HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-01-21, Page 2'�17 1�, ','�,;�l ,'11'77-�17,­--­ "rr,7MW?R*r�r-,r­F-- '. ­ I � 1_11 ­� ­­­7.�­�,­,,,_ 7W7 7 Ir. F-11 � . _-� I , � � �- " � ,% ��:, �,� �,�-� �,�_W , - I - -Ir �11 I "T"�'--717,S-"�'AI'M,-.;,"17,1---�V��..- I PRIITKM�1_11��_ , -?F' , �T" � , . ��� 11 �� � , I I I I I , ,77-77, ' , �%", � � I . I - . , � � , , ". , ,,�, �� , � , �,: , & I I I I I ".1, � � � � , , I � �,��, , �,� : ,; . _41-- 1�4 11,� :,, II I , � ,,, , 1, � �, , ,, - ,, .,�:, �, , , , �, , , . I I ,� , I I'� I 1 1� , , , ,, �,�­��,,,�, ", � "I" !� ,, ��,�,, - " " � ��'�,W,,,,� , "" � r � I :, ,�_ "'�, IIMM,*,.�,,�,?Rr r') �,�,,�� , , � " , , ", �u� i, 1 �.11�114. . , , I � �! 1, �,W '­),� �., �, , A I i, �- 4 , ,%W4 k_ " J, � �,� . �,., N, I - . ' , _,;�, , , ,, , ;4"j" "I ", �i�V �, � �4,`,:�J�j,�,,'��­­ .- ",:�� V.;,,,�,­ ,�.!'.�, ., ,n, " , "6" � I. 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I - T�i'i��,,� 0,N,W,,,'f, NEI .,� 11111"', ,�­ If �11 � , , , "I ,,�'.,-,'� ., P , �; �A!.�', �, q.. , 'n, � �.' , , I , � , , ,,��,� 1, � ,, � ,,,�, , �,�­t, 1� 7, � . . ` :�: -­ 'AD RIP; ". , .. ,I , 1z,-., -1-1 I 1. . o eA,!�' ,,,, � ,.,'�� i,W , , 1i 011 4" � -11 �W. , �Mt ,�..; , , �11� " - . �34,,1�4 1. ,,,, - I'll ,N� �.�;�`,,,,,"',� '" :L, ,;,.�'�,�, �_`) .� ��-.��',�,,' � _ , .9,k � # - -.1 .--;-,, `�." ... , N *� " � 11. 1, . I I , .1 �qji � ��,� - ,", 4 , � :: ­ , I., , 1I.- � 4:1�0 1 , . ,�'y t, , I Mot '! M = I .1 :10, �­ I " � -&. §+,,-�- I , �.,��,, , . I, lw, - N , "I - , % %. 0, 411,14 I ., - � t I ,"� .. , 11_�_, , , or I - k �, ,; ? .1 t � b""t, . .1 W. J0 " ,Am '(� �1-1`i . I I I :. - . 14�1111 I "I . ,��! . :; ,�,� ., ,- . I "I �, , .. , 1. 1, - I . I �, . � 0*4110 � 44vontl ,, : I �, . � ", I I ­.. , ; ,. , Ofo - -,w ,.,­ I , " I ;, . �Pmy,o J411490WISt4rila "Al. breath, I. 11 . B 're­thq,�.l " ��!, I 1. . �, 'Wp, . I ,�, , �, � . I , 44 I sl . mip-ph�fttiasl`ti 'la,44v 0 Idt,_ . ! d �he 14k �-,4 �',,,% , ,�,U � .., , , 11 at :�'. , A, � � I , �, - , ,,,,, .:Um.Watchw-oid at tW,gates of tloatli,- � W :1111, *III,-) :. . -1 I �., I jl�,­ ,:. ��,% , I ' Me, %, N7 Zi - t" .. `� � I 11 , " I T m. # ..,a ou I 7A., ..", � I He 4ftters be�av4n by prayer, I zoosqpitoeo, � he.wgj, . � , 0s; . I ,.,�, ,:. � � �, I I I 11 � ' qu , Aer , . r', I . , '': , i,w I 1 4, �',q Ml,� .. ,�,­ I , . ittles was .1 . 41, - ) J, 1�e . . � a (a 4:. , " � : od, .� of being eaten i � � I I I - , It . ne Life, the Truth, the Wayl . biter being blt,,f olp -x4e 9?4,W -a U,W,.,Q.uo � 10 , , 4� Thov'by whom we'come to G ��, wfie",* "o , I . , , a " 1, , . 11 ,- - L ,,, . � 'wo Z ",.,a �) :, % IT age %,"W" dn' V 0 It, - , . I I I _", , ,�., .: I , - The path of prayer ThNelf bast trod, , ;� --mal' Mat caum W-;hP,j-v ,,,, " �0 I &i.;_ - I � vhich, .war — � � I ducing ow -T, N aw Loat'00. 004a Lord, teach us how to pray. I %%shop:hf _�k'", a . . q . , ' of th and'prA)o .1 . - 1 7 "IM, Montgomery. - ., � .. �Iry I Im'-- � - -by # .6da 1 � � :, ruizk­ in baldiof, w14 , iai: r1A p thair* fl -rot fresh meat1 , - 040 ,-V44 . Every housewif* WL9%ii*'�*Ai iftr,* �4'a cc , . . 0, mAvs hor Orodu I _ 02V I I ., I ­ w h.— . . I They travelled 11--�Ilm _�4.9 �1_1_1_ �11_ �� I.. I 11 , . � , � ­ I ,,,, 11 cx�, ,1$,��i,r�,��,,�,��"'�;,�,�"?,.,;�,�..-���,-:'�,!�l�4,%,,,�,i,1,9;;".,.,� — . , " � ',.� ,�'.� :'�6�",",,�"? �,�,'k'��,�,�'�.�', � 3 "; ' _�,� �11 ,�� , , I . -, :,� " I I - 1. I '.,,i,��.,! I , � I , , , i; , " �, I I I �,-� I I - ,t , , 1. " I � � , � , , ", � , t - � :,� � -,,,, , . � .,A, " I I �,.,;� I �i� , �11 11�1'4,�� -�_N_ . 1'� 11 A` -1i * " �'­111'1. - i . "" 1� , �', -­.i�',.r' . I — �,i . �_. jk�'� , , , I , , A , �'- , - -, , " � - , ­,q,�-Ir , 15 � �� '11, pi*, "I _­,-­. 1 tt c od v,bk ... — �W-A. ��_, c JrUA 1 motli. !L.�­ I -1 ,_ . . . found, a b put* "su 04W - Twty- lAmf in a W3 ­ ' foot, fighting the4r,way.,'*i6-0gJ;i,�4o "I 1�. I cian Of Io own 4# �qing.­&j� 11 %ther in Heiv�p, as Thy Son, re, , , - �)�u,b 1� I . � , 1. Our Fi and treesi, wading, oan �61#j;� i-.��7`,',on ... "I I � i , I . P� . "" ..:�, "I 1. ., e 0 � I . . ... . 1. �.. h ,`,�y Kirs horsqbipk. :1, ­ )))) I—, "., - � , " our Saviour drew frpm qommugd9.0 , I'l t.� ��Ii'�,. OF6 1 , . They found at one �pa# bp � . . . . r . r Al? with Thee wisdom and strength for - � .'�, I . i��ful , I . 1, I 1 6, " , . 11 . � ,,�0 I ,I a . 01 His great work, grant unto us Thy 1: ,. � scenery, and on most",of the 16 , , I . 9 a�� * urile I 1. . 'MIX, �,� " I '� , ..... . . . . . , .. f p I .�­�.-��; ..* , _; '. - , .". 0.1 . .� . # erring children, the wisd . om we s !, � 11 wonderful masqes o , Moua cdlo= I . . . � . . I , . ..; .. 1�i I" I .d .'" I I rits and flowV . � . - � . I , - .. . ,,� . a, 0 � .. pla . s, tritailot once did . . .11 . F�C�,� much need, the powerto -discern Thy . . 1, 1. I 11 ".. �;. After txte-aivc experimenting and the luounation . they pause to 'admire. "Alwayo the I. I .r 11� . .. PJAST Y of the most modern Baking Equipment. we me leading, and the strength to obey I I . � I 19, , L= .."YLIMI, .� . �, .., ,. ,4 - . ­ . I I "I ,.1 . �!: �,,!. I . now offer to the public ou now "T48W I I Thee, so that we may become more . mosquitoes drove !them' on. . � ; , 51,:,� 1. fidcnt that you will be ploo3ed and taLatemia , and more -like Him whose example , . They managed, W*ever, to, baittle Pn , .0.�� -.1 I ,..!._;. t difference. with the pest with sufficierit success � I ., %, I �' 't.: .� �'- We ask you to try a loaf today and be convineed— [a we would follow; and this we ask for . Se SureYW Get The Genuine to gather 260 specimens of flowers on %AL I � / , !1.1-, IT'S WRA,PPED. giving you full protection. ._......."��, .1 BREAD "0 His dear s4ke. Amen. GILLETT'S FLAKE LYE the banks of the Rat river. , , OP � .. , � X�A � I , I ?5 .�, . 1. I — 4, 1 1 1,1._�. 71-1 "I — — S. S. LESSON FOR JANUARV 23rd Many of the flowers," said Miss OR'your convenience, all Prov�nce: , ,, I �i. ,_., . 1, 7: I 1. FuU - I I Rogers to a Daily Express represen- Savings Office �; '" . .. I says and Girls co Fof ,Ontario 1� , , ! �, � I welot Lesson Title—Prayer � in the Chris- _____ - - __ tative, "were familiar specimens seen I . ,I 11 ", � Get a Domino Store Cut -Out game FREE rN tian Life. branches are open until 5 p.m,,daily 1, I . ,,, . 1. I by saving nix"Ta5ty" Broad =appem in England, Switzerland, the Tyrol, or TORONTO BRANCHES: I 2" . I Take them to the nearest Dominion Loaf Lesson Passages—Mark 1:35; 14: prayer; but the greatest of these, is Norway, but many were altogether Cor. Bay .,& Adelaide except, Saturday. ,". . , � ­', . I Store and e=change them N prayer. (St. Bernard), new to its. Sts.; 549 Danforth Ave�; & ", , � ;', ,!­ 1. Sealed—A3 it leaves the wiren. 32-36. Matt. 6:9-13. The proud prayer has no wings for "We dried the flowers and mounted 4 Car. Univelraity ana I Mosi branches are open Saturday 11�, I.. / � . 11.1. . Golden Text—Matt, 7:7. it has no conscious need. (TR-66as them on white paper, and brought , Dundlas St. afternoon and evening. . *1. �; el them home strapped between wo OTHER BRANCHES AT: �, I 11 I &% IV Tho-ps— elD 0 Yates). I on e r, Brantford, . �. . . ,oden Ay .4�1 1 0 The first passage selected f rises from his knees a be In addition to absolute safety for , � ...V.,, . I RAMINS 9"diess Awns- 23 or this Who tter boards. . Hamfltort, Newmarket, , , . , �� I I 0M. "M study of prayer deals with Jesus' man his,.,prayer is answered. (Rich- "The collection of flowers, however, � Ottawa, Owen . Sound, your funds here, think of the price- .... I 15 oz. Dellmeaft 2 v&t& 2!;'c D-- A vh�a- 2 habit of prayer in Gethsemane, and ard Fenrill). was only a sidetrack. We went Pembroke, Seaforth, St. less convenience of the extra business 11 I'll ..., - .; .. I I 0 sceffle" so-"— the third with the things He has mirely for a pleasure trip and,from C.thoriia.a, St. Matry's hours. � a �,, taught us to nrav for 0 love of e 1 -ratio- W.Hieft.., W.od.i;�w - " I 1 I Ftnest ... ",;.I. . �.; i'I61104 cc lbs. 25c ,,,, !, 4mto �, :. . ..''. Canada Corn :aec . " ", ,&.. k I.- Starch , . I', �. Free nunigzM Ile I SAt Pka. I _ - , ., :, - .11 - 1! Camp , ,.� Ciar.e. FA.Ce ZITC . Boyame Isarue" . . —11 . I — 25C Jesus was God incarnate. We can- . "We had all that we wanted, We Pears I,." not forget that. Yet in honoring His BRITISH AR,MY WAS DRUNK AT Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, Manager I V ­p set off well equipfped with veils, put- Hum -5 9.30 a.m. to s p.m. Saturday 9.30 a.m to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. to 9.30 pA3w ,. Lyft's Goldem � divinity we are prone to forget that MERCY OF ENEMY TROOPS tees, gauntlet ,gloves, and elastic . syrup It., 250 He chose to empty Himself of His wristbands, cheerfully anticipating the . I , divinity and to live on earth the life The story of 'an English army, an worst, The veils simply saved our - I '. . � lia I Magic Laa2 3 DORM needed and army commanded by Wellington, too, lives. The mosquitoes were as big as I maechas 270 - rZ loved prayer; He drew from corn- that was entirely at the mercy of a houseflies, and they came at us fero- , I . DIAMOND munion with His Father knowledge French army because the men had ciously in swarms. I . . PROVINCE OF f, / INGS OFFICE Tellet Flush 33'" of the Father's will, and the wonder- drunk wine to which they were unac- "Most of the days we walked in I MIA ' I .111, F ... B -.h is ful strength that kept him calm and customed is told in Lady Augusta's blazing sunshine and at night we, MERYD1600SIrGUIVA I � I I "I ,,, . serene and sure amid all the per- Fane's livelX - reminiscences, � "Chit- slept in a perqsbing Arctic cold. I .. ­ -, - Bremd plexities -that assailed Him an8 the Chat." Lady Augusta's father was "The worst moment of the day I 0 1 T F-yer .r.te CATSUP zi'=011 was HE��D OFFICE 15QuEE14S PARK 1.11 �, Z FS — _iTl danger that threatened. with Wellington in Spain, in 1810, when stepping out of the tent in the ROELIS . i a c "Do we wonder that He should and she says: early morning to face the mosquitoes '.., :� 4 SCArrtWQ 0r&12iI58 4 Ub 61C I U)eavls Ma'aft pkga- as r" --- — _____ --.-----------, �111 Marmalade "-' eed to pray? Remember the ten- "He had the good fortune never to once again.' V .— n � : � � 4 1 for all 7 dency of life, the tendency of ever' be wounded. On one occasion the - - She described the bride's white bracts which enclose them. These � .:,� Lima Be waslang 41EC rk9. d - satilk gown, the veil, the sldppers, banging, in a pendant manner from, _. I cau"-018 'ass Z Ms. 2,51� 1 More the best life to run down. Nobody Fnglish army was encamped for the .. 1.� . knew this as well as Jesus did. See the flbw,ers and everything. the stems, resemble ." i night Spanish wine distil- Chinese larrt� ,.,�'. what He said about it. See chiefly leries. The Spaniards came after dark GAINED 10 POUNDS - "And what did the bridegroom erns in miniature. When cut andi .1. I il e : . what He did about it. He did not and sold their new and heady wines IN 22 DAYS wear", asked the friend. dried the stems may be arranged by, _ pray just to set an example. He liv- w the. British 'Tommy.' In the morn- " ., . — Wdll, do you know that good for themselves, or to equally great effect 0�1 __ ed the life of Prayer because for him ing the whole army was drunk. Ima- That's going some—but skinn not er subjects. When arranged ,0�. - __ - y hing nigger never showed up at with oth .1. .1 .� . ;' it was worth living. gine the consternation of the officers, men, women and children just can't �11," was the astonishing reply. with pussy willows in early Spring fi ,� . and the fury of'the Duke of Wglling- help putting on good healthy flesh the combination is charming. This .11 (W. F. McDowell.) 11,� ton—the French army being only a when they take McCoy's Cod Liver The aviator's wife was taking her as an instance. . -;.�� .0 � It is with reverence that we ap- few m1l,es away. Fortunately, -aerG- Extract Tablets. first trip with her husband. The Chinese Lantern Plant is " .. 0 n proach the scene in Gethsemane. The planes and tel( -phones were unknown, Chock full of vitamines—the kind "Wait a moment, George," she said. botanically P*salis. It may be I �) 'I I "". . - P k Son of God was nearing the end of ,o the only thing to do was to count that are extracted from the livers of "I'm afraid we'll have to go down sown during May, and later trans- . , , .I". 31 . His earthly mission, and His enemies on good luck and bad,es,pionage, let the cod—the kind that are a real help again.,, I planted where to flower. It is a 51, �, 1 4 C_. a- n were about to wreak all their hat- the men sleep off the effects of their to frail, rundown, aneamic, skinny "What's wrong?" asked the hus.- plant which spreads considerably, , I.., � __ _- .1. I 0 _4_ e '.., red and vengeance upon His head. lib,,itions, and march away the fol- men and women. band. therefore take the precaution to keep , t" __�Ir 4 It was for this that He had "stead- - Try these sugar coated "I believed I've dropped one of the it within bounds. On account of this �. .. lowing n�ght, h�)ping that the French tasteless � I I " , _ 01 VAZ�j - , ., t�: ! ro( appear.' tablets for 30 days --if they don't I'' J4 q . I . , I fastly set His face to go t J pearl buttons of my jacket. I think proclivity the wild garden is ka good Cc, I., I'll, ti I . I..; � �1 k.jp %__9 '52i- - Augii.,�ta say-, that from all help greatly get your money back. _!", . t5zt. � . � . .1, .. ;`,�- -lu"T I lem." But as the hour ap4"proearcuhed I -I' '- hf r lold her qhp was convinced One woman gained ten pounds in I can see it glistening on the ground." place for it. .- I . .,; :. I I thAt. was to crown His life with sac- I - . �­ "Keep your seat, my dear," said Xerantheinum. — These beautiful P' - ?, &Y 't , 4� �: .�I,i I I ),_� rifice, "He began to be sore amazed tha there was no ball the night be- twenty -:two days. Six+,y tablets, sixty the aviator, "that's a lake," everlasting flowers in their colors of ,� ,� I " ,� I . L_ UZ7_,1%,4::,9 ? and to be very heavy." He cravedilf' ,­ Es(ttle of Waterloo, "The cents. Ask any druggist for McCoy's white rose and purple are valued for 1: - ,.f�,,- ­ the border as well as for cutting and .,�. ___ I - _�'--'h troops were stntioned in num- Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Direc- -.410. ,.,. . . . . . . . . . human support, and sympathy even . .. 1, . erou,; villages.. oi—id4, Brussels, and tions and formula on each box. s and in- - while withdrawing to face the crisis "Get McCoy's the .,origirral and drying for Winter bouqueL �. if \, , door decorative schemes. The seeds v alone. Human support failed, but no one could tell where. Napoleon EVERLASTING AND DRIED - ',�, � should be sown dpring May outside !, , A _11L from would make his fir�l altsick. The Duke genuine." . FLOWERS It, X � comfort and strength came - � Vw�- It T - IM . 91 Heaven and Christ came forth from of Wellington was far too stern a - � preferably in masses. Later the 6"; - I , digciplinar�ian to allow his officers to -S W I&I AIV � ILP M`% 1 " the struggle victorious, nor could all Whart would you give to hiive a seedlings should be thinned out & �Z,i. - the suffering and ignominy tbar, be dancing at a ball on the eve of a V DINNER STORIES number of vases filled with flowers few inches apart. "" _ �,!,.. Le 4- TP -1, U I followed move Him from His calm big battle—a I)at'tl,- of such vast im- and placed throughout your roorns Ornamental Qrasses. N�',', 'a, a_zol/ L .eM6 I portance, which, if won, meant the I �,V!��, L confidence. We, being only human, . during Winter? Flowers that last, , The culture of namental Grassed I ... 'I end of the twenty-five years' struggle P-61 �� I ,-,,.: i can discern but dimly .the meaning of for victory over the French. " It is the custom of a certain West- which do not require any attention has not received much attention id ;� ;, 11 a Gethsemane, but this we know, in the ern magistrate, after having passed and remain beautiful even without Canada, and yet among them may bd 11 �, � � � 1?�".�. hour of His deepest need Christ pray- -0 ould you give a dollar? found many kinds which are not only ;�,,;,;� - entence upon the culprits convicted waterl W 11�-� These letters, properly rearranged I ed, and in praying triumphed. � n his court, to give them more or You may have them for considerably very beautiful in the garden, but �; speB the name of a late famous , I I -iier. "As He was praying in a certain All the Family Uses less wise advice. less, because the seeds of most kinds when cut and dried are excellent for -1 ... I. Canadian pren place, when He ceased, one of His. On one occasion, having before him can be purchased at thn cents a Winter decoration in the hame. . , , I 2, Can you guess what his name was? I disciples said unto Him, "Lord � ach Them With Satisfaction is person convicted of theft, he start� packet. The writer refers to flowers When used in conjunction with suelt ; lk�,. If you are clever enough to solve this fascinating, but simple us to pray." Cam we wonder. t,,t the SO SAYS MRS. H. C. DEAMOND OF of the everlasting kind, some of subjects as mentioned under the " ed thus: i, I problem, you stand a chance of becoming the owner of a disciples looking upon Jesus as Ve� DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. "If you want to succeed in this which are known as straw flowers heading of "Everlasting and Dried ... I .... d by th46 French Immortelks. Flowers" to lighten any arrange- ,. —AT NO COST' 1*0 YOU presence of the, an . , valuable and highly profitable lot world you must keep straight. Now, ,� I WILATEVER—situated in the valuable oll producing district Father, should ,liong for the secret 3f Nova Scotia Lady Used Them For The best everlasting are Hell- merit in which they may be employ - .t., �� . ,do you understand?" ... �, M I I of the Province of Alberta. the strength and serenity that envel- Headaches, Pains in the Back and "Well, not quite," replied the pris- cbrysum, Acroclinium, Rhodanthe, ed, -they serve their purpose in thei '11�,..,'. ped Him, and so should make their Urinary' Troubles. Statice and Xeranthernums which are fullest way. . I", All you have to do to stand a chance of becoming the owner oner, "but if your honor will kindly ty or Lunaria The Quaking Grass, Briza gracilig I i TXi,, tell nve how a man is to keep , of this valuable leasehold property is to send us your solution request that He should teach them to SS In rnrner, N. S., January 17. true flowers.and Hones ., — I ): "I have used Dodd's and - ,� I 0 Chinese Lantern or Winter is as the name implies a very de .,�. of this problem. If you are declared the winner, you will pray; ( -ying to make IF straight when he i� ti licately beautiful subject. Light and "I receive a certificate of Ownership from a well -known Canadian -We can put together what He Kidney Pills for over nine years and m Cherry. I 11�,: trust company. taught them. In the first place the found them very good for headaches both ends meet, I ght." Helichrysum.—This annual plant graceful it lends itself to almost any - wn in 'hen used W 'Kh, This Is an opportunity you sbould not neglect. This evening, thing must be rea� and individual— and pains in the back," writes Mrs. may be raised from seeds so - schenie, and is superb w , ..?"... or right now, work out the solution of this puzzle and send i the first requirement always with Desmond, -who resides at this'place. I It was a lurid British melo- doors during March or April, or be the smaller vases as for instance for ,.�. us your answer. Jesus. The public prayer of osten- "My husband has used them for sown directly where to flower during an ordinary living -room table and 1.11.�. ning; it is rheumatism and I have also given drama, and one of the characters, a May, the seedlings being later where it can readily be seen. Its .1 tation is out of the recko ;1 " I I son. thinned Out to about six inches apart. stems are so delicate and thread- .., ___ — —USE THIS COUPON ---- 1, nothing. Jesus chooses the quiet and th.pm to tb(, (-hildren on several occas- king, was haranguing his . _. � � "Come," said the king, "Wt us ib e , . I . solitary place for His intercourse with ions, and nni glad to say they have 90 The colors of the flowers are various like that they are hardly vim I � ... . i ted I I His Father. The real prayer is to the given great %atisfaebion in the case into the 'ouse." and include silver, purple and crim- even at short distances, the beadl; ..�. Century Oil and Land Go. Lim � -I ry "Did you hear that?" said a man if cut just before they mature appearing to be suspended in air. I,, I t ;, Father in secret. son. , 1 190 St. James Street, 'Montreal And it will be of involun', urination. T wouli 1, earnest beyond what most of us think. not be without them. I have also in the stalls to his companion. "He the flowers keep better. Th- plant is an annual and should be - , � I ,�� I MV SOLUT10,4 is ......... � .................................. The importunate widow, and the used your Diamond Dinner Pills and said 'ouse." I Acroclinium.—A splendid annual sov­i outdoors in Spring. ..., "., ellent." Overhearing the remark and ftx- everlasting. May be raised 'from Eragrostis ebegans, .the "Love , ;1, . , friend at midnight are His types of found them exe " I I insistent and incessant earnestness. All over ranada, Dodd'% Kidney ing the interrupter with his eye, the seeds as advised for HeUchrysum. Grass," is another beautiful subject. . , 11 MY NAME ............................ � ...................... ; -dzed a, "Yus, I said 'ouse! Possessing ...... 1.1: Do you, He ask,.;, pray with anything Pill-, are rerngi s suffering wo- king advanced: fairly long stems the Useful for �he, same purposes as the . � .. . 1:1. v DRESS ......... I .................... ................ . like their determination to be heard? men's btst friend. They act directly Do you think as low a king would live Acroclinium. lends itself to many Quake Grdss. Especially usefuL 111'1,1�1, g in apartments?" forms of decoration. however, in small bouquets. Being ��., I The knock at the door and the plead- on t:hp kidnr.\18, making them stron ,- � I � , �� ,1- ........ � ....................... ...... I .............. I—— I -tie —This annual flowering an annual -it may, be sown at the a - ing voice continue u il the request and healthy. Diseased kidneys arr� - Rhodanthe. I .44, is granted—in each case by a reluct- the cause of nine -tenths of &Ill ills plant may be bad in many shades. same time as the preceding. 1, �� 1". - --- _. - -1 � � I - Sound kidneys Col. Those of rose and white are espe- Hordeum jubatum, the Squirrel's I - — ---- #`�X�,,,,.�?-r_ I . ant gi 6.1 MSRZZ_.� �_7_7_;.:_ii� �__=_�Nl ver. But God is not reluctant, wompn Rrp h�,Jr to The wife and daughter of . I i;.� . �­ _ ___ Jesus says, though God, too, will mean pure Nood. Nre blood means Berry, camp commander, came to cially attractive. It may be raised Tall, and Lagurus ovatus, the . I... choose His own time to answer (Luke �ood �k-alth. the stage after taps arid demanded in the same way, and at -the times Hare's Tail, are also worthy of 'cul - .0", . . .., - , ') admission. The sentry objected. mentioned for the foregoing. Not ture. .. - , ,;� 18:7). It does not mean the mechan- �— ---O. , :�"��: ical -reiteration of the heatherl—not - "But, my dear man, you don't un- only it is desirable as a dried flower, Eulalia Zebrina, a perennial grass, , :. ­ _______ --.------- __ ! - �. 14 ", ] m , ".:? � �.' I'll., 1. I., � ,.o , ,,.� I ­. I � - �0 I V 4-11 , 1,11, I 01 I E41 0 - ,'; ,,� at all, that is not the business of MOSQ17lT0E3--M1G_AS HOUSE 1.derstand," expostulated the older but for e annual border. has stem -s alternately barred with � � �. , �� � I I, ,,,.�i� praying; but the steady earnest con- woman. "We are the Berrya.11 Statice or Sea Lavender.—The flow- green and yellowish white, and is ... � ... ;,.. I V; . centration on the purpos,e, with the PLIES "I don't care if you are the cat's erq of this plant are often dried very striking. It is a great subject . 1, , , �,,,, ut and wed in bouquets and for planting near fountains or pools, . �� I , X..;.., . I deeper and deeper clarification of the whiskers," retorted the sentry. -you 'when e- ll , 1, , . , , 11 �� I, I- thought as we press home into God's Two Engli,;hwomen have just re- can't get in at this hour." urposes during but not in swamp grofnd. Its , � - , 6 1 _:` A Sq,raange Foster -Father For Rabbits pr"en is turned from a summer trip up the Winter. The plant in question is an long, s;ender stems hearing hn* 1. 4. 1,"", ce until we get there. It I . � ,�:i Rat River, in Alaska, bringing with annual and is equally valuable for and graceful leaves and flower . �, , , not idly that praYeT has been called I I -j�:�", , them some qpeeim,enS of,rare Arctic the border. The colors are blue, beads are well adapted to associate . I — - W-, "the great,eqt ta.ctk of the Christian I - : I � *� ; ., : �1. flowers for Kow Gardens, London, and A city couple on a drive through yellow, white and soft rose. with the heavier dried floweis I #40k�, i _110,101, man-, it will not be an easy thing#" the country in the late autumn pull- Honesty�W`hile it is true that or stems containing frults, such 5140i!_ , � / a memory or mosquitoes tha,t it will I `11% , I it will not be' an easy thing, but a -r to dim. ed up beside a small orchard and ,,,, 'the Aselepins or Milkweed, �"i '. , 11 r�., - c the onesty" is not valued for its flow- as , , , - ,_ I - . strenuous (Glover). , ,� I ,�*�, *' 'r �, � 'R'�,"­' . gr . ., Miss helped theuselves to apples in large _0 -, , f,�,, Miss ClqrR C. Rojers and era, but for its seed vessels, It is which is so often dried and used for , ," ,,, .� '. ", ;, ".. � I r what are we to pray? "Filial " �+, Fo W A.�,:�.,,; . U . . Gwen Dorrinn-Smith travel fo-r en- quantities. Their consciences bother- equally true that when the stems Winter embellishment. The Eulalla I , , . acknowledgment of the Fatherhood of I .4 possessing these are dried they are is a perennial, and should not be ex- ,�'a 1 joyment in places that most people Ing them somewhat, however, they I I ,­­­ � _.�, , " , , 1. God is the origin of true prayer; our think .are only there to be avoided. stopped iTr front of the farmhouse, attractive and desirable for Winter peeted to produce stems for cuttinle . ; ,,,�,-,.2. � .. " 11 - ... :,I first and supreme desire should be - and which adjoined the orchard and e decoration&. The Common Honesty until .,the second year. It is best td �� ;',.,;. ',, 4 ;�, Last ye.jr they travelled in Serbia Su- I l '. , that God'e name be ke-ptholy. Si'nce . ..4.1." I .1 .., � : that trip, ed to the farmer who was on 'the or Lunariae grow to a height of per- sow the seeds of this subject during ',,�, .11 - I I "I across Albania, and from ' I � .__ III.` God's supreme purpose 1s,to, reign in , 4�6.­,­, 1 .. too, they brought rare flowers back front Porch- haps two feet and are hiennial. They May, and to plant permanently the ;� ,,*,�,��. ,� human bearts, therefore, we must -It "We helped ourselves to your ap- 11.1 �R, q-10 �;,. ` ;, - � may be sown outdoors during May following year. 4 ,� pray for the caming of thia reign. — — "Just thought - � � _V , � !-- ples", said the woman. that the will of God may operate here ----- — --"----.-- , , and later rthe seedlings .should be The stems of the various grassw . :, �. , " Mv , Z - W­��-,­ w6ld tell ymll .'.. : ' I ever as it does In the bigher world. I . 1104h, that's all right," said the thinned. . with their leaves and flo*eT beaft 0 �,�- "Jesus, whHe teaching men to seek Chinese tantoft,—This plant is a should not be allowed to matmv be. �_ ,�Z.�,,4,,��, , . & NAMM: farmer. "I helped myself to your erennial which 'is valued, for its) fore cutting, but rather be cut 'in it x,4,g,�� ... '_V4"'- . ., �,vv,-,,. �1 firat the Ringdom of God, teaches al- tools when you were in the orchat-V 'orange scarlet fruits much like fairby young state, arid.if carefully -, Aoe�l so that tke simplest neees,sities of life I ­�_.' ­ q�, - r4�iwl . J , : , - '.. , : : are to be ;expected from %e Fathees - cherries and this oriiinge scarlet dried they will last a 16,ng time. . i,.-- ! r� , g", 7 _ I .'11.11 ....... - .11 5"", � . ! F/F; 'm , Yl�!'�'�,'W "y : 1. ffl&rm 0, � hand, An 1rishman who W lint arrived . . - � wm, . I . . , '�,, f I . i . , , / I . �� "Confession and a plea for forgive I in New York- was tildns his first �� ___1 _____ __ I— . . " ,.,, " 1 6 , , .� ." , "I " - 4 . . I . walk under eaeort of his- btother, who - 0 ,� . I �_ I ".5 111 -, I'll �,V­,�­­ .1"'. , =�.___ � I .1 ,. . — - lleas wl 11 form Va7t of our prayer, "d I . I I , . . . . . . I -11-1- 11 11 . 1. .� M41,"I"., a, � �­5��,,,� ,, I � herd sevietal years. � - , 1,�,.Z(,� :,"14, �!.'- � _r Vre 11tuat prepare for prayer by freely I . , . ��-., ,e�,4"..;, , V, 11 I had been living: t ,,, L , ilel,�,�,,', 1 * * In � �'4.�,,�,' 1 ,, , r otger..� The babr rabbita, wete tufa0d out into ! I , ,"'P.,", , ij,'�n - �'y "09 �.&! -y' have of- Th fhe windovi of a shop 4he saw a �� � , ­ __ - Par6ni g thone who ma I -4fK--� "k� �. * , qw, m � , #orld by their mot and gtost mound I I � 1, r,?", - " 'L fh ' we� by I 11 "I Vie �11e% �Aar U6. , tended t1b, Mnally� vr6 twort asik to cif beab etanborAea. , W, 1i i"', 1 �J . =. I "What Aio "', il' RAWO Vdwall - h , .bot h 4aked. : I 0 I , "O.' . bo Upt from temptatift std,to be thimIll he 1111�'­ � "'i" ' "" I "Tkith "it ctdhbeir6os," sald 19s . , ,�-�, .. 0ogd"Ldf them res boset . I I'll % "" S'h�p f* ]�% Waf ft oft ptifti an_(I otily 004,1§ 'fift I ,� 11:;1,F1 mnerlmr 4 *90 alad W 41WO fftlli e191, I tot an it , d 'Cat I . , ,� L. �'�","'.'; j:. , 1014c in c dt'hoWinto I Ittothift. � I V - � , er 61 .bi .. , kfoft, 1%11110 "'.949, na , 0 N1 . , , . z�,,,,,0 , 110pe I .00-, M. lug.—Motilglasred from trdcle hq, . I At6 they fit to eat?" r6peaW his I � - I �,.V, a I I � ,k6f - V� I I 1��, I!, L (�A W We sun smd . I&L"110n), .L � .''. broi%&. ,fMhy, VIft fldrA ,eftilbor I "i;iiW mom I L ,�'% , ,grid - , .. I Ae# U tiftw6d - r , �, �1.111'11, tit, I & L :, 0- �,�� ,L;�'�j!y 11 XV;1010' Ift1b - -W "' r ,W Chaft F1% E' 4 " �� �L t t I,- ' � � 'L "� .1 I 'r � ' - . � A*.6".A10 , . . . ' '�,;Xil ­ 6 I I - , 11 . "'' '', , , t, . , " - ' ' I ,, i 0 �� , �L, � I . 11 . ple omea +him 1=961264411)6'�to . =* i" I 'AW"T',i, d,##*y*&ft - 11� � 1� 11. � - I I 11 a NIX 11 ,� ' ',�:'�6 � Tffatrao" ,014 vu.ift -011, , � " I , * r, Ulu d ( F.., . .. . , Liml I rrr I I'm I 1, L , - , 11 1�i 1$46't I I. ­ , . ,� IL­11�.11 2" - I I rl� '�' ." '-'�' .V L �,:5",_, tj�,.gf:, � - , , I I � I I - 1.11 141811 I " L I � ;�.14 - ,% '�, 1 L ;j' 4q�, �4 � . ­,;': _77� —., ' ;T-, ­�� .- - —1 — . ., I ____ I C�CH, -'.-.k [�') � �+ . - - , . 1. ' - ­ -' WeWivlo! .1 ."Ifi , ; X - _= -7-1 1 �1 L . I " ." �� � �L�_� , , . I OA I "1111640 , . �:: , , . . �L' L ... - �'". 0,04 1 lit I �V� ". fika ir 1 6 I ... . ' ftift 11106% W - 11-71, F -I . o. . '? �: , '. ­:, 17 �' '' Z, � �12i ' .I"? I . � — , . . ,L ,,, " - ,. - �, , , I I ;1 . , . � , ;,I ,1 ,,; ,4 ��v%"% I i I � I 1 , , , - 1 � . �, -f� � , 't, , ,­,�,NrLPN, .""', , , I , �� :f" �� ,� , � �":�� I, L ".. L 4 . 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