HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-12-17, Page 8TC,
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3Tthe church as shown by the general � '� � 4
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s met of -the Genera Board of, Y� � �Q ai';;ll��#�# �
Qp; Si1A1(dlp School state n l Goods: Y�uu are sure to find: �j (� (� y
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a single as you. Briggs, �n
` S:High Missio The increase In ng a o h d�
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LIGHT $18its S tkli' $.::to please Y
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year an a o s ;
"th--OI]:'^'-r YDOC�ICS I.EATHEI� GOUT►v 7�u►,x�si. S' �
p throughout the Dominion ave to nt urn the los;f of hey' hailaallx,. tylia r a.• ti y r
;r>•1r1i�^ � 1_,rF, fields g g STATI(l:l��ItY FI�;Ti�R»s
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" $1TIt" dxl bulks a't 6 cents its own testimony of gro COItR f"ONDENCE CARDS
Tuesday, December 21st y.
xzali better than in cans blessing. The care for the Gospel CHIN GLASSWARE three sons' 'John, "Qe'Qr- � ���> �ugb�
Y C A so .that the: as'sin'
t n�:�;ostoTN9r. being conveyed to three million souls PENCILS FOUNTAIN PEl'oTS 1 of xS.` Jeedalax- w r
I^ y mid after these 89 and y
;!l s," `a/ia. i at 8 P.m. C " a :.t.. -
ii h in other lands than our own was felt
of ,..••
„Y as a challenge for the Presbyterian SNAG' SHOT ALBUMS life marks Solemn rth,axad w come
T]C7!5 - %axe sole agents for A fine programme of Christ- Church to do its share for the world those still here on earth, and welcome '• a
Inas Carols. and Dialo es whose future is bound u with the
�zlf<"cl�';ti>ti, . ":I'�ose who. have used reunion with 'those loved too
And that IT PAYS. P
as i, response which this church and all and lost 'awhile. Owing to' �illuAss,
will be given. Also a Christ -n
��i STOVE, POLISH in liquid churches make, toward the world ' neither Mrs, McDowell oar jVlrs. �5
. mas Tree and Santa Clavas. problem, and the highest hopes were Tho"M-PsOn � Briggs could, be present at the fun -plate, This is represented to us P era] services which were conducted'l;r , th best to stay on. entertained of the Presbytery s alio,
} 15C Admission: Adults 25C. cation to the Schemes 'bei exceed- on Monday last by Dr. Larkin Mrs. i-'4 r•
{ i illsiahex, the same as others.... McDiarmid's son-in-law, Dr. Briggs,
n ed. Rev. R. C. McDermid was ap- rigger
Sunday School Children,free pointed interim moderator of the Ses- Subscriptions taken for ''all.magazines of Cleveland, was among the mourn-. �
. 13UT7'ERl- If you have dif- P ers. 'The
sion of Carmel Church, Hensall. The and cape at publisher's prices. pallbearers were Messrs.
y�� t Lark I in getting good quality, try W. R. Smith George Sills, John Me-
fg,'i >� VPe have abundance of splendid Presbytery adjourned to meet in _ _ ' }/�y� •
glpEal£ 7 at 5c per pound less than
THE HURON EXPOSITOR Clinton,Tuesday, February 22nd. y JohTavn , H. eso Edge, r D. Scott and SL!!1 a Replete With Worthy Suggestions
slkh ministration. In the sweet] restful Jahn Jamieson. Interment was at •+"
�rehmery butter' time of her latest ears after a long Maitlland'bank Cemeter
- - For Bale_ -A baby cutter in good condition. Y ,Y•
I¢ da Y CHRISTMAS -We are ov- Apply at The Expositor office. 3079x1 and busy life, she had a rich fore -
DISTRICT MATTER, Buy some Gifts ever day now,
so are offering some wanted.—To •rent at once, loo acre farm taste of the rest that is now hers L Local Briefs. In reporting tho The _ y
v Dies at 153'6 to 30ek discount. - with good buildings, in Township of Tucker- the bright and beautiful beyond. The oratorical contest in connection with and thus solve every Gift Problem
smith. Apply at Expositor office_ 3079x1 first years of Mrs.' McDiarmid's life the Collegiate Commencement exec- Whole without the attendant discomfort List,
'dam' Young Peoples' Society. -The For $ale_ Good, big, strong driver or third were lived in old Kilpatrick, Dumbar- cises fast week The Ex and trouble if you attempt will.
`OirSTER SHELL -Per sa,ck....$1.50 horse, rising five years old. Apply Dale P , positor':in- Spirit pt last -
;,a Young Peoples' Society of North Side Nixon, Seaforth. 3079-1 tonshire, Scotland, where she was advertently omitted• the name of Mr. of day, last-lltinute Shopping -Think be a
JtOQUEFORT CHEESE 6" United Church held their meeting as Remnants -3 lbs., $2; 5 tbs. cotton Oatches, born in 18$7, the daughter of Mr. Murray Savauge, p o was the lin this in- it over.
per pound ................. "�� usual on Tuesday, December 14th. $1.50; s lbs. cretonne, silk or velvet pieces, and Mrs. George Hamilton. Coming test.-Readers
e t of the second this r Range
as The meeting opened with a Christ $2 ; 2 lbs. sweater yarn, $2. A. McCreary, to Canada at the a of fourteen with es . Readers of The E
yet' LARD --Pure Kettle Rendered �e Mas hymn which was followed by Chatham, Ont_ 3075-tf g Expositor who Store's of
;, 2OC ' )Mound. -On North Main street, a purse her sister, Mrs. Murchie, Hamilton, have Huron friends in Toronto, are
2w per pound the Scripture Uesson b Evelyn Har- AririOuriCem Vseful
p Y Yn containing two letters and a small sum of Ont., was for a short time her home; requested to send their names and
'th• burn. The topic, "War as Opposed money. Owner may have same by proving thence to Huron County, where the addresses to Mr. D. D. Willson 192
('1HRISTMAS GREETING CARDS- property. Expositor Office. 30791 merit .. Articles
41a " to the Christmas Spirit,' was very remainder of her life was sent. It Silverbirch Avenue, for the t
f Very choice gilt edged linen fabric Notice. -All books must be returned to the P purposes
capably taken by Miss Govenlock and IS Which
y, with envelopes to match. Public Library on or before Thursday, De,•em- was in 1861 that Mr. Angus McDiar- of having them added to the list of sc ��
?° dozen for 75C enjoyed by all. It was decided to her 23rd. Greta Thompson, Librarian. mid took for his true and faithful the Huron Old Boys' Association of Gifts, 1 Sensible
hold a Watch Night Service this year X79 2 helpmeet, this winsome Scottish las- Toronto. - Mr, J. B. Henderson is the , Persons Class Dressed Poul- under the Young Peoples' Society, sie, Miss Isabella 'Hamilton; and af- spending the winter with his daugh-
i try up to December 21st. and preparations were left in charge Jean Dungey Wins The Pony. -The ter living in Harpurhey for a few ter in Guelph, -Mr. Robert Stewart, Very • a ' give'
kl "` of the Executive. The meeting clos- Pony Contest, which has been run by years, they settled on the farm, of Hensall, has moved his fami things '
1i ed with the Miz ah Benediction. several of the town merchants for sed thlll t4) -
ed Mavis Bank" on Huron Road where to the residence he recently leased
several weeks, closed on Saturday that other
� they made their home for over 50 on North Main Street, -Mr. and Mrs.
F. D. Hutchison's Postal Information. -There remains evening, when Miss Jean Dungey, years. During the last eight years D. Shanahan left this week for South- Will be Sensible
less than 10 days in which to com- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles of her life, Mrs. McDiarmid and her ern Pines, North Carolina, where they
SpTete the Christmas mailing. It is Dungey, oCommercial, was daughter, Christina, occupied the will spend the winter. -Mr. A. A. Mc- eop appreciated. Ple.
desirable that all mail for local dis- found to have the greatest number of Lennan is installing a new hot water
d d 1 d th
• • , , • , , ,
tri'bution be placed in the post office
as early next week as possible and
rotes, an was ec are e winner. — -- ---
Miss Dungey is now the proud pos-
heating system in the Memorial Hos-
was in To -
J. A. Willsonbusiness
as an aid to this end the public is
lessor of the pony. The following is NOW PLAYING
pitao this
ronto this week on business connect
informed that the parcel and stamp
a list of the competitors and the votes
ed with the townnt Mrs. G. D. Fergn-
Th� Week
wickets will be kept open until eight
o'clock p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and
obtained by each: Dungey, Jean,
1,527,950; Hawkins, Edwin, 1,162,225; BARBARA BEDFORD
son was in Toronto last week. -Mrs.
J. Sproat was visiting with friends
Wednesday of next week. This
Grieve, Frank, 303,175; Bateman,
in St. Thomas this week. -Mrs. F. J.
should afford the people of the town
especially, an excellent opportunity
Charlie, 300,325; Archibald, Mickey,
235,150; Broadfoot, Wilson, 187,950;
`The Sporting Lover"
Kerslake is spending this week end
in Goderich at the home of Mrs. J.
• • , , • , , ,
to get their parcels away early, as
Sills, Tom, 158,650; Habkirk, Sterling,
The following officers were
T. Fell.-MIpJohn Pullman enter-
charming representative resident at
wel'1 as relieve the pressure of busi-
76,300; Calder, Andy ,47,925; Purcell,
London's famous Drury Lane Melo-
tained the members of the L.O.B.A.
Hu'Clett township, passed away at her
home here Monday in the
ness at the last moment. The post
Loretta 38,100; Joynt, Leo, 35,650
drama 'brought to the screen with
Lode last Thursday night The lime
Give Gloves - _–
We have many,
pound ... _ ..... ,
Sadie McCool, who, during his term
office staff is endeavoring to give the
the best service possible, and
Gemmell, Jean, 29,250; Wiltse,
orgy, 28,175; Crich, George, 22,675;
scenes from the worlds most famous
was pleasantly spent in a social
way and in making Christmas gifts
259 t0 $4.00
kinds of
21 C
in return the public is asked to co-
Venus, Bobbie, 15,800 ; Phillips,
horse race, the English Derby, in the
for the Orange Orphanage at Rich-
Practical Gifts �==_
Gloves and
pound .......... ...........
with a smaPl at-'
tendance owing to the bad weather.
rate at this the busiest season of
Frank, 15,725; Gordon, Ruth, 11,850;
Stewart, Douglas, Cronin, Mary
and of were
the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
mond Hill Toronto. At the close of
that everyone I►a==
a complete
the service -C. P. Sills, P.M.
the evening, a dainty lunch was sere-
2 C
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
ed by the hostess. -Miss Margaret
welcomes. { ==
size range.
pound • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , .. , , ,
Another Huronian Honored. -The
McKellar 'has recovered from an at-
County of Huron is to be honored in
Beath of Mrs. James McGill. -A
tack of the meas'lies. - The Misses
2 ,pounds• • 25C
a very distinctive way by having a
highly respected resident of Seaforth
The following officers were
Cresswell left on Wednesday for
charming representative resident at
and one of the pioneer residents o
Lane and Mrs. Chuff. Luncheon was
Passadena, California, where they
Washington, in connection with the
Hu'Clett township, passed away at her
home here Monday in the
Miss Billy Chesney; 1st Vice-Presi-
will spend the winter with their bro-
,, pound ............ ........ • LU
Canadian Minister to that city. Miss
on last per-
Adapted from the story,
Tho Store You Know -The Place to Go
ther, Mr. R. E. Cresswell. -Mrs. Ed.
Sadie McCool, who, during his term
son of Mrs. James D. McGill. The
Hunt, of McKillop, is visiting her
Pres., Miss Mae Wallace; 4th Vice-
Pres., Miss Gertie Webster; Press
deceased was born in Scotland but
Apparent" by Philip Gibbs.
ALL OTHER of office was me confidential Secre- i mother in
ACCORDANCE Lary of Hon. James Murdock, late came to Hullett township when a CFuelph.-The mild weaer
on Monday spoiled the perfect sleigh -
Minister of Labor, has been added to child of five years. There she resid- ing we had last weQk. Since Monday, `
the clerical staff of lion. Vincent ed until her marriage to Mr. McGill CONING FOR CHRISTMAS however, the weather has been ex -
D. H. STEWART Massey, the recently appointed Can- sixty years ago, when they moved to ceptionally cold and stormy. - Mr, LINENS ^ ,'' . For Table, Bed,
adian representative at Washington, Baden, Pennsylvania, where they Hector Hays, of Stratford, spent the
TcOUR BUTCHER : SEAFORTH Cohens and PHONE 58 and will shortly accompany him to spent some years. Later they return- week end at the home of his parents, Ours meet �t� Tyr Art and
the American capital_ Miss McCool ed to Hullett, and resided on the 2nd Major and Mrs. R. S. Hays. - Mr. Every Gift Embroidery.
is a native of Hullett Township, and concession until about six years ago, Herman Speare, of Toronto, is a
. r. a
home o
e at the hf Mand Mrs.
her many friends here and elsewhere when they retired from the farm and guest t
will be pleased to know of her ad- came to Seaforth to make their home. Kellys James Rivers, --The Collegiate rnsti- Plauen Lace
• v
ancement. That she is accomplish- She was a woman of quiet manners, tute closes on Tuesda and ther-ublic'T1ilSmt�lng d and efficient goes without saying. whose chief interest centered in her school on Wednesday next for theBATH SETS Centres
t is another case, of which there home and family, and whose loss will 89c to $1.65 359 to $2.50
have been man illustrations before, be keenly felt by them. Besides her Christmas holidays. t The many
y friends of Mr. Robert Hogg, North
of a Huronian making good. husband, Mrs. McGill is survived by Princes
S Main Street, will the pleased to learnIf the furnace needs ex- 4 four sons and one daughter: William, that he is recovering from a serious
hlin the Women's Missionary Auxiliary-- I of Colorado: Byron, of Harpurhey; attack of pneumonia. -Mrs. John
Part overhauling Or e The W. M_ Auxiliary, also the Mc-, .lames, of Clinton; John, of Harpur- Cummings and son, Harold, are in TIREAKFAST and BRIDGE SETS—$2.25 to $4.75
plumbing goes w r o n hey, and Mrs. Thomas Neilands, of
P Killlop Branch met in the school room 1 -ON CHRISTMAS EYE' Toronto this week, where the latter Fane Bath Towels worthwhilegifts)-509 to $1.50
/� Ifullett. The funeral sery-kes con -
Phone 2j a3 of the United Church on Thursday, is receiving special medical treat- y (
December 9th. From two to four,] were
by Rev. F. H. Larkin, D.D., Ment. --Dr. C. E. Briggs, of Cleveland;
the members were busily engaged in ere held on Wednesday, interment
I Lein made in Maitlandbark ceme- Will "you" be ready on Christmas Miss Elizabeth M, of Stratford,
and Miss
quilting, four quilts being quilted.; g Eve to enjoy the Gladsome Festive Florence Robinson, of Stratford, were A Bathrobe or Dainty Under.
The quilts were pieced at the Mc- tery. The pallbearers were Messrs. here on Monday attending the fun-
s Robt• Reid Killo branch meetin After the •]. Abell, G. Bunsch, Thomas Habkirk, Season. Join the procession to the Umbrellas wear are Wel-
P Rnhert Boyd, G. A. Sills and W. R. era] of the late Mrs. Angus McDer Kimona a
sewing the regular meeting was held, GREATER GIFT STORE mid. -Mr. J. P. Bell, of Toronto, was
Plumbing and Heating being in charge of Mrs. McIntosh's Smith. Come Gifts.
and let Beattie Bros. help. We are a town visitor this week. -Mr. and
Circle. A good programme was gliv-1 ready. Dinner and Tea Sets, Lim- Mrs. Robert Habkirk, of McKillop, make a splendid With the new They comprise
` en, which consisted of the following Egmondville.-On Monday evening have returned from Grosse Isle, Mieh- Gift and a useful short handles. Rayon, Silk and
numbers: Bible reading, Mrs. Stark;, at eight o'clock, the Young Peoples' oges, Indian Tree, Belleek and Blue y
"k Society of F. Bird China, Salad Bowls, Cake Plates, tgan, where they spent the summer.- 1.75 t0 5.00 COttOnS, final
prayer, Mir. Lightowler; solos by e y gmondviL]e United Church Tea Pots. Cups and Saucers, Odd The Golf Club held a most enjoyable one. $ $
Miss F. Knight and Miss M. Arm- I held their weekly meeting. Rev. W. dance in the G.W.V,A. Club on Fri -6.00 to $7.j0 made, 509 to 3.50''
Ch t• Ste 11 'McDonald acted as chairman and Fancy Pieces of China, at all prices; d f I t k M B n $
strong, a paper on n' s an w -Cut
ardship by Miss M. Summerville. The led in prayer. Mr. Keith Webster
study book was taken by Miss Robb I read the Scripture from Proverbs 8-18.
Glass, also
ay evening o as wee ,-- rs. e
Johnson is suffering from a severe
attack of quinsy. -Mrs. Wills, of Lon -
The following officers were
and Mrs. James Beattie; duet by Mrs.
Then followed the election of officers
re-elected: President, Mrs. H. J.
don, is a guest at the home of her
HANDKERCHIEFS—(Fascinating in Daintiness;
Lane and Mrs. Chuff. Luncheon was
which resulted as follows: President,
Dolls, Games, Toys, Stationery,
aunt, Mrs. .lames McIntosh. -Mr. E.
Hundreds and hundreds of hem) -5e to $2.00
served at the close of the meeting.
Miss Billy Chesney; 1st Vice-Presi-
Handkerchiefs, Hose_
Barnet, of Detroit, is spending a few
Mrs. George Hills; 5th Vice, Mrs.
dent, Mr. Fiarle Webster; 2nd Vice-
Tho Store You Know -The Place to Go
m e. - Mr.
weeks at his old hoe her
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. -The
Pres., Miss Jean Smith; 3rd Vice-
Scott Ferguson, of Toronto Univers-
the school room of the church on Fri -
annual meeting of the Barbara Kirk-
held Tuesday
Pres., Miss Mae Wallace; 4th Vice-
Pres., Miss Gertie Webster; Press
Beattie ros.
ity, spent the week end with his par-
A. Ferguson Mrs.
Auxiliary was on
rfran Au
evening in the school room of First
Presbyterian Church
Secretary, Miss J. Finnigan; Cor-
responding Secretary, Miss B. Joynt;
ents, Rev. J. and
Ferguson. -Rev. M. Keys, Mrs. Keys
daughter, Dungannon,
Any of These Would be sure to Please
with a smaPl at-'
tendance owing to the bad weather.
Recording Secretary, Mr. G. Holgate;
- - ----__ _
and of were
the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, H. J. Gibson and Miss Bell Pianist, Miss Sadie Howitt; assistant
Smith presided over the meeting. Af- pianist, Miss T. MacMillian; Floral
ter the opening hYmp, Mrs. Gibson Convenor, Miss M. Patrick. Then fol -
led in prayer; Miss Margaret Cuthill lowed the business part of the meet -
read the Scripture lesson, after which ing• After singing "I Am Thine 0
Mrs. Gibson gave an excellent ex- Lord," the meeting closed with the
p1nnation of the same. The minutes Mizpah Benediction -
and roll call were given, and Miss -Owing to the illness of Mrs. Ben.
Belle Smith read the Secretary's re- Johnston, the organist and choir lead -
port for the year 1926, and the fin- er, the Carol Service, which was an-
ancial report was; read by Miss Belle
nounced for Sunday evening next,
The following officers were
December 19th, 'has of necessity been
^� Past or fail] time apyointiag aab agent+
re-elected: President, Mrs. H. J.
postponed. It is hoped that Mrs.
q{'t Steady income amured. quite fwmediatelY
Gibson; 1st Vice -President, Miss S.
will be sufficient) y recovered
So soLzLA DMontseaL
I. McLean; 2nd Vice, Miss Edith Me-
to permit of the Carols being sung in
Kay; 3rd Vice, Miss Sparks; 4th Vice,
connection with the Christmas service
Mrs. George Hills; 5th Vice, Mrs.
on Sunday morning, December 26th,
Earl Bell; Secretary, Miss Belae
-A Sunday School entertainment
Smith; treasurer, Miss Belle Camp-
and Christmas tree wi'11 be held in
bell; pianist, Miss Hazel Reid; Look-
the school room of the church on Fri -
W. L. Keys. -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wil- Neckwear Hearth Rugs
liams, of Stratford, spent Sunday 25C t0 $6.00 75C t0 $10
with. Mrs. S. Boyd and Mrs. Gibson.
-The Lions Club are holding a spe-
cial Yuletide dance on Wednesday Hand Bag's Wool Blank6ts
evening, December 29th, in the G. W. 50C to $5.00 $8,95 to $16
V. A. Club.
WINTHROP Beaded Bags Bed Spreads ,.
Ladies' Aid. -The Ladies' Aid and Special $1.25 a
W. M. S. held their meeting -at the Children's 25C r $2.50 to $7'75
home of Mrs. A. 'Cuthill, with 'Mrs. ]
Hilden presiding. The meeting open- Silliilit Pillow Caste
ed by singing Hymn 666. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Miss Almira Underwear ) $1 to $3.95 pdr
Shannon, followed by silent prayer
for Mrs. Gauld. After the roll call Bloomers 1.65 to 2.250 �?•,:
and reports from the Treasurer of $3.50
pp o 'I°apestrl*
the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S., the SUPS, n o m Rwmers
minutes of the last mwere read weread Vesta, 1.15 to ,y �+
out Committee, Miss Minnie Habkirk; day evening at 8 o'clock. In addition and approved. The topic on "Now
Gowns, $3.50 $e7=®0't(i'i5:251
Supply Secretary, Mrs. S. Dorrance; to the usual programme of choruses, - Days in Old India" was given by Mrs.
NOTICE Social Secretary, Miss Bessie Grieve; recitations, motion -songs, etc., a o James Simpson, foi'iowed by messed -
f, Press Secretary, Miss P. Patterson ; couple of beautifully illustrated setsRe Whi
e ger pr9yeY by Mrs. John Boyd. The SUITABLE THINGS ]FOR HIM
Flower Convenor, Mrs. W. M. Stew- of slides, appropriate to the Christ- meeiing clased'by Aiflging Hylr►n 619 '
{ lira aPrt; Tidings Secretary, Mrs. John mas season, will be thrown on the laird• repkiting the Lord'a PmyAr in •�y�
Cixxnm'n Visitin Convenor M,rs. screen. A very hearty invitation is ' unfllod. litecktie Neck Scarf Fairer, Socks, Shirt, Gloves,
ti ,, 'dile �iddastit g extended to s1T friends of 'the chit- Chain Stores Nobeg Mrs. Ne7sri f�"av nlaek and r
+ o2dttilitii ,. iri Har r l dssei :Sproat The meeting olds- i Underwear° Suspenders Handkerchiefs Pyjamas.
r� ed ,tt+f€}i rile ]Lord's Prayer In unison.
dren to join .them in this entertain'- bsbe; .1fois, Have 'returned TlonYe after ' '
,�Iti h •• Ment. We wish.YQiy all thcl.. hedii,s s elldiri a week with f`riedds in --All 1 Good AsSbr'%nsnt ere
p 0' a -ltft p g"
2 ,.
l�4�thj}_, rfyrrt rpy}i'i r 0 "
ry� ®„'- Cdialli ukilCk! r
gr61 +r atidid.;Pt are 'gbri`y 'toboar of
+�� i,�►A� 'idE°'�r'ati' i'.resb5'�rY.-Tile Preebgterq
Z,i?�'hi? titi 01} held ifs regular Deeei:nber Death of Mrq. Angus McD;armid. Stop litSr , shf l dere. �. a serir� illit ss of Mr. Sarn�s P
" -L,+ arl on Saturday nlarni. De- C ►p ail.' Wd ! VIA jib, a spe�dg
at Z air. iYxeniit►
of! 'T'u'esday, thb 14th Inst.,
a: ► d gy We harve .abtandsitcs b ,undies, Nuts, 3tee+ �- Mie W . t). Sdaitt 'aid 'h
baptist ('hush, Clid n. the eember 11th, brought to its x`I'• 11,
1 sf •,:
., 'Arc
r r
l an
ea E � $� B trill: o o to -`w'
Kett• Alfred rlad�p hl close a. life t'h •t was �g �
r,::; rr � iy}a..".•��,,, u" 1 K:„ ,, �1'n , ,. .. , , .'.. 4V�f �i'X ; W.aL, 1. _ J � �', ::. ..r. •, � . L� �,.r . � � � 1 THAT
,l 11Sd1il�
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