HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-03-18, Page 1= . . 1 & , , -V�14`� ,�4`.";� _0�,, " 1�., � �. , � - , ., .�,���,l��,,�"��i,�,',,*,��t,,,�'-, /,'.:', z , - , �, 1 ,-, '_;�­"i�,­� _�' ��-_,1417�f)" `.W,�;� ,It. , - I . , , , � , 1 I Io. �., � ,�, . I tt , �� ,).,�,;4�­,V . .. -.1 . Z" I �! �'. � 0.0 "I .1 � `1K , , r, h, . �', , I �" I , " � - ". , ,,, , . ,�� ,.,�,!,� !,�,,.% �-,, .. , �4 , ""* I , , .5 , ': ", 1, 61 , , ,�.,,., 4A , '. '� ­ � ,., ;4� ,,�.,­, ,", s - 1� , , il.:�., I . . ; , : I �,;.. . . 11 � ,III , , �', .�,,� , . . 11 h :! I .- V I � . W 41�, .. - , , I , , , � � t .. � � . ,,�, ,: ; � ��e�,,�'. , , " , 'c' - _ 1-1.1 T� , ,,.� 0 �,V,l " , " , , " - , .1. * , �-,' �, ,-, 1 ..� M Ili F, , I ,�Iz. I . � 1, ,,,- . ;�.!. . 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'1_6 _0 , - ad � I - �: . ­_ �,V, , %, ", - I - . 1) , 6:111`.,�. , " " , ,Out "WeAt"u-0. pag .ro-rr -� thei Lord's pr�y& in unison., After , Li4io " $ , A-' g To . . � , � , � � !Im . ,.:,,: :� _, .. (BY. R.� J ) 1;. .� .. I I '. '. _:W�i , . , i,',L"Ies)` AQ, ,Imd �' . I . out I ,omkwmeo wer-o'.41,09 , - Al , , %t4waj March �4*' 1*4wa bas W.4rd thrft)4' AM *7Wv_ t , -Very- �*hich all enjOye4 'a � Im ;.-r t, ,,� M r , ,11.y 4,1 p . -' 'a Day of PrayeT ,, I . , " , 4. - � 111", � W , . ,,,g*t dainty lujich "I I � - TAIDn.­'. ( ' _'es ake the -closing meeting.of for W I , meet') -' F ",4 �110 11 t�� 1. � I ..,, , ,,7 ._ I . the -year. 8 ­ �N," Var F =r S . dise'assid alcit of paeetty-seri6i6 buel" ),A e of Mrs Lorne The - "I onm 11 , , "' � I . - NOW, 1111 '11, i-, , '0y ; . . senow"101n,'" $,,1qrA1idh �.'. -� R? $t _ ,: . vV, _g -,W ��# -.. - ­ ru- I I ''.1 I , Zura. ir w%;#,� I k, ing power"64, t .PQ4 � 1�1 arlTenaea. With, . 404 99..A A i�. -n; nes 0 . glili - " WM U; ,� � 1 , 'r f , -, , � ThAy willfielp - I . - . I . . ' ., ow � chArte -or the coustrgcotL _46 . , , .. 11 EXETER ` . 13ft4 ­ 'ie , i ;­_ �'djl Vd­19'tho 'ea - --�- - - .W- watra f Death of Thomas Fras I I '' , N � . be Ji 1,1 . 'eek. "'et:(le'u- '"v'y" . . - '-. 11-1 I I , a this w The extension f the I & . , .. 4. 9a of 't" UL ., �. i 9 ro, 'X.04 wship, ^ ,, 01A `110 +,6- , ­ -, ,1*41,1� , . . %4-,� F, 1129, the megtin er.-We, , , - � I . . Gi�rgiau Bay Canal h4s,been-under 1Uq,X0as4,' .k I ""'" one , $Uceessful music Pupils,4t .ihe q..Pe,:4#d -by .!PP , � 4, A ,hymn f allowed . I . gret that it is qur duty to. recexo,.,the, -0 ,.O,.--.- ,-, , via I., ` D " 11ar 10, - �`,,� �� ,i, , plape iA,wW,pfueb1n do .recent - e 5 r ' 'death of a tong and -d _,"b'721,11" � 'fire Clue and again. This. pro�odal ,to, 44y. t4o 164$4� cruel "on .: ;.,w A­_­ vinloine, _ g the , , #Oss The &rip, much lignore =� '7 -he Ters.04 'Pr - against "'7 ' .. I . I ' examinations held by.the Lon- ,by ln-Y-!,� 41w, RA .WV -less -a 0 -my" K"6 don. College of Musole of L.ndoil, L'Ag- ture' ��ilk . resident of the vie#d ,41VIA 1,, � - ;tox ,%e 2�d chapter of - ty, in t - ,P_.wWu"r;, bu thah the Ron. Clifford Sifton. .* 'He -oteat' oto Psalm waj:--t ,,iqi�,r*_�s McNeil, fol-- ' occurred on ,,, , Al : iucioao�d- capital land here, - we dre plfts,dd to n �� -V , ,,, I 1) ,,, . has at its back no �o leosov'�t , .1 ti I of Thomas Fraser, which -474 R­ &Aigeis, on the r4i,lwa� are absurd. - , � ,_, � _ U .am �* - - .. that several of Mrs. Gambrill's pupils lowed by.,k,4 'My Mrs. Simpson, Ant . Thursday last. De eased had,- bee ., gagori, A714 A .",i, . prq�oses to bWld a canal co, , -6 . , ; 4 A . a 1� 1-111.110 CA, d . �w to . , Montreal with the Georgian, -,Dzxy. f W .00sts are bound to go.' up -have succeeded splendURy. Miss Dor- Mrs P Caigp W-41,Mrs. D. McFarlane, ailing for some Min prior to 11 � , * r4w year to year, but t1i - , . I 0 his prpaeut , - . _61 wo 'D � Q, '. I - River" ,�WO _tb�: ,Vra ese 11W othY Gras -sic Mrs. Cuthill, , 'A Atli was not Tmex- r . 'V � , 40, , through the Ottawa ,�,, itormi of Kippen, W t - Garnham, death and while 4e . .o bV � . I I is ncb, lines will each have an earn- ,,, , �, , i" , 'j-413ii-son and Hymn- peetied, was rather .0 bly � 'i � �� w!", . . hi baFk of it the oppor�u* - succeeded .jo passing With highest lowed by pr476 " ,,, P fal Great For fleat uddeii� ]Kr- ,' C.9 A �,o ,,I an;_Xr. 7119M ,#1,% -' " _ _ . �W, p,t,, p ill help very great� , Frase� ilived on Concesse 91fanleyi . '00 44b -.4 acity #.nd wi - ! I 11 I ' 1-y t; extend the already magnificent. tion, - ; , , ion - give for the 4 R e4it ' honors th,Q qonibt pianoforte'examina- 0U. I .9 opened . , orrest, I' I . I* it will I eve oPm :1 I )neeting 3,_ .11 _�gfw_ lfthef, 11, . - . � I . *th ' Cl� , 11 on the lot now occupied by Mr. Ar- . - W,Grigar. ,64i 41 !, I *f, power. . success of - the * Canadian - National securing 87 Per cent. out Of a w1 .,Mrs, .. .. ,'..'pilesiding. After . . t. . Rops � 11 " I ,- � �. , , -.4 Let us look this thing in, the f4do. Railways. ible 100. Her many feends join 511191r, 1%74- the Scripture les- IN1. CLUFF & SONS thur Caldwell, retiring but a few .of his If, IVY 0 it! 2 . I It will cost $100,000,000. Canals can- Even critics of'the Gov- in congratulating beT on her .plea- son was gtvomo`b%��Mrs. Bolton, fol� , ,years ago to Clinton, where death peopi wx .e and, fami r, AQ7=R%4;, ,, '. � � , _�� � I ... e for Owr grea . . oarnment must Admit that the NatIbn. did success. Other'sucepSsful candi- lowed -by meso�e, er prayer by Miss SEAFORTKONT. claimed him. Mr. Fraser always took only for tile., boauwid'f�Ota L., I "I 4 � , , , `t, '. �, not be ,�parated for nothing And it's -al Railways are now a monument -to . :h"_0 � i, - .�'. � . an eas . y guess that operating costs Luella Stan,lake and Cora Campbell,,"105110wed by roll call. life, being for their kindly feelings �k Z6.h­ ,., - �1. dates were an active interest in public ' ,'. ,.. - constructive statesma4sbIp and,the Lavergne kpi�ey, senior first class; A if , _ , ", fter re ,,.r " . t, —, , unch Li thal ?._�&_._,; , . morts &,QM the Treasurers of a sta beral in politics, having ship and appeared very akfur. I A�* ", �, I would amount to another million dol- position is getting better every year. Hazel R. Collingwood, intermedialte Ladies, id and-,,WM. S., the minutes Those winning prizes were: For most contested an election in this riding- a that' he is not foing awaty from ,,%,�� la" 4 year. Add interest on the it id f , . . huc- _proof o what can be done when first class, aild Russel Mills, -.honors of the la:st'm ri, fe years ago on the Liberal plat- people who has s own him 314 � ­i�,'­" drecl million to the operatili,ig cost and It. , eed "o, were read and games, a luncheon set, Mrs. J., Dol- w � . a s, ulation ,becomes Sufficiently seri- on violin. ; adopted, followed I* HYihn 484. The mage; consolation, a clothes pin bag form against the late B. B. Gunn. He uess. _. ­ �) : 'K . yfyu have an idea of -�*hat Messrs. ous to make real effort absolutely es- topic 'on the "Opening Gateways of went to Mrs. N. Govenloek. A was a Presbyterian in religion and wer Many expressions Of- I v;;- ry- ". fter e extended' ,to the Forest I ,� . . I I -eat hospitality in .. 11 I .1, k I 81ftu et al intend to get ' ftt: of the semtial. LONDESBORO' Knowledge in radia" was ' iven by lunch was served they, all than�ed was Also a long and much valued for their gr . �,i -power developed along the Ottawa I . 91 , ; The Tariff BoardL Mrs. Eaton. After- several business the hostess for the pleasant evening member of the 1.0.0 F. here, being a ing such a welcome to all, 11 I'll", I . �� .- � I 'River., but there is an old a.dage that The woollen men came down to the Notes. -Mrs. Jones, of Port Huron, items were cl�iAthe election of of- spent together. chafter member of 'this lodge. The hours passed only too quickly, and alt �.�.��_Ig every .tub sh6ald stand on its own who recently visited ftiends here, has ficers for the year took place: Presi- .a- remains were laid to rest in Baird's went home thinking what a ,vel !;,�,�.A# 4 . Tariff Board this weekand asked for � 1=s - 7 , -:5,"t. 11. .:d,.. I .. - .1 - � . bottolm 'and there seems 110 reason returned. -Mrs. (Rev.) Snell is at dent, Mrs. C. ifillm; Ist and 2nd vice- BRUCEFIELD cemetery on Monday afternoon last, pleasant evening diey '' "'.". 'why licswer users of the future should everything in sight, "Alas them days present visiting her daughter in To- . I had enjoyed, � "' r �,:�� I . ' where many paid their last tribute The following is the address- .P. :..::".:7, I � are gone forever." One of the aPPII- ronto.-Mrs. J. Grainger presidents, Mrs. R. McFarlane and Tiger Trail Rangers. -The Tiger "To .. � ,1 avrEfly be saddled - with costs of a more or went to of respeat to one who was held in Mr. and Mrs. McGregor -and F ' - �7 11 " less useless canal. Mrs. lCuthill; Treasurer of Ladies' Trail Ranger Camp are having an en- �._ ,,;, I ­ . ..;, I.;- , I nts was being. examined with cruel Clinton on Tu,qsday to visit relatives high esteem by all. Better kent as "Danny Fred 13' .... . j�" ` .Canals have their ea place in the world, but -it must be re- persistency by one of the -represents- ther'e.-Mr. J. Pingland, Clerk, Aid, MTS. R. 'Campbell; Treasurer of tertainment in the church on Tuesday . .�� �, , I and .1, �,�. , inembered that ships move slowly tives of the low tarlIT forces, when an Reeve Adams were in GQderich W.M.S., Mrs. Simpson; Treasurer of evening, March 22nd, W. M. S. -The mofithily meeting (,f Gertie and -the ween's: it 14 " �,'A I,� ' . on commencing at I ­ \ Expense Fund, Afts. R. McFarlane; 8 o'clock. Mir. Ralph Gordon, of To- the WALS. was held on Wednesday, wae muckle pleasure we has met The. ­ .,Z. � , W, ,�,�! . �1� , I ( �V through canals and a relati-�ely small elderly gentleman who had experi- Monday. -Miss Cowan, of near Blyth, Supply Secretary, Mrs. Alexander; ronto, Canada',% March 9th, with Mrs. Jas. McQueen night tae join in social 0hat an en- '.;'! 11 I'll fand narrow waterway is after all not ence with this kind of thing in the spiel,nf the week end with her sister, foremost cartoonist, . . 1. "�,..,_ , . . I past, remarked to a -gentleman sit- Mrs. I -r. Little. -Mrs. J .Armstrong is Secretary -Treasurer of Leper Fund, im ing. After ,the devotional ex- joy some gran music. But the oe.� " lL the cheapest means in the world ok Mrs. W. Johnston personator and entertainer, will be presid , -� I . , ' fl. - moving grain. Engineers lire a ,w,)n- ting near him, "I don't see why there spending several days with Blyth ; Secretary-TTeasur- there to give you a real enjoyable erelses and roll call, the following of- casion while joyful, is also unco try- .. � -i'_,' ,�j ' 1, ... .. v I . Aould. be all this examination Of friends this er of Missionary Messenger, Miss Rita evening. Ifis work is fall of h fic&rs were elected for the coming ing, in sor e respects as we a - �­ iderful people. * We can dig up �all week. -Mrs, Ta is umor n hae ­', ", ,� ylor Campbell; Sick Committee, Mrs. as well as inspiring and uplifting. year: Honorary President, M". Win. learned that ye hae decided to change 1-..", .. I kinds of thein for the purpose, of ftgures. In the old days. when I the guest at the home of Mrs. W. Miss _*'.�, " ­� .� proving that a scheme is perfectly wanted a tariff increase, I simply Bruijsdon this week. -Mrs. W. Cuthill, Mrs. W. J, Johnston and Other good talent will also be there Rattenbury; President, Mrs. (Rev.- yere place o' abode, an gang awa ; V-� Lyon ,. r I , , . , practical -that is, in their, opi - came down here and fixed it up with spent the week end with Stratford McNeil; Auditors for Ladies, Aid, to add to the enjoyment of 'the even- W. A. Bremner; lst Vice, Mrs. Hazel- ower the feels tae the Kippen Road, 'k,15. mon, �9w, . I.," the wcrk can -be done, but this Con- the Minister of Finance." But that friends. Mrs. CiAhill, Mrs. Alexander; W. M. ing. wood; 2nd Vice, Mrs. McLachlan; �nd while we a ken, the Kippen Road ,. . ,12 . ,-t� . can -not be done under the present 0 S., Mrs. C. Dolmage and Mrs. Eaton; Young People's Society. -The Y. P. Secretary, Mrs. J. Addison; Treasur- is a verra important yin, . . " . try needs fewer engines- and nwre . . organist, Miss R Blanchard; assist- S. of Brucefield United Church held Pr, Mrs. C. Brock; Home Helpewdoot a nice bit to be located on. \we �-,'; �conciriflsts-. What we want to knOXV Government. Gentlemen who are ELIMVILLE �t '� I is, wi ant, Mrs. A. Ross. The mite box their monthly missionary meeting at Secretary, Mrs. A. T. Scott; Secre- � a feel unco sorry tae pert wi you an I '1..� 4 � I I 11 it pay us to do the work? seeking handouts now are told to ap- Notes. -Mr. George Wright is do- ystem was adopted as i ri other years. the close of the evening service t of Finance, Mrs. C. Haugh; Lit- I your family, an -we canna but feel . %'. 4 . ariff . -ell mis .. "!,- r1j The Government proposes-ta--bimld ply to the Tariff Board. The T ing as well as can be expected after sThe captains for this Near are Mrs. 0" re Secretary, Mrs. N. McGre- i %% -s ye sair for ye hae been I 13oara says "we want facts." , And Sunday last. Mr. Elgin Thompson � ,Raytu certain ships for the Canadian West his recent operation for appendicitis Garnham and Mrs. A. Patrick; Press took the chair for the opening exer- gor; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. D. : ,ick good neighbors and freens, both '�111. , . . I .. Indies route. This is a heritage the facts must be real and some of last week in 'Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, Secretary, Mrs. Eaton. The meeting cises. The topic, a chapter from Tough; Stranger's See., Mrs. William i in joy an sorrow. It his eye been ." f I;., - - from some Treaties we have made the applicants find this rather incon- Exeter. -Mr. Bob Rae went to Strat- closed by singing Hymn 5!14 and re- I ',New Days in Old Imlia," was read' T)"w, Supply See., Mrs. James Mc -i the same. whoever, we wanna la- , .! W with these Islands. We propose to venient and rather annoying and ford last Saturday to visit his bro- peating the Lord's prayer in unison. by Was Jean Murdoch. This was ! Queen; Asso,ciate Sec., Mrs. William I ment as if we v,ur lossn' ye for after :, ­ _ . 1, �1 develop trade with the British West quite boring, don't you kno-I ther, Will. They received the sad . I r)ouglass; Press See., Mrs. W. St,ev- i a it.,; but a stanes throw, but for a' 1- � The woollen .men put on a splendid news that day of the death of thf,,ir I , Indies. The idea is that these Is- .tl.� V 11 ens Fxnen", Treas Miss XT - that I do -M - . 11 1 -,. � 0 e r p d uc bs at, the - -- -_ I. . - - __ I f .1 . un- e can aid Y see the ....! " lands are some dis�tance away and exV ' only sister in Scotland. ' Mas te r . " 1 - ! roe. Mrs. Wm. Dow, Stranger's Sec- smoki, o' yer hame or hear the bonk 1. � I , . -an Laurier. It is really aTnaz- Orvil Snell has been sick with the flu . -:. � . , that business is hard to develop and Chate " pyi,� I Ten I S i ri-t.,iry, reported twelve na,tle.�s sent to o' yvr car, nor the scraigh , , . I � ing to see the range and style of but at time of writing he is 14 .1 o' yer ;, , i. that therefore we ought to go 'after improv- ' , the Strangtv', Secretary in Toronto N,ns. An we will a miss ye in money ,'�� , . . , ,."i " it and get it. Meanwhile, there is th4�se products produced in Canada. ing , little. -Miss MMT,(,d Be i of young rw,ople who had left the cnn- � v,ays that we canna here enumerate. ,c . .. �- business at our own door, but we The industry has made. great pro- el ' � . ... the week end at her honic here.-Tylor. ; I Z_ -vl�ation dlir'ing the past yea -.' B t we can eye reach ye on the 1,% - ch and Mrs. Robert Robimson celebratei ! . Ha lwood gave thii, reading out of, phone, an it will be but a wheen I � I ought to do everything possib sa. There are some lines in whi � A T A�.4 g? r. Mr., ,u .". le to Kre I B r'.d ; 7"' " put barriers in the way of business it would he almost impossible to find the ,iltiethr anniversary of their wed- I I th�,, study book. The met -ting was i m"nit's jaunt to rin ower tae .see ye -,I �' 11 close at hand. This Government superiot--hnish and quality. Strange doing on Monday last.' Their many I � closed with prayer by Mrs. C. llau��h.'anrl -et. a rale -elcome as we eye , � . in this excellent "Made in g, � therefore, as all other Governments to say, friends heartily congratulate them.__ i ; -Note,.-A number of our villagers hAe gilt, an' we sincerely hope ye, ...., � I 11 I " ,� I . e hampers business with the United Canada" exhibit, many of the labels Mr. Joshua Johns was in London ov- SPECIAL SPRING SALE �, I . ; - were righl rnyally entertained at: no forget us as that would bother us , 1 ji , States, but it is Johnny -on -the -spot on the goods were printed in England fir the week end attf�ndirig a banquet I .--,, I � the home of Mr. Harry Dalrymple on! rale bad, an wv'ro sae glad its no 1. . �. - I when ift comes to getting business or in the United States. Consistency where he was the guest of honor It I . Friday evening of last week, Mr.: otit o' this (1(--.tri(-t yere a' gawm, as ��� " . I ' i � from the Tobagos, remote islands in is a great god Wid one of its wor- was given by Mr. Lewis Woods' class I Palry,mple makes an excellent host,: we need ye in money ways -in pol- �1. 3 -the West Indies. shirypers is the Canadian Manufactur- of thirty boys. Needless to Y, Mr. . sparing no amnunt of pains to makc! itics, an' tau look- after -a' the ac- . ", .t" sa ' Our Treaty with the West Indies is era' Association. I John,, had a most enjoyable time. P I thoso comfortable who are his guest-,;. � count., o' th-e township, an a' my, but ... I a somewhat interesting document. It -0 Miss - I -e CoUldna do without the soon ol 1. - , - I 'I I � - � . Tna Scott wal, visiting in Lon- ,A � I gives a preference on sugar imported VARNA - I (ion on Saturday last. -Mrs. William vere gran ba. -;s voice, an the cheery ��,�� from these Islands. Giving e �, I viderice , � " Notes. -Mr. Ralph Gordon, of To- WINGRAM i Be-ry was suddenly called to Sva-l'z�miles wv hav eye enjoyed fra-e ,,I I�J - sometime ago, before the T'ariff Board 20 , 1 forth on Sunday last owing to the I yerc family. So noo wishing - ". ronto, (can a a foremost cartoonist, Briefs. -The recent spring weather ye ev- ­ . �'� Mr. Johnson, Manager of the 13. C. S Ur urn � illn(­s (if her bro-ither, Dr, Ros-­'Mr� I cry surevss and happiness in the hame . I � , imperso4Ator and entertainer, will accompanied by the sun's warm rays . . " , . .1 Sugar Refining Company, said. 'The I ; A, .1. Ross, (if Wingham, wag a vi.- xv're gan to may ye be surrounded 4. , I British Preference gives the refiner give a concert in 'the United Church, have devastated the snow and ice, . itor to our villngo, (in Tue-day of thiq, wi rivehors wha will eve think o' you, .,. . him Brucefield', on Tuesday evening, Mar. consequently the � Read over carefullv our "Challen ,�1.1� no advantage. It does not enable Maitland river finds ge Prices" on Bill week- -Mr. William Douglas,,; recent-' :.-4 we hav I dune. an that God's ��- ­ - � It is 22nd, at 8 p.m. Come out and enjoy difficulty in disposing with the super- sent you and You �A'111 decide you can't aff ord to miss Iv "Ild a toam of matchvd groys, frIr f -!f' --;?l wi!l hidi, wi you at a' times, . " '11 to buy his sugar any cheaper. a real evening's entertainment Other fluous amount of ice. -Mr. John Reid . I , -(-d a hant-l-orriv fig-ure.' an thw -v will often riwet under 44 simply a gift to the planters of the good talent will add to the enjoyrinent passed, away on Monday, March 7th. our "Great Bargain List" of Staple, Spring and , which he rerek .� ,, � Mr. 1)(juglass al),vayq koeps the kind pleasant circumstances; an no,) there 1_ West Indies. I would have no objec- of the evening's entertainment. Mr. Reid contracted a cold and it Summer lines. Quaiitities in some lines are limited. that demAnd hiKh prir(­.-Mr. FIdon ;!r(- s -on,- ither folk wants to do qomo- I I tions if it were struck out to -morrow." turned to pneumonia, end-ing fatally. �� A So apparently, while we lose $3,318,- MANLEY ­Nliss Alba Gallyraith, of Toronto, Make your dollars have more cents. Remember Johnston also purrhased a well match- IlMir t;1tl9!hlV th;ln words, so I'll stan .. 1. 134 in a year in loss of revenue upon , nd tearn from Nir. Hugh Aikenhead a�id(, an lot thern hae the floor." �, speRL a short holiday with her par- . , sugar by the extension of our prefer- Note.s.-Mr. Fred Eckert who mot - - , ents, 11r, and Mrs, Jolt, Galbraith— BEATTIE SELUS FOR LESS last ,ive,-k-, f,,r whwh hi, pairl a L'ood Thf- I'r­vn*a:i,,n t,. 1). .Nl,,(;r 9" r �­ .1 k- ence to the West Indies, we are now ored to Buffalo, accompanied by Mt. Mr. A. G. Smith is attending Grand � prive. Mr. J�-hn Graw, vetp'ran horA(- and F;imi'v, A ,ivkt1,'L gr,111 nitc�ght ��, � and Mrs. Con Eckert and their son, . to couple this up with a bonused I STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 18th, 9 a.m. huy(�r,, has hei-n in this locality for \%-,, n h;id ,,'tit ntcthf. h,l the For- � �� Oratige Lodge, Ontario West at 111 � � , '"'* "' . steamabip line on which our losses Joe, have returned and report the I v1 r. sonii- tiniv pa-, kmkinv for g,I ,d rest !.t3- -s - q� (;uvlph.-' and M rs. Hector' Mc- I ,,,,,I thvi, hrithvrs last h shall amount to an additional million. hfighway from Dublin to Buffalo is Kay colebrated their golden wedding CLOSES SATURI)AY, MARCH _26th, I I p.m. h,ws(­. Th,- h.,r,(- hu,inwz, -(­m�4 r-) 1-ridav, Nit nia �pcl!�n o' the .Sc,,tch . � I in good condition and the scen ko rnoill:.%. illcrva,mv -if !atv. Mr. I ;, till'- -(ml ,i.zt � These remarks are not cynical- they ery anniversary on March 7th. - Dr.1 I ( !,:id, but whun I i 1, . I are not written in opposition ;9 the from Dunda.s to Buffalo as beautiful. I D I'wr*. MrKaY, of 1h,- T,,,ndfin R,,nd. �'% of k W why thi- Scotch aro, sa tight - � Governmerit-they are merely an at- -The roads in our burg are almost I-rlma Kennedy has returned to her Beattie Bros, Seaforth �z-mlh. ,in,l,,r­,vt,nt an operation on w, ! hr � r niOTIO-V, is bveattsv t.h(y vyo. � � impassable since the froat is corn!'ng practise after spending the past . ,- 11 tempt to state the facts. I M. , !;iv ,,r ,,!,;- \k,,(,k in Memori,C 1 -ad ,�,' � out. -Alex. Mitchell is ,busy doing couple of months in post -graduate ' . -%-(,r',.%- gapin ;it their fa,­� back Meanwhile every old die-hard in . work in England. hospiinl, 1­;if.-r1h. f,,r apponff!rili�- �ii Sc -land :in ii., nae w�in'­r that .1 1 " the House is convinced that ,these custom sawing. - Notes. -Last, Thur�,Iay evening Nlr.' followed by short. papor, on Medical tini at tirm, ,If writing is doing ;i:o ih,ir d-cendati- ranva gc: (,%,t�r the I 0 and Mrs. F. Bull:ird treated thoirl work 1,y Mi,.� 1,fila SI.arkhmise and wf-H nq can be vxp,-(.tVd.-Mr. an,i !.­llit W such frijzn!itv, all wir Md'- . I I � boats ought to be built in the, Domin- STAFFA I . -, I , 1, k That, of course, is HILLSGREEN neighbors to a pr-,l�resaive euchre. ' Mr Jim Kvt-chi-n. Thv I're­-zidenl, Mr. Mrs. II,.nry DaynilInd vntt,rtain+,fl R VA':-ITl in otly v:n larguagri, is ah,ollf, ` , L Ion Of Canada. _i� � Came.to .Staffa )I,n March 18th and Ree a Those winn)nLr prizes were: Fo r ! (;eo'rgv Kn;l�ht, read a letter frorn numlwr ,.f th(,ir frivnii-i t,, a vuchro ;iw, wo rnn oxi-r. Well, me turn to I J , good,sound Tory principle, no matter W. M. S. -The regular monthly good PJ Y. 7he I ust of the F�rth," a 4-aet I �, � 7 -whether it emanates from a Conserv- meeting of the W. M. S. was held at d--, given by the Young PeoDle of Bush- most games, larli-, Mrs. W. C. Ren- I Miss llobhs, of Clinton, converninK pArt., v ,in W­Irtv�sday f-vvninlr I;is!.- Ilia .-ubjert, it wa- a wonprfu lot o' sibive, a Liberal or a Progressive, and the home of Mrs. William Jarrott on "eld"' School Sec,tion, under the augpir� of nett, novelty sak. and pepper shaker-;; ! our contribution to the fund for pur- .Miss Filith Fort-f-st, of Ilf-iisail. 1, t'hf'. f,dk-, full ther wiv out iti tho dark t,ip. there is a broad,streak of Toryism the UniU,d Ladfics' Aid. Adults, 35c; Children Men Mr Thonia,; Manchard, pair of. chasing a pinno for thv Uounty Home. gilt-st (If heir cotLqins, Mr. and NIrs. N.wir griin hnnit:. whnr everything, - I rann Wedbiesday, March 9th. The meeting I 5c. . 3092X 1 ' ' t to It was prf)po,;Nl by Elgin Thompson, W. I., Forrest this w( ­k. .NI r:�. o llcv. I was filln t.o Zi r. e tc . 1 4, , ing through each of the three was opened by singing Hymn No. sox. The conRolation prizes wen ,� us welconi- Th ) - W. M. S. -The W. M. S. of the Miss Norin-P Arni,ircing and Mr. Jas. seconded by Mr. Bremner, that a q . ul) . political parties. If the boats are 470, "Wearer My God to Thee." Mrs. - I W. A. liremner i7, visiting frwnd.� :n. ca,�itin was f -,r tav say. a wr-P good- 11, . I built in Canada they will cost A mil- W. Turner led in the missionary United Church, Staffa, have been very Simpson, after which a dainty lunch �cription lost be opone,ol. The. meet-' London this week hN-4, to t-hv famou., Mc(;rvgor family, I I ! i lion or so more. So the losses on prayer; Mrs. Robert Green read the fortunate in securing the services of was served. After thanking the host ing was unanimously in favor an3 Bowlers Organize- -At a well at.- as t.h(-y are t,ikin' ther kill(- an hens, . , the steamship line will thereby be in- Bible reading; roll call, minutes and Mrs. A. H. Barker, of Koreta, to con- and hostess for 1hr, social evening anyone wishing to contribute wil'I find tP71dM rolveting of the villagi, ,;ports ,in ither things o-wer the feels out duct their thankoffering services in spent, all returned to, their homes.- the list on the table next Sunday ev_� hf-ld last Thursday evening in Mr. I th,� Kippen Road. Well, a' the frcens. . creased. If this thing is to be done treasurer's reports were read and � . .1 it ought to be dOne on a reasonable adopted. The offivers were then elect- the church on March 20th, the ,service Mrs. Sol. %hannon was called to Sea- ening. We hope that a generous � 11. 11t,rry's filling so,ation, it. was un- I an neihors wc,re sorry to kon they , to, be at 7 p.m. Mrs. Barker has a forth owing to tho serious illness of ront,ribulion will he ina4e. 1 animouqly d"ided to organiz(, a lawn , wor grawn blit it.'q no �ar, an it &dn-q . basis. We ought to have a special ed for the year: Honorary Presi- I I ,� winning 1 ------- _ Mar the mif-rrimept. (,' a, for by the I form of taxation in Canada for such Mrs. Turner; !:'Ly a,id is a very con- her mother, Mrs. Jas. Hudson. We Kelly Circle. -The regular monthly' 4owling club, so the Rev. W. 11. .� - vincing speaker. An interesting ev- are pleased to lenrn .she Is some bet- meeting of the Kelly Circle was h4,.](j ! Bremner was inviit,ed to act as chair- time your muckle hriosv, was free o ' . purpom. It ii-dght be labelled "The President, Mrs. W. Carlile; Ist Vice- . . i . Tax of the Follies." It should be President, Mrs. R. Love; 2nd Vice ening is assured As -he has first hand ter. -Mr. and Mrq, W. C. Bennett in the basement of the Union Church! -an of the met -ting, who kindly con- tht, youth an beatity o' this commun- , 11 - knowledge u� ,-ut,ww-und in Korea, a spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy on Thunsday, March 10th, with a good I sent-vil and filled the capacity in a it1v an tho, sold yins wur yoner tae . !maAe mainily to fall upon the rich President, Mrs. W. Love; 3rd Vice wonderful storehouse on interesting Bennett, of Waltnn. -The stag euchre attendance present. Miss F. Bowey very able manner, much to the pleas- wi their hlithest smileg and what did . and the devot6es of the I'Made In Can- president, Mrs, J. Cochrane; Secre- , I Itl . " - experiences upon which to draw. held in the hall Monday evening was � was in charge of the meeting, and are of those present, with the 1"PRU I it rnifler if our pockets wur empty, _; I I �. adall idea. Then froom time to time tary, Mrs. Robert McAllister; Tress Notes. ---Muster Jim Remnant was well attended. Thogf,. winning the intere-ting papers were read by Mrs. thp frillowing officers were eh our herts were light wi music. On, �', " . � )v as we wanted to increase our taxa- urer, -Mrs. W. Jarrott; Messenger taken to Stratford hospital on T`hurs- prizes were: Fnr most games wag a J. P. Cole, Mrs. C. Oke. and Miss M. Hon. T'n,sident, Rpv. W. H. Bremner:! (III, tho, young folk sped, an many r,n �, r ;� tion by absurdWes of this kind we Secretary, Mrs. W. Turner; Supply day and underwent a very critical op- tie between P. Little, Joseph Dalm- Swan. Miss Bowey presided over tE lion, 1,'irc.Presid,ent, Jamcs Swan; , pill yin felt, theirr bluid trickle, an up could simply add a penny or two to Secretary, Mrs. C. Stephenson; Home eration. We hope for his speedy re- age, Jas. Smith and Andrew Coultes, election of officers which resulted as I Pres,ident, B. O'Rourke; Treasurer, It. ' gi,id an lo,okin . i. the tax ort the follies and thus meet Helpers, Miss Agnes Cochrane; Libr- covery­,Messrs. O'Brien and Wilson the latter winni ng in the play off, a follows: President, Mrs. IL Aiken- Scntt; Rer. S,ecre't.ary, J. W. Mcln- I on I could hardly discern yin frao � the obligation. Selpisible 'people should ary Secretary, Mrs. Robert Stephen- are unloading a car of corn this week. pipe each. Most I " no 'hands was a]- head; 1st Vice- President, Mrs. R. P. tosh; Corresponding . Sperertary, .1. K.. thp ither, as they lived again, the itot be asked to pay taxes imposed son; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. Thos. ., � I by senseless people for the gratifica- Consitt; Press Secretary, Miss Annie -Mx. and Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. WTn - so a tie between P. Little,_Joseph Dol- Watson; 2nd Vice -President, htTs. J. Cornish. The corne'r lot was IeaSed days O' their youth, but I hap nae '. tion of can unsound theory. Fawcett went to Stratford on Sunday mage and. Mr. JRS. Sholdice and Jas. P. Cole; 3Td Vice-President� Mrs. T. from Mr. Berry fnr a term of five doot a the mornin they wur reminded . Ja"ott. We Qien closed our meeting to see Master Jim Remnarit.-Mr. and Mose, Mr. Sholdirr, whining in the B. Campbell; Secretary, Miss E. years and plans are under way and o, the fact that they wur na as ��." Dunning's programme for the ex- by singing Hymn 876, "From Green- _', i f IF Mrs. Frank Elliott and family enter- play off, 2 pairs of sox- The consola- Bowey-, Treasurer, Mrs. T. B. Baird; Operations will be mmmenced just. as young a-, they used tao. be. Th e _�11 I r J� - - - - I ta-ined a number of their friends to a tion went to James Simpson and Pianis,ts, Mins Jean Murdock, Mrs. .soon as the weather will permit. With whun they had enjoyed thcmAe_IVPq , �. I . : I I '. I dance and card party'on Wednesday 'Ffarry -Palin, a whisk each. Sand- George Swan; Mcissionary Monthly the foundation of the above men- till they w-ur hungry, 071 CRMe the I . '' even i ng. -Du rward Efliott returnedto wiches and cofrf,e wpre serv,ed.-Mo-n- Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Chapman; tioreed offx,prs, t.'hi-.R promi".-q bo be a gran thlings tae eat. wi such lots of I .. WindsoT on Thursday after spending day evening Mrs. Fat6n entertaim-A Supply SQcretaries, Mrs. John Wat- real ,snappy club, and no doubt, the gran coffee and bea. Wee], we could ,: , 1 , several weeks at his home here.-Arn- tho ladies to a progressive euchre. son, Miss M. Swan; Press Secrotary, membMs will soon b,- part.aking of , join in that, Rye didna Reem tae, �� I A NEW ''STUNT. old Jeffrey was able to leave the hos- some go-nd clean sport The corner count then Rn eft,er that they cor- I pital in Detroit on Monday after be- —,- __ _____ which has b"n much improved in the relleA Danny Fred, Gerty and the 1;1 - I' �1, ing confined with sea-rlet fever for last couple of seasons will make an w,en'q, an afore thely could get their .. - I- 0 0 four *eeks,-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mil- - ifiewl location for a green. Success broa th there was a &otch woman . ::::. � , - . Progyessive-Euchre-Bridge '' ler, Mount Pleasant, spent Stinday to those int,,est,ed and prosperity to ji-st. talked tap them M if ,%be bad :1 � -A)mg With the former'S parents, Mr. and the green. - been geen authority, and telt thim . � I ' d Mrs. Os- - Who wee] they wa, liked an who, . I car Reid were in London on Thursday TITCKP.Rc;MrM gled the folk a wur, that they're T140 i � ; G. " N. V. A. Club Rooms, Sea -forth "ro'". "i"er'—Mr. a" COAL� and -WOOD ­ � � I . . �. I 'combining business with pleasure.- Went End Notes. -The syrup mRk- gan far, an afore they kent what 'I'll -, ,,, . , I - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I)rake enter- � ing season has again ,arrived and a was heing done, twa men landed __ I -, - Thursday, Alarth N, at 8 o'clock . tallied a large num,bor of theirfriebdg - . number of the farmv,T-% here have com- them into twa b(xmy oak rockers, an � �1. , . , � I . . . . . to A dafte and card par.q on Friday Tbere's bound to be plenty of cold weatber mericeA.-Me,;s". S. Switzer and John tilt thern t" sit there till they could . �, , , . evening. -The Ladioe Aid of the A,Rhton eacb lost F4 horsp last week—. get their breath. after whieb Danny .- . ­ , 11, . 'Vv,L " thQ :Vireq,tiou 9f Seaforth Laft Bowling Club I �,�j'., I V �i' I , � loor .. . . . f, . United Church 61d ita regWar montb- . between now and the time the straw hats Mr,t. W. Wise, of rodnr�ieb Township, no tRe be out dore g-ot up an thank- .1 � . I I I V , A." . . � I'll- .� , , , ly meeting at the'liome of Mrs. D. appear and the furnace fires go out. visited relativt%,q berF- 1.9st we,pk.-Mr. ed a' the folk, An it. took bim a hist ... 1, . � � . 7. 1 . �..,. I � ". .1 . . ; - .Bruee on Thursday afternoon with a Newman G.qrrett purchn."d a radio ti-mr no tap grept, but, wl�p woodna �11.�'. ., � � .,.'� I , I , ­�� J , 5 ichr'd Ptmdheg lar6 attendance. The minutes of the ,� ". I .1 . L f rizos fok wost:kn last week­-Mis,t Gawley went to that had onv sprsp. ? Ther there V" � , �. � I'll I . I - - -ad by the seem. Keep well stocked up on Coal for a while '�'..�,. 1� . Prites for most loite bands last meetfng wore ve Ripley lost W,PdneRday, wbere she ar all captAin, frRe God,erielh, had . ; 1 1 1 - , � I I I , - PA for hiohest Dridg6loore , tarZ ,Mrs. Lyle Worden, and adopt- yet. was R guest Fit the wpdding of her cotnp dcIon wi yon qrrn� r(vrrp--qt Tdan I I W81 . ed, followed by the electfou of ofik4ts friend, Miss Walsh, of KincaMine and he svoke a -ni�mp that I 'ddot . ". 11 I . .1 1 07 . ... I I I . I .. . - . , , '. Toil ban' �44, are, Presidont, Mrs. William .Tef� Presen-tation.-On the evening of could hR-P don�e thp lilco, thvn ItUro , 1 . . . . . . , . ­ I par choice and play, Ehohre or .� for the onsm-hig pear. Tho offteers ,What better Coal could you choose than Towm;hip. . nanp 0, the lads or 19Sft0A yolmr, . I . .�, % " '' '.1 '1�­ "404 1. on think- U can P14Y St . I trey; Ist vide -president, Mts.' A. W. Friday, March 11tb, a ]a was -mair entertainme-nt bv Ither '.1 , . b1iidg&r',*h 70 be Ament's. rge company . A4'..1-- "I ,� .�,.,�,,, I. I - - Nbriis- Secretary Mrs krehis hr-, of friends and neighbors asseinUTed Scotc.h folk for vitoap- %-#y , ,,4.1 , I � �., I "`.Ili , .. ­� I "I �� I ' +&q I.. . . I I U - - I I , - . .A.' �, 1, I I 11 , I "'.. �,, �, it -as home 9"yn.,ed tae 'hso fhe fl ' I -­,,,�­ �',�..:' , , 4_54 fray- tr6asurer i6g' * ' 'I. P,61h. with one accord at the spacia, 06t. Thon, od . �;'_�, , ; , :.. wo V . . 1. , � , � in giPA the. dame sift .4+hk%v- L*m& .�� �"": - " ,,, .. I I � I , " ,... � ". , 1, ". . - . I 0, T. W311son. At t'h6 of Forest'q to spend a pleasta-at even- i 1;..t Y i - I . . . 1, � k,..,"$�' -,, 'd ' I t, - th , As a, do- ing. There were ftiends also from _, 04, . 1. 11 ej, - - � I "I T T I - - - . � .1.,. " ,,31� �_ . Hill t, 0 w4kelt a Wg nig t - I � .1 . , , i ` "'; 41" - I ,:, � . I . . �f�,, - I'll I . , 1". 11-111-F.7.14 .: t. il, �'. I �. y 11 ,,,,;� ,,+i1V I " OT,k�. "I", " , . I .1.4" � " � , I., � I ­�. � � t - Bpi . � �.i , 4 �' I , - ' ' `�'_'t4 - It' �,".. ,� ,� � ­, ' , + .� I 0 I , I ; i pt , p" I , - :51-,U, � . " �J , .. I JXDVA �. . "it �;;i.,I�j�,,J�,.,,, � I :1' �' � ' �" - �"`�­ '^ ,§' �, , � � , , ,��,, � . � I ; u7n 6 q r 8 A Al , , 7'' 1 naighbors and Meud the VMON& od Von H-hd && fbr .6- *41 16 ,- .1 ,,IX I . 1. I 0,0" .1 "AV :11 � '111 , , � , O'.. I 01 10,�, . :.,., � ,. I '': ,;;­;..�4�. ......., ­­­ - .­­­ ... 11, N .1-1 1. I ­ .1 . -11 -1-11 I.. I I ... � - �, ', 40, ., t,.i&. I 11 � , , 11 " . �, ­.." ­­­ i - -,;�,� , � . , ", t'Llia-11 I I I 11 , , � . . L, 6". 'Wlk* 109 ItY th(W had gfen.�Z�e ; .= :� 4 Wo`_WW� ­�­II.­..L ��. . :, " '�Ndurtl; . f, -64NO , , " it" I ng-iftl i0ew .h,47U4"a'J r Godericb. The 6ceasdon was the hi& hanift 01 thev sit ana **�v 1. - ,�.,�.,��,,AF J� , .�, ." .� - ", 41 P%'�&i, vrb.- ' ' W I V11711s, at 'Once folk �"efn tA4 r0d thoy- , ` j',�,%,�e.�, 11�,! "' , .1 I . , , use 91 'Ume me ; . 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