HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-01-14, Page 5'0 O� A K 7. 0 OPM Z#xx, A g �-Xpolasses A 7 "171 7 A laxge, the N"'O I 0"'g% ��M Q V.,;Q % 'V. so A q� 01'* 0,10 6, 'Tt, S66 009'-] an 4OU04 to, 'P, IN -00, P Notbi ,��A Whi* Aout 'f the do Z. tip 7?uag. J?eop�e, of !9_41qmPalm : . Aho igimounding district were, iuvit- .110torl and- W.1100 0.4d. jpuittl� 0 4 Mr. Campbell BY". took place Q� BI street, 900444"'i'. 0 Pax$ or, vow iThursday night of last week, an4 VM 1110. lueblei; vide M � Ru ;4;=77 W46 enjoyed by all present. -Mr. W. ....... 0 Tlw� �Grqen, who unfortunately 'lost his, Z eTOTM pmnKeUS2 Wrge olmes' 'residence Gode# barn by fire 6n Monday III �r&at West; Chas. Ight, last or pair ............ J" lias the sincere Sympathy, qf T4 all I'An6n,. 15e, 19c and 15c sidence, North,X�,giu Sre4 0 d, lij -whole community-NMUst t,h4).. eari Al FloWerii furw$114. on short <> ar� still running, we are at present 139YS' Sweaters, all xv ol of Up- 1;> THE JOHN'RANKIN si.19 <> notice. All for ... 0 holstering neatly done. enjoying good sleighing.' P 0, AGENCY Men's sw� 'all W-001 $ Phones; 119 or 254 J. DAys Gula'ge ind lill for ................ ...... 0 Insurance.of all kinds. <> 0, 0 0 <> <> 0 0 0 �0 Ladies, Hose, an assortm. nt to 79c Bonds, Real Estate BIRTHS choose from ......... [osvitai 'PrintsNand Ginghams Money to Loan Blasonnette.-In Seaf<wbh Memorial I: Ise Frog, romm., 0:, �k, on January Ilth, to Mr. and Mrs. R. N. to clear at 4 ......... �Iasonmette, a son. 0 SEAFOR-TH, ONTARIO (MST DAY] Visit Our Remnant Counter Phone 91 01 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 1.30-2 DEATHS SOME REAL BARGAINS HERE- 0 Funeral Director and 0 FILMS -Industrial usesof theFordson. Demonstrating the Fordson, Howard. Entered into rest, Satur&y, Janu- �0 Licensed Embalmer. <> 2-2.30 h"i- I, c, kv # 0�.A A ary lst� L927, Annie E., beloved wife of the H. C. BOX Rev W. A. Howaxd. Beaubarnois, Quebec. HOF. BERRO vi, BRUCEFIELD 0 JAMES WATSON FILMS -Profitable Farming. WcA&ter.-In ivictoria Hospita-1, London, on Best Motor and Horsg,-drawn 440*. December 26th, 1926, William McAllister, Phones: - SEAFORTH,ONT. 2.30-3 FILM -Red In aced 64 years. 168-23, Clinton. 142-23, Seaforth. equipment. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT TALK - Power Farming -its xdvan- 36 F Charges moderate. representing only the best Can- tages and how it pays. <> Flowers furnished on short Week, B. C d American 3-3.30 IN mmunuIAM adian, British a i X, I IM do N fog W10 �St or, �9; ILI .0 Nights Calls Day Calls 0 Companies. All kinds of insurance effected Note.-Uems -under this bond will be charg- --ed 60 cents per single veme and 25 cents for *aah additional verse. at the lowest rates, including- BROW, r4xeter, Out 80684t 3.30-4 111.K -Th. Preparation of the Seed MechaWW Coune DUNDAS.-In ever 4oving memory of hus- 'Iband and father, William Albert Dundee, who FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- died January Ifith, 1926. Bad and the Conservation of Irbe blow was great, the shock severe, We a1ttle\thoug`ht his death so near; n -i- *me who ve kot - -tell' i X, I IM do N fog W10 �St or, �9; ILI .0 Nights Calls Day Calls 0 Companies. All kinds of insurance effected FILM - Solving the Problem Tackersmith and Hibbert Good buildingsand 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. -0 at the lowest rates, including- BROW, r4xeter, Out 80684t 3.30-4 111.K -Th. Preparation of the Seed MechaWW Coune IMARM FOR SALE.-rOR SALE LOT go, <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- ad improved 100 acre farm, be91 buildings in Bad and the Conservation of Fordson tzactoro, ergacWtuW 110- Ing cropg. Apply R. S. HAYS, MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE Soil Moisture. plements and eossipiftents. unted on the 10% Conceanton of Trullett, Ut I and E.At half Lot 2, cobtalul-air 150 acres. There are on the prembea a seven- GLASS RISKS. *66iAod frame hdtme and alarge kltdhon with I& W'gofb water cistorti Attached, also good -*06 6 M - eellar full site of house and kit- ebft IN "*k -bvvrn� SOX86: straw shed, 82%49 - -Also-- drlv%O 26:t 20xO. a never fafline drilled *It No Charge for wen "m1hin. Td sdoply ternic *fth tbvml*'�'ther water ati 10 - alto a "dvat 1141- QL ing *4� t, <> 0 -0� spring t�oftt, the efttft of tile farm. ]Fee M7 boft Xftft This fainh Is W Ift &"I" T'� nt. re I - '01 I � 0 .0 REAL 'ESTATE and LOAN AGENT I ARRANGED By THE POWER FARMNG DMS10N OF pain of parting without farewell. W. J. Walker & Son Rep'resenting "Huron and Erie" 3088XI -WEM AND FAMMY. 4 <> Mortgage Corporation, of London, DA 1,0 Q ANNUAL MEETING o w. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0, Ontario. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANA The annual meeting of the Hayfield Agri- 0' rector and Embalmer. <> Prompt attention paid to placing Y COLCLOUGH.-In loving memory of our- cultural Society will be hold �n the Town 'Cl risks and adjusting of claims. -dear daughter and Water, Vers, who passed Hall on Wednesday, January 19th, at 2 P`m' <> Motor or 'Horse Equipment. away one year ago t"ay, Jftnuary 11. 1927. a;;;�, to receive the Auditors' and Secreta"'s <> Business established 50 years, . X4 0 Ever ren- ambered by her loving Mother and R orts and to elect Of and Directors <> Cars I F. Daly, Ford Dealer .P floors r Flowers furnished <> guaranteeing good service. Brothers. for 1927. Show that you have an interest <> as requested. <> in the welfare of the Society and let there <> OFFICE PHONE� 33. -One precious to our hearts has gone;' Day or Night, Phone 67. <> be a good attendance of members RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. The roice we loved is stilled JOHN McCLURE, A. k ERWIN, -0 'rho place made vacant in our home President. secret- 0 <> <>1 Can never more be fiLled. A bitter cup, a shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear; 4)ur loss is great well not complain ANNUAL MEETING 000000***0<><> But trust in Christ to meet again. 0I -,Sudly mlased by her -loving Mother and The annual meeting of the McKialov Mu.- (> Brothers far and near. 3083-1 icipal Telephone System will be held in Win- W. J. CLEARY <> Big Read th rop 'Holl, on Friday, Januar7 21st, 1927, at <> arms, Pirst, Becond 0 0 1.30 clock. I CLEARING, J. M. GOVENLOCK, 0 Licensed Embalmer and Oall or write me at 0 a your loom arnogod Secretary. Funeral Director. 0 xudl. INS adv� Bargains Heed .4 8089-1 0 Up-to-date Horle and Motor 0 hfic&uid Ume 0 Equipment. a IL Rry"Wim Night and Day Service. Victoria a, Teva"a. ve, AND A. A. QUALITY FERTILIZER Here SALE Sa ANNUAL MEETING <> Phone 19-22, Dublin. Finely pulverized Lime and Super Phosphate are proven to be the 1>est SOUTH ErURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY <> <> <> <> <> <> Agent, Henry Lawrence. The annual meeting of the South Huron buy on the market for your 8041- Agricultural Society will be hold in the Com - 'They have shown better results than mercial Hotel, Hens&ll. an Friday, January higher priced fertilizers in 90 per l4th, at I p.m., for the purpose of receiving Gloves and Mitts the Directors' and Auditors' annual reports, �cent. of tests made by Dept. of Ag- the election of directors for the current year riculture in 24 counties over the past and the transaction of other business. Wlol. CONSITT. K. M. McLEAN, years. This may be veri-fied by President. Secretary. WTI bing for bulletins 321 and 313, but g081_2 Trunks and Suit Cases there is no test like a test in your ,own field under your own observa_ tion. Our 1926 users are well satis- MEETING OF HURON lied and are asking for more. I have Grips, Hat Bags, Horse Blankets, ]Etc., Super Phosphate and Niagara Lime COUNTY COUNCIUL always on hand. Can also supply .you with any grade of AA quality the The Counail of the Corporation of $25.00 Overcoats for $16.00 Now, Listen, Folks! This isn't the bunk, but j fertilizer. You may draw home on County of Huron will meet In the Council ust a plain statement of sleigh now or we deliver reasonably Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock In the after - f Tuesday, the 26th day of January. All Woollen Underwear 20 per cent. off f acts. in the spring when you are busy. ' * IM. All accounts against the County must Service is our motto. Special prices be in the ban& of the Clerk not later than We are overstocked in the above Merchandise and have decided to Monday orecedinst the meeting of Council. clear it out, regardless of the cost. This is brand new, fresh stock, and to Farmers' Clubs and others in car Your Choice of Work Shirts, $1.25 Applications will be recei-ved at this meelting lots. for the position of Iffigh Conatible. MOVING PICTURES represent- I)OCks, 25c to 80c with the following genuine price reductions, it should not be here long. ing Niagara Lime in process of man- GRO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk 20 per cent. olf all Dress Shirts vfacture and actual results will be Goderih. January 7. 1927. 3083-2 given for your benefit in Seaforth, Walton, Brussels and Brodbagen Big Reduptions on all Men's Furnishings �early in February. Information cheerfully given. Or- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Just see what womean about the Underwear proposition Every Item Priced Low for Quick Sale ,ders kindly solicited. Do not buy in any event. ,without giving us the "once over." Dr. F. J. Burrows, Medical Health GLOVES AND MITTS You have been thinking about that, Offic.r. states that the Bacteriological Wm. M. Stroat Cash only in these bargains new Suit Case or Club Bag. Here'% reports have only shown three cases Grab a pair or two at these prices: - of diphtheria in the town, all of which your chance: - Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer have practically recovered. Any one Dress Well and Succeed IL R. 4 SEAFORT11 who has been intimately brought in Regular $2.90 for ........... $2.00 Suit Cases, $1.50 for ......... contact with a case of sore throat, is .990 Regular $2.25 for ........... $1.69 Phone 136 r 2 advised as a precaution by the local Suit Cases, $10.00 for Board of Health, to have the family R. E. BRIGHT, Seaforth ........ $7.59 physician give a protective dose of Regular $2.00 for ...... $1.39 Suit Cases, $7.00 for ........ 45.08 D4PORTANT NOTICES antitoxin, wKich will protect for about three weeks. The Iocal physicians are TAILORING AND HABERDASHERY Regular $1.50 for ............. 99C Club Bags, $12.00 for ..... WA .-Ar ONCE, CAPABLE HOUSE- prepared to administer the diphtheria A�pply to C. H. REIII. Bruce - preventative, known as Toxoid, which See our Specials at 50c Pair Club Bags, $6.50 for ......... $4,75 will give immunity for life..A sample TEND ZS WANTED. -TENDERS FOR is of town water has recently been an - of 1; -inch hardwood. maple and alyzed at the Provincial Laboratory beedh, for S. S. No. 9 . To�kersmith. Tandem to be in by January 22nd. W. S. BROA- and pronounced excellent. At the 8083%2 same time two samples from dug wells FOOT. Secretary. WANTED. -TENDERS FOR 12 in the town were similarly analyzed d both TPported of doubtful char inch green body hardwood, fifty an - per cmt. maple, delivered at S. S. No. 9, acter, and a potential source of 1.11- Tuckermitli. Tendere to be in by January ness. Citizens are advised to protect 27-th - S. H. WMTM4DRX Secretary, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 3ogg-2 themselves by making use of the safe WOOD FOR SALE -WE CAN S"UPPLY town water supply. your orders for choice Green Body Wood, 190 per cont. marle. Also have a quantity of dry wood, diff�rent grades. Apply to Jos. Storey. teamster. In town, or WM. M. SPROAT, Phone 186 r 2. 3088-d SHORTHORN CALVES FOR SALTI-FOR Sale, 4 Shorthorn bull calves, 11 to 16 twonths, 2 reds nnd 2 mans, Th�c are from good milking strain. Apply to A. & J. 'BROA-DFOOT, Seaforth, or phone 91 on 150. 8075-tf RHer ine nonuay Some Big Bargains 'Now of Holiday Gifts. CLEARING PRICES ON Bath Robes Lounging Robes House Coats Fancy Neckwear Sets Suspender and Garter Sets. Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Etc. P. J. KELLY STRATFORD. Sole Agent for 20th Century Clothes. 87 Ontario St. Phono 911 One way fare paid from Mit- cbelL Dublin and Seaforth, eith4T by railroad or ear, on purchases of $20.00 or over. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONT. School Re -opens for Winter Term Tues., Jan. 4, 1927 Six weeks' additional time given to students coming from Seaforth by train. Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly Qualified Staff' The only School that Teaches real PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAIN- ING FROM START TO FINISH Where High School Students and Teachers are taught SPECIALIZED expert training in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and SECRE- TARIAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a good position, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES -Commercial, Steriographic, Secretarial, General Officeo Civil Service, Com. Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged. For full information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Principal. Phone 198. 1927 CALIS TO YOU It offers you an opportunity to make both it and all future years both happy and prosperous. Will you heed Its call? It offers you an opportur4ty to PrOPSTO Yourself far the future by securing for yourself a thorough CommeTeial training. BUT you must act and act now If you wish to secure the most from it. Send for cur free catalogue. Students may enteT any day. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE R. F. Lumsden, B. A. Principal. Stratford, Ontario. 8082-4 % Worth While Savings Every young lady needs one of Just a few Trunks, and at these these New Hat Boxes. We bought prices they won't be here long. too many for our Christmas trade- Trunks, $10.00 for hence the low clearing prices. Hat ........... $7.08 Boxes, reg. $5 and $5.50, for $4.25 Trunks, $8.00 for ........... VE194 We'll Make Your Dollar Look Big MEN! Don't overlook these Horse Blankets. Here's a stroke of luck for the horse. Now you can keep him warin with one of these Blankets at Dollars Less than the Regular Price. SALE PRICES -$2.25, $1.90, $2.90, $3.10 REGULAR PRICES -$3.00, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 BETTER BUY A PAIR AT THESE PRICES TA! To Avoid Disappointment We Advise You to Get Here Early. 90 F ARMS FOR SALE. -A FIEW CHOICE farma in the Townships of Usborne, Tackersmith and Hibbert Good buildingsand well locMed na to markets. THOMAS CAM - BROW, r4xeter, Out 80684t IMARM FOR SALE.-rOR SALE LOT go, 7th Concssfon, Hibbert Township. Splen - ad improved 100 acre farm, be91 buildings in Perth County; well feneed and dralmed. Come Ing cropg. Apply R. S. HAYS, 80614f F Aim FOR gALruTH:E FARM Is, sm unted on the 10% Conceanton of Trullett, Ut I and E.At half Lot 2, cobtalul-air 150 acres. There are on the prembea a seven- *66iAod frame hdtme and alarge kltdhon with I& W'gofb water cistorti Attached, also good -*06 6 M - eellar full site of house and kit- ebft IN "*k -bvvrn� SOX86: straw shed, 82%49 - drlv%O 26:t 20xO. a never fafline drilled *It wen "m1hin. Td sdoply ternic *fth tbvml*'�'ther water ati 10 - alto a "dvat 1141- QL ing *4� t, spring t�oftt, the efttft of tile farm. ]Fee M7 boft Xftft This fainh Is W Ift &"I" T'� nt. re I - '01 I � 0 Tnit-la- OVAS SWrl, 1., W. RHer ine nonuay Some Big Bargains 'Now of Holiday Gifts. CLEARING PRICES ON Bath Robes Lounging Robes House Coats Fancy Neckwear Sets Suspender and Garter Sets. Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Etc. P. J. KELLY STRATFORD. Sole Agent for 20th Century Clothes. 87 Ontario St. Phono 911 One way fare paid from Mit- cbelL Dublin and Seaforth, eith4T by railroad or ear, on purchases of $20.00 or over. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONT. School Re -opens for Winter Term Tues., Jan. 4, 1927 Six weeks' additional time given to students coming from Seaforth by train. Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly Qualified Staff' The only School that Teaches real PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAIN- ING FROM START TO FINISH Where High School Students and Teachers are taught SPECIALIZED expert training in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and SECRE- TARIAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a good position, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES -Commercial, Steriographic, Secretarial, General Officeo Civil Service, Com. Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged. For full information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Principal. Phone 198. 1927 CALIS TO YOU It offers you an opportunity to make both it and all future years both happy and prosperous. Will you heed Its call? It offers you an opportur4ty to PrOPSTO Yourself far the future by securing for yourself a thorough CommeTeial training. BUT you must act and act now If you wish to secure the most from it. Send for cur free catalogue. Students may enteT any day. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE R. F. Lumsden, B. A. Principal. Stratford, Ontario. 8082-4 % Worth While Savings Every young lady needs one of Just a few Trunks, and at these these New Hat Boxes. We bought prices they won't be here long. too many for our Christmas trade- Trunks, $10.00 for hence the low clearing prices. Hat ........... $7.08 Boxes, reg. $5 and $5.50, for $4.25 Trunks, $8.00 for ........... VE194 We'll Make Your Dollar Look Big MEN! Don't overlook these Horse Blankets. Here's a stroke of luck for the horse. Now you can keep him warin with one of these Blankets at Dollars Less than the Regular Price. SALE PRICES -$2.25, $1.90, $2.90, $3.10 REGULAR PRICES -$3.00, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 BETTER BUY A PAIR AT THESE PRICES TA! To Avoid Disappointment We Advise You to Get Here Early. 90