HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-10-22, Page 3! N
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any. eanvenlQnt: 4�4*A
during Winter a
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.For Any of the Many Min4k. Ail- ected 'fo Al
n o
meats of Infants and" Yoking only, a' few;Xtu5he2$ iife gt^o
Y"Children. may, b hung tip by'fhe tbps�fxwni:l ie
--�--. rafters. 1A., a se,� it' � not :.b
r n' expect @
mother ca ct hey si
�t �o e that, r-, ee�s' t ' `ie � � •'t
�„ '� Q . RtA'1a'e: tiller, ,laps uaat�l
Phtld will, escape all: 'the ills to whz, .'the;oln oxza are,,, r ulze�l vxr';use
3uabyllgod and 'clWdhood, are, saxbject,, temperrat' aa<iout.:4di Beres .ori ii
1W ,
blit, she can,do:,:.lnuch tp Ifissen the3lr• ,a` fairly d, —&Mp1 exe,'ie ff e
'severity, and 1Q ma'ke' baby's. battles ollicsns;" When Ito, fire 14f7�bs e
for health easily von: m5etak'e of ct ttin oir. 061`xis >kt n
Ninetenths o€ the manor ailulents:hgre:sta�te a1kb1�1cF lie aQotdl,$
which afflict babyhood`°aaaci p lildiybpd xaly is it' harmful 0, them away;
*,Te caused by some derangextteliut of 'entlei,,gftpetl :+T>" die dy tl, close to the
- e stomach• : irr b-' e ulb$ `�'hl& will favor the
k - the stoyiiach=said bowels. aiael these xbtxance' :vf moi dare and the decay
oubles aGfl21 ilispp4ar: Tei, `do this '^oi . file crop.
mothing.can egjaai Baby's: Ovvil Tab- Potatoes
They are a mild but thorough Potatoes are likely to he high in
laxative which . through their aetidn price this winter. It will pay you
"t 1 o"tl the stomach and bowels never to take care of any you may pos-
faAto banish- constipation; and indi- sess.., when lifted, carefully dry them
gestion; colds and simple fevers; ex- by exposure out doors for a short time
-pel worms and make the dreaded ' if frosts are not prevalent, and before
teething Mime easy. " .storing them away discard any which
Goncerning Baby'sOwn Tablets may show signs of disease. The saf-
Mrs. A. Kozhan, Hamilton, Ont., est place to store is in the root -cellar,
s writes:'—"Kind,1v send me your book- although they will k'e'ep well in any
let, "Care -of Baby in Health and ordinary cellar which is 'cool and to
SicknEEss." I have two little childdren. which frost cannot find access. .Out-
foi]r -,d a half, and three years old door pits or clamps may be used -for
ar,l li '- used nothing else for them the larger crops, but the cellar of a
lir+ Baby's own Tablets. I think the barn is a better place if available.
Tablets. are a wonderful medicine for Beets
Ar - little ones." Beets are susceptible to frosts,
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all therefore life them at once. Extreme
medicine dealers or will he gQnt by care is necessary when forking them
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, from the soul'. If the tap roots are
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, broken or the beets bruised, bleeding
�y"• Ont. is likely to occur, the vegetable will
become soft and spongy or may even
;' LIFTING AND q'rr►RTNG GARDEN decay. The -tops of the beets should
T-/ SUBJECTS _ be -removed two inches or so from
Ii; `is now mid-Ortobor and with their juncture with the root. The
the p%yalance or approach of frosts, roots should then be stored awag- in
serious aNtitention should be given to bins in a cool cellar. Cover lightly
lifting anci ,storing the subjects of with straw, They should keep well
1 our gardens. `,-Qareful handling of if frost does not reach them and the
1 'these, whether flower ,- or vegetable atmosphere is not too dry. , when
Aol -. , roots, is essential, as initlr-y, ; s sure dryness is feared the beets should be
to result in decay in .gl•eater on- less Q'aid in shallow piles and be covered
degree, '-,.lightly with sand or light soil.
Gladioli. .. - Carrots.
Carefully fork the plants from the Carrots-fequixe much the same
ground and allow them to remain treatment N,lifting and storing as
for a few hours spread out to dry, beets. They w`M mot withstand heavy
- thcrce remlove indoors to an airy frosts, and th'eaefn -*oo ld be lifted
position and spread' out for a few at once. t,
days until the tops are< shrivegod. Parsnips. `
Remove the tops by means of • a - The parsnip is very hardy and will
sharp knife about 'three inches above survive our Winters outdoors. How -
the corms. Then store the corms ever, if required for use or for sale
away thinly spread out in shallow during winter, it must be lifted in
boxes in a compartment wiTh a Win- the Autumn and be stored away un -
tees .temperature of 40-45 degrees F. der much the same_ conditions as
At some • time during winter " you beets and carrots. It will
..be im-
-May remove very easily the remain- possible to dig the roots from the
ing dead growtlh and art the same ground after it freezes up. This is
tune clean tare corms by removing but a reminder.
the loose scale's.
Dahlias. �`
Dahlias being of a very brittle na-
ture, require careful digging. ' The Quick Pile Relief
tops should he removed about 'eight
inches above the tubers. After the Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guar -
superfluous moisture has dried from anteed to banish any form of Pile
the exterior of the tubers they should 'misery, or money back. It gives
be stored away in a cool cellar, bin, quick action even in old, stubborn
oT in 'barrels, and be covered with cases. Hiem-Roid is a Harmless tab -
straw. If there is dahger that moil- let that removes lylrood congestion in
u ture may reach the tubera, during the lower bowel—the cause of piles.
winter, it is well to store them with It brings joyful relief quickly and
the stems down, so that it cannot safely or -costs nothing. C. Aberhart
possibly drain into_ the "neck" and and druggi,#a everywhere sell it with
cause the tubers to rot. A temper- this guarantee.
sture of 45 degrees F. is a safe one
for Dahlias in storage.
The Canna. NO PEACE
The Canna is even more suseept-
ible to injury, both in lifting and in Elections in the Irish Free Stade
' ~ storage than the Dahlia. It is tropi- are still characterized by a certain
sat by nraiture, and even in storage liveliness, judging from 'a story told
will not endure) in a temperature by Shan F. Bullock, the famous Irish
anywhere near freezing. As soon as novelist.
frost black -ens- leaves and stems, cut During the height of a recent con -
the latter doom to about six fnelles test two Irishmen belonging to oppo-
sbove the soil. Lift the tuberous site political camps came to blows.
roots by means of the fork. Gala- The trouble progn%ted to the ex -
fully shake off the loose ' soil and tent that each forgot the origin
store them- away in a compartment" cause of the dis'ag-reeMent; and they
--VZi& 'a te7tiperature of 6o. There y�ere utterly oblivious sof the fact
11► Ig$ be very little humidity (m'ois- that a crowd had gathered—until a
tfj'�eg'Jiv, ale air` j the storage place, _ g person itt a
� very siPerior-lectin
t1t'W, era vwlll'cex alniy rot be- frock east tried to pour oil on the
g elf$ b"Pg A •lighii. covering, of ti-oubled waters:
stL`aW A11 Wtl€ld be _;g'Ivvn to .prevent '°Come, come, my man," he said,
ev',pa>`>& it oftlo`i Gibe from -the gently' plucking one of them by the
se g of,thip taxbtrs �4themw0 est sleeve, "you don't want to fight. I
ec tsfre. hrivelljdngg ma r;ta e' ,place can: told .5t .by, your looks. Your face
�,,1 benign=-•'^.
$ruined'otlioxi� 414- dertainly de4ay, 44T*. _ be it Yip. 'I'w0 .las nine, 13 lit,
"' therefpte lift tliepa.oscYeftllly dik4 After y�dtt #pa peeli'�Y' beltowed Fri, "Me
drTing for a fgtw hours, `rembTYe Palle r► 'lase iaittap;+bd nftle, is ut2" - no then
6file skilves 4 floor of- WAed tMial 'the naacenaalcer found blimself sitting.
relit tops die, thenstare swap, spedd in t,hlitteA
d%iii �tamxlar pasi'tion or in shallo4v -
-° de i`be t�siezng removed- t}ira
r 6�z hotrb t i ' laulaS; The re$tnaln- $O 41 T' °° '' ' ' C)i "` YEARS'
AGO; siWbuit P(OT
r kit APPRUCI'A'�'UD
*,, amu t else op+ old ivath 1 e y>4 A
t1ififty" .Sootolt Udz `mho yaaa d o.
M` no
r ,` r� visit t1i�s To>tonta l+;xhl>t4dlk, tied t
a krb1 2id,,Fho*etoei, " 401 -'14 -As q6 X11
an# betia'arse' fire gr'f¢1 a+'%', .
! lv a> boa take a pleeie of p`6dAyd
eiv tickets El •e'LT'.V.'a"viiw;:
New Styles: in
omen's Coats
' Exceptional skill in designing
these beautiful New Style Coats
produces that air of stylish be�
comingness which, commends
them to women who have,a fine
appreciation_ of authentic eor-
rectness. The very latest ma-
terials in obviously smart color-
ings and- weaves lend `added dis-
Every coat in our stock shows
evidence of that fastidious at-
tention to detail that makes
these seasonal models the smart-
est versions of the smartest
The Dress Goods
New Colors in
Wine, Jungle Green, Cardinal,
Bokaria, Rosewood, R o s e,
Midnight Sun, Powder Blue,
New Grey, Mauve, Henna,
Sand, Brown, Navy -54 inches
$1.75 YARD
Pure Silk, fine even. finish; ex-
tra quality, full yard wide.
Specially suitable for under-
wear or evening dresses. All
the new colorings.
$1.50 YARD
In the popular light shades, in
solid or Schott effects, Elfin
Green, SIeeping Beauty, Briar
Rose, Gold and Rose, 36 inches
$2.5 YARD
� Special
Pure Irish Linen of fine
count, assorted patterns.
Sizes, ;2x2 yards and 2x21/2
yards; very slightly - soil -ed.
Regular $3.75 to $9.75, `
Cli, ARING AT 1-3 0"
tats a.� ltrnr Ixrq�urfYnr7,3ry er �6i d'OyfUF a ;� wsvd
f Fi t;; S f! •' : ` b { ra F �h3 S rY} + 6"w ik* y �' t �M"1 r"
5r1 �'h°G't r. r �7 1'i�3Yu g...t,,sv'i. tyY4 tNi .u' -r yi aXi i. aPtl br7 e7 %< 'Chv``5'Y
ars, ty�
r e, t y, i a tr ;Pi { 17°sit b x F i,�rul^s ei� Fvd I it
Nr,� r,-:ai;�.• wn, .n..lyrG' r 1 +r, , d ,".;hN �' t�, +'.:77,E :,.�: t e ,,.T,':���, ��F ��1 r �r � y9bt�
O /'�.�
-F .. � .. ..'�-.- �`� icf`� ''rga� SAM ���"' ,,jf�� :'N, �Ir.:� t .;fW+r+,•ir
1 r rh, '.A, t 4• k� V 1 ',fi'��.*1, n^ 3 .I%.S ,` 1r
♦ 4 1
�a> , served' �y7tu+aN
d S i yu
i15. (0 fir . „ �,;,y. R i �� �; f) f:.' r,•v b 1 # �.� p
; I wllOxn kll,w „,K.
8tOCo ^cos froom'nd.`x1 e th,
f}4 Y.
d of
osis n..,,
� this Stor s ; ' . - . _
„ e � , a�w�� the'h e �.
,., � �' � . � (j�h � and. �a�
r y �`r5
he 1 e
A.W s l
- t o s`1aI roc eonsi. ,
r p �, e stent with a i`,
q Y ,
r �iy•���",3�,ti�;r
gB��yacombining the
xavailable Merchandise, fair prx,,c
methods, a volume o business has been
P q lit u that erinits n
Up p . and J'iistifies the carrv�'n - of "'s
'r :u V g"
vlldei stock. k This . T s Fail findsIl other seasons s>a
Eassed ,aodF every deplartMent fairly overflowing with
e world's best Merchandise at the very lowest rices.
We invite you to call and see what wonderful prepara-
n we have made for your fall requirements. You will
d that it pays to deal in this store — BETTER MER -
The new Fall Overcoats show
style—longer coats are coming
back, with their warm, comfort -
� <
able appearance. And when
TheyThe are Mere
JA 4
EAUTIFUL beyond description—the New Fall
we have them in, you surely
Dresses are attracting the enthusiastic ad-
h�%� ♦ 7 'p
miration of every visitor to our Ready -to-
Wear Department. And such a number of them—
each one seemingly more attractive, more stylish,
and more becoming than the other.
You really must come in and see them. Come in
ing a good run.
anytime, whether ,you wish to buy or not. You
may look here at your leisure without being urged
to buy. And this one important point, the low price
featuxe has not been overlooked; every garment is
priced as reasonable as it is possiBle to make it.
New Styles: in
omen's Coats
' Exceptional skill in designing
these beautiful New Style Coats
produces that air of stylish be�
comingness which, commends
them to women who have,a fine
appreciation_ of authentic eor-
rectness. The very latest ma-
terials in obviously smart color-
ings and- weaves lend `added dis-
Every coat in our stock shows
evidence of that fastidious at-
tention to detail that makes
these seasonal models the smart-
est versions of the smartest
The Dress Goods
New Colors in
Wine, Jungle Green, Cardinal,
Bokaria, Rosewood, R o s e,
Midnight Sun, Powder Blue,
New Grey, Mauve, Henna,
Sand, Brown, Navy -54 inches
$1.75 YARD
Pure Silk, fine even. finish; ex-
tra quality, full yard wide.
Specially suitable for under-
wear or evening dresses. All
the new colorings.
$1.50 YARD
In the popular light shades, in
solid or Schott effects, Elfin
Green, SIeeping Beauty, Briar
Rose, Gold and Rose, 36 inches
$2.5 YARD
� Special
Pure Irish Linen of fine
count, assorted patterns.
Sizes, ;2x2 yards and 2x21/2
yards; very slightly - soil -ed.
Regular $3.75 to $9.75, `
Cli, ARING AT 1-3 0"
tats a.� ltrnr Ixrq�urfYnr7,3ry er �6i d'OyfUF a ;� wsvd
f Fi t;; S f! •' : ` b { ra F �h3 S rY} + 6"w ik* y �' t �M"1 r"
5r1 �'h°G't r. r �7 1'i�3Yu g...t,,sv'i. tyY4 tNi .u' -r yi aXi i. aPtl br7 e7 %< 'Chv``5'Y
ars, ty�
r e, t y, i a tr ;Pi { 17°sit b x F i,�rul^s ei� Fvd I it
Nr,� r,-:ai;�.• wn, .n..lyrG' r 1 +r, , d ,".;hN �' t�, +'.:77,E :,.�: t e ,,.T,':���, ��F ��1 r �r � y9bt�
O /'�.�
-F .. � .. ..'�-.- �`� icf`� ''rga� SAM ���"' ,,jf�� :'N, �Ir.:� t .;fW+r+,•ir
1 r rh, '.A, t 4• k� V 1 ',fi'��.*1, n^ 3 .I%.S ,` 1r
♦ 4 1
�a> , served' �y7tu+aN
d S i yu
i15. (0 fir . „ �,;,y. R i �� �; f) f:.' r,•v b 1 # �.� p
; I wllOxn kll,w „,K.
8tOCo ^cos froom'nd.`x1 e th,
f}4 Y.
d of
osis n..,,
� this Stor s ; ' . - . _
„ e � , a�w�� the'h e �.
,., � �' � . � (j�h � and. �a�
r y �`r5
he 1 e
A.W s l
- t o s`1aI roc eonsi. ,
r p �, e stent with a i`,
q Y ,
r �iy•���",3�,ti�;r
gB��yacombining the
xavailable Merchandise, fair prx,,c
methods, a volume o business has been
P q lit u that erinits n
Up p . and J'iistifies the carrv�'n - of "'s
'r :u V g"
vlldei stock. k This . T s Fail findsIl other seasons s>a
Eassed ,aodF every deplartMent fairly overflowing with
e world's best Merchandise at the very lowest rices.
We invite you to call and see what wonderful prepara-
n we have made for your fall requirements. You will
d that it pays to deal in this store — BETTER MER -
The new Fall Overcoats show
style—longer coats are coming
back, with their warm, comfort -
V.;.. r4
able appearance. And when
TheyThe are Mere
you get one of these new style
coats made of the rich materials
EAUTIFUL beyond description—the New Fall
we have them in, you surely
Dresses are attracting the enthusiastic ad-
have real overcoat protection.
miration of every visitor to our Ready -to-
BIues, in Chinchilla, Cut Velours,
Wear Department. And such a number of them—
There are no more exacting
demands made of clothing than
those made by the young man.
Through strict 'adherence to
the latest styles, we have assem-
bled a display of new Fall Suits
_ l I that will meet the demands of
the most fastidious dressers.
PRICES, $15 to $35
for older men modelled with the
i utmost regard for the desires of
t •j
►, 'Y�t��r it t„quieter dresserg, and as a result
the dressiest and most tasteful
Suits we have ever shown.
PRICES, S 15 to $35
The new Fall Overcoats show
many very decided changes in
They are New
style—longer coats are coming
back, with their warm, comfort -
They are Stylish
able appearance. And when
TheyThe are Mere
you get one of these new style
coats made of the rich materials
EAUTIFUL beyond description—the New Fall
we have them in, you surely
Dresses are attracting the enthusiastic ad-
have real overcoat protection.
miration of every visitor to our Ready -to-
BIues, in Chinchilla, Cut Velours,
Wear Department. And such a number of them—
Meltons, and various other fancy
each one seemingly more attractive, more stylish,
designed materials. The greys
and more becoming than the other.
and fancy tweeds are also hav-
You really must come in and see them. Come in
ing a good run.
anytime, whether ,you wish to buy or not. You
may look here at your leisure without being urged
to buy. And this one important point, the low price
featuxe has not been overlooked; every garment is
priced as reasonable as it is possiBle to make it.
Prices $5.001 t® $38.75
Good weight, full sized, with
Pictorial Patterns
a good heavy soft warm fleecing.
Every garment perfectly made,
The directions fairly talk to you. They are so easy to
and guaranteed to give good
hagdle— Ino puzzles to figure out. And, of course, Pis-
Sizes, 36 to 44.
torlial Styles are always thelast word.
Prices 20c t® 45c
R 0 Sk n j N, a fo
o� �,
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1 t� � 5u., ,, , r a [ r f, Fa,�. �, t +� h ra , ,, M �r. , H `{0• .
R,. � , yea., 4+' � ,.4•, , "a . � . s^.? , y . ,': 4 M r, , . >d, '�R � h ..,. 1.. i. ,, ',.., ... ; J:, . R'
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