HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-12-10, Page 240�4,VR5� 0 , , . , *! �1,
rl, A Rlk"*
Ark �rw*,
so let me Seek
� f r o., UT,
bon bast -so.ug4t,
ft lab6led !A the V OAR'
t and Ivne.
-ring ohildxeA 10S 4i''Ott4w 0
Thy ei
er�%nexlt 'OffidiAls W04 `4
LAST 0 teach me Lord, that I may teach haute.
ARE THOSE THAT spa -red •many -of tliglir
The precious things thou does impart of the past ten years. k*Qr the Can A
that they may �t remain an
17�. "59 adian buffalo d -i T14
-W And wing MY words
are al- reach. H anaemic, spiritless "representative of
B oys and Girls ine
"i He came back F
The hidden depths of many a heart. a vanished
s satisfied with Auto _F. R. Haverg&l. to,
way ba A fence that would 4.
sl� 0 '' I
v V st husky prairie steer
Skates ....... TO 4113 -will hold in,?
PRAYER ng, buftlo;
was n thin to a gaY YQU
herd grew so fast that the
r, the thous -
$3.50 We would thank Thee fo
Tube Skates. Save Money generous park" of nearly 200,000
ands of homes in this and other lands E
'PIC�Nlk; P
children have 'been given n hard acres, <roughly about thirteen miles SIT JR
wherein the M�ke your ow square) became some years ago too PIN90T-091 L(AC
Iit4 4i
Hockey Sticks, Etc. to God and from which come the men
the selection
en who lift the world up 10k soft soap by usin,9 small. Since that time
and the women
"aste fafS and of . the best methods of disposing of E
toward God. W the annual surplus of about two [A
DECEMBER 12th a 7
thousand animals has been one of
S. S. LESSON FOR the immediate problem of the de- DU S,
IL 911 Tin
A 4 �ak
RIK, --The BOY Samuel. I LLETTS partment of the interior. Two thou- 11b:36.
Lesson Title sand buffalo were slaughtered in 1924,
Lesson passage -1 Samuel 3:1-10, S already
nearly four thousand more, a
15-19. PU R E stated, were sent north in. 1925 andGolden Teyt-1 Samuel 3:9. 1926 to the big Wood Buffalo Park MINCEM•
T21bs ���;
LY Finest
The religious life of the children of near' Fort Smith, Northwest Terri
day's lesson 'Jelly.pow&rs 4
ted Copper Israel at the time Of to it costs less to make torics, and now, at the proper season,
Nickle Plated was at a low ebb. The priests, HOP- soap than to bug it. two thousand more are to be slaught- Shkas 2�jc
11! Goods, Kettles, Trays, Tea- hui and phinehas, were opeally wick- NS ered under the most modern and hu -
75 to $3.00 ed and their father, Eli, very old, and FULL DIRECTIO mane conditfions, and buffalo meat,
their Mims, 'CAN, DY,
pots ....... althbugh he protested against Wl-r" EVERY CAN heads, and robes wile limited ex-
01'11� entreated them to tent, be again available.
Aluminum articles, clean Wringers will lighten conduct and entr i S"Oe" 29C Assorte& C roc
their ways they hearkened not unto The problems are many and varied. Tbon so 2
him - CANDIMS`Z3.
and lasting; extra heavy- mother's work, $7.50 to $8.50 V5 There There are experiments in domestica
"rp Star Washing Machines T�e chil�dren of Israel, on entering p��_50 tion, in cross -breeding with domestic
the land 0 Till, A Delicious A' t
25C to $2.00 Canaan, set up the tent of Lmon wo oranoPej 2 +!•'i
meeting at shijoh. One day two cattle and yak, and in dressing the
I x%x hides. Progress is being made in all Smyrna C
e and his wife, Hannah, n syess bast 21 3% 99CL
O'Cedar Mops, $1.25 to $2.00 Elk,..h these and very defi ite 0 Cooking F,IGS Ckocolates
from their home in Ramah investi
up gation. TABLF, PIGS -
sacrifice. Iliann-all was pour- attended the last -menti n 2SL Sweethea�t »-r.-•«-
lm 1b. 3 c,
off , her heart's desire in silent yet impossible to prophesy
out manner, CurrautS__ 2 " 27e "ng and Eli noting her full development I 1b. Hollywood
prayer In the is as of the buffalo Filiatra
reproved I Saxonia 2W,
ad her for 'being drunken. S? under modern conditions abut enough
-owed, he VIC,. C %-1b. Pklt. 32c I Chocolates --
the conversation which followed, has been accomplished to show that
fir learned differently and he said: "Go
the one time ,lord of the plains" has Ck-KE CANDES
f Israel grant MLXM WTS FiflherU
in peace, and the God 0 returned to become once more an im-
petition that thou bast asked portant factor in Canadian life. For Q&
Ce c I OCPks
THER thee thy,
TOOLS FOR FA It was for a son she pray- -------------- 0-1 Faborts. 23% Decorg'ib!2
of him.' ?I
Hammers ...... 75C to $1.75 ed and when he was born she named The other grad.. Three-year-old Danny had been giv- 'Almosis analb Ad%Flb. 18raAS
Saws ........ $1.75 to $3.25 him Samuel, meaning asked of the in making money. St. en his first peanut. Blast .19C
0 Lord. When Samuel was old enough nate was a distinguished journalist. He struggled with it for awhile, 3 Ilia. 25,6 1b
U.5 the shell, but found
A Perfection oil Heater Planes ....... $3.510 to to do without his mother's constant The journaliSt took a letter out of iciq 2 Pkts-
ts took him to Shiloh his pocket and said thoughtfully, "I trying to break SU AK ..... 2sc TEA- E -,41-h B
d. Here Wrenches, Pliers, Levels, care the parents - have a letter here from Manley. He his small thumb and finger unequal Bowles' 0
greatly appreciate and there they, in a sacrificial offer class, to the task. So he brought it to his Etc. - wants to be remembered to the 34h Am 4
it is at a bargain..... $6.50 ing, showing the need of his cleans MARNALDE39c OND
ing from sin even though so young, and he incloses a little circular telling mother.
"Unbutton U
iq nbutton it, please, mama," he jar 155-C
dedicated Samuel to the Lord. Ban- about his work. it includes the big -
SILVERWARE surgical cases in all asked.
nah, though about to leave her young gest hospital for
behind in the care of Eli, sang a China; a preaching circle of fourteen
stock of Community Plate in Adani son beh to stations and out -stations; a publish- GREAT YEARS IN THE NATION'S
We have a large of praise and thanksgiving ing house that ranks first in the HISTORY a r enthusiastic the cost TURY
God. )y one or two spears or
and Mary Stuart Patterns; also exceptionally good value Song
Some commentators think Samuel East; a boys' training -school that re- The pygmies, unlike their neighbor 'pears over
be increased I
tribes, usually have no chiefs, though After the ceremony,
In Genuine English Silver in tasty boxes. was only three years of age, others quires an outlay of $25,000 a year, Interesting things have happened in
given over to be with an attendance Of five thousand 19r26. Commander Byrd in a Fokker they often rally around a superior some tobacco. and the
say six when he was
students; he has twenty-seven assist- airplane, circled the North Pole. a leader. Formal laws the husband goes hunting
trained by Eli. At first his tasks departments. Photographs taken in Europe were huntsman as among them but they wife goes to work. celebrated
would be light, such as lighting the ant workers in various dep transmitted on radio waves to Amari- are unknown moral codes. Fighting A red letter day is
adviser to the governor trans follow Strict ygmies when an ele.-
Geo. A. Sills :Sons lamps of the tabernacle and running He is a close and a great power in ca and published in newspapers a few A and murders are few. among African they Smell an
errands for ffli and while thus en- of the province -se his cit- hours later. Gertrude Ederle, laugh- is seldom noted, in a pliant is killed. When
d observe the people diplomatic circles. of course When a murder is committed en-
gage he would say that, but I learned ter of a New York butcher, swam the village there is no trial, but elephant in the vicinity of their
in sacrifices an offering cular does not Pygrn��Vl risks being killed from whole trible is called
worshipping missionarios connected English Channel one hour faster than I trp/r campment the trees in the
and Eli would instruct him in the it from some who had swum it victim's next-of-kin. into action. They climb
he, too, would with my own church." The other any of the five men ambush by his v and path they believe the animal will
meaning of the -Re and
man was silent- then he said, "I apol- before her. Explorers attest that lying
study the books of the Law.
I Then, jumping from limb to
begin to at Is anything interesting going to the take.,
I did not know stealing are uncommon among
VanleY. not h do limb, the hunters spear the animal,,
trained for the ogize to
happen in 1927 ?
Thus he was being modern mis n little people and tribes which When about what �a great career a
e Youth's Com -
prophet. usually trust fellow tribesmen are so and by so doing cause him to collide'
office of a .0nary By, the side of it I am For one thing, the virtually making him
twelve years of age it is supposed S' on April 16th, will celebrate with trees, thus
my own is very small. penton i impressed with pygmy honesty that
and, wilting io say - the pygmy often becomes a cattle commit suicide.
he, one night, beard -a voice at career. -From its HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY. Dur elephant can do
A� ass
thinking Eli needled some attention, I t:-.,.vy him his gre ing 1927, the Companion will contain One ' assured the
Sabbath Reading. tender for his taller neighbors. over him
t to him and more interesting reading than ever Is fancy them no harm- they swarm
he hurriedly rose and wen
When the young pygmy s flesh
said: "Here am 1; for thou calledst before during its century of success- turns to love he begins to count his like ants and cut away bi
They have no way of presery
me." Eli said he hadn't and sent him ful life. Consider what You will get
arrows, for marriage in pygmy
is food.
WEEDING OUT OF the flesh so they are apt to hover
back to lie down. Three times the ANOTHER WE for $2.00: 52 issues, containing nine a matter of bargaining between the ing
until nothing but
call came and each time he went to �VESTERN BUFFALO book length serials, 260 short stories s. Tusks ar
girlls father and' the diminutive about the carcass
the skeleton remain a bid -
Eli and was sent away, but with the ince cannot by the most popular authors, more swain. ands suit.
CAnadiaps in every province �O special articles, a weekly see- tribes the fixed price for den to be traded for tobacco a
MAN BRANO instruction the last time to answer if I of pride when than 11 In some tri
1, -py, , t feel a thrill ingenious boys, called the '1Y. n. arrows,
- -by coming to him, help: ri to fifteen which are among the few Pygmy lux
'0:. called again, not great herd of but- tion for a wife is from te
W""', thorough girls' department tive bridegroom ap- uritis.
PROVINCE but by saying, "Speak, Lord, for Thy they learn that the g :'ark has C. I -ab," a but if the PrOsPec
areth-" Dli -realized it was falb, at Buffalo Ngdonal Park,
es for children. Also in
servant he t it was a beer, increasing so rapidly that, al- and 52 pages of
OFthe voice of God calling, bot in each issue, an extensive survey
ONMO though four thousand head have
child instead of himself, the old tb been shipped to current events, making it easy for
priest, who was being called to re- the past two years the affairs of this busy
SAVINGS augment the wild herd in the North- You to follow
ceive the message. God spake the
Territories there is still such a world.
fourth time and not only so but there west Terri Don't miss the greatest year of a
surplus over the
OFECE capacity of Buffalo gazine. Subscribe now, and
was some visible appearance, a vision being great ma
Park that arrangements are
stood before him and a voice called
ONNIR SW AND thousand receive: Fine Shetland pony
made to dispose of -52 issues
AMUMESMY5 twice, "Samuel, Samuel." Then as
TORONITIO instructed by Eli he answered: more. This simple statement means 1. The Youth's Companion
that the great experiment undertak- in 1927, and
"Speak; for thy servant heareth." - The remaining issues of 1926.
Samuel trained in obedience first by en by Canada in 1907 has proved a 2
eta- All for only $2.
Eli, was Success beyond the highest expects- the To be Given
h-ir, parents and later by r include McCall's Magazine,
advocates; ?t means that 2. 0
y to hear and obey the voice of tion of its advoc monthly authority on fashions.
,Z• read e niche prepared by historians for L nly $2.50.
God even though the message he was the alongside the dodo and Both publications, 0
carry was a hard one to take the buffalb a' E YOUTH'S COMPANION Away
given to c TH
other extinct species will not, be re -
to the old man who was his teacher ns that one of the larg- S N Dept, Boston, Mass.
Samuel Jay until the quired; it mea
and friend. magnificent mammals Subscriptions Received at this Office
morning thinking over the message est and most
on the earth has been given a new
he had to deliver but when called he
promptly answered as before, "Here lease of Iffe; and, on the practical
am L" At once Eli inquired whk-t it -side, it means that this animal, which PYGMY PEOPLES DON'T LIKE
was the Lord had said to him. it played such a large part in the days WORK
ening up of our middle west
man of God
)f the op
13 was the same which the
4S, Z has been brought back to assist Can- For more than 5,000 years pygmies
", 'i he re
had brought to him as recorded in
adians in solving problems connected have been known to exist, Yet t
-y of a new tribe of these
the second chapter. Eli not only in cent discover
with the development of the. far north.
quired of Samuel what he had heard The "return" of the buffalo means human dwarfs in Dutch Now Guinea
Seaforth Branc%, j. but pleaded- with him to keep nothing y bu -
7 p.m. to 9.30 PuU for he ad- very TnUC'h to citizens in all parts of renews interest in them, says a I
Hours 9-M a.m. to 5 P� Saturday 9-30 a.m. to S P.m-, back. He went further, whose recolilection ]titin from the Washington, D. C.,
Canada, as those
saying, "God do so to C National Geo every day in the Contest
jured him, s2i
ou hide any- or reading goes back to the eighties of headquarters of the gra- The interest is increasing evei
thee, and more also, if0th last century will at once realize. Forty phic Society. -box for the
thing from me." Samuel feared to go the family buffalo robes Pygmy peoples are distributed over
years i and the votes are pouring into the Ballot
show Eli the vision, for it condemned an institutiorn in well wide areas, including the Philippines, the list of popular
of the were as much e Contest and
Eli knew
1J x
-NOMNCE OF INGS QFFICE his wrong doing. an households as the which are inhabited by the largest pony contestants. Look over
regulated Canadian
VMENT iniquity of his Sons and he resttained re gu
-me heating stoves. These robes were in groups; the Ondaman Islands of the boys and girls in Seaf orth entered in th
New Guinea; the in -
.4 thtr.em not and now the word had co
constant use. One constituted athick Bay of Bengal; N favorite.
Peninsula; and the vote for your f
from God that his house mush be cut cons I special of -
warm rug for the small children to teriorof the Malay Pen
JiJj4Q OFFICE 47 15 QuEus PARK off and the priesthood pass into the play ()n before the fire, another was Congo regions of Africa. With few
F DEWS hands of "a faithful priest that shall
always used as a la robe when the exceptions they are similar in char- Every store in the Contest is making
-which is in mine heart, and in a
while acteristics. each week for you to take advantage of,.and
do that farnfly went driving in winter,
m y mind." Eli everything deliv- the best one made -a fine splash of The smallest pygmies ard those of (stings ea me Will Supply you with the Pony
same ti
Samuel told -hen displayed where the men seldom are
this opportunity of helping that
. ..... dark and regal color w Africa, at the
just w he had received it, a
tiring it over the of the sleigh. more than 4% feet tall and the women Don't mica
the whole q a drape ov Votes.
not shunning to declare And then, even in the coldest weather reach only SY2 f%et. If one imagines
tened and nt spare bedroom, no an eight-year-old southern "Piccan- 1-ioy or girl "win the Pony -
of God," Eli lis
and most distant
finny" with a well -formed, muscular
bowed humbly before the sentence, unexpected guest could be cold if a
accepting it as the just punishment
em t body, a mouth reaching from the cer.-
He knew the ini- robe were used as a coverlet. For -nose, a The boys and girls are making a wonderful, showing
of his iniquity.
those who had to do much driving a tre of each cheek, a flattened
and his own and the list is changing every week.
f his family al necessity. slanting gutty 0 1
buffalo protruding upper jaw and a slant
in dealing with them so he This was the normal course of af- forehead which gives -him an apish
AVOR YOUR BARN R0017 did not complain that his punishment
,4 fairs until the middle eighties when appearance, and having a mature ex
It li Mey1ttLI pie
eater than he could bear, bu
the, Canadian householder awoke pression, then one has
was gr ke to
is the
he said, "It
troj��#tftdor& Ai&o.6tock Slates. Neither gales, rain, having sinned the fact that there were no More ture of a pygmy man.
him not grow
L-1 1111� . ave
46W&aft 6tifte them and they last for years. buffalo robes. They did Many of these 'little fellows live so ot, entered yet
let -him do what seeniA
good." The Lord is righteo�s in all They strap- You girls and boys who h
itl if Of,
slow degress. _h like monkeys that they have
work, dearer by and eou1l
and sutA laying cost make ffiem. the most his ways, and holy in all his been suspected of being the "missing lots of room foV y0u,, bpth.from
kind of
`11 be 0.
link." They look upon any
6W41 of, 4W4:eytJ" vdue. You can lay them over the tberefore, his will be done. you WW.
: tryL glid
faithfully delivered t h e ur. f4ends *
work with scorn and a hoe or any As, -bo
D ot X.at
ristttiment of agrioulture.*Ould'
2, other i
and was further' used of God so that
first message God instructed him
be a curiosity to them.
Drug MO..
all Israel knew he was estab Wild fruits nuts, tender shoots and
the Lord. various root-, are fAvotites - i1i -, *elr M all eftah Put-
ligbed to J* & prophet of qefi L1*11l,glV4) you votes (
w auto Ask Or tbet*-
'Every Child Is called of diet, and for ihe444y go,,bu
The folly
P160 (oodatS of 25 d6fit13 9Md UP�,
Tteeded work. Doing what he "es he �Blrds and smAll
ought to 'do wK11141917 will lead to Me- with oedni,&hfil, d6lkaties: Si16" At
elephants, -rats: &,hd 'at0orva
cess in this life, slid in the life to
Stim 4pmay" Ajoaforfl' PharmaeY.
66n,*. "Colile
Xoaern landlords Ih! e
invefted in Uvkfv�t in Pygm valfty of
W01m) migswi4s
IVs Poultry., bdop `%ib t*Wg i%yftot hi 0jje:. unos.o
aceotffit fdr bftX two Or thift,461laiz t*($;: 221T 6oure- U0, 'To
OlTow do You i Manley' till"* %,XVAOA .. , 6
sloint. a
OR a 0 'rf)& `L"Alr. " , , -
14 is bdalj�.� a t - Wt that
and a
Aiidtldf T%06
t em �0, in hgp, 60,
01,66 ro6ts Aftd
Zft ti it is to 'Iffidle.6 I t -, ,-� S V.-
veft AtitkA VM tultil, 010
,y 1b 0 -lid �k:. T
W Aftt b6r, say W�,
m ift thdr
�y uttf VWI
o 7 vo,
ryE W F
I IT , *