HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-11-12, Page 60 4tf0.1Y 4?lX ' U4�4_ + +QYeity sit 'I k � t dT•b .]'i A 'rT4 1 2s,68. lain o ti e r�o txr' [1 � � o u Sry �7cy. leader, of the y:0nngeo •agh(1ol imrT, ogipts, at Word recently. }� +ofesspr Miley gave instamea of e*rwdinary t*esemblance to- human t tile 'Daae of the animal,, scale ,aoukt 1a,. did not exist. It's first 497W were seen in the ngptial dances of ce7cWn marine bristl&worms, in which at cortam seasons of the year and phases of the moon the worms come nip out of their crannies in tyre rocks and gather in groups while ex- cited males swarm round the females. In the higher orders there are definite Relief at Last! No longer harassed by smothering, coughing or choking. Killakes Tablets Work Magic TH, is wonderful remedy was dis- covered by a noted medical doe - for while with the army in France. KILLS rhe most obsrisate cases of COUGHS, COLDS, FLU,ASTI-fl and BRONCHITIS. Will not af- fect the weakest heart—Is perfectly harmless. Sold by ell Druggist Money Refunded if Not S.64-.ctory I/ / I E Speedy Brighter Lasting Apply the cream, c rinse with hot water and dry—that's all. Especially good for ow, chased silverware. Contains ■o acids or C'C harmful ingredient*. a u ks �a;•',rl''!;b� Hens bothered with lice stop laying'. To kill the lice, take the affected chicken by the legs and sprinkle the powder in the open feathers. PRAT LICE KMLER.is harmlrss, non -irritating and non- poisonova, but kion the rice. Ask your dealer. ,,aro ,,y .x se,s aa, ov.r cawua SY PUN r for CO.a( C4X I A L_o l ®H Cd.aF CAAIADA Lia,;tvd Cieu n,.e.. •mro+.to a GO" 7777777, , k , .� a old ri „,�. lt, t a 'mss, g gift Ard'i, .. welt, '�iey ar(habl, , 'v�si,gl?s , as Mupli as a rest of his t tl.�barratzke .aid vv>�'�a skxu en h 1 a ca �lAri n the passes wi fe�xa a crab . p s Rlwflt �R up 31 ui q 'tike ts,. 'th .•spy ,Y the gl'e s.tande on tiptoe with the. bo1ps;l 'their clliefs; to look Q uoug, l: big+clavheld )rigidly aloft. If theOn a6l,l of this buildingstl hal; female takes no notice the male a .lost�ent of chain dwood w c off to ael ca whera she ca see him�OR-COLD was edaro around their feet whe: and strips the same statuesque pose.tbeir1gticesses` ordered them to b Hunting spiders perforin strange obastinadved. dances before the females.In one �Distressing as it is to think 4f theq. Ai� species of hunting spider the male of- UNGS line olkl institutions 'being redtted t fers the female a nice fly neatly wrap- the level of museums, the fate of th ped n sills. If put in a box ley himself Persistent coughs and colds lead to Yildiz palace is even more gruesomE with a fly, he will eat it, but if there serious trouble. Yott eau stop them now The fivest, of all the imperial kiosks is a fly and a female, he wraps and with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote which was built by Abdul Hamid fo offers it, and if in a box from which a that is pleasant to take. Cteomulsion is a a visit of the German emperor, ha female has recently been removed and new medical discoveryVithtwo-foldaction, been turned into a municipal easi>sc in which heli odor still lingers, he will it soothes and heals the inflamed mein- Under heavily gilded ceiling's, behin wrap up his present and search like bratiesmad inhibits91growth, doors encrusted with mother -of -pear Shelley with his boquet "that he might Ofallknowndrugs creosoteisrecoguized Levantine Babbitss will gamble awW, there present it—oh, to whom?" i,y high medical authorities as one of the their shrewdly -earned cash. Among the web -spinning spiders 90 :u+st healing agencies for persistent Only non Turkish citizens will b c, ,i. -lis laid colds and otherforma of throat the females are often blind and the allowed to play at the table—a cul on male clambers up the web of the fe- t'"i'l'I's' e, other healing elements s which which is calculated to give the plac t:} , ;••r,,ute, other healing elements wlticlt male and vibrates one of the threads h oW wad heal the infected membranes the highest possible social tone. Fo in a special manner—quite different , the. irvitation and inflammation, the real spcudthrift the attractions o from the vibrations made by a trap- sec crensote goes onto the stomach, night life at its jazziest wills b ped prey. if these indications were i- :t, _,rbvdinto the blood, attacks the seat spread forth. A European balle not made, the female would simply;:ictroubleand checks the growth Ofthe corps and it negro band are being treat the male like any other small specially imported. Perhaps thes living object and eat him. The male is guaranteed satisfactory black men and white women will leap i, always very ready to run away i . tint• tivatment of persistent coughs Fuld lives so much like their predecessor during the earlier phases of courtship. , l rouchial asthma, bronchitis and of similar hues that history will re In one species of carnivorous flv, ,oast•"formes of respiratory diseasi:e,, and is peat itself after all: strange developements of the love gift k"•: ellrnt for building up the m,., -tem aftcn gave taken place. c ,';i, or flu. Money refunded if any -- -- -- r,uxtr cr cull is not relieved after taking acorn'int; to directions. Ask your drug;,''i._t. SAILING 1'()R INDIA, TRIPPEi The Hardy Species.—It takes a t_:reornulsion Co., Limited,, Toronto, Ont. ON AMERICA hardy girl to sit in a porch swine these cool nights with nothing extra —_ _... _ ._.- American, honor the memory o around her except a thin arm.—Arn- Corlumbus ,,%-cry year on Octoberml� prior Chronicle, child having abnormally large hands under the 'lulusion, probably, that h and feet and a chin that is almost discovered the United States. It wa unsighty because of its size. When a America that he discovered, or rathe DON'T JUDGE I'EOI'LE BY THEIR human being is burn its two first the three Americas—North, Centra CHINS functions begin with the mouth. He and South, and there is no reason wh must, breathe and he is determined to Canadians should not celebrate hi One of the latest popular supersti- eat. The mouth then gets the first exploit as much as other dweller tion to be demolished by science and I and the most frequent exercise. The upon this continent, It is true tha we would say the latest, but for the • shape of the jaw is thus easily in- though he made four voyages to thi fact that science may have demolish- fluenced early in life. A defect in side of the Atlantic he died in ignor ed another between the time of the the milk supply may alter the forma- ance that he had set foot upon th writing of this article and its ap- tion of the mouth and chin. A large coast of a great continent. He di pearance, is that one can read char- chin may be due to defective dental not know that India lay half a wort atter by studying the chin. From formation. away. But he did know that he ha time immemorial it has been assumed ' Persorls whose features are not found land whose existence had pre that a man with a powerful, square shaped according to the way in viously been just a dream. It is tru chin is naturally of a strong, if not which the public thinks they should that ly was disappointed at not ha,, character, while a man be. are more or less the victims of ing found the western passage t with a small or receding chin has no ancient theories and prejudices, says India for which he had set forth. Br firmness of will and is generally a a writer in the New York Times. pour creature. Science now says that other disappointment!; From time to time have come self- ts crowded int the feeding of a child in infancy has, styled adepts who have professed to his declining years, for after haulm tasted more to do with the subsequent shape! read character by noses and chins tted fame and glory he we e of its chin than any particular mental I and foreheads. The physiognomists permid t.. `ink into poverty an trait. It is not denied that some- I became such pest,, in the time of obscurity, and at the end was tot times men of great force and aggres George Ill., for instance, that a; mented b visions of bel} fire. It wE siveness have had strung chins, and statute was enacted threatening all no seeml'" end for one of the Brea that many weaklings have had and professors of physiognomy with a I est voyagers in history. retreating chins. On the other hand whipping or six months in jail if i nfItis e!"'r'a'nt of the untidy habi' many men with no mental or moral j they persisted in their vocation. As !ifteent.h century that a stamina have been advertised with a that monarch had no great strength know so little about Columbus. It jutting chin, and others with extreme- I of chin, and, in fact, the House of I true that some minute details hal ly mild chins have become famous for i Hanover, on the whole, was not es- been matt -red shags some extreme their ability to bend multitudes to pecially positive in its nether faces, vital matter- have gone unrecorde their will. In fact, it is not much I there may have been strong personal For instinre, it is an open questic safer to judge a man by the shape of animus in this law. Certainly George ( where he Ncas born. The diffeTem his chin than by the abundance of his III., judging from the profiles which 1 is not bt•tu-ecn neighboring villag( hair, have come down to posterity. could which milrht easily arise but betwee It is true that Mussolini has a not approve of the too frank criti- Italy and `pain. It is generally Sul powerful jaw which looks as though cisms of his physiognomy. Physiog- Posed that he was born near Geno he would be quite capable of eating nomists recognized five leading types though Spaniards have bled in sul his critics. But Caesar had a point- of chin. If the chin projected far port of an opposite belief. His fath( ed chin, which was a less salient out and was ratbpr pointed the own- was a wool comber, and we ev( feature of his face than his brow er of it was selfish; a rounded chin, know the pretty maiden name of h or his nose or even his ears, if we but jutting, indicated benevolence; a mother—Suzanna Fontenarossa. E may judge by the marble bust in the more curved one a passionate nature; went to school and probably had British Museum. Nelson had a firm, s thin and pointed chin, a desire to rough time as a boy because of tl broad chin, but in profile it did not love and be loved, while the receding poverty of (his parents. There is seem nearly so important as his chin denoted a cold nature, selfish- legend that at the age of furter nose. Napoleon's chin was wide, but nese, lack of power and various other lie commanded an expedition c as is the case of Caesar it was not traits which did not make its bearer Tunis. It was said that the men u' his striking featnre. George Wash- a social or business success. der him were a rough lot and th. ington had an excellent chin and he was obliged to deceive and cajo jaw, typical of the popular idea of rather than bully them. Somebo( sheer strength and doggedness, but is supposed to have set it down th. the truth is that the firm, hard lines For in those early days he "had a tale were chiefly due to the fact that LIVER DISORDERS for deceit." However, the Tunis 1 in maturity he had an awkward seto geed has some of the earmarks of false teeth, which moulded some take a story ascribed to a man long aft of his features to their will. R.00se- FIG -LAX TABLETS his death- The truth is that the vett had a jutting chin. Wilson had �5C and 50e a b07C are F.everal considerable periods a long face of which the` chin was the life of Columbus of which v perhaps the most conspicuous fea- know nothing. ture. It gave him a gaunt ap- HAREM TO OBLIVION IN Before he was twenty-four he pearance, or as some have called it a MODERN TURKEY supposed to have made voyages "horse -headed" look which is usually England and Iceland. About th associated with stupid obstinacy The harem is following the fez time he settled for awhile in Port rather than serene strength- Lord down the pathway of oblivion. In gal, and there met Felipe Moniz i Carson has a face of this shape with the palace of the Old Seraglio at Perestrello, a lady much above hi the longest, most prominent jaw to Stamboul the bijou apartments of thel in social station. His wife is su be seen in the illustrated papers. chief of the black slaves of the harem posed to have fanned in Columb. "While there is something to be and the schoolroom of the princes. the fire which was to burn so fierce said in favor of the existing idea that are being opened to profane inspec- within him until he had made It character can be judged by the form tion under the management of the great. discovery. She told him of the face," remarked Barnum Constantinople direction of museums, her brother coming one day with Brown of the American Museum of Other imperial buildings', long in a strange piece of wood which h: Natural History, "there, can be no state of decay, are being overhauled. been washed ashore after a prolon absolute rules for estimating the The most marvellous of these is the ed westerly gale., and with an equal capability of a human being on any former treasury, where robes, head- strange tale of two men cast up such basis. The Fskimos, for in- dresses and gems of bygone sultans I all respects different from Christiar stance, have powerful jaws, and will soon be on display. Then her mother unlhcked an n usually firm chins, due to their chew- Already one can wander through box, formerly the property of It ing hides in their tanning processes five or six kiosks and audience bl, and also to their sinking their teeth rooms, includingthe cupola of the charfira(l, which contained vvagi constantly into blubber. They are p clinrt9 and maps and some vas* divan, the sultan's old audience room hints of a great ]and to the sex not forceful characters Accept that, with its huge canopied sofa for the But this too may be fiction to cov As all creatures will, they will fight grand vizier, the "New Kiosk" over- absence of real knowledge as for self-preservation. Chins may be looking the Bosporus and the Sea of when acid why Columbus becar affected in their form by the habits Ntarmora. Frock -coated officials are of a race or by diet. Very often, al seized of the idea dist there was an, we mistake what may .seem firm- stationed at frequent intervals among new land far to the west. Fie h; ne>gs and strength at skin for a facial these gaudy remains. no doubt whatever what, land t.F The most interesting exhibit at was, nor any of his contempora expression, due to the formation of present is the apartment of the chief dreamers. Without a doubt it w the muscles. Thus a man who has of the black slaves. This m r9d conce%tration of a whenever India. It was Columbus who was purpose, individual could warm his toes at strike anP rerreditabecl blow at V. he makes up his mind to do a certain ---- thing, aril set lois lips very firmly and one of the finest tiled fireplaces in theory then g`atlging currency, th closely together. $e the palace, and when he lay late it's a vrnall world after ebb. bring his teeth may not Have closely el pecially power- abed could contemplate a ceiling tiled After the death of his wife, C with jaw, hist only an expression of 'th valuable faience. In contrast lumbus formed an attachment f to his sumptuous quarters are the Beatrice Enri uez, another womi determination. The fighting face of q the pugilist may hot be due to struc- of superior station, and though th ture, but more to an expression — never married the bond betwe which he assumes when he faces h them was very close. Here aga o antagonist. In repose, his face may Quick Relief f®r we have the date of the birth show no especial power. Dempseys Fernando, their illegitimate sc has a firm jaw, so has Tunney, yet so Rheumatics though we don not knew the birt skilful a fighter as Corbett had no place of }his more distinguish special strength of jaw, and certainly father. By this wife, Columbus a] Bob Fitzsimmons had no firm chin, If you suffer from torturing rheu- had a son, Diego, and he appears as I recollect his features." matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, have made no distinction betwe At a meeting of the American and suffer intensely because your sys- them because of the different c' Dietetic Association at Atlantic City, tem is full of uric acid, that danger- curostances of their birth. It Dr. Russel'i W. Bunting, Professor of ous poison that makes thousands true that his, wall left the hulk of 1 Dental Pathology said that a poor helpless and kills thousands years be- property to Diego amd his male heir chin might only signify that its fore their time, then you need Rheuma but since there was veiny little pr owner iii childhood had rieketd, and need it now. perty to devise, despite the elabors while a strong chin might merely be Start taking it to -day. Rheuma testamentary deca]arations, the d' evidence that'as an infant the owner acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach tinction was trifling. It was fhe ill had been properly fed. By Inherit- and blood, and you can sincerely era- gitimatte 5611 Fernando, e4lled 'It a -nee mast human beings are entitled claim: "Good riddaneb to bad• rub- scliolarly," wko wrote the biograp' to well set chins, since people of a'b- bish." of 'his father, and it is to him that , normal appearance in any feature Many people the mog'st slaeptical of owe most of what we do know abo find it mutts diflitiiUt to marts* gild skeptics grfght �n this cite and In the the great n"av3gator- 'Ile rests c propagate their d•eformfties. Bre!ast:- country h'sreabouts, bless the day scurely in the Seville eathedtal r. fed •bs!bfes sire mare likely to have, when C. Aberhart and other good far from tike moble tomb, of 1 '',tnrrmal f6id eg than babies bi&dght druggists offere(1 Rheums to the af- father. We at least know whe up^,oir ; llotft.. ` ki g%dul'dt de- flieted at a small price' and guaran- retuando vma butted, blit 'iia Tft; b'ntS m y mark dly Afre'd't the ted' murrey' irefundecl.if not mUsfied. cities cla�lm p'ose�sim of the dl „ f�=' 01 ti!fk tee lel, ` d# scab in fide alfa ye���u have tbeuhtiatism. get a bottle f Oirtstiypb#r and V,6go, his el "'my, Y'ost�b :fri the of I eum 'toy_day. son,'. who Was 41`ut'aYh' d411cd .u� ?A��>',9,r+,vrfk;�l;kw'�a#xl44 aTrl�at" .a'?v'xils dst+.',e.su.a,,,.,. t t. gyp'' �+ �+ •� .� rye' +r y� kr ..,, • F. CLEAIRru>d ti +vPo sa,mp�tra Gnws aPPs;;oevlu � ; ""' M+: E} P• ' `; •f✓ �'ifi a an. It makes the smile"— Admiral;"'at being a provision ix, the lea owe '0OW& fiGU�Lsa 7777777, , k , .� a old ri „,�. lt, t a 'mss, g gift Ard'i, .. welt, '�iey ar(habl, , 'v�si,gl?s , as Mupli as a rest of his t tl.�barratzke .aid vv>�'�a skxu en h 1 a ca �lAri n the passes wi fe�xa a crab . p s Rlwflt �R up 31 ui q 'tike ts,. 'th .•spy ,Y the gl'e s.tande on tiptoe with the. bo1ps;l 'their clliefs; to look Q uoug, l: big+clavheld )rigidly aloft. If theOn a6l,l of this buildingstl hal; female takes no notice the male a .lost�ent of chain dwood w c off to ael ca whera she ca see him�OR-COLD was edaro around their feet whe: and strips the same statuesque pose.tbeir1gticesses` ordered them to b Hunting spiders perforin strange obastinadved. dances before the females.In one �Distressing as it is to think 4f theq. Ai� species of hunting spider the male of- UNGS line olkl institutions 'being redtted t fers the female a nice fly neatly wrap- the level of museums, the fate of th ped n sills. If put in a box ley himself Persistent coughs and colds lead to Yildiz palace is even more gruesomE with a fly, he will eat it, but if there serious trouble. Yott eau stop them now The fivest, of all the imperial kiosks is a fly and a female, he wraps and with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote which was built by Abdul Hamid fo offers it, and if in a box from which a that is pleasant to take. Cteomulsion is a a visit of the German emperor, ha female has recently been removed and new medical discoveryVithtwo-foldaction, been turned into a municipal easi>sc in which heli odor still lingers, he will it soothes and heals the inflamed mein- Under heavily gilded ceiling's, behin wrap up his present and search like bratiesmad inhibits91growth, doors encrusted with mother -of -pear Shelley with his boquet "that he might Ofallknowndrugs creosoteisrecoguized Levantine Babbitss will gamble awW, there present it—oh, to whom?" i,y high medical authorities as one of the their shrewdly -earned cash. Among the web -spinning spiders 90 :u+st healing agencies for persistent Only non Turkish citizens will b c, ,i. -lis laid colds and otherforma of throat the females are often blind and the allowed to play at the table—a cul on male clambers up the web of the fe- t'"i'l'I's' e, other healing elements s which which is calculated to give the plac t:} , ;••r,,ute, other healing elements wlticlt male and vibrates one of the threads h oW wad heal the infected membranes the highest possible social tone. Fo in a special manner—quite different , the. irvitation and inflammation, the real spcudthrift the attractions o from the vibrations made by a trap- sec crensote goes onto the stomach, night life at its jazziest wills b ped prey. if these indications were i- :t, _,rbvdinto the blood, attacks the seat spread forth. A European balle not made, the female would simply;:ictroubleand checks the growth Ofthe corps and it negro band are being treat the male like any other small specially imported. Perhaps thes living object and eat him. The male is guaranteed satisfactory black men and white women will leap i, always very ready to run away i . tint• tivatment of persistent coughs Fuld lives so much like their predecessor during the earlier phases of courtship. , l rouchial asthma, bronchitis and of similar hues that history will re In one species of carnivorous flv, ,oast•"formes of respiratory diseasi:e,, and is peat itself after all: strange developements of the love gift k"•: ellrnt for building up the m,., -tem aftcn gave taken place. c ,';i, or flu. Money refunded if any -- -- -- r,uxtr cr cull is not relieved after taking acorn'int; to directions. Ask your drug;,''i._t. SAILING 1'()R INDIA, TRIPPEi The Hardy Species.—It takes a t_:reornulsion Co., Limited,, Toronto, Ont. ON AMERICA hardy girl to sit in a porch swine these cool nights with nothing extra —_ _... _ ._.- American, honor the memory o around her except a thin arm.—Arn- Corlumbus ,,%-cry year on Octoberml� prior Chronicle, child having abnormally large hands under the 'lulusion, probably, that h and feet and a chin that is almost discovered the United States. It wa unsighty because of its size. When a America that he discovered, or rathe DON'T JUDGE I'EOI'LE BY THEIR human being is burn its two first the three Americas—North, Centra CHINS functions begin with the mouth. He and South, and there is no reason wh must, breathe and he is determined to Canadians should not celebrate hi One of the latest popular supersti- eat. The mouth then gets the first exploit as much as other dweller tion to be demolished by science and I and the most frequent exercise. The upon this continent, It is true tha we would say the latest, but for the • shape of the jaw is thus easily in- though he made four voyages to thi fact that science may have demolish- fluenced early in life. A defect in side of the Atlantic he died in ignor ed another between the time of the the milk supply may alter the forma- ance that he had set foot upon th writing of this article and its ap- tion of the mouth and chin. A large coast of a great continent. He di pearance, is that one can read char- chin may be due to defective dental not know that India lay half a wort atter by studying the chin. From formation. away. But he did know that he ha time immemorial it has been assumed ' Persorls whose features are not found land whose existence had pre that a man with a powerful, square shaped according to the way in viously been just a dream. It is tru chin is naturally of a strong, if not which the public thinks they should that ly was disappointed at not ha,, character, while a man be. are more or less the victims of ing found the western passage t with a small or receding chin has no ancient theories and prejudices, says India for which he had set forth. Br firmness of will and is generally a a writer in the New York Times. pour creature. Science now says that other disappointment!; From time to time have come self- ts crowded int the feeding of a child in infancy has, styled adepts who have professed to his declining years, for after haulm tasted more to do with the subsequent shape! read character by noses and chins tted fame and glory he we e of its chin than any particular mental I and foreheads. The physiognomists permid t.. `ink into poverty an trait. It is not denied that some- I became such pest,, in the time of obscurity, and at the end was tot times men of great force and aggres George Ill., for instance, that a; mented b visions of bel} fire. It wE siveness have had strung chins, and statute was enacted threatening all no seeml'" end for one of the Brea that many weaklings have had and professors of physiognomy with a I est voyagers in history. retreating chins. On the other hand whipping or six months in jail if i nfItis e!"'r'a'nt of the untidy habi' many men with no mental or moral j they persisted in their vocation. As !ifteent.h century that a stamina have been advertised with a that monarch had no great strength know so little about Columbus. It jutting chin, and others with extreme- I of chin, and, in fact, the House of I true that some minute details hal ly mild chins have become famous for i Hanover, on the whole, was not es- been matt -red shags some extreme their ability to bend multitudes to pecially positive in its nether faces, vital matter- have gone unrecorde their will. In fact, it is not much I there may have been strong personal For instinre, it is an open questic safer to judge a man by the shape of animus in this law. Certainly George ( where he Ncas born. The diffeTem his chin than by the abundance of his III., judging from the profiles which 1 is not bt•tu-ecn neighboring villag( hair, have come down to posterity. could which milrht easily arise but betwee It is true that Mussolini has a not approve of the too frank criti- Italy and `pain. It is generally Sul powerful jaw which looks as though cisms of his physiognomy. Physiog- Posed that he was born near Geno he would be quite capable of eating nomists recognized five leading types though Spaniards have bled in sul his critics. But Caesar had a point- of chin. If the chin projected far port of an opposite belief. His fath( ed chin, which was a less salient out and was ratbpr pointed the own- was a wool comber, and we ev( feature of his face than his brow er of it was selfish; a rounded chin, know the pretty maiden name of h or his nose or even his ears, if we but jutting, indicated benevolence; a mother—Suzanna Fontenarossa. E may judge by the marble bust in the more curved one a passionate nature; went to school and probably had British Museum. Nelson had a firm, s thin and pointed chin, a desire to rough time as a boy because of tl broad chin, but in profile it did not love and be loved, while the receding poverty of (his parents. There is seem nearly so important as his chin denoted a cold nature, selfish- legend that at the age of furter nose. Napoleon's chin was wide, but nese, lack of power and various other lie commanded an expedition c as is the case of Caesar it was not traits which did not make its bearer Tunis. It was said that the men u' his striking featnre. George Wash- a social or business success. der him were a rough lot and th. ington had an excellent chin and he was obliged to deceive and cajo jaw, typical of the popular idea of rather than bully them. Somebo( sheer strength and doggedness, but is supposed to have set it down th. the truth is that the firm, hard lines For in those early days he "had a tale were chiefly due to the fact that LIVER DISORDERS for deceit." However, the Tunis 1 in maturity he had an awkward seto geed has some of the earmarks of false teeth, which moulded some take a story ascribed to a man long aft of his features to their will. R.00se- FIG -LAX TABLETS his death- The truth is that the vett had a jutting chin. Wilson had �5C and 50e a b07C are F.everal considerable periods a long face of which the` chin was the life of Columbus of which v perhaps the most conspicuous fea- know nothing. ture. It gave him a gaunt ap- HAREM TO OBLIVION IN Before he was twenty-four he pearance, or as some have called it a MODERN TURKEY supposed to have made voyages "horse -headed" look which is usually England and Iceland. About th associated with stupid obstinacy The harem is following the fez time he settled for awhile in Port rather than serene strength- Lord down the pathway of oblivion. In gal, and there met Felipe Moniz i Carson has a face of this shape with the palace of the Old Seraglio at Perestrello, a lady much above hi the longest, most prominent jaw to Stamboul the bijou apartments of thel in social station. His wife is su be seen in the illustrated papers. chief of the black slaves of the harem posed to have fanned in Columb. "While there is something to be and the schoolroom of the princes. the fire which was to burn so fierce said in favor of the existing idea that are being opened to profane inspec- within him until he had made It character can be judged by the form tion under the management of the great. discovery. She told him of the face," remarked Barnum Constantinople direction of museums, her brother coming one day with Brown of the American Museum of Other imperial buildings', long in a strange piece of wood which h: Natural History, "there, can be no state of decay, are being overhauled. been washed ashore after a prolon absolute rules for estimating the The most marvellous of these is the ed westerly gale., and with an equal capability of a human being on any former treasury, where robes, head- strange tale of two men cast up such basis. The Fskimos, for in- dresses and gems of bygone sultans I all respects different from Christiar stance, have powerful jaws, and will soon be on display. Then her mother unlhcked an n usually firm chins, due to their chew- Already one can wander through box, formerly the property of It ing hides in their tanning processes five or six kiosks and audience bl, and also to their sinking their teeth rooms, includingthe cupola of the charfira(l, which contained vvagi constantly into blubber. They are p clinrt9 and maps and some vas* divan, the sultan's old audience room hints of a great ]and to the sex not forceful characters Accept that, with its huge canopied sofa for the But this too may be fiction to cov As all creatures will, they will fight grand vizier, the "New Kiosk" over- absence of real knowledge as for self-preservation. Chins may be looking the Bosporus and the Sea of when acid why Columbus becar affected in their form by the habits Ntarmora. Frock -coated officials are of a race or by diet. Very often, al seized of the idea dist there was an, we mistake what may .seem firm- stationed at frequent intervals among new land far to the west. Fie h; ne>gs and strength at skin for a facial these gaudy remains. no doubt whatever what, land t.F The most interesting exhibit at was, nor any of his contempora expression, due to the formation of present is the apartment of the chief dreamers. Without a doubt it w the muscles. Thus a man who has of the black slaves. This m r9d conce%tration of a whenever India. It was Columbus who was purpose, individual could warm his toes at strike anP rerreditabecl blow at V. he makes up his mind to do a certain ---- thing, aril set lois lips very firmly and one of the finest tiled fireplaces in theory then g`atlging currency, th closely together. $e the palace, and when he lay late it's a vrnall world after ebb. bring his teeth may not Have closely el pecially power- abed could contemplate a ceiling tiled After the death of his wife, C with jaw, hist only an expression of 'th valuable faience. In contrast lumbus formed an attachment f to his sumptuous quarters are the Beatrice Enri uez, another womi determination. The fighting face of q the pugilist may hot be due to struc- of superior station, and though th ture, but more to an expression — never married the bond betwe which he assumes when he faces h them was very close. Here aga o antagonist. In repose, his face may Quick Relief f®r we have the date of the birth show no especial power. Dempseys Fernando, their illegitimate sc has a firm jaw, so has Tunney, yet so Rheumatics though we don not knew the birt skilful a fighter as Corbett had no place of }his more distinguish special strength of jaw, and certainly father. By this wife, Columbus a] Bob Fitzsimmons had no firm chin, If you suffer from torturing rheu- had a son, Diego, and he appears as I recollect his features." matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, have made no distinction betwe At a meeting of the American and suffer intensely because your sys- them because of the different c' Dietetic Association at Atlantic City, tem is full of uric acid, that danger- curostances of their birth. It Dr. Russel'i W. Bunting, Professor of ous poison that makes thousands true that his, wall left the hulk of 1 Dental Pathology said that a poor helpless and kills thousands years be- property to Diego amd his male heir chin might only signify that its fore their time, then you need Rheuma but since there was veiny little pr owner iii childhood had rieketd, and need it now. perty to devise, despite the elabors while a strong chin might merely be Start taking it to -day. Rheuma testamentary deca]arations, the d' evidence that'as an infant the owner acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach tinction was trifling. It was fhe ill had been properly fed. By Inherit- and blood, and you can sincerely era- gitimatte 5611 Fernando, e4lled 'It a -nee mast human beings are entitled claim: "Good riddaneb to bad• rub- scliolarly," wko wrote the biograp' to well set chins, since people of a'b- bish." of 'his father, and it is to him that , normal appearance in any feature Many people the mog'st slaeptical of owe most of what we do know abo find it mutts diflitiiUt to marts* gild skeptics grfght �n this cite and In the the great n"av3gator- 'Ile rests c propagate their d•eformfties. Bre!ast:- country h'sreabouts, bless the day scurely in the Seville eathedtal r. fed •bs!bfes sire mare likely to have, when C. Aberhart and other good far from tike moble tomb, of 1 '',tnrrmal f6id eg than babies bi&dght druggists offere(1 Rheums to the af- father. We at least know whe up^,oir ; llotft.. ` ki g%dul'dt de- flieted at a small price' and guaran- retuando vma butted, blit 'iia Tft; b'ntS m y mark dly Afre'd't the ted' murrey' irefundecl.if not mUsfied. cities cla�lm p'ose�sim of the dl „ f�=' 01 ti!fk tee lel, ` d# scab in fide alfa ye���u have tbeuhtiatism. get a bottle f Oirtstiypb#r and V,6go, his el "'my, Y'ost�b :fri the of I eum 'toy_day. son,'. who Was 41`ut'aYh' d411cd .u� ?A��>',9,r+,vrfk;�l;kw'�a#xl44 aTrl�at" .a'?v'xils dst+.',e.su.a,,,.,. t t. gyp'' �+ �+ •� .� rye' +r y� kr ..,, • F. CLEAIRru>d ti +vPo sa,mp�tra Gnws aPPs;;oevlu � ; ""' M+: E} P• ' `; •f✓ �'ifi a an. , 109 ears Admiral;"'at being a provision ix, the d will of 'Columbuts that the head of , } i' the heulse should always sign,himself I of its business life has added qq +>' thus. Wn think we are -in to the BaaA of Montreal ' v= . not mistaken raying that the first voyage across financial service. On 3rd November, 1817, Bank the Atlantic which occurred as some established its first office. of our readers are no doubt aware, year, the Bank, through the medium of over flus in 1492 was by no means the, jougest. I *a Newfoundland, in Great Britain, France, it was on August 3rd that Columbus set mil and it was on October 12th domestic and foreign banking. Yep sig imre that America was discovered, the land first touched -being San Salva- Igor, Thalia and Cuba, There were hardships enough on that voyage, b and moments that have since touched the imagination of mankind, the moments when Columbus, against the muttterings of his crew and per- haps against fears in his own heart, pt's SnagProof, Men! continued to sail westward, risking his life and the lives of his com- An You ®W What That Means In Rubber Boot panions on the chance that he would come to land. He made three other You know at means longer wear; more comfort and voyages, all of them beset with peril cheaper footvyear. t and hardship. His crews were the I You know it means you -will not have to buy robber very outscourings of Spain's jails i boots as often as before, because lae-Buoy "Snag. Proof" w'ho took chances under Columbus I boots will last you 19nger. c my to escape a still more dreadfulThe Kaufman laboratories have found the way to cure fate at home. When Queen Isabella I rubber without the perishing heat used heretofore. The died Columbus lost his bast friend, I LIFE and elasticity are left in Life -Buoy Rubber. She was a woman whose memory A specially woven fabric base is used, every fibre of ought to be honored by all Amer- which is permeated and impregnated with purest fluid rubber. icans, North, South and Central This means a moisture -proof, non -rotting base for the high- h'arddty less than his. Without the grade Kaufman -cured rubber surface. t Queen he never could have set forth. There is no substitute for Life -Buoys. I Thereafter neglect and poverty at, They ask for them by name. Columbus, and we can imagine that once his superstitious fears were Thi Kaufman Rubber Co., Ltd. assuaged he did not greatly shrink Kitchener, Ontario B] from the final voyage that was to give him rest, Tonal .Awct•s in excess of 117130,000.000• f --....o. i Iva ' Ike' P � '"".-� . Trey • "ypH.t New Issue London Realty Company, -Limited 61/2% 15 -year First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated October 1, 1926 Due October 1, 1941 Price: 98% and accrued interest to yield about 6.65% bloc recommend these bonds for the following reasons: I. They represent a first mortgage loan bn centrally located real estate having a value of $282`,150 and on a completely equipped new hotel building being erected on the property, the whole having a value of $1,452,150. The mortgage is only 5217o of the appraised value. 2. Estimated earnings are equivalent to 3% times the interest require- ments on these bonds. 3. The City of London is the hub of the densely populated and wealthy ` peninsula of Southwestern Ontario. As such and due to its location in relation to important points in the United Spates immediately to the South, it is the centre of an increasing motor tourist traffic. At present it has no modern hotel accommodation. 4. The Board of Directors of the Company will comprise a number of the most prominent business men in the City of London. These meal who have a very substantial investment in the Preferred Sbares of the Com- pany, include the following: John J. McHale, President Scott -McHale, Ltd., Boot and Shoe Manufacturers; Gordon J. Ingram, Smallman & Ingram, Ltd., Department Store; John S. Moore, Manager The London & Western Trusts Company, Ltd.; John M. Moore, John M. Moore & Co., -Architects, Mayor of London; Mr. A' T. Little, Robinson, Little & Company, Ltd., Wholesale Dry Goods, etc.; A. J. Grant, Pbysician, President Loadon Charnber of Commerce; R. G. Ivey, Ivey, Elliott & Gillanders, Barristers and Solicitors. In addition, a large number of the citizens of the City have invested in the shares of the Company. S. The hotel is a community enterprise, owing its inception to the public spirit of leading citizens who subscribed for the Company's Preferred Shares in crib, further strengthened by a very substantial cash investment in its Comm= Shares by the management. UAN» OF TOR014 o n�'y►e TOROkT Ifi°r�aGsrs �'ar(mtu�la� �aadY�A LONDON REPRESENT i.TM: IL COTTMU,, ROYAL Y'AL IiI BLDG., LONDON •M n r , 109 ears t , } i' t of its business life has added qq +>' to the BaaA of Montreal ' v= strength and capacity for financial service. On 3rd November, 1817, Bank the of the established its first office. At this, the beginning of its 110th business year, the Bank, through the medium of over flus 600 offices located throughout Canada and I *a Newfoundland, in Great Britain, France, the United States and Mexico, offers unex- celled facilities in all departments of ' domestic and foreign banking. Tonal .Awct•s in excess of 117130,000.000• f --....o. i Iva ' Ike' P � '"".-� . Trey • "ypH.t New Issue London Realty Company, -Limited 61/2% 15 -year First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated October 1, 1926 Due October 1, 1941 Price: 98% and accrued interest to yield about 6.65% bloc recommend these bonds for the following reasons: I. They represent a first mortgage loan bn centrally located real estate having a value of $282`,150 and on a completely equipped new hotel building being erected on the property, the whole having a value of $1,452,150. The mortgage is only 5217o of the appraised value. 2. Estimated earnings are equivalent to 3% times the interest require- ments on these bonds. 3. The City of London is the hub of the densely populated and wealthy ` peninsula of Southwestern Ontario. As such and due to its location in relation to important points in the United Spates immediately to the South, it is the centre of an increasing motor tourist traffic. At present it has no modern hotel accommodation. 4. The Board of Directors of the Company will comprise a number of the most prominent business men in the City of London. These meal who have a very substantial investment in the Preferred Sbares of the Com- pany, include the following: John J. McHale, President Scott -McHale, Ltd., Boot and Shoe Manufacturers; Gordon J. Ingram, Smallman & Ingram, Ltd., Department Store; John S. Moore, Manager The London & Western Trusts Company, Ltd.; John M. Moore, John M. Moore & Co., -Architects, Mayor of London; Mr. A' T. Little, Robinson, Little & Company, Ltd., Wholesale Dry Goods, etc.; A. J. Grant, Pbysician, President Loadon Charnber of Commerce; R. G. Ivey, Ivey, Elliott & Gillanders, Barristers and Solicitors. In addition, a large number of the citizens of the City have invested in the shares of the Company. S. The hotel is a community enterprise, owing its inception to the public spirit of leading citizens who subscribed for the Company's Preferred Shares in crib, further strengthened by a very substantial cash investment in its Comm= Shares by the management. UAN» OF TOR014 o n�'y►e TOROkT Ifi°r�aGsrs �'ar(mtu�la� �aadY�A LONDON REPRESENT i.TM: IL COTTMU,, ROYAL Y'AL IiI BLDG., LONDON it a •M n r , °t t , } R it a