .,.�i�". .11 . . � vaN."', , ' IPA' Miss ,Gret , Q ,Y. ,#�111. '34`�.-. � 11 I . � - I I - 4,;� - I , , i�: -, " 7 , .1 %�;Z, ". Ank" i % it I will b `,-*iven in tue , � Manager i ,-.,,,�,,., la, - equal; spent the holidays at their respeetive m song ':Mr. 'W. "A. HV46ton, 0, - , 1� I q I - I r, b,01. " ,uair And Jackie Tra,qUair, 281,, , . . � . .. � . e 1�11 1­.''�.,,;;�, ---ill" jpeu,t the . 0 , - 1� 11 ". I 11 , . I . . �,, ,�, ener and Holstein, I I of,; I I � I ,� . ��­-,�.,!, , ,..", : :� %, '.. � .� i � ..."'... �... " 4 . . Helen Walker, 914; Ruby Pfag, 182. homes in Kitch , pok';Ot. Xqutreal; reeltaMon, Mrs. 1, �; .'�`.� ',,,�,_ , 1';�`-,� -� :k _'I �­ 11 I 1 .. - " ... . -Xi* N.0ma )4u. IIENSA , W, '. � Iql-l!", .. 1�11 . 11 .. 7�� .,',� � 11 TOWX jgr . L41", I 11 - ��,;_ . %, . . - . olUdAye at . - Eaqtq)�, .. - ' ' ' , , , "c% . Number on roll. 19,Rossie, Brciad- while Carl Diegel vizito friends in 1. 1. , L , p", . Sha in,strumental, ­ 4 . I - -tl " I .11 the b � " , . 1, . . ,V"p; After the ' 0 , . . ,naedt% S., ,�',�� . ' I . .1 , , APR . . X�` * ,J �I�A�Wnoft and Fre It, ift . cft 4-10141 4md� 0010-�will U.00 ,� � . ". � . " ,� V - . .1 � I " , . , I 4- �� � . , �0.01"44,, umoo:191I rig, Mr. now shoes to 'A iii'mool; W.-Kii - -bov, - % Q . -I � � ' —Mixis oot, Teacher. North Bay. -Mr. Win. Quereagesser p* F_tWAT ,�L 2 , .1 . .Oth ��: , " 11 -11 , I In .� ,,p , p , 3!4, .. .. I q,:,4, . . . ol Hess , , g 1", .� I., QIA� - , n; so _ s& 3 M wfaif to"�* _,_ . )� , . laer parents. . , . . - �1� 0� oluwr co . - - - 1 �. ... :,:,� J 4 Starin Damage. -About 9 o'clock is confined to the house through a . , , -loci] I . 'trupieutal Messrs. plate line of �� ­� 1 4`� � �v:, �. #, �., , "';.." ;�i!_;Z. I,.: , - I , . . I .". -1 . . . I I . . . � .-M, _tjey� of New Hamburg, -Mr. George ,and �:,�11. 4 ited by, Ao "jw , , go, ,J�, ins , 1� . ­), ,�, ..., . ,. ". � , '.'�; v, .� �'; , ,, �.;.,;.. *' , 'j� �', , , . A, 1,1 . � .; -.. . " � ,. - , , _ - _', t��­­o .. 01 , '.17 �,�i� ". I 11 � I , - . . 11" - I � , , , " . _� _1 ­ , Mr. and Mrs, George 11 � 4.---1 0,04", on . , �,- '! 1, � . , " , � Ve holiday ot,the hom,e an Tuesday evening a' sudden and severe attack of sciatic. I IV �.,,, 1.94,.,o,44"­ohn, - lmwv � . I violent thunder storm. accompa 1, 'Society, under -140 .. . I � m ­ ppssmo!�, violin . SP , 11. ... IV" .. nied by Hillebrecht and Mrs. Geo. Rickin-pler, � . , 1. - � iM _q I I 'L , , .1 'A - United Qkgr �, . .11� I ''". 1.", ... , _. .. ord Britton, who a terrific wind from the west, struck Jr., are visiting friends and relatives p ces b geh, 4# . k M Thomas Sher- . "" . 1, - .1", " " �, I I ,.. 11 .4.4 ". 7 � I _ I , � 41?j,,�q r. . 1`.,+_*1 -4 I ..", . I , pn, ". X, _ .., I ,.", � - . I , . ,d,d1�,;:Vfte­ Jvdw : j�vat"t .nf WPA: ," `� . I" ,��,, , Z Z ,., , F I � . ,,,, , . �, , . . . & - , " "ble, .,.. , -'�,� -�_ tj , 0.4 by Mrs. ' - " � " * , - ._ . � 'I, - I 1!1� . , Cliff -a trail of dam- in Detroit. -Mr. Francis Seherborth, Hensa - is a real tr*0 riuT - . corm We have saectea. *or " I, * �4"_cm ,� lz,�',.�,,�. ., .M.., the township, and left I � jr9i , piuuu � . � � , .. .. -, , ,., . . MWIrM Collegel Toro . w , I , � " -1. . � 'L I uto, . . 1 M13M of the , Ith the , ,qe. th4 , N t uyv_ , 11 I � . � I ­:,w,� I ke. Probably the heav- Principal of the public school at Ross- do na m%js I fj#yqr result that, you'R � . ,� �1, .. g -ov da - age In its wa ,a I Admi4siou, 50 , .filwrint. _aj no find 4 ,', �b, � WA ' , t44 ", �� "I I I U,t . - 9 1 ,.'� If., ., �� I 1 ... ­ - , . 'I'd not be carried out making, the best shapes, in faa, %.Ao­oq L& 1K WMAU-40 de ,�, Q, . .'L : , : , � the Easter ,and 35 coAts,, M I d, . �,� . yN at bit ,old home. ies 11 , ", 1. ', , �. . I.. * t loser was Mr. Warren Schilbe on more, Out, is spending . progra:mure equ � - " ";., . - . I . kl; 8. Lorne Dale, of Stratkord I . .1 ,On accouot otl. iftess and absence in a Sbh,00l Sho@. Put our School'87ibes'tothe ust. ..'14 I wkt�';:-,­ . 11 . over th4holiday at the the second concession, whose barn was holidays under the parental rogf.- 1. ­ . , - . .1 ,­ ".. - Flow 1. , I .. I .11'�, �... I __ " 11 . I I 11� trout 'home, The prograrame, every they will,measure up to your expectations. , ' I, - .. , , ,: � . - I . �� I . �,Qi � ,_��... 16 ''I m le forniees parents, MT. completely wrecked and his driving Roy McP. Miller and Roy Dallner are . . N, shed blown off the foundation. With spending the Easter holidays at their —___,__________________--t1, ziumb6r whiiiiii called for an encore, Boys School Shoes ,of Box Ki� Leather on 4 m um 140f­_�t . �, I ."." I " I" Uvs. George Dale- ­Seeding will 1 eels. low., � � , � , � of the help of his neighbors, who quick- respective homes at Rodney and Seb- .was �brougbt to a close by the sInging with solid leather insoles and rubber bwls , go 11'. "Is fer't., �, 1. ,� * ! ,*% - , , . , .,,, , � ost daughter of 4r. and Mrs. John Fisher $2.45. Sizes I to 5, for $2.95. 1 . . . .1 . . � " . !�,-: . . [a ly gatheTed, Mr. Schilbe succeeded in ringvdlle. ,of the National Anthem, accompanied I . . . 1. . ;,Oretty well finished with m I ,.., �.. , I . ­­ .." 11 0 " . , -�." � - -4 this week. All nature 4; , I S. `.� farmei . of Hensall',W Boys' School Shoes of Box Kip Leather on a Visa. 1: a last'�­ - - - I a 13 --I ­ P � a13 united in marriage to by essm. J. Passmore and Fred' � . . 11 �F" . 1. _0_ ng on ,her spring gaTme'nt after I ,VVU �, ­ .1 . raising the barn. oGr an e -8 the live stock, which escaped injury, ELIMVILLE Mr. D. Lorne Thompson, of Toronto, Hess on 'their musical instrumentz, 1 - I with Panco sole , . a and rubber -heels. Sizes 1.1, 12, 18, for - 01z .... . I � I e�, . I � �, 111X,,�%ke, � " ; " ,,,, �, fine warm days and coplou. 3 � wlers,.-Mr. Leo Stephenson has 66 with the exception of a few pigs which Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne the Rev. Captain A. D. Robb perforra- Ing the ceremony. The bride was a nd a vote of thanks tendered by the President, Mr."Rathan Peck. The at- I to 5, for $3.25, 1 . I.: � . Boys' Oxfordo in Gunmetal oolf and Tan* calf leathers made -on. I . ' 11 � .. � , ��_,��i�l I ...... . contracted to draw cream for the were killed. All, the buildings were 11 built in excellent condition, visited in London one day last week. charmingly g9wni'ad in rose color with tendiance, owing to various causes, in- I eels. .,SL- 1 to -5, .' the new Balloon toe with,fancy eyelets, rubber h, , v,s. I . . .- . 11, ill.. .1 I..... % , F 1� I - I United Farmers' Co-operative Cream- ery, 0 f WIng1rain, this summer. -Mrs. we and so that Mr. Schilbe's loss will he -Mr. Walter Johns, of Lomd,on, is spending the Easter -vacation at his pearl trimint'U'it and wore a hat to m,t,h. Mr. ,and Mrs. Thompson will . eluding a showery evening, was n*)t large% as thi fine programme iner- for $3.95. - . I Girls' Oxfords and Ties in Gunnietal Calf and Tan calf leath6rs 1. �. I � , , 1 v', ' , Stewart, -of Seaforth, is convalescin 9 . heavy as he carried no wind insux- Mr. William Archibald's barn parent's home. -Mr. Chairles Johns reside in Toronto. as ited. ,Wlss Eleanor Fisher, organist I . . in sizes 11 to 2, for $2.9$'to $1.25. i I i 11 to 21 Patent Strap Slippers, new Spring styles. Sizes �� . � ." ... � , . cat"the hom.6 of her daughter, Mrs. ance. on the 5bh concession had the roof has been confined to his W with for -the week. -The box Easter Visitap. - Quite a large holidays her� of the Uzuted Church, was, accompan- .Girls' for $1.95 and UP. ­ ­ I � . . 1�11.�� � 1. � I � ��t�,.- Itoy Lawson. - ­ 1. I blown off and a large tree was sciatica past social held by the Y. B. League has number spent Easter arid among whorn were Miss Flor� ist on the piano. Briefs. � - taster services. in our I 11 I - 1. 1, : . � � '_'.'�;.' I WINTHROP blown across the road -between the farms of Messrs. Win. Flannery and been postponed until Friday eveluing Once Cudmore, of Toronto; Miss Edith three churches were very largely at- I I ..111111P1111111, %W � .. . �111 -1 I 0 ,, Noties.-A. gloom was east over the Whn. Nigh, which blocked -the s econd of this week. Ladies please come and bring box—Mr. and Mrs. Clarisa McEwen, of Kitchener; Mr. William. Miss Elva tended. The fine diso6urses and ex- 0 0 I I r _�" .. 5 ", . , , village when the news spread about concession. Among other who suf- -were your Snell and family visited in London Reynolds, of T-Monburg; Bolton, of Kitchener; Mr. James Tapp cellent music marked fine ability both in speech and song, and in all �he * . I . ��.� .-, I- the death of little George McFarlane, IQ of age, eldest son 'of Mr. fered more ,or less damage Messrs. J. D. Gemmell, David Gem- last'Sunday. Mrs. Snell and children and Mr. Laird Joynt, of London, Fer- ; chu es splendid solos, duets, an- rch .. __ _11 ­_ - 0 6 ENDWOMW ... �, , . �%:� years and Mrs. David McFarlane, who was mell, James Love, Roger Rite, Peter are r,emaining for a few days with relatives. -The weather has been very ris Ca,ntelon, of Onandago; Mrs. - D. Ferguson, of Toronto; Mrs. J. E. thems land quartettes were exceed- ingly well rendered, the number be- - . . -------- 1i I � , . accidently killed on Monday. He and The storm Simpson and James Love. . favorable for seeding and quite a few Sh,rtt, of Windsor; Mrs. (Dr.) B. - . that we cannot here ' - 5,6A.P0,9711 .. � , ... b ... .� - his little brother, John, were on the when the horses ran away, kill- only lasted a few minutes, but it was long enough. have finished in this vicinity -Miss Ampbell, of Toronto, also Mr. G�orge ing so many make special mention of them other TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL - " I;t; roller ing George instantly and seriously in- . .- ' Elva Horne is visiting in St. Thornas this wh&ek.-Misses Hall and Baynes Mervyn Brown, Of Toronto; Mrs. E. McHarg, of London; Mr. and Mrs. than in a general way. The attend- I ance of visitors was large at all ser- _____ - . -, : I. t� .. Juring John, who had to have several stitches put in to close -his wounds. STAFFA Notes. -The annual meeting of the visited at Mr. Will Elford's during the week past. -Mr. A. C. Whitlock, Lloyd Davis, of Toronto; Mr- and Mrs. Garnet 'Smallacomhe and daugh- viees�­The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mi& Robert J. Paterson are ­�­�* — . .. i_�11 �' , -, H,6 is in a very serious condition. deepest out t,) Staffs, Women's Institute will be held Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of ter, of Guelph; Mr. George Moore, of much pleased to learn, that Master , � 1. � �, Our sympathy goes his brothers and sisters, who in the hall on April 27th. As we will full St. Th omas, were week end visitors Meaford; several sons of Reeve Gei- Ray, who has been in the Seaforth -Hospital it is hoped that treatment way remove home of Mr. and Mrs. George Browlik. .... 4" 1�il I � parents, are left to mourn the loss of -a loving have the election Of officers, a attendance is requested. -Miss Belle in this vicinity. -Messrs. Wellingtoii Bell and R. Stephen, of Detroit, vis- ger and members of their families, from London, Waterloo and Bridge- for several weeks, from a serious operation for apperiddeitie, is the necessityl for an operation, which Mrs. Wilson's parents, of this villagp- will be very fortunate for Mr. Dav-is -Miss Jessie Buchanan spent a week �� I - . , : son and brother. -Mrs. Hawkins, of Dretroit, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. McLellan, of Carlile, is holidaying at Mrs. Ivan Hill, ited with relatives over Sunday.- port and elsewhere; the Misses Jean now considered out of danger and as he is a very busy -man, connected end in London with relatives. -Mrs. -% .. ".. . �"� , .1.� C. Bennett. -MTs. Davidson, of Sea- homet.-Mr. and of Waterford, are visiting with Mr. and Miss Myrtle Johns, who underwent an operation recently in London, re- and Helen Elder, of London, also bro- ,ther John. gradual-ly improving very nicely.- The Sacrament of the Lord's SUPPO�r with the Hensall Manufacturing Co.- Robt. McArthur and granddaughter. Among the Easter holiday visitors Miss Grace Manson, were also in Lon- .. .. 11, , I., forth, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy Little, this week. -Miss Velma Mrs. James Hill. -Mr. and Mrs. F. turned home on Saturday accompan- Successful Play. -We have been will be observed in the United church were Miss Hazel Coxworth, teacher don. -Miss Nellie Carmichael spent I , � �',, I .:�. H-aist spent the week end with friends Crone, of London, are visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Jones. -Mr. and 'Mrs. ied by ,her sister, Miss Lorena, who to Toronto on Sunday. -Miss asked to make mention of the fine on Sunday, April 25th, at the morn- of Staples, and Miss Forrest, of the Friday in Exeter. -Mrs. And. Dou- . .:�, I.. 7 I � in Toronto. -Mr. William Mont,gom- Capel Templeman and Betty, of De- returned Mina Cornish, of Bayfield, visited at play held in the ,sister village Of Chiselbui-st on Wednesday evening of ing service. -Mr. and Mrs. L. Hedden spent the week end with relatives in Parr Line, who is teaching at Exeter. gall and Miss Cassie spent the holi- -Mrs. Witney, of Milverton, and day in Monkton.-Mrs. Wes. Calwell t , , �, . .:�, ery, of Windsor, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John troit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Templeman. - Mr. the home of her parents over the Mrs. Ed. Johns last week, entitled "The Youbg Vil- St. Cathaiines.-Quite a number o 0 members of her family, accompanied and daughter, of London, spent the -1 -I!. , , Montgomery. -Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Mi,. Fred Harburn, of Buffalo, week end. -Mr. and visited in Mitchell last Sunday. -Mr. l,g, Doctor," and in which several of our villagers took part in the way of our villagers report that they have their gardens all in. 'Mr. E. F. by her sister from Belleville, Miss week end here as did also Rev. Arch- Redmond, and a friend motored here Deacon Doherty, wife and daughter� . , V".. . � 11 , � 11. Smith, of Toronto, spent the week tend with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. are renewing old acquaintances. -Rev. j C Jones was in Sarnia a couple and Mrs. Alden Jon -es, of London, vis- ited Mr. Mrs. Harry Johns lasL giving song numbers between the Jackson motored to Detroit during on Monday afternoon last, to renew -Miss Annie Gilchrist, of London, 1, � . I "'; . . -The dance to be held in the -hall on * of days this week. -Miss Doris Rem- and ' Slinday.-Mr. Win. M. Henderson, or acts, namely Mrs. L. Hedden and .Miss Gladys LuR-r, the first men- the past week to visit a relative whO is very seriously ill. -We regret to acquaintances in our village and vi- spent the week end here. - Mfs. cinity.-We are sorry to learn that Palmer and son, Roy, spent Easter , , - 1� -Monday night by the Orangemen, was 4r on account of the death 0 , nant, of Woodstock, spent the weel,- Mr. Mrs. H. Leslie.- Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs, M- tioned in. songs aud the latter as ac- state that Mr. G. W. Davis, of the Mr. Samuel Dougall, on the London with her son in Windsor. -Miss Mary Y� t�i� �� .1 � . , postponed -little George McFarlane. - Mrs. F. end with and Misses Jennie and Marguerite Sillery, O'R,illy, Easter Sunday. -Miss May Jones, of London, visited her cousin, companist on the piano, as well as rendering an instrumental. There Hensell Manufacturing Co. was tak- en quite seriously ill on Monday af- Road a couple of miles south of our Buchanan, of Niagara Falls, visited villa�e, was taken quite ill on Wed- her here. -Miss Ruth Green, r .. 911' Bullard and Betty spent -the week end an Wingliarri.-Mr. William Hart, of of Stratford, are spending the holi- days the roof. -Miss Mrs. Nelson Coultis, over the week is was a very good atLeridance with Rev. ternoon last and in the early even- parents nesday and was taken to Seaforth of London, is spending Easter holi- . .,�i� . Toronto, called on friends in the'vil- io-rider parental E�,a Vernner, of Stratford, is holi- ,nd.-The following poem one writ- ten by Mr. Walter Johns, a clevor A. Sinclair, pastor of the church, act- 'as Ing hours bad to be taken to one -0 f Hospital, where be may have to un- days with her sister, Mrs. William t�, - I :�, itage on Good Friday. -Miss Edna daying with her grandparents, Mr- young student of Western University, ing chairman, and the play was well carried out by the young people the London hospitals for an expected operation. -Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill i9 dergo an Operation, but of which we Fairbairn. -Easter visitors over the are not certain at date of writing- week Qnd at Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1. ,� , I., �1'1 - . � .1. Campbell, of Berimiller, is spending her holidays under the parental roof. aii� Mrs. Archie Miller. -Miss Vera Hambley is clerking in J. A. Sadler's eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Job,,: of Chi&elhurst. The following is the having some dmprovements and Mr. Orville Smith, who was operated Wolfe's were: Mr. and Mrs. John . !,. 11 -Miss. Minnie Wheatley is spending store. -Our students, Miss Marzette Spring. cast of characters: Dr. Young, G. , D. Cudmore; Jane Crane, V. E. Bol- changes made in the front part of his premises, preliminary to building a on in the Seaforth Hospital a couple H-aggit, of Detroit, and little son and of weeks ago, for appendicitis, is mak- daughter; Mr. and Mrs, S. Taylor "..., . 1'1� 1. her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mm Thomas Wheatley. -Mr. Hun Colqu Sadler, Stratford; Miss Ma - houn, Messrs. Harold Colquhoun, Ho- Well, Spring is with us again, And the spell of its comin ton; Mrs. lCrane, il. E. Millar; Mrs. garage at the rear part of his lot� 'hedge Ing a rapid improvement and his rel- and young son, Gordon, of Lucknow; I . ". and Mrs. Andrew Robinson and Mr. ward Leary, Clarence Norris, of Mit- under 9 The world becomes free from i ts Frost, H. L. Robbins; Miss Knowing, A. L. Wren; Belinda Clinger, L. P. and has cut down the fine On the east part of his lot in order to atives and friends hope very shortly Mrs. Eppie Garrick and daughter, of to see him on the farm again on the Goderich; Mr. Cecil Rhine, of Gode- 1. ; 1 1, " and Mrs. Sal Shannon, of Harlock, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. chell, and Mr. Harold O'Brien, of Western University, are visiting at bondage, And from the long of Harris; Doctor Brown, C'. S. Horton',' make a good apprOach to his garage. Parr Line. -Mr. and Mrs. Alexander rich, and Mr. Peter Stanyer, of De - , .. Little. their different homes. -Mr. and Mrs. wakes sleep Mr. Brooks, J. A. Tremeer; Solomon -Mr. George Hudson is preparing to Smith were visited by members of troit.-Mr.- slid Mrs. Jas. Patterson I .. __ - - ----= Andrew McLellan and fam"y spent winter. A111 the world is a -singing, N"seacre, T. A. Tremeer- Mr. Simon Grabbe, R. W. Parker; 'Mrs. Simon make improvements to his verandah ,immediately west of Petty's brick their family during the Easter holl- accompanded by, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph days. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, of Hudson, spent the week end with rel- �* * '� % DUBLIN Notes. -The Altar Society gave a Sunday with the former's father in Tuckersmith.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles For robins are up from the south land, And wheeling and twit- Grabbe, M. Brintnell; Widow Ware, block. -Miss Florence Welsh, of Lon- 'holidays Stratford, spent the week end at the ati ves and friends in Detroit. 1 I I _ E. social evening in the hall last Monday Treffry and daughters, of London, swallows are tering Hilde Robbins; Mr. Lovejoy, T. L. Horton; Mr. Brief, C, J, Harris; Mrs. don, spent Easter with her and on Sunday evening last . K . might which was attended by old and ,s;perit -the week end with Mr. and Throu-1, a skv at is mellow with d, Aff V TUT111 I . rr r? M parents : I I ; +1- I young. The holiday visitors have re- Mrs. F. O'Brien. -Mr. and Mrs. Os- sunshine. roan, . . ai ; om ra -, . R. Cudmore. rendered very n ce y a so o n United Church --Our villagers are newed many of their friendships. car Reed and Miss Marzette Sadler Flowers will soon bloom in the wood- The Late Donald- Grassick.-Donald busily engaged in looking after their Kneclitel's Fun Gallore Orchestra were in London Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Harburn, Alberta, ba" land Grasaick, one of the pioneers of -Stan- lawns and flower beds and getting in rendered splendid music. Many from of And s;;�eten the air with their fra- ley Township, died here on Thursday, garden stuff. -The entertainment giv- the Classic City attended. We hope returned after spending several grance, April 14th, after a brief illness. en in our town hall on Thursday eve - to have their presence again at our months with Mr. Harburn's sister, Filling the soul with delight Though he bad been failing for over ning, April 14tb, by the Egniondville social evenings. -Mrs. Patrick Rowl- Mrs. H. Templeman. And rising like incense to Heavem. two --years, he .seemed- little wo-' United Church choir, under the auq- and received a shower for her twin Haugh and the study book was read I . So cease, my heart, from thy pining; than usual until a few days before pices of the Hensall church choir, was babes on Wednesday aft,ernoo,n ifi the BRUCEFIELD Why art thou weary and troubled? his death. Mr. Grassick was born well attended and the fine entertain - parish hall. -Miss Agri" Curtin is to Prize List Correction. -Mr. Alex. Laugh with the world and he happy; in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1842. ment put on was very much enjoyed be married to a Detroit gentleman Wright was the winner of first Prize Rejoice at the coming of Spring. He arrived in Canada. when fourteen and showed fine talent on the part of this month. -Last Friday afternoon arid sweepstakes in the agricultural, -Walter Hugh Johns. years of age and from that time on the Egmondville young people. Rev. Mr. John Reid, contractor, was driv- class at the Clinton Spring Fair and by a vote of 65 for and 11 against- The Police Trustees now have he resided on the same farm on the Mr. McDonald, pastor of the Egmond- ing south to Dublin and failing to not Mr. D. Fotheringham, as given --- ZURICH second concession of Stanley until his I %�ille church, accompanied the choir stop at the highway, collided with -it week. in the prize list Ia, Bible Society. annual meet- retirement twenty years. ago -when li�� and addressed the audience for a few Mr. Martin's car, from Wroxeter. Easter Visritors.-Mr. T. Mustard -The ing the local branch of Western � came to Hensall. Mr. Grassick wai � minutes as did also Rev. X. Sinclair, Miss Martin was slightly injured.- and Rev. C. Mustard, of Toronto; Mr. of Ontario Bible Society was held in toc an earnest and diligent worker in tho' of our village. The following is the Mr. E. M. McGrath, Manager of the ' Standard Bank, St. Clements, Ont., L. Boyce, of London; Mr. J. Mclntosn, Evangelical churich last Sunday even- Presbyterian church. For several programme given, every number of visited at his old home in McKillop of Toronto; Mis5 E. McDonald and Mi— E Mcrowan . ing. Rev. J. Garbutt, Field Secre- years he was superintendent of the which was well rendered and great - 11- .,q�k . . recently and with his brothers, W. M. S. -A most interesting meii-t- tary, of London, gave an interesting S,1ey branch owbuath scitool. Un ly enjoyed: Opening c orus, c . Messrs. Joseph and Patrick McGrath, irrg of the Women's Missionary So- activities of coming to Hensall he became an cr.- Blue Bells of Scotland"; chorus, "Bar- . the Societv The tre uror's r&nort thusiastic lawn howler and obtained bara Allen"; reading, Miss Jean of the village. -Many Easter visitors ciety was held on Wednesday, Apr�l . showed that $43 had been collected much pleasure and recreation frofn Smith; solo, Miss Bernice Joynt; duet, were here during the we(�k_ Among 13th, when Mrs. (Rev.) W. A- Brem- locally for the work and remitted. the game. fie is survived by his "A.B.C." by Miss G. Casentieri and them v,p.re Messrs. Joseph Moylan, of ner, the new president, presid,ed. Thf, The officers appointed for the year widow, two son.;, James, of Exeter, Mr. G. Holgate; reading, Miss Vera Toronto University; John McConnell, mpeting. was opened by singing hymn, are: Pres., Miss Lydia Faust; Vice- and Donald C., of North Bay, and by IfucTson; solo, Miss Jeanette Finni- Joseph Feeney, of Western Univers- "BrPath on Me, Breath of God," and Prei., Ministers of Evangelical, Luth- two daughters, Mrs. George Walker, gan; song, "Caller Herrin"; reading, ity, London; James and Lyall Jordan. prnyer by the president. The ScriP- eran and Mennonite churches; See.- of ffensall, and Mrs. D. Ferguson, of Mrs. B. Johnson; solo, Miss G. Casen- Toronto; Jame-, O'Connor, Dvtroit; � ttire reading was read by Mrs- C- Tre2S., A. F. Hess; Advisory Com., Toronto. The funeral which was tieri; chorus, "Sweet and Low"; song, .1 Miss Jean McConnell and Miss Annai :, Dalton, Detroit; Mi." Esther Ryan, Haugh and the study book was read I Mrs. L. Prang, Mr. C. L. Smith and largely attend, was held on Saturday, "Assampekoe"; chorus, "Volga Boat- by M�;. J. Johnston. Special prayer ,Mr. David Gingerich. April 16th, to Baird's cemetery. The man's Song"; trial scene from "The , I Windsor; Miss GeTaldine Meagher, 'was offered by four of the members Notes. -Last Saturday the rate- service was conducted by R-ev. J. Me- Merchant of Venice"; chorus, "John ' Toronto. -Miss Jeanie McIver, of for our missionaries in India and in- I payers of Dashwood carried a by-lsw Ilroy, of the Presbyterian church her,-. Peel"; "God Save the King". -Rev, , ,. - 1, Dublin, is spending her holidays teresting reports were read by thp to provide for better fire protection Died In St. Catharines. -A very sad Mi. Mcllroy, pastor of Carmr�l Preq- "I .1 her friend, Miss Mary Jordan, of 11- 11 ' I., bert, daughter Mr. Frank Jordan frwers. rMe treasurer's report wps; -�stvratifying by a vote of 65 for and 11 against- The Police Trustees now have death occurrM in St. Catharines this byterian church, spent the w:-ek at ;,., of one as the offerings - power w"k when Mr. Gporge Hedden, form- his home in Toronto, but expects to , -ovely Eas- ;�.' McDermott-11yan.-A I inted to $44 over the allocation; to spend $1,650.00 on equipment and erly of Hensall, passed away Tuesday take services on the coming Sunday. '.. ter wedding was solemnized on Easter g:�6q was sent to the Presbyterial . 'ffelpers .9 water supply. -Mr. Chas. Fritz is the annual conference of morning of this week, following a - Very large shipments of onion3 have � , Monday when Mr. William McDer- , I or the late Treasurer. The Associait- attending the Evangelical church, being held at few days of illn"s and severe suf- been made by our firms during 1he I inott, youngest son � Timothy McDermott. was marri�ed to contHbuted.tbe sum of $42. The Mia- sion Rand also exceeded their alloca- Sebringvdll,e this week as a delegate. fering. Mr. Hedden was working last week, taking sick on Wednesday, and past week. -The Mission Band held their meeting in the basement of the ; . Miss Catherine Ryan, second daugh- tion. They contributed $Q. iThe from the local church. -Mr. T. R. Pat- C.E., Goderich, medical attention was given him and United Church on Tuesday afternoon ter of the late Mr and Mrs Patrick r� A u 'i, A -9 41- T terson, of was survey- Ir I_: 1. nlu �: . . an as e_ c-I'Dse - ing the village on Monday for the pur- everything done that could possibly 0 u s wee . e mee ng was op- . I Ryan. Rev. Father O'Ddrowski, P.P, iors and Seniors. The Seniors have pose of preparing a report and plans be done, but he passed away a few ened with a hymn, after which Mae —_ - 1, officiated at the ceremony and sang now been organized into a circle cal!- to provide better drainage facilities- hours following an operation per- Kennin read a prayer, followed by - __ , Serf r -the nuptial mass. Mr. Jorseph Ryan ed the Marion Oliver Mission Circle: Messrs. H. Mousseau and Ivan Yung- formed upon him Monday evening, the Pture lesson read by M. Scru- - : , gave his sister in marriage. Miss Leader, Mr. J. Addison; President, blut were in Detroit on Monday and in an effort to save him life. Mr. and ton. The following excellent program . - Beale playedOtbe wedding music- Miss H. Haugh. Miss Oliver was n brought Over two new Essex autos- Mrs. Hedden recrently moved to St. was given: Solo, Kathrym, Drysdale; , Mi" Mary Ryan, of Toronto, was sister of Mrs. J. Hamilton, of Gode- Mr. George Hess has torn down the Catharines from Exeter and much reading, Olive Brock; duet,, Gladys Our Shoes are, Passmore and Grace Brock; instru- - . brid,esmaid. Both bride and brides- rich, and was one of the first medical north part of his lumber shed and is sympathy Is expressed for Mrs. Red- mental, Olive. Brock; reading, Marion - � ". , . I.` maid. carried pale pink carnations- missionaries sent by the W.F.M.S. to building a garage outof the material den as she recently lost -her only is He Donnell. Following the progranime, - I of the Town- - i . I . i crepe with ""- McKay: ib8trumlental, Ml*ed Me - 1, Their gowns were sand India in 1886. The delegates appoint- on hib dwelling property. -Many ,of ter, Mrs. Frank Case, of that city. The Ta , . bats to match. The bride's gown was ed to attend the Presbyterial to be the farmers have finished seeding and leaves to mourn his loss, hi's bereaved tointe8ts and musical chairs were _. .1. - I a paler shadle than that of the brides- held in the United Church, Goderich, are busy preparing -land forbeans And wife, ten sons and one dau hter, Earl , _g , airisid. Mr. F. Kennedy, a. riephew, on April 28th, are Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. other hoe crops. -Some' of the "i'my of Scranton, Pa.; Lee And Vern, played, after which lunch was served. Our large range of exclusive styles in ladies' high grade. Foot- ' �Nl, Of -4Mr. Carl Passmore, of Detroit, was wear surpass by far anything we have shown prevlously� andwe offer ,�'�-;'. - 'W" groomsman. Bremner, Mrs. C. Haugh and Mrs. J. visitoals hLwre over the Easter holidays Herisall; William, Uoy4, Frank, Har- home for a few days this week, visit- . � - . ��' . - McQueen. The meeting closed with were: Mr. and Mrs. Lemis Calfas. . you the same servii,ce in fitting you properly as they do in thor -eitir, 1,,,4,;�, old, Ruth, Herbert, Orville and Rus- Ing at his ho eeding to The very newest styles are here in s narrow as N il TUCKERSMITH prayer by Mrs. W. Dow. Kitchener: Mr. and Mrs. Wkn. Dpm- sell, of SL lCatharifts- five brothers, Pon. ,the diff ereut widths, ' ,I, art Kitchener; Mr. mid Mrs. F Wes- t tiae, Michigan, where he has se- a "!, ., Ill be ­ - . ne Thomms, of Bra "A" width, to as Wide as "BE" and all Made over "'Co6NWatioft Pit- , elo-ii, Miss Ulliarn Wesoloh and Mr. � * - ,osition,-Miss Kathryn K, � West End, Notes. -Seeding wi ntftd--',VJlIiarri, of cured a good p � , - I ,�. 1� . . . . noarly .finished here this week. -Mrs. BRODRAGEN and Mrs. G. Gettus and Messrs. F. a'nd lorystal City, Sauhtdll, of London; McKay, of Toronto, iind cousin, Miss ting Lasts." Have you had your Ooes fitted aecordinr to tha Iftong- 11 1�� . . A4'Uathesou spent the week end -in The Storm�A severe electrical and W. Siebert, all of Detroit; Mr. and Russel, of Exeter; .Alonzo, of Credi- D. McKenzie,' a -Igo of Toronto, are urement of your feet? 18hould you wear "All width oi �110,11 *Idth' RV, and Mrs. Fletcher windstorm passed over this district Mrs. L. Klopp Waterloo; Mr. and ton, and One sister, KV9. Milton Bisset here spending u few holidays with or "E E"? Or what'�width dV, you require? If not you h4v6, no idea - . 1,,.,V46Ato,Mr. � "I - ' - ..., 1W�;-,J&i'§vrj[sen,d and Mr. and Mrs. Armor about 9 O'clock Tuesday evening and Mrs. H. Rose, Vnndsor; Mr. and Mrs. .of Brantford. Mr. A�edden was born Mr. and Mrs. John McKay and family, what a vast difterence it ulislk;� to be fitted spiantifi6ally. , . ,�.�., 1, i0ilsend motored to London on, considerable damage was done by the J. T*ewthick, Brinsley; Mr. and Mrs. in 40rediton and was hi his 49th,year. -As will be seen by ad. in this issue "KENT" -An exclusive Gore Pump, Inipal*nt leather, with.dull calf ., I i I V, ,�P� �! I rloli: tdav- Robert Gitibings, .-of high wind which in places almost E. W. Stosikopf, KitclieveT; Mr. Clay- The funeral was b4d, from his late Mr. Robeft M. Bell, a little vvest of overlay and a dainty silver buckle, covered Cuban heel's %',�-,�", lk�.,, ,�.a��-Mr- at ................ . ... $700 - I" K� 'A A . i ................. . ..... - " 'g, 011� I? spent the week end with his itriount6d. to the proportions of a ton Hoffman, Galt. -Mr. and Mrs: Jo% resioltnee, 84 NiagaTa, $It;, on Thurs- our village,'is renting �5ne of Ids fine ..... I , 04�� ::!. I 11 . - "WA9P"-A very new mod6l-Gore Ptanp, in patent'leather ' * '. _:J: . . - 1%1_0 . tornado. Trees were uprooted, roofs GaIlman, of Chica D, are visiting the day afternoon at 2. P;m. to Mount -pasture farms near'the avamp, whic-li . , - , S . _ C�,� ,­,.�..:.,:_ ': - , -dull calf witsp effect over the gore, covered spike bee] ' . *1144 - 1, "�.�­.­ 61 .. Ifel,oft-The following is and barn doers blown off, the most former's parents, r. and Mrs. Sohn Pleasant Cemeter$��:-4moug those always -makes the very beat pasitiiie I, I 6. . Yfl'A.'" [ -ribor'�,of!,Sehool Section No. serious viiisfortune befalling Mr. Gallman, of the village -Mrs. (Dr.) who attended the f4fi,dral from a lands­�Quite a h I RYRIPP-A Paris type -ofie-stft--p Slipper in pataft. Idather tke �%, - � .... .. �'A , oar. eavy rain and' -wind , . . , .,� I .." . . � �%. . I *t, ' "' ' h, -fdr de'Baster exam- Patrick Nicholson, of the 13th conces- B. A. Campbell, of Toronto, visited distan�e were: Mr. 04,Wrs. Russell storm visited, our 1�illgge on Tuesday � tt'i tri d in dull calf, covered,. spiko fibabl. I I.,— IOU I " . 1, � ' ` 4'RO tedt �- I ". pre9W_!r,1,1 I � , _003" j W-Margaiet 'trdad- sion of the township of Logan. M,. friends there for a few days this week. Ffeddet, Exeter; AU UL ore conservative type"gTipper'in either pa 111 P . , Ito, Crediton ; evening last,biA very fortimsUly. we ,. . t , R. ext Thompson, 75%. Jr. Nicholson's larp bank barn and straw . ' I . Samuel, London - Lieb''a,fid -Vern, of have .no damage to report in the vil- or kid leatb6r. Genuine Goodyear welt; Cuban beels, : "ili�4� 6woot 78%, Elizabeth shed, prActically new, we're comp%te- HEN8ALL 1*118all. varl, Of, 9614to' P Mr. Jage, but we regret to feain t . $&OF , "�, �', I . . , , III a,; Ut in ' at ................. ............... o.. ...1-1.11 .... � - .. ,, I " . - ,j�s. " �� 1111�, ' subscriptions rewived tot a' �� ' NPARMEN"-A fashionable A epolet Tie in -patent 1 h, _dt, I , , � t I I . ... . . 49 Tres , TO; ly demolished, about one-half of the �p Daft , and.. Rbehamel, of Portv- -*Oft, and - a the country the force of the,,. storm t My , WK�. I Patronize _ ", " $550 I "i . , Weeldr Newsbapeft at So H4110611' P496 uumber 'of relativew,',fie6it Brantiotol. was much gr4ater slid did more dam- -the sides; ,covered Cubrin neels r . wr",woo , ,� r. - It- roof was blown a distance of twenty with r6fibed cut outs at #' 0; 'rods. -Luckily theie whe no loss the papdra suthdriaod, PAL 'IQ , uafityl; 4i%d voftod',��,W� f,f��,44+tlleaff- . . " "'t"n'"er *hd The floral tributes *06 � -hidutitol. a�ge, unroofing a number of batim and -s in, shoes,. 471vo . N, ;A* 'Of �Mii�. ,,r,. . Considering the two main fdttoi " Vt i -: life, although Mr. Nielioltou and, two pri Bowlers, Entert.61n*#b�,, .4- T h e blowi , but the particu...; , our shoes will prove to he th�d' 41 -your -potketbo6k. " , I , .. , . I '. te -Nat Corteationjr-Iti, our fe- %*% �01 Cldb�r whiew. r!i- 4ult6 I I . . I ­ I Ot bu I . i ,If wao . I , ,aA'dkhWr$k were in' tim :barn A *4 . � A'strong lars - 0 - V avo tot at AMA .- I 11 I 0oft of the Hiernsall ftrffig Shott. pd. ,, � ­� I �0 AV11*6-ah , .. I . I I Tu, g, &9luterary and of writing Gtftia in fun.,_wd Ire _: . V, 11 . . I �' -., , " .t tm -milk, N0116 Of the 11shed las,t Week, ,aredit for Ut. atiol .2hd *r9*41ftl 2 Voit��Wiai�dik , , , 4" - U19 POOMEAR I 11 ' ' . I . ., , ." I . � ,�"tqtaf .. .... - , ,,,, � . . , �4 � . , - JrA , L� ,� I .11. , I" I I' �A , _p�"TOWU 010,ised. to �ftV.dft,.,%hat M'r, '0. LW. ., . _ 1, , I , ;­� ,,4 . L � _ I . . I : ; � � . . 4�vi� Jd1le# ot,inj*, ,, A lotijo.jji deltv.,eagg ,#A,q-; 'j, I 11 i i,l!,; � 1, .V.N-,r 11 ., XX v4A 1. $dVeji "W: Jj(s. �� , �#, �� , : , ,� , �;�" I � . - I . . 1.6190: I I I �,;- � �,�:' 1, `,%,..A�: "� � . — - . , -.1 . .., 11� - , .i .� ��i,."� � _'-ft.""', 1.,�%` I I ". I �.� 0 - ,. - � . "" ."Z# -'�_: � �. '1�11 , 't,i�,111. "I' . 1 ,� `e� � � 4 � . 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