The Huron Expositor, 1926-12-24, Page 3. �cu TO V _ft*,kgj, -7 j)f *W`c4 V "Ter- t -1i t # -ski . rev' are n; V W, 9.1vo 0. "1", A9 W1 pe.c Onrnecl� . 00se 00 W - yn :V4 '0all.A 1. 6.1 is J h4 n shoved, Vau, l0aft' ront 1*4400P ;A��jO VV 0 Wg *U4 hi*p asain' 1.0%, t 'an :$,Pe�%o 7, % U Oki -61�01W ina mwo the A 4iii; tv6t. 4• 0TO 4� 4, of iviaqal do*aUdl, t bc which ti*� tho I th creatwdou, e4twoot% *14le scene ;vf' ibb p0dingo` xray W, end of tho rail*0.%to a Ovirit on tho thatisnO I Or.', o poupA Slave River V want to Wm Okebya On is g, ace U Ila, U mt ;"l14O4465,ai*. M 0319 C. pam rprnii��t wardens are on 1. *ftooviay: I es, there. must, 41so be small Go:% tiatrol ill soothes, and heab' mem- individual pud", Xor'�OitaiY 'din- over the Vqpd,�Buffalo reserve dur� go= growth. braties and Jubi Of all lmown.& era.. Ing the whole piaT to guard against nawqtiis�e.9ognIved 4 other "trimmings"; 1 Illegal shooting of the -aninials,, and items, f0t Q101 au !,,y high medical au 04ties an one of the must also be provided. Raisino, nuts, reports from them indicate that the Zrpatest healingMen for persistent cranberries;. apples,. -and oranges are plains -buffalo already released are 4poughs and colds anidather forms qf throat all necessary to complete the Boli- doing well in their new lbeation. troubles. Creoniuldonco 4 ina4didou. 4 'ties creosote, other hedfiZbele�webft which to crec day Poalls, and huge quantities of these have been puxchased, for de - and and heal the Infected membranesand sto p the Irritation and inflammation livery as required. GRICUL`17URAL COURSE FOR while the creosote goes o BLYTH to the soma To the housewife, the recipe from iisabsorbedintothe'blood,attaelmthesea which the Christmas puddings are Arrangements have been made by •of the trouble and checks the growth of the made may be of interest at this tante: the Ontario Department of Agricul- germs- Here it is, with quantities sufficient tore through the local Agricultural Creoraulsion Is guaranteed satisfactory to make six two -pound puddings:— Representative for the holding of a in the treatment of ?arsiBtept coughs and 2 lbs. raisins; 4 lbs. currants; 2 lbs• four weeks' course in Blyth. The 1_ -colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and chopped suet; 2 'Ibs. brown sugar, 1 young men's course 'in Agriculture other forms oftorydiseases, and is 1b• bread crumbs; %-Ib. flour; one and the young ladies' course in Home -excellent for b= UP the system after large carrot, grated; two tablespoons F colds or flu. Money, refunded if 110y ground ginger; 3 teaspoons cinnamon; Economics will be held during Janu- •cough or cold is not relieved after taking ary. Live stock, field crops and other according to directions. Ask your druggist. 3 oz. all -spice; 2 nutmegs, grated; agricultural subjects will be discussed creollawsion CO-, LIZIA4 Toronto, ont. 1/2 -Th. citron ; %-Th. candied -peel ; in the boys' class -room while house - rum or brandy to be added if desired. },,id science, sewing and Rome Nurs- Wet mixture with 16 eggs, well beat- ing and First Aid .will form the lec- en, and mix thoroughly. Put into tures given the girls. There will he moulds or basins and tie tightly. Boil special lectures in many subjects REALIZED HIS MEANING for ten hours. such as poultry and beekeeping, swine 1 1 and sheep marketing and others. The fact that George Bernard Shaw SNAKES SNORE IN BURMA—BATS These courses have been conducted recently celebrated his seventieth. HAVE SHRILLEST CRY throughout the Province for several birthday recalls a story concerning Have you ever heard a snake years and the fact that they are him that may or may not be true, but shriek? Probably not, for British shifted about in each county or dis- Is nevertheless well worth retelling. snake's make no sound except a slight trict annually gives a wide scope to He had been inveigled by a "high- hissing when disturbed or angry. Yet the numbers that may attend. The brow" -Hampstead hostess into being there is at beast one snake which has importance of agricultural informa- present at her musical party, wher6 a real voice. This is the big water tion and education is readily reaUz- the "lion" of the evening was a young python or anaconda of Brazil, which ed and all who can should without -violinist whose efforts gave more pain gives a peculiar piercing cry at night. question arrange to attend. than pleasure to the asremblied guests. Another, the black python, is called After a long period Of torture, the dormidera (snoring snake) by the 0 'hostess turned to Shaw and asked natives. When breathing it makes a THE NECESSITY OF LOOKING Tapturously: "Well, Mr. Shaw, What loud snoring sound. AHEAD -do you think of my discovery?" There is a Burmese lizard which is "I find in him a great resemblance sarid to have a shrill voice, and one Every great achievement, every to Pad.-ewski,11 replied Shaw. of the -mal-11 American tree frogs Tho I- itess was puzzled for a rAom- bleats exactly like a lost lamb. large project, in every sphere of life, -entr ami lien answered correctingly. But there is no need to go far afield statesmanship, art, letters, music, sci- ence, education, engineering, it mat- ist." "Oh, but Paderew-ski is not a violin- to hear strange voices of animals. The badger, generally supposed to be ters not which, is the result of sus - "Exactly," answered G. B. S. a completely silent creature, can faired effort and plans thought out make an awful outcry at times. Miss long in advance. The tall hotel or PACK YOUR BAG FOR FLORIDA Frances Pitt, our greatest authority office building, the giant ocean liner, on badgers, says that the first time the great industrial plant, are all first Wouldn't you like a gallop along ;be heard it she thought someone was conceived in every detail in the minds palm -shaded bridle paths by the oc- heing murdered. The writer beard of those responsible for them and this *an? Wouldn't you like to ;spend the sound for the first time in a Dev- I is so with every large organization of your winter where it is glorious sum- onhire cornbe, and was seared. The any kind and particularly so with the -mer all the time? Then pack your cry is a shriek. worse if anything various All Expense Travel Tours bags for Florida. A short train jour- than that of a hurt bare. which have become so popular with -ney and you're in a land where sum- The hedgehog, quiet enough in the, the public in recent years. -mert me sports and pleasure are at daytime, makes an extrao rdi nary! Canadian National Railways have their best all winter long—where hos- I chattering at night I announced two all -expense tours dur- pitality is the keynote. The bat's cry is perhaps the shrill -I ing the summer of 1927 to be person - Or perhaps you prefer the Gulf est sound that human ears can ap- ally conducted by Messrs. MartinKerr and A. E. Bryson, of the Kerr - ,Coast. From Pensacola to the Mexi- preciate. Most people over forty lose -can Border, hundreds of comfortable the power of hearing this creature's Bryson Tours. Even now the hun- and picturesque resorts will help to cry, for it is too high-pitched for dreds of details involved in the or - make your winter holiday in the South any but the keenest hearing. ganization of these two tours have -a pleasant one. No matter where been practically completed, and with - you stay, every -thing possible will be in a very short time illustrated book- -done to make your visit one to be re- lets giving a complete outline and membered. Winter tourist fares with DO YOUR WINTER TRAVEL TO describing the many attractive feat - long limit and stopover privileges are THE WEST VIA "THE NATIONAL" I ures of the tours will be available for now effective. You have choice of For comfort's sakego "The Na- distribution. gateways and variable routes when tional" when travelling to Winnipeg But how about you? Naturally, you would like to join one of these you travel "National'," and the West. This fast Canadian tours, either the one going west Any Canadian National Railways National train has every convenience through the Canadian Rockies to the Agent will gladly supply You with to make your winter trips enjoyable. full information, resort rates, faresPacific Coast, returning through Yel- Attentive service, modern steel equip- lowstone Park, or the one going East and literature. ment, convenient hour of departure via Quebec and the Saguenay River all favor "The National" when con- to the Maritime Provinces, returning sidering your trips to Winnipeg. via New Eaggand and Ottawa. Next ANTS FAR STRONGER THAN "The National" leaves Toronto year, 1927, is Canada's Jubilee Year, POWERFUL MEN nightly at 9.00 p.m., arriving at Win- the 60th anniversary of the birth of nipeg 10.00 a.m, the second morning. this great Dominion and the thoughts If a man's jaws were proportionate- Connections are made at Winnipeg of the majority of our citizens will ly as powerful as those of an ant, he for all testern points. In addition be directed towards the desirability -would be able to lift 275 tons with his to regular eqtdpment a speciall sleeper of a better acquaintance with the teeth. A field ant has been known is carried for the convenience of Sud- problems of the different sections of to 'hold in its jaws & weight 3,000 bury passengers. our country, which can best be se- Vmes heavier than itself. Tickets and information from any cured by an interchange of personal A man could also lift two of the Canadian National Agent. visits. largest modern locomotives On his The all ­expense tour offers the best, back and walk away with them If he most convenient and least expensive Ind the same strength in proportion to his weight as an antAGAIN REDUCING BUFFALO means of doing this, but just as it is HERDS AT WAINWRIGHT necessary for the organizers of such , Taking an ant's height to be a quarter of an tours to make their plans many inch these creattures in erecting their PARK months in advance, so it is equally tWe-aty-foot pyramids construct an Because the National Buffalo Park necessary for those who would like effifice nine hundred and sixty times will provide pasturage and hay for to join these tours to look ahead and their own beigbt, in only so many buffalo, and Canada's make their plans well in advance so The Atta ante, found chiefly herd of bison has grown to the limit that they will not be disappointed, America, actually grow mushrooms of the park's feeding possibilities, the and so we RRY "Plan Now." -for their own use, and certain parts crack of the rifle its resounding in the If you are interested, write. Mr. of their nests are specially prepared hills and Sharpshooter Sam Purshell Kerr at 4 Be-ulah Ave_ Hamilton, -for the cultivation of this food. The seeds' is bringing down one animal after Ont., or Mr. Bryson at 44 Silverthorn opts om " t -q another to be carted off to the abat- Ave., Toronto, or your nearest Can - bring the. mushroom s from the plants growing above- toir for dressing. Foreman Bud Cot- adian National Railways Agent, and ground. Human beings could not ton and his riders have done their descriptive booklet will be mailed you grow mushrooms more skilfully. share during the last few weeks of as soon as ready. rounding up and segregating the an- imals to be killed this Fall, and many TURKEY AND PUDDINGS PRE- thrilling moments were spent as the The power of words is immense PARED BY THE TON FOR bison, which are reported to be in well chosen word has often sufficed to e from the rounstop a flying army, to change r �t CHRISTMAS DINNERS splendid condition, made their efforts to escap8ip. defeat Vbristmas shopping early" is one Cotton and his riders have been put- into victory, and to save an empire. ,of the slogans of the Canadian house- ting through the corrals about 150 —Emile de Girardin. rife, and it is a slogan which must anim0s per day, and a total of some -0 -_ Ire followed also by the commissariat of the Canadian National Railways, 1,800 buffalo are to, be slaughtered CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC this year in the attempt to keep this In Preparation for the heavy Christ- COAST FOR WINTER fast- . growing herd within the numbers Inas traffic which means special Christmas fare on all dining ears for that the Park can feed. The ranging In California, the sun shines upon those who must travel dming the 109- possibilities of the area will provide a land blessed with a most wonderful for only about '8,000 Animals, and the climate — blossoms everywhere — or- tive season. Christmas shopping by herd, which began in 19o,7 with 716 ange trees heavy with fruit—tropi- this department commenced months ago, for the reason that whereas the head, reached this figure long ag,)- an] plants lending an exotic color to Ordinary housewife has to worry a- During the past three years a sY9- their every surrounding. California Uft only one or perhaps two Plump tematic reduction of the main herd is a veritable picture -land of warmth, ttLtkeys, the buyers for the dining has been faking place. Shipments of health and happiness. 4M have that worry multiplied one- young buffalo were made to the wood Choose your own amusements—surf tbousand fold.. bison reserve in the Slave Lake area bathing, riding, golf, tennis, yachting as shopping list which during 1025 and 1926, some &,600 _any type of summer sport you de - The Cguistm ng shipped out each :rear, for your pleasure. -must be followed is no light one, for animals bei sire is here f the traveUer.on A Canadian National and in addition, some 1,600 of the The accommodations, to(h are lux- trulift expects his meals, during the animals were killed in the Fall Of urious or simple, as you choose-4hun- to have that true 1924. dreds of resort hotels offer you their season, to year a different plan VMS fol- perfeet services at reasonable cost. -holiday touch -'Bich 18 Ofelt Only by the addition of certain spetial dishes ]Awed, and the Nationgl Parks Make the trip to California one to the menu. Two of these 41*1101 B)ranch of the ]Department of the In. wny via the North Pacific Coast -- turkey Vii,ddinip, Tequkm tgriOlr called Red for tenders and some Vancouver and Victoria where ex - turkey and buffalo, about which there still tremo winter is unknown, where golf forethought and preparation. At 118,10 halto -A tinge of romance, -went on is played the year round and other Thanksgiving arid again At Christmas, to the market like so many lengths of outdoor recreations freely indulged In. tillk 6 are pipe. The suecesafuT The scenic gra-rift"r of the 'Canadian *everal thousand PIIMP 't k used esteam, rKilired to Meet the derdol-AEU 7081ir t6 tetderet,j� now doing the alaughtet- National route to the coast in wiT"r A gi. special t6te 61 lUtib 'V -i" Ing at Wainwright arid Will place ig wonderful. An year tourist fares CoAl f means the plIrdb"IftO hud hig o bAIO steaks and other choice cuts, with long limit and stop over privy Wim four to five *Abtad tiAg� And et�e db ro&qiatance of the ile•lea are now tri effect. You have 1 "Co the PI fifIll",L0 0) Ulmsmah on the marktit for, house- dh,*jba of various routes when -got 'gavel rontii ivt�let dorsto enjoy,tv&Vel itCatiadfat National � Way." .TO, All, lAlotm bdXOTO an 1- a 1 -A -4-Y Ali we V1*q1uW4N;! of Ift ture)tiya 14M glankv su plifid atitlYtal fly- In 21 M 0i "'o VIA < Ki ,41 X-.; % it i 0, tie 6- 0 A MAY the happiness of Christmas be with you and those -1,,Aose -Xi p n a p IOWC, Mss C Pit 4 V I I U S U P each day of the New Year bring you vivtmL_�­ are of ever increasin� Jov and e,L Prosperity. StewartBros, ea p: `O _..'V, -_w 1— ,t'... #.. ;t, 3 Z 1, 14WAX, .. �:'..'At,0'. �.- , " '. . - I" "'Al