HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-22, Page 3* n '. 11 J -4 I J I 0, 7 N, t7li� .. 16. ; 7 J.i VF -1 %Wk V 51� orMa S te 's a Stock of m en, ad .......... Z. . . . . . Pll� �� Mi S ng an. prio --d S, 11 , 10 nX, ns 41 e The Variety of Styles, the N_ wness of after the Thorough Goodness and R"ea"sonabl-0- ir McKILLOP malefactors. So they have been able We have the Goods. 1. 1 to boast that penitentiaries are School Report.—The follow! ng is practically unknown in their em- Ithe report of U. S. S. No. 1, McKil- pire. The instruments of punish - top: Sr. III—'C. Lane, 73%. Jr. III merit authorized by their code in- �A. Murray, 770/c; W. Nigb, 71%�M. clude a bamboo, rod or club of ',Z Nigb, 651/o. Sr. 11—F. Fortune, 83%; specified dimensions; a squai\-- wood- VER twenty years of successfully supplying D. Nigh, 72%; A. Murray, 71%- e� collar weighing 30 pounds; an iron lo; J. Fortune, chain seven feet long and weighing honest dependable clothing to this commun- Primer—A. Nigh, 72' 469%. Best Spellers ­,C. Lane, W- seven pounds; manacles of wood and Nigh, A. Murray, F. Fortune. Num - iron fetters, the latter used Wffien ity entirely eliminates the element of chance ber on roll, 10; average attendance, sentence of banishment was passed. 9.8&—M. C. Reynolds, Teacher. There were also two implements of and is your guarantee that you will get here the torture, one for compressing tile ankle bones and another for crush - 1A VERY RELIABLE ing the hands. These were mainly maximum clothing value at the minimum price. HOME TREATMENT used to force confessions in cases of robbery or murder. It should be Bow Weak, Run -Down People Can explained, however, that the use of Experience has taught us what to buy, and where Obtain Relief. these engines was stl-ictly regulated. The magistrate ordering them took a and how to buy it. Among the many remedies offered grave responsibility for if he made for the maintenance or restoration of a mistake he ran the risk of being bealth and strength, there is nonecan impeached or losing popularity, a compare with Dr. Williams' Pink more serious calamity. The Chinese If there were better clothes made than the ones Fills. Most ailments are due to poor, theory is, or it was at the time of thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the regime that preceded the re- we sell, we would have them. 'have a specific action on the blood, public, that a wise judge can read the znaking it rich, red and pure. Through heart of the prisoner who comes be - this richer blood the tissues of the fore him, and that only an incompete- body are betiter nourished, and the ent one would find it necessary to We carry a tremendous stock, but the quantity of functions of the body better perform- apply torture. In China it was the ,ed. Anaemic sufferers, weak, languid ag-reeable custom for the criminal, clothin we sell justifies this big stock and gives you and nervous people speedily find new when the case was fairly laroughL 9 ihealth and strength through the use �ome to him, to make a frank con- a wonderful variety to choose from. iof this medicine. This was the ex- fession in the course of which he dis- perience of Mrs. John Armour, South tributed flowery compliments to the Monogham, Ont., who says:—"I aTn police, the judge and the authorities PICCADULT. one of the many thousands who have generally. This would be taken into N We buy for spot cash, take discounts and can af- regained health through the use of Dr. consideration when sentence was be- W,illiams' Pink Pills, and I take, this ing passed. For many crimes a cor- ford to sell for that much less. upportunity of saying a word in fession and restitution would be Boys' School praise of this splendid medicine. Bc- deemed ample atonement. It is said fore -beginning the use of this med"- that in the extremely hot weather it The New Suits cine I was pale and badly run down. was the rule not to impose the sev- We promise you this Spring the greatest assort - I found it difficult to do my house- erest penalties, whije lesser crimes Fancy Suits. $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 -work and was tired and breathless at would be pardoned. ment of the best clothing at prices that no store will the least exertiOD. I had tried sev- There were ten crimes for which For young men in A wonderful value" ,eral medicines without benefit, and the penalty was invariably dea�h finally decided to try Dr. W-11liams' and which admitted of no mitigating double or single beat and very few will equal. giving opportunity. Fink Pills. Soon I began to feel bet- arguments. They were rebellion, breasted styles, in These are the odd ter, sleep better and eat better, and destruction of imperial tombs, treacb- f ancy weaves of arid broken sizes found my weight increasing. In a cry to the state, patricide, murder of vrord I felt like a new person. I have three persoris in one family, sacrilege, Sand, Tan, Light We are not idly boasting, but are stating hard- regularly pi -iced to since recommended the pills to others filial impiety, family discord, official Fawn a n d Grey $13.00, marked for ,who have taken them with equaUY insubordination and incest. Children head business facts that vitally concern both you good results." les,9 than seven years old and others Mixtures; wide bot- Fancy Blue quick clearance. We Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for more than ninety were not subjected tom trousers, wide and your pocketbook. never have offered isnaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia,,ner- to punishment for any crime and in - Suits vousness. Take them as a to c "? all crimes, but those involving dc- sboulders. Sizes 34 better values i n 37ou are not in the best physical condi- capitation, accused persons of less to 40. in fancy checks or Boys' Suits. Sizes, tion and cultivate a resistance that than fifteen and more than &Eventy pencil stripes, diag- Come in and see this big display of New Spring 26 to 33. will keep you well and strong. Get a could escape by paying a fine. The Prices: box from the nearest drug store and bastinado was the form of beating onal or wale stripes Suits. Note their dressy appearance; their perfect Prices: begin this treatment now. most generally employed, the pri- $15.00 to $25.00 or Irish serges — a The pills are sold by all medicine soner being thrown on the ground and $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 dealers 6r will be sent by mail at 50c his legs bound, while he was struck full assortment of fit; observe the quality, admire the beautiful pat� �a box by writing The Dr. Williams' on the soles of his feet with the bam- styles for all ages. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. boo rod. This -punishment was often terns, and we will quote you prices you will willingly 0. So severely administered that the vic- Prices: CHINESE EXECUTIONERS ARE tim was crippled for life. The num- pay. BUSY OFFICIALS ber of strokes varied according to the $22.00 to $35.00 r In Shanghai and many other Chin- gravity of the offence, or the value ese cities one of the most ominous of of the property stolen. For stealing daily street sights is the execution- an ounce of silver the penalty was 60 er's procession. Preceded by a Pa- blow,, and for stealing to the value trol of soldiers the executflmer, with of 120 ounces, it was death. A per - bis huge sword swathed in a crimson son passing through the gates of the cloth, Slowly Marclies through the Imperial enclosure at Pekin without turbulent districts as a reminder of permission wa.9 given one hundred Youths' Suits the swift vengeance which the Chin- 1,1,w, s. One who entered without in- ese- take upon �febels- The execu- vitation a room occupied by the Em- tioner is usually a man of great peror was put to death and no ques- A special showing 1height. and strength and is ernpower- tiong asked. of Suits made for ,ed to execute summary justice. The To disturb a grave was a serious young men w h o r4bel or criminal is seized by the sol- offence, as we call Miss Macphail t,:, die" and forced to kneel with his witneg want the last word .s joyfully. If the coffin wag ihead bent forward. Then the - execu- actually opened, the punishment was in stylish clothes. tioner, raising 'his sword in both death. If a wife struck her mother- A delightful show- liands, brings it down on the neck, in-law or her father-in-law and her severing the head. This is then pick- justly -incensed husband kiUed her, he ing that will please ed up and perhaps exhibited 071 a was 'ghen 100 blows. If he killed the most exacting street corner in an iron cage as a her because she showed disre-spect warning to other disaffected persons. for the memory of his parents, he, youth. In China death by decapitation is con- too was put to death. If one threat- sidered as disgraed 'W ul'as we consider , �d another person so that 'he com- Prices: death by - banging. mitted suicide, that person also was Despite their antique civilization, executed. For striking an officer, the $15.00 to $22.00 ithe Chinese have always been rather punishment was 100 blows and three Boys' Suits savage in their punishments. Ilu- yeays, banishment. If the Govern- rrisonment, as we understand the ment official suftyed an open wound term, was almost unknown, and. the penalty was death. Strangulation Long Pants beatings, mutilations, banishmentand has always been considered a more Jecapitation wert the, 'ac ted me"th- dignified means of exit than -decapita- Blue,Serge Grey Suits A very interesting ,cds of correcting the o er- ISDyft(' tion, and it was inflicted for crimes , V,�ars hgo a tlypeal OWnese Prison in of the gecond -magnitude. Sometimes Suits, In fancy patterns display o f Suits Mongolia was'described by -an Eng- torture preceded the final act, the vic- for young men with one pair of ligh woman. In a spiked palisade she tim being tied up and cuts made on in a variety of at- and bloomers and one saw ha.1f a dozen dungeons, each con- fleshly parts of the body by the e-xe- pair of long pants, taining numerous inmates. Each of cutioner, th(e ago-hy sometimes being tractive shades and the more conserva- them was con -fined in a sort of doffin drawn out for an -hour or more. When twills, i n stylish tive serges in vari- You may buy one so arva-figid that the victim could -a bigh official fell into dii9favoit it modolsp single or ous shades of grey or both pairs of fmoither lie down nor sit do". TheY , ,was the custom for the Centrar Gov- for quieter dress - saw dhylight for a few miMtes Wce ern.ment to send him a piece of cord, double breasted. pants, as you wish. every twerity-four hourg When- thtLiv which was always atcepted as arf or- Sizes, 34 to 44. ers. All sizes. All sizes. itbod was thrust in to them. Technic- dep to hang himself and save the ex- ttfly they were life �prisoners, many of eo�utj6ner the troubt6. Prices: Prices: Prices: eaem guilty, of political offences. A�ctuall� 'h 'in tortured to After all, if, ap ears iliat all these $19.00 to $35.00 $18.00 to $35-00 $8.75 to $1150 doa_tll. At 10 rinese�'nevget could see girld who hav# Flitely taken to the the Sense of,, biffd6tAng t1lemselves highway were only suffering from with th&,, jjjt�aande of able bodied spring fever.—Bulyalo Courier -Jour- nal. Women havenkt invaded the sea. �Ip they eomman4 and rfhe 04y sh —Xinggo nlw� L to. 160tirtship, S, W ART BR-OS401 Seafor get &V 3t ("Id AN I krb wou'-what If don't refore 0i, hA8 about fokgbtt6ft e*' Y6V 777,� II Rr� 1,�; AOL * n '. 11 J -4 I J I 0, 7 N, t7li� .. 16. ; 7 J.i VF -1 %Wk V 51� orMa S te 's a Stock of m en, ad .......... Z. . . . . . Pll� �� Mi S ng an. prio --d S, 11 , 10 nX, ns 41 e The Variety of Styles, the N_ wness of after the Thorough Goodness and R"ea"sonabl-0- ir McKILLOP malefactors. So they have been able We have the Goods. 1. 1 to boast that penitentiaries are School Report.—The follow! ng is practically unknown in their em- Ithe report of U. S. S. No. 1, McKil- pire. The instruments of punish - top: Sr. III—'C. Lane, 73%. Jr. III merit authorized by their code in- �A. Murray, 770/c; W. Nigb, 71%�M. clude a bamboo, rod or club of ',Z Nigb, 651/o. Sr. 11—F. Fortune, 83%; specified dimensions; a squai\-- wood- VER twenty years of successfully supplying D. Nigh, 72%; A. Murray, 71%- e� collar weighing 30 pounds; an iron lo; J. Fortune, chain seven feet long and weighing honest dependable clothing to this commun- Primer—A. Nigh, 72' 469%. Best Spellers ­,C. Lane, W- seven pounds; manacles of wood and Nigh, A. Murray, F. Fortune. Num - iron fetters, the latter used Wffien ity entirely eliminates the element of chance ber on roll, 10; average attendance, sentence of banishment was passed. 9.8&—M. C. Reynolds, Teacher. There were also two implements of and is your guarantee that you will get here the torture, one for compressing tile ankle bones and another for crush - 1A VERY RELIABLE ing the hands. These were mainly maximum clothing value at the minimum price. HOME TREATMENT used to force confessions in cases of robbery or murder. It should be Bow Weak, Run -Down People Can explained, however, that the use of Experience has taught us what to buy, and where Obtain Relief. these engines was stl-ictly regulated. The magistrate ordering them took a and how to buy it. Among the many remedies offered grave responsibility for if he made for the maintenance or restoration of a mistake he ran the risk of being bealth and strength, there is nonecan impeached or losing popularity, a compare with Dr. Williams' Pink more serious calamity. The Chinese If there were better clothes made than the ones Fills. Most ailments are due to poor, theory is, or it was at the time of thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the regime that preceded the re- we sell, we would have them. 'have a specific action on the blood, public, that a wise judge can read the znaking it rich, red and pure. Through heart of the prisoner who comes be - this richer blood the tissues of the fore him, and that only an incompete- body are betiter nourished, and the ent one would find it necessary to We carry a tremendous stock, but the quantity of functions of the body better perform- apply torture. In China it was the ,ed. Anaemic sufferers, weak, languid ag-reeable custom for the criminal, clothin we sell justifies this big stock and gives you and nervous people speedily find new when the case was fairly laroughL 9 ihealth and strength through the use �ome to him, to make a frank con- a wonderful variety to choose from. iof this medicine. This was the ex- fession in the course of which he dis- perience of Mrs. John Armour, South tributed flowery compliments to the Monogham, Ont., who says:—"I aTn police, the judge and the authorities PICCADULT. one of the many thousands who have generally. This would be taken into N We buy for spot cash, take discounts and can af- regained health through the use of Dr. consideration when sentence was be- W,illiams' Pink Pills, and I take, this ing passed. For many crimes a cor- ford to sell for that much less. upportunity of saying a word in fession and restitution would be Boys' School praise of this splendid medicine. Bc- deemed ample atonement. It is said fore -beginning the use of this med"- that in the extremely hot weather it The New Suits cine I was pale and badly run down. was the rule not to impose the sev- We promise you this Spring the greatest assort - I found it difficult to do my house- erest penalties, whije lesser crimes Fancy Suits. $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 -work and was tired and breathless at would be pardoned. ment of the best clothing at prices that no store will the least exertiOD. I had tried sev- There were ten crimes for which For young men in A wonderful value" ,eral medicines without benefit, and the penalty was invariably dea�h finally decided to try Dr. W-11liams' and which admitted of no mitigating double or single beat and very few will equal. giving opportunity. Fink Pills. Soon I began to feel bet- arguments. They were rebellion, breasted styles, in These are the odd ter, sleep better and eat better, and destruction of imperial tombs, treacb- f ancy weaves of arid broken sizes found my weight increasing. In a cry to the state, patricide, murder of vrord I felt like a new person. I have three persoris in one family, sacrilege, Sand, Tan, Light We are not idly boasting, but are stating hard- regularly pi -iced to since recommended the pills to others filial impiety, family discord, official Fawn a n d Grey $13.00, marked for ,who have taken them with equaUY insubordination and incest. Children head business facts that vitally concern both you good results." les,9 than seven years old and others Mixtures; wide bot- Fancy Blue quick clearance. We Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for more than ninety were not subjected tom trousers, wide and your pocketbook. never have offered isnaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia,,ner- to punishment for any crime and in - Suits vousness. Take them as a to c "? all crimes, but those involving dc- sboulders. Sizes 34 better values i n 37ou are not in the best physical condi- capitation, accused persons of less to 40. in fancy checks or Boys' Suits. Sizes, tion and cultivate a resistance that than fifteen and more than &Eventy pencil stripes, diag- Come in and see this big display of New Spring 26 to 33. will keep you well and strong. Get a could escape by paying a fine. The Prices: box from the nearest drug store and bastinado was the form of beating onal or wale stripes Suits. Note their dressy appearance; their perfect Prices: begin this treatment now. most generally employed, the pri- $15.00 to $25.00 or Irish serges — a The pills are sold by all medicine soner being thrown on the ground and $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 dealers 6r will be sent by mail at 50c his legs bound, while he was struck full assortment of fit; observe the quality, admire the beautiful pat� �a box by writing The Dr. Williams' on the soles of his feet with the bam- styles for all ages. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. boo rod. This -punishment was often terns, and we will quote you prices you will willingly 0. So severely administered that the vic- Prices: CHINESE EXECUTIONERS ARE tim was crippled for life. The num- pay. BUSY OFFICIALS ber of strokes varied according to the $22.00 to $35.00 r In Shanghai and many other Chin- gravity of the offence, or the value ese cities one of the most ominous of of the property stolen. For stealing daily street sights is the execution- an ounce of silver the penalty was 60 er's procession. Preceded by a Pa- blow,, and for stealing to the value trol of soldiers the executflmer, with of 120 ounces, it was death. A per - bis huge sword swathed in a crimson son passing through the gates of the cloth, Slowly Marclies through the Imperial enclosure at Pekin without turbulent districts as a reminder of permission wa.9 given one hundred Youths' Suits the swift vengeance which the Chin- 1,1,w, s. One who entered without in- ese- take upon �febels- The execu- vitation a room occupied by the Em- tioner is usually a man of great peror was put to death and no ques- A special showing 1height. and strength and is ernpower- tiong asked. of Suits made for ,ed to execute summary justice. The To disturb a grave was a serious young men w h o r4bel or criminal is seized by the sol- offence, as we call Miss Macphail t,:, die" and forced to kneel with his witneg want the last word .s joyfully. If the coffin wag ihead bent forward. Then the - execu- actually opened, the punishment was in stylish clothes. tioner, raising 'his sword in both death. If a wife struck her mother- A delightful show- liands, brings it down on the neck, in-law or her father-in-law and her severing the head. This is then pick- justly -incensed husband kiUed her, he ing that will please ed up and perhaps exhibited 071 a was 'ghen 100 blows. If he killed the most exacting street corner in an iron cage as a her because she showed disre-spect warning to other disaffected persons. for the memory of his parents, he, youth. In China death by decapitation is con- too was put to death. If one threat- sidered as disgraed 'W ul'as we consider , �d another person so that 'he com- Prices: death by - banging. mitted suicide, that person also was Despite their antique civilization, executed. For striking an officer, the $15.00 to $22.00 ithe Chinese have always been rather punishment was 100 blows and three Boys' Suits savage in their punishments. Ilu- yeays, banishment. If the Govern- rrisonment, as we understand the ment official suftyed an open wound term, was almost unknown, and. the penalty was death. Strangulation Long Pants beatings, mutilations, banishmentand has always been considered a more Jecapitation wert the, 'ac ted me"th- dignified means of exit than -decapita- Blue,Serge Grey Suits A very interesting ,cds of correcting the o er- ISDyft(' tion, and it was inflicted for crimes , V,�ars hgo a tlypeal OWnese Prison in of the gecond -magnitude. Sometimes Suits, In fancy patterns display o f Suits Mongolia was'described by -an Eng- torture preceded the final act, the vic- for young men with one pair of ligh woman. In a spiked palisade she tim being tied up and cuts made on in a variety of at- and bloomers and one saw ha.1f a dozen dungeons, each con- fleshly parts of the body by the e-xe- pair of long pants, taining numerous inmates. Each of cutioner, th(e ago-hy sometimes being tractive shades and the more conserva- them was con -fined in a sort of doffin drawn out for an -hour or more. When twills, i n stylish tive serges in vari- You may buy one so arva-figid that the victim could -a bigh official fell into dii9favoit it modolsp single or ous shades of grey or both pairs of fmoither lie down nor sit do". TheY , ,was the custom for the Centrar Gov- for quieter dress - saw dhylight for a few miMtes Wce ern.ment to send him a piece of cord, double breasted. pants, as you wish. every twerity-four hourg When- thtLiv which was always atcepted as arf or- Sizes, 34 to 44. ers. All sizes. All sizes. itbod was thrust in to them. Technic- dep to hang himself and save the ex- ttfly they were life �prisoners, many of eo�utj6ner the troubt6. Prices: Prices: Prices: eaem guilty, of political offences. A�ctuall� 'h 'in tortured to After all, if, ap ears iliat all these $19.00 to $35.00 $18.00 to $35-00 $8.75 to $1150 doa_tll. At 10 rinese�'nevget could see girld who hav# Flitely taken to the the Sense of,, biffd6tAng t1lemselves highway were only suffering from with th&,, jjjt�aande of able bodied spring fever.—Bulyalo Courier -Jour- nal. Women havenkt invaded the sea. �Ip they eomman4 and rfhe 04y sh —Xinggo nlw� L to. 160tirtship, S, W ART BR-OS401 Seafor get &V 3t ("Id AN I krb wou'-what If don't refore 0i, hA8 about fokgbtt6ft e*' Y6V 777,�