HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-12-17, Page 5t F�''�"S"�,t{'�"f��t, �' d V {t x Mit, t 17 r4 tV� �?`. F ` u' t w,,,�,t ¢n t 6 1 Y , p� :'� �p�l�'1. Qa b�cFhak li tiS�t s , 1 .I;;'m�la;#.--:7.r1 klxvas¢Eta, ala �nlyezpbec x8t1K,' , e eu ivies. " b.art dao l - ' 14 IAURTAC�(r3PP',S Mclnnia-KAY --Ax Covert'. P�eebygeriari A4mt+a 'E�CO-.. tan Monds$� ovea,4A6, December 6 ss by Rev. J6anme Foote, I ms $Abdo LA Bell S, FW y, darrg�hrtor Qf BU6: ami{ Mrs. Wiilf Ray. Qf ureter, Ago M,r. James kloy McInnis of StrathWy. P`orbes-De*Wey,--At 'toe Parsonage, BIyL , o �Deccquber 1st, by Rev. R. H. Barnby, B.D. S.T.p., William S. Forbes, of Walton, Mrs. Mary V. Dempsey, of Hullett Tow sllip, DEATHS t= McDermid.-I•n Seaforth, on Deeergber lith Isabell Hamilton, relict of the late Angus McDermid, aged 89 years. Taylor. -At Grand Bend, on December 6t John J. Taylor, aged 81 years and 1 month r_ Duncan, -In Us�borne, on December 6th, Emil Rodger:, beloved wife of J, R. Duncan, aged 58 years and 7 months, 9� 1 "ORTANT NOTICES OR SALE. - COMBINATION QUEBEC F stove, nearly new, Apply to HFR$ERT r SMALE, Staffs. Phone, 48-4, Dublin. Y .'"b y 1 ( ,. Y 11 1 { ^*k,tFA7Y.f�..�'• 71r�� tiff "�'t��.>pH'Q+4f O Licensed Embalmer, v e �'P rr ., . 7ts0,0t QO+- VIAA W.110 of the, pllp � 5:kt RS �An,elect1a11 n ' ta'illtGryiel{f drawn equipment. Beattie . 40 L�. ., i?7gk° i 7 d n g thr�,ui Dill �b, ` diel' of : Block, Main Street, opposite O . depot r� 7t? il�l!ay 9n l;,'alldpxl, ail� ✓� The Expositor Office. S. T. O j,"j.0" tad got to Toronto when ar Holmes'. residence, Goderich O sed a telegram that hti: had; ;be Street West; Chas. Holmes' ected. O CROMARTY- O W. M. S. --The annual busine Flowers furnished on short meeting of the Cromarty w, M. s ;net 'at the home of Mrs. Jaines Se ott O ern Thursday, December 9th, the pre sl- holstering neatly done. •'4erit, Mrs. Scott, presiding, Ago Od Phones: 119 or 254 J. attendance was present. Mrs. Sco a addressed the meeting and gave sq me o p O 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 very 'helpful thoughts for the corm ng 0 year. The Secretary., Mrs. Thom as W. T.BOX &CO O Scott, gave an account of the mee Funeral Director and ` •' ' Ings during the past year, which w s,8 Licensed Embalmer,/ O very encouraging, as our society h' aS H. C. BOX O had an increase in membership a an Beat Motor and Horse-drawn O an exceptionally good attendance du equipment. O Ing the past year. The meeting o p" Charges moderate. 10 ened by singing the auxiliary hym Flowers furnished on short O "Abide With Me." Mrs. Jame Wright read the Scripture lesson z O Mrs. t Tufford read the lesson fro z Nights Calls Day Calls O the study book. The business p par Phone 175. Phone 43. O �o£ the meeting was then taken u p' 0 All; the officers were duly elected fo another year: Mrs, James Scot Scott O President; Mrs. Thomas Oliver, Vice ,0 President; Mrs. Hill, Treasurer; Mr O O Thomas Scdtt, Secretary; Mrs, Edg4: O Allen, Mrs. A. Mr-Lellan, Scattere O Helper's Secretary; Mrs. S. A. Mil rector and Embalmer. ler, Organist; Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Tuffo'rd 0 Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. Miller, Progra O Motor or Horse Equiprwent, Committee. The meeting closed b O zinging Hymn 443, "Tell) Me the Old 0 O Old Story," and prayer by Mrs. Lam O mon and the Lord's prayer in unison Notes. -Mr. Otto Walker left las week for Detroit, where he intends sbaying for the winter month. -Mr. James Park, a former resident o Cromarty, spent a few days last week visiting friends, ,r L NOTICE TO CREDITORS i NOT::' is hereby Sri, en that all per -+o ns fie, �^ j nor :L. n.a againt the estate of Matilda firu'„lb.idue, late of the Town of Seaforth. \bid ,w, decried, who died on the lith day of November, 1926, are renuireti to forward their claims, duly Proven, to the underig-ned Solicitors, on or before the 8th day of .lanu- ary, 1927, after which date the Fxecutor will proceed to distribute the artate, having regard C only to the claims, of which he shail then brave had notice. d ., DATED at Seaforth. Ont.. th,, lt;th day of December. 1926. EIEST & FIF.ST. �_ tiolicitnry for Exe, uw.,r. 8075-3 B gHORTHORN CALVES FOR SALE. -POR sale two Shorthorn bull calves, 11 and jj4 r months old, one red and one white. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. Apply to W. H. JAMIESON, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 8 on 616, Clinton. 8078-tf ' SHORTHORN CALVES FOR SALE --TOR m SHORTHORN 4 Shorthorn bull calves, 11 to 16 y months, 2 reds and 2 roans- These are from good milking strain. Apply to A- & J. BROADFOOT, Seaforth, or phone 81 on 150. 8076-tf t SHORTHORN'S FOR SALE. -ONE Cow with a month old heifer calf, and three 2 -year-old heifers, two due to calve in Janu- ary, the other in May. These are all off f Sootch breeding. Apply to JAMES McIN- TOSH. R. R. 3, Seaforth, or phone 137 r 41. 3078x2 WOOD AND PIGS FOR SAL .-A QUAN- tlty of dry wood, 12 inches long, from $4 to $5 a cord; 50 good suckling pigs, also 100 chunks coming in next week. Inquiries cheerfully answered. W. M. SPROAT. Phone 136-2, Seaforth. 3074-tf Fj ARMS FOR SALE --A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usborne. Tuckemmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located a, to markets. THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 8068 -Lf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 80, 7tb Cancession, Hibbert Township. Splen- did improved 100 acre farm, beat buildings to Perth County; well fenced and drained. Come to see growing crops. Apply R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 8061-tf d l , w ^$ fat � d .�`''� � ' �� s � r'i y 7b. �fi �? 1, r17 77 f ! ';� � ,� r•,• „�. . i y' ...i?fr a;k4 ;+)ae,%a .:Rgpx +TL �r tr 7VA1%� :1 f r e Mo lnK+4;m orf vu � • aux ult c �, lr • 'ch "" a �ari0 ;1nt4ha�t' s�+�1K�k, .t ld�shen . u;^ 1, Sud- % . f hs e' nd i. k ra .t0. i e' , 1 , :raaa a r lR t�}} lht P0. he d t' . I ltltohan:', clock, •2� y 9 . 7ii�tulAum one 'ylac�ib0 2%*` 1 ���t congtrletim rug, 4}pdv p �yeaaxy,• M. new ; 50 nocesaasy, Ouch yolT 0.1,4 : yards 'PTR carpet. wep wino w 'ourtAins and .day 4 us,�y drd, x9$ p;•,. poles, a cl464tiV of dia# and eaaeawaro and plt#cteli . and by tine fq afl" tri, a' lot of . kltchpg: -uGen lid • Apd a NuAn#ty of III lia' Carr aFe ilottr a small iinticlea siu�erbus to mention, one 0 ' J�+hui •12ernk0. card of joins fl kindling, 1 laundry stove, '�Samutel epeh, Petra-,eaab- M115S 'JEN,NIE OAMPBF.X+.X,,. P. C.: �Io 8, Sc$pr t* Proprietma ; T: Bm* wn, .A1lcdoumr. Tiirrre;. n Scboa!' Ilonae No. 8 TrlMrts# J. W. Mclx>rboell, P C �4 No, 1, Robert Traquafrl': R _ P.C. ; No, 6, School lTtrtl¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EiDelalr, D.R.O„ Alexaniie o Ci Po11 open from 9 a.m. het SS. rye y g D. F. me . 1 o AOjMes & Son O 3097-2 R'turning )I v Emily Funeral Director and Ic O Licensed Embalmer, O O Finest Motor and Horse- O 0 drawn equipment. Beattie O O Block, Main Street, opposite O O The Expositor Office. S. T. O O Holmes'. residence, Goderich O O Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 O residence, North Main Sreet. O O Flowers furnished on short O O notice, All kinds of up. O I- O holstering neatly done. O Phones: 119 or 254 J. O a 0 o p O 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C> W. T.BOX &CO O O Funeral Director and ` O O Licensed Embalmer,/ O O H. C. BOX O O Beat Motor and Horse-drawn O O equipment. O O Charges moderate. 10 O Flowers furnished on short O O notice, O O Nights Calls Day Calls O O Phone 175. Phone 43. O 0 0 OOo0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ,0 W. J. Walker & Son O O O W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- O O rector and Embalmer. O 0 O O Motor or Horse Equiprwent, O O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 O as requested. O O Day or Nigbt, Phone 07. O '1Ci7tpr'a h >itQr»�'1�r t In 1'i y f ,era �.�'k i Q4i ���LI ' I r -.t i'1 X1.1. i'•.M1 t1 flelda2'� oaf ed (m SAI, ori the f-oN4win - affieena: zea, ig0 ,!Wiin0ila4i w011. bo,at:` ' Eo plllxerpllRl? Y4ltol, 8 Q rthu' float°,g'9, No, 4. CAFeY. in, P.C. )�, �' 1VIQnday ttlil�l, �,h tp, "y ; No. 4, .. Ihapman, a?3t.Q„ ': . . Afternoons.. 6, Sabooi' Rouse O• : R. D. Boll, No.9, Willi, m . " Adjustments PVOD for 4seiis" Sin >' Sinclair, , C. Of ill Iduds. a MAKE THIS THE HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS BY GIVING HER A PERFECT BLUE WHITE DIAMOND SHOP EARLY J. A. WESTCOTT, JEWELER Opposite W .A. Crich Open Phone 23 Evenings Residence 64J 3004-tf A Panel of Good GIFT SUGGESTIONS WRIST WATCH COMPACTS TOILET ARTICLES WALDEMER CHAINS BELT CHAINS KNIVES POCKET WATCHES T1E PINS EMBLEM RINGS PEARL & ONYX RINGS PEARLS SIGNET RINGS CLOCKS PEN AND PENCIL SETS DIAMOND RINGS SILVERWARE BAR PINS LINKS t /r Olds es f iX, s80 rknl 1�t19x y The Ansr1wer will G i SkiP", +' q Because Slippers, like no other gift, eonyb; Wishes for good health and comfort in tla ccallhll ti ' hl Buy thele at SMITH'Sr and -your m�#ieJ des � 1 gal a , Our entire stock is so arranged that you can see ' make your selections quickly.' f CHILDREN LADIES MEN ry�� 1 l Plaid Straps ...... 75c Plaid Slippers ..... 95c Plaid Slippers .,$y1°�. Picture Slippers ... 95c Boudoirs, all colors. .$I Bottdoirs,a'll+colars<$' Bunn Sli Bronze, Silver Everetis• Y peers, .$1.10 ,sAa Arctic Kosies....$1.15 and Patent ....$1.25 leather, $1.25 to Quilted Satins ... $1.50 Arctic Xosiies .,„$,gt}" Moccasin's ..... , . $1.10 Felt House Boots, $1.75 Spats, realEng ' ^ Galoshes ...-....$1.95 Genuine Leather..$2.25 :{ as , Moccasins, $1.71rand HOCKEY SHOES For Every Member of the Family, t For the convenience of our Christmas shoppers we have ar ranged a delivery service to any part of the town. J. H. Smith Son The Store of the Christmas Spirit PHONE 51. Opposite Bank of Commerce SEAFORTH ;a Club Bags j Hockey Shoes O O O O O O O 0 0 --FA RM FOR S A I(E i NOTICE TO CREDITORS! - � FARt1 rfJR SAIJI - •cal: r\1t.�1 is sl1'• I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 uatel "r, 'b,• 10th t'on, ea„n of Huller t, NOT1c F. � hareby given that. all persons Q g 7� q'�g� O) 3,nt i xrd Fro- t. half Ln[ ° r„a taming t ,0 having claim, uvairwt the estate of Ma �p . J. �LEAI$, JI O tf. ,acre.+ There Orr nn the pr,-r-t.+es a •.rveTl- � Ann Munn. late of the Village of Kinburn, I O TJ room -1 fr,,m,• 1-i- and , lar,n• kitchen w,'n Married Woman, decea ed, who died on the � 0 O a go"] al., ft Wciatrrn attr•hed. alnn m„'1' 27th d+ty of September, 1926, are required to wnnd.hwl. r,!inr yi v.e t,f hnu,e and kit -I forwanl their olaims, duly proven, to the O Licensed Embalmer and O a iy cher : bank %h•w shod, 3'2x 1.1 ; on,l,rni,rnPd Solicitors, on or before the 2 , L O Funeral Director. O drivrnu h„u-a. 20x in, .1ne,.•r failing drilled day of December, 1926. after which date the � 0 Up-to-date Horse and MatOr O well with windmill and supply tank with Executors will proceed W distribute the estit e p- wat.er through the stahlts: also a never fail- having regard only to the claim of which O Equipment. O Lb Sag spring A'eUl near the centre of the farm. 7J .. they shall then have had notice. The Christmas Has all ben seeded to grass. This farm vs Dated at Seaforth, On't., this 9th day of O Night and Day Service. O Store," well fenced and les drained, with tenacres December, 1926.O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O ,. of bush: Sty mi.lar from two good Fo shipping BEST & BEST, porn La : total mrui�l and phone. For further O Solicitors for Executors_ O arart MAS apply on the premises . address 3078-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - TxoMns STAPLES, R. R. Nr.. 1, bonder- As your thought turns to Christmas 1926 two bin )dints see t t d `w1 too ro. P 70;9-tf „♦0 I I I Pct + �'sl�C la'�"�t;rgngnij 4t"° NOMINATION NOTICE McKILLOP The annual meeting of ratepayer of the Township of McKillop mill be held at the Hall, Winthrop, on Monday, the 27th day of December, from 1 till 2 o'clock p.m., for the 1pnrpose of nominating a Reeve and four 6ouncillors for the year 1927, and in the event of more persons being nominated than are required to fill the at,verul offices, an alec- tion will he head on Monday, January the 3rd. 1927, from 9 a.m. till 5 p. m., at Polling Div. No, 1, Jas. F. Carlin'A House, Lot 25, Don. 4, ,fames Evs,ns. D.R.O., Thomas Moylan, P.C.: Polling Div. No. 2 Joseph Hogg's Arouse, Lot 25. C n. 4, .John McDowell. D.R.O., Nr. George Eaton. P.C.: Polling Div. No. 7 �loseph Smith's house. Let l0. Con. 12. .John'. 7.eerni•ng, D.R.O., John Murray. P.C.: Pol-ling Div. No. 4 School House No. 7, Lot 26, Con, 12. John Balfour, D.R•O., Willis Dundas, P.C. JOHN McNAY. 8079-2 Returning Officer. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate -Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO ]Phone 91 JUST ONE WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS lblake this Store Headquarters for a Gift Shop. Let us show you what we have for Father, Mother, gister and Brother. live also have a supply of Groceries, Candies and Nuts. Here are a few .of our Specials: - ,CORN FLAKES ri®� 3 for 11CIN6 SUGAR ff A� a :p6imas for ........ . ..... L.7 33131 'TABLE, SYRUP Z�JC 3 pounds far ...... SHE�.tXID WALNUTS �t1� 1 pound 1J ,CANDIED CtIVIR €t.IES �I1C 1 pound O 'Tr our blend of hoose Tea, Orange Pekoe; specfi4 2 pounds.. 41-39 Quality Gu'arantded. TREE -One bag of Redpath S>rgar. li Guessing Contest begins Saturday, Deeembex 11th and ends December 24th, dates inclusive. Ask us ! About it. q�'1p yam( y�!f� �Y�r.' H' • JL s BMIR 0. H.AS. Seaforth, December 15th, 1926. DEAR HELEN: Have you seen the pretty Silk and Crepe Scarfs BRIGHT'S have" Just in case you hadn't, I thought you might be interested in some- thing of this kind, for your boy friend. The price is so reasonable, too, only $2,75. They have some really Pure Irish Linen Handker- chiefs, too; best quality I've seen for the money anywhere, in three aifferent sizers, at 35c, 50c and 60c, and, Oh, say! Ask them to show you two Sweater Coats they have, one in Cardinal and one White. I'd love to have either one of then mysetif, not hinting, of course. Merry Christmas. ELIZABETH. Seaforth, December 15th, 1926. FRIEND FRANK: You were asking the other day what you could get your Brother for Christmas. Here's an idea -One of those Japanese Silk Muffler3 at BRIGHT'S in a white ground with dark blue polka dot. "Gee! They're swell," and as price means something to both of us, Welll they're only $2.5/0. Ask to see their $12.00 Dressing Gown; it's a "Wow." Also the gown with slippers to match, dandy for travelling. These are marked down to $3.00 and a real bargain. They have some rather good looking Crepe Ties, too,'very nicely boxed and priced to meet our wad. "Oh, yes!" and say! if ,you are thinking of me this year, I'll just. have size 15V2 of the Mauve, Biue, Tan or White in BRIGFIT's fancy boxed Shirts, with collar to match. "Thank you." Best wishes, "JIM." R.E. BRIGHT, Seaforth Dress Well and Succeed "PIIS" GIFT, When you are selecting a Gift for a Man, you like to feel that it is something that will be seen often -.noticed and admired by other: people. He will appreciate any of these Gifts:- WATCHES - Pocket Watches in White and Green Gold, engraved cases, $10 up WristWatches ............................. ..$5.00 up Ingersoll Wrist Watches (New Style) .... . ....... . . . .. . .$5,00 MALDEMARS to match watches . . ........................$1.50 up PEN KNIVES in White and Green Gold...................$2.00 up POCKET COMBS in gold fililed cases ......................$1.00 up CUFF LINKS, - Kum -a -Part Cuff Buttons from ...... . ...........$Zoo to $5,00 White and Green Gold filled Links ........ . . . .. . . . . . . $1.50 up Pearl Topped Link-,; ............................75c to $1.75 RINGS_ signet Rings ...... $L50 up Stone Rings ...... $5.00 up FOUNTAIN PENS AND PPNCILS Parker-Duofold Pens .. $2.75 up Waterman Pens ......... $2.75 up Eversharp Pencils in Silver, Gold and colors...... $1.00 no UKULELES AND BANJOS ........ . ... . . . . ............ $2.50 up CHRISTMAS I;!.ECORDS-�-A VERY S SONABLE GIFT I F DALY Jew. I ellen 1 m o s an out with Special clearness. lj first, of course, is "true thoughtfulness" in every gift you give; and, second, "true economy," wherever it can be practical, for all of us have learned the value of spending judiciously. To have gift things that would truthfully express the sincerity of the giver and to have those things at prices which will make your Christmas money go far, we feel we have s u c c e e d edmost splendidly, and we're sure you will agree when you join the many shoppers who are coming here to make their selections from bountiful assortments of beautiful gift things for Christmas. SHIRTS Always appreciated as a Christmas /Gift. Our stock is new and all Shirts are made with soft or hard collar to match. Regal Shirts are made to fit. Infancy stripes, cheeks and plain and fancy broadcloths. All Shirts boxed. $1.9:1 TO $2.95 MUFFLERS That add to the appearance of ev- ery cont and are most comfortable. In Silks and Cashmeres, both plain and fancy colors. A muffler to match every coat,. Boxed. $1.50 TO $2.95 SOCKS Wbat is nic('r :n give than Hosiery? See our stark „f Cashmeres, Silk and Wgo1, Silks in pinin, checks, stripes and rings. If it.'s new, we have it. Aill our Hosier- is imported direct from England. Bolded. 50c TO $1.25 3lue Serge Suits The chances are you will be out to many social as well as home function. during this festive season. Nothing wil really make ,you feel better than to hav the proper Suit for.quch occasions. Th, Blue Suit really is the thing. Sizes art complete in every model. The valhle, are exceptional. Nothing better style( or sold elsewhere at our prices. $21.50 TO $35.00 Thrifty Range ®f Men's Overcoats ('hoice Fancy Tweeds, Whitneys, Mil- lons and f hinchillas. Big, cosy, warm Overcoats thoy are smartly tailored in Several popui+ar models. The Overcoat you want. is sure to he here in this large range. $17.50 TO $35.00 PYJAMAS That make nights comfortable no matter how cold. Always useful and appreciated as a Christmas Gift. Iba many fancy patterns and plain shades. $2.50 TO $4.00 MATS ARE POPULAR AS GIFTS As a rule, I)ad always can use a NQw Hat a, Christmas time. Yes, is carr to huy a Hat for Dad. Just let. us hAve his size, and our huge stork And hat knowledge is at your service. $1.95 TO $5.00 FANCY KNITTED yy'yy WINDBREAKERS 50 Dresses IKnitted of all -wool yarns•. These bl Windbreakers are the popular ouse In Saturday's Sale for Laditls effect with cense fitting waistband. Gay Plaids and Check and many fancy and misses'. color contrasts. Rontitiful Dresses made from Satins, $rr_ na Charmeusp and Serges-black and all the newest shndr+q. Some strictly tailored, TIES others daintly trimmed. Sizes 16 to 40. Every man likes a New Tie for SATURDAY'S PICUCE-$12.9.5 \ - ---- - --- Christmas. We have them in every design and pattern in Crepes and GLOVES Silks- Our assortment is most com- bixilrious Fur -Trimmed Contsfor plete and the, largest in tgwn. Every Womon alid Misses'. He would be pleased with a now Tie in a beautiful Christmas box, pair of Gloves. Our large stock of Created from the season's smartest Suede, Cape, Mocha, /silk or Wool 50c TO $1.35 materials, richly trimmed with luxuri- lined, also pure wool gloves are most CHRISTMAS GIFTS That are useful and appreciated: Suspenders, Garters, Arm Bands, Col- 1•aCuff uff H inks, Bath Rubes, and- kerehiefs, Underwezar, FOR BOYS Stockings, Bloises, S" ' y TIesy S1+ace�,• A 8atid9, 1Yi�lv�ilaie'>*s, �7'nderblreal��, s . t x� nus furs app110(I In distinctive Ways--- complete. Boxed. Velbnrs, Diivetynes and Needlepoints- 'BSc �� $�r50 nll our host coats are featured in this fine assortment. Alt sizes in this lot - all one price. Values to $45,00. SALE PRICE, $29.50. I See our assortment of Tweeds and Velours at less than wholesale. Values ' . to $27.50. O1 SALE PRICE, $19.504 i ao open evory Iffy +fit 1 llltll M1 dy y`� ,y y�,y�1. `�qp�j�jp paa. t5mj6'IP .skrJ:V.il:l i4..x ,CW tC1 WM �'.. Arr.;,i[.�. u t.. ,e