HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-01-21, Page 5al e. o ''AK ; a Wad :aril '4 '104 ktot er. buts .;ut04ed and gone. Bak^ tiMal•erinnot ores 71be• tut iv ,ai' hqk brow. ,'Tito mega Upon bJn face. H4 toiled among is here. Aa we as mortals do, / To win a crown of glory, And friends and loved ones tom Ile is not dead to lie. rRut dwells among the bunged. Beyond the atarr' heavens, Where he has earned his Test 3084x1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George W. Reynolds, Mrs. W. H. Rey- nolds and family desire to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy • shown in their sad bereavement; also those who so kindly loaned their cure. 8084-1 $40 WEEKLY FOR YOU Ambitious, inexperienced men wanted. Write at once for free catalogue explaining how you • can earn while deeming, garage work, bat- tery, welding, barbering and hairdressing. HEMPHILL'S PRACTICAL SCHOOLS, 163 King West, Toronto, Ont. 3084-1 TENDERS . WANTED Sealed tenders for the purchase of a house, suitable for hospital purposes, in the Town of Seaforth, will be received by the Secretary of the Scott Memorial Hospital Board, np to February 10th, 1927. All tenders must he in the hands of the Secretary not later than February 10th, 1927, and must be addressed to Dr. R. R. Ross, Seoxrobary of the Scott Memorial Hospital Board. 8084-2 NOTICE Notice 1.9 hereby given that the annual 'meeting of the members of the Usborne $ Hibbert Mutual Fire insurance Company, will be held In the Town Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 7th, 1927, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Direc- tors and Auditors for the past year, and for the election of two Di9ectoru for a three year term and two Auditors, and for any other business in the -interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office expires, but who ere eligible for re-election -are: Wm. Brock and Francis McConnell. Dated at Farquhar, January Ilth, 1927. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary. '8084-2 H, F. Berry's JANUARY Stock Reducing Sale Why send your money away from home? When spent at home you have a chance of getting some of it back. Here are a few real Bargains. To be convinced, call and let us show you our goods. es .SEEDED RAISING, regular, 18e, 2 for . 29c ROLLED OATS, 7 for 89e CAMPBELL'S SOUP, reg. 18c, 2 for 29e PLUM JAM, 3-1b. jar 29c FANCY CHINTZ, 36 inehes wide, 5 yards for 98c FINE BLEACHED COTTON, 36 inches wide, 6 yards 98c FLANNELETTE, 86 inches wide, 6 yards for 98c TOWELLING, heavy, all linen, 5 yards 98c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, regular $1.25, for 98c MEN'S WORK SOX, regular 60c, 2 pair for 98e MEN'S RUBBERS, regular $1.40, 1 pair 98c BOYS' ALL -WOOL HOSE, reg- ular 75c, 2 pair 98c BOYS' WORSTED HOSE, regu- lar 60c, 2 pair 98c LADIES' HOSE, all -wool, silk, silk and wool, 2 pair 98c H. F. BERRY, BRUCEFIELD Phones: 168-23, Clinton. 142-23, Seaforth. BIG SALE Of 39 Men's and Young Men's Double Breasted Ulsters -in medium and light shades, in Scotch and English Tweeds and Chinchillas. Sizes 34 to 46, up to $32.50; on sale this week, all one price -- $19.50 P. J. KELLY 87 Ontario St. Phone 211 S'TR.ATFORD. One way fare paid from Mit- chell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. A BARGAIN POR SALE.. -Figs acres, one mile from Seaforth.* modern . house with .furnace, bath and 'toilet,: small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $1.5 ' ..Splendid rehanee to start ehielfe'r't ; bees, &te. Apply to I. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2950 '.1 wind. . *--WA Ilk publle atI--", ' on , 1927; t 8 -• s�a4 Hwtei 9 th 'Ooaetlegioti 1T. if., _1'ttrm .snots to of 10t0'T &PAIS sitinitell 23ffa pal p�' To7K , where There are starches poll' 't*institato: 1b5. miles fro* gglgle. echoo'1 , le. on the talon a goad d , e house with P� wad nd- good '.woo a shed : ay b n "ba 0g 0, th rowel to tiie 80 heed Cattle 6 hozace. There Are two. good .wells one .at barn and 1 et house:. well,::f� end drained, there is no waste( land.' errs. -,-Ten per cent. of the `it Money at tui time 'of sale and the Ianeo on the 4473t of .stout, 1027. on de- Uvery of conveyance. The farm will be sold subdeet to a reserved bid and to conditfbus of sale. Pagliculare whereof may be had by application to JAMES CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seaforth,Ont.. Administrator, or W. BRY- DONE, Clinton, Solfeiter for Administrator. T. Brown, Auctioneer. 8084-8 AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE CAR 1, LLY sePigs win be airy held at Lotws, Young Hayfielde and Road, 3% miles west of Clinton, 4 miles south of Holsnesville, on Tuesday, January 26th, at 1.80 o'clock sharp, as follows: Durham cow, coli at foot 1/4,3 Holstein cows, calf at foot; Durham cow due to freshen time of sale; 3 Holsteins due time of sale. Holstein heifer due March llth, 2 Durhams due in Marsh, 4 Durhams due in. April, 1 Holstein due i.t Aprid, pure bred Jersey rising 4 due March 14th. Guarantee: A y cow sold to be with calf not proving to Ke so 30 day; from date of sale, 10 per cent, of purrhase price will he refunded. Young Cattle -5 steers rising 3 years old• ranging in weight from 050 to 1.100 pounds, in good condition; 2 steers rising two year' odd, Polled Angus, about 1,800 pounds. Pigs --Brood eow, had 2 lit- ters, due to farrow February 21st; 10 shoats 8 months old. Sale will be conducted in- doors. Accommodation provided for horses. Should the day be stormy, stock will be cared for till weather is fit to remove them, Terms -Sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on bankable paper, or a discount of 8 per cent. per annum al- lowed for cash, W. H. LOBB, Proprietor; G. H. Elliott,‘ Auctioneer. 8084-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES - OR SALE. -EIGHT HEAD OF CATTLE, weighing about 800 pounds. Apply to WILLIAM 0BIKEN, IK lippen- Phone. 6-93. Heneall. 3084-1 WANTED. -AT ONCE, CAPABLE HOUSE - keeper. APply to C. H. REID, Bruce - field. 8088-2 IATANTED. --. A BARN, 40 FEET BY 60 feet; one 52x60. Write or phone 8-98, Hensell. WILLIAM GREEN, Kippen. 3084-2 rj OR SALE. -FIVE SCOTCH SHORTHORN bud Lw• from 8 to 14 months old. Apply to MELVIN CRICH, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 21-616, Clinton. 3084x1 TENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS FOR 16 cords of 16 -inch hardwood, maple and beech, for S. S. No. 9, Tuckersmith. Tenders to be In by January 22nd. W. S. BROA- FOOT. Secretary. 8083x2 T• ENDERS WANTED. -'TENDERS FOR 12 cords I4 -inch green body hardwood, fifty per cent. maple, delivered at S. S. No. 8, Tuckersmith. Tenders to be in by January 27th. 8, H. WHITMORE, Secretary, R. 1t. No, 8, Seaforth. 3083-2 WOOD FOR SALE. --WE CAN SUPPLY your orders for choice Green Body Wood, 90 per cent- maple. Also have a quantity of dry wood. different . grades. Apply to Jos. Storey, teamster, in town, or WM. M. SPROAT, Phone 136 r 2. 3083-1f SHORTHORN CALVES FOR SALE. -FOR sale, 4 Shorthorn bull calves, 11 to 16 months, 2 reds end 2 roans. These are from good milking strain. Apply to A. & J. BROADFOOT. Seaforth. or phone 81 on 150. 8075-tf 'ARMS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of thborne, Tuekeranith and Hibbert Good buildings and wen located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- ERON. Exeter, Oat. 3068.4f TRAM( FOR BALE. -FOR SALE LOT 80, 7th Concession, Hibbert Township. Bpfen- did improved 100 acre farm, best buildings in Perth County: well fenced and drained. Come to see growing crops. Apply R. 8. HAYS. SQ4forth. 3061-ef paws FOR SALE. -THE FARM I8 SIT- 'nated on the 10th Coneeaelon of Hallett, Lot 1 and East half Lot 2. containing 150 acme. There arra on the premises a seven - roomed frame hoarse and a large kitchen with a goal soft water cistern attached, also woodshed: reflex fall size of house and k � chem bank barn, 50x68: straw shed, 32x49: driving house, 20x40; a never failing drHled well with windmill and snooty tank with water through the stables ; also a never fall- ing spring well near the centre of the farm. Has all been seeded to grass. This farm is well fenced and well drained, with ten acres of bush; 5ii miles from two good shipping poln1a ; rural mail and phone: Por further particular apply on the premises or address THOMAS STAPLES, R. R. No. 1. Londe.- boro. 9079-tf McCallum Drain, McKillop Ase,esed ratepayers on McCallum Drain can pay their asseesmonta in cash to Township Treasurer up to Tuesday, January 25th, 1927. After said date neberrtures will be issued and sold for balance nnrsid. By order of Oouneil. F. J. MCQUALD, Reeve. 3084-1 Agricultural lime AND A. A. QUALITY FERTILIZER Finely pulverized Lime and Super Phosphate are preen to bye the best buy on the market for Your soil. They have shownIbkter results than higher priced fertilizers in 90 per cent. of tests made by Dept. of Ag- riculture in 24 counties over the past 6 years. This may be verified by writing for bulletins 321 and 313, but there is no test like a test in your own field under your own observa- tion. Our 1926 users are well satis- fied and are asking for more. I have Super Phosphate and Niagara Lime always on hand. Can also supply you with any grade of AA quality fertilizer. You may draw home on sleigh now or we deliver reasonably in the spring when you are busy. Service is our motto. Special prices to Farmers' Clubs and others in car lots. 'MO'VING PICTURES represent- ing epresenting Niagara Lime in process of man- ufacture and actual results will bo given for your benefit in Seaforth, Town Hall, February 1st; Brodhagen, Hall, February 2nd. Information cheerfully given. Or- ders lelndly solicited. Do not buy without giving us the "once over." Wm. M. Sproat • lay brain Tile Manufacturer R. 4 SEAFORTII Phone 186 r 2 = SPECIALS = $25.00 Overcoats for $1600 All Woollen Underwear 20 per cent. off Your Choice of Work Shirts, $1.25 Socks, 25c to 80c 20 per cent. off all Dress Shirts Big Reductions on all Men's Furnishings Just see what we mean about the Underwear proposition in any event. Cash only in these bargains Dress Well and Succeed R. E. BRIGHT, Seaforth. TAILORING AND HABERDASHERY GALVANIZED ROOFING Heavy galvanized roofing. Buy now save money. Write for free sample freight paid price. Send measurements estimate. HALLIDAY & CO., LTD.. P. 0. Box 198, Hamilton. 1084-2 and and for U. F. O. MEETING A special meeting of the Farmers' Club will be held in Carnegie Hall, on Friday, Janu- ary 28th. Mr\„Charles McCurdy, our chief ivesteck salesman in Toronto, will address the meeting. A Wheat pool for Ontario will be discussed; also some numbers of entertain- ment by club members wild be given. A11 are invited. 3084-2 JOE FORREST, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agri- cultural society will be held in the Oatmegie Library on Friday afternoon, January 21st, at half -past two o'clock aharp. Financial Re - Dort for 1926, election of Oifieers for. 1927, and other business. A full attendance of members and the genere3 public is specially requested. DR. F. HARBURN, President. 8088.2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon of Tuesday, the 25th day of January, 1927. AH accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Connell. Applications will be received at We meeting for the position of High Covetable GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, January 7, 1927. 8088-2 0000000000o0 0 o W. J. CLEARY 0 0 0 O Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Filneral Director, O O Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 O Equipment, O O Night and Day Service. O O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 O O W. T.BOX&CO. 0 O 0 O Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer. H. C. 1301 0 Beat Motor and Horse-drawn O equipment. O Charges moderate. O, Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O Nights Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 176. Phone 43. 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W. J. Walker & Son 0 o O O W. J. Walker, Funeral Di_ 0 O rector and Embalmer. O O B 0 Motor or Horse l,quiprnent. 0 O Cars or Flowers Tarnished 0 as requested. 0 O Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 4o***cy�*�� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son 0 0 Funeral Director and 0 O' Licensed Embalmer. 0 O Finest Motor and Horse- 0 O drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 0 residence, North Main Sreet. 0 O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 0 holstering neatly done. 0 0 Phones: 119 or 264 J. 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. H. McINNES Chiropractor Electricity Used of Wingham, will be at miOmerdal Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons A stmelite given for diseases of all kinds. 8054-tf FEMALE AGENTS WANTED Part or full time, appointing sub -agents Steady Income immured. Write immediately, THE SANTiLLA CO.. Dept_ 83. P. 0. Box 438. M.ntreal. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 JAMES WATSON SEAFORTH, ONT. GENERAL INSURANCE. AGENT representing only the host Can- adian, British a n d American Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including - FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- MOBiLE, TORNADO' AND PLATE GLASS RISKS. -Also-- REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT Representing "Huron and Erle" Mortgage Corporation, of London, Ontario. Prompt attention paid to placing risks and adjusting of claims. Business established 50 years, guaranteeing good service: OFFICE PHONE, 33. RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. A3o1it, Retry Itenteme. ittie6U, 1 On the Subject of Daly's Garage and Princess Theatre, Jan. 26 Programme f (FIRST DAY) 1.30-2 FILMS -Industrial uses of the Fordson. Demonstrating the Fordson. 2-2.30 FILMS -Profitable Farming. 2.30-3 TALK - Power Farming -its advan- tages and how it pays. 3-3.30 FILM - Solving the Problem 3-30-4 TALK - The Preparation of the Seed Bed and the Conservation of Soil Moisture, 4--4.30 FILM -Preparing the Seed Bed. 4.30--4,40 ANNOUNCEMENTS --Affecting Me- chanical Course neat day 4 40-5 FILM -Reclaiming the Sumas Prairie 35 Fordson tractors cultivate reclaimed lake bed near Chilli wack, B. C (SECOND DAT) Mechanical Course on the operation of Fordson tractors, agricultural im- plements and equipments.. No Charge for Admission ARRANGED BY THE POWER FARMING DIVISION OF FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED J- F. Daly, Ford Dealer Big Bargains Here CLEARING SALE Gloves and Mitts Trunks and Suit Cases Grips, Hat Bags, Horse Blankets, Etc. Read Heed Save Now, Listen, Folks! This isn't the bunk, but just a plain statement of facts. We are overstocked in the above Merchandise and have decided to clear it out, regardless of the cost. This is brand new, fresh stock, and with the following genuine price reductions, it should not be here long. Every Item Priced`Low for Quick Sale GLOVES AND MITTS Grab a pair or two at the prices: - Regular $2.90 for Regular $2.25 for Regular $2.00 for Regular $1.50 for See our Specials at 50c Pair $2.00 $1.69 $1.39 99c You have been thinking about that new Suit Case or Club Bag. Here's your chance :- Suit Cases, $1.50 for Suit Cases, $10.00 for Suit Cases, $7.00 for Club Bags, $12.00 for Club Bags, $0.50 for Worth While Savings Every young lady needs one of these New Hat Boxes. We bought too many for our Christmas trade - hence the low clearing prices. Hat Boxes, reg. $5 and $5.50, for $'425 99c $7.59 $p5.00 $8.00 $4.75 Just a few Trunks, and at these prices they won't be here long. Trunks, $10.00 for Trunks, $5.00 for $7.00 $5.00 We'll Make Your Dollar Look Big MEN! Don't overlook these Horse Blankets. Here's a stroke of luck for the horse. Now you can keep him warm with one of these Blankets at Dollars Less than the Regular Price. SALE PRICES --$2.25, $1.90, $2.90, $3.10 REGULAR PRICES -$3.00, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 BET'T'ER BUY A PAIR AT THESE PRICES To Avoid Disappointment We Advise You to Get Here Early. Broderick'sea e sa •5;