HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-11-12, Page 5.. r>•N�' �, tr NSI { r 1rT 7 � W AAths ..t Keit `iT , .� d 7' r W . .ell ,t .eels d wilt'�•1��I.a'�,���t Q r 6 7 lino;;' ttP #%A au to � .lam Q ti" tri o tial `;� ax � � . . tea ^ 1nd .wh 4 t� . �iiov. visite..Qua' villaI&s 3 iox A w fy. #ckx �".(a. Igtx 19s . Hslsr�t . Q l;t. Tho#lnsgivin ww�;a. X401 rte,l and Anile. eutty-,. w'�lo°" wQro"t e guests of Mdss Miss ANNUAL MEETING lna. •Scotti of London, and Miss Laura Swan, of Tom 'A0, who spent the day �^--- af their liomes' "here; Dr. and Mrs, The Ananat Meeting of The .8umn County Swan, of H4=11ton, and Mr. and Mrp. Children's Aid and Humane Society will be Barn,' of Toronto, visited at the home held on Tuesday evening, NgvembOr 10h, at of Mr. James Swan; Mr. George' I't or- 7.80 in victoria Stf:eet United Church, Gode- rich, when eleatign of officers will take place, rest, of London, visited' at the home addresaea will be given and also reports of of his brother, Mr. W. L. Forrest; Mr. theE FORD, A. M. ROBERTSON, th Andrew Murdock and family, of De- President. Secretary. troit, spent the week end at e home 8o74-> of the former's father, Mr. R. D. Mur- dock; Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of Sarnia, visited at the home of her mother, Mrs, W. Stevens.—A concert will be given in the United Church on Monday evening, Nov. 15th, by the Canadian Male Entertainers of Lon- don, under the auspices of the Bruce - field choir. A cordial invitation is extended to all. BIRTHS---------- Rapien.—In Chicago, on Sunday, October 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rapien, a daugh- ter—Eleanor Marie. McLean.—In Elbow, Sask., on Thursday, Oct. 216 t, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean, a son—John. CARD OF THANKS ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley desire to ex- press their appreciation of the sympathy and kindness extended to them by neighbors and friends in their recent bereavement- _ CARD OF THANKS The Cromarty congregation take this op- portunity to express their gratitude and ap- preciation for the timely: and heroic assist- ance given by the men from Dublin and vi- cinity, the men from Staf a and vicinity, and the men from Roy's, in saving the Cromarty Manse from ultvr destruction by fie on Fri- day, October 29th. They also wish to sin- cerely thank the Mitchell Fire Brigade and the Selforth firemen for their prompt and wf6".ng response to the call for help. Special ruention should be made of the wotnen of the village who bravely filled the breach un- til sufficient help arrived. 8074-1 ALMA bl1n':r4rih, Qt T�alkolvb.r�.iited Mast 'ly' '7n•' ;.- -Mr. A. F.nl)inson and Mr. Mary, 1j-�e�f Q week End.— miss B.,j pp b bf Allellburga� G • wk, of Thorold, and Mr. Will OR SAIF. -PURE BRED OXFORD LAMBS I'-obinson, O1 St. Catharines, spent spent tie 17139 at her home here Thanksgiving with friends here.-- — Mjss ._A1 do,'Vawley spent the scull Mrs. G. W. Nott and Mrs. W. Ross -end at Iaer borne near Ripley. =M'io# spent Saturday .in Goderich.—Mr. and Yv`o , lclt, of London, visited, hel Mrs. A. McKinnon, Of Walkerton, l�is£�tr I Mrs. T. Townsend, this week spent the holiday with Mf. and Mrs. The West End Beef Ring will hold H. Fowler.—Mr. S. Bennett and Miss, 'their annual business meeting on • Mon ' day evening of next week at the home d(,re.—A large number from here at- of Mr. Thomas Livingston, 'bf Hullett, tended the fowl SUPI)f'r in Seaforth HIBBERT on :Monday evening. --Mr. and Mrs. School Report.—The following is ' N. Jones, of Honsall, spent '�unday the report of School Section No, 7, with Mrs. Jnnes' parents here.—The Ribbert, for ti}e months of Septem- few fine clays have made it possible ber and October: Jr. IV—Janet Chap- for the farmers to get some Of the pel, 66%. Sr. III—Edith Brooks, 76; fall work completed.—Mrs. G. C. Dale! Maude Bolton, and Clayton Horton, and daughter spent Thanksgiving (equal), 71; Mildred Robins, 68, Jr. with Detroit friends.—Misses Annie III—Bernice Harris, 67; Orval Coop- and Mae Nutshell, of He-spler, spent er, 64; Doris Sararas, 62; Lloyd Wren the holiday with Mrs. N. Carter.— 56. Sr. II—Beatrice Drover, 80; Ross Mr. and Mrs. James Carter spent Sun- Hoggarth, 60; Laura Belle Wright, day with Constance friends. — Mr. 69; William Chambers, 57. First— Milton Chesney, of Toronto, visited Robert Brooks, John Chappel, Lorne with friends here on Monday last.. Chambers. Sr. Primer—Earl, Drover, Benson Stoneman. Jr. Primer—Eula r Treffry, Rae Chambers. ' Number on Notes. — Cavan Church Sabbath roll, 20; average attendance, 18.5.— School is givling a Christmas concert Victoria E. Bolton, Teacher. on Wednesday evening, December 22. LONDE BS ORO Supper will be served in the base- Notes.—The annual fowl supper ment followed by a good programme. which was served in the Community Santa Claus will be there with his 'Hall was a decided success. About pack full of nice things for girls and 700 took tea. After alll expenses were *' paid, $300 were realized.—Mr. and and enjoy an evening with the chil- Mrs. Mills were visitors at their dren.—Mr. Archie Campbell, of To- uncle's, Mr. William Brigham on Sun- Tonto, spent the week end with his day.—Mrs. Stackhouse and daughter parent , Mr. and Mrs. James Camp- were visiting at Mr. William Brig - bell.—Miss Edna Campbell, Of Ben- ham's on Sunday.—The Institute in- aniller, spent the week end with her tends having a dinner in the hall in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- the near future.—Miss Alvetta Brig- bell.—aMr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett ham, who has been visiting her par- and babe spent. Sunday with Mr, and ents for a few days, has returned to Mrs. Wadel4, of Stratford. — Mr. her school at St. Thomas.—Miss Ber- Frank Johnston wears a smile these I tha Brodgen has returned to London days. His wife presented hint with I after a short stay with her parents a fine baby girl last Saturday.—Mr. i here.—Miss Latina Brigham and Mrs. Nelson Garden, of Toronto, spent the' Manning le!'here Wednesday as del- week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i I egates to the Institute Convention in McIlroy.—Miss Margaret Cuthill, of, London. 7 lino;;' ttP #%A au to � .lam Q ti" tri o tial `;� ax � � . . tea ^ 1nd .wh 4 t� . �iiov. visite..Qua' villaI&s 3 iox A w fy. #ckx �".(a. Igtx 19s . Hslsr�t . Q l;t. Tho#lnsgivin ww�;a. X401 rte,l and Anile. eutty-,. w'�lo°" wQro"t e guests of Mdss Miss ANNUAL MEETING lna. •Scotti of London, and Miss Laura Swan, of Tom 'A0, who spent the day �^--- af their liomes' "here; Dr. and Mrs, The Ananat Meeting of The .8umn County Swan, of H4=11ton, and Mr. and Mrp. Children's Aid and Humane Society will be Barn,' of Toronto, visited at the home held on Tuesday evening, NgvembOr 10h, at of Mr. James Swan; Mr. George' I't or- 7.80 in victoria Stf:eet United Church, Gode- rich, when eleatign of officers will take place, rest, of London, visited' at the home addresaea will be given and also reports of of his brother, Mr. W. L. Forrest; Mr. theE FORD, A. M. ROBERTSON, th Andrew Murdock and family, of De- President. Secretary. troit, spent the week end at e home 8o74-> of the former's father, Mr. R. D. Mur- dock; Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of Sarnia, visited at the home of her mother, Mrs, W. Stevens.—A concert will be given in the United Church on Monday evening, Nov. 15th, by the Canadian Male Entertainers of Lon- don, under the auspices of the Bruce - field choir. A cordial invitation is extended to all. BIRTHS---------- Rapien.—In Chicago, on Sunday, October 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rapien, a daugh- ter—Eleanor Marie. McLean.—In Elbow, Sask., on Thursday, Oct. 216 t, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean, a son—John. CARD OF THANKS ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley desire to ex- press their appreciation of the sympathy and kindness extended to them by neighbors and friends in their recent bereavement- _ CARD OF THANKS The Cromarty congregation take this op- portunity to express their gratitude and ap- preciation for the timely: and heroic assist- ance given by the men from Dublin and vi- cinity, the men from Staf a and vicinity, and the men from Roy's, in saving the Cromarty Manse from ultvr destruction by fie on Fri- day, October 29th. They also wish to sin- cerely thank the Mitchell Fire Brigade and the Selforth firemen for their prompt and wf6".ng response to the call for help. Special ruention should be made of the wotnen of the village who bravely filled the breach un- til sufficient help arrived. 8074-1 ALMA IMPORTANT NOTICES '7n•' ;.- -Mr. A. F.nl)inson and Mr. The Amount You Can Save G • wk, of Thorold, and Mr. Will OR SAIF. -PURE BRED OXFORD LAMBS I'-obinson, O1 St. Catharines, spent F if b,•Lh sexes, Registered if de,ire<l, Pricey Thanksgiving with friends here.-- reasonable. FRANK WEEKS, Varna. Phone Mrs. G. W. Nott and Mrs. W. Ross 31-622• Clinton. 3074-2 spent Saturday .in Goderich.—Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon, Of Walkerton, FOR SALE.—THREE 2 -YEAR-OLD STEERS spent the holiday with Mf. and Mrs. and 2 heifer.. Apply Lot 8. Concession 2, Stanley. Phone 36-11. Hensall. JOHN B. H. Fowler.—Mr. S. Bennett and Miss, HYDE, Kipper. 2073-2 Blanche, of Wtngham, sp<•nt .'Monday6liEF.P FOR SALE. - LEICES'T'ER RAM d(,re.—A large number from here at- ' lamb: and e„ e lambs, eligible for regis- tended the fowl SUPI)f'r in Seaforth trnlion. J. QUIGLY, R. R. fi, Clinton. Phone on :Monday evening. --Mr. and Mrs. 3 on 619. 3072 3 ' N. Jones, of Honsall, spent '�unday WOOD Alin PifiS FOR SALE.— A QIJAN- with Mrs. Jnnes' parents here.—The tits ,f dry vo, ui• 1s- inch long, from few fine clays have made it possible 84 u, $; a card: r0 gond suckling pita:. also 100 chunks coming in nest week. Inquiries for the farmers to get some Of the r1 --fully nn.+u•ered. W. `vt. ;Pit Phnnr fall work completed.—Mrs. G. C. Dale! "if; -2, Seaforth. 3074-tf and daughter spent Thanksgiving SALE.—A FINEROAN SHORTHORN with Detroit friends.—Misses Annie FOR bull, 12 months old. in fine growing con - and Mae Nutshell, of He-spler, spent dition and registered. Dam is a grand. the holiday with Mrs. N. Carter.— daughter of old Gainford Marquis, the world Mr. and Mrs. James Carter spent Sun- champion ; Sire is a grandson of Millhill's Comet that coat $34.000. He is a prize win. day with Constance friends. — Mr. ner and priced to live and let live. JOHN Milton Chesney, of Toronto, visited ELDER, Hensall. Ont. 3071-tf with friends here on Monday last.. ARMs FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of ITsborne. WINTHROP Tuckersmith and Hibbert Good buildings and Notes. — Cavan Church Sabbath well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM - ERON, Exeter, Otrt. 8068-tf School is givling a Christmas concert on Wednesday evening, December 22. £i ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 80. Supper will be served in the base- lilt Concession, Hibbert Township. Splen - did improved loo acre farm. best buildings In ment followed by a good programme. Perth County; well fenced and drained. Come Santa Claus will be there with his to see Browing crops. Appdy R. S. HAYS, pack full of nice things for girls and Seaforth. 3061-tf boys. Everybody is invited to come FARM FOR SALE. -130 ACRES, BEING and enjoy an evening with the chil- I,ot 41• Huron Road. Tuckernmith, ad. dren.—Mr. Archie Campbell, of To- Joining Clinton. There are on the premises Tonto, spent the week end with his a large brick house with modern convenience, town water, and large barns: telephone and parent , Mr. and Mrs. James Camp- rural mail. The farm is suitable for dairy- bell.—Miss Edna Campbell, Of Ben- ing as river runs through it. For further particulars apply to F. W. Morrison. Clin- aniller, spent the week end with her ton, or phone 13-617, Clinton. 8070%4 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- --- ----- bell.—aMr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett FARM FOR SALF,.—FOR SALE LOT 11. and babe spent. Sunday with Mr, and Concession 3. McKillop, ,ontalning 100 acres. There are on the premises a good Mrs. Wadel4, of Stratford. — Mr. frnme hmtae. 10 mama; bank ham, "x80. Frank Johnston wears a smile these I driving house. water in barn and house: 1U, days. His wife presented hint with I acres of excellent orchard. mostly spies. The farm b all tile drained and well fenced; 1:� a fine baby girl last Saturday.—Mr. i mile, from St. Columban Cathqlic Church and Nelson Garden, of Toronto, spent the' achnnl, r miles from Seaforth, and 8'y4 miiea week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i I from Dublin; rural mail and phone. The farm will be sold on reaaonable terms. For McIlroy.—Miss Margaret Cuthill, of, further partfoulars apply on the prestress or Camrpbellville, Spent the week end' address, Seaforth P. O. JOSEPH MCQTTATD. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. 8071x41 Cuthlill.—Miss Margaret Bates spent Sunday with Miss Margaret. Eaton.— AUCTION SALE Mrs. Wiliiam Humphries and children, of Walton, spent the week end with -A UCTION SALE OF CA771,E, SHEEP ANI) A Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbel+l.—Mr. John HOGS Mr rrnr.t Tnwnahrnrl hon in- Bullard spent t.ho holiday with Mr. stntrted the undersigned to NPll by public nnrtion at C,inrcll'a Snle Rnrn. Clinton. nn and Mrs. 11. Smalldon, Of Walton.-- ftaturflnv, N � mber 11th. at. p.m., .h p, Mr. Lorne Mulley spent Sunday with fonnwing: 20 hind or young cattle. 2 young friends near Moncrieff. roues clue to freshen in Drrember• r young fnrrnw rases milking good, r0 young ew Pa, 4 —`--�- Nowa and 11 young pigs Terms -- Six months' STANLEY rre,lit given on fnrni%hing bankable paper, or Notes.—Mr. Ruskin Keys, of Fordl a disconnt of 6 per rent. per annum allowed rnr rnsh. FRNFST TOWNSHFND, Proprie- City, spent the week end at the home Int; Gen H. Flliot.t. Aurtionrer. 3074-1 of his parentq, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, of Bahylnn Line.—Mrs. James, — 'Reid and daughter, :Mary, of Seaforth' GLAZED visited the former's hrOt.her, Mr. Art.; STORM WINDOWS Keys, on Sunday.—Mr. Menno Steekle, � (;Pi nor monev arcing price fiat. showing Jr., of Bronson Line, has purchazed freight pnid ma.t of storm windows, ready the 100 -acre farm from Mr. Moses g)azed. -TvNiz,. ,Gerber and the W -acre farm adjoin- THE HALLIDAY COMPANY, LTD., 9hng from Mr. W. H. Talbot, the price BOX 198 F., P- 0., Hamilton, Ont. paid for the 150 acres being $6,700. 2074-1 This property will make Mr. Steckle — — - -- — _ - a good large, farm at a reasonable Earn $6.00 to $7.00 Per Day price.—Mr. J. T. Keys, who has not health recently, Many positions now open. Earn part time been enjoying good was in Toronto last week taking medi- -hilalearning. Motor Mechanics. Hrickla.y- ing, Barbering, Beauty Culture for Ladies. cal treatment.—We are sorry to state Only short time taken to qualify. write or that Mr. Charles Rathwell has been call for our free Booklet, HEMPHiLi, SCHOOi.S,, in poor health for some months. He Toronto. is' taking medical treatment in Lon- 8074-1 ' don at present and we hope for his spe60 reeovery.—The annual conven- tion of the -Stanley, Hay and Tucker- smi•th Branch of the O.C.R.E. was 'held in Goshen United Church on VILLAGE OF HENSALL Wednesday, November 3rd. Miss Notice is hereby given that a court will be Faust., of 7urich, occupied,the chair held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Liat Act. for the afternoon session, and Mr. by His Honor the Judge of the County Court. Haugh. of Brueefield, for the even- of the County of Huron, at 'Down Hall. Hen- ing. There PTe splendid addresses w' son. on November 9th, at 3 p.m.. to hear and determine compdninta of error and omla- giVen at both soisions and the music sfona in the Voters' Lists of the Municipality furnished by the visiting choirs of of Hensnil for 192x. Dated at Heneall thiA 28th day of Ootober, Varna in the afternoon and Zurich 1026. 'Evangelical in the evening, was very A. MURDOCK, much appreciated. 8072Si CLERK. BRIICEFiELD DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Kelly Circle The Kelly Circle met Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat on Thursday afternoon for the regn- Graduate in Medicine, University of lar monthly meeting with eighteen Toronto. members respnnding to the roll call, Late assistant New York Ophthal- "gratitude." Mrs. Cleve Cochrane mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's had charge of the devotional period, Fye and Golden Square Throat Hos- and Miss Marks read an interesting pital's, London. Frog. At Commercial chapter from the Study ,Book. Final 'Hotel, Seaforth. jfy'1 t •l!.¢t' .. t M,FiGy 4 N„ ji •6,y� k e�,l"' �M1rb v�r1"clV1iW D', M1Wt1•. 14 �y d: A4fi `��I',n' S' I 1 t7i "%1''Pi'l"ti;^Fi f Yj tkqh ��'�1 .'t L"„fr, �iL, , ?♦} P, ,. .b.,, li, '1 °int , !. r ., n$"a. L IC ,.1 r �iv 47✓f;l1 It�^rd , t , Srrli 2N ro SF<7r , •';{i % al , rSi� � 1P, �_ '..:1 ,e 4�� �., � t� t v i am„1tiUh,4 ii.,.r til��'• NOTICE Mr. W. M. Stewart has sold hiLwaFd and Seed Business and o thank his many cus- for these patronage in t. In order to settle up affairs in connection Feedbusiness, we must ll accounts settled by er 10th, at our Grocery lei. Stewart PHONE 77. Progressive Meeting IN Cardne's Hall, . Seaforth ON Friday Evening, Nov. 19th at 8 p.m. Under the auspices of the South Huron Progressive Association. SPEAKERS: Arthur W. Roebuck, K -C., Toronto W. G. :Medd, Exeter, Candidate for South Huron W. H. Golding. Mayor of Seaforth, Chairman. Citizens of South Huron, and the ladies especially, are cordially invit- ed to attend. "GOVERNMENT CONTROL" and other issues will be discussed. WM. BLACK - - - President. Mrs. W. N. GLENN Vice -Pres. G. W. LAYTON - Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer. O O Finest Motor and Horse- O O drawn equipment, Beattie O O Block, Main Street, opposite O O The Expositor Office. S. T. .O'. O Holmes' residence, Goderich O' O Street West;' Chas. Holmes' O O residence, North Main Sreet. O; O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. All kinds of up- O O bolstering neatly done. O O Phones; 119 or 254 J. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOX & CO. <- 0 Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer. O O H. C. BOR O O Beat Motor and Horse-drawn O O equipment. O O Charges moderate. O O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. O O Nights Calls Day Calls O O Phone 176. Phone 48. O O O O O O O O O O O O O THE ONTARIO ,RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD P. F. A-800) IN THF, MATTER of the Anpliratinn of The Canada Tnist Company, the Executors of the late H. K. Hyndman estate. for the ap- sale of the telephone system, known as "The' Hyndman Telephone System” to William Robert Frnyne. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING The On4ario RAilway and Mpnicipal Roard hereby appoints Thursday, the Twenty-fiff.h Day of November. A. D. 1926, at the hour of a quarter to eleven o'rinrk in the fore- noon, in the Town Hall in the Village of Exeter. for hearing the Above application. All persona having an intero+t in this matter and desiring to he heard are directed to attend At the time and place aA aforesaid. Dated at Tmmntn thia Twenty-eighth Day of October, A.D. 1926. (Sid.) H. C. SMALL, (SEAL) Serretary. 2072-2 STANDARDINE 5 TUBE RADIO $75 COAST TO COAST—NO IDLL BOAST D. X. Engineering and Sales Co., Limited 20 BLOOR ST. W. Toronto. 8067-12 Gl If00 .*' Q peri,. 'i�►vs,lr; pjui bip go A`t. Phimbing a n, Qr the llvroag 3 �.eid ,Heating FEMAU AGEl1Fl A WANTED Part or fall time, aypgl t ong sub -agents Steady income assured. QVf]bs immediately I THE SANT114LJA CO., Dept. 33, P. O. Box 430, Montreal. Valet Service Ring up 227 'or 210 and ask for Sid. Then inquire about the new VALET SERVICE SEAFORTH GARMENT CARE S. DUNGEY, Proprietor. Commercial Block Phone 227 or 210 Work called for and delivered. t 1,n%fn' 'va k$t biW d'7t r t 1 r ` • xo»da BB it } ,Aften'llts>faua, Adjustlgents giv” for 08088e6 of all blade. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES The undersigned is the authoriz- ed agent for Dublin and district. Office and Residence opposite Public School. Phone 30. G. K. HOLLAND Dublin, Ont. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO ---- Phone 91 J. B. Knight LATE OF Pember's and Dorenwend's Hair Goods FOR Ladies and Gentlemen At Hotel Commerical, Seaforth, on Thursday, November 25th, 1926 Telephone Hotel for Appointments Johnston & Knight Ryrie-Birk Bldg. Vonge ilnd "Temperance St"'. TORONTO Our entire stock of Huhhers and. Ruhher Footwear is great- ly reduced in price. We can supply yoilr wants with rllhhe,rs we can stand hack of at prices equal tocatalog ne prices. Note Fhese Low Prices: We have thew Ruhhers on a large variety of lacca, by which wr, can fit neatly any shape and tyle of shoe. Ladies', fine ..............8oc ItPn'r ..................$1.00 Misses, sizes 11-2 . .......75c Hove•, sizes 1-6 ..... ... ,90C Child's, sizes to 1OV2...... Mr. Ym1th's, sizes 11-13 ......ROC Men's 15 -inch leather top lumbermen, rod rolled heavy sole, white foxing......... ................ .. $5.00 Men's 6 -eyelet all rubber excluders .................$3.25 Our stock is complete in the various t.ypes of Overshoes, Lumber- man Rubbers, etc., at very conservative prires. See our window display of sectional views of ruhher footwear in the making, raw rubber as it comes from the swamps of Penn, etc. J. H. Smith & Son WHERE RUBBER FITTING IS PARAMOUNT PRONE 51. Oppoelite Bank of Commerce SEAFORTIJ ,. -0 �:.\ 4.9.. ,i,tdd. M# t,c,.r,.rt;,:>„n, e...>, ..a:, ...... , .:'.' , ..... ., :.. ..u•1 :..a. 1 M,. N's ElI I u �d r t"rlt`t;t n' J;Vpptnt P •r�, 4 LUxuzOU., v�rpa7�r�c40 '�t+�'b AND�d4tk► xC ` Cy ria k ri ar n. COAT FASONS t; • t �: 4 Madified Dolmans, bloiw. . of oe and h sli t flares, g Shawl, il:Qthl�,r fur collars. New loose sleeves, COAT FABRICS A wealth of soft, warm weaves, including Dui tynes, Suedines, Marvellas, Pinpoints, �3roadclo'tl and Imported Tweeds. COAT COLORS Royal Blues, Chanel Reds, Rosewoods, - TOWWO,; Browns, Grackleheads, lApsticks, Wines and D1 Right in the height of the "buying season,” presents this great offering of fashionable fur tri;;a ' med Coats at much below the prevailing prices, in an emphatic demonstration of this store's value -giv- ing power. DRESSES HUNDREDS OF NEW STYLE IDEAS FOR EVERY FALL ANDWINTER OCCASION Dresses for afternoons, evenings, parties, busi- ness, school, sports --dresses for every purpose and need? New bell sleeves, batwings,, blouse backs, new necklines, frills and pleats in almost endless variety- This offering eclipses everything to date for Variety, for Style, and for Vallie. Every dress priced at a saving of dollars! Cozy Warm ]Pyjamas When you see these new Pyjamas you'll not hesitate long in buying a pair or two. Such splendid values and so neatly made. $2.50 to $3.00 The Fall Hose Question Men of all ages are interested in our large display of English im- ported Hose. The larg- est stock in town at values unsurpassed. 49c to $1.25 The New Winter Overcoats FOR MEN Are marvels of beauty and elegance. All the new styles and materials are here tail- ored to perfection. Some of the new styles are the Tube, the Ulsterelle, the Slip-on. The materials are Blue Nap, Blue Chinchillas, Whitney, Light Tweed, soft tones of fawn and grey; both single and double breasted. $17.50 to $32.50 Y tGi'bb Caps Canada's Greatest Cap Value $L50 h, 82.00 Nothing to equal these for style, quality, trimmings, make and price. See our new Crips with fur ear lugs. Special $1.50 I London Broadcloth Shirts COLLARS ATTACHED OR.SEPARATE COLLAR TO MATCH Fancy patterns in the newest creations in checks and stripes. Dozens,)f these Shirts to choose from. Get a new supply now while our stock is complete. IT COSTS LITTLE TO DRESS WELL AT 1t f ;i• 1 F, till Rio J. GIJ'm"3�B S7 Ze•ra'J1 L d 0 The Amount You Can Save Is often more important than the amount you can earn, for it represents your future spend. a ing power. Why not prepare for future re- quirements by depositing your savings regularly in an interest - interest- bearing bearing accoount??4411 THE VAiADanT BANK OF COI MJU0RCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 Seaforth Branch - - - J. G. Mullen, Manager J. B. Knight LATE OF Pember's and Dorenwend's Hair Goods FOR Ladies and Gentlemen At Hotel Commerical, Seaforth, on Thursday, November 25th, 1926 Telephone Hotel for Appointments Johnston & Knight Ryrie-Birk Bldg. Vonge ilnd "Temperance St"'. TORONTO Our entire stock of Huhhers and. Ruhher Footwear is great- ly reduced in price. We can supply yoilr wants with rllhhe,rs we can stand hack of at prices equal tocatalog ne prices. Note Fhese Low Prices: We have thew Ruhhers on a large variety of lacca, by which wr, can fit neatly any shape and tyle of shoe. Ladies', fine ..............8oc ItPn'r ..................$1.00 Misses, sizes 11-2 . .......75c Hove•, sizes 1-6 ..... ... ,90C Child's, sizes to 1OV2...... Mr. Ym1th's, sizes 11-13 ......ROC Men's 15 -inch leather top lumbermen, rod rolled heavy sole, white foxing......... ................ .. $5.00 Men's 6 -eyelet all rubber excluders .................$3.25 Our stock is complete in the various t.ypes of Overshoes, Lumber- man Rubbers, etc., at very conservative prires. See our window display of sectional views of ruhher footwear in the making, raw rubber as it comes from the swamps of Penn, etc. J. H. Smith & Son WHERE RUBBER FITTING IS PARAMOUNT PRONE 51. Oppoelite Bank of Commerce SEAFORTIJ ,. -0 �:.\ 4.9.. ,i,tdd. M# t,c,.r,.rt;,:>„n, e...>, ..a:, ...... , .:'.' , ..... ., :.. ..u•1 :..a. 1 M,. N's ElI I u �d r t"rlt`t;t n' J;Vpptnt P •r�, 4 LUxuzOU., v�rpa7�r�c40 '�t+�'b AND�d4tk► xC ` Cy ria k ri ar n. COAT FASONS t; • t �: 4 Madified Dolmans, bloiw. . of oe and h sli t flares, g Shawl, il:Qthl�,r fur collars. New loose sleeves, COAT FABRICS A wealth of soft, warm weaves, including Dui tynes, Suedines, Marvellas, Pinpoints, �3roadclo'tl and Imported Tweeds. COAT COLORS Royal Blues, Chanel Reds, Rosewoods, - TOWWO,; Browns, Grackleheads, lApsticks, Wines and D1 Right in the height of the "buying season,” presents this great offering of fashionable fur tri;;a ' med Coats at much below the prevailing prices, in an emphatic demonstration of this store's value -giv- ing power. DRESSES HUNDREDS OF NEW STYLE IDEAS FOR EVERY FALL ANDWINTER OCCASION Dresses for afternoons, evenings, parties, busi- ness, school, sports --dresses for every purpose and need? New bell sleeves, batwings,, blouse backs, new necklines, frills and pleats in almost endless variety- This offering eclipses everything to date for Variety, for Style, and for Vallie. Every dress priced at a saving of dollars! Cozy Warm ]Pyjamas When you see these new Pyjamas you'll not hesitate long in buying a pair or two. Such splendid values and so neatly made. $2.50 to $3.00 The Fall Hose Question Men of all ages are interested in our large display of English im- ported Hose. The larg- est stock in town at values unsurpassed. 49c to $1.25 The New Winter Overcoats FOR MEN Are marvels of beauty and elegance. All the new styles and materials are here tail- ored to perfection. Some of the new styles are the Tube, the Ulsterelle, the Slip-on. The materials are Blue Nap, Blue Chinchillas, Whitney, Light Tweed, soft tones of fawn and grey; both single and double breasted. $17.50 to $32.50 Y tGi'bb Caps Canada's Greatest Cap Value $L50 h, 82.00 Nothing to equal these for style, quality, trimmings, make and price. See our new Crips with fur ear lugs. Special $1.50 I London Broadcloth Shirts COLLARS ATTACHED OR.SEPARATE COLLAR TO MATCH Fancy patterns in the newest creations in checks and stripes. Dozens,)f these Shirts to choose from. Get a new supply now while our stock is complete. IT COSTS LITTLE TO DRESS WELL AT 1t f ;i• 1 F, till Rio J. GIJ'm"3�B S7 Ze•ra'J1 L d 0