HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-01, Page 54
�Re War,
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31". 1 Aar i, e U=.
Aoarai ftlso�UAVV g seMice,-`0 4 D004eld. JI!4i
'B' S. Ferguson, 0%. W'M IN OF
,alld"Mrs, Charles Berney, alsp.Wss,
4utJs61%, of '!Exeter, spent the T,,I(kX 115 AtJ40,11T
x k end at the home
veo of Mr. Rariy,
per, Dialgimal Road.
RXIANTWWW estate �j
I of aea� o-,
'FRAP.fCIS t", h.
X900, 410,rlo" coundil, d
ar� e wn,�-At Ontario Street Uattefl VOT14MiiW'hqrei>y given that an persons
. e. into A� on March 16th,' AJZ%:� .14te�FrIii2dfo Hobneotod, who died on Or about
th Ch dalter Of Mr. and Mrs.
int, b4vf4g "any' cKifim:-or do-au.4s 4gonst the nr n
inton, t. Albert Boyd t44 '40th day.. Of'. Jt%mMX7, 1927, at Sea&rth, S ' i S
JU-,77, 9, w
a a of and Mrs. George MI.- ip,,thO. PrOvingO Of Ontario, Ure, reQUire4' t9 . it
of G Township. I�llvor to the unrierisigried, solicitors herein
f�ri AxthurWoiles ley Holmested, A -7
DEATH of tliCZstaie of -the said Wands Tuesd#, A 5,192
8 their names and addresses and full purtioulgra
Sinclair. -In Egraondville, on., Xiirch , .99th, iu"Writing of their claims and stalementle tTnder p f the
, of the Aus ices 6 Seaforth
William Sinclair, -in his 97,th. year; Ell"- ItheWaeocimts and the nature of the securi-
�ibdth ATitue Pellow,'widow I Agricultural Society.
,of the late Wil- tiTA an
liam, Sinclair, in her. 1,8th yvar. A _T yield by, ithem.
A NQT101� that after thl.26
Snazel.-At Goderich, on Miaz�ch 19th, Arthur day oil April. 1927.'th� eaidArthur W 1: HORSES
Snazel, in his 64th, year. I . I Holmested. will Proceed to distribute the as- TOWNSHIP SPECLAL
Doble.-In Eamondviltle, on Match 17th. John sets of the said deceased among the persons - Best Three Hones from One Township;
Dbbie in his 64th
year., t ed -thereto, having regard only 'to the two or were entries necessary to filt
then have bad $21.00
Ast. on' March l5th, Margaret .1tZ Of which, be shall this class .....
M -e widW of the aute Harry Fowell, in notibe, and that the, said Arthur Wellesley Prime donated
14h year. 901me%ted, WW' not be aiable for t4e said
asisets or any part thereof to any person of lot 2nd 3rd 4th
whose claim he shall not then have received Stallion ' sPy age .............. Cup 6 3 2
First prize donated by Bank of
I4061tTANT NOTICES neDtIAO'TED at Toronto the 22nd day of March,. Commerce; 2nd prize dbnmted
1927. 'by J. Wesley Beattie.
tGS FOR SALE -12 PIGS READY TO HOLMESTED & SUTTON. Stablion, fooled in 1924 ...... 5 8 2
wean. Apply to HOWARD M ICRI 904 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto Ontario. Stallion, fo led in IP25 ...... 4 3 1
esif". - 2 Soliciiiors for the said Arthur' Sweeps -take
Phone Clinton, 614-8. . Wellesley Badge,
3094-1 Holmested. Bi6dik kxii:16W
3094-3 Stallion, any age .............. 6 2
IPIR.re bred bull, eleven months old. AN- Stallion, any
0 STi
DREW KIRK, Seaforth, nt. Phone No. ROX R .. STALLI - ON 6 a
150 ring 8. 309 Standard Bred Trotting Stalilan
11��" in barriers ............... 6 4 8
FA�� TO RENT. -PASTURE FARM IN lot Prize dormted by Seafu��
i ke-mith to rent. Apply to JAMES HENSALL' News; 3rd Prize donated by
SPROAT, It. R. No. 8, Senforth, or phone John Regier.
24460. Ird Bred Pacing Stallion in
8098-tf harness ............ ..... 5 4 8
SHORTHOR14S FOR SALE. -TWO CHOICE let Prize donated by The Huron
young Shbrthorn bulls, dnrk red in color. SpringShow Fxposkor.
Will b sold reasonable and worth the money. AGRICULTURAL
I (Horses shlown in Teams weighing ever 1,600
Apply to JAMES HILL. Staffa. 3091x4 lbs. not eligible in Agricultural olars.)
Broad Mi,.,e I. Foal ........... 10 5 S
]E[ATOHING EGGS FOR SALE, - FROM let and 2.d prizer donated by
bred -to -lay Barred Rocks ; 60 cents per
15. Also orders taken for baby chicks, May Horses and Cattle. Stewart Bros.; 2rd Prize donat-
by Goo. D. Ferguson & Co.
batch. Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, R. R, Mare, Filly or Gelding, any age 5 3 2
No, 8 . Kippen. Phone 8 on 132. 3094-2 dst Prize donated by R. J.
--- Gibb; 2nd Prize donated by S. -
FARMS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE The Annual Spring Show, under forth Pharnincy ; 3rd prize
farms in the Townships of Usborne, the auspices of the South Huron donated by Isaac Hudson.
Tackeromith and Hlbbert. Good buildinssand Filly or Gelddng, foaled in 1924 5 2 1
Well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- Agricultural Society, of Stallions, Ist Prize donated by N. Cluff
ERON, Exeter,_ Ont. 8068-tf Harness 'Horses and Hatter Colts, & Sons; 2nd Prize donated by
13 We Bros.; 8rd Prize donated
FOR SAY .-FIVE GOOD WORK HORS Bulls and Cows, will be held on pen
ES, ercy Howe,
three sets team harness ; 2 gravel 11 or 111ing_11 In 111, 5 2 1
Wagons* Thoroughbred Durham bull for :e- let prize donated by J. F. Daly:
vice; Thoroughbred Yorkshire tog for er- 2nd Prize donated by Thomas
vice, $L60 at time of service with privilege Tuesday, Apri 12 Stephens ; Bird Prize donated by
of returning. Two secondhand Sbarpless Dawson Reid.
separators. THOMAS J. COULTER, Eg- Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1926 6 2 1
inondville. 8092x4 I&t prize donated by James J.
HORSES Cleary; 2nd and 3rd Prizes
]BULL FORSALE AND MAN WANTED.- donated by D. H_ Stewart,
For sale pure bred registered Shorthorn CLYDESDALE OR SHIRE Team in Harriers .............. 26 10 5
bull Euclid = 176356= born June 6th, 1925; lot 2nd 3rd Ith Ist prize Aonated by Fred S.
col. roan; Sire, Clover Rex �161742;=; Aged Stallion ... .............. $10 $7 4
.dam, Mary Queen of Scots =131289=. This Stallion foaled in 1924 or later.. 6 4 Z Sweepistake. ......... _ ...... Badge
bull Will be sold cheap no I do not need him. PERCHERON OR BELGIAN HEAVY DRAFT
I also want to hire a first-alass man for Aged Stalbion ................. 8 5 a Brciod nrare in Foal * ........ * 10 5 4
the summer or for a year to work on Lot 14, Stallion foaled in 1924 or later.. 6 8 2 Ist prize donated by W. G.
,concession 2, Tuckersmith, a mile and a quar- STANDARD BRED Medd, M.P.P.: 2nd prize don -
!ter eastof KiPpen. Apply to W. MacLAREN Aged Stallion ................. 6 4 2 ated by J. I -L Smith & Son;
DOIG. L.L.B., Port Huron, Michigan, or Kip- Stallion foaled in 1924 or later.. 6 3 2 3rd Prize donated by Thos. G.
ven, Ont. R. R. No. 12. 3094-1 Seem
lot prize by T. C. Joynt, Hat- Mare. Filly or Geldting. any age 6 3.50 2
FOR SALE. -LOT 8. CON- Heavy Draft Team ..... 12 8 S lot prize donated by John J.
$5000 FARM Montreal ;10 . , - Broderick; 2nd prize donated by
'Cossion 4, Stanley township. contain Bank of ov,
ftg 1100 acres. On the promises are a good wards First Prize. G. A. Sills & Sons; 8rd prize
trams house with cellar, bank barn and frame Heavy Draft Marc, in foal .... 8 6 8 d0nated by W. R. Smith,
barn. Three miles Ma Kippen and Bruce- Three year old Filly or Gelding Fi.Ply or Gelding, foaled in 1924 5 2 1
ideld, Convenient to school. Well fenced and foaled in 1924 ............. 6 4 2 1-t Prize donated by Crdno
'drained; 15 acres bush, 40 acres fall Plough- ist Prize by D. Canitelon. Xil' Bros.: 2nd prize donated by
ed. Price $5,000 with easy terms. Apply to ler Creek Coal; Znd prize by Char. Dungey; 3rd prize donat-
.d by Dawson Reid.
W. F. AT MANDEB, Hensall. 8088-tf A. W. E. Heraphill. Hot Water Fil�v or Golding, foaled in 1926 5 2 1
Bottle. Ist prize donated by Charles
FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -FIFTY 2 year old Filly or Gelding foaled A-berhart; 2,nd Pri� donated by
acre, farm on Government Highway, lk�& in 1925 ..................... 6 3 2 W. J. Walker & Son; 3rd prize
imilea east of Seaforth, East Half of Lot 6, 2nd prim by G. Brock, Neck- donated by W. E. Kenlake.
-Concession a, I'Vekmmith; 12 acres broken. yoke. FHIy or Gelding. foaled in 1926 6 2 1
bodarice seeded to timothy and Clover. Corn- Draft or Agriculture] Foals, foal-
tfortable 8 -roomed frame house with good ed in 1926 ................... 6 4 3 lot prize donate 'Ze by Marshall
cellar and cistern. Good barn 40x6O; lot Prize by T. PaxImer, goods; Stewart; Znd pr !I donated by
new S. T. Hblmea & Son: 3rd prize
driving shed and wotdahed. new hen house, Srd prize, McLaren's Hardware. donated lyy W. G. Willis,
mirood well and orchard; also good water sup- AGRICULTURAL CLASS Team in Harness ............ _ 20 10 5
ply on pasture Convenient to churehes and Agricultural Team ............ 12 8 5 Sweepstake ...................... Badge
schools. Apply' to MRS. M . CURTIN, See- Standard Bank, $ 10 towards GENERAL PURPOSE
forth, Out. 3094XI lot prize. in foal ...... 8 5 3 Team in Harness .............. 5 4
Agricultural Mare. Ist prize donated by Herbert
FARM FOR SALE. --FOR SALE LOT 5, Se�ond prize by Boathmn & C. Box; 2nd Prize donated by
concession 6 Hullett, containing 98 acres. Drysdale. $5.00 in goods. Fred W. Wigg.
There are on ihe premises a good frame Three year old Agricultural Filly ROADSTER
house. bank barn 515x56 with cement wall or Gelding foaled in 1924 .... 9 6 8 Roadster in Harness, 15-3 or umder 10 8 3
inrider it, driving shed 20x5O: drilled well at Two year old Agricultural M -11Y 2nd prize donated by W-niliara
]house with supply tank at barn. The farm or Gelding fooled in 1926.... 5 8 2 Amert: 3rd Prize donated by
Es all tile drained and well femeed. good GENERAL PURPOSE TIrompson's Book Store.
CARRIAGE CLASS lb -3 .... ID 7 8
cmahard, all u-nder cultivation with not a Team ... 8 5 3 Carriaze Horse Ln Hamers, over
-of waste land. School only 40 rods away. 6 4 LI V'IN G*S*'T'O N- * S'P'*E' C'IA'L
Store, post office and church the same distance. Team .............. ...........
Farm adjoins Village of Constance. Will he Single Carriage Rome ......... 8 6 4 2 Best Heavy Draft or Agricultural
sold on easy terms. For further particulars Zn prize, Moore Bros.. colter; Mare, Filly or Gelding, anyag 6
apply on the premises or address Seaforth 4th prize. D. W. Eyre. cash. Prime donated by Thus. .. Live
IR. R. No. 2. ANDREW SNELL. 3092-tf ROADSTER CLASS lnrston.
Team .............. .......... 8 6 4 JUD-GINO STARTq SHARP AT 2 O'CLOCK
FARM FOR SAIX.-FOR SALE WEST Single Roadster ................ 8 6 4 3 Classes will be called in the order as they
Half Loto 7 and 8. containing 150 acres, 3rd prize by T. Welsh : fourth appear on this hill. Exhibitors will Please
. Sth Concession, On the premises are a P rize by Manna & Farquhar, bear this in mind.
story and half brick house. bank barn 56x98, razor (Keen Kutter). POSTMASTER'S SPECIAL
Roadster or Carriage Foals. foal- For boys, 115 years and tinder, dis-
ihog Pen 65x2O, driving shed and garage. The 5 3 2 PI in best ability and horsemanship
land Is all Cleared but 12 acres bush; tile ed I. lc)26 ............... ....
4drmined and well fenced; mile from school. 6 Ist prize by A. Clark, whiffle- in"exIgbiting a hors , on the baiter .... $5.00
imitles from Senforth and Hensall. Rural mail trees ; 2nd prize by C. Hudson. Prime donated by C. P. Sills, Postmaster.
and phone. This is one of the beat farms in cash. BOYS' JUDGING COMPETITION
'Tuckersmith and will be sold on easy terms GRAND C14AMPIONSEIIP or" to Boys, 17 years of
as th Proprietor has been forced to give up T)rnft or Agricultural Mare or age and under ............ 10 5 3 2 1
C Geldinip% any age ............ 10 8 5 a
farming on "count of ill healtb. Also 50 Ist prize donated by Thot. Memi'll.n. M,P.:
iacre gram farm, east half of Lot 7, on 9th lot prize by 0. W. Medd, M. 2nd prime donated by Prov. Ontario Bank; 8rd
Concession. There will be sold as one farm P.P.; 3,d prize by L. M.3okle. Prize donated by W. A. Crich: 4th prize
.., I. separate parcels. Por further particu- sank or flour; 4th Prize by J. donated by Thomas Dickson: 5th prize donat-
Ban apply on the premisco or address R. R. Paramore. goods. ed by Thomm Phillips.
No. 2. Rippen. JOHN HAY. 3094-tf The comp�bition wil(l he under the dir�tion
CATTLE of Mr. G. R. Pster�on. C�oiinty Agricuqtural
ABERDEEN ANGUS Representative. Snre,,ni-d. will he Oven each
AgM Bull .......... .......... $6 84 $2 boy. 50 points for pacinir by acre curd and
Bull, calved in 1925 ........... 6 4 2 50 points for reasons to be given orally.
AUCTION SALES Cow ..... ...... ............. 8 2 1 Class to he judged will be Heavy Homes. No
Heifer. under two years .. .... 9 2 1 entrance fee required but boys must have
AUCTION SALE OF HORSES.-7THOMAS SHORTHORNS their entry in by 2 o'clock.
Brown has been instruoted to sell by pub- Aged Bull ..... ............... 6 4 2 RULES AND REOULATiOXS
lic auction at the Commercial Hotel Barns, Bull. Calved in 1925 ............ 6 4 2 1. Entrance fee $3.00, each additional en-
Soaf.rth, Cow ......... . ................ 8 2 1 try, 50 centtn�
0" Friday, April 8th, at 1.30 p.m., 2. Brood mare mu�t show visibly in -foal.
20 head bred Perebercm and Clyde Heifer, under two years ........ 3 2 J.
of well Butober Steer or Heifer ........ 6 4 2 2. Aver of homes to date from Jan. Ist.
'Mares and Geldings, from 3 to 7 years old,
*dl brok Termis.-One-third of purchase and prize by Cook Birce., goods: 4. Judgett' decis4on to be final-
e - S. The Judirm ill be viirtimilur to re-
zrioney to be paid in oash ; balan m. 6 months' 8rd prize. H. Phile, cash.
-credit aprroved Joint notes. Baby Beef, not to exceed 900 lbs. 5 8 2 rard merit in all stock for competition and
on A discount of witthrhold any premium If they consider the
:to or "Int. per annurn off for Cash. SAGER lat prize by Mr. Houston. animal undererving and a first or second
I CARLIN, Proorietors; T. Brown, Ane- Bank Manager; Znd prize by prize will riot be given to it third class ani-
-Moneer. 3094x2 Jackson's Grocery. goods; 3rd 0
prize by F. Hess, Goods. mal r in a s-epustake it they consider the
A13-UTION SAT. OF HORSES, COWS AND DAIRY COWS 00 .. petition not sufficient.
6. Each exhibitor must produce his entry
(open to any Breed) ...... . 5 9 2 1.50
GRASS CATTLE. -Mr. Gus Risback has lot prize by Bonihvon lb iiry.- ticket in every class otherwise the anims]
Instructed the undersigned to sell by public dale, goods; 2nd prize by Mc- will not be judged.
suetion at biFr-farm, Bayfield Road. one-half DONATIONS RECEIVED FROM
.B. Donnel's, goods.
south of Clinton, on Saturday April BOYS- JUDGING CONTEST --CATTLE Directors Senfortli Agricultural Society.
2nd, at 1.30 o'clock, Sharp, the foll;�ing:- Entry Free. Prizes, $8.00, $2-50, $2.00, Cash, 021.00; Bank of Commerce. Cup, $16:
3ffarses-Mair geldings 9 years old, about 1400 $1.5o. $1.00. Boys 20 or under. Prizes by J. Worley Beattie. cash, $5.00: Seafortb News,
Ibs. (god reliable team). Cows --10 choice Thomas McMillan. M.P. cash. $5.00; John Regie,r goods, $8.00; Huron
Toung tows. frksb. or due to freshen at time Expositor,, cash, $5.00; Stewart Bros., goods.
1-0 choice young Cows due to freshen, RULES AND REGULATIONS $15.00; G. D. Farruson & Co.. goods. $3.00;
,or gal:. let R. J. Gibb. goods, $5.00; Sesfortli Pharmacy,
Zt.. and Ifth of April; 10 good gross All exhibitors must become Members of this
ateers weighing fr6m'900 to ' 1200 lbs. ; 2 fat Society by Paying $1.00 to the Secretary at goods, $3.00; Isaac Hudson, Cash, $2.00; N.
1heifOn, s6me farrow cows� Pigs-Thtee solm the Commercial Hotel untill one o'clock the Cluff & Sons, gdo&- $6.00: Beattle Bros.,
Adue to profit Inat week In April. The ab6ve day of Show. Judges' decision final. Horses carli, $2.00: Percy Howe, cash. $1.00. J. F.
albock'4a a ellidleo lot and in good- condition and n not, Compete twice in regular classes. D-aly, goods, $6.00, Thus. Stephens, cai�h, $2;
,will �bo sold wathout reserve. Terms, --Six Dawson .Reld, caah, $2.00: James J. Cleary,
Ample accommodation for all stock. C
snonifts' credit voill,,be given on furnishing goods, S .00: D. ff. Stewart, cash. $8.00; F.
lbankable Paper, or a discount of 49o' straight SPECIALS S. Savange. watch, $26.00: W. 0. Medd, M.
allowtid for omh. GUS BISBACX, Proprio A Silver Clap by Joe Burnie for the beat P. P., cash, $10-00; J. H. Smith & Son, goods,
toi; George1r. Elliott. Auctioneer. 8098-2 Clydesdale Mare or Gelding, any age. Won $6.Do: nos. 0. Scott, jr;oods. $4.00; John J.
in 1928 by D. Burns, and in 1924 and 192r, Broderick, goods, $6.00: G. A. Sills & Sons,
Al!"STRATOR'S SALE OF 25 ACRES by Alex. Sinclair; In 1926 by Aleir. Rr
,ad_ goods, $8.60; W. R. Smith, goods, $2.00;
1OV LAND.-Thomw Brown has been in- focit Cardno Bros., goods, $5.00, Charles Dunirey,
aftul�fttf "to'ooll by public auction bt the A Silver Cup by Dr. Peck for the beat Cash. $2.00; Obarles Aberhnrt, goods, $6.00;
M-Iniell HOOI_Dtiblih, on Thursday, A�rll Shorthorn pemnle. Won in W. J. Walker & Son, irobda, $ 2.00, W. X
'Ith, 1927, at 2.90 pim. the foll6wing, rarm by William ttv, Job 1929 and, 1924
n Elder In 1925. Kemfake, choh, $1.00: Marshall Stewart.
,of 25 4droO of Choice laud, situaw one mile and by Mr. C in 1929. o0o&, $6.00vi S. T. Holmes & Son. Cash. 1112:
Irrom. thrift VIAW6 of Dublig an Provincial The above Cups to be won twice In socces- W. 0. WAlia, cash, $1.00; Herbert 0. Box,
Highway., Close td;,61 t Sion and three times in 411,
k�i',kobvs, dobool, dnd goods, $6.00; 'Fred W. Wigg, coodg, $4.00
eat 6118
office. It In , One tA 16" 00ft tyb ; r1l I one bag of Linseed meal for boat Draft W413isr" Ament, CORI $9.00; Thompson's Book
oburebes. also f*6 kil two Ifth. Stalliob, by Owen Geige�. store, goods, $8.00; +hos. E. tivitngaton, cash.
Sobools, taught UY '.th* Nuns, Oti o%t $6.001 Thomas McMillan, M.P., cash, 010.00:
Ithis farm there is a dgettr Klapp, Avationoer, $5.00 for the b
k la, I a years or over.
bouge with basemont, lifin 4*01W, Dtah More -three Pro*. Otitaido Bank, cash- $5-00; W- A-
001110 'IT kerv, $9.00 box of Chocolates for CrIcb, onah, $8,00i Thomas Dickson, eashi
!Shed. Good $2.06; Tho4ft Phylilps, c"h, $1.00; 0. P.
Mfg farm will be sold A Rik, P.M., bash, ft.00.
wMerolial Hotel, $8.00 box of Olgars for
wind up estate of the 14to the Prim, Li9ta uiily be obtained from the
-4 -tI brAft or , 11 loultural Team coralft
-Ten per cent. of 'the I th Aboto class.
balance lin 0'�uwb 00
Administrator; gA* tfx,15=8 i ....... Pr&fdent DR. 11AIMURN . ........ Proftsiden
ft, Tr ft.
. ......... Secretary A. D. SM -1 -ND .... See6- . e
k"A", 0
oil, e4oxv, Upace. , , @ , -1�
W.A. n
0 r=A&ft1a1r
will. be beld ExpreS'p,_ Olt
04 Y, Al 0 rie Library epa all or".,
04 'we Ulg to, $5 and ov.,or, , au.
1. V1
Va 520AW K T,
r nu cwta r W iS
4" Some other.,
pZ items of bus! GXORGI_�'ROWART
V F1044
JOE Ong tary.
809&1 w. CM,
Phone'105 Go
11 01
NOT ic
Re Estate deceased. 3 Days uiewn Out
All accounts estate
must be paid on 4,r_bel�re the 15th Lue
day of April.
Alva Graves and, Vehlia J. Graves Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes; Ladjele
ExeeatHeeg. Heavy Shoes (just the thing for the
GRAVES, WALL PAPER STORE mud), Ladies' Fine Slippers, small
Seaforth, sizes --ALL AT HALF PRICE
Ladies' Spring Vests, reg.
76e 6acb; 3 for ........
<> <> <>
0 Turkish Toweling, reg. 35c Sm-artest Spring.
per yard, for .............. 26c
S. T. Holmes( & Son 0 5 dozen Bath Towels; regular
0 Funeral Director and 0 35c each, for .............. 24c
<> Licensed Embalmer. <> Fix up your little Girls' Spring Hat
0 Finest Motor eind'. Horse. <> with Bright Ribbon, all colors, only Coats, $23,95
- , drawn equipmeAt. Beattie <>1
0 Block, Main Skeet. �6pposite 0
0 The
29 cents a bolt.
30 pieces of Gingham 19C
At this very modest price we
Expositor Office;' S. T. 0
0 Holmes' residence, Goderich <>
0 Street
per yard ..................
80 yards Blue and White Shirt-
have concentrated on a wond-
West; Chas. Holmes' 0
ing, per yard ..............
erful collection of Coats that
* I
0 residence, North Main Sreet. 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
300 yards fine Oxford Shirting,
reg. 35c per yaxd, for ...... 27C
suggest the Newest Spring -
0 notice. All kinds, Of up- -0
time style ideas, the smartest 177
-4> 'holstering neatly done. 0
lc� Pho 400
nes: 119 or 254 J.
A lot of Remnants and a host of otherl
merchandise at Bargain Prices.
materials and colors. They're
0 0
<> '0 <> * <> <> <>
North Star Flour
in fascinating variety : Poiret
Twill, Charmeen,
<> <> 0 0 0
per CVrt
. ................
Mixed Cakes
Satin and Tricotine, with new
per pound .................
tuckings, new seamings, new
Come And Get Your Share of the
fabric inserts, new flattering
Insurance of all kinds.
APRIL 6th, 7th and 8th
furs. The very type of Coats
that will lead the Easter par -
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan
James F. Carlin
ade. Friday and
Saturday $23.95
Phone 91
A New Dress For Easter
This collection will meet with
.0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 <> 4.> 11> 0 0
the urgent demand for a new
.0 <>
_> W. j. Walker & Son <>
Good Dealer for Electric
Easter Frock that is distinct-
<> 0
ive and different The great -
0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0
est selection is in SatinCrepe,
rector and Embalmer. 0
Strong Canadian Company rapidly
Georgette and Flat Crepe.
<> Motor or Horse Equipment 0
expanding its representation wants to
connect with good reliable dealer in
Everyone will greet Easter
0- Cars or Flowers furnished 0
this territory. Big future profits for
and Springtime with smart
<> as requested. 0.
<> Day or Night, Phone 67. -0
those who start now and grow with
business. Write for full details.
<> 0
0 0 <> <> <> 0 10 <> 0 0 <>
3 Bright Salesmen WanW
$9.95 to $19.50
<> o o <>
Ambitious men with some experi-
Licensed Embalmer and 0
Funeral Director. 4D
ence and capital will have good future
business opportunity.
The New
0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor -0
0 Equipment, 0
Night and Day Service. 0
Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0
0. 0
Suits and
0 <> C> <> <> <> <> <>
FoHow the Crowd to
the B
u ae
Cheff.etz Bros.
Seaforth, Ont.
Bargains -Bargains - Bargains.
A Great, Lot of CAPS
25c each
Top Coats
Springtime, and the store for
men, sponsors the new styles
in Stilts and 'Fop Coats. Men
,Ln(i yoting men who are med-
I tatl ng upon this flieme ought
to Inspect these displays.
Choose from the single and
douhle hreRsted models, tail -
ore(] with the style details
I I that make for smartness this
springr. Including grey nn-
fin]"11('d Nvorsteds, fancy blues
and all Nvool tweeds, in her-
ringhnne an(] noN-efty patterns
including Sand, Light a 1) d
Meffliim 11rovvii, Light a n d
Me(hum (Trey, etc..
� M, �951
rt " CIO
10 dozen Work Sfilrts (Khaki, Chambry and
Black.) Large make . ............... .... _... ... .. 98C
15 dozen Men's I dozen Men's
Grev Work Sox 29c Fancy Sox, reg. 9.5c 75c
10 dozen Men's Chamoka Dress Gloves,
Leather Label Overalls, sold elsewhere at
$2.25. For.. 1 495
10 dozen Penmans 71 Combinations
for.......................................................... $1,95
5 only Ladies' Silk f%Dd Wool Rose, Mercury
ake ............................ ....... I .................. 68c
R. I Gibb� S, h
:> 0 <> <> <> <>
W. T. BOX & CO.
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer.
* I
:> Beat Motor and Horge-drawn
00 equipment.
:> Charges moderate.
01 Flowers furnished on short
01 notice.
Nights Calls Day Calls
:> Phone 176. Phone 43.
0 0 <C> C. <> <>
FoHow the Crowd to
the B
u ae
Cheff.etz Bros.
Seaforth, Ont.
Bargains -Bargains - Bargains.
A Great, Lot of CAPS
25c each
Top Coats
Springtime, and the store for
men, sponsors the new styles
in Stilts and 'Fop Coats. Men
,Ln(i yoting men who are med-
I tatl ng upon this flieme ought
to Inspect these displays.
Choose from the single and
douhle hreRsted models, tail -
ore(] with the style details
I I that make for smartness this
springr. Including grey nn-
fin]"11('d Nvorsteds, fancy blues
and all Nvool tweeds, in her-
ringhnne an(] noN-efty patterns
including Sand, Light a 1) d
Meffliim 11rovvii, Light a n d
Me(hum (Trey, etc..
� M, �951
rt " CIO
10 dozen Work Sfilrts (Khaki, Chambry and
Black.) Large make . ............... .... _... ... .. 98C
15 dozen Men's I dozen Men's
Grev Work Sox 29c Fancy Sox, reg. 9.5c 75c
10 dozen Men's Chamoka Dress Gloves,
Leather Label Overalls, sold elsewhere at
$2.25. For.. 1 495
10 dozen Penmans 71 Combinations
for.......................................................... $1,95
5 only Ladies' Silk f%Dd Wool Rose, Mercury
ake ............................ ....... I .................. 68c
R. I Gibb� S, h