HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-08, Page 3ail« aaccount On may . ave, bio large amount oslt... The, Dominion IISnk mite of $1.00 and upwards. **fat uut 10,trr and add small atueunte regularly, too will bo, surprised` to see how rapidly your savings will gnaw, se R` IBRANCH, e - R M. J9N04 Niger. SAFE'!'? DEPOSIT Boxes FOR REI. RATS TOO BIG TO DESCRIBE One of the most gruesome rat ex- ;periences ever related is- told by Kingsley Fairbridge, founder of .Orphan and widow' emigration to South Africa and Australia, in an autobiography just- published. ` It happened in a deserted road - maker's but up country in South Africa. In the middle of the night his companion shouted that a rat had fallen on his face; Kingsley struck a tmatch. Rats leaped from. the skeff-box— from under our galvanized beds— from under our very noses. They rushed, into cracks in the walls, and mo great was the crush that they sometimes jammed; they sped up the walls in strings; big ones—too big to be described—tittle ones and ones of middle size. They sprang on to us and over us, squealing like demons. Multitudes fought and struggled in the thatched roof. Here and there were holes to which they tore; at one sole there was a r block, and a whole writhing phalanx of clinging rats; of all sizes and every degree of hor- ribleness, dropped shrieking to the kor. TOMATOES .AS FOOD ARE UN EXCELLED On our files we have an article on tomatoes, in which the author holds yip this food as an example of what the housewife should not buy. He compares it, in fuel value, with dried peas and beans, wheat and pork, anJ earnestly advises his readers not to buy a food that is "ninety per cent. water." The article is dated 1917. On the same file lis an article dealing with the same food, and dated 1927. In it the author cannot speak too highly of tomatoes as a food. He tells us that tomatoes are effective cleansers, that they a're rich in natural health acids, which keep the stomach and intestines in condition, that they are corrective for the kidneys, help- ing to wash away poisons that cause disease, bhat they are prescribed for diabetes and Bright's disease. Children in many hospitals are giv- en tomato juice; Dr. Hugo Friedstein, oaf Chicago, reports the vitamin con- tent of tomatoes as accomplishing the undreamed of in feeding infants and children and doing marvelous things in cleansing the system. We are told that tomatoes are a swift, sure and natural remedy for obesety. In canned tomatoes we have a year-round remedy. In many foods, vitamins are parti- ally or wholly destroyed by heat. Un- like other foods, the tomato retains its vitamin content even after can- ning, so that this inexpensive pro- duct, the canned tomato, is of inesti- mable value in the feeding of infants. (particularly when pasteurized milk er a patent food mustbe used), and for use in districts where fresh fruit and green vegetables cannot be ob- tained. During the winter months when fresh fruit and green vegetables may become too expensive for regular use 'on the table of families of moderate means, canned tomatoes should be made use of at least several times a week. 4 e t Savory Tomatoes. Two quarts or cans of tomatoes, 1 medium sized onions chopped, 2 cups celery chopped, one chopped apple, 1 gra N OTICE 0 The Industrial Mortgage and Savings Company, of Sarnia, Ontario, has $250,000 TO LOAN on good farm lands, at moder- ate rates. Parties desiring a loan will apply to D. F. McGREGOR, Secy-Treas. McKillop Insurance Company. W. R. PAUL,, Manager, Sarnia, Ont. $04a-tf teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon mix- ed spice, one-quarter teaspoon pepper, garlic the size of a pea, 1 bay leaf, 2 tablespoons lenton jyake (about one- half lemon), 2 tablespoons sugar. Mix the ingredients together. If there is firm or hard pieees of tomato, chop them. Bring to boiling point and simmer for half to three-quarters of an hour. Thicken, when done, with four level tablespoons flour mixied with a Iittle cold water, boil for a moment or two and remove from the fire. This makes about 8 cups of the mixture, which I use in the following dishes: Three cups for scalloped tom- atoes, 1% cups for soup, 1% cups for sauce for an omelet or meat loaf and 2 cups for Chili Con Carne. The sauce is placed in a cool place and is used as required. Escalloped Savory Tomatoes. Three cups savory tomatoes, coda crackers or soft bread crumbs, two tablespoons butter. Place a layer of tomatoes in a buttered dish, sprinkle with crumbs, dot with butter, repeat until •the dish is full. Melt butter and add the remainder of the crumbs; stir them, then spread over the top. Bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. If desired, grated cheese may be added. Savory Tomato Soup. One and a half cups strained savory tomato, 2 cups milk, 2 level table- spoons flour, 1% teaspoon salt, one heaping tablespoon grated cheese, 2 tablespoons butter. Melt the butter, stir in the flour and stir until bubbling, add the salt, then the milk gradually; stir ,until smooth and moderately thick; add the cheese. Scald the tomato and add it gradually to the sauce immediate- ly before serving. Do not boil the mixture after tomato is added, but serve at once. CURRENT WIT ANI) WISDOM Mussolini needs critics, and he has not got them.—Mr. Francis Hackett. Middle age may go lcoking for ro- mance, but it comes back to the do- mestic roof -tree before bedtime.— Mrs. Patrick Campbell. With De 11I ully Intestig Additions ` or Slimew Spring Wearing Apparel fot and Child The Special Feature of the Spring Display is the nate duction in prices all over both stores, and while prices down, you can depend that as has always been the case twenty years past, the merchandise is the most reliable, it is possible to buy. You owe it to yourself and your Pocketbook to see this Display. It's a good thing Christopher Co- lumbus did not wait until 1927 in or- der to discover America. The United States coast guard would shoot him up before he got within 500 miles of land.—Border Cities Star. My experience is that the strong language is always the weak idea.— Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. Genius is more common among men according to Dr. Campbell. But he rather spoiled it for the men by ad1- ing, "so is idiocy."—Florence (Ala.) IHerald. It.'s getting so now that a man l doesn't feel like taking a chew with- out. first offering one to the lady.— Border Cities Star. Aimee Aided by Six Saxophones." says a headline. That. ought. to startle old Satan himself. - Detroit Free Press. "The all -day -long dress." Head- line. Rut it is a safe wager that. it. doesn'tstay long all clay.--Brant.fotd T xpositor. i . reform a distant region whose prop- 1 c• hems you know nothing ahout.—Lin- o1n Star. St clionnlism is the wild urge h .o i .Agent, nifilty Iaaw rtme0, )[i* .1L We may ser ourselves in future , relatively prosperous as a whole, yet having extraordinary gaps in that prosperity --like a strong, healthy I - man with a great, open wound.—Sir J. Stamp. Men are offered the course in do- mestic science at Vassar college. The women must be getting ready to grant the men equal rights.—Kit- chener Record. If internationalism is good enough for capitalism it is good enough for Labor.—Mr. Montague, M.P. Washington scientific expert, has succeeded in weighing the contents of a flea's stomach, thus solving another of the world's most vital problems.— Border roblems—Border Cities Star. Brands of cigars in England are be- ing named after prominent ecclesiasti- cal dignitaries. Holy Smokel—Ottawa Journal. The ultimate outcome of the Rus- sian revolution will in all probability be the creation of an intensely con- servative and pacific republic.—The Dean of Worcester. The cheapest thing Babe Ruth can buy with his $70,000 salary is advice. in fact he'll get an earful of it for nothing. --Ottawa Journal. In order to be a farmer instead of a nuisance, a person must possess a hsal`bv sense of humor.—Detroit Free Press. .r; Beautiful New Dresses $5.75 to $25. THE general price reductions of this store are very de- cidedly demonstrated in the Dress Department. . You will be surprised what a wonderful display of beautiful Dresses we have at $15.00 This season is surpassing all other seasons in sales. Every day this Department is busy sell- ing, and every day is bringing new arrivals of the very latest styles and colorings. Come in and visit this depart- ment.. for your Easter wants. You will be • delighted with both the dresses and the prices. $5.75 to $25. 75 Boys School Suits At 3 Special Prices $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 THESE are made up of sample suits together with the odd and broken lines of our own stock, priced at these excep- tionally low figures f o r quick clearing. They were priced regularly at $9 to $13.00. There are about 75 suits in all, made of fine worsted and tweeds, bloomer pants ; well made through- out. Don't miss this chance to get a real good suit at a big reduction of the regular prices. All sizes. 24 to 34. Prices $5.95, $7.95, $8.95 9 PICCADILLY. BRAND Ca :7t A Handsome Array of. Ladies' Coats AT VERY LOW PRICING AVERY keen interest these days is evident in our Wo- men's Coat Department. We want every woman to See these delightful new garments. They represent everything that is new in Coats., Black and White, Navy and Sands in the plain and fancy styles are here in wonderful variety. And just as pleasing are the very low prices they carry. Come in and see for yourself. PRICES $9.50 to $30 Men's Spring Clothing Everything that is Correct and New at Very inter- esting Prices. ALL our New Spring Suits are in. Whether your taste is for light or dark shades, whether you prefer single or double breasted styles, it matters not. We will show you a range of suits few stores indeed would be able to show. Every new shade and style is represented at a range of prices to suit every one. And most important, the prices are lower. $14.95 to $30 w Rea.iy for o secleaning New Rugs, New Coi1goieum Rugs, New Li; , i eum9 New Curtau ; l s and Dr pes. Ever' house cleaning- requirement can he pleasantly, economically and satisfactorily met in this store. There: is a very special showing of these necessities. All the new colorings and patterns are now in. It is really a pleasure se'le'cting here; there are so many pretty things to choose from. We will he glad to show you. Mens Work Clothes OVERALLS—The famous Snag Proof, black or striped 11.95 SHIRTS—Full sized, double stitched with yoke; all good materials SOX—Grey or mottled wool or union 79c 35c SMOCKS—Black or stripe; all sizes ..$j,95 to $2.25 New Sig Furnishings for Men and Boys N EW FINE SHIRTS Boys' .... $1.00 to $1.35 Men ..... $1.39 to $5.00 NEW SPRING CAPS Boys'.... 75c to $1.25 Men $1.00 to $2.00 NEW DRESS HATS Men $3.75 to $7.50 NEW STYLE HOSE Boys .. 25c to 50c Men 35c to $1.25 NEW FANCY NECKWEAR Boys' 25c to 50c Men's 50c to $1.25 STEWART BROS., Seaforth ?:F