HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-12-31, Page 2T'-002" W3,1 - , J,:- 4.8 . , 4� 'n I � . ", : , � ", , i6 � ,I f . .: . � ,-- ,, , '* I , . � . � � � � , I 0-0 ��v I , -vo -4 I � �� -etift'd VA`�Qx P.in, oy b4hRg . On ,� 11 I 11 Q�` �t ­ -P I- ,10 ,��` -1 . N � ", Ale tawktvq �6- M,Y , 'V�­ "4" ;X,6�r,, "�, - y , �­ . ; j,= L Ell�lr, ', . . I . %% a -, 4­44-j,hl. I &I-i"thlink Cloud is I ,not �' I I I -- � ' �'"-' --' ­"' p-#7pi- "­% " I .� - - . . I , , ,W , - I 0 i � :�: .1, %he i ,6 �� X64, t N . "t it� � ! hey , ­N%1W11;1'1�­ ,1.� . I I . I I I I .. � L � . I " , , "," , .1.. � , ­ "I "I' �. ".;M. �;� 1111 , � . . urn , to. " "'o ., . I . I . 11.1'.. I ,,�,� , ". ", I 'LL, - I � ), � . i i -' I - . 'v, ., �col � . : t�,; � .. IV , ,,.�,.?,- I I ting, So),netimes �t 1o, ouliq a taolw, , t , I 'the �Viclz oxide 01 iron" 14 a . � 11, ,,,, ­ I '' � �, � � $ t , , .. .:"�k, A I'm I . iiitteq in Other gates it may Ust " , g", ,�t I id, "WT, i, t � I., I, - ;,",!.� ?.,�, :� . - ,. I .1 . itat . , k0 ir Mnnaisl hite or practically borle�s:`*440, I . : . -tule I I I .. ... , . . . "' . , . I � ' ' I laorm% course- .1 farm it remains on the paper � 'L 4 , � , , , ... - : �­" I ��, � , � , ll ' hour. it . . I ��.�,,��te, �, 1?.',L� I f'' ' ,' � , " I" , . , 1 .. � and the detective needs only the �sim- . ­�:,�,;,: �1, - 'o . L of e*euts the dig4ppearanCi of a ,� Allit �ou nee4 is I -1 I "�� , ,or an the I' I VON In this '­ , ­� . , g"', ,;,�,,����;��, ". � I .., " . , I " Z'�M,, I . , , , � � i� ,�",,' -,- , � , I . I . . . I I I I �'. . :: , ,;`;6, ,, ,('k , " � � ,�"., .; I . ,, , � I "�p , I, ,, ,; .� �. , �, I - . I , A I , CIQ44 is &#c"Ailed by 4 frAying.QLf the w,a�o�e fats and -chemicals to restore the I . 1. � ,%':.�', ,��, . 11 �, I "'..., , t, , I . pleat counter . I , '-: - . 11, . , , , 0, .. I 111. . I , ."*, 1, � �;,';�?,`�,�� " ,, I , I edges, a general thinning and spread- writing to visibility. H6 may employ M"'I . . I 'y .11& I t any ,number of preparations, ,among . '. Ak, I. I ­ .; Ing before final eVa,poratlom , . ." I ,�� ,it;%6 : I. , t:k ' '% �.,W '. � I I &^n M S "On a summery day, cumulue ' tbe simplest of which is 'hydro-sul- . opportunity , of �ban4lni our on't'xic'*ouo CUB- I:- . ­ , 0J " I- 4- .� -1 A g .. I " 1 I ,G]LUTTS. . � s Greet , I A, HappY Nci �4' . I'll 77 9 E We take this .. , . "'., " f�,�,,111,1�11 1'. ­ , �'..­ ,, .-I. clouds a forming and dissilpa ng I . 1. P ure 'i., amm,o um. ..V.x .5 towers for their Qontinuedgtronage W,rxlx,K 1:0409 .A1,1V ,15W.VAMA . , ­,,,;,,', , I . , Let ui�; help ,�. A!' I "' ft . ,, , 11 I 1� � " . 0; ��.�,,�S �r'­.V­ , , niost of the time. Ttkus the disap, this substance contacts the white ox- po ­'­ . 11. ,Qtr heartiest wishes faty a rosperous w Year. l .. -11 . N 11-1 q­'i­ I k"', -, ";�'46t,;, q peaTance of a cloud at a time when PURE I %Ar . bIW•yolqr,� . I ,�.,�', 'c ide of iron it turns it Into a deep ,you duritig 1,927,'and' can do this when you � ,h 11 I I � 1 I— �. "'i .1 . �Counts,,. " I ' . "I"r-, ­.", ., i -1 I- . X . .1., i, � i people are expecting it to vanish Play ' , yellow sulphide and the writing is groceries at ,DOM -.fl, , .i �,r i, / nion Storeo "N"ere Quality, �14 I ­, I I �,. ,.,. : *�'�:�. ,.��,,­­­ ��,!�!,�,�'Y­ to all. � ,: 9 I ,�� . J,,. fL " . not necessarily�be. because the glolud , FLAKESOT E ' visible In orange instead of the orig� � , ,,where REA74 VALUE is obtained. - � I ", 1 4 -, �k!'i L I I I . - "'.1 . ..�, ,'.',�,:L' 1 , . 90Tial e ��, -i­,�t , has been sanded. A few years a Z , �1' ;.. q�' I- " � 11 Fall 0*vhons MO fs,,-.,y (,'?# . ,black. .. � 114, 1 1 1 1; 11,1 I ... , � a colonel in the air service on start- ' ' Some criminals who plan elaborate- Finest California Navel . 49co- .... I ; VOUk GROCER SELLS IT ly mauage to get original documents 2 Ing up for a brief spin said', 'Watch I I , , - ­­ 0 - . " me finish that little cumulus cic;ud.' I - 11 written in aniline inks, which may ANGES - and 69c d0z", ' I, %."�,��.. Up he went arid shortly disappear- 1 - then be wiped clean off the paper with OR I -- ?-' 0�' i Sills &- Sons for a Mo- a damp sponge. qkltl:'­'��Itj , .. Geo. A. ed in the cloud, but only . Because they have . ment. The cloud divided and immedi- .. no chemical affinities, the anilines 11 ."!,�­.". I ately evaporated -the propeller had . cannot be brought back by such * a -11 V"j,, �. , A SEAFORTH•ONTAMO mixed it with drier air. So when an A. - •CRISPO FIG BAHM, 2,1b.s. 35c' ", . ,V means. Here, however, the calender ��­�� 1, : : I . ,!,,� 11 Ing comes to the detective's aid. In / . , I . airplane flies into, a cloud and squirts P "', I , j 'T `�, , - fied sand, who can prove I . writing with any ink, the wet pen CAMPBELLPS TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 2.5c - ;, . S�� , it with electrified <:-::, < > I I C ,,,, I '.V.-,-..10, !, . I - - it was the sand that finished the point disturbs or wounds the surface Other Kinds 14c Tin ', 41�,�.�.�'14 ­' 1 -', , ---- - -� YOUR= OWN NA ..- rrCOMPAWLO . ­� � I- .� cloud? But let us grant what the M of the paper. If the aniline ink is �t, �� � experimenters claim, that they can subsequently wiped off with the i.. 1,7 , , 11 . . ex ­­­ =--.-...- IS .. )taster , 1,.� ---- C - `�i a \ 25,6 lb. . 1. I , Do YOUR WINTER TRAVEL TO too, was ready when the call came to dissipate an isolated cloud with ­­ sponge, these invisible wounds re- . Seeded . I ,, . ---------.., Sot Raisins, I 9 �� tahle, .9 ­­��` I - 1" TM . ,..,.,­­ TM WEST VIA "THE NATIONAL ' arise and follow Jesus. trified sand. Suppose new clouds strut attempts at fresh tactics watch- main, The expert exposes a paper Dessirt 12 '35cp It. 1�k�11,M ., , likenesses between the keep forming faster than an airplane suspected of such treatment to the I I oz� S.,diessRaisins 25 'Table Raisins I t. 5�ii' I There are of C " 1. � , ed. fumes of iodine, with the result that - ­ . - -a n rounds. Lemon and I , , � p comfort's sake go "The Na- call of these disciples and the call or two ca make the ro d . Or what �.,',.- � * - Or 'g which comes to - The microscope still reveals to the these old penmarks show themselves Orange PEEL 270b. Mixed Nuts 25c1b. ,$t�;-. . Aionall, when travelling to Winnie -day to men and women if a fog keeps rolling on to a landin , k. ­ o-�` 1 1; � I ch as any other these I S% -�' ' ' and the West, This fast Canadian to leave all and follow Christ field on a thousa d -foot front? i;�; experat as mu in a rather faint blue. They are then -,kt. co C -'hed,Brazils ' . e _ked up by th � n me P e enlarging t 123c ­ . i, i, went. Ba New Was !� " - National train has every conve'luenee Though it may not ,always be neves- cost of sanding in adequate propor- camera, it takes care of perhaps half lightly dusted with lampblack and 1/2 ih. ,a PEEL 19 Ir", I � PIS writing is again obvious. mi'g , p,�.­ I to m Currants 2 lbs. 2,7c Filberts ib. 11� Attentive service, modern steel e i , still the call- involves sacri- mount to impossible figures. Never- , I I" ake your winter trips enjoyable. s-ary to abandon one's customary oc- tions to keep the air clear would the problem's which meet the d,etec- the removed w Finest C I T, .1111, qUIP- cupation � I Another important branch of the I lQ11 11 tive in this field. By its use the tech- ", " physical detective methods employed " �',2"�- 14"t, convenient hour of departure five, and sometimes separation from theless, small beginnings in an ex- . ian can "I what kind of pen was Santa 16c1h. SHIRRIFFS -JELLY ,all favor "The National" when can- home and friends. There is always perimental way sometimes lead to mc -- against writing frauds deals with . � I I , sidering your trips to Winnipeg. the same need for prompt obedience, large results, so we may continue to used, what falsifying method was e typewriting. The subject is too in- Golae® c -l -POWDERS. 4pkts. 25c , "' played, whether tracing was resorted Hall.., DATES 2 lbs. 25 " "'I'll" -The National', leaves Toronto the same need for readiness to do view the progress with interest even valved to be treated of at length. .. "I 11 - nightly at 9.00 p.m., arriving at Win- to, in what position the pen was held Fint, all that has been said about I 11" Christ's bidding, and there is, too, the though we do not expect ever to hire the 'work and 'whether it was Plain o ' r ­ - . illpeg to do the erasure of handwritten matter. Dominion Stores VD Almond "I". . 10.00 a.m. the second morning. same promised reward, "I wila make airplanes to provide fair weather for free-hand, muscle forgery, tracery or 1-11111 Winnipeg you to make wash day, or to neutralize the charges The keys of , Connections are made at Wi ' pertains to typewriting. ha �tich L- 11L 1b. ". -become fishers of men." UIT CAKE 35c I.. 'y shadow -work -and a great deal more. , Iced all typewriters show peculiarities of I . points. In additioy� cry faithful follower of the Lord who "in an oncoming thunder storm. The chemical work of the expert re- . ,��, for all Western .. I . .� to regular equipment a special sleeper carries out in his life the teachings � . - mains on the same broad footing, but alignment, tiny defects in the metal I Mlayfierd Brand t,-,� is - carried, - of the Master may be the means of I - I and the like. Thus typewriting can Fry's Brealdast " for the convenience of Sud there are constant new developments readily be traced back to an extant Slice4 Post's Bran "', , ', � , A�ury passengers- drawing others to FOR FLORIDA to be met and many fresh tricks to be Tickets and information I' to. become His disciples. . - machine, as the Leopold -Loeb case, from any COCOA , thwarted, Ink as always, presents �j�:;, � I Canadian National Agent. � The enmity of the Pharisees had Wouldn't you like a gallop along one of the most interesting fields for among recent sensations, revealed. C 2ftts-25e `,",,`,�L been aroused early -in the ministry of palm-sihaded bridle paths by the oc, But the art of identifying typewrit- 1/21h. Tin 24c Bacon 391h. 1. C-1,58 ��1`1­ deception and for detection. All inks ing goes far beyond this. PROW I ,-,, , a - �, . Jesus. Now they found another ean? Wouldn't you -like -to spend in commercial use employ as a base cause for compWnt. your winter where it is glorious sum- This substance turns In the.first place, we all have type- ", SUNDAY AFTERNOON "Matthew, it appears from Luke mer all the time? Then pack your gallate of iron. writing habits or idiosyncrasies. We ---- 5:29, I---- 1114 . re to the space and arrange differently. Some ,. . . black by oxidation (exposure t 5:29, made a great feast, thus testi- bags for Florida. A short train jour- r), as iron turns red by rusting, the of us use a touch and some a sight services he was made "Piloto Mayor age made with intent to defraud Co- l. '- Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult fying his gratitude for the honor ney and you're in a land where sum- air), . Of our life's wild, restless sea, -him, and, that his friends a mertime sports and pleas solle difference being that the gallate system. Some use all the fingers and in Casa ,Contraction" of Seville by lumbus, and for private gain, insisted '. Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, done and ure are at produces a black iron ovide instead of thumbs, some two fingers on each the Spanish sovereigns. The loci- upon keeping it quiet. But this .� acquaintances might profit by the their best al,q winter long -where hos- I,'-­ Saying, "Christian, follow Me. teaching of his new Master, he invit- pitality is the keynote. the common red oxide which tells the hand and some only one. Some strike ment upon which most of Vespucci's strikes many as a poor attempt to , ed them to the entertainment that Or perhaps you prefer the Gulf story of the vast annual decay if hard, some lightly. Each operator claim are based is called the "So- strengthen VespucciPs case and it I - � . was bowe.ver, end of the I , As honored by the presence of Coast. From Pensacola to the Mexi- include in their compositions, various I'. ferini letter," which was written found generally unconvincing. i presses the letters at the �, of old Apostles heard it iron work. Modern inks, �! 1, By the Galilean lake, keyWard, and in the more difficult from Lisbon in September, 1504, and No. , . . �­ . Christ." (Adam Clarke). can Border, hundreds of comfortable dyes and complementary . sed to have been sent to ,,,�, � Turned from home and toil, and kin- substances positions with varying peculiarities, Is suPPO k,,,%'' !,, The Pharisees therefore accused and picturesque resorts will help I JUDGING SEED GRAIN dred, to which give it a "good black" or blue Vespucei'i old friend Pietro Soderini ,�-�,i� Jesus of consorting with publicans and muscular and ner- -1, Leaving all for IT -is dear sake. make your winter holiday in the South color at once. As time passes these nfalionier of Florence. In it oc- In judging seed grain the judge , No matter where vous defects or individualities. All a go i:��, I sinners. Jesus calmly met their ac- a pleasant one. tints fade but the black iron oxide curs this paragraph in Ves,pucci's keeps constantly in mind those fac- 1� . :1 , . cusation by a saying that has been of you stay, everything possible will be grows blacker and remains these things can be determined by the tors which go to make grain of great - yl., Jesus calls us: by Thy mercies, perman- modern expert, given his enlarging own style: . y1�11 - F Saviour may we hear Thy call, unutterable comfort to sinful men, "I done to make your visit one to he re- ent. "The principal thing that moved est value for seeding purposes. He V1, came not to call the righteous but membered. Winter tourist fares with camera, his photomicrometer and his I I—, pleu� oxidation and the to- P�!;,: Give our hearts to Thy obedience, The earn to write to you was the request must have in mind a clear-cut defini- I.. � � - chemicals, plus his knowledge of the I 1 ]4.; � � �. Serve and love Thee best of all. sinners to repentance." long limit and stopover privileges are tal fading of the supporting colors subtleties of the subject. of the bearer, who is named Ren- tion of what good seed grain really Rll'�. "So Jesus companied with sinners, now effective. You have choice of is accomplished in about eight years. venuto Benvenuti, our Florentine, who is. This may be defined as grain -141* h Another fascinating field for the de - "PI, Cecil Frances Alexander. countenanced sin, or gateways and variable routes w en After that no further chemical change . Vl:_,, tective imagination has been that of is very much the servant of your which is free from seeds of weedsi . J�,�sl� the Magnificence, as he tells me and a as well as otheT kinds and varieties �,;!, . I enjoyed the society of the depraved, you travel "Nabional," takes place in the ink. But in blood analysis. We know, of course, .- PRAYER but because, as a healer of souls. He Any Canadian National Railways of those eight years, very slow that human blood can readily be die- great friend of mine. Hi3, , of cultivated grain and from all inert �. . . C1.1311N, finding , "If. was most needed and to work where Agent will gladly supply you with arl evenly, progressive mutations tinguished from that of any animal, himself here in this city of Lisbon, matter; it should be bright, free from - � I Almighty God, our Heavenly Father the ravages of sin were the worst. full information, resort rates, fares -­ (1 -vele in and the handwritin.- that blood from men suffering from requested me to give an account of mustiness, of reasonably good color, '0 � , , who didst send Thy Son to call He came into the world to save sin- and literature. ­- , . 'I � chemist, by means of almost unbe- F, sinners to repentance, grant that we ners. Their conduct distressed Him; certain diseases is readily recognized your Magnificence of the things by plump and uniform in size; it should parts 0 . may heed the call, that our sins may their sins pained Him, but to accom- 0. lie, -,Illy delicate tests can tell, within and that it is vaguely possible to dis- me seen in different par of the be free from damage due to severe I -. few weeks, the age of any w-riti thatl threshing or other causes, and should I- be washed away, our souls purified, plish His task He must seek them out Ing. tinguish the blood of an old man or world, during the four voyages t- I and our minds made like unto His PRESBYTERIAN STRENGTH In this analysis the chemical changer w . two show no signs -of disease. !�4.,j.. -He must show His sympathy by �, per Oman from that of a child or youth. have made to discover new lands- In close competitions, where the . which take place in modern pa The Break dream, however, has al- by order of the Catholic King Perd- �V, who came not to be ministered unto His presence and His healing touch." Recent reports of the strength of also figure, They extend over an ev- Ocean number of exhibits is large and the but to minister. Grant that we, fol- (Erdman). the Presbyterian Church in Canada in- en I�onger period and are still sl ways been to determine paternity by inand, by the great Gulf of the of a high order, the judge is W�-,,. lowing our Saviour, and learning of q a marked development since ,wer ' blood tests. Needless to say, many ,Sea towards the West, ,the other two quality ve very f a � � � �. '! . Him, may so exalt Him in our lives CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S dicate, the eight years do not well cases have turned upon the ques- by order of the powerful King Man- required to mak me discrimin ',.j� " " that others, through us, may be drawn the division caused by the Union vote exhaust the possibilities. tion of parentage and detectives have eel of Portugal, towards the South " tions, but if he has a keen eye and . TRAVEL in 1925. At the end of 1925, the com- A merchant's credit was expanded always yearned for a positive letters alleged 'to the ability to balance values, he is 14*11�",. to His feet. This we ask in Jesus' ve method There are four *�(, municant membership was reported to to the limit and the goods he got ci and usually able to find merits in some ,.,)�, name. Amen. Throughout the year there is no of proof. The theory has been that have been written by Vespue "'10 " . and we're remov,ed and sold for cash A addressed to Lorenzo di Medici. The . the General Assembly at 154,243, , . samples which are lacking in others_ �Ve� period so like a magnet for drawing , - - bankruptcy was then filed. races, and even individuals, ought to -rand three of Those who have judged, especially at ,,,,�i 2nd �, ince that time it is estimated that voluntary consensus seems to b , S- S. LESSON FOR JANUARY people together as Christmas time. show differences in the chemical con- . , t��,: ;,� Lesson' Title --The Christian a Fol- . No matter where you may be, there at. least ten thousand members have The books were seized and sent for qtituents, of their bloods and that them as spurious; so that there re- the larger exhibitions, will recall in, ;A- is an intensive longing for Christmas . the Church on profession Of testing. It was immediately appar- i, �" 1. joined . stances where overly-enthu;iastic ex- �, I lower of Jesus. done. these blood peculiarities must be in_ main only the "Soderini lletter" and ;,�, . at home. Long ago, when travelling faith. This brings the denomination ents that the work had been well do herited by the offspring, which would the authentic one sent to the Medici hibitors damaged their samples fit , Protestant churches The books titsed were old and batter - M, Lesson Passages --Mark 1:16 20 ; facilities were limited, people jour- s in Florence. It is almost entirely endeavoring to make them appear JI& third among the Pr( .how the features of the mother's : . of the Dominion, and greater i particularly plump and to increase . . neyed many weary miles and endured III no- ed, as though they had been employ- blood, modified by those of the father. 1P11 tbl' two letters -the evidence, ,�,�,, 2:13-17 and I John 2:6. merical .strength than the same den- ed for years. The entries had been unsupported except filmsily, of one the weight -per -measured -bushel. The 11,1 great hardships in order that they 0 1 , Sehous investigators have since , I& " Golden Text -Mark 2:14. might be with their friends and loved amination in many other countries. made not in one day or a few days, tackled the problem and they seem to man -that Vespucci's claim to fame most common damage arises from the '"' ,m,, . ., . . The game ratio of increase is shown as is often done by blunderers, but rests. Taking up the Medici letter practice of "clipping" grains intend - "Jesus ones on Christmas- Day, but this has , be making progress. "Jesus began His public ministry all been changed by the application in the congregations and preaching over a periorl of three or four months. (of which the original Italian text ed for exhibition. This "clipping" "" by proclaiming the 'good news' that of modern railway methods, whereby stations reported, having now passed NOT had all the entries been made -0 is lost but which is preserved in the process usuaNy consists in placing " " the Kingdom of God was at hand. even the continent may be crossed in the 1,200 mark with new ones being in the same handwriting, another Latin translation of "Jocundus Inter- the grain in a tub or other receptacle "I., -1 This 'gospel ' was to be more and safety and with eve ry comf in a formed in every part of the country. common error of amateur book for DON'T FORGET THE STRAW HAT prefer") we get a description of a and "chopping" the grain witli a �,11­tw, more definitely concerned with the -aft, * There are nearly 5,000 elders and era. Again, the book fixer had used spade in order to remove the unfilled .11 ,.,., * paratively short journey. Its train time now -pack up -get voyage of discovery sent from Lisbon 1%41 , ,person and work of Jesus. His earth- com nearly 80,000 families, together with several differdrit inks, which had be I . tips of the kernels. This applies par- "-' This year Christmas and New I ready for Florida -the neighbours in 1501, in which Amerigo Vespucci I � ly career was to be brief and it was nearly a thousand Sunday Schools allowed t, stand uncorked and thus says be took part. He writes about ticularly, of course, to oats and barley- ,, .�i,� I His purpose to have the gospel Year's travel promise to be heavy, and 116,000 teachers and scholars. to begin their oxidation before they will look after the cat. samples. This "clipping," if not car- "" and with a view to placing every fa- . The social season is on in Florida "the new countries" and first plants ll -a alll the world and to ev- - 11 I, preached I tied to excess, may do little harm, but .,1 cil-Ity at the disposal of their patrons, - were spread on the papei% the germ that caused the New World • ery creature. Therefore it was abso- -the amusements are at their height. it often is overdone, with the result �'A I Canadian National Railways have But, in the earlier pages of the to be called America. Vespucci does g •lutely necessary that He should at- Florida is a winter rendezvous where that the ends of the kernels are ex - made their advance preparations and SLEEPING CAR SERVICE CHICA- books which were genuine, there ap- not even mention the name of the ,�, tach to Himself a hand of disciples you may enjoy summery pastimes to f,. plans plans for extra trains and additional GO -TORONTO, VIA STRATFORD peared numerous erasures, while in . . commander of the expedition but posed, if not -actually broken. Suds �2. x . whom He could teach and train to be p,eri your heart's con -tent - swimming, grain is not considered as desirables �F equipment on regular trains. Full AND GUELPH. CANADIAN the later pages, covering the ad takes full credit himself. " I have 1.t , - Elis witnesses and messengers. Ac- of the supposed business reverses, yachting, fishing, tennis --or just plain for seed as is grain which is Iteft in 11�'!� particulars will appear in newspapers NATIONAL RAILWAYS loafing. found a continent in that southern I."- cordingly, .-4 the very opening of His and special time tables will be short- . there were no erasures at all. Again, I a more natural state, may be penal - )'T . , . ,n enchanted land, it seems, with part more populous and more full of penal - .... ministry, He invited four men to be ' A . ized severely. O�'f �� ly obtain -able from any Agent of the For the convenience of its patrons, the handwritings in the latter pages its wonderful climate -its wondrous animals than our Europe or Asia or It is seldom possible to make germ - ",,,i His per'sonal companions and attend- Company. the Canadian Niational Railways are were not those seen in the earlier us Africa," he announces. And again: , , , Wi"; , -drts charming and hospitable ,nation tests of seed in advance of , "The scene of this call is de- Those who wish to prepay the fare "If my companions had not trusted 1rLa ' A14-1 ­ assts. operating through sleeping car service ones, and it. Was eventually possible sigbts , ! "I elated to he 'by the sea of Galilee.' On people. � . an exhibition so the judge must ex- .., � - of relatives or friends from any out- from Meago to Toronto via Stratford to show that they were those of well- e, to whom cosmography was � - 11 � "� � the shores of this lonely island lake e Your fondest dreams of a tropical " ' amine the grain closely for any evi- l'. I side point can deposit the m a and Guelph, leaving Chicago at 5.30 known professionals in the employ of known, no, One, not the leader of our : . ;1 "! most of the teaching of Jesus was any Canadian National Agency and p.m., arriving Stratford TZ15 a.m., the gang. Finally, the chemical test- winter will be exceeded When you visit dente of low vitality. It is not pos- 1, : ! I most of His miracles were - Florida this year. navigation, would have known where , I giv per the transportation will be delivered Kitchener 8.25 a.m., Guelph 8.49 a.m., in of the inks was so carefully done sills to detect slikht differences in. ;�,,��!,�7 From Jacksonville to the Mexican we were after running 500 leagues." . !0, farmed_ On its western and northern - and Toronto at 10.10 a.m., daily ex- that it was possible to show, in spite He asserts 'that his "knowledge of vitality between samples, but where , ;s �4nli - sides were the cities in which most Of immediately and economically. Border -the multitude of Gulf Coast the marine chart, and rules lolill.,",�, the mighty works were done; the The Canadian National Teleahseept Sunday. In addition to the ex- of the month.-, of preparation gind the resorts will help to make o taught samples are shown which have suf- , 4,R, writ -i" -, place at your service their wonderful cellient service to above mentioned partly oxidized inks, that the w - by it, were worth more than, all the fered severely either by unfavorable , �,,�,, eastern side was not inhabited, and . day perfect, or there are boarding � . Tuts, very convenient connections in had not been done until' at least case er co r - Z, , facilities for the quick transmission pOIn I 1, houses or homey bungalows to suit pilots in the world." Vespucci e e weath conditions orb unsatisfact '�,i thither Jesus would resort to escape of Holiday Greetings. A special staff are made at Stratford and Guelph for four weeks after the date of the your pocketbook. . rests primarily upon the "Soderini tory storage, it is possible often to A. locate them. J "'. the multitudes." (Erdman). . i letter." This gave his name to the ,,�;" is engaged during the Christmas rush points north. supposed entries. The whole conspir- � 't, IV. h Any Agent of the Canadian Na-� i, 'The men first called by Jesus to fol- in order that ,transmission and deliv- Full particullars from any Canadian acy was revealed and several clever In the actual judging of grain it M low Him were fishermen. Walking . ­­,­`� tional Railways will gladly help you Western Hemisphere. A French ver- X,,�.,.', eves may be quickened to the highest National Agent. men overreached themselves into ria- a rrange your itinerary, besides giving sion of the letter appeared and from is advisable feast of all to 'Rocate 4.�,�;-'! one day by the sea, He saw Andrew what appears to be the best samples; , point. A very attractive design of on. this- was made a Latin translation, t,-, land 'Simon Peter at their work. "And W you all other information you may then locate the sample which appear,% 1� Any ink known can be "removed" �. message form is being prepared for DETECTION OF FORGERY BE- , 01 which was published at St. Die in to deserve first place. With the In. , s ,t- ­�,,,i,,,." Jesus said unto them, Come Y� after the holiday. with 'bl,eacbets. There are inks that require. ,;,,'L� I 1607. It was almost immediately in- '�,�,1­7. COMES A SURER ART ��yp'�,� 'Me, ter as a guide, the next best sample- �, . and I will make you to become The Canadian National Express of- - resist acids and others. that resist .0. rat6d, "Cosmograpiae '� corpo - in the .- fishers a men, arid straightway they fere the best vehicle for the safe and Forgery is an old offense, but to- alkalis, but no ink will stand both. Introductioll of Martin Waldseemul- . -,;, ' is located and so on down the line- ,,f,,`,'- , left the nets and followed Him." swift transport of Christmas gifts. day, with the vast expansion And it is a combination of acid and VESPUCCI FINDS ANOTHER until the required number of prize V 111, " I " of busi- ler, Professor of Cosmography at -the . � I Al", Boort after He saw James, the son of That particullar feature receives ape- mess, there has been a tremendous alkali that makes irp -all standard St. Die University, who suggested that winners is secured. With these lined: Ul ""I. � , t � . I N1 CHAMPION up in the order in which they have, 11F,iU XObedee, tind John his brother, and bleaches. Even the little bottles of the -newly discovered fourth part Of 11 ,�,.,2' �-, ", , ., . vial supervision at holiday time and extorsion of crimes against ink and i IX r'. 'I' , . t , , Wt AP�mqlded them also. "They this in itself is a guarantee of ef- No. I and No. 2 in common employ- When Alberta Magnaghei, of the the world should be Called "An- been -placed, they are then chedked up, . paper. The detective art has had to '3 . 'j,"." . ,,, ,, sii�-,Ut6r Zebedee in the boat with ficient service. Remember that a keep pace with the endless inventions 'It by all bookkeepers, 6r,6 efficient University of Palermo, read a paper erica, because AzneTicus discovered carefully to insure that each occupies :� ... I , ` - ed servants and went en in most cases. They consist the other day before t�e, Internation- it." That the tetter is full of flag- Its Proper place in relation to the , I . � il, �'..�k I after Canadian National Express receipt and subtleties of the falsiMer. We enough others. I � I "? - "I � De -r cent. dilution of !.� ',',."v� will protect you and will ensure COM- know that the typewriter has individ- of a twenty ,I Congress of AmericAnists in Rome rant irregularitieg-not to call tbern ,, I" �­ , ,, . upposed that these . I '' , vp Hot is be 9 pIete satisfaction. nality, and that its work may be acetic acid and a ten per, solu- in whi,b he endeavored to prove falsehoods is patent. The man "to -- -..- I �', - . , �� lk66W nothing of Jesus before Canadian- National solicits Your traced home. But forgery detectors "Or, of chlorinate of lime or soda. that Amerigo (or "Americ'us'4) Ves- whom cosmography Was known," * ,�,, I- ,-�',,dsffl. Jesus had been pointed �atrorage for every branch of its have had to develop Cunning in num- These substances and proportions are pucci really did make voyages to the takes one along on a wonderful 46 two ar them by John the Bap- varied slightly in different brands Of New World and was a great discove- cruise straight -across the American I pub -lie service utilities. Every effort erow'otheT directions. �- W W W �, ; a 0, l, . '4hdAneV, had followed Jesus then, erg. O'ne.&Upliea first the acid ewer-4he professor did nota a continent to British CColumbial e 1j" I � - of each employe is eentred on the ef- , I V V I The oWfashionred handwriting ex- re"Ov 60'1,1h'i,,,,, �'. � uld 40ft 01%e time With him, ficient'perforrhance of his or her duty, pert used frequently to trip up the . new controversy, •-but only fanned says he sailed fram, Cadiz on 021 40 imd, ft-rAfti4 rfthtk AW . ­�111 J;�� ,,, � I ­ � f?,,I, W, , 91 Y �..�'. 6 I Cal te ling later to their - I 1 1 " "I '.',J,,LA­' 11 ,I- ,and those who place their,himinega in falsified by provir* that the paper h -----. ­-!--- embers ,that have been controversial 10th, 107. and, for thirty-seven 0910L AUILU Or WAto *044 '11; 14 ....... , e days ft" 1.11 11 11. I 11 . ,bik, Now they are tea- f:he hands of this great merefianditing employed had not been manufaotured I for more than 400 years. Vespucci out of Grand Canary followed a I 0W"$"L *Sg6fou IWA "Ift0a I 0� - j ;,.,,,,, , ,,, -771 �, ,1� � �,4 ,�, ,,� � , ' I �P` IV' "IIA6 IftV-1e allL and'falloW I I , r, 1 - 0 1 *am &#""a ­ , 'hizae -may ript gasured that until years after e date the forg- ,�­ orga on te th a of has had other champions. Any al- west-southwest cotirgo for 1,000 *6 , " . . " A,i. L , . . ,. I ." . -"'-- L., (,�'1`42't r that I -,M . Z,!e ... .... ,�, I they will receive the full value for ed Will or contract, a t t inks used tempted vindication of Vespucci must leitgues. This would have -out the I I �,���';�',`.'�'j` " So -d to. be A Jitgo. whateye�r expenditure they Way make, had not been knoWn 'until hotio M'acb breast the strong currents of -noar� `�Iiexpert pilot" out, in the Pacifle. I �. �, ta M, Ryan -in . .... . " Z " w", � I . I "I "". - y',4' L � A X.,XXTX1r^ I V ii N, % I -N, AAWeftt I -, , , W :� I 17r0e. Zget that igtan* Plus that me9gute Of PGrgOtal inter- mbtt I-ecent time, g. . '; There is only the Word Of ,Wv . -4 Mk,. 2%"640. . 'it i - ,"'I""' , � ,7, .,V,�:4,i � i all the trustworthy of his � 7!,!" " a , 1 1 � Inth Re used to b I , , I . � " 11-4 � & I I " - est which ig thp true complement of courN that Certain signatures Were own and Of subsequent time. OpinA �$ucei himse to subs ntlate any d#!, I I 'g, , � I "T", %;'10�.,J, . If ts, , �.,?,� i�,',.0*"ft,* LLL I - 11.1 ",­%,­­, I ( I , , -g&fhftdJ�# d4d per � lgdmci�. '&rg#d ,because they Were exact cop� ion of, student4 stands sulyout 5 .to: I ; the claims in connection *1th this � . I I L I , . I I I I I I "I i 9141,4' V ­�L�;% 1�".;� , � 01A I T!" -z ,,�- P tial '00100;* �q� Alt I �JL�,;,',tI I ­,,, ,�l ! 1'�",%",A- 1� - I , .�i .1 L Y illeged first voyage, %%ero � is no AseAt, Ilebry La*raw, Ultelk'A � I � ',�� "I , ", , , I ) ! 414 t of the I agg It is manife6fl. ,� , ugge"All , .,'� �; 11, .� " e.§, in sw, sphehig And I I�;�O­�,, � : I 10 �', � �, , - - I � " ., j� Wb I L, .. . .... L�� , pplinon . 'L, L I . . u , . , I � I � �;, '4 ­ ��"" � � 11 1". 1- � - ot,' with 1i gestuir4 I , 1-111 F X letters, *I- originals to which ��L the record ot,d voyaa4l., serf out by the, . I , 1'.$;1$1 "'.", �4,4 'p" , ;ZOR6000 I the chroulelers, ot-thiCt Xing in, 1491 6#,Diep, son of , ,j v, " -9*- - I I J;L" Lg�k F� L . , ` � I .0"',-*,�'S"Aly MIMI* ,�wD � 1, ,b I I gg, tbevwt, being that w st&Wmeuti o, , - �A ,�, I I ad Seed , 12 , q v f6vj& i . ­ . I ",�, IgnX h ,hame Wee preei" - - ag ., W ML , ;I.- - - 0 I, - a6epi 0011jUibug ,'; �beVggn niite.AV 0, ,� ­ � I '� ' I 't.ft�.',-Wj " ,� , ' " e,�"L, ' " ��* ." , � , . . f161"t 79i ig - " fillft, it -to te. .f - , - ,� ", L Nor can one, safely, 'his lavv*tf A ,�eI , ''. I ­ 1, , " '. , �� , ifi'� : L', I , , 4 "'L L"L , -A,�'6 . '-6 ow � , � ,VL' *%t? ,ly ftf�tho-ajj*ig . 1. �Vespticci upoif his own VAI"tibn 06voor his fahol-06 tights, - *4 0, 0 . , t''1N­A.Q � W ttiv. the, iuw- " '. ,* . 9 , '� L"� 115, L, , . A- , the� J�r wh L odfth a % 4ilf. 11 ,��",�,ql,,,,,,,���-,.".-",.; 1­111,'­11� �, �Rt�S b4. L, MiXinigerp& in 1. I W : *�6 "New �jfaL . for P40R 0AIM.-Plva, an", one =a* , �Uv , -Q '�Rfij,�$"' " (I . � ­� I � ", ie 04MOA1 side of - kraphlo M60- , �� � . e , .1i11N1`1&:11;­!­ , �, - , � ".1 ,�" ., -, ,,, . �. , � - , - I � 1. I I f I 1 ,� ""'i 4L'," , , ,�!�!,'!?�'�,',�,;�,, �­','t, ,',�,., � � I ifid , � 11111111 � York T1jJdeSL" 11 I'll ". L 6�, I *2�1100 rdl; td I - 'I M 1,01 1�f�%,.' , fa V I%Cefj a ATO '.�iflhejj', � 4 1i �, N! 4- tift" om %'t dd ko'd 'L: Itly I r 4A9=74 rh, � home Vft .... I . I � tie a I : Vlai , 4; " , 1, L , 11 6dtM-'11t%A 404"t f6dalft ��`, br6 Is .r. I, -W, itd& I , I ►I ,' 41 � j I" �, 11 10 010#6 � V14 .�Ofosoor,moknhkhel, lftbi6a h ,g ,1,4 if;�ov�� bi Xokti,;svmll b4ftt , �­, , I... 1, � It", M I I I i,'k � C6 Aftbft '4iWd.­..11ft�dg­1 9t ( ) NU I I A 1� if a] %, Y A I ­ 1. 111. � j. - I I 11 I I., '", L % I 1� I &I , 0, fto#� '% J#*O'�41+"�'�ftjj!a. in JS0g;.1$1,jt.L [ load ;ofthftd. "S&U"'L , Opewn ing,- •T", I no a gable 11 ,d-6149 i'd jiguftx Til�qj #C, _ ,L �L:,. �', .ftg - - , -, L * ... ­ %&AiiL . , i" . �f,:.., U�, 'A 'A ' ­ Q 4140 � 'WO ow, "' "' `.'do' 01*�':""h6 0 .', , ,* , f *� 10MUO ftbo i V A, of 1A ., 0 J& sh0*..A,T4,0- n1LA6 en ; 1*101. , Whig -to , Alt , , 16 A" --- 7 . �11 L I �,t, - "I - � � i. * I , ftd: :1 I., '. � 10 ZW,;,, *�� ."- --,;, 0010 pr�se" C A '�,� 4.,4f � � . I ., 6'L lt"?i:.",!�, I . . L 11. - -t � � ­ 0" 0 '(�,, ",# ',' `, I I - 7`0'�` Ith-jit-, Y,o �� .*qe, , ��,v ""t"Vo - - to,• � - N­.� "I " . 19. . ., ­ � , �,o -W , , ­ vedi ,# lhdh* p .1, N11.1� , - V -­ .. . , A, 't # , 104*,",:�V *,'' I I...", . A, � '., L'' � . 1. , .4 , , - , - , , �d, i� ' " - "' ft4h , ft1bJf;"6Jft1i' �,,.',i,L I , "I L " " , ,: LL 'L, ­, L., � � � , ffif"I Lh,�ft­ 'I 1, ­ , . ,,, i - , A, '0. . , ' 14� 11�., ".".., "': L 'M"'�'?' " . . , tX TP mrflr, 'o, L " �, , ­ I , , # .. . � L , -N at I , , #f# + , i , 1� . 't I I � .1 ­ I . . .. I , ; , Iffix, ! ­��,­ V � R . L ."; " 0 1, i' -�­.,f ";��!�i�'-'���,'­ IL 11 . 'Z � , _ 'I L, I., I , I ' ' "I'L I.. , . 11 - � , " 'i , jj�� " Y. , W" � , ,""'� 91 ,� 14 ,,, , m , " ! L 0 I . I , ­'� L, '­ - �� ­..' L L ' : :,� �, , , . I., 111 ­­' ��. , , �. I •,- L � �,�,i, �,',,' . - � " � , , - -,, � ­ L L ' ,,j ,,, �. I . �N . . , . - I�4 ..." 11 , , .. . .. I ......... ,LMI , "T��,,�V'.`,F'0' , ,� �.':" 'L�, , "",',`t,'�I' '-4 L . ..... 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