The Huron Expositor, 1926-12-03, Page 4.v.. , Ci , �- ..,... „ a.,',,i. 1 4 •h�;•a Y";'+?n P ! .5, ,y, •K, .t,.... q.
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- ----- -T wish o -u arJas<ess i youir new Izome, vara 1 own a • a n I . fn �S< Q.. +
a Y lin ,�• txi� it - , ` .a: rt ¢
l ;? L wzwx ]o07r she xa 'ye fly, ten • ,i r Jll�
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sued that yon may long e p d thip vicidity and was the youngest ti' i ,r
a co a ears a o s '1? ; the
ups ,,., t�
p )Friday, Decennbor 3rd'. a 'o the mom lies which bund you soli of lite late 'Jalaaz sees 1 of p. y a p„' ` ^ i
urt,3,,.+ .d Y, nl Y Y '� , ate week emd T with'btrx fxiixfd',M3ss
" and our famil and friends so close- tli fiawnshi of Staxile a' w s } ' POUI.Titli A laT (''r� M) t''!
Y Y e P Y, ltid a , r i x
1„,:, 1 together, and while you have made born in that to hzr,. He leaves to Mattie E13n50 onaurdar even- X13, ,� .�. i 1.: °' x �h' k
,wZi+? p: ,.. P nt.fS
;'� r Y g , in$ last v e a;pleasantly gliter4alAed Toronto, November sAtt). to .. ; , < °i;;; '
Your life a grand success on this dear mourn his death two brothers, Wil- a number a' ri friends in hotter of 1?ress.�d F iw
old farm and have enjoyed th friend- Liam J., of Hens,all- John; J., of Lon- �': chloke ne, Strias squabs. 1 to i lbs. se r' ��1 R i,1;,
RKjCEFIELD ' Mass U uh who was plea tp ''l
,,; ship and good -will of your neighbors, don, and one sister, Mrs, Henry Johns, + p t� Du, Sprint. over '4 lbs. ............ SQ*8 5 , 1 -r ;, 4
,, % meet so meat .Pf her friends her• -e 'that Iso , spring. a to a lba� s 8$ t : r ' , Ad
g, The annual thaz►koffelin we sincerely hope you will meet with a?,-. / .
of ElimviUe. The remains are ex- evens slag.° i Sunds follawi xe- bail., spxinff, 2% to a'% min: 3fi-AS >'':,"
b.. �, W. M. S. and Keely Circle will the same remarked successs in the petted to arrive here on Saturday ' q y ' Do„ .sprier, 2 to 2% lbs. ....,... so �':;z i. ,,, a, 1'
t Vin; ; , turning to her home in London' an , , ,., E8 r
l d a1¢ Sumd$y, December bth, in town as you have in the country and forenoon and if so the funeral, which Hens, ave r5 lbs . ..............
���'t " °I 1 " f u Monday m0 ilg las last. infant Do-, 4 to 5 the . .... . . .. ....... 26 i;.... l ���f�,�sos�e0w� •
1 kited Church at the morning enjoy the good fellowship of those will, be a private one, will be held , ' bail., s to 4 lbs. 24
` .......... .....
t. ,, " child of 'Mr.-Isd Mrs. David Ileeswa :::.... , a2 i#.I ,
, Ce, when Mrs. Mallard, of Exbe- whom you may have the pleasure to from the home of Mr, 'William J. lioonrters .............. ,
ntetrt with, and may the Giver of all Jones, of our village, was. taken t(>F Landon Hospital fast
i'7ee-President of the Huron Turkeys ...... I — ............... 48
'y yteria1, will give the address. week for an'''operation,-During the Deese ............ ..... 23 There's nq 'Gift mDie aces to .
good blessings prosper you where- School Literary Society, -The Lit- iluclrringe, b fns. and up'.....:.:. 82 p ble at Christmas'tha4:
i p hoped there will 'be favorable past week Mrs. John Caldwell, Sr,
1f ever you may be, and we assure you erary Society of the Hensall Continua- pair of nice,, warm Slippers; A timely puz+chaise eiLall a zI ,
Q "s g congregation. that your fancily will ever remember tion School held its regular meeting received the') ad news of the death of
k Fc ether and a large con a anon out her brother, George P. Washburn, of .- ._-...-. to offer you thgse„J$eaut•Iful Felt .Tuhlets (as illustra't,W) 41;
fr Im lo,kit ar her. Mrs. Mallard will be the you and will- in no way try to break on Friday afternoon, November 26th,11
Los Angeles, Gal, He was f>4 years DAIRY MAIatKET a special piste i Aft
,• ;guest of her friend, Mrs. Walter 'he family ties which bind us so with Avis Lsnderfield presiding and of , , , , , , , , , , , ,• , , , , , , , , , , rl 1661,0
t:vens. -dVlr. and Mrs. John Rotten- of 'age and is survived by his wife Totomto, November so.--'ehegse, now,large, 'V,
closely together. And, in conclusion, Marie Bell acting as Secretary. 'The 20 to 203A , twins, 20 to 21c, triplets, 22c. 5,
" and three Children, also faux bra- '
b, and family, of Burlington, vis- the would ask you to accept these meeting was opened by singing "Com- V stiltuns, 21st. Old, large, me. .twins, 27c ; These Slippers 'have fur dimming, flexible le;4ther soles
',- L,. -; at the home of the former's par- beautiful reclining chairs as a slight ing Through the Rye," after which thers 'and' two, sisters, their names be- triplets, 28c. old Stilton, 2oc and err obtainable in three eoibrs--JBaxoon, Purple and Grey.
..:'tiaUts, Mr. and Mrs. William Rotten- I ing as rfollows; Allan, of Essex; Butter -Finest creamery prints, 40 to Oto; All sues, 3
token of our love and esteem arid the minutes of the last meeting were No, I•creamety, $9 to 400; No. 2, sa to silt. , 4, 5, 6, 7. SHOP EARLY FOR TH'ESp.
�,t., Frank,'of Guelph; Robert, of Harro- Dairy eriam az to asc.
busy, last Sunday. good wishes for our dear parents.' read and adopted. A reading by Ed- son, Thomas of Kirkton; Miss Sarah
'r' Again wishing you God's blessing arid I ruin Dick and an instrumental by • Eggs--Freadr extras in cartons, 72 to 78c; ,
Washburn, of Toronto and Mrs. J. fresh extras, loose, Zile; fresh firsts, 58 to
.,:, tsSuring you of the love and friend- Lillian Stacey and Margaret AlcLar•en sec; fresh seconds, s8 to s9e, fresh pullets,
Caldwell, of the Township of Tuck- MISSES RED )"ELT KOZY SLIPPERS A7 79 CENTS
1i'ALTON ship of your children in years to, were much enjoyed. Mildred Mc- 52 to 53c. Storage extras, 45c; do., fists,
a' ersmith, The funeral was held on 42c; do, seconds, 37 to sac.
J_E:` come. --Signed on behalf of your Earn- Donnell gave an interesting talk an the eighth of November last -Our
X .
,� ". Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. An- ily and friends." the life and pictures of Mallet, which g
z . Aerson returned home after spending I took in a discussion of one of his bO and girls are looking forward r .
the past week with friends in and -- -" .- -- - longingly for winter for sleigh -riding, GRAIN MARKET Here s another instance of the rare values we are offer-
I most noted pictures, The Gleaner. in this Christmas.
;` around Listowel. -Mrs. Naylor and KIPPEN I Miss Jessie Johnston took charge of skating, ete., while our curlers have Toronto, Noverater Bath. -Manitoba wheat g ,
'`' daughter visited with friends last i the business part of the meeting, af- visions of their roaring game. - We ,--No. I Northern, $1.4s�a; No. 2 Northern, Misses Red Felt Kozy Slippers with ribbon trimming
" . week and returned to their home on Mission Band. -The Gould Mission ter which a kitchen orchestra gave understand that there is yet quite a $1.38%; No, 3, Northern, $1.85%. and padded chrome soles s and heels. Sizes 11, 12, 18"I, 2.
Saturda -Miss Vera Gardiner has Band of St. Andrew's United Church, large acreage of turnips that have Manitoba oat&• -No. 2 C.W„ nominal ; Na 'Usually sold at $1.00 and $1.10,11
I' y. some pleasing and amusing selections. &, not quoted; No, 1 feed, b8c; No. 2 feed, (�
been laid up with measles. --Mrs. W. intend holding their thankoffering The meeting was closed by singing, not been secured, but like sugar beets nominal; Western grain quotations in c.i.f. OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICE ............... 79c
�' Dennison is visiting Miss Mary Mow- service Sunday, December 5th. Mrs. they stand a good deal of cold wea- nom
Show Me the Way to go Home. It
- bray. -Don't forget the date of the IRev.) Telford, of Blyth, will be the I rues moved by Ruth Chapman and sec- ther and frosts. -The Young Peoples' American corn, track, Toronto ---No, 2 yel- i,
annual bazaar to be held on the 9th s aker for this s ecial occasion. A P League held their regular meeting on low; asc; No, s yellow, $4c.
Pe P onded by Scott Welsh, that the meet Millfeed-Dedivered, Montreal, freights, bags �.
{ of December in the A,O.U.W. Hall, number of certificates, pins and seals Monday evening last with a good at- in Bran, per ton, $30.25; shorts, per
wr, ing be adjourned until December
21.. - under the auspices of the Guild of will be awarded, and the boys and 17th. tendance. The meeting was in charge ton, $er ba middlings, $40.26; good feed - W& I 0 . 1
,4i St George's Church. -Miss Anna girls are reminded to hand in their of Miss Katie Scott and presided over flour, per bag, $ 0 s
P. Briefs. -A political meeting in the Ontario oats, 50c, f.o.b., shipping points. C
;:,, Stewart visited with friends at Monk- special offering for the occasion. A interests of Mr. Alex. Neeb, Conserv- by Miss Nellie Boyle. After the sing- Ontario good milling, wheat --$1.30 f.o.b. ° e
'. ton last week. -Miss Jennie Clark cordial invitation is extended to the ing of a hyzrin the Lord's Prayer was shipping points, according to freights.
strive candidate, was held in our town sailer Malting, so to 64c.
'rill spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. parents to join with the boys slid hall on Monday evening last and was repeated, after which Miss Ethel Mux- Buokwhest-76c, nominal.�������
i1'. and wars. W. Clark, -Quite a number girls and officers of the Mission Band bock read the Scripture lesson. Fol- Rye -No, 2, .92c. TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL
fairly well attended. The chairman
v',, `
,• ?!:•, „
are complaining of having colds .= In this interesting service.
W. M. S. -A meeting of interest to
was Mr. George C. Petty, and in addi-
lowing is the programme, every ntiati-
ber being well rendered and much en-
Manuta; bo ,, dour,--Firsten patent, S7.9o, To-
torero; second patent $7.40.
Mrs. A. Dundas and children visitedl
with Mrs, A. Clark over the week end.I
all the ladies, especially to the mem-
tion to a forcible address by the can-
ciidate, short and interesting addresses
joyed: A chorus by six girls, entitled
Ontario flour -Toronto, 09 per sent. patent
per barrel, in carrots, Toronto, $5.75; sea-
-Wass Alice My spent a few days ;
bers of the W. M. S. of the United
+ were also given by Mr. Trewartha
"O Canada"; readings by Miss Elva
boars in balk $6.76.
4a ,,
at Wingham visiting friends.
Church is being held this afternoon
I and Mr. Middleton, of Clinton;Rev.
Shaddock and Miss Gladys Luker;
1 Friday) in the church, when Miss.
H. Naylor, of St. Pauls Anglican
instrumental by Miss Margaret Drum-
- -
(Dr.) -McMaster, a returned mission-
Church, and Mr. Betts, barrister, of
mond; Miss Jessie Buchanan gave a
ary, will be with them and address
the meeting. 1A'e hope all the ladies
London, and all speakers made a
short talk on two Canadian poets,
Charles Roberts and Pauline John-
Buffalo, November 30th, -Bogs: Receipts,
Presentation. -0n Monday evening
will make an effort to be with us in,
,trong appeal for Government Con-
trul and extolling the government of
son, after which Miss J. Johnson gave
10,400; light and medium weights, $12.60 to
$12.60; few fat pigs, $12.75 to $13; packing
- �'•
a number of friends and relatives
this splendid meeting. Kindly re-
Mr. G. Howard Ferguson, Premier,
a few readings from some of our
sows, $10.50 to g11.25.
,Cattle --Receipts, 2,600; $11
gathered at the home of Mrs. Luke
member the special December offer-
and the Cabinet associated with him
popular poets. Miss Msattie Ellis
good yearlings,
to $11,90; medium grade steers, $7.40 to $9;
Kin it bein her 80th birthday, and
g> g
in and the interegtin roll call.
g g
i in the administration of the affairs of I
then spoke on three poets, William
Louis McKay Jean
good light heifers, $9,25 to $9.65; medium
presented her with a bouquet of
'votes. -We would remind the
the Province, while the candidate, Mr,
Drummond, and
$7 to $7.60; fat cows, $6.50 to $6.-w;
bulls. $s, '
t .,,
American beauty roses and the fol-
els and Managers of the important''
Neeb, made a strong appeal for sup-
Bluett, and gave a reading composed
Calves -Receipts, 2,000; top veals, $15,50;
lowing address: "Dear Mrs. King-
meeting at the Manse this afternoon
port as the candidate of South Huron. !
by each of thcce poets, After the
common kind, $I1 down.
We, a few of your friends, have garb-
(Friday). -Mr. and hits. William Ivi-
-AS we mentioned in last Week's is-
literary part of the programme was
Sheep' -+Receipts, 12,000; top fat iambs,
ered here to -night to wish you many
g Y
sun, of the village, left for Toronto'
- ,ue the Firemen intend holding a
over, a social hour was spent in a
$14.25; Dulls around $10.b0.
happy returns of the day and we sin-
last week, where they will visit for;
i dance and euchre on the evening of
contest, the answers being names of
Onion stock Yams, Toronto, November 30.
: il,
certtily hope that God, whom you have
some time. -Dr. James Jarrett, of
Thursday, December 9th, and have
poets, after which a dainty lunch of
Quotation.: -
served so faithfully, will spare)
Ailsa Craig, visited his parents. Mr.;
arranged to hold old time dances so
candy and fruit was served , -Don't
Heavy export steers, $6.65 to $7.00; heavy
steers, good. $6.25 to $6.50; butcher steers,
you to us and especially your family,
y p y,
and firs. I sac .larrutt, on Sunday
that all attending will be able to en-
forget that th4• �fo]lard Mission Cir-
choice, $6.26 to $6.75; do., fair to good, $5.00
for many years. We ask you to ac-!
last.-- (quite a number from this corn-
Iny the dances With which they have
cle will hold a very enjoyable even-
to $6.00; do., common, $4,00 to $4.50; but-
oept this bouquet as a small rememb-1
nrunity attended the, chicken suppers
la,en familiar for many past years.i
ing on Friday, December 3rd, when a
cher heifers, choice, $6.26 ,to $8.60; do., fair
Chto er heifers,
h $s.o$; do., common $3.60 to
ranee on behalf,of your friends -Mrs.,
in Brucefield on Thursday last, under;
Ruchrc will be provided for those
very interesting programme will be
$g,35; butcher oowa, good to choice, $6.00 to
' 1 ;
P. Gibbons, Mrs. E, Netterfield, Mr.
the auspices of the Kelly Circle, and;
preferring to engage in card playing,
I given and a thinly lunch of weiners
S5.5o; do., common t.o medium, $3.00 to $4.00;
John Lockridge." Mrs, King, in a
speak very highly of the fine sup
i and a large number of tables are be-
I and rolls with coffee will be served.
canners and cutters, $2.25 to $2.75; but -
cher burls, good to choice, $4.25 to $5.00; do-
few we1l�Shosen words, thanked her;
per and splendid programme. ---Mss:
ing ltmvided. The firemen are lark-
Everybody wl!I be welcome. -Little
me sum, $3,50 W $4.00; ail., butognas, $3.50
.' r
friends for their kind remem'brance.l
:Mary Thomson, of London Normal,
ing for -ward to a very enjoyable time
Miss Mina Hu'ton and sister, of For-
to $3.65; baby beef, $10.00 to 811.60; fecd-
' ,.
The evening was spent in social en-!
and the Jlissr5 'Margaret Finlayson
and expect a very large attendants
am spend;ng a few weeks with
els, choice. $5.50 to $6.80; do., fair, $5.00
to $5.25; stockers, choice, $4.75 to $6.00; do.
4f P'
teztainment and playing cards, at!
and Rosa McLean, of Stratford Nor-.
and will, no doubt., not he disappoint-
I their at}nt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C.
fair to medium, E4.00 to $4,50; witch cows,
which Mrs. King proved the winner
the which a dainty'
mal, were Week end visitors at their
heroes here -Flection day on «'ed-
ei• as this wtill he the first one held
A. McDonnell. -Mrs. J. Isenoffer, of
Kitchener, is v:citing her brother, Mrs,
$70.00 to $85.00; springers, $90.00 to $120,00;
I calves, choice, $11,00 to 812,00; do„ medium,
~t t,,
of evening, after
lunch was served to all.
I nesday last passed off very quietly in
l under their recent, organization, and
; as a good fireman's organization
J. Rumford, w hn is confined to her
155.50 to $9.50; do., common and grassers,
ba.00 to $; lambs, cholas, $11.76 to $12;
,.: ,,
, r
Briefs. -Mr. Charles Campbell, of
our village. Despite the cold bins -i
tt ry day and rough roads, we believe'
rrrans so much to a village, it is one
room wish a hrr,ken hip, and else vis-
sting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Price.
bucks, Ss.76 W $9.00; sheep, choice, $6.00 m
$7.00: do. heavier, $4.60 to Sb.00; do., culls,
Marnoch, met with a nasty accident
v large number polled their votes.-
of the events that proves interesting
-Mtn. Jamey A. Bell Spent the week
82.50; bogs, thick smooch, fed and watered
last Thursday. He had taken his rifle
Mr,. George E. Thomson's many
and draws support. -The few fine
days of the week have been
end in Windsc- with her son, William
$9.75 to $10.'25: do., f.o.b., $9.25 to $9.76; do.,
country points, $9.00 to $9-60; do- off cars,
to the barn to shoot sparrows, and
laced it the wall, it
friends will be glad to know that she
Past most
favorably for closing up outside work
R., and her daughter, Mrs. James C.
gto.ts m $loss; select premium, per bag,
$1.90 to $2,00.
', �
against and
p g
is recovering nicely after her recent
before winter really sets in, and we
Campbell, (tee Miss Jessie), which
disChar and blew a joint off the
believe good advantage has .been laic-
made a urn pleasant visit for Mit.
last finger of his hand. It was nec-
Bell as in addition to her son and
Montreal. November Seth. --Cattle receipts,
essary to remove the finger. Hz's
en of the same. -Very interesting
services were held in all
daughter shN had a number of friends
l" h Gave prices were 2s cents re quote
highea on a quality basis. Steers were snot
•.. :.-
thumb was badly burned also. -Brig.
General Armstrong and staff, of Mili-
our churches
on Sunda last with
Y KOOd attendances.
to visit in :he Border City. --In men-
Air. Perry Gram be-
ed up to 156.50 with ar,e or two 4om i2 c
to 26c higher and one straight car at $1.00.
. I
tory District No. 1, London, were in
Death of Jose h Papineau. - Mr.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farquhar
boning and wife
in here on a visit, we should have
Cv,run$5 to steers were soca mostly
I` re, `
Wingham on Wednesday, November
Joseph Pa lneau, a well known res)-
Sauble Line, St
were called to Buffalo owing to the
pdt them as from Lansing, Michigan,
from $6.00 w $s.00. coca cows and cows of
fairly ,rood gnal6ty sold up to $5.00 and
24th, for the ins striae of B Com
P P-
dent of the near
Joseph, away on Tuesday in
illness of their daughter's husband
instead of aq from Detract -Our
choice cows up to 115,60. Plain big bodied
any, 33rd Battalion, in the Wingham
his 81st illness
and the following of such illness by
villagers have got a lot of plowing
�� were around $ to $4.00 and bologna
bulls from
Armories. -Mr. A- F. Horne has rent
Year, after an es-
tending over some months. He is
an operation, and although now away
for some weeks have not et return-
done thiq week making their gardens
$3.60 to $8.76 and common bulls
-from $3.50 to,1113.76 and common bulls to
,� }a
ed the horse shoeing and general
survived by his wife and a grown up
ed to their home here, but dike) will
so much better for spring culture and
butchers trade at $a.00.
t ;
blaei.mrrithing business of Mr. W.
familyof sons and daughters. The
in the near future, -Mr. and Mrs.
for growth. �Mr. J. W. Skinner has
Quotation*--8ntcher steers, good, $6.2b to
f; ,'
'+.� �
Holmes and is now opening up for
funeral was held on Thursday, inter-
Pere Y Gram, of Detroit, spent the
not been ss well during the past
$7.00; medimn, $t.76 to $6.26; common, $4.60
business. -'.11.r•, arid Mrs- John Martin
have ne to Toronto as Mr. Marcia
ment being made in the R. C. Ceme-
week end here with Mr. Gram's par-
week or two as his many friends here
rq Poor-
would wisir for, and is still very
� E5.5o : butcher hell«,., medium, $5.00 to
$5.60; common, $8.00 to E4.76; butcher cows,
is in very poor health and has gone
tery at Drysdale•
Notes. and Mrs. T. D. Mer-
sets. -The dance vee b t
given y he Ren-
ly. The er'n•ice in Carmel Presbyter-
goo, $6.00 to $5.60; medium, $3.00 to $4.26:
canners, $1.75 to $2.00; cutters, $2..25 to
to consult a specialist, haping he will
ner, of Detroit, vigitRd relatives here
call Dance Club in the town hall on
Friday evening last, despite the
fan Church nn Sunday fast was taken
$2.75: butcher bulla, common, $8.60 to $4.00.
Calf receipts, 684. veal caloves were
loan be around again. --Mr. Alvin Mc-
Kinnon is in the Western Hospital in
over the week end. -Mr. and Mrs. H.
unfavorable weather and roads, was
a Dung man from Toronto, who
very gold discourses. -The roads
scarce. $11.50 was the top price paid for the
beat but
� ` ..
Toronto, where he underwent a major or
,fohnston, of Goderich, visited at the
home of the farmer's sister, Mrs. J.
largely attended, many coming from
in this Rection are at present in the
picked out, only an odd calf Was
Rood enough to :,each this figure. The bal-
' t '..
operaiian and we are pleased to re-
Thiel, on Sunday. -Mr. W. Medd's
the ttelglrboring towns and villages.
The music was supplied
PP by the Mt-
worst condition the have thus Bar
ance of the sucker calves were sold from $$
to $ Gn3aaeT9, $a.7s to $4.00.
port he is doing as well as can be
meeting on Tuesday evening was well
Phillip -Blucher Orchestra, of London
been this fall, making both autostt
g lt
Quotations --Good veal, s10.60 to $11.60:
-odium, $8.00 to 10.50:
;;a ri"
t •.
attended. A number of interests ng
and we believe, was exceptionally
and driving with horses very difficult
$ common, $5.00 to
$7.00: grass, $3.76 to $4.00.
- - --
addresses were given. -A number of
good. -Mrs. Mallard, of Exeter, a
and un IracAYrt. -Grain is still tom-
ir.g very freely into market, although
Sheep receipt'• 2,281. wtt-. a light offer-
owls have been captured in this
President of the League that bears
Prices weir higher. The bust iambs were
sold for $11,76 and straight iota
section. They seem to be plentiful'
her name, is to take the services in
roads are very unfavorable and
of medium
to fair quality iambs were sold from $11.00
" ,'
M a
The Late Thomas Mcilroy. - We
along the }oke shore and their ap-
stance in Ontario is to fore-
the United Church on the cornin g
of course the heavy loads and in par-
titular thq large trucks, cut very
4o s11.25 and common ones, sto.00 to sil.00;
Burka were $1.00 below these to
rT3r the death
were so to learn
tell a hard winter -The auction sale
Sunday evening, and will speak ape-
cialiy Missions
deeply in. ---Fruit and vegetables it is
sheep $3.00 to $5.50,
'"i. ,.°;
Thomas Mcllro who
y, passed peace-
held here fart Saturday brought a
on and Missionary
Work -Miss Gladys Luker, who
fotmd, are not keeping well this fall,
Quotations; -Rees, $$,oil to s5.5o; lambs,
good, $71.25 to $11.16: common, $10 to s11.29;
fully swag on Friday, November l6,
lar a crowd to the village. M L
g g
Gently resigned her at the
the weather affecting the same, cans-
bucks, $9.25 .to $10.76.
at his residence on the 9th Concea-
cion of McKillop, after a severe ill-
C'rellinav was disposing of a ear load
P ' g
he had brought
C°Tiam"cial Hotel, has accepted a pas-
ing softness and rot, -The election
topic has been so all absorbing dur-
P g
.Flog receipta, 2,109. Estill, hog sales were
mostly to local butcher, at $11.00 for thick
': %%:
Hess. The funeral wag held on Mon-
of cattle from the
West, but when the prices realize')
stun as bookkee er far Mr. T. C.
Jo t
sn the ast week that it seems to
g P
snwxt:hs, with $2.00 per bog bonus on selects
and slo.5o to slo.75 fie• shops and on one
;aa •:
day afternoon to Maitlandbank ceme-
st the sale were lower than what the
and will no doubt �°e good
ea'tia•faction. +Mr. Mrs.
have eliminated the usualtrend of
yard where there was a scarcity of hoRn,
tery, and was largely attended. Rev.
J. A. Ferguson
animals were purchased YChaged for, the Ipt
and Otto
�"t nee Miss Pearl Swale, left
what may he termed "news topics"
$11.25 to $t1,4o was paid on a stat basis.
Packers were bidding 510,76 for thick smooths
t"",,` ,
conducted the services.
We extend our s nth to those
was withdrawn. -Mr. Herbert Uttley
far Fees,
far Exeter 'tact week where they will
and it seems difficult to make our
budget thio interesting
with 42.00 bonus on selects and sio.25 for
shops and lights.
i £
left to
has Purchased the dwelling property
make their future hems, as Mr. Stepp-
week as as
who are mourn.
Rt the west end from the owner, Mr.
ons has secured a god
g position down
we would desire. -Quite a number
- -- -
Notes. -A progressive euchre party
P. Pa lneau, of Windsor, and Mr.
ITttley and family_ have taken
there. -Mr. and Mrs, Lee Redden
from our glia a and district have
during the 'Ant week or so been at
, ,
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Dobe last week. Mr. John
F,, F. Wuerth has sold his
spent the week end with relatives in
Seaforth and vicinity. -Misses Mar-
tendin political meetings in sur-
g P
Campbell and Miss Mabel Pethiek
business property in Zurich on Vic-
toria Street to Mr. Charles Fritz, who
garet and Grace Cooper motored np
rounding towns and villages. - 'The
A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Church met
,,, y�
carried oft' the first prizes. The con-
takes immediate Mr.
from London last week and spent the
Y evenin ilial The to-
Thutsda g p
w i
solation prizes went to Miss Mary
Cuthill and 'Mr. John Dodds, After a
intends using the buildin for
g g
week end with their mother, Mrs, W.
Cooper, at the home of Mrs. R. $net
gramme was "An Evening With
Genuine D 8r H Co.'s LACKAWANA
„:, ''
dda%nty lunch was served, the rest of
storage purposes.
-Mr. Alfred Taylor and Henry Sol-
Poet Talks and pr#pers were giv-
The Pres burning Anthracite,
+l, ,, .
the evening was spent in dancing.
den left last week for Chita o where
pn on the life and works of Shake -
Everyone reported a good time. Mr,
they will attend the fat cattle fair
Tennyson, Pauline Johnston,
Edgar Guest and Keats: --A shooting
and Mrs. Dohnage make A 1 host and
which is being held threre.-The Miss-
match under the anspiees of the Hen-
Genuine D L & W SCRANTON
hos'tess.-••-Mr. Walter Eaton and Miss
shot-tborns For Bala. -Two young cows a
es Graybiel, of Dashwood, are spend-
sell Gun Club is to be held err our
Thg Stalzdard Astthracite•
Margaret spent Sunday with friends
and 4 rear, ata, ergo a choles young ban 1
Year old: all show animals and descendants
ing a few days visiting their sister,
ark grounds on Thuxsda Deeem-
J as'% .
, y.,,
in W4tton._Mr, and Mrs. Sol Shan-
of the best cow in my otux large berd. No
Mrs, Mary Pope -Mr. Join YoungP
beT 10th, and for which tournament
•,j A "';,
71'ori, Mt+s. James Hudson 'and Mrs.
reasonable offer refused. Having the agency
and son, Jack, motored up and spent
valuable prizes are given and the as-
- 6
. , Call and see our hats
and get a Real Bargain.
Watch the Window for Bargains
Xr3. Bertha E. Bell, Hensall
Six weeks' additional time given to students coming from Seaforth
by train.
Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly Qualified Staff:
The only School that Teaches real PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAIN-
Where High School Students and Teachers are taught SPECIALIZED
TARIAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a •good position, rapid promotion
and big income,
COURSES: ---Commercial. Stenographic, Secretarial, General Office,
Civil Service, Com, Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged.
For full information write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal.
Phone 198.
The Store of. ualit
NEW SEEDLESS RAISINSSPECIAL pounds fqr .. , .. . . , , • , • • , • • 25c2 .
New Valencia Raisinsp New Currants C
per pound 18C per pound .. , ........ 15c
New Sultana Bleached Orange Peel
Raisins, per pound . , , • 25c per pound 30c
New Puffed Seeded Raisins c Lemon Peel g®C
. per pound ........... J C per pound s7
New Red Band SeedlessCC Citron Peel
Raisins, per pkg. J per pound UJ 65c
New Shelled Almonds
Cooking Figs gC
Dates pound ....... , ....
5C 2 pounds for.........
25C Almond Paste C
2 pounds for 3
Candied cherries Maraschino Cherries, per
per pound ........ ... 60C bottie ..........18c and 25c
Candied Pineapple
per pound ............ 75C ICE CREAM
PURITY FLOUR Order your bricks for the
PASTRY FLOUR Christmas Party,
We have a very Fine Assortment of Neilson' Chocolates in Special
Christmas packages, also a fine display of Bulk Chocolates of quality,
E. IF., Jackson, Hensall
Phone 14
Highest Prices •Paid for Butter, New Laid Eggs and Dressed Poultry.
Q ,,:; +mw.Zn spent Tuesday with friends in for the Galt Art Metal Co.. we can snyply a few days this weeik with !their rel- sociation rules are to govern. A .
... ! Stratford. +tet clad barns and garaa'es complete and oil atives, Mr. and Mrs. W. O- Goodwin Burn Genuine SOLVAY COBE and
1.kinds o4 galvanized roofing, also different bazaar under the auspices (�f i'81'n701
�'I kinds
of lava• )tog ttousans and many other and Mrs. Maulkinson. Mr. Young's Presbyterian your fuel bill. c
Presentation -About one hundred mom, yterian GhuiIl is to 'be held in cut one-third off
5 useful tnhiags on hand for sale cheap• Apply Y friends were pleaaer� al0 see hira the Town Hall bn Saturday afternoon, ,
1. } * meigixbor5 and friends gathered sit to John Einer, Phone 1, Bmtea?l. so75 to agmen. -Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bnehanan, December 11th, and' for which the Sof Coal
�,}., , f ..+the Koine of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Success#tnl Bazaar -The bazaar of London, spent the week end with ladies are making great preparation.
last Frfd`aq evening to bid held nude, the susp4ces of 'tire Ladies' Mr. and Mrs. Atex. Buchanan. -Mrs. a
11 6111 , 1 , There will be a sale of fancy 'and The Great Bargain
. : thein farewell befolte leaving for Sea- Guild of St. Pai l a Anglican Church S. Stevens •and children, of Toronto, ornamental articles suit for gift%,: For Heat jn a Harry and an conoaniC
i'orth. The evenhig was spent in on ,Saturday afternoon last, w!as large- are spending a few *eeks' holidsys a-nd 'ChAstmlas timd, aitd afternoon fuel, burn our CONOOLIDATION
v . n - .. dtwbre ft4 dancing. After lunch was ly attknded and proved one of the with Ms. and Mrs. A. Aeickard.--r-Mv. tea and lunehL wall Tse. s6rved fraiti MILLI7R'S CREEK from the wondex-
sx �M < < exver tilt ''ftisnii r presented their par- best and most auccesSful lee=lkl. The John MoUssO and familyop
, formerly of 1 to 7 o'clock, and sromixes to be well fol coal beds of Eastern Kentackll,
W a lieaittlyttl leather (kxp-' proceed's from the sale of fabs art- .he Town -whip of Ha and tecmtl
Y P y, y worth attenditf The sale of home
i k ; e lr�+rs�iiig eI iir each. Mr, Telles 'bath ornamental and useful, '+f the village of Elxeter, haven become made cooking _,swill also be a feature Store � �!
1 alkt;lttg tcidress. Mr. 'coupled with the proceeds from the residents of 'one vil2'age, 'and are re- of file bazaar. -w -At. the morning seri.° V O
le1 , l ��'ety flttillg°- post rylfiae department of khein bazaar idin•g at the east eri on rife I.tindon vice in Carfnel kirsabytexian ehnrch
d <Ivht alae village where articles were supplied to those Road. They will no doubt find it Miss Jessie Parlk ,ire
l, ,` tar pniftrAtin the of ee and the adding he'erful linin r': very pleasingly We have aA iiZylimited demand fdr
yb;and-wi'1 g g " , g in oto village, aaitlkey' rernle}ed the solo, , My '�'�sk and
r t „�'' n, "'� '' theow to of tlrtrae tt o Earle of receipts, the viIl be so ,weSl acg>Yaimted, haririg a+ the iflornirig sea�ttice in the luted E 1gs in our l+Ie +Parent. lgg•Oartan
r, +a & p pf.. g erid req>liire a sbe049, su}�v
tt;'li ItMAp.: sli l ng.•of pinches and also servin rued within a f rifles of'aur yiI- C.hth 1Vor. Sa Oct Itetlnfe very niee-
� 1 , ,,,. ;ry ° „ '� ':`. O#U,f :' , * =of' ,tf sin tht hours of o'clock la a wh-, r ' -2r
c .1, ,� , , 4 e eek tfi it esidinig . itL the '1~o arxiship 1 r+indet ed t . 'dela -"Crossing rile
t, lea g 1iTGH1J"S'1 CA Dece
y yg AR PRIb9A PAID er th. KO ' -ei t 4.•r,i4: t < !i'..^ S,1i',. ., rl� , . `R,'•E ''.rty, 'p'.m't'r fifitted, Wier lx'clieve•, the sum Jf )Y':-I'Ia , fob' 1i loug },A�i2°m of eaTs,.",-•, '' ,+.:o.�. {t.5; u sour , , 3' of he na><rre oP il►e riiinistrak�Qiiiy on ~like Go+�crtament G`erfid ., , M,:.., r;)f �..v, �1b 1"r.1}0 or txbauts which UiI~, lirlliarer , �, alis. '� 7 . lw h 13161ff90fi, a call of< Mr. conn a ea 'r r, p !. i ,,,++�jj rv4d iX$;art•el 1�res#i1r- .
1? , -,; , ... �.: ,.. ... h$ C#, irtl pltost atlf n results mffd irYd 14Trs, G. S. ' llbh'Psoti d
> „ e'y, r , :x w +Jig .„ , � Al- ''tdti'hm �..(;, arch :did S d'}� the ,:Otr>i° '1~�le�p' ltb�fas and ai d'q
,.g7:1+ '1"'..' ,''A t N�: .r�. .Y-- .•^Pur._ 1 ICI`•
I., , . ,� *ell, . the %dies wanac ed. , � was a � dent tri f p
=r - g Ch1 daga %ttV. Mt. li+Ift "in'' 469,x bilb i 18 tjaal tid'er'iltbrit is
h ,..1 ,
f '�C It?1% ? . N. Ir rliiatiditil,
�.A��,. y�. rY d� ',.: t t,� y� . '.-A , �f : % a �y
.hebPtiv`,{ . .,.. :. d, ,.�i ,.., 4_.,, _.: ,..,... +�r,.., ,1 . ..,_.,,,_..` QLD) 1.. _ , hY�i .:. TP168i'e tiff i'' '1'�', '.iS'b'Y'�i':. I'f 'S%Y 'i9'iw tti4.hi wn9d'iS:. n.'� F.4;s -� '," i';,rM 'N'Aµ a', 't7iri'r'_ i'i r .. � .-.iMil<:ii, a�YI AL -.le ')♦'>r� _z,., -a:.n •.di,. ;f ,f• _, d i
lit. - lib
'a ,ae� b"ti %, ; 't�,0 ' ,':. s rip i h
4" F'I
L. Ru' .:'x ir,,.,+,>w .,..�°.r ,t(w „•:,rL,,.ax.•lrn't.'.r'a1r S`„cW1•.v. 'aci.6,�1'•ya',' : 11611), *t a3.'":fab.,.":F,.,.,,,�p{4:iG-,�`wk,tefc.:U1t
• qi, k, �, , e a !� r, , ,- r Q4P t 1p
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dr P,
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