HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-15, Page 5BL 60, Is, dA, lA' & land is in gpip .0", our 4wali tw".., -TA000 VA ­ i ice, -Vie *�` X n0% 10W 4'Ao A� hot Arli OiOlolaii Ili"now around W. L, Mci wh� blowith, tag lilt good forthe pa 3,1 is at prei critically ill, IEULLSGREEN Nalties­-_An Faster cantata will -Viven in Ykillegreen �Church next Su 40 afternoon, April 17th, at 180 P. by the union choirs of Kippen a Vahisgreen. Everybody come a bring your friends. -Mr. Wal i0axHle, and sister, Muriel, spent co , pple of days visiting in Seafor (last week. -Mr. Jaynes Jarrett -h purchased the farm belonging 34-irs. C. Cochrane. Mrs. Cochra and daughters, Agnes and Annie, a intending to move to Clinton in t& near future. Before their delpartm the members 4 HilligTeen congreg tion and choir, also the commuridt. gathered at their home and spent th evening and presented Mr&. Cochran iand the girls with a beautiful bridig lamp, electric iron, electric toaste and curling tongs, Me. W. Carlil read the address and Mr. Arch� Parsons and William Cochrane mad the presentation. The -address was a -follows: "Mrs. Cochrane, Agnes an Annie: We, your friends and ac -quaintances�, hearing of your depar ture from our immediate neighbor ]hood, felt we could not let you g A -without showing in some manner th ,esteem in which you are held. So i the name of the community, churcl !0- im ;and choir, please accept these smal tokens of appreciation. These sep arate articles are for rinutual use be tween -the three of you. We hop you will have much comfort in you -new home and trust that these electri appliances may be of use to you.' Annie and Agnes made brief replies thanking all for their kindness and 1hoped they would all enjoy them selves the re-st of the evening. A 'bea,utiful lunch was served, aftei which everyon ' e enjoyed themselves for a few hours and thanking Mrs Cochrane and girls for such a beauti- ful time, all retired to their homes. CROMARTY W. M. S. -The April meeting of the 'W.M.S. was held on Thursday after- 31ocin at the home of Mrs. S. A. Miller in the village, with twenty-one mem- lbers present. 'Me President, Mrs. Scott, pre-ided. A very enjoyable iand profitable meeting wa�� held. Mrs. Donald McKellar read the Scripture lesson. The study book, "Moslem Womm" was taken by Mrs. E. Gra- hayn. Mrs. John Hamilton also gave a very interesting paper. A very I)Ieasing duet was rendered by Mrs. Kenneth McKellar and Mrs. Williarti Willier. Mrs. Hill led in prayer, af- Iter which a very nice duet was sung 'by Miss Grace Houg4bton and Mrs. Duncan McKellar. Very suit -able and -well chosen Fiaster hymns were used :for the meeting, after which Mrs. S. A. Miller closed with prayer and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Notes. -Mr. Ernest Graham receiv- ed the staid news on Thursday of the death of his fai Rev. Mr. Gra _ ]harn, of St. Paul, The funeral took place on Saturday. -We are pleased to state that Mrs. William McLaren, -who has been so seriously ill, is af present slightly improved. - Mrs . Quance, of the village, is spending a -few dayn in F3ceter with ber mother, Mrs. Allen, who is; at present quite, ill. -Mrs. R. Gardinor entertained sev- eral of the ladies at a quilting party last week. A very enjoyable after - moon was spent by all. -Several of 'the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary mem- bers from here went to Mitchell on Monday evening to 'hear a most in- teresting address given by 'Miss Sin- clair, field secretary for the W. M. S, ;and C. G. 1. T., and after the meeting lh�py wert, entertained by the C. G. 1. T. True Blues, who served them a very dainty lunch. -The Scarlet Min- strel sh-ow was well attended. Th�, ]hall was crowded to the door and ev- ,erybody reports a Tnost enjoyable� time. WINTITROP Ladies, Aid. -The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. meeting hei at. the home of Mrs. R. Campbell -was well attoi irwith Mrs. C. Hillen presiding. The imeeting opened by singing Hymn 566. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. BlAnichard from the 20th chapter of John, followed by messenger prayer by Mrs. D. McFarlane. The topic on "India's Jubilee" was given by Mrs. J. Simpson, and a reading 4Dn "Society From Spring Town" wa-,4 lgiven by Mrs. A. Ross, followed -by silent prayer for the safety of our missionaries in China, followed by Tlymn 225. Mrs. C. Hillen and Mrs. A. A. Cuthill were appointed dele- gates to attend the annual meeting 4of the Women's Missionary Society to be held in Goderich Thursday, Apr. 28th. After Other business items were discussed the meeting closed by singing Hymn 386 and repenting the Lord's prayer in unison. N*tes.-The progressive euchre and Idance 'held in the ball Monday even - Ing by the Football Club was well tattemided. Th� prize winners were as follows: Ladies, most games, Miss Annie Sholdice; ]one bands, Mrs, P. Little; consolation, Misis Bessie Blan- 4chard; g"ts, -most games, Russel Moltoin,, lone hands, Adrian Hogg; IC6112,01ation, Mr. A, -A. Cutbill. Af- ter l"ch � wi 3erved, a few hours 'WOrO Spent it afiefng�Tvlr. W. C. lRehIl6tt- stairtM bn the road this week 'with hit trutX-SchOol, closes Thurs- day f6r the- 1906� h4lidAyA. - Our 'Sympathy 96" Oldtit6 At. Sol. Shan - Mon on th4e 'death of 'hek )Mtfier, Mrs. James Hudson, Of fthlondVille, who passed away 94tutd4s�. �' afteknoon. April 9th, after a 16119 111nbg&, Th6 funeral took place t6AAAhlivabank J�1/ CeTnetery Tuesday Thl, farmen are butsy on- the liaildi 961Tte bit'Ve started seeding.-Mv. 'Rdroi .4 Iffulley spent Sunday -with f±1*ierjdg,, Inour VAtAA.40 , .. .1 1W 9' 'PUP �MV ru B4won". Who died Avr4 loth, 10 er Short an d OqAden woo �he call, lqr ��IreWnl soi dearly. aoyi by ioll; WoW IW48 great the shoch severe. WO little tboi -his, death so near. vm- VVMet him?No, we never will, 4. Por in God's care be. liveth fftip_ e R096xl -WIFE A" PAWLY. In fund and loving znemoxr ot our dear wister, Reatirice ArrAstpong, who vapoed away one years ago. April 0* IQ26, be Not -dead to tlwo-*ho loved her; Not dead, but gone bVfore, M. P- she 1��* in our hearts, nd Azd will f.Q.rever more. id 8096-1 Husband, Mother and__Vamlly. Dr a th CARD Oir THANKS as The family of the late Mrs. ja Hudson to wish to thank all their kind frneensils and 1p neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, also for the beautiful floral offering received e and anyone who in any way assisted with 0 the services. a- JAMES HilDSON- IWORTANT NOTICES e e FOR SAL" --A FEW CHOICE SOWS. - Apply to S. F. CARRON, R. R. 4, Sea - forth. Phone 14-144. 9096-1 e TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. --FOR SAY, e 46 quantity of Timothy Seed, Phone 21 an 14 , Seaforth, or address Egmoi pu2it s Office. ROBERT YieGONIGLE. 8096x2 d N OTICE.-WaLL TAKE A NUMBER OF cattle on Lot 84, Concession 8, Hibberi or will rent. Apply to RICHARD BARRY, - Seaforth. 3096x2 0 SALE ­20 CHOICE SUCKERS SIX e FowReelcs old; 1 Young sow safe in pig; n others ready to breed. Apply to JOHN NOLAN, R. R� 4. Seaforth. Phone 21-144. 3096-1 FARM TO RENT. -PASTURE FARM IN Tuckeninitb to rent. Apply to JAMES SPROAT, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, or phone e 34-160. 809" r CATTLE WANTED -A LIMITED NUM - her of We wanted to feed on grass by the mointh,clon Lot 34, Concession 14, Me- Killop. Apply to JOHN FLANNERY, Wal- ton. 3096x3 F ARM FOR SALE. -FOR S �EWEAT Half Lots 7 and 8, containing 160 acres. an 9th Concession, On the pre I nes are a 71. and half brick house, bank barn 66x9g, hog Den 65x2O, driving shed and garage. The c land is all cleared but 12 acres bush; tile o Irained and well fenced; mile from school, G t mile3 from Seaforth and Hens,all. Rural mail 4nd phone. This is one of the beat farms in P Tuckersmith and will be sold on easy terms b " the prop ietor has been forced to give up farming on account of ill health. Also 50 F acre grass farm, east half of Lot 7, on 9th ConceBs on. These will be sold as one farm or in separate parcels. For further particu- lam apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 2, Kippen. JOHN RAY. 3094-tf 9 AUCTION SALES fi AUCTION SALE. -MR. THOMAS BROWN T will sell by Public auction on Saturday, April 16th, at 1.30 P.m., at the residence of R. J. Wegg. James and Wilson Streets, a quantity of fumiture including piano ( wall nut) new co,ndition. Columbia Grafanolo ZN records -, dining room suite, orn set, washing machine, wicker chai r" , wahnut dresser, kit - then cupboard, violin. flute, Japanese fiddle, baby carriage and numerous other articles. S' A�ovo goods may be impected at any time prior to sale. Terms--Oash. R. J. WEGG. Proprietor; Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. 3096xl NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Der- acris haviniz ' laims sg�lnst the estai of WILLIAM SINCLAIR, late of the Tow-nahip of Tuckeramith - Retired Farmer, who died on the 30th day of March. 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven to W. N. X-nechtel, senrorth - or to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS VuRTHER GIVEN that after the naio date the Executor will proceed to disti-ibuti, the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have rotice. DATFD at Exeter, this 12th day of April. 1927, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitom for Executoi 3096-8 TENDERS FOR COAL SEALM t­iders Addres�ed tn tbe Purcha.s- ing Airen Department of Public Works. Ottawa -ill be received t his fflce until ?2 o'ci.ck niaon . To -day" April'26. 1927. for the supply of -al for the Dominion Huildingv thmughout the Province of Ontario. In'li, dinir the (7,ity �f Ottawa. Forms of f..nd­ -ith and ron- dition,q nttAched can be ohtain�l fn,- G. W. Dn-so-ri, Purrhai Asirent. Department of Public Works. 01tAwa: And R. Winter, 5c. fil Victoria Street Toronto. ont. Tenders will not. he considered iini made on the forms supplied by th� Dermi-iniii-ot and in accordance �ith d,prt-,nt.l -r-ificAll.n. and con- ditioris. -The right tio demand from the sneenssful tenderer a deposit� not �ceei 10 Per "WL of the amount of the tndw, to secure the proper fulfilment of +he contract, is reserved - By Order, S. E. O*RRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottlawn, April 5. 1927. 9096-2 <> 0 * <> 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 <> S. T. Holmes & Son 0 <> Funeral Director and 0 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 0 Finest Motor and Horse- <> 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. C' Holmes' residence, Goderich <> Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 0 residence, North Main Sreet. <> 0 Flowers furnished on short <> 0 notice. Ali kinds of up- * 0 bolstering neatly dome. <> <> Phones: 119 or 254 J. .0 0 <> <> 0 0. <> 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 Licensed Embalmer and t> Funeral Director. 0 Up-to-date Hone and Motor 0 Equipment. Night and Day Service. Phone 19-22, Di 7 v� M4 'I ,MF ''fF T'gat r., 'i Milln, Ole. Ou 'PC? nod a.11 pq ap.U.0i an 'am (i, V 4-Q� I'VII KRU . 44 too 4009. 40, A . is 114; any, 4ei on 9W P14040 14, 9A, 1100, 1�*, 1#q I pf April, Cio, gouli of t4v 041 Ition"r, W194"44 ina, 14 the claims 09:1 'notice. PrIdar Aft0nopto 'T" SURROGATE co, DATIM at 4ai lat day of URT or, Arm. gli"04or "*see Aprfl.'1027, of OR U111.44 R COUNTY OF HURON . . . . . . I%THE MATTER OR the estate of FnANC,10 ago.5-3 sonoitur for OLVXSTEO, late OVAis Town of Sea. f0rtb, IIIins's Counsel, deceased. Noi Is hereby tirly en that all persons .having OV clallm or demands against the ,at. Francis 11,01wested. who died oxf or about, the Mth day of Jariva", 1927, at, Seplorth, 1 in the Province of Ontario, are required to I deliver to the undersigned, solicitors hemin"! 1101mesteil, Money for Arthur Wellesley Ifialmested, Adminisi � of the Estate of the said Francis To S their names and addresses and full partlisulars in writing of tWr claims and statemiento of' use the Money Orders their accounts and the nature of the securli ties, it way, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 25ti sold at afl branches of this day of April, 1927, the said Arthur Welles)-ir Holmested, will proceed to distribute -the as- J§ank. 5ets of the said deceased ai the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he 2V then have had They are safe, che and notice, and that the X. Arthur Wellesley EldImesi will not be Rable for the said oonvenient, any are assets or any Dart thereof to any person of whose clai he &hall not then have received readily cashed in aU parts notice. DATED at Toroi the 22nd day of March L927. 'I of the world. 32 HOLMESTED & SUTTON, 904 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ontario. Solicitors for the said Arthur Wellesley TM C, ANADUN BANK Holmested. *94-8 00V COMMERCE CaPiftl Paid UP $20,000,000 kutomobile I n is u raince Relierve Fund $20,000,000 Seafai Branch J.'G. Nfullien, Manager 3very car owner needs this protec- ion, With heavier road traffic you cannot afford to take chances. --- 1927 RATES ,hevrolet, Chrysler 4, Dodge, Durant , Essex, Ford, Gray Dort, Star, Max- rell, Overland, Pontiac, Etc. -Public ,iability $5.00; Property Damage $4.1 ' Chri 6, Chalmers, Durant 6,1 Muchnice'e Spring come, all ludsion, Jewett, McLaughlin, Nash, � I lakland, Studebaker, Paige, Willys-1 same e Miami -Old Clothes, no .night, Oldsmobile, Etc. -Public Lia- llity $6.00; Property Damage, $5.00.1 good, New Suit -Spring kind Six Months, Policy at 70 Per Cent. of above Rates. looks swell, extra velly good Give,, $11,000.00 protection to the Clothes,all same'e English make ar owner aga6nst injurie�; or death I any person or persons and damage You come Now -Quick, Bright ) other cars, vehicles or otht:r pro- CiTtY. Legal expenses and doicLor's make'e you look like anew fell'a ill are also included. New Easter Ties, you see, buy ATES FOR COLLISION, FIRE & THEFT ON APPLICATION Everybody's Auto Accident Policy su re. Premium $5.00. Policy $1,500.00- !5.00 per week for total disability. 1 2.50 for partial disability. Ti big- 2st Five Dollars' worth you ev(r got ir your money. I REBRIGHT, Seaforth ake no chanct---Accidents bappe., no matter how careful you are. Call, Write or Phone Dress WeU and Succeed A. D. SUTHE"D TAILORING AND HABERDASHERY General Insurance Agency ?,AFORTH PHONE 152 The Fordoy Sedan, The Touring Car. i - iiwe TUDOR SEDAN WITH many improvements in the past yr,ir, Ford cars today, more than ever before, give the 1,uyer the greatest car value available- Outstandi7i,,- features are all steel bodies of excei tional strength and safety -a dependable, quick - starting niotor, greatly improved by the addition of the nex Hot Plate Vaporizer with its many ad- vantages of fuel economy and operating efficiency. All moi are now offered in either moleskin, gray or gage brush green. When you consider the price you'll begin to realize why we claim that the Ford is the mi practical and economical car you can buy. We shall be gl ad to give you a demonstration any time -no obligation whatever. I F. Daly, Dealer, Seaforth, Ont. THE REAL CANADIAN CAR The Coum I . 11- , I , I I 'I, ­�,,, I FAPL Olt, to 49 the woz "Wilt -1ye.'slown. Myl g. 2�5 All communivations'. w1upeceivo ­�4' W`X, VAN, N, Owen Geigei Hensalf and Phone --i Rensall,, or -1$ r.'12; 9xitpil is Sm-artest Spring ts,, $ 2 3.9 5 At this very modest price we have concentrated on a wond- erful collection of Coats that suggest the Newest Spring� time style ideas, the smartest materials and colors. They're in fascinatin(y variety : Poiret Twifl,Charmeen, CharrneleeD,, Satin and Tricotine, With Dew tuckings, new seaMiDgSi, neW fabric inserts, new flattering furs. The very type of Coats that will lead we Easter par- ade. Friday and Saturday only....$23,95 A New Dress For Easter This collection will meet with the urgent demallid for a DeW Easter Frock that is distinct- ive and differea The great- est selection is in SatinCrepe, (31"eorgette and Flat Crepe. EveryODP will greet Easter aDd Springtime with smart assurance. $9.95 to $19.1-50 The New Suits and To Coats Springtime., and the store for ME)nl sponsors the new styles in Sulii.s and Top Coats. Men FILIP I V oung men who are m(-d- it"Iting Upon this theme ougilt tit inspeot these displays, Choose from the Single 1Dd (Imilde breisted m(idels, t.61- ored with tho style, detwis tliat make for smartness this spring. Includi ing grey un- lvor,-jeds, fitney hilleg 2 I'll IIII wo(d tweeds, in her r1ii,ghone alld novelty pattorns includiug Sand, Light I D d Medium Brown, Ught a n d Medium Grrey, etc. 13-50 to 29-50 mmn� FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECUIS 10 dozen Work Shirt,; (Khaki, Chambry and Bl"k.) Large make . ......................... ..... 98C 1.5 dozen Men' q dozen Men's x Grev Work So' 29C Fancy Sox, reg. 95c 75c 10 dozen Men's Chamoka Dre.,,i Gloves, for........ ................................................ $1,25 Leather Lahol Overalls, sold elsewhere at $2.25. For.. $1.95 10 dozen Penmans 711 Combinations for............................................... 1.95 5 only Ladles' qllk ant -1 wool Hose, Mercury 68c R. J. Gibb, Seaforth I __ i'A t L I . 11- , I , I I 'I, ­�,,, I FAPL Olt, to 49 the woz "Wilt -1ye.'slown. Myl g. 2�5 All communivations'. w1upeceivo ­�4' W`X, VAN, N, Owen Geigei Hensalf and Phone --i Rensall,, or -1$ r.'12; 9xitpil is Sm-artest Spring ts,, $ 2 3.9 5 At this very modest price we have concentrated on a wond- erful collection of Coats that suggest the Newest Spring� time style ideas, the smartest materials and colors. They're in fascinatin(y variety : Poiret Twifl,Charmeen, CharrneleeD,, Satin and Tricotine, With Dew tuckings, new seaMiDgSi, neW fabric inserts, new flattering furs. The very type of Coats that will lead we Easter par- ade. Friday and Saturday only....$23,95 A New Dress For Easter This collection will meet with the urgent demallid for a DeW Easter Frock that is distinct- ive and differea The great- est selection is in SatinCrepe, (31"eorgette and Flat Crepe. EveryODP will greet Easter aDd Springtime with smart assurance. $9.95 to $19.1-50 The New Suits and To Coats Springtime., and the store for ME)nl sponsors the new styles in Sulii.s and Top Coats. Men FILIP I V oung men who are m(-d- it"Iting Upon this theme ougilt tit inspeot these displays, Choose from the Single 1Dd (Imilde breisted m(idels, t.61- ored with tho style, detwis tliat make for smartness this spring. Includi ing grey un- lvor,-jeds, fitney hilleg 2 I'll IIII wo(d tweeds, in her r1ii,ghone alld novelty pattorns includiug Sand, Light I D d Medium Brown, Ught a n d Medium Grrey, etc. 13-50 to 29-50 mmn� FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECUIS 10 dozen Work Shirt,; (Khaki, Chambry and Bl"k.) Large make . ......................... ..... 98C 1.5 dozen Men' q dozen Men's x Grev Work So' 29C Fancy Sox, reg. 95c 75c 10 dozen Men's Chamoka Dre.,,i Gloves, for........ ................................................ $1,25 Leather Lahol Overalls, sold elsewhere at $2.25. For.. $1.95 10 dozen Penmans 711 Combinations for............................................... 1.95 5 only Ladles' qllk ant -1 wool Hose, Mercury 68c R. J. Gibb, Seaforth I __