HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-12-10, Page 8ARRt s , J tlrufts yy R � •r� 1 LW � � h d� i i� -e� a. h •G. a. 'a o.• 3 SALMON SMACK ort . f. e , ries S p cr � :'s� t.8.. a ;, 1• ,'-,�?T" m; ,� - r. , 1 f tt ...+,y per pound .................. �i a a;lge $ �ixr,tzit, �' ext 'set t �;14i8 Shprt ptW11A are 'assured - e f' .:`.�,1 HADDI]'. FFT.T.FTS� �. �n racing du s t. u d i' f ` ed n an x '7 ' young pp 1 �Fi �'" peT and ... .............. I M NCE A i k� ME T Y d9 N 4 ' a h r' .....tea, "tnoald, viper-- Tlte• ,w.'i'�^ 't..,. ,v s'. 't�Mr>rt%MRR•.: 15 � per pound ... . .... . ........ I 1�+ meeting for., 'this Week was F: k7` . BULBS - High Tuesday � hsld�t r,x�'4z� t� SCHNIEDE$ S PURE LARD s en*ni>i ands the: r "I �' a . y ,r Presidency of George 3 'Ake. T, l 0y' a 1 ib. PRINTS chair was occupied by the $reside: t 44 TT#"' in Milks at 6 can i9c ity better than in cans per pound .................. Mr. Earl Webater: The t Ky, ^il >, .,. r, I `5,r1ir;, t, opic"entii 1. ka,,,,, NO. 5 PAIL ed, "What Our Church Teaches Abo Jesus,' was taken t 1 OVAL STOCK FOOD per pail by he paster, 3 -Ib. PAIL pleasing solo was rendered by Georl + ar We are sole agents for 57� 'Ilolgate, Arrangements were ma, } 0 Those who have used per pail ................ 5-1bs. LOOSE LARD for the election of officers at the ne; L, e�� ><a• `� », ,� �,; that IT PAY'S. ... �� regular meeting. for r 1, ` $ PEAS - To those who -A 'Sunday School entertainfngf s4,us �. 20 -ib. PAIL ���@� and Christmas Tree had been Arran, ; )fair quality all we need say for .......... 60 ad and announced for Thursday ,72l5ll - 4 we have them in stock rna' Price 18c, or 2 for 35c. O PSTERS next week. For a number of reasol • • • , . . 45c it has been found nedesaar to chant ,fit Y� per ........ y et h �" ODT STOVE POLISH in liquid FRESH PICNIC HAMS the date, which accordingly has be( u i2iste. This is represented to us per pound 18a changed to Friday, December 17th. '. fig 4 s `' Ijeing the best to stay on. i JC BREAKFAST BACON addition to the regular programn l k �� �rli oe the same as others.... p pound 35c given by the children, which is a 3 „ per ways very enjoyable, a couple of se Il ,, i -FIFES-Genuine French briar; 25e Schneiders COTTAGE ROLL 27C of slides 'bearing. an the Christen, {; riQi2, for ................... L one-h'alf or whole .......... L season will' be thrown on the scree t }� ROLL SHOULDER It is hoped that all who are interes ^ q' r �# :25Cone-halfor whole , ......... 24c ed in the work of the Sunday Scho ` for • • • " • • • . • writ makq jt a point to be present. �BICE-Special, 3 pounds bo p Li FAIRY BUTTER. -If you have dif-J, Wesley Beattie The young ladies of the Ne Shaw Auxiliary and a number i t SCdlty in getting good quality, try us. We have abundance of splendid their friends have been hard at wor PHONE 96 quality at 5c per pound less than r Preparing for g' play, entitled "Sts creamery butter, tion Y.Y.Y.Y," to 'be presented c �,•: Friday night of this week, Decemb, 10th. The Programme CHRISTMAS FRUIT, including Seed- THE HURON EXPOSITOit P stemma will be brow ed and Seedless Raisins, loose and casted, but in order to tune in to be; rp in packages; Valencias and Muse- advantage, it will be necessary 1 atels, Candied Lemon, Orange and DISTRICT MATTERS have a favorable location in the schol ` Cirton Peels, Candied Pineapple in room of the church. 6 x, e''dces, Candied Cherries, Emperor Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons,EtcMurphy vs. Kennedy. -The appeal in this case was heard before the Ap- wantedtor a Office. Ana baby sleigh. App { CHOICE CELERY 10e pellate Division of the to Eaitor osl�e, ao78 • Supreme Court For 3afa--Oma pair of heavy bobsleigh per bunch ................. at Toronto on Wednesday, December .new. Apply to John Govenlock, Egmoadvill FANCY CHRISTMAS CHINA -Good 8th. H. S. White, K.C., Toronto, 3078 'Y assortment; easy prices. counsel for the appellant, and John wanted= Expd-ienced woman wishes po; WANTED. -First class Dressed Poul -H. Best, counsel for the respondent. y tion as housekeeper. Apply at The Exposit try up to December 21st. The appeal was dismissed with costs. oii,ce ao78 a.,., Remnants -3 lbs.. $2; 5 Tbs. cotton patch( $1.50: 3 lbs. cretonne, silk or velvet piece - Lions Christmas Cheer. -The good $2; 2 Tbs. sweater Fern, $2. A. McCreer F. Chatham, o,R. 3075- w .l� , D, Hutchison S` work started Last year by the Lions n` PHONE FOR FOOD PHONE 166 Club in distributing Christmas cheer s ` and good-vrAl in this community, will Young Peoples' League. -A speck be continued and enlarged upon this open meeting of the Y. P. L. we year. Nan -members of the &bb who held in North Side United Church o t may wish to take art in the distri- Tuesday evening, November an Specials P y g, 30th, bution or donations, may do so by was largely attended. The meetin handing in their donations to Lion was presided over by Mr. W. Barbe; his �� Joseph McMillan, at Ontario Savings The topic, "Canadian Poets," was al Bank, or Lion R. M. Jones, at the ly taken by Miss B. Seip. After tb 1•;: Dominion Bank. regular programme, there was a di. 0. cession of the great moral issu f�FRESH PICNICS 1 �`, Lions Meet. Last Thursday even- brought up in the Provincial Electio »3m,. pound .......... .......... Ing the semi-monthly meeting of the Short, snappy speeches were given •b Lions Club was held in the Commer- Mr. Ross Savau Miss M. Scarlet BREAKFAST BACON �' `,..: cial Hotel dining room. Lion Dr_ Mr. Sam Scott, Miss Annie Gove ,;. pound 3e Munn occupied the chair, and as the lock and Mr. J. Scott. Mr. Hart regular Tail Twister Lion Frank Sills, also gave a splendid address on th CURED PICNICS was indisposed, Lion Ed. Keating took Temperance question. Miss Mar are �•,��.,� 21 e P g P q g ?F. c ,. Ipoand ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' over that part of the work. After Rivers contributed a most effectiv FRESH PORK SAUSAGES luncheon various activities were dis- and appropriate reading. Music `is + 20C cussed and the usual Christmas work numbers included a piano duet b P I pound 1 will be carried nit The singing of Mrs. Barber and Miss Mary Barba U.- FRESH FRESH HEADCHEESE the National Anthem completed a and a girls' chorus, "Temperanc ..................25e very enjoyable evening. Song." At the close of the abov ¢� r, 2 pounds ' HOME RENDERED LARD m programme a temperance -parody o Postal Information. -To help re- Old Black Joe which was sung at th pound ............ 0c lieve the accumulation of work dur- Young Peoples' Temperance Rally i 1 ing the rush season and particularly Toronto, was thrown on the screen an ALL OTHER MEATS IN n - 1`y at mail time in the afternoon, the pub- the whole audience sang most heart ^`" ACCORDANCE lie is informed that mail from the ily. After a contest, refreshments ' street letter boxes will be collected were served and the meeting close D. $. STEWART fifteen minutes earlier from now until with the National Anthem, Christmas Day. Parcels for the -The regular meeting of th YOUR BUTCHER : SEAFORTH United States, if over eight ounces, League was held on Tuesday evening PHONE 58 must bear a customs declaration. Miss E. Harburn presided. Mr. Robt Please ask for these and attach same Willis read the Scripture lesson an to your parcels when mailing. Par- 'Mrs. Lane in her usual ca able man cels under eight ounces should contain P ner, took charge of the topic, "Who a statement of value enclosed as call- does our church teach about Jesus?' ed for by the U. S. custom reg- A violin solo by Miss M. Rands an tlrufts yy R � •r� 1 LW � � h d� i i� -e� a. h •G. a. 'a o.• 3 SALMON SMACK ort . f. e , ries S p cr � :'s� t.8.. a ;, 1• ,'-,�?T" m; ,� - r. , 1 f tt ...+,y per pound .................. �i a a;lge $ �ixr,tzit, �' ext 'set t �;14i8 Shprt ptW11A are 'assured - e f' .:`.�,1 HADDI]'. FFT.T.FTS� �. �n racing du s t. u d i' f ` ed n an x '7 ' young pp 1 �Fi �'" peT and ... .............. I M NCE A i k� ME T Y d9 N 4 ' a h r' .....tea, "tnoald, viper-- Tlte• ,w.'i'�^ 't..,. ,v s'. 't�Mr>rt%MRR•.: 15 � per pound ... . .... . ........ I 1�+ meeting for., 'this Week was F: k7` . BULBS - High Tuesday � hsld�t r,x�'4z� t� SCHNIEDE$ S PURE LARD s en*ni>i ands the: r "I �' a . y ,r Presidency of George 3 'Ake. T, l 0y' a 1 ib. PRINTS chair was occupied by the $reside: t 44 TT#"' in Milks at 6 can i9c ity better than in cans per pound .................. Mr. Earl Webater: The t Ky, ^il >, .,. r, I `5,r1ir;, t, opic"entii 1. ka,,,,, NO. 5 PAIL ed, "What Our Church Teaches Abo Jesus,' was taken t 1 OVAL STOCK FOOD per pail by he paster, 3 -Ib. PAIL pleasing solo was rendered by Georl + ar We are sole agents for 57� 'Ilolgate, Arrangements were ma, } 0 Those who have used per pail ................ 5-1bs. LOOSE LARD for the election of officers at the ne; L, e�� ><a• `� », ,� �,; that IT PAY'S. ... �� regular meeting. for r 1, ` $ PEAS - To those who -A 'Sunday School entertainfngf s4,us �. 20 -ib. PAIL ���@� and Christmas Tree had been Arran, ; )fair quality all we need say for .......... 60 ad and announced for Thursday ,72l5ll - 4 we have them in stock rna' Price 18c, or 2 for 35c. O PSTERS next week. For a number of reasol • • • , . . 45c it has been found nedesaar to chant ,fit Y� per ........ y et h �" ODT STOVE POLISH in liquid FRESH PICNIC HAMS the date, which accordingly has be( u i2iste. This is represented to us per pound 18a changed to Friday, December 17th. '. fig 4 s `' Ijeing the best to stay on. i JC BREAKFAST BACON addition to the regular programn l k �� �rli oe the same as others.... p pound 35c given by the children, which is a 3 „ per ways very enjoyable, a couple of se Il ,, i -FIFES-Genuine French briar; 25e Schneiders COTTAGE ROLL 27C of slides 'bearing. an the Christen, {; riQi2, for ................... L one-h'alf or whole .......... L season will' be thrown on the scree t }� ROLL SHOULDER It is hoped that all who are interes ^ q' r �# :25Cone-halfor whole , ......... 24c ed in the work of the Sunday Scho ` for • • • " • • • . • writ makq jt a point to be present. �BICE-Special, 3 pounds bo p Li FAIRY BUTTER. -If you have dif-J, Wesley Beattie The young ladies of the Ne Shaw Auxiliary and a number i t SCdlty in getting good quality, try us. We have abundance of splendid their friends have been hard at wor PHONE 96 quality at 5c per pound less than r Preparing for g' play, entitled "Sts creamery butter, tion Y.Y.Y.Y," to 'be presented c �,•: Friday night of this week, Decemb, 10th. The Programme CHRISTMAS FRUIT, including Seed- THE HURON EXPOSITOit P stemma will be brow ed and Seedless Raisins, loose and casted, but in order to tune in to be; rp in packages; Valencias and Muse- advantage, it will be necessary 1 atels, Candied Lemon, Orange and DISTRICT MATTERS have a favorable location in the schol ` Cirton Peels, Candied Pineapple in room of the church. 6 x, e''dces, Candied Cherries, Emperor Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons,EtcMurphy vs. Kennedy. -The appeal in this case was heard before the Ap- wantedtor a Office. Ana baby sleigh. App { CHOICE CELERY 10e pellate Division of the to Eaitor osl�e, ao78 • Supreme Court For 3afa--Oma pair of heavy bobsleigh per bunch ................. at Toronto on Wednesday, December .new. Apply to John Govenlock, Egmoadvill FANCY CHRISTMAS CHINA -Good 8th. H. S. White, K.C., Toronto, 3078 'Y assortment; easy prices. counsel for the appellant, and John wanted= Expd-ienced woman wishes po; WANTED. -First class Dressed Poul -H. Best, counsel for the respondent. y tion as housekeeper. Apply at The Exposit try up to December 21st. The appeal was dismissed with costs. oii,ce ao78 a.,., Remnants -3 lbs.. $2; 5 Tbs. cotton patch( $1.50: 3 lbs. cretonne, silk or velvet piece - Lions Christmas Cheer. -The good $2; 2 Tbs. sweater Fern, $2. A. McCreer F. Chatham, o,R. 3075- w .l� , D, Hutchison S` work started Last year by the Lions n` PHONE FOR FOOD PHONE 166 Club in distributing Christmas cheer s ` and good-vrAl in this community, will Young Peoples' League. -A speck be continued and enlarged upon this open meeting of the Y. P. L. we year. Nan -members of the &bb who held in North Side United Church o t may wish to take art in the distri- Tuesday evening, November an Specials P y g, 30th, bution or donations, may do so by was largely attended. The meetin handing in their donations to Lion was presided over by Mr. W. Barbe; his �� Joseph McMillan, at Ontario Savings The topic, "Canadian Poets," was al Bank, or Lion R. M. Jones, at the ly taken by Miss B. Seip. After tb 1•;: Dominion Bank. regular programme, there was a di. 0. cession of the great moral issu f�FRESH PICNICS 1 �`, Lions Meet. Last Thursday even- brought up in the Provincial Electio »3m,. pound .......... .......... Ing the semi-monthly meeting of the Short, snappy speeches were given •b Lions Club was held in the Commer- Mr. Ross Savau Miss M. Scarlet BREAKFAST BACON �' `,..: cial Hotel dining room. Lion Dr_ Mr. Sam Scott, Miss Annie Gove ,;. pound 3e Munn occupied the chair, and as the lock and Mr. J. Scott. Mr. Hart regular Tail Twister Lion Frank Sills, also gave a splendid address on th CURED PICNICS was indisposed, Lion Ed. Keating took Temperance question. Miss Mar are �•,��.,� 21 e P g P q g ?F. c ,. Ipoand ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' over that part of the work. After Rivers contributed a most effectiv FRESH PORK SAUSAGES luncheon various activities were dis- and appropriate reading. Music `is + 20C cussed and the usual Christmas work numbers included a piano duet b P I pound 1 will be carried nit The singing of Mrs. Barber and Miss Mary Barba U.- FRESH FRESH HEADCHEESE the National Anthem completed a and a girls' chorus, "Temperanc ..................25e very enjoyable evening. Song." At the close of the abov ¢� r, 2 pounds ' HOME RENDERED LARD m programme a temperance -parody o Postal Information. -To help re- Old Black Joe which was sung at th pound ............ 0c lieve the accumulation of work dur- Young Peoples' Temperance Rally i 1 ing the rush season and particularly Toronto, was thrown on the screen an ALL OTHER MEATS IN n - 1`y at mail time in the afternoon, the pub- the whole audience sang most heart ^`" ACCORDANCE lie is informed that mail from the ily. After a contest, refreshments ' street letter boxes will be collected were served and the meeting close D. $. STEWART fifteen minutes earlier from now until with the National Anthem, Christmas Day. Parcels for the -The regular meeting of th YOUR BUTCHER : SEAFORTH United States, if over eight ounces, League was held on Tuesday evening PHONE 58 must bear a customs declaration. Miss E. Harburn presided. Mr. Robt Please ask for these and attach same Willis read the Scripture lesson an to your parcels when mailing. Par- 'Mrs. Lane in her usual ca able man cels under eight ounces should contain P ner, took charge of the topic, "Who a statement of value enclosed as call- does our church teach about Jesus?' ed for by the U. S. custom reg- A violin solo by Miss M. Rands an tions. I a piano duet by Miss Lane and Miss Pony Contest. -The contest for the E. Burrows were much appreciate After several business items: Shetland Pony closes on Saturday, December 11th. The full Est, with were discussed, all took part in a contest, "An Automobile Romance." The meet - the winner's name, will be published ing closed with the National Anthem next week. There are two days left and the Mivpah Benediction_ ,n which to speed up your votes. Do 1 your Christmas shopping early and get more pony votes. The following U. F. O. Annual Meeting -There is the list for this week: Dungey, was a much smaller attendance than Jean; Hawkins, Edwin; Grieve, Frank; usual at the annuals' meeting of the Bateman, Charles; Archibald, Mickey; United Farmers' Club of Seaforth, Sills, Tom; Ha'bkirk, Sterling; Calder, held in the Carnegie Library, on Andyl Purcell, Loretta; Broadfoot, Thursday evening of last week, cans- Wilson; Wiltse, Dorothy; Joynt, Leo; ed principally by the bad roads. Af- Crich, George: Gemmell, Jean; Venus, ter the ordinary routine of reading "British Navy" by Basil Duncan, the and paasing the minutes Ch 1 M b n - y e t e al y Barber e e n e n d a e a t d d. r Robbie; Phillips, Frank; Gordon •- . ar es c- , Gregor, shipper for the Club, gave Ruth; Stewart, Douglas; Cronin, his statement of the business during t p' Mary- the year, which was 'highly satisfac- tory. �7tMY 11T-- Women's Auxiliary. -The The annual The total receipts were $60,- r ry' 0.99.75 from the shipments of cattle, �3 t meeting of the Women's Auxiliary ofhop,P ] lr St. Thomas' Anglfican Church was calves and sheep. The money tr # Chri.shmna S received for select hos was $951.74. `'rx, held Tuesday afternoon in the parishThis item is of special interest, be- P hall. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. T. H. Brown. The cause it means the amount secured to Y ft 3 , secretary, Mrs. G. F. Parkes, read the the farmers by shipping through the your friends Cafl minutes and gave a very ry U.F.O. on a graded basis and not ry satisfacto through a dealer on a flat rate. The quo ,sf, report of the work of the past year. shipping year were buy any thrn� The Present officers were re-elected as losses for the i i`S1 x]03. R. J. McM'lr]Ran, the Secretary, k . follows: Honorary President Miss Yui " ' Fowler President, Mrs. T. H. Brown in his financial statement, reported M /u iu give , cars of a total value of 43,270..55. Honorary Vice -President, Mrs. J. A. The profits to the club were $311.32, •h �=` CCep� Case; Vice -President, Mrs. J. Pink- and e nay; Secretary, Mrs. G. F. Parke; xpenses for the year, $297. The fkr; Club handled $7,181 worth of binder p0®{rya Treasurer, Miss Deem; Leaflet Secre- `` tare, Mrs. F. Baxter; Secretary twine. A most complete coal bin was a fih Pledge Money, Miss Archibald. The built at a cost of $222. The auditors were so well pleased with 'lir. Mc- {{ �i proceeds of the recant bazaar amount , r °fit �( ed to 390 which in addition to a - Buck s books and the business that he had done that they proposed a ONTA�G ing, et raised by teas, sale of cook- hearty vote of thanks to bim and ai- l��rN ing, etc., make the fine sum of over so to the auditors of Mr. Metre ar's syr , $760 raised by the women of the g "W"omen"a Auxiliary and the Guild books, and the press secretary, Jos. sk Forrest. for their services. The ques- "'"`di g goods on hand in the tion of IT'S,]r1n Turf Club Meeting, -The annual warehouse was discussed. it was re- Y :+ d 5' l meati n of th 6 , Seat' g e. orth Turf' Astsoci'- solved that the matfett should be taken $'tion h0V in the Carneg3a Library an np 'at the first meeting of the direr wetrlti e d ta f a Ptid1W. la y% was 'CV611 attended, and tors. U1 the officers were re-elected 11 with.. friends tri Ingersoll.-- 1 YtiaY�� , "' ry� b:. #rias th�'most`eritl�vsiagtic meeting the for the clmn n year. ��ajxj The 11+i1pseea I elerr aiid Margaret Mat= �, t113T.'f S�Ct I1' S gl �r fled for •some � ���eS Cohn; of Lucknow, are the guests of r, $ Oft �� ; � �� .A'�sOcidtion }+>, r rr''. r ! ycasds. °� ° nev. a7td Mrs. W. P. lane. ,,, y t I's'esd+16t Godyge 11., Id trtneJr i`n V, Ool1,cghite �mmml�r �n .-Tpa'blie Odr prises from De& 111'tfi 'tv 17t1, ` .� i., gri�r�s �f�� tfr .#;he eontltions interest itl .the f` .'� � s, Mack and danglLter, of '�'•anaouver, h: a•" i; �:„ rllbsi�, Setr .,�il�t 4'cw91e ate. seine yy �,}.�•y��y y, y{ ay,µ . yin Lamb "Tb..... pare ne's'ts at tit - - '1,s1. L'�. 4` �. t, �.: i. 3.; M, • i`.. :1�IL,%7 �:{CI '4V, 4Ga - ,Y ..+ ,. '; •' � ; .:' Il ,� t'Tle Y'g'am�ation' ntfd the 'f•;d2lLtneTit''0'1'tIB.. :. `++ , � .. r .. w ...�'iliC . e hpnle bi' llirs. 1`�1d8 d "" r l., n eirerci � � e to inw, , New P - : nUfed rooter, Mrs �. .xstigtxlder b& new els, da i tii►e.....,..2�c 1I�efry Q�eh ,... ,,��r.. �el��,;c���..�le[����.',°�j �{ ,�• ,�. , ..._ _ .� _ t� . _ .., ,. � •'a�t�l. `enc'6 yc�ar�. `fie t'hn ri n,,. - 11�V81aS; � i• 1�11Y�f �., pk�Y t' i . f / . 4p�'., / � • ,. .$bide't's r,�0 QYf�y"` f(i ;et l�l�► , lriii>�' Iii �� its b .•rte '�••, . n: ,'j%. 1 v Y ' F' !' f i ! Q , 1 , f 1 ' Apq yq��, Bedded ajaout' whit Q'. riotw.as? Colne in ' . r our u sfya Chr'intlxtas . Io k';' Goods Y -' ''are sure to find - spraer raptg ' ,:please you. BOOKS •,'.. LEATIfER'GOODS STATION'MY PICTURES s C.ORI990,QNDENCE CARDS n 'CIUNTA GLASSWARE I', PENCILS ` FOUNTAIN PENS e CANDLIO STIIClf�,S . BOOK ENDS SNAP,'$HOT ALBUMS ` Ir GRE `nNG CARDS rendered choruses by the school, and e � t T Lo Ipso n s BOOKSTORE• - - SEAFORTH t ,_ Subscriptions "ken for all magazines f and papery at publisher's prices. s � rendered selections. Grad- a rice," "Dutch Dolk," and physical ex - a ercises, wand"and and club drills, were e very gracefully executed by the girls - of the different ° forms. The oratorical s contests shoWsed marked ability ih 31 those taking part. Miss Elva Wheat: L. ley's subject was "Canadian Poets," - Miss M. Armstrong's, "Why We 1 Should Be Proud of Canada." The "British Navy" by Basil Duncan, the 1 "British Navy in the World War" by f Miss Eleanor Burrows, and "The Folly E of War" by Murray Savauge all - showed careful, preparation and were 1 splendidly delivered. The winner of r this contest was, Miss Margaret Arm- - strong, who was given the decision t by the judges, Rev. Father Goetz, r Rev. T. H. Brown and Rev. Lane. I Beatricy and Robert Aberhart danced v NOW PLAYING t ZA ,E GREY'S_ L celebrated story of America's turbu- - lent south-western border during the r closing years of the nineteenth century Filmed on the Painted Desert with e Desert Gold NEIL HAMILTON i SHIRLEY MASON ROBERT FRAZER and Paramount's famous 200 horse- men as cavalrymen, bandits, etc. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday REX BEACH'S "THE GOOSE WOMAN" with LOUISE DRESSER CONSTANCE BENNETT JACK PICKFORD Priticess PROBLEMS ANSWERED, Xma�splay t for proficiency in the middle school. O p given in O HAND BAGS ', ST. JAMES' HALL , 50c to $5,00 O Thurs. & Fri. Evenings A. STYLISH HAT would.surely,please junior, Jack Montgomer; girls, senior, "her." Selling here at One-third December 16 and 17 off• first ]'ass, Robert McKercher; 2nd class, , , n C O O O , O Commence at 8 p.m. i ger: King George Challenge Trophy, to $3.50 a pair. BI-TEX SILK HOSE, $2.50 100 yards, James Chesney at Huron -pair. s Meet: Boys' Senior Champion, R. Wil- Play 1 t to be given in WALKER' SHALL, BRUCEFIELD o on 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th, at 8 p.m. g A Three -Act Comedy "LOST -A CHAPERON'• and many other attractions. R This is to be given by the Young R People of S. S. No. 10. R ADMISSION, 25c and 15c. 1 s to attend the opening of si Dominion Parliament, which took ace on Thursday. -Saturday night i Sale of Toys PI Have you been to the Cleaning W11 t Sale of -Toys, Dolls and China at ABERHART'S? w These who have are Saving of 20 Per Cent. -. T "A penny saved is a penny h H. made." Smith. -Misses Dorothy Reinke C. Aberhart N ormal School, spent the week end at DRUGGIST is visiting with London friends. -Mrs. th of Toronto, was called home of J. he se Red White n r , , , , , W 4 '�N } .y 8 K '•A+ # ,F .k i 1 �' G • , u , a .. o v w o • i 1 w a ! i } � t i of }} • tb r G. *r• t. u F t r' ar" I , j'. a i. , .��•+ '•�... .�,. ;: .. f, .. :,r .. ,J .. ..i 6. .. �T. .:. f.. •... 1 r n n ..11 , .:. :-J, .., ri^W' ♦ �..: � n f., ., .'.. 1. { ��y e. 77 .'14R M1CY � '"•I � 1 ,p t rfio e � Y V�t. if. R 7 3{ u M �d, !,• >� II 5' p a. h , 1► D a. r o fin at R '4P S Cf feature. The ' f'oilovanng. grei�e �e • _ •�,,.a"„�'"1.� ';�►`:. O d � .�? �? Q :4. casts in the play: Horace Temple, � f ton, a collector of antiques,' Andrew McLean;_. - 1 erni n .liY g' a ..Batas, a ..�,� bashful but persisting, F,l%W Brown- � � P iCeS Q Lee; Leon Burnett, a net hbor of the } o, �!!A 1a �t �� �Qi s ,asses NQ�r Templetons, 4. Talbot; Eric Dean Burnett'a brother-in-law, Robert Wil- ild I, lis lis; 14L't••s. Templeton, Miss Bertha Grieve; Hilda Templeton, Miss Laura McMillan Sue, his spinster sister, Miss Margaret Ferguson; Fanny !� Christmas Suggest�'+� Burnett, Miss Margaret Armstrong, The parts were aII well take.the <y .and Performance reflected great Credit on ' the different players, The program was interspersed with several well � rendered choruses by the school, and the Collegiate Orchestra added much ° to the evening's .enjoyment by a num- ber of well i �e1e � rendered selections. Grad- Ct Why uation diplomas were presented to Carl Aberhart, 'Mac Aberhart, Isobel jj 1 oult Not Archibald, Stewart Beattie, Mar- �merite Black, Annie Brodie, �z Gifts �°.���•� Mar- Case, _ S garet Janet Cluff, Elizabeth Govenilbek, Eliza Godkin, Ardell • } Early TQ_�sy Grainger, Margaret Grieve, Carman Haugh Helen Heffernan, Ernestine Eiyde, Elva Jefferson, Dorothy Kers- ake, James Lane, Frank McClinehey, O O ,., 0 0 0 „ N> Ethel McDougall, John McIntosh, O EMBROIDERED O Robert McKercher, Annie McTaggart, O PILLOW SLIPS O Ida Medd, Greta Merrier, Dan Moore, O $1.00 to $3.95 Pair O Viola Morrison, Lancelot Norris, Ev- , , O NEW COATS O flynIme Peterson, Harold Peterson, Mar- ;ueri-te Sillery, Hazel Smillie, Mur - Reduced Prices on all Ladies' Hats Now lock Stewart, Matilda Storey, Anna O $10.00 to $35.00 O 3uthenlhnd, Margaret Thompson, Lil- O p ian Wankel, Gladys Way, Mae Web- O PRETTY DRESSES O ster. Scholarship medals awarded for LOOK OVER THESE GIFT SUG- proficiency by R. Jones, F. S. Sav- + • GESTIONS AND YOU WILL FIND 3uge 'and W. G. Spencer were won by MANY OF YOUR-WHAT-TO-GIVH: J. Grace Scott, Form I; Norma Jef- PROBLEMS ANSWERED, ferson, Form II, and Evalena Nott t for proficiency in the middle school. O p rhe field day championships were O HAND BAGS ', awarded follows: Senior, Robert , 50c to $5,00 O to Willis; intermediate, Gordon Wright; A. STYLISH HAT would.surely,please junior, Jack Montgomer; girls, senior, "her." Selling here at One-third Jean Webster; junior, Mona Sills. Shooting medals -D. C., R. A., off• first ]'ass, Robert McKercher; 2nd class, , , n C O O O , O W. Barber, A. Ament, C. Sherwood; Stratheona Trust Medal, William Bar- SILK HOSE make dandy gifts -$1,00 ger: King George Challenge Trophy, to $3.50 a pair. BI-TEX SILK HOSE, $2.50 100 yards, James Chesney at Huron -pair. "ounty Inter -collegiate Field Day Meet: Boys' Senior Champion, R. Wil- is: Boys' Intermediate Champion, G. RUBBER APRONS. - Any woman Daly; Boys' Junior Champion. Tom �'.luff tied with Desjardines of Exeter; would like to get one of oua Pretty Rubber Aprons. 3irTs' Senior Championship, Jean Webster. 65c to $1.2G CHILDREN'S APRONS -35c to 65c - Local Briefs. -Mr. J. G. Mullen, John present Charles thews after with where Field, Seaforth Mrs. week Mr. eft Bessie Mr. eft -The wi11 eriously Best vlcQuaid, trong, his Mr. DVednesday he hermometer grees ti oronto, ho an Minriett, I, Manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, was in Listowel' on Saturday attending a meeting of the District Manager's <y Association of that (bank. -Miss Leila y P Best, of Toronto, spent a few days in town this week. The Misses Best 1 have leased their residence on Church Street for the winter to Mr. Coward, of Saskatchewan. - Miss Jessie Bethune returned from Vernon, B.C., on Thursday, where she spent the summer. -Mr. Glen Holmes, of To- ronto, was a guest this week at the home of his father, Mr. S. T. Holmes, -'Mr. Donald McKay, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam McKay, -Mr, 'and Mrs. Robert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Cully, of Mitchell, were visiting with O O ,., 0 0 0 „ N> Seaforth friends this week. -• Mrs. O EMBROIDERED O T. Elgie, of Tuckersmith, is at O PILLOW SLIPS O visiting her mother, Mrs. E•berhart, Sr. O $1.00 to $3.95 Pair O -Mr. A. Mat- left this week for Kitchener , , O NEW COATS O finishing the season's threshing O (A woman's deSight) O Mr. Joe Eckert. -Mrs. F. G. Liv- O $10.00 to $35.00 O rigstone left on Monday for Detroit, O p she will spend the winter, -Dr. O PRETTY DRESSES O of Goderich, Public School In- O (Most acceptable) O pector, paid an official visit to the , $5.00 to $20.00 4 public school this week,- O p Stewart, of tHensall, was the O SPECIAL PRICES O end guest of Mrs. J. Woods: - O ON FURS O and Mrs. George Sparks and son O p this week for Cochrane, where O HAND BAGS ', hey will spend the winter. - Miss , 50c to $5,00 O Waite, of Goderich, is the guest , O f her aunt, Miss Alice Archibald.- ,SILK NECK SCARFS•? Thomas Jackson, of Egmondville, , $1.50 to $5.75 , last week for Battle Creek, Michi- , , n C O O O , O an, where he will, spend some weeks. many friends of Mr. W. T. Box regret to learn that he is very ill at present. -Mr. J. H. was in Toronto this week.- eeves J. W Beattie, of Seafortb; olly Kennedy, of Tuckersmith; F. J. \ of McKillop, and Mat. Arm- of Hullett, are in Goderich week attending the December ses- on of the Huron County Council.- � Thomas McMillan, M.P., left on to attend the opening of Dominion Parliament, which took ace on Thursday. -Saturday night i as the coldest of the season,- the registering three de- below zero. The sleighing thla, eek has been excellent, but cars are 11 running freety.-Mr. Earl Smith the Ontario College of Pharmacy, spent the week end at Ae of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. -Misses Dorothy Reinke Rena Simpson, of the Stratford ormal School, spent the week end their homes here. --Mrs. W. Ament visiting with London friends. -Mrs. of Toronto, was called home is week owing to the serious illness her father, Mr. W. T. Box. --Mrs. G. McMichael is recovering from r rewAt'serious illness John `- .-Mrs. haefer, of Gowanstown, is the guest . , ht,r Cousin Mr. J. - F , F. '�G'el'$h 1►�r d Mrs. E, ft. Crawford speot . the HANDKERCHIEFS— the always acceptable gift -are here in immense assortments= very reasonably priced. 5c to $2.00 GLOVES - (Handsome 'boxes for them, too),. A good suggestion - Kid of Fabric, and the new embroidered twin cuff styles. 25C to $3.50' FASHIONABLE SILKS AND DRESS GOODS - For Dresses make dandy pres- ents. Let us help you choose the right fabric. UNDERWEAR FOR CHRISTMAS - If usefulness, warrpth and com- fort are good things to consider in Christmas gifts first, then why not make a good gift of some un- derwear for someone's comfort? You can get the kind you want here at lowest prices: HEARTH RUGS - These make attractive Christmas Gifts for the home, a'nd would es- pecially please mother. 75c to $10 ROOM RUGS -$9.00 to $60. NECKWEAR ALWAYS PLEASES - There is no woman who can have too many dainty neckwear pieces .and you are sure to give an ac- ceptable gift if it is neckwear, A wide price range is here. 50c to $2.00 A SWEATER FOR HEit-- Here you will find many different styles and colors -all excellently made. What's nicer for a Christ- mas gi: t3 $1.49 to $6.50 UMBRELLAS MAKE FINE GIFTS - The lucky recipient of a Mae- tavisb Umbrell1a is equipped for "a rainy day." $1.50 to $5.00, WHY NOT BUY TAkg LINLM FOR THE HOME or a Lie � e n Br akfast set a 11 r a Innen "bridge Set? Or a piece of Fancy Linen ? Or a Lunch Cloth, Ce>'lt`repiece, Doy a ten I)f6saar Scarf? Why not? - ; yu A14O TftSE FOR "I IM"--- N��'e'ek*, Neck Scarf, Pancy ,,Hac'1�; Shirt; Gloves, Undexw'oar, Pts enders, Handkerchiefs, Py- Ja*4s, 91noking Jacket, Etc. �vr � itiwt�nyt�yO # PAW, l[+'il$r�yy dyea��yd��y, j � "�►� qq►�yhyi;r Ilrit �, �1,iLZ.� -•`�' ° ,, I?�ili1��`'+. Cx" ` G�f .il� � W i � a , y • I � ,•.c.\ I ' f } Y.., 1 1 1♦ H U � M!7 VAY'�L��MIiT� �'.�VfF1•�• �1 S 4 ! f' 4 �C. w 7 t R, I I, yd'•n� <y y P ! 1 t R, I