HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-04-01, Page 1. .... �14F t I 'O I . �kz� I I I I IN, � M... , f " , I 1 V.-." . � it ... I I I 11 11 , I � , I � , , � , ,,, . ... . I 11 � 11 ..... I'll, I , r r ­ I - , , � , I I � ,.I , I �� , �� ... �', I , � I'll " 1, I I i �,.'' I I , I ., �, � ��, , �� . ,�, I , � I ." I - , I * �. ', I � .. � 6 , I -e- . . .- � :�. 't, ,�, � , ��7. �i ll � �,%? ; I �i ��� �' � I i I � , � 1� - ,.,��. ��'��,��!:,—�,,'...i',',�'�.�,�� . , I �,;, 110 : 11 ilw�l ,;- . , , � I I .. .1. 11 � 111%, M`��klll' , . � I , ,,,,�r �,14,,��, �,,, , , . k�) , 7..-- C i� � I q�, " ..". , I �q .... ��*,,,,t,�,Ix�L'� , � , I I � ­.11� �." 1. � ,,��, '0 - , Ff ,� , 4 I i��, ,", . ,��.I. I .,, I � 11.1 - ." n �'S;�;. - �,!. � '. I* 1:: �� 4;��Y!, I..,*" 11, .1 . .11 . 1, , � M., � I . " � .4 � 1�1111_ I -11, . I .", �� V -.1 i 1 �a;1� " . � . ;.. I . ", , . I �Nrl,�V�W -AAA90ne.-1�1L " .6, . 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('110 IV I I . 1, ., ,,, .. f,rp* .jos;., , " , , I I—. , ,,�, ��41� 00 .W �.T 4 'm * - 1VVW I I .11 � " �, I " , , , . - I - 'o for ' � , � � �', ,10 k I . L' I" �, 4 1.1 ... . , oi 11,-�,,,'� ... 4' .10mm ­. , W, , - A . 104 i: . . -,� - - I , C, opa wa#:a 79 F , , -, , IQ., WAV'"Uolftl�; . I I 1. I 11 ­ I . . , I I'll, . �­�..,. � ., - �",.: ma al-fiAlixt-b of , 1i , �%;, 1. , 0 ;.:: ... ��: ,-- � , .� . . 0, ,� , . ", -.: �­,�- ":��,'.' __ , �$ fight­Xiii'A 161�� W., AM 242", -1 , 941 ,A X 4AAt9QVX4&V`" I I ... M , � , , I a ''. ob-Illaslito, plac . . _,­ ili fA 1" _, �, � 0 , -- - - � ... F _ ­­­ .... .. V " , - , � � ".. , ,77". 1 to, year I �'X wx,elp, LO MIlate—the deO 0 ' �, I � " I I � , -ft, . � . , .. , I... i - � � "q � , ; I .- -, � , .1 � . . = , _ , - .1 I 11 - ,... ! , , " - I . , , - I �.., Is. . over , . � I te- go I � . � �,�- 0 In a f0*.e,11W)#bQ1'r" , sk-A'. # " A - "Old. I . '01". fh eailyc es." 'P. -14,$ I �. F,1410�4; - , F, " �" -- , - i �- - 411, , WP 9r,811 ,. . fc_. .14 , . , . , 1. , n .. k. ,��Ve , , ,, .. " . IQ;` %,%,#"_r*_ kassa. the bill 6A h ., ; 11C ­ .,f . "" I . ­ � I , � . � . . "- .. .1 � .4 �, ft .1 v Ti g �. # . �i r ,., v �- ' " 14' IP10*411T Ittle .4 . s � � _. I - � 1� . '"' " , it - -.' ThTlik . , W,- J - I I .. , - , . . �If` . M, - ltl�_,, ,I Is I ot A�',�Qffi . , I �5� , , � . , Ri;g W*" .- .,# - ,. dogs, e, bul- I ". . �� - . , !" ,4 1 . , $ � . . .8040 � , _ ,. ,4f 'I. "a me a= flensloto 1. . �. I .- I . _� 4 ­ I., . . I �, , � ,. ­ , ., 'I I _,,�, . . .. . �� . I , "i WIT100w will .1 . op, ,. � - , k OX - pri logo oaften iti tonel bo- , '. . . �1 I - . - *i�i so 60 roted'frdf -4 ,�i , �t, � " ,� w � , . . f aT IV "7� , I . I '11 . � � I I , , . � , 11 U, a, wer.-I'ma � I 1"�,._&-v­s; w. .. Coot Ift *o*. * of, "Ill ­ - � A -M., . , " ,.,- , . , �, ,M, � �"... "_ I I ­ LL ,� - . .1 ;;; I . , ,." ., �.. :�,N I , ". L I ��",�. 11, I . I � ,- : j� , , . , �n by Mr-, Ch I @� :0,44 .We L ' . I— .. I .1� I I . � I '411*11144,00 W � rek of ) , I . I ;L, -,.I- �_,�` �. ..,.,.F �­ ohrin" , � ., i as . � q , , .. - .. tuiv � 11 - '! � �, p , " � mbur,4004m I I .. 'One, , " . I " $'_ _.o _ _ _ � . ' - t�." 11 xl. I to, 0 L� -, I . ' .1. I _ %w ­!_�__-� I .. 141mo , "", t I . I .. I I :L ­ . _ I WD , oe� I .w, I 13-uttons, Pappi� A 1, ­�T'. , "Iroffi) 0 �p M , � t %-;,,�­ k. ,� ,� , I 1 1. � 1, it' _�P.%W �L� I" .'" �3'for,' * Po$4 L 11 ­". IV"=,, ,�.�.,f - . � j", 11 ,; �, , . . 1. ;,. L� : , ­­ - -RAP"IF, � ­­ � I "M . I 1. � '. 11 I �e. ,�, " ,$nf "V,", 4)1'� ft$�� L Rea t��,a , " _111-4,� �11, _,"!W.. ;&Ae%p46 the ground is lit , ;* � � ;_ .10 . .. ,_. � i.4�1)2111FAI,t �_,`�, � . W �n. 0$'*e S*q - I " ' . I .. . . AMA Snapdragon oQ I -.111-1,11 1, 19 ., 'str ' , , JORUM -11 � 1: a,- I III �, arg,er � . �, , ". . - A waterw4f,ftbk .0 -, S,111`1 I I . . , 11y'. 4 - Of -His 901(%04 d "' � ro L . I ;,- Xv­.���@ ?.w , , - �.'.�, .. L ... . . I .r I �, . �� , ". Y,, , " , 11, "'. 0, -J - ' I . !, ', W -17A, �� ,, , , Thi I I X.444,i en � . --, ..""o , ­� ri % �gnqt - I . , ,F.- , I 'D , , , x sl I .. :, r - ­� I ." I - . I 1, � ­ ,, a n 0 � . . . � , 1. I � I � 9 )130'VJ# A 'I . I I , -t W VATMA . � " "404kw, , , , buse, are " Items - . .11 J." ,7 2 d1t. -, , , �i�owtl*, ,:moritha: d I ;"L `��, I . . ta.w1h ri . . -I , Qt � AqaeSS)nf�4,,,:'of,'.th0 COUAty 4f r 4 't : " to, t1tei", Gemr*i � i. 111� .. 0, " . Nwilled thft �l f ­ I � I , P a . I L I On. 1 , — I L. s3t Year last ,. , _,kw wa . �. " � , --- Wuli�-,to %0 Ter o I I , ,`� . r - i ':,L.'� , .. ... futi, ## rig- �� ,;ff as, %eliosing iz�d _�Pjpem aisiIiii ', BWAI� . r " ;M. " i__ * - . Zles"1111"Me. )KI, I Gmu 9111;19- Tile w4We , I . I - , � �� ' - `,;',�.Ie W4 .L n at .1%16 . I .1 ,.. .1. Just ArrivO—A car, of Portland Cement, - - . , . I I full agliply of- .. , ` :, " . A ! , L e 4 'd4fift' ovi'r the YAW r. ' a . . * We , also have a q ;'J4,W-V,W ol ;,�.`11301,,f" :1 , -ubt 'in tiieeloi,44 oiihe, �p politi 11 19 : , Hfir a. '14 r"nl__ % , . f, . �eali of 'he - : 6 � r�� , - . , ta. ' Q.it ., st- . , it. There Is � Ap 'do � AN t stave lime. hydrated lime, hard wall VI ir 14 Li �', ,J I aste . X, A . -11 11 ,� � Ro On '��O-,,,. ''40- Wumilps- of Vast Wawanosh, M r- -. . - lutb; * �f ­� . � , 0A - !"" "'" m`owq)`Zwvyr��'M'�, ,V", - `9 -, ' "a . its 11i4o, a P�Dint of ett 38 "' ' ch at 'our yard .� , � - , r, 0 __ L ,� � v1sister Paris, 0 ; ""', � , . . I I Rveir long.'e,peeliheis, in tv&lcn�L; , 10 � -P was a certain ailrigu4t of is , 0 I'", "I. mortar ,color, , 4 . :4, CA.rey, and Hay, and the Villages _,�, �,� hatse wagon avid two'cemeAt blocli '14, � Ity, in Customs admlnip#�atim. and f I ...�tl '... 4W ]alyffi, g "'. . . nes YOUCM 7 'en, ,f 11jl xeter, He -1e. . , 'A L ­­., ­ glorify oqovernme# ovpel�s- Pg- � tk I al�, 1. �. . � for an Dont forget the , wNerk R, . 4 ,.� "4gl' � ,�� . . . , whole thing waa, PI -47 up * I I 1. 'No .", I L ' Bayfield, � us I - �_ , 2, - V_t �_'. __�'�,�'L Cc - 14-beral Va#y:-,Whi*, appatetitly. b . . vd- * . . . you. are In neeil of any , , "I I ,�. I ". _RILS" '. - � as . 8 , ... L as and Wroxeter, and the - Towris of - I I ,-,�� b.-.-_--0 ­ - ,­­%!� I . . . I I .,.,� I.. N I the great ensation, of the age. Back L '.1 R. GUIPMADRE, Hensall; . axle 107, Notes -W.- . Ed � I.X ..�h . , Y , L . L'. . .0 � r-,,,,� " .. more Government owiterihip -.3upport, Godealich, Clinton, , AN-U.T I � %1�.,. I r . Muriol - I I =4 Miss i0l ers and '"thin �dse. There is In We c mritry a cer- . . 11 . . . ­h­�,,i' . of this, however, th6te was something Seaforith, , and .­ ,4,.'� Young Peoplels Socidty,­41i� Usborrie miore-r4dicAl, ,thought wi Wingham against the By-law of the in the United -Church on daughter .of W a ,#�'�'�L'� its ianks, -seems to 'be placed, in the County C . . � . 11 -.1... '. . , ;11 ii ­,i, , . Wit class of people -who would like ouncil of -the County of HUI!. Friday night. The meeting opened par,7kej, of Tue . .,. position'of defending an;jR.PlICation N. MUFF & SONSo P* s"u"t I., 11 I - to class silitiggling along with treas- Out Passed, on the 26th day of Jauu- by singing a hymn. Mr. Durroat led in matittage o 1.7, �W for apecisf privileiii - __ ar . I ,# _:�­ " , %XY - o,�,L'f'� .' L '' I is to irivatoo. enter on, murder, and rape, and'make it a y, A. D., 19,27, for the'adoption of in prayer. The Scripture lesson , :' I , . I . L,.; r : .. The Tories are battling to pre- . �..�.111 was week. The eereariany , was, -A-0 I :��,`-'�'L 5 &Z, I " I PrI80 ' the Valu4tors' reports for the Equa­ , � read by 'Mr. Fred McClymont. The ed by the Rev. A.. Sinclbk,, sl,_ -- %��.5c . vent the Bill from going to CoramIt- ease of hanging. This section Of -the * L� � L . �,� . ,!� . : , i . I community seems to have a,eonsider- lizdtion of the assessments of the -- . - , .1.r,m � . minutes of the last meeting were read Manse, Hensall. Th 1'. I - - * I I �. . '6 �' , I , tee. Th6 Liberals are fighting to send Munic* I ., . e . F., , . � "..'; ... �A. .4 able measure of support from Mr. ipalitiies of the said County. M-NME"E"In and adopted. A splendid topic was couple will, take ' * ' . �- �o . - I L I . UP I , ; 1- it thore. Parlialno6nt can do what It Euler, the Minister of Customs. Other Whereas pursuant. to the Assess- _' �_ * , '� - . � Olt .,_,,��, 1,�� 1, — given by Miss Pepper, after which the farm I tely va,cated ?,� . ': a vwsted . . Moir ., � 1 - . I chooses in the matter, but the ordin- ment Act, R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 195, bacon, 37; thick , 53; heavies, cure the beat seed possible- as one does the election of officers took place for and th y I " I . . . . . . � , 1"�'.,�e I � . tr'fe ferently � amoo lot bost ,� . .. ... 'i . members of the House see things dif- . � 1. , 14? ary mortal who watches the s I the various Id'anicipalitiep appealing 2; shop hogs, 5. -th'? e cQp,rtTy With , " , and so we watched thu I not want to sow a of weeds along the coming year- The ofters are as wishes of their makany .. - : Im"I" '� I . - I I '� -would not give much for the Bill if spectacle of a irather'sharp battle in consented to me, as Judge, of the HURON CO.-7-4Vt8J;_ hogs, 1,501 ; with the grass. If you have a roller follows: President, Mr. Harnwell; and Mrs. A. Hodgert were - ar .; I - � , .-- , , --' 1� , it once landed in Committee. A fea- which the Minister of Customs reeelv County Court of the County of Huron, select bacon, 421; IN141, ' Ist Vice -President, Mr. Watson Web- bar on Monday last a" I N ,:- ture of the week was an eloqi�?nt - to hear the appeals against the Valu- heavies, 66; shop the .. ., �, I - tation ed ample support from Mr. Stevens, It ,.03; lights and 'Press the seed in the ground. A ster; 2nd Vice-Presid,ent, Mrs. Chas. sale of Mr. KenM,1%&0I, Mrril. � i . "' atorst reports. feeders, 18. .� .... 0 ther Rathwell; 3rd Vice -Pr dent, .. � speech from Mr. Bennett. Limi Mr. Bennett and others of similar Pounder is the next beat and if nei es! Miss R. gert's biviiher. �,'�,�.�, 'r ,� ­ .;. � " of time somewhat cramped ,his style high protectionist inclinations. Some And whereas I have proceeded to of these two affairs is obtainable rake Taylor; 4th Vice -President, Whss 4. . ,�-!!�:­ 1% 4.0 �,I�!V and the honorable gentleman did not *�� � :41��, .14.;t.- �� I , more or less hot words were inter- hear and determine the matter of the in lightly. Growth will commence Pepper; Secretary, Miss Jean, Foster; BRUCEFIELD I �_,,.Zl,fl, I il . make quite so good an impression a, said appeals in the presence of Goun- . � quickly as grass prefers cool weather. Treasurer, Mr. William Clark; Or- . ' I . -�..4� 1 �­_ �- changed o[ver the affair and Mr. BOWLING'"LUGUE Young People's Smiety.-The y. I :..­K'�;, . usual. The Bill is still in the lap of B,urass,, who Is never lacking in the -sel for said County of Huron, Towns ." To hosten, things along a light appli- gallist, Miss Violet McClymont. : �1. .� � the gods. . Of Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton and The National Bowling Alley Club cation of -nitrate of soda every ten -W — P. S.,Df Brucefield United Church, met . . ' A gift of tongues, suggested- that Mr. at the close of the Sunday evening ,';�:_��,' , Rules. . Stevens was still the controlling and W4ngh', and the Villages of Bay- recently formed to play on Mr. E. H. days is advisable. It is a good plan ELIMVTLLE - ", field, Blyth, Exeter, service for their monthly ,song, ser- . 11:�­, ., directing force of the Department of Hensall and Close's Bowling A114 In the Cardno to put this on just - No .-Mr. LI yd Johns has been �,.` I �111 I The House battled for a night or so , before a rain or te6 o ­, 1, Wroxeter, and the Towns vice. Most of the ,evening was spent � 4 over the question. of Rules. It is Customs and that he had found a very hip of East Block, got away to a good start last even during the shower. Cutting suffering from blood poison in his i . ��� ,'' 'A . .1 & - - devoted deputy in the p Wswanosh, and of the representatives week, when 10 teams. competed in the should commence, using a very shar arm, but at time of writing is be- n practising new trines, with a fe?W 11-�� - 11�_` � felt that it is quite necessary to re resent occu- p old favorites interspersed. Miss L,efia ­�` ..; I strain the ,bumptious impetuosity of Pant Of that position. The House ad- of the other Municipalities forming first draw. The folloing is the mower -a dull machine witl pull out ginning to improve. -Miss Florence Stackhouse w at the piano and Jjj�. - �,_� , certain members who love to hear journed without much, progroaiis being part of 'the County of Huron for mun- s,core: I the tender grass -as soon as the Herduran vus4tted her grandparents, as icipal purposes. . George Knight in the chair. A full 1,�;.' e to made, but the scrap revealed more lat 2nd shoots are up a couple of inches, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squires, in Ex- . . And whereas the assessments as I Srd -Little Miss . -��. , talk long, so the House has decided than anything else so far this session X McMillen, Captain... 178 97 142 should be continued at intervals of a eter recently. Jean Snell attendance is requested next week, . to limit the speech of the common or that the present House of Commons equalized by the said by-law are set J. Best ............... 271 187 222 week aslong as the lawn keeps grow- has been sick with influenza. -Mrs. as the ,election of officers for the next '_"'� - forth in Schedule I hereto. W. Bavrber ............ 254 192 year is to take place at that meet- I 'It"... . 189 ing. Hollows that appear after sow- Richard Johns has returned home af- - I . garden variety of M. P. to 40 min- has a mind of its own, that it is not E. Bright ............ 170 149 2.12 ing. Come and vote -then you will :,;­,� - to going to bow down to the mandates And whereas it -has been estab- W . Thompson ......... 107 189 162 ing can be gradually filled in with ter ipending several weeks in Exeter. - -1 utes. Leaders will he allowed of Protectionist adherents on either lisbed that the- assessments as set fine soil or sand but not inore than a �Mrs. George Pulleyplank is on the 'have a right to criticise the executive I 1,11;1, -1 ", stretch this to a considerable leorigth. forth in Schedule I were based upon R. M. Jones, Captain.. 168 1.59 1110 half inch should be put on at one sick list. -We are sorry to loose Mr. all year. , I . , 4.i ...... . ngs. side of the House. The conflict indi- T. Phillips .......... 267 211 200 ..- i .. It might be well to reverse thi Death of Thomas Baird, Sr. -The I . I Leaders are more or less trained in cated the most interesting of all de- v.aluations of the vaxious municipali- R. Spr,Dat ..... ... I ... : 129 177 144 time. There sbould be no unnecessary and Mrs. George Jacques fram this ,. I o "I i the art of speaking. They ought to velopments in Parliament, the grow- ties of the County, and, made by Win. W. G, Spencer ........ 114 95 'Is tramping over the new lawn until it congregation by their removal to'Ex- i .sudden death of Mr. Thomas Baird, 1. '.. '... I., W. Brixbt ............ 174 147 I Sr., on Friday evening last came with %, . - have the power of condensation, ing spirit of independence among the H. Coate, Charles Stewart and Win. 1 " has had a two months' start, eter last week. -Last Sunday was Re-, ��44� � I whereas the ordinary man is by McQuillan, duly appointed for that R. Boyd. Captain ..... 10 ISO 27ti view Sunday in the Sunday School, the sense of shock and regret to the �. " �, � ., I f na- members. ; whole community. Mr. Baird was - . i ose by the County Council of th,.! C. Ohcoro� ............ 211 1 34 168 . Screening Buildings. and was very interestingly taken up �:,. ture, more or less -prolix and who Progress. PUTP . 1. �� I said County. W. Smith ............. 219 133 160 by twelve different persons, each one' one of the best known and most de- , ,� may B. Bell ............... 231 169 239 A little planning will often � servedly respected residents of the 1.� ;� . , '. knows, Parliaments of the future That, after all, is the most pleasing result taking a lesson. -Next Sunday morn- � ;1 11 ,, And whereas it appears that sub- D. McKay ............ 204 108 236 I , contain as many women as men. - . 0 ­ feature of the last two years in the sequently to the entering of the ap- i in a beautiful back garden erven where ing the Sacrament of the L6rd's Sup- i township where his long life bad been . .1 . . There was some opposition from House of Commons. Parliament to- A Reid, Captain ...... .258 Iq9 i5s a garage and chicken house are prom- per will be ! spent, The deceased was born in . .� 1", ... � peals and after the preliminary hear- H' Smith ............ 1 91 is administered after the _.., '. 57 I 8 inent features of a thi foot lot. I Stanley townstrip 70 years ago on . ., I Progressives and justly so. Why day is different from the Parliament ing herein that the Counsel for the i�>t RA -id .......... : 23A 71 172 rty morning service. -The Y. P. Society _. . � I , ' .4 . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ..., I . - should the, leaders of the old political over which Laurier and Macdonald County of Huron suggested in Court 0. Dick . :*. 140 89 147 Annual climbers such as wild hopq, of this church is planning to hold a . November Ist, 18546. On May 21,t, ._11 I G. Dick ........ :_.. 123 1 5 & 164 wild cucumbers, scarlet runner beans, box social in the near future. -The " ��' :4 � parties have the right to trespass on ruled. We may look back on these that the Whole matter be referred back 1879, he was united in marriage to 1i �, " 1, , V the time of the House, while the lead- great lights of the past with rever- to the County, Council for their fur- R. McGeoch, Captain.. 228 224 125 sweet peas, morning glories, and sev- Mission Band had an interesting ev- Miss Agnes J. Dunbar, eldest daugh- . '.... I , %...,.� I � er of one of the minror parties is not ence and Jilgh regard, but the average D Dale .......... is 74 is . I , . I 0 . ening ter Of the late Joseph Dunbar, of , �­ , ther consideration at a special meet- J.' Ha rt ........... :::: 121 11 ____ s entertainment last Friday ev- 1,11.1 given that privilege. But our Canad- of the intelligence of the House to- 915 116 Ashfield township, 'who with one son, �. � . W. Batemoon .......... 232 214 218 ening, when Rev. Smith gave an ad- �� ian :�arliament is still a two paxty day is higher than it was in the old Ing- Thomas B. Baird, on the homestead, I . altered And whereas the County Council R. Pinkney .......... U6 211 ,.­_ Tess on Quebec 'I'd its Problems "O ;";.;_"� � I affair and time has not yet days and the spirit a independence was duly convened on the 23rd. day E. Reating, C.Pitain .... " Your Shoe Problem da fair sized -audience. The children I survive him. He is also survived by . �'..j,,� . that condition. Hereafter, the -House exhibited is one of the most hopeful . ISO 192 IT7 one sister, Mrs. Jean Campbell, of .`... of March, 3.927, and it was unammous- R� Holmes ........ 1�6 243 179 taking part in the programme also - I I . will adjourn at eleven o'clock. The signs of the time. : ": - is Solved. did very well. The numtoers given - � �., I Idea is good -late hours neiver bright- ly agreed that the valuations as set R- Wmg ......... .. 141 115 225 Moose Jaw who is the last surviving I Parliament will close by Easter- F. Robinson .......... ISO 116 ifia I by Mris.ses May Clarke and Marjorie member o? a family of eleven. In 1, ,; ened -any brains-meither is it likely that is, if nothing unforseen Cc forth in Schedule 2 be the valuation F. Crich .............. 1 T2 178 180 " � politics Mr. Baird was a life long . � ! I s , I I 0 urs of various Municipalities for the The Economy Boot Shop" unter were especially enjoyed. The ... to produce good laws. and no one throws a monkey wrench I captain .. 159 215 157 l,i+*ral and in religion he was a .1 The Past. County of Huron, for the purpose of J- Hu*11r`rd, proceeds amounted to about $13.00.. . .;, -11, . Dev reaux ......... I 98 261) 215 -0 Presbyterian. For over 20 years he . . . � in the machine. That is not likely to levying rates, and other purposes in- J. Galle h r .......... 139 280 Thursday, March 31st had been Secretary of the Cemetery .1 _ Dr. Edwards brought in a brealb happen. Do the job and get it over, ditures I J"* all I H I., Beattie ............ 174 189 151 DUBLIN .1 the spirit of the hour. We have J. Best ............... 193 194 176 1 Board. The funeral was held from ... the unfortunate sufferers of the this year, what we longed for last year A. D. 1927. ALL NFWSHOES_-AT NEW flow � Noteq­-Mr. Michael Darling, who his late home on Monday afternoon, 1, . I . Farmers' Bank sliould be recouped year--stabiUty of Gotve-rnionent. it And whereas it has been intimated Dr' Bechely. Captain.. 87 121 1 or, PRICES was attending Business College !n interment being made in Baird's ., I 1; . Ithat for the sake of pence and to Dr Munn ............ I as 156 13� Stratford, is quite ill at his home in . from the Government purse- The has its advantages and it has its dis- J. * Cluff ............... 102 122 ceme ry The Pallbearers were ­ � avoid further expense and delay all I '", The Greatest Values Ever Offered in! the viflage.-The roads are in bad te - - . I W. Willis ............ 83 236 19 . . �. I . everywhere, - Mes,srs. James Thompson, G. T. Baird, �.--,, , - of the Municipalities have agreed to C. sills ...... ........ lag I" 1 2.1, 0 Seaforth. I condition Tb( recent Thomas Campbell, J. A. Moffatt, J. 1� I accept Schedule 2 as an equalized C. Holmes, Captain .... 194 118 174 frosts and snow have made them T. Baird and Hugh Gilmour, and his rl . If THE COUNTY EQUALIZATION. MAKE t'S PROVE IT' i worse_ -Mrs. J. V. Ryan, of %trat- .. ." assessment. W. Ament ... � ... .... 158 197 121 . I place in the lives of the community ,.. ,� I do hereby order that the assess- T. Johnston .......... 115 157 ford. -as the rAiest of her mother nn, w . J. Willis .............. n-8 135 122 as amply testified to by the large %­ . . . merits of the Municipalitied of the "" THHE ECONOMYBDOOOT SHOP; qundav loist.­Mr. and Mrs. .John . - . County of Huron as set forth in the R. Winter ............ 198 169 1.57 ! Burns' have nronved from Logan to; atit,endance and the beautiful floral . We are indebted to The Signal, any serious objection, but in view of aforesaid By-law of the 26th day of T. S-tt C.nrtain .,... ]SO 102 721 Opposite Commercial lintel : their now farm it B(,(,chwy)od. -On! tributes. Those coming from a . I �( � Godericb, for the following report of the prevailing sentiment he did not i January A D. 1927, be set aside, and M. VaPh,ft . ........... 169 161 " 4. I)y F R prog-res-, fistance tA) attend the funeral were i., T. Phillips ......... . 169 291 13r, i (In store rvvently occupied ,. H. I thf, evvning of April Sth, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baird, Detroit; I � � : the proceedings of the County Coun- vote against the adoption of the re-! in lieu 'thereof the assessments set B. Reid .............. 162 167 laA � Close, Barber) give ouchre for old and young will, " > - cil Special Meeting held in Godexich port. Iforth in Schedule 2 hereof be adopt- J. ruir-Irgs ...... ... 121 _P2 1 RA ' he held in the Dublin hall.- -Kneitel'z; Mrs. Wm. Baird and Mrs. Wm. Sag�, .1 " I " � .. on Wednesday and Thursday of last The committee divided the twenty-; ed as the equalized assessment of the ,.In the single e�mo>otitinn Charles Barber - ­ � - . "Fun -Galore" orcheRtra will furnish, T,ronto; Mrs. H. Pentland. NlisR Mary 1� .r., 4 high scor�. 348. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. -Jim Hayden, ... ;�.,; I I t-1 week: � six municipalities of the county in 1 County of Huron, for the year 1927. 1 the music for R danre on Faster Nfc)n- � .. Z, The County Council met in special three classes. In the case of the ten � The question ,of costs I have con- I eral others may he trained up on, (Iny night. in th(, villnz­. -Mr. Robert , Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gordon, 'Mr. Jog. - A . . ;� --O.- Wilson, Mr. Harry Le-adnor, Th,omas I �, , . si.rings, wire or trellis in front and ! N�orri,, ,,r Staffs, the new R,s(,-s ir . � session yesterday afternoon to deal urban municipalities, whose assesq- i sidered carefully, although the amount I I , Doherty, John Quaid, Jas. and John -� ' with the matter of the new equalized merits were in most cases consider- � of .same cannot be very large. GARDENING Sf,',RVICE I the corners bri,ki-n by means Of I for Tlibbert Townqhip, ig in the vil- McKenz!e. all (if Goderich; Mr. and I '1�1 . assessment of the county, against ably increased under the new equal- I The County's own Board of Valu- Making a Lawn. :1 clumps of shrubl-wry or tall annual I lage these doiyq. -Mr. M. Burnq. An I .. .1 Vvhich appeals -had ,been entered bY ization adopted in January, the com- ators equalized the assessment. The One of the first joh,� to be carried ' ilowpr-. For a more permanent jo�b,' aged and highly respected citizen of, Mrs. M. S. Aikenh<-ad and Mr. John 11 , ' .1 tt, Boston Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Dutch- t.hp gth (-once%sion of Hihbert, is 1 . County Council approved of this. out a r a new hou5p is built or af-' I Notes -The many friend, or Thos. I more than halof the municipalities, mittee fecommende(I that the increase ' -imilar perennials poorly with beArt. trouble.- On Sun- Aik,rnhead, of London. 21, . which appeals were awaiting frial be- be reduced by fifty per cent. In the Thirteen of the M,unici pali ties, being ter extensive re-adj1iitments have� mans Pipv anil s ,,d Sr., were shockt4l . fore the county judge. The afternoon cases of the -towns-hips of Goderich, an even half, appealed to the County ' ! may be nsod but these will take long- day afte�Tnoon the new nffirprs will B i , . . taken place in the gr-inds, about the '. r, 's 1 his death on Frida�- evening of last "I � , was spent in discussion, several of the Howick, Hallett, Turriberry and Trick- Judge. home is that of rnakiw a lawn. The I er to g(.t es-talolished. RuTiflowerf; he elected for th,e Cathrolir Worn n � members telling how their partic.ular eramith, whose assessments were ie- Some of the Municipalities object- make a j�ood screen for a chicken Leagne for the present vear This is! wl'(*k- Dvrf�ased had been in poor .. . soil must be put in good condition as I , _. .. municipalities were affected, until on duced by the valuators, it was re- ed to the legality of the proceed* Ouse and in addition provide shade the annuRl me( -ting of that. S,ocietv.- , health qnnio time prior to his death, . '"9' grass requires food, :,dly as much as and food for the poultry. The Scar- i4r, William Curtin. nf the vill,�owo, alth(imzh no one had any thought of I" A . . motion of Reeve Trewartha, seconded commended that the valuation remain and threplened appeal to the Court flowers, and the surfac-- must be made let Runner lwans in addition to being has Fi 4-niinef, hen e��g. The writ -r th ... I � " " 4-nd hviTIK go near. --We are pleas - by Reeve Hubbard, a committee was as fixed in January; and with refer- of Appeal, Toronto. level. Too much emphasis cannot be. beautiful bloomers. furnish fresh has frii-R-otten t1he dimensions. but the rd to si,ve Mr. Bert McKay, of the ,.?;� appointed to deal with the question. ence to the remaining townships the The County Solicitor, with the ap- laid on the last poin-, as an uneven. 1,ondwi Road, Smith, returned home � I This committee was composed of committee's recommendation was proval of CIO Counly Judge, suggest- string fwang of excellent quality for weight compancw. with iho big gpgir I lawn is always unsightly and after I �z Reeves Beattie, of Seaforth; McKlb- that the incriease over the old ed a special session of the County the gr,u is planted I e the tabl,v. The Morning Glories may g . I 8 .toripq t.hnt are being printed thp�,, last Sundax from the Seaforth hos- .1 nd ev lling up i be. mixed with these for a thicker fol- days, and its the w(,;ght. thAt. qhoiil� I pit,al, whery he recently underwent -�,� bon, of Wingharn- McQuaid, of Me- as sment be reduced by thirty per Courx--H, to try to settle matters, and no easy task. Make. the whole plot - I Arl Operalion for appendicitis, - Mr. � Killop; Ingolios, of Howick; Hill, of c eT . save expensive litigation, which spe- as l,evL-1 as possible by working tbor- lage. count in all eggs. Wlihy not. .sell eggs -nn. wh-o has bepn confined -11 I � - Pruning. . I by weight? The -mall size would (;' ,orz(, F I .'I Colborne; Hayes; Of Stephen, and With an adjustment in the valua- cial session was held. oughly arld raking s. d into the de This is the month for pruning in , soon disAppenr.---Mrq. T. FlanarRn ! !o hi, house for the past two weeks � Werner, of Sayfield. tion of the village of Wroxeter, which The County Council, very wisely, . in pressions. This qhould be done just the small garden and larger place , , owing to a ,wvere cold, is Rhip to be . 11 The dove olf peave evidently havered was reduced _$2,000 because of the a spirit ,of fairness and compromase, as soon as possible so that spring ton. ) of Tuckersinith, had a sale of house- on duty again. - Rev. W. A. Bremner .: � All of the (lead canes crhould be hold furniture on Tue,gdAy ]nst. 11 : I over,the, delibeodtiVris of this commit- destruction of some buildings by �re arranged a schedule of equalization, rains and perhaps a frost or two may removed from the ra.spberry patch as High prices wre given for borsys wa' c 'nfined to the .Manse for a few I I ' .� ,� I . tee, for"i#h6ii the 'coullocil met this the equalized valuations are as give'n which I -have adopted and reported to hasten settling. Aft,i,r a w0ek Work () .1 morning arM rgiebived itd- repmt tit *as below. ' the Council. well as th,(, spindly Ones Among the th +, days. At Mr. Wrn. Sprriat'si days. in the earl'y part of the wp,-k, . and rake level again. This operation new growth. .Some of the older RA11"p, in Tuckersmith, on Tues day, � nurging a had cr)ld.---Mr. James Hill, � received' with -jettent apptoviI and The first column of figures indicates I would strongly recommend to the srhould be repeated at least a couple � ,,, g=l � 1 _�4. was adopttkol. unanitnouslyj S6me of the old assessment which had been County Council that the rule be fol- of times, and WbeTv it is irlot neCeS- I should he cut .away from 0 �- I orqe� Find cattle sold high. Tb,, of Stratford, is visiting with hin "'.3 � ! I berries, and currants. Grapm must i horses were of A 41 tbe members ;aid i0eft their munici. ,&t9wding since the year 1906; the se-. ],owed of all important by-law's and suTwrinr quality. ther of this village. -Mrs. George I . sary to depend entirely on rain for R I he pruned early to avoid excessive . Elgie. of Tucker-mith, spent lastweek *4 palities worise, off than before, but .cbnd column shows the valuation proceedings in relation to same being moisture supply it should be kept UP BAYFTELD � m,0 A ; hle*�ling. These vines ,�bouid he cut end with friends in Brucefield.-Miss I,-,. Ithev were prepared t6 aecepit-blid dam. Ado�ted in Sanitary, 1,927, on the basis carried Out under - the supervision of for a month or six weeks. Wb(,r,, � bark to a mp.rp .skeleton as the fruit F. A P.,i_.r,i*. p_fit ghkrinjr plan A Ina Scott has returned home. after � . mittee's recominendations 'in the4�Wit- - of the' valuators' report, arid the thirl the County Solicitor. t1wre is no hose, however, the lawn I is borne on the wood grown this year. p r- i nor rn-t A.flsf­t�ry r -r ... h c -h visiting with friends in Seaforth.- � 0 ts,,nr nver your IAII is Mrs. D. Bird, of Glenavon, Sask., I I it of concifiatio7L Roseyle McNabb, of calumn Is the valuati I on adopted by I highly recommend the' action Of will have to be sawn hefore the mid- I *Fruit trees shauld be opened up to ptor,base f .q mr, When your cash vnr- , I . I Grey, was the only, one who pl# up I the Council. , the County Council for their spirit dle of May so that. the spring rain st�ppd ne, f.,,Z: . .4 . .1 , . . Of conciliation and mode of a . let in -unligbt and air. ,h%ses W. t-enty�flw rlol)A- -� give yall lOrMeTly Mi&q Emma Taylor, is the I , , -"g'ng fall wfll give it a start. After all old on. d.11.r in grw-is FRFE." Reop ymoT gue-W, of her friend, Mrs. T_ Forrest, �-X - . � � rr bi-11" 14 . . � , . 1906 1 162,7 Committee a matter which might have ended bricks, stones and sticks, ,bave been Timely Hint -R. nnd when they trytoil $25 rpt�rn them d this week. --Mr. Allison Dalle visited ., I ? Clinton . . . �A� ................. $694,440 $ 854,600 � 76%470 very disastrously to the County and get _hat,e," yon .i,h M the "lu. .f 7n I "" . - : 1,422,ft' 2XI removed, all notire-nlde weed growth Sharpen up the tools. A clean doliar. This is inuch better thAn prvnti.m at t�'be home Of his aunt, Mrs. G. � .. i I � Goderich, . .,.I ................. ,900 1,902,250- to all concerned financially, and I al- destroyed, and when the surface is ,sharp spade works twice as easily as piMures. Pil it Brock, last week. Prior to leaving SeatbrEh . . , . i . . 750i1000, 99i'm rise] engag- ;,orw%iro anA suc4, lil(�. T" .1 � � I . �� 4. I ............. 87011759 so commend the legal cou as level as poo,osi-bile the seed may he a dull, ruxty one. and irmi �i I be pleased. F. A. FA -Ards. � I . .. Viligham .............. 703,600 1,078,100 8904950 ed in the matter for their spirit 3f for the West, Miss Jessie Tough was '.. �..,' "'" ... put in. Select a day when .there is Watch the bulbs and tubers in the Breezeq.-Mr. and Mrs. Joilio. Don- the guest of her sister, M,rs. W. Stev- _� .. . 13a�ffi6ld " � ' 123,400 231,500 . I � '. ....... " .. .. '.. . . . ". � . . 177,450 fairness in trying to come to an . �� . I .: *_ Fit - -rich, calfed on Mr. r brother, Mr. D. Tough, , � . -. .,-.* .......... 364,700 317,7150 equit,014 settlem6nt of what looked �:,; , �. . no wind and do not neglect to seed cellar at this age. See that they aMson, of God, rns, and be �) . � I .3910h ...i:.... 1�' . 2,10,800 liberally. It is als-o, important to se- don't get too warm and start to make and Mrs. J. Fra.q*-r on T`uesday.-Mi-q. this wee�k.-Tbe many friends of lit- .. i , , , ,�, . I I � � ..i..* ......... :: . 901,000 417,200 869,100 to be a vexatious and long-drawn-out a Keyes, 'Of Herisall, visited her Sis- tie Fvelyn Grainger, of our villago, , I I Bruisels, _':,.­ . .1 . �, I Exeter ......................... WPM 908,000 722,100 litigatibn.� - .. �j 11, I ' ­ te �,.�:'�`.. , 11 I - rs, the Misses Parke, l,a.qt week.- who underwent a seirious operation ,�, �. , I I liens,all ........................ . . (250,400 445,000 347,700 All the Municipalities being propor- . I-. � . - r, , " -, Woo;wtosr .................... I 1 142,750 169,200 148,975 tionately affected by the compromise Mrs. rnppet returned from London in Clinton Hospital last Tuesday, will ­` I ., - " " I Thars.day of last wpek.-Beginning be glad to hear that she -is getting . I ": .N . Ash#el# ...................... 2,666^0 2,696,600 2,M,660 1 think all should be respons4bl,e, ind . �6_ � --- - Sunday ropxi, April fird, th,- morning Mong as well as can be expected, e !It. � - . . . Calb4ft,e ................... :,:, , r 0,2900 1,1546,200 1,08,940 I tberefore direct that the costs be , .. .." .1 .1 " . . I � .. _1; - servi,ro w+ll be held in Trinity Church Mrs. George Hill, who has been vis- . ,�., f� .. ,, . . _ I � I , .G6d,d)qdh','Tp� .* .... J........ . . 2,908,600 2,172,100 2,172,100 paid by the County of Huron. �,., . . I � A71,W0 - 3,001,090 and continue through tht-. qMmnl0r; iting friends in Stratford for the past .I., : �� 1� , . - � , �. greik � ,.-.i �� ............ � .......... 2,8$.7,A60 9, E. N. LEWIS, D A N C E Sabbath -rhool, 10 a.m., church ser- few weeks, returned home IaA week . ..71 , � 1* .J....-...., 2,407,000 P have "', . 1;1 11 .1 I , 11 - V . . 2,677,500 2)WO,850 County Judge. . 11 io.m.-The fis-hernier -by her son, James. �., � , 1. 114i.. .:V11.,... . . ", .. I . t4ute - - ...-. ­. .. .. ... .1. , 8,888,506 . I I accompanied "k . 3,261,500 8,201,1500 Marell 80, 1927, �:,:k�,* �� '. . 2,671,000 ' " 2559400 2,65,6400 No corromprorprl opersitionq and set nets Annual Meeting. -The first annual .1 -�., ! . � i 11 I Hutlai , ­ * , ­ I , In G.W.U. Hall, Seaforth, Spring Fair Night, Aprfl 5th . �_,_, .1.11 6;,�"­*,­­�.­ .... v ) and hsoA f1hirly good boruls, of perch meeting of the Brucefield Lig ,�11, � . op 1'......... 2116111,00 IPMENTS � lit aiftd . �N � vat Ill , - 1 2,679$00 I ,"; , , .. ­....% ... ­,� __ this week. This is much earlier than Power Company was held last Mon- IX . I - - C ... I'- .., i- * i ............. has -been krovirn, kbout two irmiritba day evoerAng in, ,the council chalubtar, . ,�, ,. vomg. - '' , , . 2,491,800 2,609,800 2,609,700 Tlre, following is, the report of hog 1, IJP -TO -THE -MINUTE MUSIC BY I . �4 "I ftanleyl_ ...'��..'.'.:��', - 2,158,100 9,240,100 2,214,000 shlVaefiU for week ending Maroh 24, earlier than last year -The Young all stockholders being pirm6ut- The � �. 1� . , . 1. 11 _Y� ­ " ....... 2,8%00� � 2,985j00 � 14g7t_ Z, Stephen .,.-.,,�.,.,�.,,�;.,-�ii.,.��-,..: � 9,7W,800 1 . � , 1,­�, " ill Peryplle`§ Society meeting on FAdRT President, Jainea Swan, aftupi#d tlk* I ... _ I , . .z�-,. ,�!, . '' 2,41S;900 2,964,900 The might Hawks Orchestra .. �# - TackmTd0--� �`�-'i'�-i , 2,304,900 ' ,$9AFOATTI-Total hogs, 84; se- evening was quirte interesting. It .:. I - ' "-"�" ­"­ . ., � , . ... � k Turitherri, .....i,,A4 . ,� 4, . " , , 1'i,+,4.i . .,.,.,4 - ." _-,4080400 ljO02,700 1166000 ledt bitftf 19; thick smooth, 68; heava was chair. The annual retpft WM rod , , Ill q,,�,, ::. . ,,r,��-, � COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF. "Empirt-11 night and splendid Va- and it was found tht.t the corpilt m_'doa - , :%,,�F�,,, �.,, 4387. i . a- op 01 � I � -, , -2 : Vsborttia ..... .._', ',`k"' , - 0 - - - 2i 'IT . 9,04,460 , 2,44-%380 ' ' r pers we" given by Mss Gerrie on was l7ft good financial eondifift, AM .� " . . .... Wi't I � . I t 4- a h h P, A. ,� vo. 4'. 4 " .: , I'-,,400 ..,V­-j,W,W *��.,-.:* $49 17 ,­. ".. � I .. .., I. *M','t wawatimb ^ , iii`*. � `0 00 Mo BA"'CLIPIVILD.-Total hop, 71; Starting at 8.30. "The rhg" vnd Wiss Lner V&od-9, that A neat amptas wag In tho otmal, . , . . , 1� I— , ... � �` , , , �0,4006 ,. 1,879, , � , I .X 0 � t, � ; ­ .. . _ � . ­ I I I - . ,. .1 "' ______ . "' " 0, I - ,P� � " " I 1-f il 7� 71 .I- 1� P1. 1!1,11,1. .1�r, I, I I I � I I I - , . gh . . - - -,:, *�,., " ', , fi 900 -, " %W-140 , . Ab 00 in, 21 . � , t, wwwund .'� 0 A # ,.7#.X.* '. � - . I 1,694,00 0.4 . , 11 '' v ,,1�1' I ,., Z� I I � '1� , , .. . - ftcos -, thick smooth,' 40i "The PrN§h A 1AA&I04", . il �V ��,-t,. .­_ . - ,!­ -I ­�'. � " �0�. "� , Xd1nigsion $1 it Conpk. Tax Included4 F,xtra Lady 50c Pace Ond Potirderg Of ury. Further ejdtftAon� 4,A& 0,0.,* r ,� � , b,, � , '. 2A, , " . . ,� _ ­�.� , ' - h� feedeft, 6. : ' th e -6 At the reitt meeting lit,pvtgut briginets ftg ftodo ' � , - ��' .i,4, . A ,,, , -, : ,!'K , , - ,,�,��? ." � Z ;.. '"---4_� � I " " �, - ., . ". , �,­'­ ­�,�-q­ I 11'� . . . � .1 .1 , " - I .11 . I - .0 g , � ,1 "", �X*,i , , , ". , 1. � I I., .1. .� 1;.� ., ­... 1--l......- - .. - -.1-1.- I � 1. 11 I lmipil 11 �', *#� �� 11 I , . i *96,ftl ,, , , � " �:� , , " . - I I" - 40 ', ,,, . 1, 11 , ,_�:` � .111. , - �_ ... . � .:.� ..;,_;��, _ ,,, __ , ,6 a eontegt ptogirsw=6 to tMs 1hetting, 1�. I - � - ".- " , On" 0 . $ - M- 14 , , .., . 6 . ot, 81810 ,11 I' �1. � ': - ".. . . , I L "� , , �:, � , 11; 011144(o there Is to b . � . 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