HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-01, Page 6, , , 9 , , , '1�1 I � , - ", , .. 1� -1 'S' -'I P " , , ' " " �,,�, '% ee . . . . . . - -��'* , , ", - `�,,��`,�. ", �,"�,""""':- Eli , ,!�',',,',',,,�:�, I.', �. �t 0''.. ,'_'..�, �f �� ,.,�t. �� "'.",", i�,��L"�`111'1"11 , , . ��4wu 4�1, ", .� , " , ., '' _ ,, , �� .� . , �,.,Q . �- , - �4, . ,P — . '. ,4,,j�u �. . ., ."__ , . � ,i.f�,,,�, �,, V�� 1, , , rA, . K"'.0 -M 4 , 04i A T an . 11 1% 40 'No W, NA ,� I., I 41 � xedid444 V '10V "," -'!- - %*",;, " . r or#'Ri,�,�,��",', ­' - . , ", I V _4 1 - , York Oillith,01�- - _ , ,,, 4 � NOW es Ins,titut% K,'ootaflejd's . ,�.-, .1 �" �"J4 ' Square TbXQ4;, Aw- ,�o - , 'p, V11to it 66m, mereial I k", WA , ng. , , g,q��h, third Monday in 4 1Au--X:TQA* J.4 0,�, . W a . p.m, V 11 ,. , - I "I " ,� 0. 161010 S#eet6 South, :5tratford. 111;, d. tj N 7 atra#or , , ", - � '' ��. I I , . _,__�_ �11111 ",�! L4GAL I I ,00,i c )_­ - 4.11141 J. RUGGARD I P ..... .... _.:� JORN *tor, �,N. ". -,, za . rrister, Solici a ;.�,�',7 :, I . Public late. , NI .. N9tary- - beaforth, 00t. f,*e � Block ,,,,, 7i"1111111111,111, I I . . � T 7 , �_ I p, S. HATS Bgxjister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Solicitor for the F , D I eminion Bank. office in rear of the a . ". Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to a team. BEST & BEST c Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- s cler-S and Notaries Public, Etc. Office opposite The � in the Edge Building, 0 Expositor Office. 0— � c VETERINARY � JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. t Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- Lry College. All diseases of domestic a animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- h erinary Dentistry a specialty. OMce and residence on Goderich Street, one s door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea - forth. — A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals. treated by t h e in o s t modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. — MEDICAL DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduat�e of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Member of College of Physic- ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR- R. P. 1. DOUGALL Honour graduate of Faculty of Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors east of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. 3004-tf , . DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield - Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 DR- F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east of the Methodist church, Sea- forth- Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. I DR- C. MACKAY C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin - ity University, and gold medallist of � Trinity Medical College; member of; the College of Physicians and Sur- i geons of Ontario. —1 DR. H. HUGH ROSS I � , I . � I �, , ", , , I � . �� �� ­� . � . . " � �:� � .1 I , I ­ I 1". . I �!�,`,:­ ��"',-',�.­.- , ,;" il 1. , 'i `tj� , N��'.. , i)iil� , ­` ; I �ti�,��,,, . ��q'i'X�"';,j � . � 14,.� , " , ���, . ,, " i �,9�1,.,��,� " - e'. � , � ; ,: . �:,� . , 11-­11"",�,­,� ,P!, %�",,�"­ 1- , I 111-1--l-.1", "I � � 4 PA.'RA� �Wz,, iP15M 10, -ilk ;"O �!,,,, T r,mrg�i,zy,, �. I I M'4V,`,',�,',1P V, �, V, , 1-7k,3 ,,�4. ITTT' �r," " ,�i, ,�, ­ "I��lail�"!Lv�'9!�l]Y.l�N,�ll,�-11 �Vv�`A­ _Vf� ",K�j_%�i�,�l"i',-gfjiq�,'�,F�-'��'�'���',�T,I,�'.'�,-��'�,�����'z��,'vR�,. " . X , �, %,t,�%"Twvt�AE 'g-1 Ni�� 12Y I 1,17117- - , 77"iV 7i.`7 ,I ', 7r , ,I �", 11 I 1 7, (Ml �, - -�� ,, I.. ,,,��,,'� -m-'a, --4', 1;,,�;,�a­ SIR � 1"��"Iil`,.'�,,�". �1161 , f I �, _ �,TW,;.� #,_"", yz , I , `IF771, ' 741�' ,,,,�� ., W,i'11� � I I ­ 4 I 17"� 4F, � y,�,.� -1 " ,,Nk �111,11 '�,, "",,! N51,11 ;� 1�111411'.1111� ,.J�4 01 " i� ., , 1*1 " "' 11 g'q, I I ., 'A , .� -�,i ! ,I 11, ", -11, , ­111.��.' " ­Iow,- i " , 71 , ", - " �,,, �," ,_ I , L., I . I r 1, . IV IWI�� k' I ­',r,!,P.,-' .��_�,� ,,, . I - " 1 _,T'�. 50, . � � :.'i;. I.. 14. �k I * , 0:wxy�i�4 .,`�,, a " " i�,�,�,,�,i��"",:,.q"��Y,,�,k�!-�,�� -,�,,, � , '-';'-.'­�,�­ , �, ,I " iat 4evt 4 �,,�:, , � 11 , R , � �` ,� "", '71, W , -A0,V_';V � J , ,,�, IM i " ,� 5 71 I'M,; 1*41 . ,4 M, - ." . I W r ,�g ,4 W 4 , -or ,�, , �1'i � ", ., - 7"I.". , _- �. I I 'A' I .el�, 'I, ­-�51'­ ; ",'', , �T,� 11 - I", ­.. � .11, i.1 I "M11" , , , 1. 'k� 1. 11 "I ". - -, "t , 11 ,T - f4f, I .� , ; � - ,,,,�.(% Sd;,� � , i"', ­10,�,V.., �1, ..­", . �, � t? , 4 it 11 . � . - "A", I �111 ,�_ �4;f,,IIIYR 7 � _10. 1;10W " , �W I ,t ,'o�,"��'�,�","'���!�"-",�',��2���,�,�,,'��,,*,,, " '�'� , ,� " , VoYl I , �, , V R r , , _� I 'It -0 � . -1 , I- 11 I _5 41A 4 4 ,�'4 , � � - - 4 4 .- . Ap- � "". [�' , , i , i _#, "t", �' - , i �. ; 11 - i- , , . ou , " R � . ., - . . , g .,�, - 1, '04"vu ­�:, .� ��'­�,.,. �, � 6VAt" i9w " "C "i'74161" ,� I � , , . I -4 a v4up of . ­, . - . , , , '' ii� ,R , .� ... I Ep "' �! I R - � , - 'Ti .. 11 "I . - .. 1,14 , 1� " J ,4'�'� , � , , , , , "It , I I lx'�_"'*, , , , , , , ,A iqahgminl�v",01303 . � *0 1. , �k 0,* Pqi�#11110' '., ", � , , , � _1 �' V9,1- Wr , " , - $ , . '111174"M A , 44t 4111', �, ,tinw - 4�,. .�;A'," , , �, . . I I I "' , , pia, 0,9 � . I " i -4 t,� 1. . . i �kqv.,',',� 0�0" V M 11 M",; $ ;­ ,�. I" aped only W c11QP0U% - � - - ii , , 'at.,VOA Btar;., I., � N - 1. - - , � "Oh,40"', , ­4'_':"�"­:, 't, ....... 11. h , . tur6`s &tr , ",_­ 11 _11 I ­ " �4 , ,0 . � '� , � ., 1�1,�`; , 0i - -W I'" 11�1 '.-X904M,:; nlk"';. i 9 . I , W 't " " q,A angling t -11,11 "OX -0,; AA4, 04, " 0OU o amolis Jag"at in I P01 ; . ., � , - - - I � - , , 1 14V 1 TIT. O'� -I Ai I . 1� � 11 ,. . 1!�, "I 1,1, IF% T '11, h , , � . I - � ­ " I'll, -11- - 1-11 1;� IN " � I 1. 11 .. 't" , 711 TA -4w. - , 'P� tll*�i. .., - H ,... t, wql�. a 4 , I it' "i `U11,11 11 �� � , ''I 11��­, I I ­­ .,�,, . , - , .- A I I _. ''. ,�; � . 11 ­ . herehave been ma: , , r4l'&i­�; 4 1 ,", I I ., ;; % ra , I". - "I tr *141 a tall, ob, leill�;­�, - R, " '""'MIM" I ''I" . �, 11­,�,',,fttt' � , :. � . 1 �." 111.� I . d., ,,� rho.6 "W.M.,444 Vv9p ,;-;r � ri,:;.`; 11# ,oaref,zy",.R�4�,�.";.,,-I,t,., *�' , � , " - ' i I I I . IV, , I onstor i -I' ist, thol � 10000' P",g*a%,"Qft , , , , I , _ eg 9 .51, , I V �&� llv`:�41, I'M lr.', , . i,*, l,`#6t4 iyj�r t d *V .1 11,,�,� 1� ,, " 4' R4119fth '694"lib"11 , 'i j P . , 4 040 14, timo , I _ . 1 w ______ . 9,91 1 1,'A A�:,TW,'.eA 1 V4 40,30 '"MmA0. - bor. 0 . - .11, %-AW11'1N­1�,,1 . ...... �.'­ .'''', � � - 11 --11 111111-1.111111V ��,!';� ,� � rRIM" - Z . I " -T41_ � � �', i, ., "IN letor Rago's "Tollem ol, MW ,�--,� u9414 - . _ I ove 000 i _4 , 111; VVAWTM� I - �i � ,.� �quid. or octop I Joct, ", 1% ,_e of � .�il lo- RN .4, � t -M W, , 11 .1 , :,_ - � 'der 17 ,-12, "'t ;Iuk, ;I �.�., �� \ _ , I I e�:$;Q the irl .. �,-,,V' �� I , E- Qoi;, 3 It 'i�4 , 4 ,drajn4, �, ��,,111 'ut na t'I'A"ImAll�% . , - _= the broth t , V� ,. I � , � � , " I I . , ,, 111-.1 ��, I I i� . 'V'rldera and' . 711 . lu *0 oily X, ew�. . , 1. �- �:��, 7,� �: .; !,V� ­ . �11' , , � � " " , , turalists have aJwUYs WxTrvt� ;1 4, ., , ", , �!,�,,� �� , -_� .1 I., ,1��.� ': ,, I . %� `�. . pw . .4 1�4� ,� '", 0 . , � . . . . . . . , � . :J ;1, - ",`.� ��R` ,;� .... - , ,� -;, �. , I _1�1 I . .. . I :� is I. , , tqpt , _"Z,�'! . ", ,, ,of '', w * . the" best Is, ­4 ,, W. .11 I I I � 7 � � I - -1,!7,7- 7 , - " - 4 ,V_ `7 1� . I �,,F " 7, � 1, I -'i-,. . � I "I I , - - "' ", � I I .�, .,;�T,rl . _-7., - I I I -1 , -,,��; 01 !! - , � , 1, I _ , , ' _- In Mediterra " ��'� llr"('"o 4)493Mdualki developed'into, hot�:!4'pt-," iot boiling -f OIA-1 to , . ._ " tH 1 � , , � er sceptical. ,,,a land,., aind even _ 4 p, add oue 7: �x ­ -�- ,1� . � I " . , ,,t,,-� 1-�,'.'',`�11' �� ,,. 4 . .1 � I ,. I - . I . 1. . Aispoon pepper . ­1"'(.�on' :,' 44 4 rf 44.0 � we7 *ko -not, ve.w., - srOP4 . , ,4 ", . .'' �.. � I 1-.',. q�' - � . I . 1, n the Channel Islands, th awt, t4qi;� k, tQ . . 1- " , , '1;.,t-i1,w,, , . . � . , , . . ,. I. . � - we. de Dre , I - - 'T: ''t ,�' _"OV9,W�qAwe � , . '508 pan ., -i" , Y. :,: �` . W_ - , . eaoh.�, , ' 'i � I), Who �q kX goods, ,�,Ad too 'May), %t$'40r,,; ,$hs:. q,U.J.d � .In, b. I � ' .. - . it s ,tg -, _ 'tableS.Poon _, � _pe -- AP 11.1 .1 � . 11 . awofill . . ­�. � ; . ert4in kind ,of -octopus is quite, a . . ken part in on . .1 . I . , ,�J '4n,;! _ - I fixotp.A%ve y DA wity..,�Mr , 4103rd 'wg, native,; ox:,$, :F, " , I .. Wully To - ��. y e W e by solected --,, �,,,. A qu , �'. � QuAt, then a ble to'geth . I ­, . ". . � uxury. The common kinds are used ___, I .A, / 11 . werefoice "bq` of v4m'o, �, �� ­�- , the I . ,9.- 4. lu I � , 1*vVrA1Av .1, 1. 11 ., -,, b fi�'_ I � ##t � vv,b,qre I . � a fertflUer, and great numbers of I on G or orse- 1, . I back y er enthusiasts. The earl- 0 the qy,�tp A 0 r 04, ,, and e pint ox � T, .. ­Iiii I U44,j*h pi c and -a A I , I --" '' - , 1-1 . sorvices; .or, ,�4e,irb, 11 I I L -1 .P I . I Mo. I Is , I ­ L .11,11, litI. , I ... � I I 11 I �­, 'In - 1; Qtf � AM ep, d. - 1i U . P19 Palk 4 ,06 Into 40 n he animals are hooked or raked Out f the rock crannies at low tides. iest in history waa a match between borid6r,; lg 'The , , . ,-4­4boil up and pexyme, ^ "' " rr, ave legWagon -b ,eing ad- , ly an luolijill taqk, what a,pprear T I I � . shown e pi ,�, �A 'A' I ; , " . "' texest ..to the' 1) I � �,,�g��"Ld. � _ , " . , Q*1y , W ,a ;A,'.9w'*eM'%Q 80L'�ni I it % tl� 14, * ,whites take on � a boy =y run to 8 or 10 feet in arm traced to their lairs by two Irishmen named Blocke aul . O'Callaghan, or County Cork, in 1752. , ,pay e i , tliick�"4' b Q'WitbW14 'If .Prefer- , I red, �)-),Jv,.tfie creamy consistency, je, . �, , - , ,s - to, -0-ii0od is not a brake but an, ­;,, , - , t 4,,$�fto . ., At the time ... * , - * .. i gre, 444 .. I 1 the I rush two a .q ,o - rt 11.1 Ing% , en .04 . 10 . ' W d 44C6 OR - , - � I . h .01 I 11131% and we he tter of shells they leave about. The first regular steeplechase was in . I . ' �.Wjous. If the thinner it� 4 Stew mo � r, -no nd ch ' �­ ­ . 4pibei'but , ,, . gear. a , Se,co Mr. A. Barratt YeATS � . e, , 96, , ade a survoy of .the distri , in .the distri i mlabling st4e� � ti . . "Olt 04"Poe, ps ov I 1. "a toe ,ill I; colm " A.Ad ; -and pepper aud, wta.1,99 or the octopus is an untidy person 1803 and gradually it found its w4y to England. In 1836, Nimrod, a not- is 'de*_e,Ai','twice the quantity Of milk may ijed. Brown, , I prospqr , ,tors, to register accurately 4ut,t*p, I "saft, I . - I I . � ,� , ''If nd ,a gTeat crab eater and has an ed authority, vmoter-, b� I ", "A'.: . ,. ". I . . - -.1 I - I ., -their ­. elpins hamediately. Before . . fresh usparague is used It, pug _4 rtful way of dealing with his prey. Very much like a spider, he lies in "A new sysfem of racing has late- . � I ,,,,Scalloped Oysters. I." The patient iiis�u�lly, has, moro con. ­ . . ' fidence irr,the Aysiqian ha - . g in' him 1his sorv4cef was available, many er- first rors in r�klstered claims were noted, be prepa7d in the usual way. I , Exi Rarebit. I vait in his rock cleft. When a crab ly sprung up in England, which, however, characteristic of the dhring . . Chop- stx hard -cooked efts into . _ I � . self--iChicago Daily News. . . I. as - it, took several ye;w4 to our,�ey . . - .. '114elt one tal*s'oon of buttet, %,qxd; p ,. omes sliding along the Octopus . it of our countrymen, we do not all pipc&i a 'I" . I I � these- new dlsiri6ts. ]During 1�, M in "squaremiles on- tablespoon of flour ii, ,e oia � add I tretc,hes out a ,long tentacle very - ,spin( know how to commend. We allude cruvubs,-'i4`eason with salt and pepper. Another problem of the automobile. eighty-six.huirdred **e' slowly one cup of milk, Stir con- - entily grasps the unsuspecti 9 crab -9, to the frequent steeplechase raceEl Place a'layer of this in cassvrole-- � show is satisfying a limousine appo-' .photographed In conjunction with the stantly - � I.. 'I until It thickens, and �otl and - r I., Irter, and draws it to his bosom " that -have ,taken place in ti ie last few which has been well buttered, then a titer on a roadster ,,income.-4ndiansivo- hi I f topogr4p, lea survexe Canada. add, I half 'a laspoon of salt, one tda- I vhe,re hv keeps it, perhaps with a years, and of which, it appears some layer of, oysters, and so on alternate- lie News. . " So far as pr*ate �orvices are eon- spoon _td of Worcest0trishire sauce, One- � , ollection of others, till luncheon time. are to be periodically repea��. if ly until, the dish is full. Pour over — , , cerned, the developinent of aviation quarteriteas piiop paprika, one-quarter le is apparently not always hungry, , hose whose land- is trespassed upon Ono cupful medium white sauce, then Another good way to induce sleep in Canada, is eTaewhere,, has been an teaspoon made piustaro, -half a cup � nd likes to be able, like Mrs. Gump, are contented, or if recompense be top *ii)i'a layer of plain, buttered is a place one foot in front of the uphill struggle. Formerly,one gweat grated choose and -two choppedhard- o ,,put his lips to it when so dis- made to such as are not, we have crumbs. - Bake in a mod ,n erate ovo other and alternate'for five miles- Reformer. handicap to -the development of com- cooked . 'the . eggs- My until ther ehaepe - 'on*hai� posed." nothing further to say on that score. for thirty,minutes, covering the dish � � Osha'w'a . mercial flying in Can ada was is melted and serve toast islices. Sometimes, however, he falls upon . is victim in the most unmannerly and But we should be very sorry that the r the first fifteen minutes of cook- �o I . I Ing. . I I With winter nearing the close a short operating season. Several eom- Th�' pardes, however, have novir overcome teaspoon e paprika may be omitbed o4d A minced ad'ded in- voraciouss way ---bistable martners axe too frequent repetition of such prac- tices, should the farmers out of -ew number of people are commencing to this ,'handicap, and are operating stead. pimento hocking,teaxs off its limbs, and de- put , temper hurtful to fox - ' get the automobilious feeling—Brant-. -throughout the winter months with Tomato Eggs. . . vours its flesh as if he had never had and prove hunting. We may also take the lib- CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM - ford Expositor. success. These commercial services "various (Make -a medium white sauce, using . a decent meal before. The octopus has, like many other erty to remark that onff human life We are -all more or less rheurnat,c * Under nio&rn conditions, there is operate in caipacioes, the two principal work being fire protectivt� el lev�xl tablespoons butter, two lev- tablespoons flour and one cup of animals, the power of disguising hira- and several good horses have already paid the penalty for this rather un- after forty, aren't we? -Mr. Justice no necessary place for si�ulpture ex- cept on the mantelshelf in the services for various pulp, paper and milk for each cup of sauce requiredo self by assuming protective coloring, reasonable pastime; and that from the Horridge. . or museum. Eric Gill. lumber companies, and the transport and keep it hot. Also have heated - and it is nat always easy to see him the horses must travel at, con- - -Mr. , . of men and supplies from the rail- for this amount of sauce -sine -half so like is ,he to the rock. The giants may be terrible enough. pace siderable danger to life and limb is Football and g,olf are fine sports' but they can't hold a scandal to base- There are two hells, one the devil way to the more remote mining ,cup camps. Examples of winter work be- rubbed tomaw puree (canned tomato through a sieve). CarefullY The Ordinary sort are not really so always at -hand." As time passed artificial courses ball, -Judge. m4de, and the other you make.- Glasgow Herald. ing carried on, this season, include poach the number of eggs required, terrible as the story writers make out. were built, of which that at Aintree, the patrol of the Hudson Straits, in and place each on a round of thick ThL French fishers make Very short near Liverpool, where the Grand Happiness is, always where we find The "Milky Way" is now closed to order to determine ice conditions dur- ,,bubtered toast with crust softened or work of them, and even the little girls helping with the nets handle them National was run on March 25th, is it, but seldom where 'we seek It— Montreal Star. Canada by the Lenroot-Taber Bill.- ing the winter months, the transport removed. of men and material from the rail- Season -the tomato purtee to taiste, slowly add, qt to"the hote with a contemptuous non4L-halancethat easily the most famous. The first held there in 1836 and was . Lethbridge Herald. head to Port Nelson, and 'the scout- white sauce and pour over the -poach - I shows how little fear a bather need race was won by Captain Becher on The Duke. The eighteenth century was 'not ex- -gen-luses.-Wr. I would rather have the honest ing of seal schools in the North At- lantic for ed egg. have. In deep water a big one might be a serious menace, but the octopus Three years later the first Grand I ively inhabited by ' " Nigel Playfair. stupidity of the hereditary peer than the sealing fielet. Com- merciai flying may be said to have (When making tomato soup or tomato sauce add the tomato to the is rarely met with far from a rocky National was won, and again Cap- tain Becher was a starter. He was the enlightened cunning of the en- robled industrialist. - Mr. Thurtle, passed beyond the pioneer stage; and, milk mixture not the -milk -mixture to shore. leading the field when his mount To the dove of peace it,begins to M.P. given efficient management and suit- the tomato to avoid curdling). . The octopus has a powerful parrot beak and one vulnerable spot, his crashed down, and Captain Becher look as if we beat our swords into oil shares. -Brooklyn Eagle. . - able types of aircraft� its extension will come naturally on an economic I - - neek It is a mere "waist" between had just time to crouch down in the basis I . I head . and body. However deadly his hedge to escape the flying hoofs of Anyway, the modern- husband never AVIATION IN CANADA . embrace, a pinch there brings him to the horses. Fortunately none of them fell and -he escaped. The On- sees any switches parked on the Civil aviation in Canada is almost 40 reason as no other argument will. tario Jockey Clu�b remains staunch to bureau. -Cincinnati Enquirer. unknown to the majority of her peo- A WONDERFUL VETERAN - the old English tradition, however, Jellicoe was the only man on either ple, as its operations are carried out Lard Balfour will soon be 79, but GRAND NATIONAL IS A and at every meeting gives rich de who could lose the war in si an af- in the vast hintoerland for the pur- no one woudd guess -the tale of his by, which Arnerican-owned or bred prizes for these events which are un- ternoon.-Mr. W-iinston Churchill. poses of forest and fish conservation, . years. Except for a slight deafness THRILLING EVENT doubtedly the most spectacular that Star. airr survey and the rapid transport and fo'r white hairr, old age seems to times. Mr. Schwartz still has an en- ourse provides. "Why should a girl want to get of prospectors and scientists in th , eir leave no great mark on him. His Jack Horner has been scratched confined to overheatod, badly venti- married?" asked a writer. That's work of the ,development of natural voice is as rich -and resonant as ev- from the Grand National and thus her busine&�­The Passing Show. resources. The press carry many er; the is still active and his interest have been diminis,hed American hopes BABY'S HEALTH despatches about the development of in men and , affairs continues un - of victor Jack Horner won last nny�,�i T L 1, " +-4 -F +_ 4- air transportation throughout the Em- i, , A A . . I . year, and though he was British -bred 1114 1 ri F, 0 ave en asser ng - ­ J yeam that the twelve finest novels pire, yet few Canadians realize ithat a a e . s Lord rre6ident of the Council it was his duty to hand to he was owned by A. Charles Schwartz � Can Best Be Guarded With Baby*s are Russian. -Mr. Arnold Bennett. Canada has the only two self -sustain- the King a copy of the Speech which a popular New York ,sportsman, and Own Tablet,;. , V� ing private air transport routes in his Maje�ity read on the Opening of his triumph was hailed with as much � Toronto just now consists ,of Hon. the Empire- These are on an abso- Parliament, and one wonders -whether glee as though he had won the Der- The Spring is a time of anxiety to George Howard Ferguson and a num- lutely commercial basis, having no Lord Balfour would recall the occa- by, which Arnerican-owned or bred mothers who have little ones in th- ber Of other people. -Border Cities government subsidy or contract what- sion when he shw Lord Beaconsfield horses have been able to do several home. Conditions make it necessary Star. soever. performing a similar duty. When times. Mr. Schwartz still has an en- to keep the baby indoors. Ile is often An eldcrly New York banker wit:n . Means of transporta,tion, thei r Lord Beaconsfield went to the House try named Darracq, which is coriced- confined to overheatod, badly venti- The pipes of an organ in a Belgian relative diffitulty or ease, their speed, Of Lords he was in ill -health and his ed to have a chance, and other Ameri- Irited rooms and catches cold which church are made entirely of paper. siifet3i ' and comfort play a great pairt association with the House of Peers cans who are likely to have starters , rack his whole system. To gun rd 'Note paper, of course. -Sault Daily in.the history of civilization. The was the. closing period of his long are Laddie Sanford, the polo player, 's against this a box of Baby , Own .9 ta r. railway, steamship, automobile, bele- political life. It is as Disraeli rather whose Sergeant Murphy scored :n Tablets should be kept in the housc, - graph, telepthone and radio have than Lord Beaconsfield that he is 1923, and who has Mount Etna, Mar- and an occasional dose given the baby Some men owe their success to greatly modified our political, indus- rem,einbered. But Lord Balfour will sin and Bright's Boy; Col. F. M. Al- to keep his stomach and bowels work- their wivog and some their wives to trial and social' conditions. Air be Yernemberd both as "Arthur ger, of Detroit, with Ballinode; H,r- ing regularly. This will prevent colds, thdr SLICI-eSS. — Rincardine Review- transportation, in its turn, must now James" and as One of the greatest of old Fowler, of Far Hills, N.J., with constipahob or colic and keep baby Report(�r. be added to those mechanical our elder statesmen. Elevation to the Golden Peace and Pop Ahead, and Al well. The Tablets are sold by medi- � influences which are changing mod- peerage has in no way diminished -his Davis of Long Island with Paulinus. cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a Like niost of the rest of us, the ern life so radically. The Great War activities. His counsel is valued by 11 is said that Me.,ssrs. Fowler and ho, from The Dr. Willinrns' Medicine mercury these days is most decidedly temporarrily dilvertied the progress of his colleagues in the Cabinet, and in Davis expect to ride as well The having its ups and downs—Brantford aviation from its natural course, but deba he is still as forcible ever Graduate of University of Toronto A rican contingent is a for . midablc � 11 Co,, Brockville, Ont. Expo,;it4)r. . this science has now resumed its . He still retains his unrivalled power Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-' one, the most imposing in numbers lege of Physicians and Surgeons of - .0. � ) place as a constructive agency in our of spontaneous spetech and a few l� . that has ever appeared in an English Ontario; courses in Whon a man sings in his bath it economic structure. Its preparedness notes scrib,bled On a ong envelopeare I pass graduate I ic race. The favorite is Sprig, Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; i ciass OYSTER ALMOST EQUALS MILK � meari-s ow, ,of two things. Either he for national defense will be strongest all that he requires to guide him Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,11 and for sentimental reason.-, alone this IN TISSUF-BUILDING MATERIAL is happy or the door won't lock.- where its constructive use in civil through a long, intricate, and closely I England; University Hospital Lon- I would be the most popular winner " There is deal food � Sunday Pidtorial. life is most widespread. Roth.in war reasoned argument. His figure is '- don, England. Office -Back of Do- since the owner is Mrs. .M. Partridge, 1 a great more and in peace, aviation requires a penhaps the most familiar of all poli - minion Bank Seaforth Phone No 5. a 74 -year-old lady, whose two sons �, alue in an oyster than many hous,�- An eldcrly New York banker wit:n trained personnel for both piloting ticians to the man in the street, He I . . Night calls answered from residence, Nvf-re k-ill -ed in the World War, Their �I wi,ves think. I his delicate shell rish a 75-rnwrri house married his c,br,.rn- and maintenance. is fond a ambling about London , and Victoria Street, Seaforth. 1 greatest ambition was to win this I is almost equal to milk in protein- bermaid. With that many rooms, After the Armistice, Canada found his tall striking figure immediately . � 1*a(le, and in honor of thf�ir memory � or tissut, building material. it'� a w,.nder ,he ever met her. -Kit- a wide field ft,r- flying operations secures recognition- Many people, in- --- _.—i DR. J. A. MUNN i their mother bought and entered the" To clean oysters: Strain'the liquor chener Rccord. awaiting development. To the north deed, treat him as if he were a Royal Successor to Dr. It. R. Ross I horse. I through a pi�,ce, of cheesecl )th. Wash of the railway-, lies a vast extent of personage and salute him in one fa- 9 Graduate of Northwestern Univerg-q ThL� Grand National is the most I the hands, then pass each Oyster ;1;o pn�.,ent_day athlertie can be said virgin country where. m-odern means shion or another compliment which ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal, difficult race in the world, It is � through the fingers, using extreme to have reached the peak until he has of transportation are non-existent Lord Balfour returns with a rather arms, r1r^ Xsead College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto.' ' t4) remove all bit- of shell, a., a business manager. -Hamilton Her- and methods of travel hav CAU me . no sk � nearly five rnije,s, for although the ,are e changed embarrassed inclination of tho ,head. .1 ) very serious accidents may result loan urmkpd Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., � official distance is some half a mi.e I , aid. little in the past two centuries. The Seafortb. Phone 151. , shorter, �wcause of the large number - from n(,glect of this pre -caution. Then growing importance of the forests MWL No 9&"Nbes - -- - ---- — (if starter,4 and the character of the place t1hv oysters in a strainer and A w�,rnan thinks there is only one of Canada, the need for theihr bett,er BEST EGG RECIPES FROM MANY , DR. F. J. BECHELY coirrse few horses can run straig � pour cold water through them. man iti the world whose wife is per- conservation, and the approaching 3L IL UNTMOSAW Graduate Royal College of Dental I It is be -set with terrific jumps and � CondimentR, I foct.- �'hirago News. depletion of the more accessible HOMES " Tiewaft NLI I Surgeons, Toronto- Office over W. R. includes patches of plowed land. A! stands of timber through the immense 'Curried Eggs. Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea-' horse has to he a wonderful jumperl 147hen raw oysters are served "r- The coat. and pants do all thet work demands of the growing pulp and ' � - forth. Phones: Office, 185 W.; resi- to clear all th(, foric" even at no� tain Condiment-, seem to he i n , der. but thf- �,�st gets all the gravy. -New paper industry, were. attracting public Three hard -cooked eggs, two table- Agunt, Hesiry Lawreses. 16khM derice, 185J. 3055-tf fa�;Ivr pace t'han a hand gallop. In- I L(mon juice and horseradi ae time- York Tinies. . attention to the need for improved I spoons butter, two tablespoons flour, --- de( -d bookmaker.,; frequently offerl honored accompaniment--;, and home- — forest services. Flying has' provided one cup milk, one-quarter teaspoon - AUCTIONEERS � odds of two to one that no given mado catsup is deliriou,s. This -s , To ,peak o,f the ultimate destina- for this want, and the governments salt, one-quarter teaspoor� curry 1310,W - horse will finis,h the course. ',,T he required for oyster cocktail, Fried Mtish der, one-eighth �;. tinn (,f the hon. members in this of Ontario, Quebec and A ]BARGAIN 09CAR W. REFD � frequency with which they fall, in- Oyster-,, oyster patties, and oysteT9 house iq riot in 6rder.-The Speaker. Columbia have established air ser- three slices toast. "Method: Make a jur�ing thern-,olves, and riders, h a -S fri(hrl in batter should he garnished vices for this control. One hundred white sauce.of butter, flour, milk and FOR SALk.-Five acres, on* =Us Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- I and sixty-six million acres of forests seasonings. Cut eggs in eighths, from S"forth; - modern house vdthi ties of Perth and Huron. Graduate i led . �` many humanitarian outcries with slices of lemon sprinkled with Thp rage for cross -word puzzles is are now protected by regular air iength.Wise. Reheat in sauce and furnme, bath and toilet, small basti; of Jones' School of Auct.ioneering,l against the race� It has also been finely minced parsley. Tiny home- but one of the modern signs that patrols In Canada. Ontario, -for serve on toast. . ffwd orchard. Taxes, $15. Spleafti Chicago. Charge.; moderate and sat- I strongly urg(,d that it is not a real made pickles are delicious with coolt- there is in us more mental ability examfvle, has nineteen planes operrat- Eggs With Asparagus. ekance to start chicken farm, beM isfaction guaranteed. Write or wire test since the b( -,;t horse in the ed Oystterg and lemon balves with the than wr knowhow to utilize. -Sir Ar - Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. phon ing in the forest regions of the north. Two eggs, one small tin asparagus, at& Apoy* to no world has to 'have a bit of luck to pulp removed, filled with catsup or thur Kpith, 11-2. 2965x12 win. But sportsmen see nothing piccalilli or any of the piquant red This corps not only participate in two slices of toast, butter, pepper and IL & HATM fire detection, but trans -port men and salt to taste. — wrong in this, Most Of them apprOV- tomato sauc,e,s, make a very ornamen- Now it is said that China purposes supplies for fire suppression and 'Method: Place asparagus tips with 295&tf 0 30alfertk CUL THOMAS BROWN ing of the element of luck, particu- tai and appetizing addition to raw or "striblishing a legation in Canada. sketch and photograph forest areas .. Licensed auctioneer for the counties larly if it h-appens to be in their fried oysters or patties. Tben, if you lose your laundry check , = — of Huron and Perth. Correspondence favor. It is this element of luck there will be somebody bigber up to for inventory purposes. Similar work arrangements for sale dates can be that gives so frequently a touch of Oyster Cocktails. appeal to.-HarnillEon Spectator. is being done in Quebec and British one 212, Sea- romance to the race. Corlumbia, but not on so large a scale. . I forth, aT The Expositor Office. Charg- The luck of the race and the Thirty medium oysters, 2 teaspoons Quebec, however, is using its sor- es moderate, and satisfaction guaran- terrifying nature of the course were prepared horseradish, 3 tableiipoons Writer says golf is the one game vices to'aid in an accurate Survey Of teed. never so strikingly show as in 1911. tomato catsup, 1 t6aspoon salt, two at which the hopeless dub may play unexplored territory. Men and sup- , There were twerity-six starters and tablespoorls vinegar, 4 tablespoons and enjoy himself. How iabout rock- plies are taken into these areas by �SCAR KLOPP tweryty-five of them fell. The sur- lemon juice, %.teaspoon tabag"O ing the canoe? -Border Cities Star. air and supply caches laid ahead for Why Procra-- $tin'ate I I Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- vivor and winner was Glensiae, a sauce. I the parties. Seientists are thus I . tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- one -eyed horEve that had been cough- Method.- Where fresh oyslters� are The trouble with blondes is that relieved of the arduous trips by canoe I e'ago. Special course taken in Pure ing badly for weeks before the -race, obtainable, they are usually served they are -ail ligV-t-headed. - Strat- to and from their field of operations, � . on the half -shell, on a plat of crushed ford Be,,on_H,e#1d. , and are enabled to penetrate inueb gred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mery- and never would have started bad , OUR Spring Suit is here and we are waiting to O'bandise, and Farm Sales. Rates in his owners not known him fo,r a ice, ,around a small glass holding the I . farther inland than has been hereto- take your measure for it. Some one is going to kcreping with prevailing market. Sat- particularly safe jumper. Another cocktail mixture. When it is not pos- One of the furmiest things in the fore practical. y fihiction wsured. Write or wire, sible,to get the oysters in the shell, The Royal Canadian Air Forf.e be disappointed by deferring his order. Take greAt factor is experierice of the , - 08cat Kloppo' Zurich, Ont. Phone, course, and a horse that has stood up cockAils may be served in ice-sbells � . - ,__� through its various stations through- a little advice sometimes, this bit anyway, and act on 13-63. 2866- . 62 in one Grand National is much mom made for this purpose, or in cases -- --- . out the country, is doing most it at once too. "Leave you latitude and longitude with -1. I. I ­­ favored to win the next one than a made from green pepper shells --in , I valuable service in many lines-, of . . . . � � R. T. LUKER higher -class animal that lacks ex- halves of grapefruit, or in -large I actIvilty. FiTe detection and forest us now to secure your place on our order book." Ucensed AuctiondeT for the County . ce. Unlike races on the flat, claret glasses. Put five medium 6ya- inventory work are carried on over 11 , I df A&&&' Stiles attended to in all, Perm ters into each glass and pour the I I , the Grown Lands of -the prairie Gu4ranteed Indigo Serges Grey Worsteds V.&W of the county. Seven rears' ex- the great majority of starters in the dressing over them. To make tb�e 1-1 ;41�, & � provine-eil. During the fishing season, ,- ' kerlanee in Matil&ba and daiskatche- Grand National are aged. It is true dressing thoroughly mix horseradish, Spring Fancys M& Tweeds �_ that the race has fallen to a five- 11 patrols are maintained along, the -A - Sitow tewotiable. Phone No. the n e a -ad indeed catsup, vinegar, -lemon juice, t'abasco 1; � 11 I Pacific Coast -for fishery &oteetion; . " 1, r�g'. T� lt J.j . ]gkotet, Centralia P.0 , P.M- year-old, but wi 11 rs ce and salt Both oystars and .1". ri -1 " . paitrolts have done much to I " ", . �o- 1 ,," int left at The Hqron Bit - ,- these � 4 the starters av�eraget from eight to gal' , I dressing should be very cold. prevent the use of illegal nets, fishing , # ,, ,01ed - Now Hurry . . I .1 I mtil. V0 promptly at- ten. Sergieant Murphy was thirteen �4. � iy ,1 � .. I ) If � : I, d6i SeAforth, yea -Ta old. It I,,; true tbat after ten �� during elosed seasons, or *ithout . '' , "011T. : � . years or even before, the edge of a Oyst I er Salad. I 1%tw6 or in restrio-ted area& - � ' - ' ' ,111;1,_-1 ,'� _��_:__ ,- I �- !" . - I , L � I I � 11 . . I I I I � . � '' horsela speed has gone, but it is more Heat a quart of small oysters, af- The a#A41 t�iurv�iy work of this �" ' ­ I.. I 1, � it , I V R.,x-GHT, Seaf o' th _­� �L P;' .� '' � I service 'has been of jps#timabI6 value . "', `, ,, , " MO importantly true that hie improves as teV they have been eleafted, unifAl they, * RE 13 r " W A1101 _ - 't", I , I . I ,, lot PdAh .And "a jum'per after five and gaftZ the are plump, then pOur off the Tiquor, �6 ilie, rpros�pedtor� a.ftd to vatioug I _ � I , 1. . K , I I I I � & AileftAt . I. I a .1 t I I :�,., � I ,. 1.� I . . 1 .�4 ��"tjjo#-��%!�t ; �' g1dA ,s#4,dlf411 ftedds9ary experiende and uyiderotand- add the juice of a lemon and place on . brattehes of gb,Veftinent� sprviti?. A . , I I � I . I � , � ... W,!� , "" �4� , #ftj,�4,�lhtg 6f fhe work eftpeieted of him: ice until thoroughly chIlled, Rd -ore. . phobogi-sph ti ken ng the it, ' ` . I . � brdss'Vell and Succeed 11 7 414, � , I - , 11 ,. "I 411.4 " i ; a -* I . - " 11 00 Ifir *. , ' � �Rwkeliy indeed is spOea the deo,idhig serving, mix with them a intedium- - , ; ,on The water p6vtf, - . 11 , 11i'lli 1� TA, . i, .� " -a,. ,U � " �, . 1". ,, U-12.1 :FAW, T , " . I M1 h dt I -,. � 1. I I I � -11 � 0 . , '' = V,v O. r Int 11 ,�Wh 1411 , � 'A , :" I - '44'�',i,%Mte' t0A ry, a* I ,o 4g,"ll 1 1P 14 , f, I aorf i Tie1r1y,.a1*ay8 the, horgo gized bunch of dele 1. 0 .1 1� I -111.1 i Aftfos of 4 Aver may con . "]) H PJJrVT% 11 � �A - - " ot loornuiv. oig +6 the, wp6gta -da , , . � , . AB ZDASHERY �, 1� � , I � �WA ,�i, I okf,irv"! I � � -1 .. I ��, ,,� I W ze ek "'t , ,� �, 4 , ti, I , �, � _ 14 IT �. d in front when the 1,�tst, Awod �pfdees* add-, ti dtipful of ftufA, wid pui , I I . '' . tho - fi� a , plik, �� I � , I i ; , . I I ; , ", . - L, 4 1 . , -1 , " � - . I ,� !�:A,%,i # �,� �, ,7,�, , I I , � WA d 'the 500 over all, z- eupful of wayorsjaigw, . . , - I 111 04%ur#9',,o the, distri6t w Ohl 1*011t, _ : ! I . I ll. � .1 - , � , I 11 .. I I I ,�� . ,,�. � .1, I 11. ­� 1. V'111.111 _'­.. 11-1-1. 11 �.. � � " - I '---..-1_ I �, .. ­­ - � 11. ,, L ­ 1, �. 1, , I `­ ,. o,,�_, � , I - - , ""' , ." I �. &, '4 1 1 1 ieni�lro' 0, aii ,gathivh' wittli baotg. or pifneafm, ' �; �'.11,:M,. ­­" �� , ., t I I . 1. 4, 161 tild" 110a, k� - E V I V , �,4-10&*,a r -a lint 6V 11 , s , ,,, '' I - , , I .. 11 . �� "I I . 'd 1 , h " . I , ,11 . .ih� '__. ,& I I ,� -, ,,, I ... , � . -1 11 I � __ 14�` .1, "i ","': . , 7 , Ow"u,"', ." ,,,�4­ . V � out i 0 1 I - If, C� " '1� I I � ,,.,-. t g ,'!� � ,� -- , -4. 1 . ::,, .. (I . 1, I I I - I . . 11 I . ''. - . 1. , , "'L' , . .. _ .1�1 ,.,� , I�K ­,,)�:.,� : 1; " : , ,. , �, , � 'I" 1. ,2% I--, -.�,,01�..'V','��AOA � J� r;� W