HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-03-18, Page 4. �,, �­%r­ 1-1 �6. 'M '.. - , Nw , t. -.Mv, 4:-11 �, I -I'. ­J�, ,­.. ­ - 11 Z ,�tv ­ ", ,"� IV 1 ­- �� -�, , ,, , � '1� I � .-I., .1 f �7, , -;.. r, -;,,� ­, .,.I ,,,� : �,."j%,�:k "q;. !�,f, ,I- r"..-I.j, , :Z.,.;".:;� ,�, " �-; -�rl�� I i� , -,'.10, - ,,,,,, 11; V'� ngiftyu , 'gfm& 10,�WN 1.%,,.V ;,,�:J., - ""N. � 1103 I- — ". . " , , tF L �� 0 �, ,�.i� , ,�.r 4�� � 1;y,t�,,;,7 �, ". � . - , . .1 .: , - -1, , � .. , " �.;� .,, g oj�;V. , . �.,N X�," %�',' , � . " W X , �, P V " � - " , _ � , , 111 . "` .'' �, � , - �11'1`�`,T,1.111�`i� I I � . .1 I'l., : "�, . ,-. , Z , � . , ", :. — I'll � ,),F. - ­ ­:� , " � 11'...'. , . . . li, I � �.- 7'. 1 ­.'. , . �,�' 'Y I �, '. . I . .11 . . . '. �, .A , ,�, :" ,% - T,��;�,',i,,'P�,,�,',.�r�'Ot'�-;�,5: "­,.' :. '111 I . , , � , J , , - ., , - . �' �, - . ,,, - -� ­,T� - . , , ;. ,.: � —311- - -. 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I THA Ou"I 10 � , '' , iwq­�,-, .�­'­--.,�,, -.- *�N' . % � 1. 1:�­--, . , ­­ ... — - '' i - - �1F!­1­.11­­i..­1­ Y-,-�r-­ ., -� �,,i "I . � . - . .--- "'Fif, .!1!!:" T, 1�4.`­.. - I I I . - --- - ­ .-.1-....-.------ T77 gq 11 �1111 ... �, �, ,::­.Ql 1.11 ­�� I � . ----!P---- i I " .1111- I ­:,�,11., " � ,)ml�, .. . ... �,�!111.fl-­',o,', 1, �'� �,., ".. ,!. . ;;;fv- . I �,­wa, 1"­`"Ioc� . , k 1-1�1.1 �, ­11� :-W-��l - , a6 � ­. ­ V­1�1- I. � . ., ,� � .. I � I " "I ­ , . � . .- I I * ' 1�,,,r �," ' ."'!,", �%'-W M � " Mi 1;i, 413. - . ; )A �t-.',.11 "� 414 Va§�* " MR No wi 10 � c-.",T""",�;,,Y;,�,--�,�V.%"".#"4A�.:f'I '­'�,�A­;.''%­'7. , 1-7, -,.;, . " . , . . ". .P� ni ,� , � I , . - " � , r � .. � ��. , I , - , . -7 . � to tw,r new hquie 04"904 �. . AAP V,,'� A � ­­ I ''I M L, I`= 4 =t� 14, ` � . ­1� , K;:�' �. :� , 11"Ir % I " X4 .� � EI) FUOAI PA -IM O., '' ', ', - . ' ,,' -, - RULLETT - , � , �, Ila 4. 0:0, :: , 11": I �. 'g , ­ ., '' i ". ' . �, g 4 '. i, . .� " . .% , pLin _Mr. more in�habita .. . ,� on j$ gjafting more inhabitta � 'L , . i ,,, __"_.__,_ S _g ,A Ii.4 yeaX,a., p 'i :Wj'4f,Tho,`,VxVositorjo,# ,I -11 10 neighborhogd. At M-, , WiW4m,WUjj..W-hO 0,61ebrated the gi2,n4 time a buy arilived at the, of of 14ral. " a 1. , .1 . .1 "', of I " ith last Thursday. the marri4e, t6Aske place quittly the be - x4poeasary, for us to Avy,pat — , . o , " a chance W Way wl th yw. of hig residence in this town- Mr. and,Mrs. E. Sm .. araeto;,§ of ule YOM* , � 0 , I . -ft. He Mrs. Homey and latter part or X�Lrofa- uAraves and bb. k - I . i.v junior leag �1 ,Ire do'It% - . ppople taking part� in it. suf1kip, it - .;., � %R, ­­ . ;uoney Wp an TuesdaY last� informs The A _ - "i"' Social _,rhe plollard , 0- : I V � with , , Par ,o,d-y with friends in St. Patrick",% " - '.. �1119 It th this is the earliest ' xas took his or her . �.. ,,, .1, �.:­­, "" " remained I % " at '"'o are in very bad Missioxx, Cirol.4 o;f the United Church,- to say that eafili. ( . ­�� '. 1 . I . I . e. ­­;, ��, -T"ir ,-,rl- . . . .4 1% ..' - posi �0,r F St. PatrieWs pvxt.�Ju, i� most splefiidid manner "d � . I - . '', I I -�) , R. ,:3 nti 1 1923 when be was z ring has seen in half a century, ,xil't'r.t.The ad, I I � - :. �,Vp , - , I I - .,t� I I ­ 'Z� '' . �. , I � - �� V. Owen Sound. �eum intejest of - all, from I 4 ��e �� I , the condition at present. There is a bad held a very Ojoyable ­ , 11 I I ".., ever seen the ice go alit sociW iA thei.. 4 - rcl% tti - . � S . I � .1 " -.'-n, 11 -esexit quietly hole north of hem where many are . a§ement of the chu holdixg 0 . ", � N, ,,,, ­ ,- the help of the PX ' "'kQF&I'r ,P start to finish,, many � . . . � ,,, . -911": O, Pe Mir as quickly and going a second ikiff, 1 1144.��,,, ednosdAq. evening of this we4 us go - . -TV, -4 . . F . ". s star, wou the junior , ! Iting. getting S'tuck- on Wd - ,sial; themselves more . V . 'i I 1. , k�r ;y. , An opau 1. . ., ��L:� Ifty= 51D little damage resu I entertal .19W , . . � ,.',I,'� 1,, .,14,, �";.�;l in 1924, 1%1f: As' their guests, -Vle - ti!n9,. Q , .1 . . .1 ­ 1 .4 1 3i,p Of Canada. 0 years is a long stretch, but Horticultural Soei,el expM - r when hearing it ftr . ... I . . � I ....'�,�,, M , , -',',,�,.-,�!§ - the a, , . -church, the base- p1dased. -than eve . . " � � , S a - ��i,, Ispices of . . a, of the .., I � ,rl'g % s where Those toXing part Every ,' �, ,,Mme to Minneapoli I Mr. Rian has a host of friends who public meeting, undez will be meat Ily declorated fokithe finslo time, I wpmari,�"Q It" v,qru - EXPRESS WORS, kA0ws t4O 40"' I . 1. "Ill., . I ����,,,I. I ited at center -ice with J ack- many more years of I Kippen Horticultural Society, being bi�autifu at. ire 40 bXealopg in­7thixt readily con- I . I ,1� ?�l on the occasion. A er -the acts, so that, there would light of -bavi=�ho�s.g -�eqa , � . I . - , ... 4 . - i" Wish "jim in St. Andrew's Church, fter a v ry pleasant, between i . �4. ,, 1 I �, it 1 w I form to the . . . 0 foot. - '... I.. . .11 a � I- Y, creating a favorable im the Peace and Plenty which has at- I he"' of,�,g4*es, contests, Irish- not be a dull moment, were XT4. J.; , . 1 ,,, I � . . �', " � th the fap�s here. In the . Thursday evening April 7th. An ad- evening . . -e .but ., " ,,, ,V - -.,P, W-1 Lended his first half century. ,�- Fleming, who gave in fine marine.-,, apted fo-i gleir ft*,o quathies . 6. r took charge i t and the laying jokes, a sl%o#,,9rogramme was was , _ fmpress * Shoes are.�91 only i . . �i , dress 1 $ selection, "Saudy X�-,:- , 'ea,ch aeA60A prepettt the, - , A I ,%.; - Lloyd Turne ­­­- ., - on Horticul ure - poll�� is the programme:' that hurnorou tic vf!lgaahiou, . 111. � team, bringing Out of home grounds will be given by giv,en. I .1 and the they follow olosely.the . 0 � and. . . . "' , Minneapolis Us -Elva Shaddock, Miss LaAghlin's Courtsh P ' newest and smartest ,ptylo-fer,yq�r approval - - - .1 .1 0 - I . . . . . . - MI. I'll players with him from us'- HAYFIELD T mlinson, of the Ontario Readings.'= XAig; Mgssrs.. W. 0. Goodw , ' ", � � �; I J Mr-rl 1H. al 0 College, Guelph. The Mildred Scr4ta% Miss Mary Me, In, W. A. Me- We are -now showing EXPRESS, SHOB� in thO XeW,,, VltlltO .,.,- ,, Turner watched Cooney for a See those New vlowrian Cloths. just the Ag ur . ­ � 1. duct, Mjisses Mildred Laren, 11. Houston and Samuel Ran- .... I :W�eeks and decided that lie would thing for Spring �nd summer dresses as they I addreas will be illustrated by lantern instrumental ,models and invite every lady who apinvditet the betteor.fobt*var,to. , ". '.. '� - Lillian Stacey; sololl,- nie, who rendered a fine quartette in The styles iiere mentialled are amopo" 16§0 4�­... I - %, 1. ,. A ;Ire "Illent washers and come in VerY Dice views McDonell apd. call'to see them. PW .. :.: . :­�: I ,.,! ', , putterns and the . Th Fol- a manner that called for an -encore, .1 ­ . , 01'.. bim as a spare. t this time, price is re"onable. Also to be Society has tried several '' , L 1. I s. '12, 11 . -rus. time , but Mrs. A. Joyf#; Mrs. L. Hedden. . sellers:- q . I . 1 i �4. U . and was forced to miss scve�ral ce our Gingha . beautiful dres;�y patte. 8 secure Mr. Tomlinson, as did also Mrs. meming , a reading, ancy Wtdwd vamps ReAbI I �t,ury and bleached cot- gagements always pre- lowing this d9ightful part of the &v- - Ladids' Patent one -strap Slipperfs with f . � � ,,, .. . I ctice sessions because he was a Ex" ,mluea in fac of en a long while Mr. Thomas Sherritt was also at! :11 � , 1. tons. Get busy with the sewing machine and Pressure 0 sat down at soles and Cuban heels with rubber top -lifts, .1 M. 'Lent in the dental college at the nd the childreit. vented his coming. Now that his cum- ening, everyon. I. , , . ,C make drei,ses fur "urself a - ,able, well lade;u with the good things greeted with much applause at ...................... ........................... 05A . . . . , . t , naversity of Minnesota. The first F. A. Ed-toir(6, DhYfield- 309?-' ing is assured, it is hoped that ev respond to his first solo. In short Same style in fine Black Kid Leather -0 LO * 1, munity will take of life, everyone enjoying the sump- to � ...... ." , last season found Cooney Breez,(�S­Mrs. Tretbeway has re-, Qryone in the com. ..,. . . ilia . ­ ,ag gameb . the evening was one that was.great- A . .� �.urjied to spend the summer with her i advantage of the opportunity to hear tuous repast, - ly enjoyed. The Nighthawk Orches- at ...................... ....................... . I .�.�atting on the bench and not getting Society has a mem- I Ladies' Patent two -strap Slippers with small cut-outs, fiexibl � . Weiland decided to Mrs. Carver, after spending i hini. The Kippen '50 I .. I quia I duughtL Pe $5. .. . ­ a chance. 'r, Mission Band. -The Mission Band tra filled' in between times And . . .,. � . -1 the winter with tier daughter, Mrs. I bership of 108 this year. Orders for soles and Cuban rubber heels, at ...................... . . Ili. school f r the remainder of the sea the United Church met in the throughout the play in a manner that , :­�. -1 shrubs, perennials of I i ­ son and spen I more time at hockey. $116 school room recently and had a very shorwed fine practice and marked abil- - Ladies' Black Kid two -strap Slippers -made on *ME lastfor 4er. I ­ �,igej.s at St. Thvmas.-Lenten ser Idalitias, gladiolas %P9150 I . �. " ., � .,. '­, wee`kl,.�;, he was going at to,) . il.-t�S are Ykeld each Wednesday even- I i u,es, OX., to the'value of about iliteresting meeting. The meeting 1-ty, making everything go with a .1 stout feet, at ..................... ' ­ � n a few early in the year'. The m ter which swing., At the close of the play all P, Ladies' Patent three -strap Slippers (as illustrated)- extra fine qual- � in the line- ing during Lent in Trinity Church be- . %vere placed 4 .: I 1: . - speed and was inserted ' �g cunduct,ed by the rector, Rev. F. I order tur fall bulbs, tulips, hyacinths, *Wab I led in prayer, fol- - ity xible soles, Cuban I., luable tbat� , Mildred the Firemen and their wives were in $6.00 , i , , , !� I , up. He became so va - The spring lowed b I ture lesson read by vited t6 go to the schoolroom of St. ru r heels, at .................................... �� .� . Turner refused to sell him at the close I it. paull.-F. Featherstune has pur ote., will be sent in July. ( y thle TueerLi p I ,b�:ith neat cut�out design, fie . I cons.igljnie�jit,s will be here early in '�',,�, of the season. This year, Weiland I '. ' 'ed the stock, store and dwelling Gladys Passmore after which Flor- Paul's Anglican Church where dainty .190P -la . -r ice and is , bu`;� -it, erice McDonald ileanor Skinner and refreshments were served to the . 0 \� I 'has been playing cente n --isa Street, from Robert Orr, I Apr it is expected. e most valuable , of wi and d M. S. -The annual prayer ser- 0 40 1 ill , . �� considered one of th ,Intl con-tinue the flour W. Mari,on McKay played an i1trumen- firemen and their wives and all tak- 1. � a. - I 11. rs in the league. He has a I ;Pusoiness, for the past seve yfe:a�'s 1 vice of the W. M, Society of St. An Election of officers was then ing part in the play. Thus closed - � playe scored in the last I oiarrieed ;,n by R. Orr. -Mr. arid Mrs. I drew's United Church met at the tal tr�`. ' I 640" . . , wicked shot, having .' as follows: the second fine evening that this ith having made French, a goodly proceeded withp resulting - I m r President, Marian Sinclair; Vice- popular play called forth, and we be- , tu I six games along w t rgeon, who have spent the I home of Mrs. J. W. lk� . number of the members being present. C 5, 20 goals for the season. Besides he- 1 ter in L ndon, returned last week. Presdolent, Ue, Patterson; Secretary, lieve the young people forming it, , I 10 MM - 1'1� .. w'n 11'. P 'O Owing to the absence of the Presi- ­ Ing a goal getter, he is a good stick A ye has returned from Wind- Gladys Passmore; Roll Call Secre- have now several invitations to give �, I handler and has a way of poke check- ,-or and leave, next week with Mrs. dent ' Mrs. Thomas Kyle, the chair IlLry, Eleanor SkirMVr; Treasurer, it in neighboon'Ing places and with, no 5,FA FO J P 7'0 � ing to break up plays that certainly Pye and family to take a position on was taken by Mrs. Finlayson. After Florence McDonald; Pianist, 9'40181 doubt, More soon to follow. TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL :�,- ning hymn, "Spirit Divine, At- g last - gets the result. It is safe to say that , farm ne-air Chatharn.-Rev. J. H. the ope - Hudson; Norma Sinclair to take col- Briefs. -On Monday evenin --- �j -rs " a short statement - Weiland, despite his youth, is one of McLeod, of London, is spending a tend Our Ptraye , . lectio,n; Prog-mmm,e Committee, U2`r- there was a large attendance at Zuf- - - I ., the most valuable players in the fvw days with Mrs. McLeod. - A. C. of the purpose of the meeting w as ian MeKay, Rae Brock. Miss Morri- ich Lodge, A.F. &-A.M., at Hensall, - ---- -- - -- I ,h he did have to Brandon and wife, Miss H. Gerrie made by the presiding officer. Then -.-.-- � ---- — . league even thoug heel took a followed the Scripture reading, Ps. son gaw an interesting reading on the occasion being, apart from their 1, steal a hockey stick and a rubber I and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, by Mr. Wm. Alexander, after "King Jesus Has Come." The meet- regular lodge meeting night, a visit trip so many, places of interest are Mrs. H. Reid has not been enjoying .; . to start his career." motor trip to London last Saturday. 72 confession and the ing was closed with the LOrd's from the sister* I.;6dge at Exeter, and day taken in and her usually good health for the past lt�l - 0 - --For the benefit of those living in which the general . . prayer. the putting on by that Lodge in a being from day to � the beauty of which would -almost, if few weeks, but with the incoming of -.1 other parts of 'the world, we may say Lord's Prayer were taken in unison. � --Judge J. L. Killoran, that the weather for the p -ayer for Canada was offered Ladies' Aid. -The Ladies' Aid of splendid manner, what is known as quite, rival that of Naples, which Spring is feeling I . mproved. - Our � Local Briefs. ast week , rho pi the United Church, Hensall, met in the third degree. A the old saying: "See milliners are preparing for millinery :, of Stratford, was in town on Tuesday. or two bar, been very springlike; snowi by Mirs, Monteith; the Prayer tor Ja- rsday, March of the lodge, refreshments were serv- connected with nings which will be a little later -Uiss Edith McKay is visiting with anol ice gone and on ouT streets a few pan by Mrs. Finlayson; the pray(;r the school room on Thu o pleasantly spent Ne,ples and die," would make one al- opei ing on account of I-, friends in Detroit. -Mrs. A. A. 'Mc- , w' India by Mrs. Ivison; prayer for 14t.h. The meeting opened by zing- ed and an hour or s most afraid that some of these beau- than usual this spi � lays more sunshine ould cause dust fur ing Hymn 186; pravers by Mrs. Wil- in social intercourse and all feeling l. Lennan is visiting with Toronto to fly. The country roads are muddy China by Mrs. W. Ivison. The hymn, tehford. Psalm I that they had had a very' pleasant tiful scenes might be the summing the Easter date. -Mrs. Peter Mirmn ' '. e friends this week. -Mr. Harry Livens and many cars get stuck. -As re- ,,J( -.sus Shall Reign Where Ere the son and Mrs. Bla* weath r du ng the pas up, but hope eternal spring$ within returned during the -past week from I ; of St. Catharines, spent a few days ported in the daily papers last week, ,�urj 1, ,was sung after which further was then read alternately and Hymn time. -The e ri our breasts, a,nd the eye, it is said, Houston, Texas, where she vvry .1, . s. -The is rww, by Act of Ontario pray'er was offered for the League of I 352 was sung, after which Mrs. Henry week has been of a decidedly spring- never tired of seeing or the ear of pleasantly spent some four months " ra le " last week with Seaforth friend, who Bayfield ,,',-� in prayer. Tho minutes of the like character arid pretty favo b so' we with relatives and friends, and re - 0. maamy friends of Dr. H. H, Ross, Police Village. The Nations and all other fields. Then hearing. LiXo the "Athenian lj seriously M over the weeK Parliament, a .)revi.u. meeting wori- read and a- for sugar making, but with -the rapid ing turns feeling much benefitted by her . was so object oin having this done was to Re- I followed the hymn "Oh Spirit of the p and are always looking for someth .. vurill be pleased to learn that ht� ' rs. Blatd' 11- going of the snow, the roads ade, nd with very pleasant memor" �. . cure Hydro on the rural plan, which i Living God." The prayer of thanks- dopted. It -was mov(-d by 'A end ad state, a,nd new. --Our motoT dealers are getting tri p a .. is improving. -Mr. E. H. Close will le,*ens the cost considerably and, giving was taken dn unison. Then ford, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, -and visit in one of ; �, the first the running of cars makes them so a number of new cars which are said of her nice trip t�v. be open for business on Monday next brings it within the reach of many � followed the election of officers for we meet after the W.M.S. y otherwise to be nicer and better than they have the largest cibies in that State, Hous- , in his new stand in the Cardnu block. Id not otherwise affoTd I thL coming year, with Mrs. Lundy in Thursday in each month, The elec- much worse th-an the bo �'� more who cou ever yet been. -It would be nice this ton having a population of a at I L Of Hamilton, Ion. Presidents, Mrs. tion of officers for tht- now year was would be. -The spring grain on the ,,,D .. -Mrs. R. C. Anderson chair- I spring and summer if our Councill t, ,10� ,lirimore, and is a very beau- , ' it. -From the many who are alroadylthe then proceeded with and resulted as whole looks as though it had come if ,ty n , �,'yle, Mrs. Finlayson; d add to the beauty of our park appearance. - Mr. and I �� is visiting her parcrits, Mr. and Mrs. inquiring about Bayfield cottages, this, Lundy, Mrs. I foitows: President, M rs. Merrier; well through the winter months and cOul � . Robert Rell.-Mr. and Mr -s. James oromises to be a prosperous summer. President Mrs. Monteith; Ist Vice- -Our council had arid make it something that we would Mrs. Clifford Moir are this week vis - Cummings, Jr., of Lansing, Michigan, ' Vice- Vice- 11�resident, Mr.s. J. Fl4er; Tress- gives good promise. dmire and become iting at the home of Mr. and Mm ,. Several sales of property were made PreoidenZ Mrs. Ivison; 2nd Secretary, Mrs. C. our pavement nicely cleaned the first more and more a ew Love, MTs. Moitr's parents.- ,. I and Mr. and Mrs. J. Grieve, of Grosse last sesson and the buyers purpose President, Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale; 3rd urer, Mrs. Zeufle-I Drysdale. The part of this week, which makes it so interested in. -Perhaps there has nev- Andr . Isle, Michigan, were here last week - -nt, Mrs. Wom. Alexander; Cook; Organiisto Mrs. been a winteir or spring in which Mrs. Fred Beer and young son spent " building. Bayfield's popularity as -A Vice-Presidie -eting closed with prayer by Mrs. much nicer and up�to-date looking.- er - - �r- attending the funeral of the late Mrs. resort ds growing and it- fame be- 4th Vice -President, Mrs. Jas. Bowey; me Our mail couriers have found it pretty our fair sex have done more enter part of this week at the home of Mrs :. Cummings, Of Eg-rnondville.-Mrs. W. coming known far and wide. This is 5th Vice- Pres i dent, Mrs. R. McMur- Sinclair. taining and to report all the social J. W. Peck. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry . s week y- tough getting around during the past -ad to -� � A. Wright spent a few days thi� be a big season. trie; Recording See,, Miss Jean Mr-- Purchase Maimse.-Carmel Presb functions would be a very difficult Price and family inte moving .., with her sister, Miss Granger, in Clin- sure to Lean, Messenger See., Miss Jenniw terian Chur&h had this week pur- week or two, as the matter to do. -We are Pleased to see Seaforth next week where Mr. Price " . - - Alex. McMurtrie localities are very deeply cut up. -Mr. has rented a farm from Mrs. Elgie, "I. ton. -Mr. J. L. Smith has been ser Chesney; Strangers' See., Mrs, J. chased from Mirs. ft here last week for Miss Margaret Bell at the east end ��: iously ill for some days. -Messrs. WHAT A DIFFERENCE Hentim-son-, Supply Sec., Mrs. G. E. her fine two saitorey l,rick dwelling on Alvin Wurm le of our village, on the London Road, - of riear Seafortb.-Wedding bells are �:: G. A. Sills, J. M. Govenlock and K. (Written March 19th, 1926) 1 Thomson, Mrs. J. Daymond; Home the corner of King and Albert Streets Port Huron, where he has secured a able to be out again after some weeks' again ringing in this vicinity.-Mrs- � minister, of positiom and we believe, will beshort- antly r, McLean were in Clinton on Monday Helpers, Mrs. W. Chesney, Mrs. W. for a Manse, for lheir illness. -Mrs. G. Davis, of Montreal, A. W. E. Hemphill very pleas [ attending the funeral of the late Half a mile, half a mile, French, Pres.s Sec., Mxs, James B. whose call and accei)!,ince we made ly joined by the family. -A quartette spent a couple of days here with her entertained a nurryber of ladies at Thomas Fraser, for many years one Half a mile onward; McLean; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Mc- mention of in last wcek'q issue, and given in the United Church on Sun- relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson. a bridge party on Tuesday afternoon .. of the prominent men in the South Twenty feet, twenty feet, Committee, Mrs. A. which will make a %-,r,ry fine home for day evening last by Messrs. E ' Lin- nsiderable property is and has of this week. -Mr. Donald MeXimmu _ Lean; Finance ­. Mr. Mcllroy. denfield, John Pasgmore, W. 0. Good- 'CO -hanging during the past week and Mr. Lad McEwen were in De�- [ . Riding of Huron. This is the earliest Twenty feet downward; Monteith, Mrs. Bowey, Mrs. Jas. W. their minister, the M as well been c ; I . -)ov that Mrs, Mc- win and George H. Follick, w . , spring that this district has expert- We are pleased to kn or so and more to follow.-BUss Helen troit last week and brought home a - h Up there the banks of snow, McLean. I leaving our. rendered and much enjoyed by the Swan, R.N., was in Exeter the first number of cars for Cook Bros. -Miss enced in many years. Goderic Plunge into drifts we go, - . - Murtrie does not intend �. Street West would not be recognized Not but the people knew . village, -but securing nwms or a small! large congregation presenit—Mr. and part of thds week. -Our farmers ex- Mary Stewart it confined to her home �', to -day as the same street it was a Some one had blundered. ZURICH dwelling as the oric she sold was I Mr�. tL. tHedden. have this week mov- er- t to be able to plough sod land through illness. -Mr. Harman, of To� , Note.s.-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred La- .d ,) P I . week ago, and the same might be much larger than she needed. in he west wing of the dwelling in the course of a day or so as the ronto, has been engag'ed with Cook - * ,��, . e town Snow to the right of them, porte and family have left for Wind - Errtertairiment.-On � 're,en tly occupied by Dr. A S R. C -amp- frost did not penetrate very d-eeply.- Bros. as salesraan for this season. .. said of the other streets in th treet, and ,� and the roads in the country. The Snow to the left of them; sor, wheTe they will make their fu Orange Wed- bell and family, an Main r �1. snow has entirely disappeared, the ' ture home. Mr. LaPorte sold his fine n,,d,y evening o.t ' last -week the m r. w. F- pf,ff and family in -tend — ---- -- - � - --- - -- ------------.---- — ­ Snow piled in front of them, I farm on the Goshen Line near Zurich Orangernen of ll�nsall Lodge held a moving into their dweiling on Queen �, , ice is out of the rivers, andowith a Their's not to make reply; I , ,I '-I :few more days of mild weather the Their's not to reason why; to b -is neighbor, Mr. Oscar Koehler, fine literary and musical concert fol- Street, as lately (occupied by Mr. and - --- 1�1 , � concession roads will be in as good Th-eir's but to free ye and die. who will move to the new farm, while lowed by old time dancing for those I Mrs. Hedden.-The Youth's Welfare I wishing to engae in the sarrie. Rev. I (,.Iub of Carmel Presbyterian church, 4. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kochems will move SPRING �.� . I ­ condition as they were at the end of into thv premiseL4 vacated by Mr. R. Nlaylor, of S:t Paul's Anglican, I Hensall, autoed to Exeter, on Monday , i, April last year. -Mr. Andrew Archi-I Flashed all their shovels hare. I . 1 Koehl(�T and family. -Mr, and Mrs. fill,d the duitik-s of chairman in his I evening last, to give the prog-ramme , bald moved this week into his rest- vla.%hed through the frosty air; I - Mr. Harvey 1 at a young peopi 's enbertainm nt in I Strt�et. rveently oc- Icicle-, hang here and there, Henry Steinbach and sons have mov usual pleasing manner. f e dence on CenLM - � I ed from the 14th concession to their McGee, of Auburn, as entertainer,. Caven Presbyterian Church, and re- cupied by Mr. P".. R. Crawford, Mis,;1 �Zo q ,n of thaw in air; port a very pleasant evening and kind MILLINERY . if, I new home in the village, recently pur- for the evening, more than delight,ed I 0 �.11 1"rganet Broadfoot, who spent the! No c,ivrn for Bruin to stare, ! , .'. I chased from Mr. .1. Fckst6n. Mr. the large audit -i -ire with his fine Aele- � entertainment given them. - Miss " I winter at the home ,of her grand- I ,z,, h(,,- I . i . ', gone back to where . sse and family, of and Scootch songs, giv- I Margaret A. Bell, who has been quite , F '. I and Mrs. Alex. Ma. tions. of Irish , , - �." � motber, Mrs. J. 11. Broadforit, leaves Storms are unknown. Windsor, have moved from that City on in tharact,er costume, arid his im- 1 ge oui;I I at the home of her sis- 0 -r home in M,rx).;e . . ri y it Our stock of Hats is now complCte for the Spring I n Friday for hE I I on to the fine farm vacated by Mr. personAtion (if Mr. Harry 1,WW(*r, 1 ter, Mrs. Hunt, is now, we are pleas- I ' , Jaw -Miss .Jean Stewart i.; ;punding, 11-hern Rre tho-e proph,pt.s bright ! ' ts, and all the pretty Silk and " Steinbach, which Mr. Masse has pur- the great Scot,ch singer, was very fine I ed to learn, improving nicely, whi!e trade. Smart Fel j.. t the week with T(,rtpn,,.o frii-nd,­Mrs.' Whf) think- thev're alway.; rizht; ; " hased.-The local Luther League and well givi-n. In fact to every � Mrs. Hunt also is gaining nicely from I Straw Hats in the various Colors and Styles. Call ' 'r, . � McDougall, of Toronto), i�z the guest I 0h, the wild thinRn they said- -sented the comedy, "Getting Ac- number he had to resp i of Miss Stephens at th+� Queen's.- �11"thp wnrld read thpm- ; pro Pond not only. her recent iline.".-Mr. John Zuefle, and see them. . I quainted With Madge," to a capacity to encores, but repeated encores, so florist, has had a fine display of - Mr ' Tom .Jackson lvavt-s on Friday for, W,'hf,n will the Run come out . Rudience at Vvrna Town Hall last ,,I,i,u, were the audience to hear' carnations in his greerohotine during Hensall - Battle Creek, whi-re he will spendl And hrr,,,k the Winter's rnmit I Mrs. Bertb a E. Bell - I Rvv. R. C. Mo-Diar-1 Friday evening. -Mr. E. F. Klop,p, him, and lit- ci-i-tainly did not spi:tro i the past week or so -Our Council harl I several weeks- And wo w,,n't havp to doubt. I Warden of Ifuron, was in Goderich himself in hi�t i�ndeavojr to give every � the ice on the south side of the bu.qi- .. . mid, of God.erich, will ,,crupy th(t put- ir t.herpll he Spring­-Contributt,d. on Mmiday (on busiriv.-mR.-Mr. and satisfaction. In addition to his fine*nesq section of our Village cut away -- - -- pit in First Prf-sby-t-rlan Church �n I I Mr -P. Simon Thiel and Mrs. C. Thiel, ',,I,,tio,,, th.o. following extra num- the first of this week so that that --- .------ ,Sunday next, whi-n Rev. F. If. Larkin,. . f Hitch-ener, visited at the home Of . ber, were given by local talent in part of the pavement will he as nioe --- � ��--_- - ­==�� '. I D.D., will oecuPY Mr. MeDiarmid's EG.MONDVILLE RETURNED Mr. and Mrs. P. Deichert, Jr., Blind the way of �:,)Ios by Mrs. James W. and dry as the 'rest—Mr. Will Simp I pul,pit in Goderich.- A slwcial meet, Line, on Sunday -Mr. and Mrs. W. Borithron. Mr. 11. Houston, Mr. Sarri-son in returning to Detroit a few our foot troubles I ing of the Huron Countv Council will I Oh. Fgmondvillt,! Oh, Fgmondville, � o other, Free advice on y I in G,)dt,rif-h ('n' W(-Inf­,day, y - I Galis(lr, of Stephen, vL9ited at the uel Rannip: well rendered readings days ago, accompanied by his m he held . ou re back again to giw a thrill; I h " orne of their daughter, Mrs. Fred by Mrrs. J. A. Fleming; violin duets who had been here for a couple of -- � of next week. -Mr. Arnold T . u . rnhuil, I The Indies all and choir did meet I IlRberer, over the w( -(-k end -Mr. 11. by Mr. John Wren aa Mr. Russell � we-eks visiting her mother, Mrq. R Cramps Pains � of Toronto -P. �Pp(,nl, a rl,\,N' (1:1%, th- .\nd -aid: WP mu,st give folks a trent. � Yunghlut was called to Auburn early Brintriell. The accompanists for the Ronthron, had in common with -I� 1. week at t.h(- h,-ni,- ,,f hi, lm-, ws, Mr. I ' I in the woek owing to the serious ill- different number% were Mrs. ErToldlautos .at that tim-e, Sunday evenin.,J ,,- Burning and Mre. G. T Turnbull. Nlr--. Shl,r. ' kill the fatted calf ant] bring : ,; OC much trouble in .. We'll t 11v,;s of his mother. -The roads dn the Drummond, Mr. . John Murd h, Miss negotiating a short Sensation I hert, Of lhf' -'�-If"r'h 11-1,;1,11 `lafr, Our reputation back this .Spring; ;country are becoming passable again Eleanor Fi-her and Miss Pearl Brint- strM,ch of unpaved road, where thel Callouses . . I who has bt-(-n in Londwi taking x-ray I Tho. choir Pond ladios all (lid SRY, ' after the break-up of winter. The net], who gavo l'ine "Tections through- cars Rank right down t(i the running �. treatment, is improving. Mr. aml, We'll give a dinner and a play. I i)ad condition is attributf,d to lack of out the eveniriv The pleasure of the board, and he was not able to reach .../ ... 'ill. ,or Goderich, ar.-I . 'k ., Mrs. John Me(, . i -h i gnow on the road,% this winter. Th.-. rvening waA also enhanced by Mrs. Detroit for very mAny hours after Aches T e ndemess a- . I spending ;a few da%� tho% w; -t -k w' i ()nt- hundo-vil pi(-;, and cakes galore, I frost penetrated deeply and when the George Ilud-in providing refresh- the usual tim-P it takes and had 0 : friends in !,ywn Nlr-,. Verb,, Kahl('l \ I o-hirken. ham, jellies, and more;, milil weather set in the crust WaR ments for any who desired to avail have b-orse power to get. oxit of the. ; Tit and s,nn .,p(-nt !hP- w,�ok 4-nd in Wind-, ,-�(..,;,, T)4,(, p,tato(., are on the hill -- - I brolom through and many portions therriRelves o� 1hi same. Th,e Or- def -p miri,, which, fortunately, only sor.-Mrs. Wii:mm Sr;,04-r i� 11-1i - '' Ph , i , ! ing a fvw w­,k� a' tho h ,mf- ,,f hvr - %%aitcrs will see You get your fill. � became well nigh impassable. - Mr. angemen an, t,, be congratulated upon extended R couple of mil -es or so :n Sore, 19 Ifugh Thiel has sold his large frame the success ,of their evening's enter- the Deleware district. - Mr. John Pbeu- Limb . � daughler. Mr-. 1, (;- K"" on (;;":. Th(- i-titrance fee is just a mite, ibarn on the ees,t portion of his farm tainment- Thomposon, who has been An invalid matimn ­` . . -Mrs. R. A rn),! r, -),v i,- ft i h i; wP,,,I< , .r,, pay for whAt. you'll get that night;; to Mr. Art Willert, south of Dash- Young P(-(,T)lr,'- League. - The for many yearri and unRhI(, to get . Tzall for her h(,mf- in North Dakota, aft,pr So buy a ticket and you'll see wood, whose barn, live stock and im- young Pe .ague of the United :, �� ,ople'q 1,e �; out of the home on South Richmond I , , , - , Y, . * "A ,=Kib tits W6 1� I Gm I Molto"^ I , I I - 11 [ !7Z I k. ­ .n . BW , , . - de, Street, but wh.o wag able to draw him- � � visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mart I What, where and when this treat will plements were totally stroyed by Church held thpir wePekly meeting in ' .1 - r.. . �­: and other friend% in town. -Mr. and be eks ago. The barn is the ba.-tement, on Monday -evening self around the roorns, being unable �: ' fire some we � 1. Mrs Hodgins, who have been sppn,l-1 Your -q truly, being torn down and hauled to Mr. with a good attendance and with Miss to walk, has now very unfortunately I ­ * , , 11 lk�i.z ing the winter in Tornrito and New ONF OF THE GANG. Willert's farm, whiere it will be re- MArion Casernore presiding. The lost all power of his limbs, and apart .1 York, are gue,sts at the home of MT -R. ­ r meeting was opened with the mnoging from a wbe,eled chair will not be able I 11. I Mrq. R. Winter, built. A FOOT - EXPERT - � &I - H,odgin"s mother, I KIPPEN - -1 of a number of hymns, 'followed by to move around. Much ,gympathy is ( , . r.. North Main Street-Miq,; NRn Camp- Farmers�Aa Sprinir in dra-ing upon ,oa. HENSALL tble Scripture lesson, read by Miss felt for him and his parents, to whom , . , .......... * " 1 , bell has returned to her home her? ho rmAy. Klmolly fetch in what repairs you vl� ai ­;riq aff,-r which e min- his condition is and has been a sad trained in thei mathodg of I C.", . � , - affor .qp-nding thr, winter in Toronto, ha� And itave delay in the buoy A~om. A I '. 5�` , ,�. iv,N .. Z,t . 0, �. �, " - . . _MTs. T. G. SWRinglaw, of Tucker- wood li.e of r-p-im al -a" on hand: Plow Rhea" Pole F;,hop%. landsideoo for vartous mako-9 4"- 1."', . . ... P111i. . smith. is visiting at the home of her of 0"; -oodwork for buzaies and �jrnym. .1 81 1. <19'ag ter in Toronto. - Mr. Jack Fleury N- 21 and Willoinsoon No. 21 new ".. ;� .. . Walker left this week foT Timmins. rolm, on hand. W. L. Mellis. 8091-3 1, .. ,3* IA. - I .. -M`T. Lockhart. J6hristion, formerly No,tes.-Don't forget that Mr. Ralph '... I � P. I of Varna and Seaforth, and Sort of Gordon, of Toronto, Canada's flore- I" , -.V, ... ". ,I the late Rev. D. Johnston, haA re- most cartoonist, impersonator and en - .�.. -'� ..41 �112" �1, eently been a.ppointeii, managler of to rtainer, will give a concert in the '4V'.2� I -i".. �. ., ,,, - , ... Ithe Windsor-Warkerville brandh of Brucefield United Church on Tuesday k-'vt,:, -., ��, IP: � . W I. , Remington Typewriters, Limited. evening, M arch 22nd, at 8 p.m. -Mrs, �r� ­ � t,'' � ,!,'!, Vk��, . . `If0l ,. .11 , j,af - I .ormation vrs�q given by Mr. riwwrord Wm. Cooper spent the week end with her son, William, north of here. -Mr. . W"'. - -��P,: I . . I Hunt, nvanager of the Lon- ,'. �",.k.?, ., 2. ... �� � - ,ffi btandh, wbo is at present vi,xiting on- R. J. Cooper is visiting friends in ,� o 0.,� ..", . ,i' Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt, Lond-on—Atir. and Mrrs. Chas. Cooper IF, 141, home in MeXillop. - The of Tagashe, are visitors at the hame !,�� F4 � �.­ , .1, I '-� __ .ffieir lobbirand Ladies, Aid of lggmondville of Mr. and Mrs. W. French. -Rev. Mr. ,)�,, �, � q,,�.�,,%, IrEl".."; ". � "': , !. rth *ill serve a hot supper, fol- Wbitfiefd will preach on Sunday, Mar. - I ,!:, � -­ .,: 1: 1, I ", "O ,,�­ ..0'.4 . I . - * u concert in the church on "I ay �evsdng, March 18th,Par- 20th, at the Uni -ted Church. - Mrs. E. Stafford has returned home after �,I ... 1 ,*`- - 411", le—, A-14- -43- her brother Mr. 1 W1151" . , P,- , , �1*1�- f,j�..-4_� I �� �� I � 7, � - .. , n- �;"4.',4P,- N, . - �. . I - 1. T�.,it.,�,­ .i. ,., 1i , " �- ,� "T � ­- � '�J,.'�."'.. .' I , , "' ..�,�, -1 ` I I . -, - �. -- ��: J,%., � - . , . . I'll- I I. I ;.., , ::�' ­ � I I ..A A-1- �. � , . , .., , I �,. � . , . � I I , . .. ��.,. ., , ., ­.' . . :.:. 1 A �; V, , . A:-, "I', . *::�� � � .4�, . ) . I.— I � . .i . I . .1 I.;, � �iw�. I � ff : � .! .1� I . ­ . I 1. - - i . . I . , �� , , ", -,�. '� , .�� .'I- .: ,. I , 1�1 . � .. . � . ,,,, II � I e I . . . .1 . ...I , * I . ir , � - ., el. ;� i I ­:" I .... I I . � I.,...",.... " - , " , i .-40'� �., .�..:;�,o . I'' ", :. i , ­ 11 I . � . ­.. - : I , . , t. .. . I . I , I . ,. , . .� . I . I I , . . A I 01. 1%1. t . , . � I 1. 4 A .� — J .0 . , . I 1 4 - 6 I ut.es ,of the last meeting were read r,ollowing is the ,by the Secretary. . one fcyr Very many years, on account of Ns afflietion.-Rev. Dr. Laird, of Ch t Dr. Wm. M. Scholl of Chicago, � programme arranged by Miss Gladys Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of the I Luker: InstrumentgI due� Misses United Church on the coming Sunday . . will be here Jes.siv Buchanan aAd Avis Linderfield; at the eve-niing semce. There will, reading, Miss G. Lukei-,- topic entitl- ed, "Christ Knocking at the Door," very ably given by Miss Casemoore; no doub,t, be a very large attendance as we believe it will be the first time he will preach in Hensall-�Miss G. Friday, March 25th �, the Marks, Brucefigid, is visiting Mrs. �, serveral numbers on violin and saxE�pho­ne v.4 --re contributed by of Robert Borithron, and has been bere STORE OPEN IN THE EVENING oi Messrs. Ben Elder and Jam" Broad- for the past week—There has not . foot accompanied by VTS. Ben El- � � been enough snow up until the pres- ideal If you have aching feet, pains, cramp t Sp , i der on the piano, �hieh was great- ly enjoyed. After tbo eomelusion of ent time to make sugar making and molasses. - Your correspondent 1� callouses, burning sensation at the ball of P, the programme, the me,eting was closed with the Mizpali . benediction. during the DarA week had flie roles - sure of hearing again from Mr. John the foot or toes, fallen arches, painful heel,� I - ' f4viet Monday evening 4 very good programme -ail] be given, and a large E. McDonell, who is enjoying greatly his West Indies cruise o7i the Ship I weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bm. (1 - turnout is hoped for.. I . Cyclone Sally -4)n Priday evening Montroyal, and which we n#Hce from literature cozzioeted tberewkh, I% fit- � ions, or perspiring feet—you are cordiafly' �Iil� , teaetters and ail] intere&wu in a -Y P with ev- ... ,W. L. Mellis, who accompanied her 11arn Ja Heim -all For gafe��24 fea b7 lo of last week under -fU�, autpices of ted up like a palatial Hotel �,F; 4 hind, School Work are cordially 'the + invited to see this Foot Sp'edafist. He win �, i ;� iA i i -he spent 9 feet guitable for gzjrootgo� *oa&hed. elte., the Firemen and J,# .;bvm hall, ery modern cbrivenlemee and comfort. �,N ", to uttenct A Tdeeting in the as fax as London where "m f. � ' , , "I", � * I Tuesday after- day on bus very sorry hine4L Phone. 69. Miftes M- 'I'd R. that foUr-act play --tIll - at has become In fact, it is,wllat might be termed . � , ". ,A! W-- Ubrmy on inesa�-We are J'AlwUT4 Kemal. $0911-9 f . g palact anid' be pleased to make recommendations, widi- , � . so viery I I - - I ", Pf to hew timt Mr Bert XeXa-y under- yopulaT "CYCII 0he! sally " was a fl oatth provided with I wl . . , . I � ` �,;, r4lffl N,410EII- 29ndy -at 4.15. -Mr. X. . Pot Salle- -Solid oak si,deboxrd, beve114 repeated by our yo.1ing . , people, fov doct6rg, nurgets and in skort-every , ��� 1, ',.�. - , tis in ga,ibdnefit of ­ -charge or ­106144tidnp, I .�. .�. ,Ii I as to what your I ,�,,�, � &O -w1ing went at operation for appendici ArPly ThOmsm W. MCIMOU, 9~11- out any ,, �� P11 , lo§6% '60bor, in the way business and pIeU1*0 equipment tha � , :: , t,A 1, 0 . .. p g"d bo, vW,. ,1� the Seia%All Hospital on monday'- $090-2 the firditieb t I .tid-MUM10 . - "'-yt 11 10, *01 60 ,60o I -ifflagined, While thA - rMa. . . 0 V, f .0sitless in , vit'an Pavim are in stotk 0. � .O't �,. t , �",, ,012, 1� ,� - Urg, L Jarratt has returne aftA,r & Tho New 1.921,, t coritpleting the eftt �J t1wir fitto est, ,almost N ftjo�ble .how M R.'-0. � - � Wtda-g lftgrt. ,d and; � ch �, a4 Mit me'ftu an the terth i% oommonly usw, . io ". , it. % ; VWt with hot daughter ii Toron%, -,dy for oh -1 sr. The atyleg And 44wlgrm t6v aniform I I 1. I . 0 e "*Wus � . � .4 = law bowl- 0 � "H ;­ �'. I ­ . - a" iw6tmer th'". ever And wo ar fibunew . , , * t1lat $IOU Be, . Hemphillro Ofts 8%re ' 'U ftarrtlesg dishoA aud 4 . U 1* , , "S r' -1 , es. gro. WoAman =d dartigbtor, of glen-. uhief, Mr. iv 4111140, would MAO P"'huhM to md over , � R, 9 a�,� W1.1 , . . I .,C I 209V2r , 4Utr ft I*if.,b I rich and � ['in ,A ;4411,01YMA ,me veek and wfth W. 4'ftd HOmARo � - an 1, rleeof& %Vdh .., of ,tempting viandt of oyary itleseription ., V , t r6l. ow N - kly , , . MR, I- ­­ .4 . a& Vwt 5, T* * `U , f�. - � I . WN ..., .. . .+ - Wiorkman.-Ilr#.� - , wlived 16r. A 13811s, ,,,s, A MUM , I M ,� . '4 i, �, I � Vtann, #ftvavm at Aho 940 tvwo4s the end of I "W The -k,et i's , S. -I ith & %n 1-14, 1 . . + I � .01 � 11 U:,"'J., 0,0F t 4aot�., . . I -, - F 1. :A:��,L i�o 4 to raeat 4 x i .1peded W, end fr,ouj aftvk elifte. I If � ; ,1� - L.�,�, V d. 1�� � - ptie . , . � il , i". L' "U� b A` 4y 4h Lqadov n 015, i1trdhite 76tw rdstdww .. I �; . . � . .� ­ . � , I . ' , tb f , . . " I .­;!,;­ � . ,, I I ft- - �3L X , hodIft tIRF Otoft*, G. J,#. ate J . I . V: .� 1. I . I. ,, I aw, , � a �,:,� 'W-%,IW�� �Owwd, :, I . .. ­ jg! 4joNk.gatfilllg dqnftj,1)tijyn8 and %, get t , "'W.j� . .,P,ftk . WIT It 'Ifte "ifo . aL 0 , Bank Of 0 '.I, - - ,'�,�.h 11� " " , '. 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