HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-15, Page 6‘f. ON't OFFICER& Uy, _ Goderich - - President Ans, Beachwood, Viae-proshlisnt Gregor, Seaforth, See.-1'reaa A.ORNTS: batch, R. E. No. 1, Clinton; Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mnr Egniondville; J. W. Teo, Gods- ; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen DIRECTORS: William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth joint Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clin ton; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrel Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3 Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Bruceiteld JAMES WATSON SEAFORTH, ONT. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT representing only the best Can- adian, British a n d AmericanCompirnies. Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including - • sseseeeestee:. TRIP' TO FLORIDA 1,Continued front page 1) From the pier head can be seen the peaceful sailboat, as they gide. by, the swift moor boats and Menne* "Green a aeroplane as its speeds over- head. Here, too, fishermen find a pleasant haunt and old Bill Pelican can be found on almost, any post ready to catch a fish for his dinner. To the left of the pier can be seen the palatial Viney Park hotel where many northern visitors while away happy hours, and which is circled by one of the prettiest driveways in the city. When the North is in the grip of icy Winter more than 100 hotels throw open their wide doors to wel- come those who seek warm climes, and here one may find,hotels suitable to any fancy. There are those of ex- clusive resort type, the commercial ,ype and then the more homelike ones, ell equally beautiful, and ready to serve the northern clientele. St. Petersburg is true to her tourists, but she is not unmindful of the fact that caring for tourists creates a certain amount of industrial life. The city is therefore welcoming good, clean industry, but stemming its trade into channels and locations far re- moved from its recreational environs. And the way that the Chamber of Commerce and the City Fathers are meeting the rush to St. Petersburg of northern capital shows a scientific handling which is a credit to any city such as this wonderful eSayground of Florida. A visit to the Alligator Farm is interesting, showing as it does the native wild life of the Florida jun- gles. There alligators are to be seen from babies a few weeks old to huge monsters of from fifteen to eighteen feet in length and several hundred years old. The attendants call the alligators by name and they answer with alacrity. Amongst the named specimens is Methuselah, the biggest, about sixteen feet in length, and old- est, estimated over four hundred years, also Adam and Eve, Cane and Abel, and the more modern Romeo and Juliet, Mary Pickford, and Doug- las Fairbanks, and last but not least, is fighting Bob Fitzsimmons, who has to his credit bitten off more legs and tails of 'gaitors than any other 'gator what gaits. At the age of sixty the female alligator lays sixty FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISKS. -Also-- REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT Representing "Huron and Erie" Mortgage Corporation, of London, Ontario. Prompt attention paid to placing risks and adjusting of claims. Business established 50 ye.ars, guaranteeing good service. OFFICE PHONE, 33. RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. HEIRS WANTED ••••Ire -4 Missing Heim are being sought throughout the world. Many people are to -day living in comparative pov- linty who are really rich, but do not know it. You may be one of them_ Send for Index Book, "Missing Hairs and Next of Kin," containing care- fully authenticated lists of missing heirs and unclaimed estates which have been advertised for, here and abroad. The Index of Missing Heirs we offer for sale contains thousands of names which have appeared in American, Canadian, English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, German, French, Bel- gian, Swedish, Indian, Colonial, and other newspapers, inserted by lawy- ers, executors, administrators. Also contains list of English and Irish Courts of Chancery and unclaimed dividends list of Bank of England. Your name or your ancestor's may be In the Hat Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for book. International Claim Agency Dept. 296, Pittsburg, Pa., U. S. A. 2930 -td LONDON AND WINGHAM North. a.m. Exeter 10.16 Hensall 10.80 Kippen 10.35 Brucefield 10.44 Clinton Jct. 10.58 Clinton, Ar. 11.05 Clinton, Lv. 11.15 Clinton Jct. 11.21 Londesborough 1125 Blyth 11.44 Belgrave 11.56 Wingham Jct., Ar12.08 Wingham Jct., Lv12.08 Wingham 12.12 South. a.m. Wingham 6.55 Wingham Jct. 7.01 Belgrave 7.15 Blyth '7.27 Londesborough 7.35 Clinton Jct. 7.49 Clinton 7.56 Clinton Jct. 8.03 Brucefield 8.15 Kippen 8.22 Bengali 8.32 Exeter 8.47 ••••••••• C. N. R. TIME TABLE East a.m. Goderich 6.00 Holmesville 6.17 Clinton 6.25 Seaforth 6.41 St. Columhan 6.49 Dublin 6.54 West a.m. Dublin 10.87 St. Colutnban10.42 Seaforth 10.58 Clinton 11.10 Holmesville 11.20 Goderieb 1140 p.m. 5.88 5.44 5.58 6.08 '7.03 '7.20 C. P. R. TIME TABLE East Goderieb Menet McCaw . Auburn Myth Walton Mellauglit %motto . • • West OOLS ONTOe r, ricwr-044vourru, train young people for and aid them tviernare good Businesesposi- tions. Eater any time. No vac:Aimee, 'Free calendar. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, 46 Bloor St, witoi Toronto. ersaaatisalierealleettaseauseireeelleilearaellearsteletellele 441111.111111MINSIIIMMINNIRWWWWWPieMailgeniallie district of Central Avenue from the wants.'-aoston 'Transcript. rising of the sun until the going down of the same. When not on Everybody would favor selective street parade, he is the big noise in birth control if it could be made re - the hotel lobby where he struts and troaetive,-San Francisco Chronicle. struts a la the turkey gobbler accom- plishments. Some of the city wags facsimilied a real coon -nigger in the gait of the street -lobby golfer and placed him on parade in the midst thereof. Ye Gods, instanter while indignation meeting of protests was assembled and resolutions were re- solved against the Ham golfer by the curbstene golfers. The police put the black golfer in durance vile. The negro population of the city is segregated west of 9th Street. As a rule northern visitors secure a cer- tain amount of pleasure in watching the amusing antics of the southern negroes and in listening to "their you all" talk. They are a funny bunch as instanced in: "Mistah! I'se wantah return dese stockin's an get mah money back," said an old colored wo- man as she deposited a package on one of the store counters. "Why? \\last's wrong with them, Aunty ? Didn't they come up to your expec- tations?" asked the clerk. "Lordy! No, sah! Dey didn't hardly come up to mah knees," replied the old col- ored lady. A noticeable feature in the South is the absence of baby carriages on the streets. Women everywhere are to be seen on the streets and in the parks carrying their babies in arms. It is a back to nature proposition and looks good. "Hello! Mr. Neelin,?" was the happy salutation given on Central Avenue recently by Miss Chesney, daughter of our esteemed friend, Mr. Pearson Chesney, of Tuckersmith. Miss Ches- ney is employed in one of the large jewelery stores, and in conversation said: "I was sure it was you when I saw the red tie." 11reminded of p.m. 6.04 6.18 6.23 6.32 6.46 6.52 6.52 6.58 7.12 721 7.33 7.45 7.45 7.55 years eggs, and thereafter repeats the ex- act number during lifetime, which is beyond known human calculation. There are different species of turtles, fish, birds, small mamals and insects and among the latter is the deadly tartanula. In reptile cages are speci- mens of non-poisonous and poisonous snakes, and among the latter species is the deadly Coral and the huge Diamond -back rattlesnake and their eggs. We were fortunate in seeing a rattlesnake a few hours after it was killed in a nearby field, which meas- ured five feet nine inches in length and Birthed nearly eight inches. The snake was in the attitude of attack upon the hunter when shot through the head. The victim of rattlesnake poisoning lives but a few minutes. The Masonic Home near Coffee -Pot Lake is an imposing and costly build- ing, being erected on the sanitorurn pian. The present record shows about fifty aged Masons and the ag- ed and infirm wives, mothers and rel- atives of Masonic family connection. Nearly two hundred children of de - dependent Masons are cared for in this institution. They are taken to the city schools in busses and given religious instruction in the Home Chapel by resident clergymen and doctors and nurses are in attendance in the infirmay ward. The children's playgrounds are equipped with swings, slide -boards and gymnastic apparatus. A herd of fine Jersey cat- tle supply the requisite food of child- hood and old age. The number of tourists visiting S. Petersburg during the season is esti- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink mated at 125,000 -mostly golfers. Pills and I got sixboxes. I had not The tourist golfer is in a distinct class been taking the pills very long until • himself Darwinian (observing OthOr -t e, Silfre,, this ' is, wbp.t 110 ,, PIIart a, an hips, 'place iel1e. 411P 9T flour 9 the eholies, reise kne and deprese tees and Mix tlattretilnkly. an q,ne-balf eup of rail. Repeat** times. Inhale quickly one-half tea' spoonful of baking powder, 'Mgr the lege end 111,0b tWP hardboiled egga in. It sieve. irechile, breathe natural.- ly and sift into a bowl. "Attention! Lie fiat on the floor and roll the white of an egg back- ward', and forward until it collies to a boil. In ten minutes remove from the fire arid rub smartly with a rough towel. Breathe naturally, dress in warm flannels and serve with fish soup." 56 r causes causeregain1 forspells Say A REAL EARLY BIRD Himself an enthusiastic angler, Viscount Grey, K.G., tells an amus- ing story concerning a fellow fisher- man living in London, who decided to spend a few days in the country. One morning, unable to sleep, he was astir early, and as the clock chimed three was on his way to the river. "Talk about 'em being up early in the country," he muttered, "this is where I put one over the early ris- ers." But upon turning a sharp bend in the road he ran into a farmer. "Good morning," he said, "nice morning?" "Ay, it be," said the farmer, "but it were cold first thing." DINNER STORIES Affable Guest (to the bridegroom) -They tell me the bride has money, Wullie. They say the marriage is worth a guid fower thoosan' poon' tae ye, man. Canny Bridegroom - No' quite that, Tam. Folk forget I ha,e to pay for the marriage license. "Toineny," said the teacher, "come to the map and puint out Australia to the class." Tommy did so. "who discovered A u s t r a 1 i a, George?" the teacher asked the next boy. "Tommy did," was the reply. Manager-- Yes, I have an opening for you. How would wou like to take a job as an office boy with the chance of ending up as president of the company?" Boy-ll'drather start as president and take the chance of ending up as an office boy. Diner -Waiter, let me see. I or- dered a tenderloin steak here yester- day, didn't I?" Waiter -Yes, sir, you did. Will you have the same again to -day, sir? Dinsr -Well, if nobody else is us- ing it I may as well. MOTHERS PRAISE BABY'S OWN TABLETS THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL young and charming Marie Louise, who was nineteen at the time, and to whom the very name of Napoleon had been a terror. Within a year ..the son was born and proclaimed King of Rome, Prince of Parma, Na- poleon II, and Duke of Reichstadt. The announcement of the birth sent Paris and, indeed, all France into a frenzy of enthusiasm rarely equalled. It seemed to he believed that the coming of the child guaranteed to another generation of Frenchmen that the triumphs of Napoleon I. would be continued, and that a dynasty of patriotic geniuses had been auspici- ously launched. Napoleon himself wept with., delight, and as the child grew older spent hours playing with him and sharing with him the great war games which he used to work out with blocks upon the floor. The child was three years old when Napoleon embraced him tender- ly and departed upon the Russian campaign which was to prove the be- ginning of his tremendous downfall. He had charged the Queen and the National Guard that the child must never fall into the hands of the enemy. Rather would he throw him into the Seine. He was equally insistent that his child must never be brought up as an Austrian Prince. But later on, when it seemed that his sun was about to set at Elba, he wrote to the Empress, advising her to . take the boy and return to her father's home. Almost instantly he regretted this despairing counsel and wrote to coun- termand it. But i't was too late. Marie Louise was tired of France, and slhe and the child were already on their way to Vienna. There they were received with hardly less en- thusiasm than that which Paris had displayed when L'Aiglon was born. Handsome homes were provided for them. The Emperor showed his fond- ness for the boy and his pleasure at the return of his daughter. But the child's affairs were, in truth, not in the hands of the mother or the grand- father, and still less in the hands of the faAher. Their custody had been subtly transferred to Metternich, the Chancellor, and deadly foe of France. He saw in the Eaglet a hostage. He resolved that never should the child leave Austria. Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., says: -"I cannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. 1 have found them invaluable for the ailments of little ones." Mrs. Brown's testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To use them once is a sure guar- antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative -mild but thorough in action -which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion ; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact you banish all the minor ills from which little ones suf- fer. The Tablets are sold by inedi- eine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Willie had accompanied his father to the tailor's. When his father had selvesed the material for his suit, Willis asked the tailor if he might, examine the sample. Th* lad ap- praised the goods very carefully, be- ing interrupted by the tailor, who . the wirier the checks the better -min_ continuing their use they restored me till him he was looking at the us a hat, and parades the congested to my former good health. I also aerong side.' I know it.,' said Willie, gave the pills to my daughter, who It that is the side that'll he turned ' - \--as anaemic and run-down, with the out when mother makes it over for settle good results. Now I always me." have the pills in the house, and would, net like to he without them." 1 It took a great deal of courage. Get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink I she wa4 his ideal. Soft, fluffy, beau- l'ills from your druggist to -day, or, tiful. .r est the kind of a hig-hearted send 50 cents to The Dr. Williams' did' h, wanted. But he finally made Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and a i up hi- mind to propose. box will he sent you post. paid. A i "What would you do," he asked, little hook "Building Up the Blood," • "if I asked you to he my wife? What which explains the treatment, will he p.m. 2.20 2.37 2.52 8.12 8.20 8.28 pin - 9.87 9.50 10.04 10.13 10.30 a.m. 5.50 5.55 6.04 6.11 6.25 6.40 6.52 10.25 a.m. TOtiellt0 7.40 McNaught 11.48 iton /12.01 1 12:12 ..01.4.r.,04, **V ft .44 k di • tan: 1244 .11 ii,:44.1.4 Ari. *sirs 4171, • • * if •:* 44.;k4'.• *44 i • 10. ..... rai itee e 41141,4,* 44,0 eject Jones can handle Forbes' call When Robinson calls the Henderson Co. by Long Distance he always asks for M.r. Forbes. That makes it a Person-to-Per- scsa call. Forbes is often it. Sometimes it takes quite a while before the operator can get hirr. on the wire. There are three other em- ployees in the Henderson reteice, thoroughly posted on the details of the busi- ness, who could give Ro- binson the information he wants. One of them could always be reached by a Station -to -Station call, cost- ing about twenty per cent less than a, Person -to -Per- son call. tut is worth considering, before you make a Long Distance call, cf Station -to -Station service will not give you what you want. a 232 CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM Large earnings can only come from large production. -The Prince of Wales. If trade is to be vitalized traders must advertise. -The Lord Mayor. L'AIGLON IN DEATH TO HIS FLIGHT On June 22:1832, Napoleon's son died and was buried in the uniform of an Austrian officer. His ashes have reposed ever since in the church of the Carthusian monks in Vienna, and it is now proposed that they be brought back to France and deposited finally in the tomb of the Invalides, where lie the bones of his father. Noted French airmen, it is said, will fly to Vienna and dramatically return with the dust that has never been forgotten in France in all these years. Nor will the surviving members of the Hapsburg family object to the removal, since the sentiment of France seems to he so strong. Though L'Aiglon was half Austrian, the part orf him that promised great- ness was French, and the sadness of his few troubled years on earth was caused by his French blood. It is fitting that he should be reunited to his illustrious father who saw him last. when he was a baby of three, hut who probably loved him more than ever he loved another human HAVE state and training him into a loyal Austrian nonentity began. But it proved difficult. Miraculously the prince remembered the games that the baby had played With a clumsily father. He displayed almost an in- tutive genius for military science. He was resentful of all control, violent and imperious. Phis son of the Cor- sican adventurer seemed to have in his blood more of passionate royalty than the scion of 'half a hundred gen- erations of dull Hapsburgs. But he was unhappy. In truth, he was the Caged Eaglet that Rostand wrote a- bout. His mother neglected him. He tried dutifully to be fond of his Aus- trian grandfather. He who had been a lusty baby became a sickly boy, an anaemic young men. He had only one friend, an Austrian captain, who had written a pamphlet on Waterloo, in which he defended Napoleon. He fell ill, and death came swiftly in the end to the youth of twenty-one, at whose cradle, as one historian said, all the world stood, but whose death- bed was deserted by even his own mother. Druggist Tells Easy Way To End Bladder Weakness This wily old plotter understood also the pleasure -loving disposition of Marie Louise. None knew better than he that her marriage to a man more than twice her age had been an affair of state and that her heart might never have had an awakening. So he summoned the handsome Gener- al Count Neipperg to accompany Ma- rie Louise, who was about to visit Aix. He instructed him to make him- self as ingratiating as possible to gain the confidence of the Empress and foil any project that might arise in her mind to join Napoleon at Elba. The dashing General succeeded only too well. Marie Louise fell in love with him and years later they were said to have been secretly married. But in the meantime she abandoned whatever idea she might have had of joining her husband, and managed to find life entirely agreeable at a coun- try residence, where she was attend- ed with more or less respectful ardor heing. by Neipperg. Waterloo came and would 1,e the outcomeNapoleon, atthe ?" height of s fame the end for Napoleon also his famous ztent. free on request. I "It depends," was the reply, "very and power in 1810, put away .Joseph- proclamation making the lad Emperor much en the income--" inc because she had failed to produce and the will in which he was be - "Why so depressed, Brown?" • • him an heir to carry on the dynasty queathed the prized personal trinkets t To err is human; to admit it is foolish. -Life. A woman says that there is no ! pleasure in suffering if it must be (lone in silence. -Detroit News. To -day is the to-mc7rrove we were so foolish as to worry ourselves about yesterday. -Montreal Star. . There are in Great Britain 60,000 people whose livelihood depends en- tirely on our trade with China. -Sir L. Worthington Evans. Never fool with a fool; be might fool you. -Chicago News. It is hard to keep up with the neighbors and the grocery bill at the same time. -Brandon Sun. So far, the outstanding fact in one relation vrith Nicaragua is that we are 174 times her size. -Boston Her- ald. Government has imposed on rail- ways taxation and restrictions such as no other industry has to bear. - The Hon. Everard Baring. How can baseball be honest when the schedules are framed ?-Worces- ter (Mass.) Post. • A married woman's description of an ideal man seldom fits her husband. -Detroit News. The proper way to judge a man is by the'size of things he is prejudiced ,about. --Bert Motes. Matrintotty is like telephoning ---one doesn't always get the party one The horrible cos chap; constant bills paint q and shingling. "What, house?" "Ne, daughters." 01 living, 011 which he had determined upon. He s ' wanted a son a good deal more than he wanted a wife, and we presume cast about for a wife, because only through her could he have the boy. At firet he negotiated for a Russian Grand Duchese, hut his overtures be- ing received without enthusiasm, he practically demanded a daughter of the Royal House of Austria. She was forthcoming in the person of the A y,)ung bride asked her husband lo ropy off a radio recipe she wanted. Ile did his best, but got two stet -lona at once, one of which was broadcast- ing the morning exercises and the. Pleasant, Inexpensive Home Treat- ment Quickly Relieves Dairy Ir- ritation and Getting -up -Nights of his banished father. Surrounded by Austrian tutors and court officials, L'Aiglon never knew what had hap- pened to Napoleon but had to aek years later. At first Metternich permitted a French entourage, but later, when Napoleon was helpless, this was re- placed by loyal Austrians and the pro- cess of eliminating from the boy's mind every recollection of his former No matter what your age may be,' how long you have been troubled or how many medicines you have tried without success -if you are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethral Ir- ritation, causing days of troublesome annoyance and nights of broken rest --you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once! Made from a special formula, suc- cessfully used in the Doctor's private practice for nearly 50 years -URA - TABS are particularly designed to swiftly relieve the pain and misery cf burning Urethral Irritations, Back- aches, Bladder Weakness and Getting - U p -N ights. Safe, Pleasant, In expen- s ive-and supplied by all good drug- gists on a guarantee of money back if not satisfied. If you need a medi- cine of this kind, try URATABS to- day! -Say The Itlovao Stars So say ell whose work is bard after they try the invigorating refresh- mertt of Wrigley's Double Mint. Only Chevrolet Could ONLY Chevrolet ---world's largest 'builder of gear -shift autornobiles--could pro- duce such a car as the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History -could intro- duce such smooth, spirited performance - such beauty of line, such evident distinction, such unmistakeable quality in a car at any- where near Chevrolet price. Only Chevrolet, with its enormous purchasing and manufacturing economies, could combine the beauty, the quality, the distinction and the performance of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet, at such phenomenally low prices -the lowest prices for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. NEW LOWER PRICES Roadster - $655.00 Coach - Touring - $655.00 Sedan - Coupe - 780.00 Cabriolet Landau Sedan Roscgter Delivery Commode' I Chassis Utility Express Chassis $760.00 $865.00 $890.00 $930.00 $655.00 $490.00 $645.00 Price s at Factory, Oshawa --Government Taxes (sera. CF -3510 PRODUCT of GENERAL MOTORS of CANADA, If' • r„.44 11.1 1111 asliks:,Bair1a , "in vroet Dealer for Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & McLaughlin evrolet Jfistorq ;! E. W. XAWM, DISTRIBITTOR 'MITCHELL E. WEL811, MANAGER, SEAFORTH eet t, "AI ..