HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-22, Page 2r_7 FWWr
=05V �V5MIP"?
A S., U
94 T. X wi Auto, W;NT4
'th them. The si t tism faA ecidq4,10, W1, Pa0v
�Jw 91,1181): the two A
at stood wi Woe a
� Ir
made such impmalon on '8 ex" U414, I eneralky.
wea 1W
e'r or $A
mAnd that he ref%,= t* it thuf5i "FOV the., trq* 0944 in And
40 inches hlg4; we have not followed cuxWugy.-de- Cr4*0 And 08 61 XOt
soreness pdh 8 a Ott a of Gas
swelling 1040
A les. when we made IMOWA
_,W ss f appe%ve�� 'I pAriw. -qu0ters then enough poison
at* _Aft o I 1 '11' .'': .
63c Cish , Jo men and
nd coming of ly ia4$cato,,vbeuwatism. Ph was'prepared to kill twent
y Ano
unto you the power A y
IS wirea, 48 inches hi xvqg -,NOU *0veryWaing ready 'rospards
our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye diffee a$:to`;tJxe disease,, UU1,
per rod ...... 72-C C48b w x a laptleaf a b
ftesses of 4,�s 4p
Majesity. For he re- t144,t Irw,"g. ppir,64 Imsper gave -b
is caused.by....
ved from Go and,198 b.4X*oXdqa,
Cl the Father honor In T4.0 sy#,.WM. Cal
eei d and moisture
20 wires, 50 inehies W and glory, when there came such a witb suddqn,�Change of tem raturo� .,Q'w'paT4 swallowed 4he Jo4f of
per rod ...... 78c Cash vrAce to Win from the excellent glory. cause- d a acks into e bvead it Quo *94thful' and t1wu
04644 the harmonica A -d
This is v beloved Son whom I .,.N- A—t �WA nf , p1sivoA_ as
S. am weu pleased. And t1us voice which or S oleo 4em 0 q It were his OW44 death maj6. SW.
'he bar -
III notes wqe bloirn on t
came from beaven we heard, when we ae o
were with him in the holy mount," Don't sVfW a minute; get from any mWea, and then the doors were
Peter 1: W18). vlosed and the, ga!w began its effect.
2 druggist a ,bottle of -Rheuma. Its
"Putting all together, a great pre4olption which must give 'It T001C T1 , qRArter#0f an hour
the accounts irep-
SPADES AND SHOVELS it would appear that the light shone, you quick're]Ief from rheumauc sul- to down. Gasparo. 1rheA those Who
not upou him from without, but out fering or ft will cos� you notbing. were Watching throu& the % window
Either ditching, garden or long- of kim from within. He was all ir- Rheuma, will help to bring swollep. saw the huge beast tur4ble with a
radicated. It was one blaze of daz- joints down to normal, reduce'the pain crash on to the floor of his pop and
handled, in Sterling Brand, solid
zling, cole6tial glory; it was himself without�tbe least injury to the heart. thrash his trunk around in the straw.
neck, extra strong handles. glorified," (Rev. David Brown, D.D.) Two weeks'Areatmont is inexpensive After waiting fifteen minutes witJ%
".4nd behold there talked with him and your money vfill be returned if the doors open Alderman Roeland
two men, who were Moses ani
$1.35 EACH you do not get the joyful relief an- fitted with a gas mask went into the
Elias," Moses represented "the la cage and with a knife stabbed the
W, tielpated.
and Elias "the prophets." Both to- elephant several times' in the leg.
gether, they represented the Old Test- He was quite dead.
WRENC14ES AND TOOLS OF ALL ament, Scriptures; and they spoke It was necessary to cut Gaspard up
no red to doubtless will jar some other
SORTS longer out of a book but, as living Into many'pleces in order to get him
men face to face with Christ. The preconeeived,ideas as to the causes of out Of the cage.
motor vehicle accidents:
disciples listened to the conversation
Special sets of four double -ended . "A total of 15,197 accidents were Ur
and they heard them speak "of his THAT BABY OF YOURS
wrenches; per set ............ $1.00 decease which he should accomplish tabulated. ' 'Road hogs, or those po-
Monkey Wrenches ..... 70c and 85c at Jerusalem." It was the very thing litely classified as right-of-way violat-
ers, were responsible for the largest Keep Him Well With the Aid of ...... . . 7�
Car Wrenches .......... 20C to $1.00 Jesus had talked to them about and number of wrecks, with 3,616 or more Baby's Own Tablets. . . . ...... . .
which had cast such a gloom over
than 20 per cent. of the total. In -
Car Pliers ............... 25c to 75c their lives. They now came to know No matter how strong and rosy
V,. competent handling of motor vehicle%
Rivetting Hammers, extra that all heaven was interested in the your child -may be he requires a laxa-
accom- due either to'carelessness or ignor-
special; each ................ 59C mission which Christ came to ance, Was second on the list, with 21- tive sometimes so that the stomach
did not
ph-sb. Moses and Elias may be kept sweet and the system ili
621 accidents. The driver who backs
speak of Christ's miracles, nor of His without looking ranks third, with a clean.
teaching, nor of the opposition to Him Formerly the laxative medicines
BARBED WIRE on the part of the Scribes and Phar- total of 1,480 accidents -against his given to cJ2ildxen were disagreeahle
of record. Of the more than 15,000 ac-
isees and of H% patient enduranc nts surveyed, only three are ones—castor oil, senna tea, powders
it. Their one topic was His death at lid' and soon. But now Baby's Own Tab -
2 point Barb, in 80 rod classified, as of unknown origin. A -
Jerusalem. lets, eisily administered -and pleasant
spools ................ $4.10 Cash Peter, as Moses and Elias departed mong the 52 causes listed, stopping
I to take, have superseded these. The
�rood for too abruptly was responsible for 1,081 children like Baby's Own Tablets.
4 point Barb, in 80 rod said un -to Jesus, Master it is i three accidents, turning left without giving
us to be here; and let us make Not onlyas a laxative but in many
spools ................ $4.35 Cash proper warning caused 952 accidents,
tabernacles; one for thee, and one for ing in ahead, 512; exceeding the other ways these Tablets are an Weal
Don't forget our 8 -wire even spaced Moses and one for Elias, for he wist cutt remedy for little ones. They quickly
not what to say; 'for they were sore speed- limit in limited zones, 7 reduce feverishness, relieve indiges-
fence .......... 45c per rod, Cash afraid. Peter spoke the truth when swerving suddenly to avoid collisions tion, colic and vomiting, prevent con -
d 520, and passing on thewrong
be said, "It is good for us to be here," cause stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teeth -
but when Mark added, "For he wist side of the road, 396 accidents. ing pains and promote healthful,
not what to say," we think of the im- "The summary demonstrated that natural sleep.
G.A. Sills &Sons pulsive Peter who simply felt he had intersections are the most dangerous You can get Baby's Own Tablets at
-ad no points, as 7,949 of the accidents list -
to speak out, even though he h ed occurred at road crossings, ormore any dealer in medicine or at 2 5cents
thought of what he was saying. than half of this total. Bridges rank- a. box from The Dr. Williams, Medi-
-ays, 1'whi�e he thus spake,
Luke s ed second, with 4,959 of the accidents line Co., Brockville, Ont.
there camea cloud and overshadowed
them: and they feared as they enter- listed. Although grade crossing ac- ONCE 27 ITEMS WERE NEEDED
cidents are the niost spectacular and
SUNDAY AFTERNOON Lesson Passage --Mark 9:2.10; 2 ed into the cloud." We read in the command the must publicity, there TO MAKE FROCK
Critical and Experimental Comment- Modesty of the Victorian era came
(By Isabel Humilton, Goderich, Ont.) Peter 1:16-18. ary that -this cloud was not one of were only 108 of the more than 1
high. Delve among the old fashion
Golden Text—Mark 9:7. our watery clouds, but the Shechinah 000 accidents tabulated that occurred
plates and compare the expense of a
0 worship the King, all glorious Matthew and Mark say that it'was cloud, the pavilion of the manifeste at railroad crossings. This is less frock in those days with one of to -
above, six days after Jesus talked with His presence of God with His people on than' one per eent. of the total." day.
0 gratefully sing His power and His disciples about His death and resur- earth, what Peter (2 Peter 1:17) calN Then, at least 27' articles were pur-
love-- rection that His trans figurartion took "the excellent" or "magnificent chased for each new dress, to wit—
'F' Our shield and defender, the Ancient plam Luke says that it was "about glory." Fifteen yards wide silk.
an eight days after." He counted, "And a voice came out of the cloud, It Does My Heart
of days Five yards skirt lining.
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded no doubt, the day on which the con- saying, This is my beloved Son; hear Three yards hair cloth to stiffen
praise. versation took place and the Good Just to Watch skirt
wi day Of him. And suddenly, when they -had
the going up into (the mountain and looked round about, they saw no man Four yards silk for dust ruffle.
the others did not. Luke adds too That Kid Eat
0 measureless Mightl Ineffable Lovel any more, save Jesus only with them- Five yards velveteen skirt binding.
that he went up into the mountain to selves." The cloud was the sign that. Twenty-four dnches skirt belting SUN
V%ile angels delight to hymn Thee
pray. There were trying days ahead God was near, and then came a voice Three months ago he was thin and (two inches allowed for turning un -
above, and Jesus sought by prayer the need- testifying of Christ, "This is my Son, frail—he had no appetite and didn't der).
The humbler croation, though feeble rk"
ed strength to meet them my chosen One, listen to Him.,, -want to play with other children.
their lays, One and one-half yards sleeve lin-
VVith true adoration shall lisp to Thy Awe-stricken, the disciples, as trte Look at him mw with his robust ing.
"The mountain"' is now generally [ves frame, his keelthy color and spark- One yard crinoline to stiffen VARNIan STAIN
f�, praise. supposed to be Mount Hermon, a cloud disappeared, found thems-el I
watch him eat. sleeves.
—Siw Robert Grant. lofty peak early 10NO feet high, on looking around, alone with Jesus. lin'g eYes--und just
His wise mother gave him Me -
PRAYER Moses, Elias, the cloud, the voice Fifteen yards silk lace. Wi I I
situated in the north of Palestine,
N�. had departed, the bright vision was Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets and Twelve inches buckram for collar
Almighty God who didst reveal Thy where Jesus and His disciples were at
glory and Thy grace in the person gonie but Jesus wais still with them. now the whole family is happy- stiffening.
and character of Jesus Christ, help the time. Luke tells us that "as he He no longer presented the appear- Give your child McCoYN, Motb�r, Three yards velvet.
prayed, the fashion of his counten- weak and thin—it is rich in
was the if 'he Is make ifAe'waga14`
ims to obey Thy command to give heed ance was altered, and his raiment was ance of a celestial being but Four dozen fancy buttons.
vitamines he needs n/
ud eyes.
to his words. In his name we ask it. -whit, and glit,,ig.,, same witb whom they had climbed just the 'kind of
In Matthew One card large hooks a
Amen- the mountain the previous eve,,ing. to build him up and if by any chance Two cards medium books and eyes.
we read, "and his face did shine as The experience through which they 'they don't help him get your money
S. LESSON FOR APRIL 24th, 1927 the sun, and his raiment was white One card invisible hooks and eyes. Don't think because that chair or table has
Lesson Title --Peter at The Trans- as the light," In to -day's passage had passed were never effaced from back- 60 tablets 60 cents at all drug- Rve spools silk thread. grown too shabby for first floor use that you
aguration. from Mark we find, "Asid his raiment their memory but for the present they gists everywhere. Three spools button hole twist. must consign it to the attic. It's an easy mat -
were forbidden to speak of them. Two and one-half yards feather
-And as tb:ey came down from the LONELY LIFE OF GASPARD bone for waist. ter to ma-ke it neyv agAin, just dg it 9N,&er witli
ENDED IN NOBLE DEA Sun Varnish St 'n anJ watch
mountain, -he charged them that they One yard small boning for collar. al the dingy strr-
should tell no man whait things they Gaspard is deadl But he died a One bolt seam binding. face glow once more with pleasing life and
had seen, till the Sou of Man were noble death. It -took a large part of Nowadays the requirements are:— color.
nsen from the dead." the Paris fire departMent, two !Llder- Four yards of �i�
After the death and resurrection of men, the prefect of police and sev- Two spools of sia thread.
a You'll find it fascinating work — and surpris-
Christ he appeared at different times eral departmental officials to prepare And who will deny that the 1927
ingly easy. You stain and varnii-sh at a single
to his disciples and 'they were no his passing. girl is neater and more sanitary, ev-
longer afraid to make known their GaspsYd is ---or rather—was the en if you think her -leas artistic? stroke. Mahogany, Light Oak — any shade
you fancy. just brush it on and the shabby
belief in Him as the Son of God. They one and only elephant in the Paris Besides the requdrements men-
weTpt every -where preaching the goa- zoo. He was nineteen. Many said tioned for an old-ofashloted dress tarnished surface takes on all of its original
pel and testifying that the things be was too young to die, but Alder- there were the accessories to be con- newness and beauty.
they had seen and heard werd true. man Rooland, city veterinary, de- sidered. Legend has it that three
God in His word is still saying to cided death the only solution. starched and flounced petticoats were
Perhaps the woodwork of your home needs,
the children of men, "This is my be- Gaspard weighed three tons and worn underneath, and each petticoat freshening up. Or maybe the floors are sadly
loved Son; hear him," and they who stood twelve feet with his chains on. was no less than three yards in cir-
wear marked. See what a wonderful change
hear Mm and obey am made new The Paris municipality bought Gas- cumference.
n Christ Jesus. pard f rom the 11-amburg zoo four There was just one item of saving oft these sur -
creatures i Sun Varnish Stain will produce
years ago, but the municipal funds —hosiery. An ankle did not matter faces. Scratches will disappear beneath yotir
MISSIONS could not afford a mate for Gaspard, -then, not to mention. a knee. Cotton brush and that dulled dingy finish will - be
Safer Dri "Some of
us were. in the streets to- and that was the cause of all the stockings were not criticised, and if replaced by a pleasing color brightness.
wilm day -and saw the idol procession and trouble. a shoe button were missing toward
our hearts were sad- We saw poor
Gaspard was tired of living alone the top no one was the wiser. You can get Sun Varnish Stain at any Canada
Vqp"b dy women who did not haw enough and be manifested h lo o ene Dressmakers say that it took about
for E 0 is nes in ss Paint dealer's store. Consult with him about
money to bud good food for their by smashing down the bars of his eight times as long to assemble a
Talk to the car owners of today and see how many of the work you have in mindL He'll be glad to
children's supper give their little sev pen and breaking his keeper's arm. frock in those hallowed days as it
them are depending on the safety features of Pireatone ings to pay for having the idols car- His rage became so great that he re- does now. explain the full merits of this marvellously
-Dipped Balloons I For Firestone eugfnws have homes to
cently broke off one of his tusks in Skirts were Cored so as to radiate beautiful renewer of old and worn surfaces.
Gum ried into their poor li
designed and built these big tires --with full appredation drive the evil spirits awRY, as if beating his head against the cement from the 22 -inch waist to the 4 -yard
Write for our beautifully illustrated free color
of their responsibility for the safety and conTfort of those pieces of wood, with theirbome- hern. There might be as many as
ly faces, could keep -away trouble
22 gores, on
thiat big army who use the motor car. e Inch wide at the top
amd sicknegsl We wished so much and about six inches wide at the hot- book showing actual
VAth Pitestone Balloons there is no siddding, 95D0*1112 that thme mothers might know the Sufferer With Severe tom. Each of these 44 seams must
color photos of lovely
or sliding. The tread is broad and sci�nt:14&aly Great Spirit of Spirits, the Lord, the Backache F`mds Relief be "over -handed" to keep it �rom painted homes, to guide
&SIgned to hold the road--oii oily boulevard, slushy God who lives and who gives life fraying. you in selecting color r
Most dresses were lined,gores and all schernes for the interior
Nghway or frozen, rutted places. You will be delighted who does good and vVho helps us to MRS. A. WILCOX USED DODVS
do good, who loves us as a good fa -
In tbA way the tread seems to iron out the road beneath KIDNEY PILLS Then around the bottom of the or exterior of your home
tber loves his children. We cannot skirt was the "dust braid" which was or summer cottage.
you, giving freedom from jolts or jar. see him, 'but we know be is v4 -Ty ve; Saskatchewan Lady Suffered With a constantly -being renewed of an eve,
Us Firestone process of Gum -Dipping adds so much us, and so need never have any fear Address, The Canada V
Very Lame Back. ning beside the lamp.
strength and flexibifity to these tires that you get in our hearts of evil spirits, or Paint Co. Limited, 572
of any -
Strasbourg, Sask., April 21, 1927. Waists were whaleboned. William
inuch more mileage and are relieved of arin tire- thing else, except the fear of doing ('Special)—The sterling value of The frock of that period bad to be Street, Montreal.
ng." nese Lanterns).
wro --4(Chi
ftoubles. Dodd's Kidney Pills is again shown fitted at each process, but the dress
-he Virestone DeAder will not only see that you have by the following statement from Mrs. of to -day needs one fitting at thb
T VERY FEW MOTOR ACCIDENTS A. W1ilcox, a well known resident of MOSL Hems nowadays have a way
oeqi bretter tires but he will give you the better service CAUSED BY VXCESSTVE SPEED this place. She writes: "My back of getting themselves 9traight, but 00
hese tires. Ask him to call and
thitt goes with t was so lame that I would hate to faMerly dressmakers were known
"Pis" detAils. Analysis of motor vehicle accidents move out of a chair when I was sit- by their cock -eyes, acquired while
usually reveaL9 many surprising
Vn�ZSTON'9 TII�R AND PVR1WF_ COMPANY OF CANADA things. Tbe a. alysis made some time ting down. They -were such sharp hanging skirts. It was done this
pains that I had, I took a box of way—
TIAIMTON ONTAWO ago by the Ontario 34otoT League re- D,ddla Kidney Pills and have not been The victim assumed -an erect atti-
vealed that excessive speed was - a bothered since.. tude (wearing skirt to be treated),
MOST MILES PER DOLLAR factoT in a very small proportion of The satisfaction Dodds Kidney mis and thrust One toe sligbtLY forward.
-n those motor accidents in which
are giving as a remedy for Kidney The hem was expected to reveal
the fault was the motorlst's,
This trouble is shown by the large number naught but the end of that toe. Once
'6 nly borne out -by 'Hee of 1jeople who keep them always at the length was secured the dress -
was not o
statistics but also by the analysis Of h,,d. -v4s learned that the maker govoled abont the floor on
They ha
traffic acddenU made �mbseque -y
proper way to avoid serious form of one elbow and one ear, attempting to
by New York State and morp recently Kidney trouble, such as rheumatism, NoMe hy Me n7ol(,erS ollhe famouS
acquire the same mystic length at all CANADA PAINT PRODUCT
lynally in the United States by diabete% dropsy &a)+ diseade Is parts This was made more difficult
4"N and
toe National Atitomobile Chamber of to correct the early symptoms of Md. by the belief that everyone ha one
TM 607' 'GZ7u.1)E*9D TIMS
Coininerce- The mOst recent anslySIS ner trouble. "high" hip and one "low" hi f,
Of m6to? VeMC14 accidents, a report Dodds Kidney Pill& aat diTtetly ot WWII RHOVances must be in s FOR SALE BY
which 14im been 'rtetdved by the t1f.9 Xidneys. H .6 d gtmngthen. The aftuatloo wu furtber c
Motdr League
%bo ItClieat4�9-L that ov- %C ftm, they enal
Kidney, to csted for the dresdmaker by those
A Pr
oessIve Speed
to a VmT aubordimt*
L atfaiTi h1l the imlwtmes
out of the who had no bipia idid hung pads a-
4 'daft'd of 046 vakf4la accidents, found thel? wtdats to Inlitafe hips
'0 -blood.
INOW any drftfj MaY be fitted on ail
Obtained froyn alft, dftkgIst§, or 7%e To G. &off, S I Ont.
h 4ven=%=ta Nddsl- Nediel-ne ft, - lrolgng boad,
M', Mr,
. A I