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The Huron Expositor, 1926-12-10, Page 5
`"V 7✓ ''i' ��;��;t a�fir ,r �n'�t ti ,t'.. ��ry"i ty{ ilk{, tr"ik ceTyi'Y'�a d i ,• �` x :: �� k m ✓ a Ph �� �g� � � d et a .Nv A, ,", A � H�� •�js� �.� r ,'' t 1 l y;✓ w t ,r r 2 - aw 1� ir.�l t t y, J tMpyy { i fi'f [>rw.R tdh 13?'U�P$ 1 raifi'�(h q. ^X#titr%%''. i �i eta rr � �' � r� i 0 1 �• ��'�4 cot i r„ 5y' rt r: +• r �Y,a,. NO 5 , �. -I>Ir %'9>ie`d!Q2�;1� ,K..�}�r."''�'idt�iS 3;.y',i�, �. [. M NM1 V �, }\ �-�/.� .w- , 1 v N y �•� .6, 9.„. (T .ti - A„• a ...A A. ,.' :, J. •.F-.. k n1 f � i'pT. . 1.., .'C, Y .,rL'L 1. :, .., .i^. ! ri ff✓`' ':31 ?F..:vy3 lt'•ar .A. raJ :,.+'l ,:, : q,, )1•, t ',� 111 R t., , . S, Ulm ,rL ; ,. �.... .: _VIVA,. h :.,�ph , ft`; .. r r' ) F'o � , i�. �,Y�::: x':11 ai i�A a _ , t . � a �' oN#�. ,fit:• Adan h, .anT �6' I �?+.,,;1 .. ru, ,, rN{:•. , ,. .� ... ..,-!S}Y�li .'� ..��D •���.:.: p. �i,y�y{,.:$ /, p ,j�,�y '. x F h;• 1 '' ..:iillf—. M.+I :. r: ,, ,. , ,.f.5, 71, k'v1,V.,'�i"i�. ,, .. :. !...filr?"4'et� 41?1ST' one .. ,.s","1.4t1..:,�+,.NAe rr ' 1A'1WI. �,k,�r`.. .. ' ,. . y, T•lt'?� ;� , ,��i�. 1.fd� ,.�,�ysr� ' o , fas.'9t.,rad moxlae eh ,� M' n,. ' .414 for aixdo y , p k m.131e. ..:�T' �:'81'ueGk.t�r'. ''l�aE tSt➢.II".. ... ... .VAP Ar, r MnY1,,Y,,$k9i �l lr 'on !!i .Nih•W8 ��%y., , �� 5 I .,d Fri.. {t qgftA�• vl?'aS •N. I2. No e is{�.� Tkf:.Jo _m .@ yyi 3d A 6. 6 p},a� '. ivsW` 19 :. "' � fi. rSF*F. r F ; is �.. �1, ,•, r + ,,'y' { is S i' i L Y Gliµllon, �.Rj% eV,'..k�lr uf1.d� Y ??0.1%eaF ` #nth; >Rlsira'kor�1i e, & , k?O T]kdORN CALVES OR iliv mce foe We, e1118b£RL�'ot, '.8,0,76-& , #,... 4ov Fal ER e::(Cs{ , .. g g rr ALl?l.-+ fi, 1 sale, 4 ShorthoxA bulb cal ea, am .9?: 1tae, tot. Aattatd olid -G ,�o1Cu49T, y J f a mwibha. 2 redo 'a and 2, woan5, Thga4 are �'fra �' � �chi8u a e�, � ��� daY Ase �b - T.Q 1? er s s (rood mllkdn s in, APpd to A. .. & Al " i92 : 'All a� ou4Erl t the ooyritYr°”" y F RROADFOQ , ge4f rth, or hue 31 on 1GU. $ gg BATH be iA,, stirs, handl, of d; -1°hr erdC not later. t un, d�a�T X11. 1�1f�,' � TVLellormott 1V(oitd6Y Weekddng tom, hRting oS Cu ^• + . 8076-0 xn l4ilhliu, on:S,wturday,,Deheyt- unC04 ter nth, FrlTzsdjetli ST N �y - NG4l?eX?tiott. in her 66th i711�J�e on AN �i�'1 �,• 58ty1tT13QR1\IS FOR ..SAI/I. .ONE COW sear.. uerit. + . witdt tnaAth old heifer calf, and three -- �� Goderiob, Novem�iei2 Y820. ' 8076.2 IUIt}lid' this'" .5EOk0 $el It i�aB " ` 2-Year•,old heifers, two due to calve In Jan.-; T7 7/�,�T' A �t RADIO 7 t � ;' 4 lI x8 1' 4 •r9. 4he Other in May. These+ are all oil Aa.(CT#�'<1d�1 SALES - Gift Shoo ` Scotch .breeding. Apply to JAMES MOIN COAST TQ C'Oa4yii'� NQ IDLE -� — �^ TOSH, 'R. It. 8, Sea%rth, or phone 187 r d1. ATICTION 9AT,E OF SCOTCH SHORT. 130 AST �t � li4O°tr �*O>1', yy4at �(g .Sue �r0r; 8078x2 ANNUAL MEETING Father, 96the , Sista said 8> otll � )terns and Pure 'Bred Clydesdales.= -Thos. WOOD AND PIGS FOR SALE. Gundry, Ali^tion-� - has b^sn instructed to D. X. �n' --" �-nr we al$0 have �rA �a supply of ( r" cerjeS, City of dry wood, Z A QUAN- sell at Lot 2, COnoeasion 14. Gr y Twgnship, Engineering .and The annu Qting Of the Candies and Nuts.. Here are few $4 to $5 a cord.; b0 I finches long, fro,,} on Wednesday, December 15th. at 1 o'clock * Se forth 19fth good suekling�pigs, albo sharp, the following: The Shorthorn offer- Sales Co., Limited T d Association of oils Specials•: -- I00 chu coming in next wee$. Inquiries ing includes 1 male and 17 (musics, sows will be held in the ' fens ie Library eheerfull�answered. W. M. SPROArf. Phone fillies and ill �'heifete. Horses—I work horse/ rising 7, 20 BLOOR ST. W. cog �cc�CORN FLAKES— it 1$6-2, Sesforth. 8074-tf I brood mare rising 7, 1 filly risitrg 3 two Friday, Decent er 3rd, 1.746 *' 3 for ... , . rising 2. Implements, Etc -1 Toronto, ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' FARMS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE gang at 2,30 !p.m. ICING SUGAR (Orme in the Townshi plow, 1 heavy double plow, 1 single plow, 1 8067-12 ps of Usborne, cultivator, 1 corn scuffier, 2 fanning mills, 1 Financial Report, E'le'ction of Officers 3 pounds for Tuckeramith and Hibbert, Good buildings and lumber wagon with box and steck rack one and Other busirness. .... "" well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- buggy, 1 road cart and other articles too BULK TABLE, SYRUP ERON, Exeter, Ont, 8068-tf numerous to mention. Sale without reserve _ GEO. R. MCCARTNEY as the proprietor is giving up stock breeding, O O O O O O O O O ®A O 3076-2 President. 3 ' pounds for .......... . .. . FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 80, Terms.—Ail sums of $10.00 and under, cash; SHELLED WALNUTS 5j 7th Concession, Hibberd Township. Splen over that amount 8 months' credit given on © ® ` M 1 .pound ................. . . aD�s did improved 100 mere farm, beet buildings in furnishing bankable paper. ,Six per cent. per S. T. Holmes qi $ip>lq 0 Perth County; well fenced and drained. Come annum off for ca$h on credit amounts. Write CANDIED CHERRIES Q to see growing crops, Apply R. S. HAYS; for epatalogue. ARCH. HISLOP, Proprietor, O Funeral Director and. O _ 1 pound i58C a°�O 8061-tf Brussels P. 0.; Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer. O Licenfsed Embalmer. O D. H. XtINN S Try our blend of hoose Tea,. Orange AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- O Finest Motor and Horse- O Chiropractor Pekoe; speciarl 2 pounds ..... $1.39 o — - PECTS,—Thomas Brown has been in- O drawn, .equipment. Beattie O �ihiro i' ctor atruoted to sell by public auction on the O Quality Guaranteed. $4 WEEKLY FOR YOU ppremises, to the Beattie Block, Main street Block, Main Street, opposite O FREE.—One bag of Redpath Su Seaforth,' on Saturday, December 18th, at 1 O The Expositor Office. S. T. O Electrics Used fir' O'clock, P.m„ the following: one heating O Holmes' residence Goderich O Guessing Contest begins Saturday, Ambitious, inexperienced men wa ted, write stove as good as new, 2 bed room suites, O ' , + December 11th and ends December at once for free catalogue. and sari y Street West; Chas. Holmes O off Wingham, will be at I 24th, dates inclusive. Ask ns gue, explaiging bow you springs, I sideboard. I Mabegan O residence, North Main lm ' 7 O can earn while (earning/garage work, battery, arm chair, 3 rockers, 1 centre table, 8 dining about it f welding, hairdressing, bricklaying. room chairs, 1 combina*a couch and bed, 1 O Flowers furnished on short O Commercial Hotel, Seaforth HEMPHILL'S PRACTICAL SCHOOLS, dressing case and bed room stand, 1 ward- O exnotice. All kid 163 King West, Toronto, robe, 1 hall rack, 1 bureau, 1 tension table, Monday and Thursday 1 glass cupboard, 1 arm chair, 6 kitchen O ns Of llp- O holstering neatly done. O n- ranAfternoons. j tY• F. ���� f chairs and kitchen rocker, 1 kitchen couch, 1 O Phones: 119 Or 264 J. O $,$ Y —_ 77 kitchen stand, 1 kitchege almost new, O 1 kitchen clock, 25 yards of linoleum, one O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O Adjustments given for diseases �PUCefield • NOTICE TO CREDITORS wngoleam rug, new; 1 tapestry rug, new; 60 O O O of all lands. Yards of carpet, also window curtains and 3064-tf poles, a quantity of dishes and glassware and O O O O O O O O<> 0 0 0 Phones: a lot articles kitchen utensils and a quantity of 168-23, Clinton 142-23 Seaforth k NOTICE is hereby given that all persons amal1 articles too numerous to mention • O O having claims t . aglrns a estate of Mary curd of jointers for kindling, 1 laundry one O Ann Mann, lata of the Village of Kinburn, Terms—Cash- MISS JENNIE CAMPBELL T. BOX Co.a A Married Woman deceased h The Municipal Council of the Township of Hullett held a special meeting on Friday, November 26th, 1926, to consider the Govern- ment Auditors' Report. Members all present. Simon McVittie. Collector for the past six years, presented a statement for that period ,Eating that taking the total of the Collector's Rolls for that term and comparing them with the total. of the receipts froth the Tre-durer, and after deducting some small amounts that could not be collected, there was only a shortage of 92 cents. Fn considering the Auditors' summary of asset and liabilities, we find that the Treas- urer is indebted to the Township on Decem- ber, 31, 1925, the sum of $64.60, anis that I the Township is indebted to him the suss of 1 $244.24, leaving a balance in his favor of 1 $179.64 at that date. We also find that the overpayment to August Guhr on the Kinburn 1 Swamp Drain was $1200.00, and not $1280.00 r as has been reported by some. It is being s rumored that there is a shortage of some $3,000.00 in the funds of the Treasurer. I t have written to Gordon Peters & Go,. (the i Auditors), regarding this rumor and they a reply that the Township is not short of that f amount; therefore, .the rumor is without any o foundation whatever, c (Signed) HATT. ARMSTRONG, c k Reeve, a 8078-1 in February, 3 cows to calve in April, fat heifer, _"%teem rising three years old, 2 steers w o dyed on the 27th day of September, 1926, are required to Proprietress; T. Brown, Auctioneer. — O Funeral Director and O Yea` old. 2 1 1 beef calves, 5 Spring calves. Hogg and Poultry-- Three sows in ' forward their claims, duly proven, to the under ;fined Solicitors, F, XECUTOR'S CLEARING AUCTION SALE O O Licensed Embalmer. O on or before the 27.th day nf-\ecember, 1926, after which date the Execuco, will proceed to distribute the of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements.—Win O H. C. BOX Beat Motor and Horse-drawn O O +tall in church shed, Frost & Wood binder 6 estate havirg rte and only tB the claims of which fromathe undersigned fosse)) byvpubleCi ic auctton, the Estate O foot Doering mower 6 foot cut, 10 -hoe frill O they shall then have had notice. of John Carpenter, on Lot 25, Con- O equipment. O scuffier, disc bar- '..^\•. sat 3-,ertion harrow:, buggy, cutter. set Laced at Seafur•.th. Ont-, th n 9th da of Y crciun I, Logan Totvnshi p (in Dublin Vil- lairei, O Charges moderate. O as l'MtQes� December, 1926. on Tuesday. December 14th, 1926, the following: The farm contains O Flowers furnished on short O rack, gavel box. Clinton fanning mill, hay fork, BEST & BEST, Solicitors for Executors. 97 acres (more or leas) and is well situated on the Huron Q notice, O uantity of grain bags. Feed and Grain -2 3073-3 Road, Village of Dublin, in Logan. Large frame house, bank barn, O Nights Calls Day Calle O -`------ 40 by 80, driving shed. etc. Horse;—Two general PurposePhone O 176. Phone 43. O matey. Cattle- -Three new calved cows with O J W. J. CLEARY O nd potatoes• Household Effects — Kitchen Hullett Government Audit calves by their side, newly calved heifer 3 O O O O O O O O J !� O rove, Large heater, book case, tables, chairs. nd nearly all of the household effects, Sale O Licensed Embalmer years old with calf by her side, cow to calve commence at 1.00 o'clock sharp, Terms— O O The Municipal Council of the Township of Hullett held a special meeting on Friday, November 26th, 1926, to consider the Govern- ment Auditors' Report. Members all present. Simon McVittie. Collector for the past six years, presented a statement for that period ,Eating that taking the total of the Collector's Rolls for that term and comparing them with the total. of the receipts froth the Tre-durer, and after deducting some small amounts that could not be collected, there was only a shortage of 92 cents. Fn considering the Auditors' summary of asset and liabilities, we find that the Treas- urer is indebted to the Township on Decem- ber, 31, 1925, the sum of $64.60, anis that I the Township is indebted to him the suss of 1 $244.24, leaving a balance in his favor of 1 $179.64 at that date. We also find that the overpayment to August Guhr on the Kinburn 1 Swamp Drain was $1200.00, and not $1280.00 r as has been reported by some. It is being s rumored that there is a shortage of some $3,000.00 in the funds of the Treasurer. I t have written to Gordon Peters & Go,. (the i Auditors), regarding this rumor and they a reply that the Township is not short of that f amount; therefore, .the rumor is without any o foundation whatever, c (Signed) HATT. ARMSTRONG, c k Reeve, a 8078-1 in February, 3 cows to calve in April, fat heifer, _"%teem rising three years old, 2 steers - O O O O O O O <il O O O O rising two years old, 2 heifers rising two O O Yea` old. 2 1 1 beef calves, 5 Spring calves. Hogg and Poultry-- Three sows in ' ('� W. J.Walker i'r ♦r & Son O pig. :bonier, 15 hens and pullet. implements— Stratford cream separator, 0 pulper, wate01 rour gh,'set team hnrney,, set of single harness, 0 , W. J. Walker, Funeral Hi- O +tall in church shed, Frost & Wood binder 6 0 rector and Embalmer. O foot Doering mower 6 foot cut, 10 -hoe frill O O and grass seeder combined, 12 -foot horse -Oke, culiirator. land roller, O ifl0t0r or Hor" Egnlpment. O scuffier, disc bar- '..^\•. sat 3-,ertion harrow:, buggy, cutter. set O Cara or Flowers furnished O leFlcY b,>Ir," its, set light sleighs. nod plow. leury ,,talking O as l'MtQes� 0 plow, 2 sugar kettles, grind- done, stoneboat, wagon, hay rack, stock 0 Da Nl h y or g t, Phone 67, O rack, gavel box. Clinton fanning mill, hay fork, 0 O 'vpe and pulleys, set of sling ropes and )dc'c, 0 ® ® O O O O <> ¢CSO O uantity of grain bags. Feed and Grain -2 � Lv of timothy hay, 4 loads of millet and -`------ ay, ]2 loads of green feed, mow of straw O O O O O O O O O O O O n barn, straw in stack, 100 bushels of bus;:- 0 +heat, 100 bushels mixed grain, 150 bushels arley, 550 bushels oats, mansrolds, turnips 0 J W. J. CLEARY O nd potatoes• Household Effects — Kitchen 0 rove, Large heater, book case, tables, chairs. nd nearly all of the household effects, Sale O Licensed Embalmer O commence at 1.00 o'clock sharp, Terms— O and Funeral Director. O ll sums of $10 and under, cash; over that mount nine months' credit will be given on 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor O 1 irnishing approved joint notes. A discount ' 6 per cent, per annum for O Equipment. O off cash on -edit amounts. Grain, Feed and Churcall, h St O Night and Day service. O rsh. Terme and conditions of farm made nown date of sale. JOSEPH CARPENTER O Phone 19-22, Dublin. i O 1d DAVID MCCONNELL. Executors; Wm- O O, . Nairn. Auctioneer. 3078-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 p 0 Blue and Tweed Overcoats Galore These coats will give you the utmost value for your overcoat dollar—elegant BIue Chinchillas, Snappy Tweeds in different shades and patterns. Every coat carries our personal guarantee. Thoroughly satisfy yourself that the value is the best you have seen—and as for fit and tailoring that will reveal itself the moment you step in front of one of our mirrors. PRICED $16.00 TO $27.50 Men's Suits at Remarkable Prices Two recent shipmenthave just been put into stock. Real swell suits they are, so varied are the styles and shades of these Suits that to describe them it would take too much space. Please accept an invitation to come in and see them. You will be enthused about them, we know. Fancy tweeds, blue and black serges with pencil stripes and plain blue Serges; single and double breasted models. Noth- ing finer shown in town. $15.00 TO $29.50 Men's Underwear Boy your Underwear at Gibb's and you can be assured of Underwear that -will not shrink and will keep you warm on, the coldest day. We carry Pen- man's, Tiger Brand; Stanfield's, Cee -tee and Turn - bull's. Piieed to suit every pocket. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS 13UYING AT GIBB'S Our gtaak of. Ments -Sbirts- Collars, 'i'ieri, Sue�.�lem nders, Ar'=bands, Garters, 1i�,uiil'e s; aleve's, lease, Cuff Unks, 1lndkerdhiefs, • Hays, 'Caps, s � st�l�s • � e ode ar ' tiYla r � s l?ath#' ' - lI � biles an I'yJ , d Mitts, a o Ladies' llalid6r&iefa, Seerfse, Hosiery, Towels and Panty Article& Is now complete: :MV10i + Oi t Boxed. 5 v r • f y 4N.' FyJ�,�ii,E�1y �B x` With Upmbmdate Merchandise GI1BB'S CAPS Mean Caps of Quality 25 dozen Men's Caps just -received in the new- est shades and patterns. Caps you will marvel at when you see them. This assortment in- cludes caps with and without ear -bands. Special --$1.50 MEN'S NECKWEAR, FOR CHRISTMAS Every Tie boxed and no tie priced higher than $1.00. You can't imagine the quality and assortment of patterna we have for you to ,choose from. A tie to match every taste and every suit is our motto. 35c, 50c, 65c, 85c, $1.00 1 Jo GIBB� Re, REGAL SHIRTS Are the Best Skirts Hundreds to choose from and every new pattern anal shade. Ev- ery Shirt has soft col- lar to match. See our wonderful London Broadcloth Shirts in fancy and plain shades. Priced -42.25 As we import all our hosiery direct from the English Mills, we claim .to have the best English pure woof hose made, at prices you have never seen before. Hundreds of patterns and designs to choose from. Priced 85c $1.00 $1.25 .r'li.. W 4 r Y ... an.J. .1 A'. 1.1 . I �(Diilde �, See ; . i+St ' 14Ji�1t Vit, A.:1di THE; LATEST" TSI h x Ji G9��ll �lxt'iiGi.Il IYOI� 7 'Also Clocks, Wtrh e EXPERT REPAIRIN �'P► "Where it ] Rg ` "i 4 "Where ,Li � 4 li r`1 F., I A., Wiestc Ott Opposite W A. SCHOOL OF COM' MER CLINTON, ON's STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY 'PIS Six weeks' additional time given to students Coming from �, r by train. Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly palifie�l f;at[7 The only School th t Teaches real PRACTTC�L BUSINESS, ING FROM START TO FSH Where High School Students and Teachers are taught SPECI$LI'G13D expert training in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and S� TARLAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a good position, rapid ,promotion and big income. COURSES:. --Commercial, Stenographic, Secretarial, General Ofliug, Civil Service, Com. Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged, For full information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal. Phone 198. Let Us See What He Would Like For Christmas A Bath Robe in wool or pure silk. A Smoking Coat in wool or silk velvet - A Sui, of Clothes, an Overcoat, a Raincoat, an Ulster. ,A Sweater, a Windbreaker, a Scarf or Miner, Gloves or Mitts. Shirts—Silk or Cambric. Underwear in two-piece or combination, silk, wool and cotton, sizes, 22 to 60- New Neckwear, Garters, Suspenders,' Canes, Silk Umbrellas, fancy handles. Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, plain and initialed. Odd Trousers and Bloomers, Hats and Caps, Tuxedo Suits, Final Dress Suits. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GE"S FOR HIM, FROM P. I KELLY, STRATFORD SOLE AGENT FOR 20th CENTURY CLOTHE$ One way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. SHOP EARLY, PLEASE) STORE, Luxurious Fur -Trimmed Coats for Worsen and Misses', Created from the season's smartest materials, richly trimmed with luxurious furs applied in dis- tinctive ways—Velours, Duvetynes and Needle- points—all our best coats are featured in this fine assortment. All sizes in this lot—all one price. Values to $45,00—$29.50. See our -assortment of Tweeds and Velours at less than wholesale. Values to $27.519.50. 50 Dresses in Saturday's Sale for pit Ladies' and Misses'. Beautiful Dresses made from Satins, Charmeuse and Serges—black and all the newest shades. Some �ictly tailored, other daintly trimmed. Sixes 16 to 40. Saturday's Price --,$12.95 d Satur ay Specials Men's Work Sweater Coats, regular $2.25,.. .$x.i5 ;:Men's Work Mitts, regular 60c ................ Men's Grey Flannel fork Shirts, 'speeiAl. 3 ► t {;, Men's Pure Wool Worsted .�Syoxl, ps�air, BOYS, Pure Wool Worsted Sto�;yI&S Meavy winter 0019 1�t Men's �tChp kigWo _ ............. .... .i: s.. .:•:. -. _ ,. -r::., ',..` `. . .nt.. r: .,. � • .', '•.. ,.lt...... V, I,r.. .�14.!'. �...fl;vef•?