HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-02-11, Page 8,
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$101 N&Y *�",4t'li , , -
- � , .. % and 20c a pound. Rev. F. H. Larkip, D.D., Pastor
�4 , � athome, She Is also siurvtfed by two.
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,Seedless Navels are re- sisters" mks.. J. Quialiv, Of Datml,16
- -1.11'r I .1 onias Ayan, of Publin,
%v A. Q 4i;ile best tbat grows. Now SUNDAY, FE& I 3 1927 and, Mrs- Th I
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_ and one brother, Xr. ZacU 99,1114
1 time to secure yours -for' , I. .. 41;'d
" ""' � - alade at 25c, 3Qc, 40c, 50e doz. Morning Service -11 a.m.' of Lucan. -The very largely ati;A
XMI, -,,,P! 111111�, 1-1 I funeral servicte was held it St. James'
r, � - ".-n 1
12�01d, 30c; New, 25c pound Subject of Sermon--j'Eyes that .Chm-eb on Tuesdiy morning, when
1: �1, I See the Best" Solemn Requiem High X wes was 4pele.,
.1 , 11 . ,VOLATE",Oe 1b. These are Anthem. "I Am Alpha and brate4 by Rev. Father Qui#ley, , a
I , is or imperfects (in shape Omega,`0 Stainer, with so- nephew of the depeased, assisted by
,J,,,21F " ' of 40 to 60,c chocolates. prano sole by Miss E. McKay Rev.. Father Goetz. and Rerv. Father
AMMI'llu I 1"'J, Evening Service -7 p.m. Gaffney. Appropriate - Solos werp.
X4�-��A`� �ZSODA BISCUITS -Try oars for sung by Mrs. K. Harrigan, of Strat-
"" Subject of sermon, "When the
.�":� ',,�, freshness and crispness. ford, and Mrs. Leo Fortune, of Sea-
"". . , . ,,, 18C Mists Have Rolled Away." forth, with Mrs. F. Devereux presid-
I 8,,�'-- �. , RQU94 -.--..--.--.-- ........ Alithem, male chorus, "Thy God ing gt the ,or Interment was
., FO$H FROZEN SALMON - The Reigneth," McGranahan; first ,gan.
Qver Bright, better quality i8. ' tenors, Mr. John Scott, Mr. made in the family plot in St, Colum-
, ,
p James Stewart, Mr. Earl ban cemetery, the yallbearers being
I VanEgmond; second tenors, Messrs. Joseph Carlin, Stratford; J.
.� LAKE HERRINGS Mr. John Beattie, Mr. Fred Devereux, W. Devereux, Jr., F. D.
dozen ............ ......... .35c Willis, Mr. W. Smith, Mr. ' Hutchison, J. Carlin and W. J. Dun- -
) James Scott; baritones, Mr. can, of Seaforth. Among the out of
PURE CLOVER HONEY . � esRose, Mr. M. It. Ren- town guests who attended the fun -
Per pound .................. 15c ", �2KS5itoa,'Mr. Dalton Reid, eral were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlin,
Mr. D. F. McGregor. Detroit; Mr. McCormack, of London,
T 9CORATED CHINA PITCHERS- and Mrs. Y, Harrigan, Miss M. Wil -
Large variety at 15c, 20c, 30c, 40c, M. R. RENNIE, Choir Leader liams, Miss Way and Mr. J. Carlin,
,50C. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist of Stratford.
EGG CUPS -Hand decorated. I 01
Regular 10c for ............. 5c -- - ", .. .
. — ______ ____ Lost—Auto license No. 267-956. Finder
DAIRY BUTTER -We usually have please leave at Daly's Garage, Seaforth, and
collect 50c. 3087-1
abundance of Good Quality. Young Peoples League. -The regu- Lest --on Thursday last, ten dollars. in
lar meeting of the Young People's Se.fortib, Ont. Apply at The Expositor Office.
TUMBLER SPECIAL -15 cent 10C League of Northside United Church, 3087xi
Tumblers for .............. was held on Tuesday evening. After For Sale.—Sharpless Separators, will take
These are fine, thin, clear crystal some community singing the devotion- in exchange cattle or horses. A.pPlY to Tho -q -
glass with assorted cut decorations. al exercises were held. A special Coulter, Fgmondville, Out 3084-4
feature of the programme was the ., Mrs. Frank Schuler has for sale a number
,arpen,t,rs- tools for sade bel,mwmg to her
topic taken by Mr. Alvin Sillery, who h' band, the late Francis Schuler, town of
So-aforth, Ont. SOB7-tf
F. D. Hutchison's gave a report of the Boys' Parlia- '11'
PHONE 166 ment held in Toronto. Mis,q EMe wanted—Melodeon. aloo four post rope
bed, old faabioned chairs, Ottoman, dressers.
- -
I _____ _ ______ Polan gave a reading. The meeting ej,., 1. wAnut. State price- E. H. Cro
closed with the Mizpah benediction. 87 Norfolk St, Guelph. 3086fxt�
10 Found.—Purse, on January 2nd, north of
Dublim Owm r may have same on proving
I property andcpaying for ad. ApPly at The
. Death of Mrs. A. M. Campbell, Expcs-itor Office. 3084-tf
. �� Jane Hossack, widow of the late Alex. Remnants- -S tbs., $2; 5 tbs. cotton patches,
I M. Campbell, passed peacefully away $1.50; 3 tbs. cretonne, silk or velvet piecm
� Main Street, $2; 2 Tbs. sweater yarm. $2. A. McCreery,
. Chatham. Ont. 3075-tf
... V � on Saturday, February 8th, after an For Sale. -One circular saw with frame and
. illness of six weeks' duration. She sliding table, one 8 horsepower Massey-Harrys
- was of Highland Scotch descent, being ' gasoline ermine. secondhan,1L mounted on
. a daughter of the late Alexander truck - Apply to J. R. Archibald, Seaforth.
� 1,10 Hossack, of the Town Line, West or phone 163. 3084-tf
I Zorra, and was the last surviving For Sale_-H�-,e aind three aets with small
9V member of a family of two brothers � i`a�l, and orchard. one block west of Mer -
1 - .er s Flax M o as
, � and three si.�ters. She carne to Sea- -ily heated. For further pa�rticula.rs ap0Y
, I forth in its early days with her hus- to Mrs . Sarah Pullman, or Phone 125, Sea-
; band, the late A. M. Campbell, who fo rth. 3087xl
I i predecea-ed her .some ten years ago, Barber Shop At Brodhagen--1 have opened
! � and settled in the southern part of an up-to-date barber shop in the building
I .. I formerly occupied by the Merchants Bank of
I ! the town for a few months, afterwards Canada. and kindly solicit your Patronage.
; � moving to the home on North Main Ladies' hair cutting a specialty. William
Street, where she (lied. She was tht� Mehl.
mother of five daughters, one of .
� Property in Scaforth For Sale. -Nine -roomed
� . whom died in youth, the others, Mrs. frame house, modern wn�enicnces, hardwood
C" to us � R. E. Jackson. Mrs. John Cardn,-i floors, front and back stairs, maple and spruce
I - I and Miss Helen, (if Seaforth, and Mrs. shade tr �_ 2 apple trees and small -fru,it.
ft fiC3e f" ! R. N. Hays, of New York, all being La -me stable and garage. Modern hen house
1 59'xiV, large poultry yard, 21A acres of land.
� present at her death. She was a wo- A reaA bargain at $3,500. Apply Andrew
. man of charming personality and Arrhibp,K Box 292. Seaforth. Phone 44W.
I home loving, sterling qualities and 3085-tf
. IT mxy man a nice cash prim her death will be keenly felt by her ".
in yow pocket-4or it teN all! family. She was a member of the
about the Maximur Wall Paper P'resbyterian church, and the funeral, Seaforth Memorial HospitaL-The
Contest --gives the rules and can- which took place on Tuesday, was following is a summary of the affairs
conducted by' the Rev. Dr. Larkin, of the Seaforth Memorial Hospital
tains the Entry Form on which interment being in Maitlandbank cem- from the date of its inception, in
your Slogan suggestion must be etery. August, 1922, to December 31st, 1926:
wedten to be eligible for the prie — 0. No. of patients admitted. . 850
money. Anyone can enter --every- Coldective days stay of
nne has a cliance to win a han& Young People's Society. -The Youn - patients ................ 7824
sorne prime. Come and see us People's Society of First Presbyter- Aver -age days stay ....... 9
about it to -day. ian Church mot on Tuesday evening Number of births ......... 93
in the school room with a good at- m ....... 20
11 tendance. Mr. Wilfred Smith p -re -id- Major operations ... * ' ' .. 212
1 Pd with A. Y. McLean acting as Minor operations ..... .. 297
SCOTI S 1 �;ecrptary. The meeting opened by This is a record that has not been
bv prayer -
� -inging a hymn followed surpassed by any hospital of like
I hy Dr. Larl�in. Tb,E- Sc-riptuiro read- standing in the Province. A state-
. WALLPAPER SHOP i ing was t.nkpn 1�y Mr. Gibson White ment of the receipts and expenditures
- I and wa, the fifty-first Psaltm. This Of the hospital will he published at
I was followed hv community singing an early date.
1 -ind !hr, Secret-ary read the minutes __ 0
7%wo_—� l Of last meeting, 'which were adopted Business Changes. -Mr. E. H. Cloge
I as rr,ad. Bn-,ine-q was discussed and who has conducted a barber shop in
— __.. . , __ . -inrith�r h�-rnr 'n1lnwPd. Mr. Gibsoni One of the stores in the Cady Block
Wl,itv �r-i,,p a -,-rry finp paper on -The I for some ye -ars, has leased the store
1 :'_,=� �VW7-.��77 , �.�. (I .1 I
l� "I n (, ,, (-,,inada." Miss F. Beattiej in the Cardno Block, at pre -sent oc-
, I Vr. -T,imp-, Stp-wart favored the� cupied by Dominion ,stores, and will
if,nrp w:'h a dupt entitle -d. "My� take possession on March 1st. He
Tinsmithl'ng, : ,��,�il,i T,;,h li(�," nrcompanied by Mr. will use the front of the store for a
_ , Far] VanFzrnord. A contest follow- barber shop, and will install two
, "d, th- win,i.-r b-injz Mr. Karl Ament bowling alleys at the back.
L for thp firs, PT-i7l'. ,9nd MiqqPS 13011 --The Dominion Stores, which have
If the furn.we needs ex- I (,,,),prilorl�. .T,,n-f Clliff, Dorotby Rerq- 1&en carrying on a g-rocery business
pert wvurbaullng or the ! 1,11ke nn� Mr. �rr,d Willis were .second, for ,several, years in town, first in the
i I
plumbill" t,' (WS NV r () n g , "" , 'Irnw v --q lnl-rn .an(] Mr. Fred Campbell Block and for the past year
b � Wi!'i� wiq t1h, 11irlry one. The mep-.- in their present stand, are discon-
I ing rinvod wi'h tho National Anthem. tinuing business in Seaforth.
Phone 23 --c— — -Mr. R. fl. Sproat has leased the
� store which mill be vacated by Mr.
. A � Collegiate Ilockey.-In one of the Ciose, and intends opening up a bvvt
D 1, 4- " ! I � 1 ,:4 . A 11 ,U: I and sboe store.
V . JLI%l ��, A � )es . ga m ( q A . n ( s_ct e e re q sea- Mr. George Hills has sold his
: son, in whirb Senforth Collegiato won blacksmith and caniag6 shop business
I thp group ln,.irels and tho right to� -
I Plumbing a n d Ifeating rreet Londnn C-cntral in the first round I in Egniondvilke to Mr. Alex. Lillico,
: __ I I of the qerni-finalq. The game was I of Acton, who willi be open for busi-
- - wke�__im,%"_.aza. - featured by close checking on the part i ness on Monday, February 21st. This
. : of the localq And fq�t skating for the I is one of the oldest and beat known
. . I blacksmith shops in the county, hav-
I . __ visitors. Stratford had tbe.fIdge in � ing been started more 'than fffty
. — - - the first period which end d 2-1 in � years ago by Mr- Hills' father, the
. Stratford's favor. The .second period
,�'. late Thomas Hills, and has always
" ! was fast 1,ut fate was against the .
�.�, � �� I boys who ,,, outs ... ed 615, In the � enjoyed a large business, but owing
". , to ill health during the past year Mr.
�,;,_ Formal Dress I third period Seaforth boys kept the
"."t I puck all.the period in Stratford's goal GeoTge Hills has been forced to re-
1� - The season of formal dress tire from active business for the time
,;11 , ,,,,ne, hui`. goalie Todd was invincible. .
kz, occasions is here again. � Muir played the best game and was being. -
11�f'll ��. I We specialize in the Clean- I -
I I the outstanding player on the lee.
�1'1 . ing and Pressing of Formal Eg-mondville.-On Monflay, Febru-
1-1 � Vulanf and Dempsey played the best
"' , Dress and its accessories, and � for the visitzrs. Londoti Central will ary 7tb, the Y. P. S. C. E. of Eg-
� mondville, held their usual meeting.
,��;:-- can guarantee a good job. play here Thursday evf�ning, February 'R
�:11;1 . �ev.
��,��, . Do not wait-bave vour dress 10thCome and su -ort a cham-on- W. D. McDonald acted as chair-
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buslaps,q,,�.w4s taken charo,'q 'DI 'If I . . . I , 1, ", �.,'-7�rj,'%,'� ,qt,,;�OA, 11 'k, " " , ,�`
,� , the E"�4dv'ij - � Aliqody : . 1 , . . . I I al� �,,,�, 41 ,
_ vi , q�t 0,50TOa � , .g� 11!
1. 011,10ra . I . � !,�',,,',��..�-.'�." � � ,
Presid , j:: , - 1� I " , 1. ".. " - I ,:v,;-?�,�;':�,,�,
I ". . I � 1�,'_' �, I 1.1- ,_)1"q.-,.__ _��- �� 1
1-F,4""'. ,,, � 4", , vl�. . Y """,.. i�",�4,
I . , ., , 1i,.tt,,AT ,*� , ",", �� �,:;:
,e#&!', -Mrs. McDonald 1,011owed shilit, T,he:yo �r ,�w,,Orc.ojw��O -, tile " '. I ,: , i,'� el ".
log, . , .,$.�
-1gVe reading by *r,s.'-,, - int,eWe e " r_�%' -Y4.j�o . ,;; � , �. 1 �111�1� "', 11� Z - .. I I ", I .;.,,;�;�'. ., i,�-,
-by &r , " - ,g# _914" as�# a. 0,A0V ... 1;. . ,�,, �,74!�,'.,�X,��'i: .- I ,141- .1
,.,Gon ft, hO ,;, , �'��,,I��n . "... 'Z�
..: "�� -, 0 . "', �,' �i, 1 ''.. 1" ,.-_� I t .� � I 'f - ", '�� "... 1 '71, �'k,' 0 , , ,
�i�� � , . ��,!* ".. �'�i " I . I .
, � "� '� - '. , � .iR-!` 9L�, .�-. . I � 1,
11 . � , ,
_�'11 ' Ext -sr , I, , , 1.
a,. ,, -, I . .- � "" , " `�' " 0'. . . ""', � �� "
A 'tu , ,
igle, gWft :;.which very.,. J� - ;'.' i
, , b
_�� "i1xW.#Tl9 -the last perio PIX. � -'04 ,Pja#7,
papers-, c -%On ,the ie. �d j�-" q, e*A 1111AC4, �, I "�' ! � .1 ! �,�,,',,,,� - I �� 7" " _%, ,,, � "�,�,
. - = Wil., ""�."".',-�!� !-�,�,`,.,:!� � ".4, t
. .?#ve given by Mrs. A4gap, �ed
. �
_ ,,�..' , 1, �,""'7 . I'� '� I - 1, _,� I ,-
- *W,g -,on& I �- I'll, , , - : `.. -) '' . ,. I . I "I -1 I F '111. :. ,� �� i ,,,'�'.� , ,,.':� � � ,�, .
' xxie. - - - _4 S_ .Q �� " � �� �>
11,�: �
Mrs-ij qn.f4en and Mrs. � R. Mo , piiek Wa - � " , �` �: ".; "�� � - . � I _� , I ..� lff,�i�.:
, �,X% The s carried -to ,_gm A . , '' � -11-11. ,:.1,4 �� ,:�, p , I . , � �,'V 11 777: � ,� ,
,Jog was closed with�,prgyer fe a e � ... all K._ 1 - -1 . � ,,x,-,, - � '' ��,. ., . , ., - r , I I , . �.,i,� I �, �,,�'. , ., I
"" , '' "' " ,
The mq�t ville de nce iid 4h6iil to 01i I, I � .e- ".. , .. , �, � ,�� 11 I , . : , : : ',f1,-' - "..
,. I � . .. I I , , , Z , I
by � 7-1�� � " I ., - , ; ., � '. , , , 4 � . .,
1, , ., _ . . ; In J41 , �', __ 1 "I" '�._ "2, . I
'. , 1. . , �.
Mrs,-_J�, Brown, all joining in the w . -1.1. . �:.,V - . ,, � E.,� ,� � �: - I 1, 11;.1 I , I 1-111 , 0 � ". 11 "I . 11
. here it and. the goal te 6T�1410e � ,4._Ww, � *1
- . "� 4 , 0, I .. .- . .
. , lz:� � "; �'4 ��, I .... _0'..., St';'.44 - —
- . I :",. - .... � I -I- I I 'MY"", M". , " � , ,,, 55 � . I ��; .. �. I . - I
Lord's jptayer in unison. A) *eTY shoved in past the bl6eles 6 . 6r,. , : . . I I
pleastapt S�cial hour was. then spent Consi&rabI16 dismsi I , r . .-
. I I
, I I
. I
`w "f 111r, � , ;VAI . I � .
on arose . ov . &i- "': ��`;L �- *4 ' - , I ; A 141$ , � ,ii � 1;1 "" �
S. McDonald and family. this one as'to its * !.- 7 r 7' . , V, " .. , I I , "I", i6-"-_.,X*_100'_- ` �,; , I& �*1,11 I , ,
with Mr " �11 � ., �6 I . .,
I � r I I . ,
possibility of , . .1 11 . .. .... , ,. " �� , " .. ,
. � ! - " :�!� _11,,,�,.,eZ,, " I , I
' ,F of ':'. � ... ... I . -, - __ 11� f, ,, : - ., .. ,.
- - I I ... .. . q0n.*%'i,- -�,,l
. . � �. 4��'. . . " 0, .�� � "
- - an ofiside s, however' � r- ,� 11 � I 11 r'� � R � 'I, !� , , 1
.Pas - the :x , � I * , , 1 4-117"'14" '"," I'll, �i , '��4, V - ,
and th '. � ��', __� I,, �, .
' � , . 1;1 , I I -0_7 �_ ,,,�,' 'r. . . , I . . �
, " ;5 . . -
, � - . , � "O 4,00r��, - - ;%,. ,,�. 4, `w �,
Hoc�iy "Notes. -On Saturday,oter- centred play -resumed, each ,, � - 'W -7P-'. ; I �, �, 0 , r*",P�; .4,;, 7 ., � �::
e , , , , I, �" - ' , , � ',.,.. , - !�� : I . , �
- - .
,� - '01 , -1, ", , , "T-1 .14'.��,,i, "' I
., . , . I . .1 �14 ;,- S � � , . - , � ,. ..- , -,,'� � � �v � I
le- hr o'but all . ,,-,,. 0 _ I ,�
noon,. . . ,nary 5th, a very eXciting team strnggli4g hard to Seor, � "'is ,�, " ,f�
. , . * I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , - �
1, - 7 .r. !:�.
11 . � . . '. - ,.;. .
. -
h,oek4 *atch was witnessed'by- *',a of no avail.� Tfizn�.ls up;and'the scorew � . y 01u, " , ,� I .. , 064 , ;�4011166,�-,'Aof_, ,��,
. Ili ". , I I , . __ " .� 91P
11 I - I 1.0* Lag . � � �� " . r
group 0 enthusiastic spectators on is 2-:2. Ten minutesoiertim(� is play- - , "' . . . . ' alf 'J?�J�e � � . I
,&,.,�7' .� , , 11
, . . 1. . 1, , . I'll, , � I''. � I
,&�- ; ,
play V - `�,�, �-, � _�, 11 9- - . I I , ,�.
the 4gliclud.ville open air arena above ed but of no use, As the,p. 'Was I - . L . 11 � " . � 0 1 ;I -1. .1 11 � `,� . -
the dajn�- The ice was in petrfect evenly matched through6utl' �t U 0 - c , _ . . ,�� I '. - , I'll, ..... ,!,.; . "I
- I . � , . �� U. � I
COX] i6ii iave bee V . .,�. � - - . - ''
,diti for the heart-thrffl�ng quite evident that it mutt'h n� I, � ��a - -1 , , . DIREI�18ES- . I - I I � .
"' n I � I . �
maneuvres of the starring members Brucefield that was Egm,opdvilWs - . I 1. I ". _:..., I ,.. I '19.lIk Diesiise�'s, as -1 .1 as " 1'�;t;, . .
of each team. The puck, was drop- opposition. Neither one seems to : .1 ow -
� �� - .
, - . ..
. I
11 11
ped"be-tween the two centres, Case have much advantage over,the otlier. . I I . .. � I I I �! - _$3.89, This� seasoWs -, �- �1_ I 11� ..
� I I
and Bair(f, by the able referee', Mr. Owing to the disputed offside goal,, . ,dresses, at least, 93 14 - I I 11 .
I ,. , "I -_1 I I
Roy Welland, who handled the game it -was decided to play the final game - . 11 . I - I 11 .
. . I .. 1( �.
during his time as referee to the en- of this' series in. Brucefield in the -n-aar S a', v. P%0 . I off, regular pricq, . . 1"..
. . I : - � I I I
tire satisfaction of all. From then future, possibly Saturday afternoon, I .. I ,. . , . P, _ I . .. .1 . .
on the battle waged furiously, even February 12il� Line-up- Egmond- lb Ar I . . 11 - � � . I I . -
so furious that tM- referee thought it ville Goal, Hano; defence, Bob Me- 1. DRESS GOODS - �
necessary to deal out a -penalty for Donald, Pinnigaii; wings, Bill MeDon- I I , A . I .1 �N�__ X Dre i
..money- �- An assaftV664'O . ss, I I '� I �
sluggi ' captured by Finnigan of ald, Ferguson; centre, Case. Bruce- . - I I - � "V'ai � , I � . �
129) . .1 � A Materials, , ues -Vp to ..... ,,, .1
Egmondville. It would be impossible field -Goal, Snider; defence; Mustard, I I
to note the separate plays and passes Cudmore; centre, Baird; -wings, Grain- 1 $1.75, for 9& a y*id. -
as the puck was shot around so rap- ger, Ketchen; sub., Cudmore. By coming to - . . .1 .. I . I
idly and was escorted here and there - � I this store any-- . RUGS ' . .1
an Local Briefs -Major R. S. Hays is day'this month Congoleuin Linoleum . I
spectacular plays are only to he men- in Ottawa this week on business- �
tioned here. Case brought the puck Mrs. F. T. Course, of McGregor, and asking, -to Tapestry 'and Velvet' I . - .
from centre ice accompanied by his ld�anitoba, is visiting h6r mother, see the beau- Rugs; also hearth mats,� I - I - ,
able wing, Charlie Ferguson. Case Mrs. McGonigle and other friends � .
and Ferguson play combination untfl here. -An interesting game of hockey tiful garments 20 per cent. off. .
nearing the goal, then Case receives -will be played in the Palace Rink on we are selling, . * .
the pass and is about to shoot. The Friday evening from 6.30 to 7.30, WOOL BLANKETS" 1. !
.spectators' mouths were nearly open when the Bankers and Merchants will and finding out . If I . .. 4 , .
to cheer when Case's shot is foiled clash.- Mrs. Schuler has returned to the -prices we - BED SPREADS . I
i � . I
by someone's stick, purposely placed her home in town after spending the have them and Auto Rugs . I
in front and is checked, but that in- winter with friends in Hullett and I ' .
tended chper is not to be thrown Goderich Townships. - Miss Hople marked.- We offer themat 20 per . ,-
�away because MacDonald now appears Chessw-right, of New York, was a - cent. off regular. price. . . -- 11 -
on the scene and aids in the trans- guest at the Queen's last week. -Mr. , -
portation of the puck to clear ice, R. J. Wegg, who has been manager They are va- - SILKS -
�where-it'is passed to Case who rushes of the Dominion Stores here for some lues that will .
at a break -neck pace and drives the time, left on Tuesday to take charge 25 per cent. off regular -4 1 —
I rubber clean past the goalie, A very of the Strathroy branch. -Mrs. James be talked about " price of all Silks in stock . "
loud applause from Egmondville Brenner -and son, Billie, of Ethel, are long after ord- . I
erho-s from bank to bank. -The puck visiting at the home of Mrs. Bren- . -
is centred- again but takes a new ner's mother, Mrs. G. D. C. Harn.- Jnary v a I u e s Pure Linen Toweling . - I
course, heading for Egmondville goal. ATiFs Mae McDougall left last week are forgotten. - 16.. inches wide, White -
for Detroit, where she will train for It -
Baird and Grainger play combination . . I
but are dokged by Bob McDonald and a n,,,, in the Ford Hospital. -Miss Ak IAL Ak la� Ah&� I.& I.& A BY -Own and Brown, and I
Verda Kahle isi spending a few days WIW'V I
Finnigan, who 1�as returned from a this week in betroit.-Mr. Thomas White stripe --15c yard. I . It'.
visit to the. penalty box. MacDonald I McMillan, M.P., lieft on Tuesday -
� White Cotton Huck I I
has the puck but before delivering morning for Ottawa, to attend the Towelling—M/2c yard. .
it, views the ice and figures out care- opening of Parliament. -A pleasant . . .1
fully just *hat cozy no,ok to send it vening -was spent on Monday last at - - , -
to. His e9ol headed plays still hang e .
River View, the home of Mr. and - ---
with him IjIld were used to a very Mrs. Thomas Coulter, in Egmoud- . . .. 1
good advantage. Bert Haney in goal ville, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel -
for Egmonddille, padded up like a Horton, of Standard, Alberta, who .
feather tick with his goal stick bar- have been here for some time visit- . � �
red the goal quite ably. It was ing friends in this vicinity and also - I .1 .. . i
thougbt that his legs would be cramp- in Detroit with their son. Bert, and -
ed as he spent most of his time strad- Jamily. The evening was spent in ), �
dled out across the goat with his progressive euchre and music, after . .. . I
which a dainty lunch was served. Mr. 4 � I J -
— -------,. . and Mrs. Horton go back West very I .
NOW PLAYING soon, but they have enjoyed seeing . 11
their old time friends here. - Many . . 1. I
THE THUNDERrNG MELODRAMA friends will extend congratulations I I -
I and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs.
OF THE ROARING RAILS Henry MeGavin, of Tuckersmith, who - - .
recentty celebrated their sixty-fourtb - - - .
-wedding anniversary. - Mr. Scott — — .- __ ____ -----,— \ I �
Cluff, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cluff,
TheLimited who has been on the staff of the Nr9rm" ar"U"
Dominion Bank here for some time, MF= mck"MMMUMI
has been transferred.to the East end - .. .
Mail branch of that bank in London.---Xrs. .
featuring R. N. Hays, of New York, was here i F
neral of a I 11
her mother, the late Mrs. A. M. 9 I .
Monte Blue Campbell. -Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of - -
- Hamilton, is a guest at the horn. of - R,
Vera Reynolds , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell. . - - " 4
-Mr. Peter Hawthorne, of Hullett, 0
OTIS ll��RLAN informs The, Expositor that he _94-w " .
WILLIARD LEWIS crows flying across his farm - g ILOW Pro. es I .
, 0 Astound -in a
week. Ae -we going to have an 42 Fri � .
Ei)WARD GRIBBON rh 0 0 1 -
spring? -Miss Dorothy Reinke w o Foo tbq week-enif /S ,
JACK HUFF ha -s been ill for some weeks at the 0,12 Proviluons se-11ing . .
produced in the Royal Gorge of home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. __.-� - __ I
-1 Colorado. J. C. Reinke, in Tuckersmitb,has suf- Cbolee 6-tO 71ft. 19C ro
Q ficiently recovered to resume her du- gmokedPieniaHams each .R�- Is, � J) .
r�, ties at Stratford Normal-Themany I .
f T, in e e s,s friends of Miss Frances Fowler,James � PeamealCottage R011S 2efeibo
Street, will regret to 1�earn that slie I !
____ � I .------- 1 slIffered a stroke at hex home on � . - 4 �.
. I Saturday last, and has since been in Domestic or ROWIrrst
— .
- a very serious condition. -Mrs. Bert Pure Lard R
0 Horton and little daughtef, who have . Shertenm'pg I
il �'
�. 111,
I `
'�K � t
� een visiting at the home of Mrs. 3-th. 50C 20*1b- SIX49 20-th, 6,079
Ivan Tab .P== Pau
Horton's parent,;, Mr. and Mrs. Ja3. 1 "h' 43C Tub Av--- I - �
0 1 Spront, in Egniondville, returned to I " mayffeld A""41 . - � � -k
Detroit on Wednesday. -Mr. John Me- macmae 11.94W a 11 �
" Dance "Kinley, of Winnipeg, spent a fevv - Ilreakf"t
TIME I days last week at the home of his ( I :�3 1b. I
will , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me- 0 1$aeonp...., ..C. Mwe I
be held in the 30 -1b. �
. __ ___ Kinley.-Miss Millie Williams is the . - � _ 01
gue-t of Miss Dolly Carlin.—Mr. J. J.
Broderick met with a serious acci-
dent on Friday last,when he fell on t
the icy parvement and fractured his
arm near the sboulder.—Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Eckart are visiting with rela-
tives in Hibbert this wee'k.—Mr. and 0
Mrs. Frank Carlin have ieturned to
Detroit after attending the funeral
of Mr. Carlin's mother.—Mr. J. R. i
AL A74A%A'V - , '
I .
I I �
Wthnftl -- 1-11b. 74W
� t ,
60040 and'Aiiikia IV -4b. 46d
1. . -
i -lb. o4a
0001no, � � YJ 1110., 31so.
Adah'i *rt*#&at R -1K 316,0- .
I -
. I
, : I
tD.S.L. Sfilk .1-1b.,519C
, - �
I- -
I - - - .. I �� ..
... F man and conducted the devotional ex- Lane, of Lucknow, spent the week . 0 1 1 . * - �
1_ I - suit or Tuxedo cleaned and ship team. The lineup- Seaforth- - . 0 - I 11 I . 101r, , . �� ; , 11 �
- ' ' 11 .
I I I ,�
- -
-'w �. I .. I. I �. V- - Th6' NOW 131itad " . . .
��: - . ises. The Scripture and topic --- - end with his brother, Rev. W. P, Lane I
,,�`,, Goal, Brownlee; Defense, Barber and eTc - t . . P
,j _� pressed now. - I , � I � e, . -, I
0 ;o � , .� � '': . . � L, Edmunds; Centre, Muir; Wings, Willis 'we're allso taken by the pastor' The y and his sister, Mrs. W. D, McDonald. �, L � , I . ��X: , , W#h the real tu'rot. � C' � , . I � �
... topic which was entitled, "What does -Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, of Exeter, is I I , 1-1 � "o i , 11
. �L ,
' 11 , -
,�j�". t L, S. DMIGEY, PrUpdaOT. and McMillan; subs, Weiland and . , � tt!� 'Wripswd.wal I � � .
f, �. I , Cardmo. Stratford --Goal, Todd; de- the Church teach about ourget-Ves?" 14 N&I "led Brad visiting at the home of her son, Mr. �- I 4 . . 1*4*.yA.* , x ,,:,::", , _.
, , I �. .
, . . . 11� 1. :." I to taw, I � "I .1 11 .'I .
. 4**0 0 , teetleft't � , ", ���
.-, , , , n Hawkins -Mr. John MeLen- Artermi. ow - � , I 1. I _ �
�, , Commercial Hotel was well given and held the atten- Wilso . -41 , .
I I, , ,�, �. "" � � I , ., .
,�:":' ��, ; ferse, Vularif - amd Roberts - Ce tre, tian of everyone. The meeting closed nan ban been confineo to bed for- the I , . I � .
'L..; "I Phone 227 or 210 n A*4*;1I -'114' I I—- � I . .
LN�'. � I I Clark; Wings, Dempsey; 9�ts, Adbert r peatin . - . 11 . I " , I! . I I .1 . . .
.,.,��,,',�,:,..- �.. . . after afngitg -a hymn and , d' vVY906*44ut" I I : �
71�,,. 111'�, - 113� xe, - � 03 past week, but his blany M -d he, I 1 1. ... . . ," 11 y.., ,'\, L;, �
. �
'�&�' " �,,V, :,11 I and Doxey. - 9 ", 11 t abl"It-pro, ,:� -, - '�,, " .1 "
", . .. - - Wftk culled for mid deRvere& Reev. W 0 . dtib" I � " .
;`;',,,�� �"V'':�� I I .11� - ", - I ��� -
"�L-��,'��'.`�� the Beiiediction in unison. to see him &rfthd- agili soilm T I I 11 �` "I �11 - �. � ,
`�,11 - , .
,��Vt��11,�:,-� i . ��� .� ,
- D. McDonald had reedived permission' Pails for -,.....09C 'he lftli�:�� -- - , , " �_1�11 �� "I ,
R;;',�,i�',,�',,.:.�' .1 %; 40a ". 16006 8*0i,;__t",!, _. ,::� - I
, , ,�
- , . post office doesulb look tho viame with- � ? " ,� .� " -
'.4-l" ',�:W , fthto . / . ... - . I I �
, , I I . I I . . , 'j 1,"O .., % : _1z - I . . . . . . 1. I I
��I;�, � , " " � , � , 1 froln Mr. and Mrs. It. lAcZenzie that -11 out John. -M19`9 MAYs Shillinglaw; 0 _..� -fl_ � I * -
.,.,_1!: �.,'l . �� I I ; I I . �� 1. .
. � .... 1-1-- � I . . � .� I ��
i,e.�,`,,�,,�, , 11" I'liro Ill ii I 9 - Death of Mra. rraneis Carfln- all mIght adjo= to their bome oind 11 , . of Toto,nt% spebt,06 We* end 'At ye 112:94- I - ;� �,. ,* � I . I
'. I I I , I - . �:"_ 11' �
�;111 ,, __ I I her home In Tuekorgmi1ft-Wii_V4lV , - * 00 r - . -1 I
.�, I -1 . � �
� . Mrs. Francis Carlin pwqed away at hear this rpdio. . - i -_ X_* , 11 I �, I
1��r-, -7 21* - 11 I � ;.g , - I . . , ��, . .. 11 �., I 1 4
11.r.�- ,,,, , . �, - the week J h6o' . .
'. RANITEWARE ro e, -on , A -_ -, ,� �� * I 4�o�. I
. I sm, Two hours quickly 0 Im ,� i*-�4* , �*_,g&,
�l,5�'�'!�V�:,�, .- DIL V.. I. x toil beT home on Market Streft, Sea -forth, passed by in t1fls way and when they G "I " . Bell, of wil6na G , 'O � t -01,61" ,�
' late gaturday -night last, 1,911avtag left 11 thnnked their host and hastess �. . end With her , i1a Mf.§ L _111__!VA,ft . - I 1 I . - I � ,�
k)�`j�"�:��'1�7 Ottro-no, r, it , � n." ". !.�i i - .." � .
I 1.
, " " � I 1 'I �., . .
, I I , �, I . -1 .,� � A*`- *# I I , �
- . I I 11 ,, �,� , ,,W .1
�, " -t, L I .,BY*, lAro Nose aud Throat low, - - ' I I �' ,,, , ' 1- "44*4 10 �", 4 , * ; ,
_ I
"� . R. P; SpIL-Mesk". D.Mlik, R, .Vnj&-- � I
''�1'1.�:. I *1
_ dift s'few days, illness fr .,VY#a for f eir hosiAtality. AT �
'&x,�P,-�'�,;- ' .1 , , _ I a . ." .; _` ; . I .
,�� I -Thd Woideiea . � � .. W - - � ,. ", "I 1- .
.1 � I I 1. d�i I ) I � ,",
In Piddidph ?t ** SPECL&.t,PAR1C-N8_ are hi Him itogi, t�fd *66k "'tikifig jtt- 111. 1'L'�� � ,��: % .." . . 1, .0. , �,, ,�'
, , "I'% - .. I .. I I I
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