HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-03-18, Page 2I I I , , . .(. r, I , . I . . ,: � :;:", , -, ,v � ,,, , '"' "I , , `­ "", .. � , . I ,�..., . , 1.11 I ­ I I ::,�_','.. I _� �,��, '_:' � �_;� ", ­ �--. 11,��' .:,. ., , ", , , -1, .. � �,-,-, 4"'O"N4 R1 " �, ,,;,,,, - - , , " ''"" � P%Ii'1!10?:�-.'� ,; . ?1� ,( ,­ W, .,� '-, "I.,:'. ,j ��i�,Ir,� .,��. - , I , 4,9, 11 '�. ,�:��,,"-,.,�, �.,�,�,!,, "I ". 1. - , V - ,.' � , � �,� ., �� � �. ­1� I L 4 � '�,�`,. � , ., V" �_V .., . ,� . . , . "A , ;,.10 , �.., . . : ,, . . , : '. �, " , ,; , , . . , .;. 'I.; ", C - I . 5 � �, 4 , � �,.�'.., 1 . � � � .. . . , I .� I. - � . � I �,�� , . 11 . , , , �,.� � �, � I , . , , �" . �, _. 4, 4, ,, , � � ", , - -`1_1 '. � �' ,,� , , . ,�� , . � � '. � . 4 ., .�, , , , , 11 r , , . . I -1 . ;, � , � �., , ,* � ,',..q,' � �, . .11 ::, � , , I . . I I ,. .i,��".-& ., - I ,. "_ .'�, I ". I ­ ",� 1. . I .., i � � iv, � .:t,-- �-,�,', � ...17— WA, , ;, ­ �;,., le ., 1, . "5­�.,., �­�. ­.: . .1 1. I . I � , * , , !. - , 11 : , I ; , , . . 1. , 1. , ,,, I ,,, � . " I , I � , 1 1 , - ., ,.�'. I. - 1. � V � 4 . ., - �� I , - 11 . �.! I I I . It. : � 4 .T - , � f)� . .1 . I I W"', E 7,!1", , � '. '' � �­.�, �.: �. ., .? - � � �f . RIM � . , . .�,::� " 1,. , , , , I I ., � . — , �� , , - I - ,' I I I '. . . I . .,. _i: , , �. , .. V, I - s . , I oq, �. , - " � , I . , , I , � I . . . I I . . -�pl� . _ , _ , , r , ;, I � '. -� I 81AII`dll 44, , '..", I I—,,— -1 I - --N �Vt. IINW.,�,�4�'��.`)'., ,�, :, I . ,� I:% . , . " IN". I 11 . � � - ­ �,., .....,,I 1.�'Pl�,�F,-�4-11�)r.lq..,.",;,. ,,., . I . , � . , � _ . , � , Y�':'.'JA4,5, , ,g-,1, �.,,_ D'6-.L�,,-. ,..�,:-.�:; . I � . . , uixitift of " I ': � _ ., I I � 1. __ —A- I . I 11 , ,,, ", �, �, "'IV 11, -v Z. 11­..U.��111,­­; ­'. i ,;illlo�� .6!0�0. .of the splAt tagn,U0 400 � - � " try, who figui-ed that they needed a � � � "W, fi";O,.,�;-� ;K;04,. , �'i . �A , _;­ - I , I � �11 �.M , I .1 .. . , : �, �1, �, I , death off # -A, . , At ��.` .;,��,� -1, ­ " . . - � . I I ,� Y i I ... 1he V19H4 iudk4t" U�o al , , N.' -is, � . �� I TRYI-M., N ,,W laree carrying capav- � 1� .1 1. . . , . I � - �1 i . I 1. NrioWst, By unmortaurty I mean not, � _. .. I 1. ­ ity. "I '� �1�i "!A, � -, '. . I , � .. , , ;-,V� , I I '!,�.�, . % 1 ­��, V - , , , , , ,� . I 0% I ��', , ... -by 11 I I , " " � ; : I I Iner@17 Owt the Jullu 99. man ,;, '. -V, "', As cars used those persons ,.." wxqe '11 ,7 I I - FUL I � ,�� 11 1: I - i i . . 11 I I � , I � wal. su,m. ve his death, nor merely . . � - eoOld make but few ,trips before Scient"fica ly � k Wk%�,' . I MIM . 11.% . ,., . �­: "�,� ,",T,. � "R �� i" I �', I" I - that the spirit will live " tl I they could attract the attention of "."' ���'. 1'-.:�11� "I "'.1 " ,,, �� : after the 'body 1.`i.1`,1C1;, - P,'� . I N (" y "I , 1� g . I I ,N gx,x � :,..'' W , ev ... �, �11 . . 11 11 and mingles with the dust, but . :M " 1WS 7V the police, it war, desirable to make :,: _ " " -1 . ­ � , "' I 1. I My! . � 11 � TY IN ALL LINES OF WORK — FENCING, tgzlhe invisible spirit which dwells " � 'FRVIT-A-T sudden and fri�.quent changes, hence �, . ... 4i �41, 11 in the -body is itself not subject to dz� , �10 1i .... �.�. W. 1_�-, ... I -PAINTING�, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING — TRESE cay. Immortality is not merely a I 3 HWACH95 stea ng motor cars, which formerly I . �,���,41, - . , . I I had been done for the sake of barter, 11 , � I ; �.,�q . ARE OUR LINES future hope; it is a present posses- - . . found a new impetus, and the dif- . .1 :!...: ,. � 1 ,U�­ . �. I ,� �. .� . ., ,� :. "I ... '2'...i.;,." 1. �sion." ferent purposes resulted in a differ- . � 11 k 1#'1.7�� INVINCIBLE FENCING But the Christian's hope is a gftat� � -, � I ��� I'll - � � - ., 'I, .... entexperience for the . insurance com- a. . ..'� . . 4� of open hearth steel, copper bearing and rust proof, at bottom I' er one than just that of a life after :_ pariles. I . . . . . . . . . .:&,:� Z�; I 0. . death. John, the beloved disciple, in -t�*,;"�-� ­ _4"W?NMMW . 11 - - -`:V .... �'. : x. � :;�: .. �,. . I .. r=WW11,.. ,.. ., There was only a sL,'_­ht reduction MNPNW wppmw - '-:,.�:,-,�:­... � I 11 �. �� . " Te fencing, 40 inches high, per rod .................. 36c CASH �:��:::�:��:�i�i����i�;:.�::�:;;: ­ I the ates for collision coverage, . . . 1, his first letter says: "We know that :::i -i" - I . N * ::Er :.:.:.:.:, Z _' .,. ��Ii�.�..��: - in f I I '' - .. � - .... :1 ,., ..�������.����.�������.�,;:�::::;:::;:::::; �;, i at .1. when he shall appear w;a shall be like �� � th orZ of insurance which in - re fencing, 40 inches high, per rod .................. 40c CASH .I I �WNSW.tl:l I ,*.N.�,�'..',.� ­­. - is. � tWVY,�*�4�,:�: ,.�i.... ,-I, � .. Him for we shall see Him as He I I '... ". ..... �i��:�_, " ; .. n�i�z.�.,-.-.��!�i�� dem,nifies an,6wner for damages sus- I � - �:. k,., " 'i���:�:��:i��i�:�:�i�i�i�i.�,,,���i��,,.:: I re fencing, even spaced, 12 stays to rod .............. 45c CASH '. ., .. .:�:X,: 4� , A life which death cannot destroy is k). :- ,a �� . . . � .',XZ-,-..-'.-.;. - iained by ,his own car as the result . . f e fencing, even spaced, 9 stays to rod ............... 5& CASH i!. � ..,;�::�,:::;.�:::::.*::.:::::;:::ik:,:�:, "' . a wonderful gift, but not so wonder- ' ::5.'�i� I collision, and in , I V... `,..*1.-_. of an accidental T451P ."... ... 1. ful as to be enabled so to bb with KI :_ � .. " . BARBED WIRE, POULTRY FENCE, STAPLES, U POSTS :..:: .. 1. '�� , :. I. 11 ,�: . liability and property damage rates, ' "I Jesus that the sins, the weaknesses, N . " �,:;-::;k;,.,...,,..........., - the latter being the form to settle for . Our Tinsmithing and Plumbing Department is always ready to the failings, that dishearten us here Zv:;: ::.,:: .,.i.k---"11 ...'M 'i :iii::i:-'.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.%.:, �..,,.... - 1,11""."i -k the legal responsibility of the assur- As free from dust as too Can beo � , shall become things of the past and , ­,::,:: I.:,.:;:: I.. .,,� ..1. . �R, �k.:::: ,,'%,,::�%:i:i.,X,:::i::,::;::., I the highest class work from experienced. mechanics and from .. ed for damage inflicted to the prop - Celery best materials. Have your eavetroughs repaired now*; your we shall become pure, like unto Him. 'K .�. ikl'� iK erty of another. In that case there ;,f;. $. �­x.� - 11 .... � - .11-11NMI1,11, I .'. - furnace installed or overhauled; your Plumbing put in or improved. John warns us, however, that this �-';� -', �­�-,; was a general though not great re- - We can do it now. change does not come as a miraculous ,%, -, . ,I ;1: duction. . :9 ; ..... .11:. . ing ev- off to- any early staTt, it Is. better t& . change with or after death- "He 14 . In connection with property dam- ' 1111-.0 S.-:.':::.%::_ ery egg that each individual hen lays build a hot b�d than to tXy and' grow ... .. i at hath this hope in him purifieth . 11., age coverage there is wide rn'llun- that is suitable for hatching, is mark- the early pla o re -Secum a .1: - . - nts ind o . himself even as He is pure." The .::, ... derstanding. The motorist who car- ed vdth the .hen's number and put in supply of fresh horse manure, whic)x change must be the result of th ' :�:, � . .:. . G. A. Sills ..'si:, .A.. :�.�. ries this form of protection thinks the Incubator. On the 19th day of has been turned every' day or so to le vl�_ .: - I - this in torious struggle with sin in tKil ,I, " I : . . . . . . . . �;`..- ,.. that he has agreed with his insurance -incubation, all the eggs are sorted prevent Imming, and store I the cutting off, it necessary, of . th e . "" ­ .1i . i ..' ii . :.... company that the latter will -are put in a small some sheltered spot until ready to - X., .... Ply, and each hen's eggs .1 - __ ­ right hand or the plucking out of the I . .::�:, . ..:�..:.:-.:,. I ... . which is to say protect, the in" cheesecloth, or mosquito -netting bag, use. The 'hot bed should be locate(! fti�_ right eye. - 1. whose property was damaged. n" and on the 22nd day all chicks hatch- where it will be convenient for t1w, � SUNDAY AFTERNOON fort their sore hearts. "Let not your Then having fought the good fight MR. R_ A. BOVAY. )� 'is not true. The insurance company ed are leg -banded with a small band, attendant, and it must be protecteit the Christian can, like Paul, look for f Trenton, Ontario, is not interested in the heart be troubled; ye believe in God the crowning joy when, beholding the Mr. Roy A. Rovay o ,, welfare Of which is numbered, and the number from the north and west winds by (BY Isabel Hami4ton, Goderich, Ont.) believe also in Me." Then He told thinks very highly of Fruit-a-tives" for any one other -than its policy holder. is placed opposite the dam's and fences, buildings, or slirtybbery. Make them that He went before them to Saviour as He is, "we shall be chang- removing the cause of nervous headaches. The Policy itself provides that it sire's numbers in the pedigree batch- a pile of the manure eighteen inchea ed into the same image, from glory will pay the legal liabillWes of the - Brief life is here our portion; prepare for them a place in the ing book. deep, and be sure it is well pressect to glory." "I wish I could tell every sufferer in the person to, whom it is issued for dam- It is possible in pedigreeing -poultry down. If drainage is good, a bolee Father's house of many mansions, and world what Truit-a-tives' have done for -ages inflicted on the property of an- I The life'that knows no ending, more, that He would come again to me"—he writes- --- �'For years I was much n this way to -ascertain ,the results may be dug and the manure place(I The tearless life is there. receive them unto Himself. WORLD MISSIONS troubled by bad headaches, nervous dys- other. from each male and female mated. As in this. On top of the manure place a The fear of death is instinctive. pepsia and liver troubles. Then I com- The insurance company insists that the years go on, by using always light frame Of wood any desired size 0 happy retribution! What lies beyond is so dim, so uncer� In "Chinese Diamonds" Mrs. Go- menced taking Truit-a-tives'. Thanks to 11 le -gal liability must be shown and best producers, males and femalea, and cover tightly with a window sush. Short toil, eternal rest; tain. To men before the days of forth tells the story of Mrs. Wang, these wonderful tablets I am once more denies that the agreement of its pol - that have the vitallity and vigor to sloping this a few inches towards the For mortals and for sinners Jesus, it was indeed a leap into the the poor, little wife of a Chinese entirely well." icy holder with the injured Party con- stand the cold Winters, that are true front which must be south. Cover A mansion with the blest! dark-" But Jesus changed all that, "teacher." Mrs. Wang's life had stitutes legal liability. If, after the to the standard of the breed, that are the manure with three or four inchest Are you, too, afflicted with nervous head- stories of both'parties have been con - "Jesus believed in a future life," says been full of sadness; her two boys, aches? Quite probably they are traceable prepotent in transmitting these quali- of fine soil. The bed will heat up rap - The moming shall awaken, Albertson. "He never took time to the joy of the home, had died and to lazy bowels, stomach, kidneys or liver. sidered, the company declines to pay ties to their progeny as well as the idly at first, but by the fourth day- ay, reason it out with His disciples, but with her daughter, Spring, she had the damage it will defend the suit qualities of good hatchability of eggs will have cooled down sufficiently to What you need is the gentle, natural help brought by the person whose prop - And each true -hearted servant He talked to them as if the future life come to live in the Mission compound of "Fruit-a-tives" which is made from and livability of chicks, it is possible allow planting. In cold weather wa- Shall shine as doth the day. were as certain as the present; as if where her husband was engaged. intensified fresh fruit juices blended with erty was damaged. If a judgment to have a strain of poultry which is ter sparingly and only on brightdays- the earth were but one of many dwel- While she was there the missionary's tonics. "Fruit-a-tives" is nature's own is obtained against the policy holder a credit to the poultry industry. Ventilate a little every day by rals- There God, our King and portion, ling -places God has prepared for His little child died. "A few days later ally in promoting health and happiness. It will pay that judgment up to the Ing the sash,,kpeping this Open long - In fulness of His grace, children. He spoke of His plans for missionaries and Christian natives Enlist its aid for yourself, to -day. 25c limits of the policy, but the company . -6 er as the days grow wariner. Plants Shall we behold for ever, the future as if all time were His, gathered about the open grave beside and 50c, everywhere. does not propose to pay out money should be transplanted once, an(I And worship face to face. He talked of centuries and ages as we which rested the little coffin almost unless it is compelled to pay. Took A Friend's Advice hardened ,off in a cold frame, whicts Bernard of Cluny. speak of minutes and days. He act- covered with beautiful flowers. it .- -_ —_ The comparries maintain that there And Received Benefit is sirndlar to the hot bed only with - Translation by Dr. J. M. Neale. ed as if death were not more than was then that Mrs. Wang recalled is a form of insurance which will in- out the manure, before being set out - PRAYER passing into another room." the cruel death of her two boys and motorist is already carrying his full demnify by Ws car as a result of an SO SAYS MR. J. F. KUSS, WHO side. And Jesus did more for His follow- -hat had been done with their little share of the burden and that the tax accidental collision, and that if a man USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Watch the Lawn—A careful inspec- - ed will not be entirely expend- does not buy this form he must bake 0 God whose blessed son was ers than to give hope of a future life * bodies' The contrast was indeed collect tion of the lawn is advisable as soon manifested that Ile might destroy th- He robbed death of its terrors and I great; here was every token of love ed on behalf of better roads and for his chances in collecting from the Manitoba Man Suffered With a Weak as 'the frost comes out of the ground_ works of the devil, and make us the made it the gateway to the presence I and honor for the precious remains; the motorists'. benefit. other fellow. Many .company adjus- Back an - M r, d Was Unable to do The past winter has been particular - I hut what moved s, ,Ararig and went ters frankly state that their compan- ly severe on wintering grass an(I sons of God and heirs of eternal life- of God. He faced death and conquer- , .0 .ies Anything. I av' _d it- He returned from that great - to her heart was the look of h pt, ; do not intend to pay property Roblin, Man., March 17th.—(Spe- clover, some of the coldest weather grant us, we beseech Thee that h L . -itten on the mother's face , () y I GETTING SOMETHING FOR damage claims until a verdict has cial):. "Two years. ago, early in the occurring when there was little cov- experience to show His disciples that wi a. th( been obtained again-sk their polhey ing this hope, we may purify our- � death had been powerless to chang,� all ,arig� togeth(-r: N OTII ING 1 selves even as He is pure; that, when 1 His relations with them. Ile showed i holder. This attitude is reflected in �all, while I was working for a thresh- er of snow. As a result, there has He shall appear again with power : Liztle children. little children -_ - the rates for the two forms of cov- ing outfit I got a weak back, -.yhich been a good deal of freezing ancl I that their difficulties anti pvrplvXiLiL'.'; ' . at tinA,s attacked me so badly that I and great glory, we may he madle lik- Many people dect-ive themselves in- , ,hawing, w1lich alternately contract- ' - unto Him in flis vt�ernal and g101,1011s I were not forgotten; that He remem- ��'110 love their Redt-enier ' to thinking thcy (-art get something erage. was unable to do anything. A friend ing and releasing tho top layer of ker,Ld their griefs and Arr thv jewels, prvcious jmvcl� I for nothing, (�-peciailv if they buy Another change in poll i as advised me to give Dodd's Kidney the soil breaks off many fine roots; kingdom, where with Thee, 0 Father , undvrsto,)d I cles W, i Ilk lo%t-d kind flis own." ' the withdrawal of the reduction in .�Lnd Thee, 0 Holy Ghost, He livet�l their bitter rept-ntance. Ilvw tond,-r s Pills a trial, which I did. The re - the thought that promptcd 11�- As ih,,sv words sank deep into N1 r�;. ('heap tea and think they will get at- the rat:A� formerly allowed if the and thus kills the graqs and clover - and reigneth, ever one God, worid, fl` "' -� , "faction. s were great. I have had no To correct -this condition, it is advis- : message to gricf-sLricken Pett. Wang'-� \vt - soul lht.ry carn , it great car was equipped with an approved "'L without end. Amen. (Mark 16:7i. r yvarning thnt her own lwople might __ - --.C— — fire extinguisher. Experience has trouble since. Words cannot expre,�,s able to go over the lawn in early C-illect. � flow like the .1laster dd's Kidney Pills." .spring with a heavy roller oY pound - it was to grant a special. privaLe in hv.ar of thi� G,wspvI that gives a soul shown that the reduction formerly i my thanks to Do S. S. LESSON FOR MARCH 20th tt rview to that troubled discipl- a h,11)v after detth." AI'TO OWNERS SHOULD CARRY granted was not justified by a saving This testimonial comes from Mr. J. - er. Bare and thin spots should get e � F. Kuss, who resides at this place. I new seed and plenty of it. Sprink- ( 1,ukv 24, 34). The risen C.hrist ___ ----C*,---- RIGHT KIND OP INSURANCE of any- sort, and it is rumored in in- Dodd's Kidney Pills strengthen the ling this over a late snowfall is a Lesson Title—The Christian's Hopp. v%en took pains to show Ili,; friends i surance circles that the reduction of Igood plan especially wher) the*sndvr I kidneys and put them in shape to do I . . - NL%KE CARE OF ! During the pa,t, ,�ear motor car in- their full work of straining the ini-J'S melting and will disappear in a that thoir tvirporal want,;, their phy . . the theft rate now existent for ap- Lesson Passag"—John 14:1. 3; -.2 s;ral neods wore remembered and 13A BIES EASIER �suranee has not. bevii .subjected to any proved locking devices will be discon- i purities out of the blood. With pure I few hours. The seed will worIg dowri Cor. 5:1-10. 1 John 3.2. 3. 1 provided for (John 21, 4-13). 1 n 1 great and matA,rial chang,es. Yet the i tinued w'hen the new rates are ad- t blood there is good health all over into the soil and germinate in a fevr Golden Text—John 14:2. . Po- ju,ted. 0VVry .-ible way fle seemed it) he Stomach di,turbances and c(jnst,�pa- subject has presented and will pres- ithe body. I d a ys. .. It was the evening, before the cru- .saying to them: "Death is power- ti,m an, responsildt- for imich of t.ho: (,nt niany problem.,; to the car ownerl The companies claim thak �thc-, � Don't experiment with things you Plant Sweet Peas Early.—There is cifixion. The di,ciplvs had partakf-n le�s to harm, even to change those lwt�vishn(-,�4 of baljios and young chil-'nrid to the instirance companies. As � combination of imadequate locking i think will do you good. Get Dodd's another early job. Sweet peas shoul(I of the Last Suprwr with their Lo,d,� who believe in anti trust the Father dr( -n. "'hen the baby is cross or ii--: the motorist is and always will be I devicps and the failure of the owner - I Kidney Pills from the druggist. . They be planted as soon as one can work Jesus had tried to prepare them f.)r in Heaven," � rit;iblv 1he mother shmild not resort! vitally conce-rnLd with this all-ini- to use the locking device with wbich Paul, writing to the his car is equipped, and for the use are cheap enough, and all druggists up the ground. These will come His departure from th(-ir midst Ife' Corinthian,, *;, s­rallvd ­mthing mixt urv� to cor- i portant item connected with the own- stock them. along in firqt class shape no matt4w had told them frankly that lf�� S'holjil d"" ` upon tho confid"11N. (if th�� rvet -,h(- troiiblv, for in thp majority i enship and operation of a ca, - lof which he received a reduction, do what the weather following planting "be rejectvd of the viders, and of tht- ('h ',,in facing di,aih. ­T)ji�z (,ar0i- of r -es th(-e mixtures simply dru�jshould ha%v knowledge of it and'ha'�'Lvl not justify the reduction wbich he 10. "'I 1 ' is like. It is best to dig a trench chief priests and scribes. and be ki'l 1v bodv of ni:rw." he say�, -will hv, thk- child wo ,In unliatural sleep.1 an intiniw, knowledge of how besL'has cn�oyed. ' - ' . � GARDENING SE� about a foot or so deep, Place a ed, and after throv day� risp agam." dissolved but I know �hw, (iml has �%*hat is nvedi-d is a gentle laxativo' to protect himself, his assets and his � 0 . VICE layer of rich so,il or rotted leaves oit Slow to undvr-,tand -uncomprehimil- prepared for nn, another, i-iw i�iat i, th;lt will swt,eten thv stomach and heirs fr(mi �he inroads which may be! Growing Plants Indoors.—Many manure in the bottom, covering it ing even aflt-r thi� plainest terms haj eternal anti heaw,nly." ; rt-gllflai(� thv J)ojk-f-k. Stich a remedy I made upon his estate as the result of tender bedding plants for the window with about six inches of fine loam. I been used, thc disciple., were vaguely Lyman Abbott says: "I lwlit.vf-; ,;- found in 13,11)V's Own Tablets. They, an accid-,w ,-ccurring in a fraction of i �, In this plant the sweet peas about . I box and hanging baskets can troubled, and Jesus, realizing th-, ihat the body i.� :�irnply an iris! rurnefit, I :%re t-asy to talit. and guaranteed to ho; a second ­d, but ofttimes leaving in three Inches deep, and an inch apart-' . grown by the amateur if started in - deep despair that would ,;()oil seize ,,r tool which the invisiblv spirit (),, ,,wirvly CTLe fr,mi t,liiates and nar-! its wake ;ih effect which many years Soft Corns The rains will gradually fill in the . do(,rs this month, while the hardier upon them, spoke words that shonld man employs, and Lhat the deca%, ,r -dirs. ConcerniiiK them, .Mrs. Jos. will not ­iditerate. The great, and . sort-, if given an earlier start in this trench, and the plants will develop a recur to them latiq and should corn- , the toot no more indicatt- Lhv di-cay Tntisaignant, Sit-. Sophie, Que., write,: important protettion which all My Back Says C. Aberhart if woy will come into bloom several very deep root growth as a result, I i "I would like all mothers to know ovmers, slomld carry is liability oone's Emerald ON Doesn't weeks sooner than it planted which will protect them against sum- __ ., . __ - --.,..--- - __ . I I direct- mer droughts. Get the very best _. - __ __ -1 - __ -...-- I I 'llat I feel thcrt. is, no otht,r medicine juries to perg.ons. Do Away With All Soreness � ly in the open. The same is true of - - — ____ :,� equal fiahy'.� Own Tabl,-L,;. I al- Though I the rates are high when, and Pain in 24 . Hours. . many vegetables -,such as tomatoes, seed possible, and try some speciaB - IXA * V., k( -p a box in the hoiise and viewed 1,� the man who is paving, cabbages, lettuce, melow, and even sbacies. After the peas 'have come I ..h,,i.r prompt use never fails to re- them, thc insurance companies Lvc� Get a bottle of Moone's Emerald a few beerts, carrots, and hills of corn. up'an inch or so, thin out to form tf)re mi. little ones to health,"' The both rfc,wds and logic to support' Oil with the understanding that if Starting these indoors will materil't- inches apart, and supply brush work, -�= � s . � I Tald(�'s are sold by medicim, dealers their clnini,4 that under existing con-: it does not put an end to the pain ly hasten the time when they will be � trings or poultry netting at least �,) _.V1 ­' by mail at 25 cents a box from ditions llwy cannot be lowered at!and soreness and do away with the ready for the table. A shallow cigar thirty inches high for the vines to .� - : Thc Dr. Williams' -Medicine Co,, present w, while condition-, remain'corn itself your money will be box or something similar is the best climb on. Wire netting is the least _ . 1( I - firorkville, Ont. unchang,-d. The companies caim promptly returned. thing to g -row these in where space desirable for this purpose, as it j4 , 11 and th(�ir ri-ports bear out the ciaim:1 Don't worry about how long you'vel liable to injure the g-rowipg plants. - .7;— 1� I -­ ­ 0 that tht,r(- i-; little profit in liability had it or bow Tnany other prepara- i is limited, or if .there is p enty of Save broorn sticks for stakes, and � . �, . room a florist's "flat"—a shallow box , iI " - � FORD REML11,I)ING PLAN insuranct- ;it this time and that in tions you have tried. This powerful 12 inches by 18 --may be used Punch small boxes for indoor planting. _ -, � I Spread manure on the garden as ill:1 �� � \ t I :. certain fm w4 of It there is no profit, penetrating oil is one preparation I a few holes in the bottom of 'the. box J ., not even a t-hance to make the prem- that will help to make your painful to allow drainage, and add a layer soon as it can be procured, I 0 _�- iums equal the losses. aching feet so healthy and free fro n of cinde-is or g,ravel to serve the Do not be in a hurry to remov6 Ford has been rebuilding old can I the,winter cover from the perennial �, V I I I - Condihonu4 -have improved some- corn and bunion troubles that 3 11, same purpose. Get some fairly good . � � and turning them over to the dealers what during the ,past two years. be. able to go anywh=ere and do bed and tender shrubbery, but do not a,, good ii,; new. This rnethod will I soil, and break it up flne. If there � I , � Certainly there was an improvement thing in absolute feet comfort. is not -a supply already in the cellar leave this there until the ypung % I. � be dis,rontiiwed, anti adds anotheridea (luring . N,!,-, and it is believed that So marvelously powerful is the nearest greenhouse man will b� growth Is smothered. �� lo the Rcrapheap of plans calculated there was it further improvement in Moone's Emerald Oil that thousands 11 to alleviate the used car problem, glad to sell some. Moisten the earth, go I - W 0 ,-, 1926. A.4 a result of decreased loss- have found it gives wonderful ` then mark off the rows, which need . Most. plants are reporting big in- es during 19'25 th was a e e I , k \ . I creases in production while a few of ,�rc , rat r - sults in the treatment of dangerous only be one inch apart, sow the seed, The duration of the session at Ot- - vision in .January, 1926. swollen or varicose veins. C. Aber- tightly tawa depends largely on conservatiort - the outpuLs are stationary. Chewro- During 1926 there was a general bart I,% selling lots of it. with a piece of sacking or burlap. of verbosity on the part of the mem- Westing'houge 55,k - let get a record for a recent niont.b's revision, in Most cases lower, on This keeps the seeds from wishing bers .—Vancouver Provirfee. Mequallecf for long range,volurrie,tone production and this company is build- almost evory miake .and niodel of .0b. . arid selectivity ing 26,000 motors weekly. The Wlillys- car. The exception was in fire away and hastens germination. It is I . ASSURES PED116REES OF best to start the seeds in a warm, The only thing you know in ad - V Ow,rland Company has been compel- r,t,,, which remained practically INCUBATOR CHICKS dark place, and when they have push- vance. when you visit a specialist is led to speed up production better than unc'hangpd. and theft rates on large, ed up thr6ugh the soil, remove the that you have $250 worth of troublep. g.11TeffX0JV W/JV0ffJ--W .sixty per cent. to meet the demands fast and expensive cars, which were The pedigree breeding of Poultry burlap, and give them full sunlight. —Kingston Whig -Standard. - of the dealers from all sections of increased. This came about as a Is being carriedon by careful methods Unless there is a storm wandow on — he country. CeTtain factories at De- result of experience and it was shown aythe Lacombe, Alta., Experimental 1 outside keep the ,box back at least According to a writer it is difficult Ruezo is a wnyareomw 'troit which have enjoyed the reputa- that cars offering greater opportuni- Station. The report Of that station' eight inches from the glass to avoid no-wadays for the single girl to fizd tion of forcing dealers have -now be- ties to bandits and bootleggers to fnr 1926 explains that all breeding drafts and low temperatures. a husband. Sometimes Its diffictilt . . come most conservative, and are build- ply their callings with greater facil- stock is mated to the best males that � , Making the Hot Bed—Where one for married ones. — London Sunday ing cars only according to thv- dealer ity made strong appeals to these gen- it is possible to obtain. The breed- has a larger garden and wants to get Pictorial. 11 , , "We want to dance and we want to dance demand. ; t . at home. There is always a lure and thrill It is estimated that Ford's total - �- __ I . . . qalP,q last Year approximated $755,- --- - . to dancing. It is doubly so when the music 000,000 and this figure of course not - . . . is played by the world's greatest and best only ineltides the sale�q of cars and (Ne � - trucks, but tractors and by-products. � I . ()rchestras. " Ford sells gasoline -under the name . . I , I BeTL701 At TnanY service stations St I e "V 11 . I I - � throughopt Detroit, and the products I ,... 11 I . : "PerfeCt Tccefition Of dance mUR-iC right in e Ford indus- I & t - " . oUr own home is always available_ This is the tries, Plus the Lincoln plant, output 11 . aqv included in the amount mention- 1w"ggpi pe .. 1�1 . -, reason we selected a WESTINGHOUSE.- ed. Fumes taken off in the produc. %, A..,�,, I , ,Ua 1 tav "I, � . tion of coke contain tar, dyes and � K"W'.5 .1 . , - I NEW,L0WEW_ I ASK YOUR L)EALER perfume ingredients. Coke is used � I I I . in -the blast furnfaces which convert . . � ;a PRICES : . I �* , I Sales Offices In Principal C,,,,.dian Cif 1,8 Ford ore into Ford cyqindeT blocks, ,e� I" _*% I -, W? � I 1, 1. . - . RoAtbter - $6s5.0c;r , , C I . � I Much gas is sold by Ford to intmici- , , � , 7 � I ; � . 655.00� .:�L; I I . . . . I I - 780,OLb - �. � - I palilties for illumination. . U11 Ma.1 LC - - 760.M ,.% , .. 11 .1 - . , . . I .. . I WESTINGHOUSE COMPAW, LIMMM To helP move their used cars, one I . � - Uadait 865.00� "I � �;_ 2 , 11 . big company just arnionnees a "gold forEconomical r=90rhWon ' � ... . .!,: AAMILTON ONTAIUO Swan - 9300o, I'll I", ". seal" used car Plan. It will enjiftle 6mp, amble to. tAw,,ir,w Cabrialet .' 9 ' . _ . I I . . , 11i aw aix 8 0:00, 11. I ". . 2, ; 4" . �. . . �, Aftilklu is . the Purchaser of a used car to th6 - � Rta ,,p4r 4 Asuk . . . . . ry 655.00� . ., same service guarantee as the -buyer . SMAP,ttY stylish riew belted VishAr 2W193 But oA�l tho Is I �Stin I I I k . _"Iddish; teW. harmonious Duco colMn9s ncit enough". Most nautifaf Pliewalet COMMercial 111"B"", � iSlU of a new car, The idea bas been : � �, .- . 11ch 4nd Iftatlotta nevv upholateties ,and � . . . Only when you hav-e chassfil 490.0o, , � �, � , . . ", .; . . . . . - P � .',,",'�;� ,_.��.,�_ ...".­­ - .1.1 .1 � .11 , - - ridden in ft cbr ' U My, Utility r"press � ". , -� tried under different forins, but the I AVOWWWS—nevor befarit has an* lbw. ,6,ai, .and dri"ki it cart 11 Pgi�`& `� 4, W­1'1� �, 'A I.., . .. .1 . '' I � , 116W At wMely wtaft &evrolet chmis 645.00 V,� , � , " - I . P "d cgr g,r&e41cd ro -vian - , Id I t . I Plan as announced will be enforced lyho ,& -tvid6rica of, pWc1rMab,, bt tho attr, il Web gAined . I vl%lrl , � , ; lbo t#g * ML.ff I 009, i R I , .71 11 V. I .1 �Wl T, I � I I ic aqu eauty, As tne 030 404=1111- th tit, 'i "14"XiA - '' - I � , , , y �� Oil a. nAon-vidd bagis, evrotet. ­ F6,*Orful the Most . A �F.Iyf' �-11� i", ;1i'l., " , , �N 2 . "a � 'Prices at padory, , � � - 2? ushawa. . . , V,. bf,g§ M% �� "I d 1 1�n.d I I zlt� -6 tip =4 et are .. T)", , r1k Tftlalld, tll# mark,e for rfiot.,T I Md. tuill SMY " i UTIG Enc motheat devrol ,,, "JA coach tilm IMAM , . "I " L 11 . , , , a , 11 119'sen 611 11 Governmen rang .. .. I JIM KUT"t staridar or qdf, 11 W A 4104 del# impi,6*ardeftts, I . 0., CATO ig showing all improvement and . �r 11� I-— 11 I I ti it � , t.'AIR�Osaaut =016t. fixera. . . I *.ftOd 60&0% ind0ft NAIN- Off - 11 "" � , , I . I I I , rr . 6 " A , i � � , , I , �o� " �:-, " . , ,. � , 11;1§11 Am* I I , Wt � 6, , I , . .11 , I -1 . I .. In 4 2Went M#Ath alfttng i . � . I I Q#Aft, Bolk - " c W . . 4, Islatudi 1'.1 00a 6,%� tho"")&6i teaul cr-261% , . . I'll, . P. I 4 , I fmeftmp!yl� a 01.9t. 100 - -301 Iftg , , , .. : I .- . I `� ,71;.`,kF. ,,,,, . . . '4". . " . X I D f (I"M "', Mt'l _ ,tal . . � , . vor6g of autwiabaeor .W6M - 6 avg - I 1. ., � , ME ,A#W . . y ig 1110vo 1� .', XAAMWF�1� —1. — `L' I I �! 1331,11,0,a� h,,C?i,N1., I A , fut �. Ns�,�ffis' 10ftst for . �, "I , 4 : . V i 1. wffleh vrar4 a& AxVi �� I'll, . I _ 11 - as 6V0,15ft sold In Canac[16 . I I I , . , * ' ' 0 I � sent t6 'call . . �, � am Me=7 W numerow.0, Pf �� -,,�� 1. i., - A P,�N�rO�� I I � � _4 ,. il � , I t" `,,� i '... ` AF � The caabl%e Pr,6 Mod hi, New I a , 402i, a I , - I - RI - , , ,,���..":�,��'�',,.,,�",.�,,�,�'M.�,,�,�. T .." . 11 . N A I I . . . " ,". � .. ,fork I 1) � .. � & MOLAL1141ttig'. , . . . _,�,;RA,li �,,,_,Irv.;.; `0 " 1, , 1, �,� ,�,, - r 1111.�`. stdfe i� -t�tw t 6-6"ftl� ,; I I � I., � , 1� I ` ­ . - I �,�. 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