HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-11-05, Page 3a,'r• •Gd: r>< . _ :+k.' 'yyv, •-Ya , �. 1':rt� ,.,� F51+ ,P�,' r.. Y . r(t r , Z+ , y% • k :ilx . cA,c. >'{§ „xai 1 Y '•.e �ttG bf; ;d,• x'`Y. ..,n% $, ,.1.. t. 4 � 1., at t. . a t. h` 'k •::f r<, �'S'�' � t 'f,: �ii r:, 1 f •F, iS hF� �{; M1 F ,;: vi r.-'1 �•rx ,. +ir'` t .;tl. }.:. t,., Htr_., S3!,^. 7 f•;;N,, :."u.r C1�nC t' F<` wrtg are ��1, ,.t•xr ...{,r.; ..,m : j..,::- ;p'�'.S2 1'l..t nl,,. +aa•�. .r ,;j. .d atA .'.h.. +' ,.e... ,f, 7-1,1V-.�P��a,��f. .,��• ,,, sY ,r„�, ,'r .{.1` ,�1”{ ,,.. :�, '-Mr:..u' �,.,.. it�. ,,. .�'.r�: ,r.. ca 1•inCt, �„ z�r�:�1 ,c• '1 rt( i�: r .s. r' ?; ...k�y,..k .�k, vi �•,•:r�x'-' :eSt;'4�74 �s sA7�5 ,.'p , :_3;�W.�',, � • , ,st rite, rt;h't�L �`�`tA4ii; rd Ax1.uh.•n,�'&"Mv�.�y ,�(�,s"•�',�:.fw, �i .:; . rt tt;�,, x' ry rq`r . u..�r }y„ F,h'�,f:.l •.x'.t }' , :�'r �t si ,1 4:r' S „e t 'i: , ' fit.' a �, t A'.,� { ti, l f r sCr. �t t d" •;,rr S r' , �r r�' i , �' } , ,i•.v.tr. 1;`�uc,2, „ M``r,.�, �' ����� '' i d �Satl�l, t- P',p��;�,�' T�,�` , �`�m a. t ,�, , � a' t . N� `� a `.d �4r 1f n, Yv '. . k � } n� } i i f ," 2'1:pk _G stt}st rj r '3 •,^sr i,S'd 7d 1��d.. ��`'dj a�r r'j '',�R � °� �i,.('3� '� t,v 1�,� 'h! u' c.`1`4t ui t' JM`?' � ��� •� Ary r( , , lhfif -, f �, r k �ii ' 2 r. de. •g . Y� S, .. ..t N. '4 J� 1< S r' F. .t' ,d• V4'' T H t E , r s z , � S ,'Q l'QR I�1VT': Th r P v 1 ti Y,r � 0. t ff 4 k i r R 7, 1Pro t a. : u aC►EERA OXES SOLD OL FOR $200,000 scissors, and chili for a fav; 'minutes ore i EACH to harden. Two parterre boxes . of the Metro- Popping y�,olitan Opera House, New York, re Popping corn. is a particularly fas- e ,parted 'to have been worth ur excess cina ting oeeupdtion,, and, one in which ,r6f'QQ200Opo :eachhave been, sold. Roy,- :children bake ever-n9&w• delight. WE WI'�� rt r P - . e S. Brewster and `Frazier Jelke are p , coxn "ball's of vario4a - kinds 'USUAL Com the .bu er Mr,. Brewster takes os may a using., b the el�ilXclrex, them- YOU WANT, y . �t y ;session of the box owned by `�he.:late selves, using pink, yellow, green or ' 1"August Belhu'ont. Mr. Jelke becomes other food'. colgriilgp,-° Fo oliQwe en°! LOWEST PR .,owner, of the Williann R and Harold, ' &Dlior: so: f t Illi' s choa lafe. a t1` d a. o he IN AND SEE Vanderbilt 'boX. Only elevert, ith the• � � „ y Ferre boxes have been, - sold hn , the geihel^al,color scheme, wf.: 4, forty-thxe�s' years of the ,-Metroolh,'he, corn may ribs popped .over the 4 Ian's, history. ,Ownership ->of _a part Cools of the.living room grate or the , t' hi f 'kitchen raa or th A arts ox Carnes w1 >, owners p• o , even over a ame Qne thirty' -fifth of"tthe Metropolitan, of the n 1 i r 7 r t n }' Air 'yp• { rr t, t. r x'i` :, f, a � r -�•,•� b '4i H: 9tr i t4'�:P '\�Na, "�, i7�4 t �1 g� f� : 9 "a . !r t i r � 1 rr r s •r, .y M eat} :r d � F P. '%J: t }u i L i wiry"eh", z ,M F Y t (rs t� fit: !�► �` �. K t A r s j 1 H e r 4 `f r'i e x t� i�. r ... 1 d , x and 1$ in-gso r� ,��� a YO n. i�:. AIN EMP' ATXCAr.I,iIIY .ALL. '1T UR ATTENTION '�O '�" .�� . �'",•. , �.� TENESS OVOUR STOCK.- Ka ,NO QUESTIQ�l' Q�''i GE��G �1�,�A.' .,,. , ., ,� {,: a•� �� , , ;; m �"'. � .: . � E DEPENDABLE MR CH . � .�T M-11, IN THOROUGHLY- 17J��,"E ALE R .ASN TSE '. IMS E MERCHANDISE. �O� C�� IT IS POSSIBLE 'T4 SELL THE BEST. ME CHA1�+T . 1V� " Z THE NEW FALL STYLES AND LEARN HOW REASONABLE THE PRICES ARE. s AI n'a F DQ pendable Underwear an eu va e a rests nee a wh p -keep you well and 'strong. If you will from fire, and place in larger pan of in and see these dresses for send us your name and address a lit- cold water to instantly stop boiling. ,R tle book, "Building Up the$food," Remove from cold water and place yourself. You will be de - will be mailed you prepaid. Taus fit- in a saucepan of hot water during lighted with them. Mie book contains many useful health dipping. Dip the apples, remove from the syrup and place on'' oiled You can get these pills through any Paper. PRICES: lyydealer or by mail at 60 cents a box Cocoanut Sweets. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Wash and dry two cupfuls of dates $�.o,l �0 ���.�� 'Brockville Ont. and remove the stones. Then pass 11 1 them through a food chopper, Add STRINGY tirAFFI' half a cup cocoanut, a tablespoon lem- No French bon -bons or expensive on juice and 4 tablespoons sugar. M:ia vonfections ever tasted half so de- the ingredients well, then form into licious as the stringy taffy and burn- small 'balls and roll in a little more ed pop -corn made in childhood days. cocoanut and sugar. This is a whole- "Gi'llen candies are to bs,wrved at the some sweet for children. 'children's li party, make Men's and Boys' '-ahem, if possible, at at home. Saved for Private Use.—Dr. Frank Molasses Pall Taffy. H. Vizetelly estimates that a news - One and one-half cups brown sugar, paper editor knows 416,000 words. He suits i cup water, % cup molasses, two refers of course only to words that tablespoons vinegar, 1/, teaspoon can be sprinted.—Toronto Globe. cream of tartar, % teaspoon soda, 2 First Steps in Salesmanship--An- -lahlespoons butter. other interesting custom in Florida, I Method: Mix the sugar, water, understood, is teaching realtor'a child - molasses and vinegar -and cook until ren to swim before teaching them to THE BEST MAKERS BEST SUITS it boils. Add the cream of tartar and walk.—Vancouver Province. AT VERY TEMPTING PRICES j II continue cookirig until the mixture is Introductory Music.—what is need - l• 1 lbrittle in cold water. When nearly ed is a suggestive device bhat will be -cooked add the butter and soda, pour gin to play s harp under the hood Into a greased plate, and when cold when the car hits fifty.—St. Cathar-ETTER Suits you will not find enough, pull. Cut in lengths with ines Standard. Banywh6re. Canada's b e s t manufacturers are represent- ed in this big display and you can not get better than the best. Qual- ity clothing, honestly built to give maximum wear at a minimum price, You will find a large assortment of necessities and is here in every wanted weave and delicacies on our shelves to help you in preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner. Come and inspect our stock at color. your leisure. The manager will be pleased to assist you in your selections. In addition to this, you will be mak- We have a very ing huge savings in your purchases. i>�Steresting display alb. Glass Jar, N-ew Pack MAYFIELD BRAND of dark worsteds in the new navy , siii h=y e, l 6k, c shades with fancy stripes that are Nita r' _ .re.� c t BACON 'g.,t',/�� � � From Selected c taking the fancy of young men. ,A 5•."=' O�itario Hogs 39`116. n 1' r PL W JAM 39; Al wagrr UniForna A $ri"ltfwst•ieeat ReQ.4Se ib. The Greys in Serges and pick and r pick or pepper and salt -patterns for Q 1<ck QUAKER c Airs 'ior el*r men and 1br the boys are an ex- ceptionallyrs attractive line of new i",, , Airt19 6,14'atritttr, $rdzi7x .�..-..� styles arid shades. U1AN5 1171 CE ,, yxabr, rsria ' Ins lz1" 177d MEN'S. SUM...... $15.00 to $35.00 i?otr,strrntla Bieel i .ts+a11>r4 : ' , T 1b:Tir'ic• BOYS' SUIS ....... $5.95 to $13.00 11 Ali; d ggas stove. For the gas stove, are a few suggestions for era ani= Real Estate Company, use one of the sheet -iron poppers with something of your own mak- '-which is owner of the opera house ,a sliding cover; for the coals use a THE ATTRACTIVE NEW' terns. .-and its site. , wire popper. Put a small tablespoon - �a 40 ful of oil into the sheet iron popper' ! !` 'REGAINED HEALTH and heaf"well; then add half a cupful of 'popping- 'briskly ` Women s Centrepieces ..........35c to $125 IS NOW HAPPY corn and shake s, a Cushions .............. .......6"0e over the fire until the kernels have r1 ea Towels ....................50c "The Experience of a Quebec Wo- Popped. ' S r' , • Pillow Cases ................. $2.25 y ` man With Dr. Williams' Make the syrup for the pop -corn Dresses Clothes Pin Bags, Hot Pott Holders, Pink Pills. balls of one cup of sugar, half a cup ALSO of water and one tablespoon vinegar. . A very complete line of all shades of ' Mrs. L. D. Bernier, 89 D'Arguillon Boil until the mixture will form a ARE' RECEIVING GREAT ,. street, Quebec, is one of the thousands hard ball in cold water. Pour over that are sure to satisfy. A. of women who, when she found her the pop -corn while hot and mix well. - health flailing, resorted at once to Dr. When cold enough to handle, grease PRAISE Williams' Pink Pills, and now finds •hen the hands and form into balls. { r-lr in perfect health. Mrs. Ber- Pier says:—"I was very weak, sub- To make the colored balls, add yel- low coloring to the syrup before pour- ing over the if desired, T 1S the attractive styles ��'-'f y jest to headaches and was unable to corn, and, roll and the clever design- -;sleep well. Testimonials in the news- in toasted cocoanut. In that makes these g papers persuaded me to try Dr, Wil- Or, 'add chocolate to the sugar and liams' Pink Pills, and the result has water before cooking. New Dresses almost ir- been most, satisfactory. I have re- Candy Apples. resistible. Every woman gained my health, the headaches have deft me; I sleep well at night, and I Select round unblemished snow. apples and insert in the top of each who visits our dress depart - (41 -have gained in weight. Naturally I a small meat skewer of wood. Put ment is very agreeably sur - - am feeling happy. I strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all two cups sugar, 1 cup boiling water and % teaspoon cream of tartar in a prised to see such a number -weak people." smooth saucepan, stir, place on stove of attractive dresses but are Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for and heat to boiling point. Boil with- equally pleased to see just ameemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- out stirring until syrup begins to vousness. Take them as a tonic if .you discolor, which is 310 degrees F. how reasonable these lovely are not in the besCpbysical condition d Ili t ' to th t 11 Wash off the sugar which adheres to sides "of saucepan Remove sauce an dresses can be bought. Come 1 i r 7 r t n }' Air 'yp• { rr t, t. r x'i` :, f, a � r -�•,•� b '4i H: 9tr i t4'�:P '\�Na, "�, i7�4 t �1 g� f� : 9 "a . !r t i r � 1 rr r s •r, .y M eat} :r d � F P. '%J: t }u i L i wiry"eh", z ,M F Y t (rs t� fit: !�► �` �. K t A r s j 1 H e r 4 `f r'i e x t� i�. r ... 1 d , x and 1$ in-gso r� ,��� a YO n. i�:. AIN EMP' ATXCAr.I,iIIY .ALL. '1T UR ATTENTION '�O '�" .�� . �'",•. , �.� TENESS OVOUR STOCK.- Ka ,NO QUESTIQ�l' Q�''i GE��G �1�,�A.' .,,. , ., ,� {,: a•� �� , , ;; m �"'. � .: . � E DEPENDABLE MR CH . � .�T M-11, IN THOROUGHLY- 17J��,"E ALE R .ASN TSE '. IMS E MERCHANDISE. �O� C�� IT IS POSSIBLE 'T4 SELL THE BEST. ME CHA1�+T . 1V� " Z THE NEW FALL STYLES AND LEARN HOW REASONABLE THE PRICES ARE. s AI n'a F DQ pendable Underwear an eu va e a rests nee a wh p -keep you well and 'strong. If you will from fire, and place in larger pan of in and see these dresses for send us your name and address a lit- cold water to instantly stop boiling. ,R tle book, "Building Up the$food," Remove from cold water and place yourself. You will be de - will be mailed you prepaid. Taus fit- in a saucepan of hot water during lighted with them. Mie book contains many useful health dipping. Dip the apples, remove from the syrup and place on'' oiled You can get these pills through any Paper. PRICES: lyydealer or by mail at 60 cents a box Cocoanut Sweets. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Wash and dry two cupfuls of dates $�.o,l �0 ���.�� 'Brockville Ont. and remove the stones. Then pass 11 1 them through a food chopper, Add STRINGY tirAFFI' half a cup cocoanut, a tablespoon lem- No French bon -bons or expensive on juice and 4 tablespoons sugar. M:ia vonfections ever tasted half so de- the ingredients well, then form into licious as the stringy taffy and burn- small 'balls and roll in a little more ed pop -corn made in childhood days. cocoanut and sugar. This is a whole- "Gi'llen candies are to bs,wrved at the some sweet for children. 'children's li party, make Men's and Boys' '-ahem, if possible, at at home. Saved for Private Use.—Dr. Frank Molasses Pall Taffy. H. Vizetelly estimates that a news - One and one-half cups brown sugar, paper editor knows 416,000 words. He suits i cup water, % cup molasses, two refers of course only to words that tablespoons vinegar, 1/, teaspoon can be sprinted.—Toronto Globe. cream of tartar, % teaspoon soda, 2 First Steps in Salesmanship--An- -lahlespoons butter. other interesting custom in Florida, I Method: Mix the sugar, water, understood, is teaching realtor'a child - molasses and vinegar -and cook until ren to swim before teaching them to THE BEST MAKERS BEST SUITS it boils. Add the cream of tartar and walk.—Vancouver Province. AT VERY TEMPTING PRICES j II continue cookirig until the mixture is Introductory Music.—what is need - l• 1 lbrittle in cold water. When nearly ed is a suggestive device bhat will be -cooked add the butter and soda, pour gin to play s harp under the hood Into a greased plate, and when cold when the car hits fifty.—St. Cathar-ETTER Suits you will not find enough, pull. Cut in lengths with ines Standard. Banywh6re. Canada's b e s t manufacturers are represent- ed in this big display and you can not get better than the best. Qual- ity clothing, honestly built to give maximum wear at a minimum price, You will find a large assortment of necessities and is here in every wanted weave and delicacies on our shelves to help you in preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner. Come and inspect our stock at color. your leisure. The manager will be pleased to assist you in your selections. In addition to this, you will be mak- We have a very ing huge savings in your purchases. i>�Steresting display alb. Glass Jar, N-ew Pack MAYFIELD BRAND of dark worsteds in the new navy , siii h=y e, l 6k, c shades with fancy stripes that are Nita r' _ .re.� c t BACON 'g.,t',/�� � � From Selected c taking the fancy of young men. ,A 5•."=' O�itario Hogs 39`116. n 1' r PL W JAM 39; Al wagrr UniForna A $ri"ltfwst•ieeat ReQ.4Se ib. The Greys in Serges and pick and r pick or pepper and salt -patterns for Q 1<ck QUAKER c Airs 'ior el*r men and 1br the boys are an ex- ceptionallyrs attractive line of new i",, , Airt19 6,14'atritttr, $rdzi7x .�..-..� styles arid shades. U1AN5 1171 CE ,, yxabr, rsria ' Ins lz1" 177d MEN'S. SUM...... $15.00 to $35.00 i?otr,strrntla Bieel i .ts+a11>r4 : ' , T 1b:Tir'ic• BOYS' SUIS ....... $5.95 to $13.00 11 Ali; d Wrl.'1ilR siaii s ecli 47° rb` %� �4%Aw,V : At` b �F®lbs!= g ib.' boat. �1,C XPR r r 01a EI i fi _.;.,.>✓ ,.....�.�. �t1tra•,a.wra: „a..,ctz�,., .: ra ; ` , FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Dependable, Nationally Advertized Underwear Only Finds Representation in Our Store STANFIELD'S, PENMAN'S, WATSON'S, MERCURY, TURNBULL'S Every maker with a national reputation is here. Whether you wear the finest and lightest weight or require the heaviest, we can fit you, meet your re- quirements in weight, and satisfy your idea of price as well. This Store has always been an outstand- ing Underwear store, and when you have seen all the different lines we have to show you, you will ad- mit that this season is no exception to the rule. Come here for underwear values; we will not disap- point you. Leish. _ PnClothes u1 4 Man, oh Man! JUST slip into the soft, roomy ar warmth of a big Leishman ulster or great coat and give yourself a treat. Note the snug, sure fit of its generous collar --admire its graceful lines—inspectthesplen- did materials and hand finish— wear It once—and you will never be satisfied with anything else but Leishman clothing. For over thirteen years no cloth- ing but Canada's best has been produced by the Leishman shops. That's the reason the name Leishman is now accepted h; particular men as the hall mark of Canada's finest clnthinji. Men's Work Clothes, OVERALLS—Famous Snag Proof Brand; black or striped ............ $1.95 to $2.25 SMOCKS --Black or Stripes .....$1.95 to $2.25 Lined Smocks .....................$6.25 GLOVES—Mule skin, one finger; extra strong lined ................ ...............60c SHIRTS—Full sized, double stitched, heavy ma- terials, guaranteed wear ............ $1.25 SOX—Grey ribbed, all -wool, heav�......... 50c r"?Mud '{34:&r ai i�, yA ."�J.' h � jY\de�{��•j+�t �i k�'r 'y r��l ir' V r ., it '' rl�l. y ° A BEAUTWUI• ' OF r'iK dr,/i Coat... r INCLUDING SOME VER REMARKABLE LOW PRICING VPRY great part Of Milady's interest in; our Big Fall Display will naturally centre in the r wonderful showing of Wo- men's and Misses' Coats. And there surely is a beaut- eous array of very exclusive models. We specially want every woman to see the re- cent new arrivals. They are surely a glorious collec- tion of stunning new coats,. each portraying the very newest lines and exemplify- ing the finest workmanshi=p. PRICES : $13.50 to $50 A WONDERFUL SHOWING OF Stamped Goods Now FOR ADVANCE CHRISTMAS'' SEWING are a few suggestions for �f . HERE Christmas, if you would give something of your own mak- frt ZsYtt�ifl `. r ' fYyfffp(pe terns. Crinkled Bed Spread ......... $3.75 �a Childs' Bibs and Aprons. .25c to 50c Boudoir Pillows ...............65c e i r•� r F( Wrl.'1ilR siaii s ecli 47° rb` %� �4%Aw,V : At` b �F®lbs!= g ib.' boat. �1,C XPR r r 01a EI i fi _.;.,.>✓ ,.....�.�. �t1tra•,a.wra: „a..,ctz�,., .: ra ; ` , FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Dependable, Nationally Advertized Underwear Only Finds Representation in Our Store STANFIELD'S, PENMAN'S, WATSON'S, MERCURY, TURNBULL'S Every maker with a national reputation is here. Whether you wear the finest and lightest weight or require the heaviest, we can fit you, meet your re- quirements in weight, and satisfy your idea of price as well. This Store has always been an outstand- ing Underwear store, and when you have seen all the different lines we have to show you, you will ad- mit that this season is no exception to the rule. Come here for underwear values; we will not disap- point you. Leish. _ PnClothes u1 4 Man, oh Man! JUST slip into the soft, roomy ar warmth of a big Leishman ulster or great coat and give yourself a treat. Note the snug, sure fit of its generous collar --admire its graceful lines—inspectthesplen- did materials and hand finish— wear It once—and you will never be satisfied with anything else but Leishman clothing. For over thirteen years no cloth- ing but Canada's best has been produced by the Leishman shops. That's the reason the name Leishman is now accepted h; particular men as the hall mark of Canada's finest clnthinji. Men's Work Clothes, OVERALLS—Famous Snag Proof Brand; black or striped ............ $1.95 to $2.25 SMOCKS --Black or Stripes .....$1.95 to $2.25 Lined Smocks .....................$6.25 GLOVES—Mule skin, one finger; extra strong lined ................ ...............60c SHIRTS—Full sized, double stitched, heavy ma- terials, guaranteed wear ............ $1.25 SOX—Grey ribbed, all -wool, heav�......... 50c r"?Mud '{34:&r ai i�, yA ."�J.' h � jY\de�{��•j+�t �i k�'r 'y r��l ir' V r ., it '' rl�l. y ° A BEAUTWUI• ' OF r'iK dr,/i Coat... r INCLUDING SOME VER REMARKABLE LOW PRICING VPRY great part Of Milady's interest in; our Big Fall Display will naturally centre in the r wonderful showing of Wo- men's and Misses' Coats. And there surely is a beaut- eous array of very exclusive models. We specially want every woman to see the re- cent new arrivals. They are surely a glorious collec- tion of stunning new coats,. each portraying the very newest lines and exemplify- ing the finest workmanshi=p. PRICES : $13.50 to $50 A WONDERFUL SHOWING OF Stamped Goods Now FOR ADVANCE CHRISTMAS'' SEWING are a few suggestions for �f . HERE Christmas, if you would give something of your own mak- ing; all stamped in the newest pat- terns. Crinkled Bed Spread ......... $3.75 Bridge Covers .........50c to $125: Childs' Bibs and Aprons. .25c to 50c Boudoir Pillows ...............65c rr? ; Organdie Tea Aprons ..........85c 1 Centrepieces ..........35c to $125 Runners ..............50c to $125 s, a Cushions .............. .......6"0e Guest Towels ............39c to 65c r1 ea Towels ....................50c Lunch Sets ........... $1.00 to $1.50 S r' , • Pillow Cases ................. $2.25 y ` Asbestos Pads ................ $1.00 ,P y Clothes Pin Bags, Hot Pott Holders, Etc., Etc. ALSO �r A very complete line of all shades of D.M.C., Pearl Cottons, Floss$Il, �a; r Royal, Tatting Thread and Crochet Cottons. All fresh new material#' , # fr that are sure to satisfy. A. S, a 0% r , t3RO.S0, t 4