HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-01, Page 4, �,.,�
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" 11-11'..il Lfii#n(l Mrs. Goo I a '171'�, COR diation of, th6 numerous, ter#,,� MittielbOt A- Mr- -F4f*lA gr Vttr�` ,',�A
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�,.I,�,I�%,�� , 941 I* , . 014 vlosid Imam Mr. A., Mitw4olu ,-of .1 �Q
I -:,t, 11 �, � ,gud former, ell knoWn I-4ki4l and economic conceasions held -
,,��,�-�� ,',�� , , �1 �stdent* spa , I by other nations in China, and point -1 10t'chaAavl-1�17- MOS03 Gl4bbr W� Sold �
'i�!I,��,vi`�'�`.;!, .�%o fine farm on thi.Broulson, Line, per
I I try *as '
',�I�,I;',:'.� "I ljjjj� ere, a , r I ad out that all th&t cOuA
�:,�,:,��l��',',�,,,��,,,���l,'�, I north of Blake,, to� W10 320$ftbar, XT- , 'Y
I I�,� li,,�,M ,,, *.#0 them again, '114e came striving for was the right t9 control
I �
�,�`,��,,��,,'�,,�;e". 2 P"d The fan., Ke late, bar own political and economic affain. Sonruet GhWeAch. who g0ts posses., Biat
R'e,,�;��!�,,'P,,','.",' 1, "' , . _W1159 Verna Graves Her discourse was thoughtful, iuter� slon this spring. Mr. Getter has vur� A
,� rnoull.
- I, � 1_1�, 1, I �. , chased a 175 -Acro . farm near Baden
,�,`1�,6'pl,,`§"" r) f As at the home esting and, carried wit% itan abundance
% I I ' j;7Do"`
,,t 1A
��,,:�""I'l��'ii��,,�"'��,l�,,, in a few weeks.
':,,44,; ''i ",,*t -�, k and re, and will move thereon A f
,,i,i��,j,,,' , troit.-There was (if knowledge of the ,War ria as Zurich has led ele
I -gltiendance at the Song sqr- sponsibilities of the missio, ri in - ' Baud - star w kly
1�1,1.1 " practices and as a na-mber of' new -ma
0��,!',,� �,
14��,,f,',',�.. I
�'!,,Wla I 1� n in First Presbyterian t,hose foreign fields.
"' �, 1, ming last,, and members have �ofted, the Baud will I
I ��.,.i,��0540 - on Sunday aw
I'll � � � 1111 . b the be full strength this season. Xw. H.
�11' � -, � ILIPSFA,oce of raise Ivan y
,,�, I . Erickinelier is the efficient leader and In
r IT ,Uade 3, 9i MANLEY
L'i � .. , r the eaders ip of Mr. and
, 4: , %mnie was greatly appreciat- wl
_. , -�. .
, . ,*� the i'arge conregation.-Mr. Notes. -Mitchell Bros. have almost account of themselves this summer. To
. . . . . 1� .. 'Sa&Une is in Port McNicioll this com
.... .
I . � P i,,;; 1, �:. plated their custom sawing for .
I'll I , -11�1;1,�`, h 'M the seasori-Quite, a number from
I'll I , , r. W. Ament spent the week .
,, go
.. , i.
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�, �,,`, A 'M Ross, of Dres- here attended W. Sproat's auction
, I, . d i London. -Mrs.
i I % '
� ,, :-�4;8)j, is a guest at, the home of her sale la&t Tuesday. -Mr. Joe Johnston To ReAL-A good stable about -the centre
, ,: vil
��� �� - . I I
11, I . mu
d , 4aughter, Mrs. E. R. Craw -ford. -Mr. - of Main Street Apply to G. J. Sutherland.
',, 3093-3 da
�� , 'Sroom and family, of McKillop, are purchased a fine draft tealin of match
�,�%' L 1. ed blacks at W. Sproat's sale. They Wall Paper. -The new stock is here and it d
��.t,"': � ""oving into the apartments over Mr. are fit to go into any show ring. -Mr. Is lovely. We stock Boxers and Watson Fes- thf
T��, :,R. H, Sproat's store. -Mrs. A. A. Me- Thomas McKay has also purchased a ter's in all widths. Hemphill'a Drug Store.
1,11i Joennan returned on. Thursday from heavy draft team W assist him in - 3094-2 no
I Xt three weeks' visit with Toronto his spring work. -The maple syrup Radios and Batteries. -Come in and see our Wh
� . I friands.-Mr. Wallace Archibald, who - Marconiphone, Pierce Aire and Westing- illf
crop turned out well the pa-st few hoelve Radio Sets. We repair all makes of
� has been doing engineering work at days, but with the fine weather it batteries and charge batteries. Prices mod- co
� 'Kenney, Northern. Ontario, for the will be over soon. -The farmers are erate. Roy Webber. Honsall. 0094�2 pn
past three months, returned home on Subscriptions received for all Daily and bI(
all ,busy preparing for the rush in Weekly Newspapers at the He all Post
Wedne,5day.-Miss Madeline Bell, of "a w ph
seeding, as -there was a lot of work ofifice- Patronize your Ppstmaster be
Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. undone ,last fall --Mr. Pete McLough- handles the papers. 0. J. Sutheriand, PAL P
and Mrs. George Bo -11, in Tucker- lin is busy rebuilding his granary, Just Arrived. -A car of Portland Cement. 80
smibh,-MiF-- Triplett, who %vent the We also have a full Supply of Beachvill" sh
which collapsed last fhll when over- stone lime, hydrated lime, hard waH plaster,
past year at the home of Miss Me- luatled with grain. plaster paris, mo.bai color. lath; also a one- WE
bermid, is speniling some weeks with home wagon and two cement block machines tei
ber sister in ,C1,-veliand.-The many . ___ -,- for sale. Don't forget the Old Reliable when be
you are in need of any builders' supplies.
friends of Mr. John McLennan are WINTHROP R_ CUDMORE, Hensull, Out. Phone 107. fo
Pleased to see 'him about again after Mission Band. -The Mission Band go
his recent serious illness. -Mr. anl b
Notes. -The Ladies' Aid and W. M. of the United Church held their meet- s
Mrs. James Alf,cheson. Jr., of Rox- Lz will hold their next meeting at ing on Sunday afternoon last. Hymn th
boro, were in Brucefield on Monday ��e home of Mrs. R. Campbell, on No. 429 was sung, after which Alice ea
attending the funeral of the late Wednesday afternoon, April Ist- The Higgins read the Scripture lesson- h
Thomas Baird. -Mrs. L. P. Twiss and F
,a,t,, th,,koffering is ,asked to be Following this the collection was tak- in
young son, of Saskatoon, are guests handed in by this meeting. -A dance ; Miss Ellis br
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. willl be held in the hall Friday night, gafv,e a delightful reading, followed eg
McGavin.-The Lions Club have been April 1st. The Night Hawk Orches- by sentence prayers by Mildred Scru- in,
very fortunate in securing the ser- tr,, of Seaforth, will supply the ton, Gladys Passmore and Mary in
vices of the Bu.eqc"h,-r Boys' Orchestra, music. Come aJid have a good time, Hemphill- The topic, entitled "School ,h
London, for the Faster dance on -Mr. Thomas Bennett, of Detroit, Life in India," was very ably given no
Monday, Anril 18th, This is consid- spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs- by Miss Morrison. Miss Kathryn fr
ered one of the foremost orchestras W. C. Bennett. -We were sorry to Drysdale gave a very pleasing solo, h
playing in Ontario to -day. - Mrs - hear of Mr. Sol. Shannon being con- after which the meeting was closed th
Dolmage, of McKillop, has moved i lo- fined to his bed and hope he will with the Lord's Prayer. a
to the apartments over Mr. 1. Hud- soon be able to ,be up and around.- Mollard Mission Circle. -The M01- n
son's store. on Main Street. Mr. Moody Holland has returned lard Mission Circle held their meet- ei
. home from Detroit after spending a ing on Tuesday evening in the base- h
few months there. -It was a great ment of the United Church, with the w
BEECHWOOD shock to the, community to hear of President, Miss Elva Shaddock, in the M
Notes. -Mr. John Walsh had the the .sudden death of Mr. John Smith, chair. The meeting was opened with ec
inisfortune to lose six valuable head of Hullett. Our sympathy is extend- devotional exercises, followed with an e
of cattle last waLk, Mr. Walsh had ed to his widaw and family. -The cold Faster reading by Miss Casemore. 1
attle about weather has made the farmers smile Following this the election of officers st
ton o'clock in the raorning and before, as it means more maple syrup, as the book place, resulting as follows: Hon. v
night they were all dead. It is said selasOn was not very good on, the President, Miss A. E. Consitt; Presi- y
that feeding sweet clover which thins start- dent, Miss Elva Shadd,Dek; 1st Vice- 0
the blood is the cause of the cattle - - - President, Miss Gasemore; 2nd Vice- I
bleeding to de-ath. - Mr. Wilfred WALTON President, Mrs. Joynt; 3rd Vice- p
Maloney has purchased a registered President, Mrs. Hedden; CQrrespond- h
driving mare front Dr. Traynor, of Notes. -A number of the Walton- ence, Mildred Scruton; Recording Se- t
Dublin, which is ome of the best ites journeyed over to Moncrieff on cretary, Gladys Luker; Treasurer, a
drivers in this community. -Miss S. Friday evening to hear the debate Miss Alma Scruton; Christian Stew- q
Queerian, oux school teacher, spent that was even in the United Church, ard,ship Supt., Mildred McDonell; rnite, h
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart Moncrieff, between Duff's Ghurch box Supt., Miss Mary McKaig; Her- s
in St. Ceolumban.-Th,? recent sno,v Young Peo,ple's Society and Moncrieff ald, Mrs. Charles McDon,ell; Press a
has put the roads in bad condition. -I Young People's Society. The debate Secretary, Mrs. Lee Hedden; pianist, li
Mr. J. F. Carlin is again making hi-,; was "Resolved that Eastern Canada Miss Pearl Elder. y
rounds gathering eggs, which is a offers greater opportunities than Spring Fair. -Our Spring Show to a
g-reat help to the farmers in the busy Western Canada." The affi.rmative be held under the auspices of the h
time. -Mr. John Burns, of Kinkora, was upheld by Mr. Gilbert M,cC.al- South Huron Ag-ricultura-1 Society, of n
Ims rented the 50 -acre farm of Miss lum and Miss Gertrude Miller; the Stallions, Harness Ho,rses-and Halter v
Tully, of Dublin. Mr. Bums gets negative by Miss Kate Moward and Colts, Bulls and Cows, will be held on t
possession at once. We welcome Mr. Stewart McQuarrie. The tact and Tuesday, April 12th, and with a fav -
and Mrs. Burris to our vicinity. -Mr. ability shown in the material deliv- orable day or weather condition,;, e
James Nolan is in Guelph this week ered by those clever debato,rs deserves promises from all indications to be c
at -tending the Spring Fair there.- great praise and credit to each for one of, if not the best, ever held here a
Mrs. D. J. O'Reilly spent the week the way they handled that most in- as the location here is one of the best I
end in Blyth. -Mr. Pat McLaughlin te resIti n g subject. The affirmative for exhibiting, to be found anywhere. b
is engaged with Mr. Thomas Fitz- side won out by a small margin.- Farmers and others are greatly in- t
gibbons for a two year term. Miss Airny Love, of Toront,o, is at terested in our coming show as Hen- I
I pr(�sent visiting her parents, Mr. and sall and district is noted for fine stock
- , Mrs. Love. -W. G. Neal was in To- and rgbt up-to-date display and corn-
: ronto on business last week. -Albert petition in every class. It will be
ti U L L E'1'1' ' Clark went to Detroit this week.- well not to forget the date, namely,
� Mrs. Thomas Clark, who has been Tuesday, April 12th.
Sudden 1)*�ath.-L)eath come with (11lite poorly for a couple of weeks, is Cudmore-Parker.-A quiet wedding
startling qudderim-ss to a well known improving nicely. -Mr. Fred Oster, wfis solemnized at the United Church o
and highly respected resident of this of the l6th Concession, Grey Town- Manse, Hensall, on Thurs�ay after- e
tov,rns,hi,p on Sunday vvening last,1 ship, has sold his 100 -acre farm and noon, March 24th, when Rev. A. Sin- I
when X.r. John Smith passed awayl has bought a much larger farm ad- clair united in mar-riage Muriel, only �
at bis home on the 11th c( cession I joining the village of Blyth. We re- &Rughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker,
Mr. Smith had be -en about F1,1111da*y as'! gret loosing Mr. and Mrs. Oster froml, of Tuckersmith, to Edgar Cudmore,
usual but in the afternoon complained I Walton vicinity. -Mrs, Will Clark was eldest son ,of Mrs. Alice Cudmore, of
of a pain in his chest. It did not, in Wingham on business last Friday. Usb,orne. The bride looked charming s
se,em to be anything 9-erious, howeve r,1 - in a dre-ss of wedgewood -blue flat i
and he was erigaged in doing the crepe with blonde shoes and hose to s
farm cilhores until supp(r Lime. I- KIPPEN match. ,%'he wasi attended by Miss
-ter supper he lay down on n L.o�h, � Just Arrived.- A car of Portland Oerw,n, Elva ShRddock, of Hensall, who was
and about. eight o'clock "-hen oll,,� or We a)� hs -e n full Auvply. of Re�hvillc tastefully attired in a dres's of rose
I I �tonc lime, hydrat-1 lime. hard wall pla,ster,
the members of the family carne ,T) I iib.�te, piiirl�. mt,ruir color, i.th: .I.o . on� hiege flat crepe with -blonde shoes and
from the barn, he was seen to I h,, -e wag.n am] two cement block machin� hose to match. The- groom was at -
partially rise a.,; it' to -peak, bul 11,.p_ I for Pmli, Dc,n't fortret the Old Relinble when tended by his brother, Mervyn, The
ped back and before assistance could I )Ii,a,c�n n,,-,I�,,,,,f,,,�x,,ny,,i)t..ild�-' .uppli" m's gift to the bridesmaid was
R. 111) ORE, Phone 107. � g 'roo
reach him, the vital ,ipark had fled a bar pin and to the -best man a tie
Mr. Smith was a .,ton of the late' Don't Miss Tliis.-Mr. A. H. Tom- pin. After the ceremony the bridal
Robert Smit.h lLnd was born in llui-l' litison, associate professor of Ilorti- couple returned to the home of the
lett towns,hip (',.I yenr-k ago and whero I '"Iture 0, A, C., Guelph, will give an bride's parenbs, where a dinner was
all his lii'o wa.� spent. He was � address, illustrated with lantern served. The happy young couple will
large man or uriusua[ robust confli'l I vi(-w.q, in St. Andraw's Church, J(ip- reside on a farm on the second con -
tion, so that hi., .s;udden sunirnon�; J per, on Thursday evening, April 7th. cession of Usborne, the groom being
came as it vri�nt ,4h;Wk to his famik , The Kippen florticultural Society has a prosperous young fnrmer. Much
and thv I-mmunity where h" luld' 1 -vii (Ixtremely fortunate to SOCUTe happiness and joy is extended to the
bven so lonv sind favorably known. I Mr. Tomlinson for an evening and :t young couple by their many friends
For a number of years he had acted is hoped that every member of the ;
in their journey through life.
as township assessor and his genial society will take advantage of the Young People's League. - The
ways and kindly dispo,4ition gained opportunity to hear him. A cordial Young People's League of the United
for him a large circle of friends invitation is extended to members of Churc , h, held a very pleasant social
throughout the township. He was a neighboring .societies and to every evening: in the basement of the church
rinember of Cavan Church, Winthrop, one in the community. All are we]- on Monday evening, with a large at -
and of Kinburn Lodge of Foresters. Come. tendance, with Miss Ethel Murdock
Thirty years ago he was united in - .- __ T presiding in her usually pleasing
marriage to Miss Ella Lnidlaw, of manner. The meeting was opened
Tuckeramith, who with a family of ZURICH with a hymn, after which Miss Morri-
two sons and one daughter, Robert, Division Court.-4udge E. N. Lewi-, son read the Scripture lesson, follow -
I of Cupar, Saak., and Mae and George ed by the minutes read by the Secre-
,� �, at home, are left to mourn his sud- of Goderich, presided at a sitting of tary. The following excellent; pro-
, ,
� I " Aen passing. He is also survived by the Tenth Division Court beld here gramme arranged by Miss Katie Scott
� .. two brothers and flve sisters, Robert on Monday. In Hey vs. Calfas, a dfs- was given and every number more
. . Smith, of Mitchell; William, of Brit- puted account case, adjournment was than enjoyed: Instrumental duet,
: � � Ish Columbia; Mrs. John McClure, of made to -the next court. Mr. D, E. Misses Irene Douglas and Eleanor
. I 'MeXillop; Mrs. Alex- Broadfoot, of Holmes, Goderich, acted for Mr. Cal- Fisher; readings, Miss Ellis; solos,
�.,. Tuckersmith-, Mrs. Robert McKay, fas, and Mr. J. G. Stan -bury, Exeter, Miss Jean Chapman; violin selection,
:, , Egmt,ndville- Mrs. James Grainger, for Mr. Hey. Angel vs. Poster was Afiss Greti Laminie; a chorus dedi-
'. I
"'.. another action over a disputed ae-
, of Auguaville, Manifoba, and Mrs. cated to the new Executive for the
?" John Anderson, of Silverton, Mani- count- Judgment was reserved. Shir- coming year and composed by Miss
�, . ' t6b&. In order to allow his son to ray vs. Eacrett, an action over wages,
, �.'� - Gladys Luker, Was sung by the main-
� , i - reach home fronii the West, the fun- the plaintiff did not appear and judg- bers of the old executive, composed
�X' eral will not be held until Friday at- ment was given in favor of defend- of Miss Ellig, Missi Morrison, Miss
"" A number of partial, appeared
�, � I �:_ ternoon, when interment will be ant. Murdock, Mrs. L. Hedden, Miss X.
,-, I 1.
�,S, '' zwdb in Unitlandbank Cemetery. before the judge on Judgment sum- Scott and Miss Mary MeKaig, which
,. ,%.
K,'� 7 . � mons enjoyed. Following
�,,�, , was very much t
1,31 'I, 1 , .. ___ . - Notes -The public ,Tale of the farm,
I " this the President, took the chair, tak-
'11,;, �' I inplements
211V I � stock and i of the late
� . BLYTH ing charge of the business pairt of
vll,!,'� � I I . Emerson Smider, hold last Thursday, the meeting. A contest was then in-
% �i, �
... 11,111�1� , 140bm-The boys' archmtra, assist- north of Drysdale, was 6fte of the dulged in, after which a dainty lunch
Y ; � � � � . ed by Miga Elizabeth Milla and Mr. largest ever held in this sec*o7L The
,: ,I L comisting of cake and ice cream was
"ti, 1.1, 1. Cadf LydjAAttA'of HUI)ett, have been fw-m. was not solld�The sap season serve .
��" -L,"
� " 1; . d by the Executive. The fol-
, 11-1
, I I
, ,,� I Wb=jng *Aittelk favor with thAwr musi- hns been short and very little syrup
.. I, ,,�,�': I loving are the verses composed by
, ". , ��, ", : I ,641 sbleaUOM 4,t our uum.Mns social is offdred. for sale, -Mr. samitrei beitz Wiss Luker and sung to the tune of
I 1.� I ". 1. ,
Z h )
� 1, I ...,� 7j��. . returned from London on Saturday "Coming Through t a Rys. I
,1;� � 11 I I funo*mo. W4,14ort GMdbrill, A,
14" , � .
1s; 11, ", L , , � tod*,--oldly �
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1, �;,��, , �
; ,;��,:',N,�:,.,:* W , ,X , and his many friends aTo pleased to
mag. of , , '# I a8tisted .
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.. �. 6�41,11' , 111. .1
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I& ", V 'r, - Ifis, Sft Olat he is on the way -to 'good To the X,ow Execiiiiiive and Nemhfts,
"I 1�1. ��,'.�. "'.4,", - ,a 4t, " 41 _ W,
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� � �" '' - unerAl of phatte''VivW WrmMi1opww I �,,g r,l� �I, I
� tMs locality Atended the I � - , ��Wl ;""410"i go", romil", _,";.'
l� juvite. ' to dirie* " hi=`, �
'04 " , I
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' 4'41,14T6, old executive,' how� On _1 � I I I'll" Y"Z,
lost-y4se Jean Chapman,` of effbrts will be worp , ,.., ""', .. �jr,,^ ,
nial -,a. noon , 4p#Q#"#J.L*_ . ,41"qm-�Aeo I g F � ri
� , fe 1 ATO ,
,�,,�, ,,,,, . Polnj%T 4 a, solo at *a to normal. I ' ' " " " .' : �, ".�",�;" � �i L' �"J;f;! � �'�'_, -A -4 ' ' ' ` ' �' � ��t,i �'T
, , ftu, rendere I I—' t-1 " " "" "' �, �, - � ..
MAI ...' %, 11 I-' , -
, , �L.I;"' O� 'Xt - "' ` �' ,
,�'. I evEaung service at the UnitW Church rigg �,air 5-pri V$' , li, """" k ' ' I ' J 'J#"10%'J 0 "a
, "
touilwi,', ds and true, - Before buy ilxlow,F�w, ) � ""',
,, , if f*-��'P� ,
I , "
, .
. ,.,�� , . :,4, 7-
, I .1
� � _� - , ,,,� -
� , , _tbs , . _.
ur i�W=6,91 - which was greatly enjoyed, ,by , over our stock, see our price I& I , �,;
'we heartily express, __ - . �'�P'
thoaq large ,congTegation present wiso � . � - 1. I . , � L:_, �L, �
. t..V*,', so willingiy helped ' I I I . " " . .I, " ' _ ' �, � � , , "!i,",
1. I. � ,� � .;- - 4,
ro m*e,pur imeetlings a succes& . Chapman was here spending the week . MEN'S WORIX 81%084 , , .i : �":..` - I, . ".
. . or, Mrs. Geo. . ... I L $2,55, � . � : `,'� ,.��.�.I ... 1�
'L�. T �:,;I, end with hor grandmoth SALE PRICB .�� .'... � �, ., I .. :':,�,-,�
3eath f-,, A I � Agats, Mis, Ballantyne � I 1. . . I � I " 11
0 Uss Mary Stewart. -bur Scott, -and he� I , "
,;_ �.�..
lirge", 4,� residents of the com- and Miss F. Scott -41T. and Mr,% T- . 1 2.145.
� _qd . Think of itl A pair of Marl'o solid 190ther, �V.io.�k�6a� f0i""t
.. 4 � � �
y W,- ' " This is only one of the many �barlealns we ir4vft
RR, qro much shocked on Fri- C. Joynt very pleasantly enterWne.4. ftnng, , ' ' , , ill
y lakt Ojearn of the very sudden a number of the married friends on Here's another good, buy-Williame, colebratea Work Sho�s, -,;�t,414 ,A`
7 , ,!,
Ith, ot"Agis Mary Stewart, late of Monday evening of this week. -Mr, ling -better made. Regularly sold at $4.255. On sale , � " I
, . :
Loik,dq '. , , a short distance and Mrs. william Pairillairu aad famt - �-... 4.,;-0446
'', p Uoad far .... - - I ............. ........................ I
rt)i of.* village. It appears that j1V moved this week into the house . �_ . I .
recently vacated by Dr. and Mrs. Men's Rubbers, 69 cents; Women�s Rubbers, 79 cents; Men's Rub� .
heftfth�l.or several years, and had Campbell- We believe Mr. and Mrs. bar Boots, red soles, $4.36. - '. I I I �', ,
me thrpUgh a severe attack Of Alfred Smith intend mqving into the SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, APRIL 9th I 11
monlj�`,-coupled with heart trou- house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fair- � .. . I . I
, and"haid been warned by her bajrn_---iMr. Thamas Palmer has pur- - - 1. . . .
� - I
. .
yj,lc1Ans,'t4 take as much rest as cha�sod, from Mr. J. W. Ortwein, the . . I , I
sable, . inIacit to remain in bed. for st)orewith dwelling roams above, that � I . .. � ,'4i* ,
,or I . � I
11 �
me mantba, yet like many more he has been renting, so that he will .t 1. .1, � . .. . I A �
saw so,,many little things that she now own that 'fine premises. -Miss , I I I . . � 0 . . . 1. � . 1 .,
nted tor do, that she could not can- Lulu McDonald, of the London Road, . 11 0 Ill 1?
t herself -to rest in bed, and had spent the week end here with her .4 11� I waLgi.um
I �
en going around as usual and be- friend, Miss. Pearl Mousso.-Mr. W. 1. I .1 .1 � �
re r� on Thursday night she H. Kalbfleisch, who has been one of - . 5FAAMPT11
t a . of eggs ready for her the Bank of Montreal staff during the TELEPHONE 11 OPP08](TH COMMERCUL HOTRL
+4,-- All- +_ k- to one of the U_ V,___ i -f -I we I .11 .
I past, year, 8 #
DLres, in Hensall in the morning. As believe, to another algency of the
ey did -not require to get UP very bank and left heree last week- He
rly at this season of the year, the will be missed by a number of friends
,urs pa:ssed away until it was not and will be missed in "The Cyclone
ueh before nine o'clock before her Sally" play, in which he took a very
other thought he would take the important part very well and we be- I
gs to *6 'store and get the morn- lieve in the plays for which the young s
g mail, and not hearing his sister ,peo,ple have been engaged Mr. Samuel
oving about in her room, he thought Rennie has been engaged to take Mr. 3
a was asleep or resting, and would Kial-bf1eisch's part and will, no aoubt,
t distu& her. But when returning make a good substitute. -The Hensall
om the village with the mail and Lodge of Oddfellows, which is one d
)aring no sounds in the house, he of the oldest and strongest lodges in
ought -he- would go to her bedroom the village, has arranged to have an I
rd see how she was. He Was stun- "at home" in the Town Hall on the
� evening of Wednesday, April 6th. In
.d to find that she had passed away
ther during the midnight or early l talent for the f
ours of the morning. Miss Stewart literary and musical part, they are
as the only daughter of the late engaging the services of one of the
r. and Mrs. John Stewart, who pass- best up-to-date entertaine". After
away ruany years ago. Her par- the first part of the evening's enter -
its came from Scotland in the year tainment, lunch will beN�served and
859 and she was born on the home- later on any wishing to engage in
ead farm, about a rnil-e north of our dancing will find fine music and a fine
illage, and passed away in her 64th floor for dancing. Each member will
ear. She was also predeceased by have , ticket for himself and Wife or i
ne brother, John, who died in June, 1,,,t girl --if he happens to be a lone
919. Ever since the death of her b,,h,l,,, and besides that every mem-
arerlits 11ftry had remained on the ber will be provided with two tickets
omestead, keeping liuuse for her bro- of admission which he can give to
hers, John and Alexander. She was friends. The Oddfellows intend spar -
woman of a very superior nature, ing no efforts or expense to make the
uiet and retiring in disposition, but ',at home" a most enjoyable one and
ad a well informed mind, was a worthy of the Oddfellows.-Inspector
plendid and very neat housekeeper, Tom, ,of Goderich, visited our schools
nd a fine Christian throughout her the past week. -Mrs. William McAl-
fe. She was a m(-niber for many lister and Miss Dolly Hagan, both
ears of the Presbyterian church and nurses in the past at Clinton Hos-
teacher in tht� Sunday School when pital, attended the funeral of the late
er health permitted, and in this con- Mrs. Dr. Gunn. -Miss Tessie McEwayi
ection just very rt-cently before her who holds a good position in Ottawa
ery sudden dea,th, was presented by spent a few days at the parentai
he boys ofher class with a beautiful home west of our village. -Several
owering plant, which she apkpreciat- friends of the late Mi3s Mary Stew -
d greatly. The funeral service was art from Brussels and vicinity, at-
onducted aCthe home on Monday tended her funeral on Monday last * -
fternoon by Rev. Mr. Foote, of Cave, Our villagers feel much indebte,d to
resbyterian Church, E x e te. r, who our council and particularly to Reeve
ore fine t�,stimony to the fine life of Geiger and Mr. Higgins, for the good
he deceased. The pallbearers werc I l,i,_,h they put up in getting a reduc-
obert ard John Bell, Donald Burns, t o nt or i'.nic fifty per cent. in the
)uncan Stewart, Donald Park and 'it va,luation given on the County
lobert. McLaren, Sr. The funeral I fir ,.'on.
of H The matter was fought
vas a private one and the remains out and a mutual ara-angement made.
Y -ere interred in the Hen,sall Union -Mrs. J. W. Bonthron returned hom.3
3emetery. A beautiful spray was�
i I the fi,rst of this week from a pleasant
, I visit relatives in Kitchener and
pven by the Bell, Family, who were - - wit'h
Id and warm. friends of the deck -as Waterloo, and also .spent a week with
d. Much sympathy is felt for thc-- � f lends in London. -Miss Edith For-
ereaved hrother, Alexander, who� rir",t, re,turned a week or so ago from
lone rernams. of the family. an extended and pleasant visit with
Briefs- The roads continue in a relatives and friends in B.rucefield and
very bad s(at,e making traffic either district -A number of young men
by horse (it- rnotor very difficult. -Con- I
I who ,had recently been testing the �
iderable molasses has been brought relative speed of their horses on our
nto market during the past week or paved main street, had this we-ek to
o, and me,(-,t,q with ready derfiand, but i contribute qui-te a tidy sum to the
the sk-ason is short owing to the want I for their spe-eding.
of more favorable weather, frost and � Naturally there is quite a temptation
sunshine, so necessary for good runs on a fink, .stretch of pavement, to in -
of sap.- Our merchants during the I (julg I
,e in speeding, and test the quali- �
past week have had fine displays of ties of a good moving horse, and many I
spring garments, particularly in the I
, of us, no doubt, have been prone to'
way of Fine dTesses and coats, and do .so, but a little thought will con -
report birice gales many coming from vince us how wrong it is to do so, as I
quite a distance. -Mr. William Fair- on a mare or less smooth and slip -
bairn ,and family are this week mov- pery pavement, we. endanger both our
ing into the main part of the dwelling (,wrl lives and that of others, who
recently 1-ClAeld and occupied by Dr. may he on the street, as well as in- I
A. R. Crinipbell-We -regret to state jurinig a good horse, as it ha,i most
that Mrs. Thomas Farquhar has been baneful effects on the legs and fe'Al
very ill during the past week or .so, of an animal. Apart from this, it is '
but at d0v of writing we are pleased contrary to law and speed regula- I
to learn that she Is now improving tions, which are made to go,vern the
n�cely_ .Mr. Charles L. Jinks, who safety of all using the public high -
was confined to his home for the past w ay, for were not these laws and
coupole of wi,eks is now able to be out regulations observed there would be
again, but. not yet quite strong enou . gh many setrious mishaps, yes misfor-
take up his duties as mail courier t u nes. So it is up to us all to try
on Route No. 1, Herisall, but expects and observe our laws and regulations
very soon to be able to do qo.-Miss and if in Bible language the wall was
Joynt, of Wirligham, spent the week to fall on all transgressors, notmany
,end here with her brother, Mr. T. C. of us would escape, but it often hap-
Joynt, general merchant. -Mr. Thoi. pens that many offenders seem to es-
Shaddock, railway section foreman, cape while others, perhaps much less
and his staff firtend having a very
. . offenders, get crushed with the fall -
Ane display of flower be& this spring ing, so to speak, of the wall.-Ou-r
and sunirner,. surpassing that of onion seed warehouses are now quite
former yeaxs.-4f , r. Robert Morrison a busy place, with so many sorters
has been suffeting from one of his and Packing of onions for shipment,
feet which he injured some time ago -We find that the induction services
in an accident, but which lately be- in Carmel Presbyterian Church that
u ainful and has been announced for the 31st of
apart from going out a little on his this month, does not cbme off in time
own premi-,s�, ,has not been aut on to give a report of in this week's is -
our streets for some weeks, but hopes sue. -Miss Hattie D. Sutherland Was
soon to he ableto gain. -
,go around a i in Clinition on Wednesday last, a,t-
Among those who intend putting in tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
hydro lights in -their dwellings very (Dr.) William Gunn, late of that
soon we believ%,are Miss Helen Swan
and Mr. William WebbeT.-Mrs. L. town -We beilieve M.iss Helen Swan,
nee Miss R.N., ,has rented a part of bar dwel-
Leeper, of St. 0EiAA1&rineq,, ling on Richmond Street South, to
Mary Carlisle, spent the week end Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughtbr, Miss
here with her ii4latives and many Eleanor._Mrs. Mossipp, �?f St. M .
friends, who weTe Oleased to meet her al yso
* spent the past week biiite with her
agmn as a former resident of our sister Airs. John MeD. Wilson. -Wo
A . Ilage for man1t ye - ur carpen- ,
, gera num- understand that Mr. John E. Vic -
bets, Masons, aiA Paper Donell, who has been for the past
be ;ftky busy men of ,Our
..T among the month oil a West Indivis trip, ta now
vislilage at this ' ,gbasori of the year, on his way home, togothbr, with hill
'hen houae&��g.% th ' a order of the cousin, XV, 18ang Carling, barrister
day with the UW"'I'StIX - and i1n1Pr0Va- of''Exetar tinct both In *14 , till to rel-
me,Att, genorally.�. Ung made, to ativet a'n'A, h4elid - .Vca,t it, &N tIM8
��islaRe--OUI.�,��-vi.,*ta�oots� are v(Iry s 9'. Fluker, of Au-
(toft . fn U, Wi very sudden (if thair ufo-_-�W, .
, , 7 to I" , '
do�fh of Mrs, �*',�)- *�)ftnit Gunn, of burn, hab boon OfAtIng rollatives and
_ ,
Mi"trin, fhe fi6t . of, Ws *tok, on (11i0#48. in, nonstdl, Aud vloinity, dtw
sullilday, evibitie wr'oh h& way ito 1,19 tU4fidt*d6k or� ao,, �, I
- I .
,. I
'' . I
.. .
. I . . " I ..
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steers sold down to 61/4 eenta- Packers paid
Toronto, Nor& 29ith-Manitoba wheat -No.
a top of 8 cents for some half-dozou prime
houdywe'ght" and 7.60 to 7.85 cents for the '
Northern. $1.54; No. 2 Northern, $1.50; No.
bulk of choice, while medium 'to Sop, d Light
Northern, $1.42.
Makitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.. nominal : Nd.
steers brong 7 W Id! cents visr�oouud V"d
to cho .e hX. ,no 7y, to N �W�, wid
. not quoted; No. I feed, 51le; No. 2 feed,
s' t dowmwatird ,to 613A cents per poun&
iominal: Western grain quotations in c.i.f.
the trade was active and a shade strong-
orts. .
American corn. track, Toronto -No a
er ithan -last week sit 51/2 to 6 cents, for good
kiln dried, 68V2c; No. 3 yelC�w," kiln
butcher kind and up to 6% eent� fqr a few
ried, 811he.
choice. -Bulls were a bU draggy, none of
Millfeed-Delivered. Montreal. freights, bwo
that class being taken for export ILud good
bull" were barely steady at 5 to 5% cents
ioclu&4: Bran. per ton. $82.25; shorts. per
per pound for the bulk ,of sales, and ontly
$34.25; middlings, $40.25.
the odd top made 6.65 cents per pound. Bol -
OntArio oats, 5&c f.o.b., shipping points.
ognas and medium butcher bulls brought 4 to
Ontario good *milling wheat -$1.23 to 91 24
4�,'L cents. Some three dozen baby beeves
.o.b. shipping points, according to irel��ts.
sold about steady Eut 9% to 101/4 cents for
Barley -Malting. 68c.
good kind and 8 to 9 cents per pound for
Bluckwbeat-75c, nominal.
medium. 77here was nothing doing in the
Rye -No. 2. 97c.
stocker and feeder line.
Manitoba flour -First partent, $8.00, Toren-
A calf offering- of normal volume sold
do. seconds patent, $7.50.
steady to firm at 12 to 18 cents per pound
Ontario flour -Toronto, 99 per cent. Pate=*,
for the bulk of choice, with half a dozen
Pe r barrel, in carlots, Toronto, $6.25 ; sea-
making 13Y4 to 131�.! cents and a few prime
board, in bulk, $5.30.
. veals 14 cents per pound. Fair to good calves
I brought 8 to 11% cents per pound.
Lamb supply was lighter than usual end
Buffalo. March 29th. -Hogs 1,1001. pio end
mixed as regards quality. A fevr good 86-
ight lights, $12.50 to $12.75.: few 170 to 190
pound lambs sold at 13% cents'per pound, or
Ms., $12.25 to $12.35; bulk, 210 to 225 Tbs.,
steady with lost week's close on that kind.
$12.00 to $12.15; heavy weights, $11-00 up;
while seake choice light Jazabs-about half a
dozen -brought 14 cents, and the bulk of
packing sows. $10.00 to $10.150.
Cattle, 2,200: steady; choice. 1,428 pound
the offening-heavies. over 100 pounds---i5old
steers, $12.00; bulk good, 1,100 to 1,300 pound
at 101X2, cents. Yearlings sold at 9 cents. and
some half-dozen heavy sheep at 6 to 6% oentB-
steers, $10 * 75 to $11,50: bulk medium grades,
Spring lambs brought anywhere from $12 to
$9.25 to $10.60; few heifers. $7.00 to $9.00;
$16 each.
medium cows, $6.50 to $7.50 ; bulls around
Hog prices were unchanged at last week"o
Caivim. 1,800: bulk vealen. $15.00 to $16,
decline thick snwoth grades selling at lor,
cull and common $10.00 to $12.50.
f.o.b. .
'Sheep, 7,000: top and bulk fat lambs, $16.50
Quotations: Heavy export steers, $8.00 to
cull and common g-rade3. $12.50 to $14.50;
$8.40; do., fair, $7.50 to $7.86; batrher
few clipped lambs, $14.50 to $16-00; aged
steers, choice, $7.50 to $8.00; do. fair togood.
wethers. $11.00.
; $6.50 to $7.25; butcher heifers, choice, $7-0s
to '$7.75; do., common, $6.00 to $6.25; but-
Union Stuck' Yards, Toronto, March 29th. -
cher cows , good to choice $6.00 to $6,76; do.
To-day*s receipt of ca,ttle for sale locally was
common to medium, $4.50 to $6.00; do., fair
the litrhtest for a Mond,ay in a long time. and
to good, $5.50 to $6.00; do., canners and CuIL-
the offering, with some 600 stale added. was
ters, $2.60 to ,$3.09: hotelier bulls, good to
600 below that of the opening day of last
choice. $5.00 to $6.50; do. medium, $4.00 to
week. Bidding on the light supply was brisk
$6.00; do., bolognas, $4.00 to $4.25; baby
from the staI and the tone of the market
beef, 48.00 to $10.50; feeders, ehoice, $6.00
-as stronger, with heavies showing a allgbt
� to $6.25; do., fair, $5.00 to $6.26; stockers,
advance over last weel('s close and butcherl
choice, $6.00 to $6.26; do., fair to filiedium.
r4ttle venerally recovering last week's de-
$5.00 to $5.75; springers, $80.00 to $9&00;
cline of 15 to 25 centg per pound. Packera
milth cows, $65.00 to $80.00; plain be med-
I- k the bulk of the heavy steers. vaying 8
ium cows, $40-00 to $60.00; calves, choice.
to R.40 cents ver P,ound for the choice kind.
112.00 to $18.00; do. medium, $10.00 to
and tnp In that diviHiou was 8.45 cents for
611.00; do., common, $7.00 to $8.00; lambs.
i lot af eight head avera$ring 1450 pounds.
' choice, $13.00 to $18.50; bucks, $7.00 to
Exportem to�k a few lots at the above -men-
$10.60: sheep, chpice, $7.00 to $8.00; do..
ti-ned ,;I)read. Near -heavies sold readily at
heavies. $4.50 to $5.00; do., culls, $S.00 to
, -�; t,, 8 cprt� per m,und. with n copule 1),
$8.50; hogs, thick smooth, fed and watered -
prone %t�� un to RL� centm and two Ld.
$10-50; do., f.o.b.. $10.00; do-. country points,
av rnizinw 1,060 poun& at 8.35 c(
$9.75; do., off cars, $10.90: seledt premium.
pZnd. A few common in-betweei
____ __ -------
per hogs. $2.05.
Spring Xillinerp
We invite the ladies of Hensall and ViCiDity to call and
see our Special Display of Pretty, Bright and up- ro-
The-Minute, Hats on
Friday and Saturday.
A Competent Milliner to help you select
Mrs. Bertba E. Bell - Hensall
- __ - - --.--- --.--.-- - W
- ..
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I ,
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- That Fife
Footwear aw
Do your shoes fit you properly? Not merely are they wide enough, or
long enough, but do they conform to the shape of your feet? 12 they do
not, you are not getting the good out of your shoes that you should. In this
case there is a treat in store for you when you. buy your next pair of shoes
from us. We pride ourselves here on carrying high grade fbatwear on
and different widths from which we offer a real service -to properly fit Your
feet, that you may enjoy foot comfort. Foremost, among our new Spring
I .
LADIES, PASTEL SLIPPERS -The very newest shade in shoes -made of
high quality calf leather; covered spike heels; trimmed daintily
with mesh. Good value ................................... $6.50
LADIES' IVORY WOOD SLIPPERS-Juat slightly darker in color than the
pastel color. Covered -spike heels, prettily trimmed,
at.............. .................. ...................... $6.50
LADIES' PEARLWOOD GREY 2 EYELET TIES -This particular style is
just overflowin with snap. Description does not give them
Justice. You sfiould see them. Covered spike ,heels .......... $6.00
LADIES' PATENT STRAP 91,11"PER-Miogt oxquisitely designed ; S8.00
over'lays of black calf; covered spike heels .................... .
Your conception of a good Shoe Store eanuot be far difterent from our
owli-a ploilwitnt atore where you are sorvad courteously and understmWingly
--,correctly fitted with the kind of Jahoas You want at a sensible pitce-That
-ig our w4y.hero, . .
. I I I
' �
Jo Ho m h & Son,
. - S it' I � , ,
wilafto 8908 Vr"G is PARAMOV,x I T
PRIONE 51 Opposite Bank of COMMMe- . SWORTIE1
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