HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-10-15, Page 7- F A hf W, L4 �­ ­,e I � - , r­� _k��,;-4 �1'1 , ,",,,,�.�,', , : �,,,,' ; _�, ''', ­­ I - ­,T]1'11�1'1­'­ "­, ':�­�"111'1 I "' , ", "', -�­I. .. ,WA,-��'-'-""��,�,,,,'--,,.',�, �!��, -?,','�7 , � 11 11 1, 1 11 *` ,' `­ I , pv-.,­­'7�ir'A�:�'!'�M, 7slfig�� , -,�"',!,'���ll:�;"-,�.�ll,�'�'Flf�,.","",�,-�%�v,rl��7.F�'���7 �1 I ­:::,%;T,V , : �� * _� -,?`�­ �',­­­ , I ,%; 'r, I , ... .� ''I, 3 "X''I"", I I 1; , '1� ��' �� _� ,� �`, 11: -- I .." I . , ­­ � , , . ''"', '11, "! ­ ,- ,�r�7 I .. .1�, - , , " - 114� , 4 , 71-11, �;. ,e�11% - ` - I 11,'�,�,��.i%,��::. ,��`�,,, , " I I . :, 1; I 11 I . I � -, _,,�,)'' . I _ �i �' , "i;''i, I I � :,"�,"!" - , � I �, , , :. I : ­': , . , ". �,.�, � , ��, � , I ,, � " & ,,, ,`:�!�:�,!,�"�,�.� ,�,i ,�:,: �, ". I I I I 11, ,�� :V , ;,1",;iw;, K-,��,����!,�.,�!:,�-, �� - %, .--'I I ", ." � . '__ I , , I , , .e I 4 I I '' I , "" `-.��`, k , �! , I � I , , 1� "'. 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I 0:�A"" '-�IfW4.�_',,, r�, . , ­ ­ �, .. , -Ps "'W031- if -Bill 'Henderseip fluwd�Bd Tfie - 11 14 ,.' . . TIP then ' � I � . Al _7N M , Y, -P. A" tre thou ,t. �h;,v �� 4 " , , -, N. I I. i" ­.h, Moira.' I I i int It as. Wo , �a M" A n1t . " �W' -the first I. , r '010,446 d t1he',ose'.9f pio " antiriuOd f�o= last weok) 4hO nVd4ed brightly. himself on that plaili. Why did , J - ,tjn tlWlt V M-11 be Te caoll , �pw_y,� py��xpg- P,9 I . wo� npss, �J, L . I " ' ­ yu � , 1 1, � _0 j , �' . ,,, , , _ I I lxie�jhouour. , "I � 0an. ,� 47 he 10 Gppp�y,�Mf� ��7'� i�,+�,,,�_%I,v­ �' . . �. ( � ' ,think of using the same ti, . ;6;Ri 1; �. ?F.-', - iilit, IaOise ,og 'tp� Uke '. 4 _' �i '�:�64 P'tO "f -"':,,i" I . I , CV11--see"144t you and Miss Sum- . ", .. ". , It for - fifty, thowaud. lt',,.� tirri]bly ' 1 ,� lexPe'rhu , Ai . we O,W� jW ,p , .,, 4'a. � �"; .J ", -kale, ­," , � .� - - '4'.evidblitly hjt it off just rigub wl�'" I 11 .;, T, -an(t 0 ��',Uuder the sZ it, to hwW, to Central ftperlm=, X p . .1 , ,� . i-gau . � M- ,,, L. ed pla�,,for,fluar ing. a road -to. , ot, the fift* hard on old Mr. Cardi , � I � L 111 .,:,;; ,,�'*Ty­, lb U,'_ � �llf� . "Is th# �ou, Mr. Bryce?" she q,ue'r,,- � ., t , iol'_� ..., . . . .!p , , i , , _ ne, i,,,� - . , , ,,, , , , , , - . allel ,Penningtou"s 7V *�, I I I ­�,11,11 , ��, _ I I I . . , 4 . I ,q 4. - 4 . ; . .. 11 . ' M9 . . - I � , VbO thio ,.. X - , - � , te s�of our ega­400"10 even At'that price.0, ­ %Pe4t4y b2,"ji� s,how* . ted., - � each other. Are You going to eat on = � I ; �'; _% _ . .4w�-",. 41T%� � ntical individual, Moira. his hgain?" -n Cardi an sait 4p with A�. Jerk, . - 11 ,I ��',qt .1 .- J& 00 we are j4you� , . ""'i - . r . pi ' - pay _Ja'�i'4 ' ' J"i'v- fi '40 not understand tliese mat, fe,edift pf"Poubtry 0iiXA,f_!U­h4s�,;*,, I vor , is f, req t ­­'. , 4 -1. �.11A)­� -ftu 11 .1 � she - Ar, emops ' - I ,._§P'1brPu How did , roiR guess it twas IV' Oh, yes! She kegge.d mq to. By .thu,piderl I he maurm,#,red . Mhat , ,each ear as. . ,#w Y rs or. ters, 8hirley. Don't try, And d,et -� tiAQ that 4 � I 1. 01 '�11, . Sh,6 looked up at him then, and her says She's 'lonesome.,, was as elosia'as,he ever�==e to -ut- 1 a sivild.* -0and toward - " 11 - �­' � en q, 1-mv I A., , t the retirein , "fLolrr' ' waste your sympathy on liait old Is one: rich 14 ca=mb, �,- " 1'6011hi 6 tin r , , wpuderful -dark eyes lighted with a "I dare say she is tering' an, oatf!�L, "By thunder!" be ,"�& By sup-, � . I ­ , ,� 11 �, � . ,,,,,_. - u '96 s to. dig up fifty better results T i0i.1- ).�. 40i:1, I 00,�, "; , Moira. Well, repeated. - Iq 'never thought of tha�l er-human eff orts_�_�j!,;:.'-.'A" �rificing a � , , Ji lb .1 14irto'*Yce had not seen -in them her choice of -a pal is a tribilte to . 0i: , . is to pay .on his bond- one rich in, p , 41 � 0en, "N1W, And, !!, hetoofore. "I knew you were corn- the brains I suspected her of pogse�s_ But.,theu," be added, "I'm not ,,, .Uozeu cargoes, raisin #ob, with the , o� I , e I . 11 I , e ness, and he's 6ding it a demonstrat 11: . for I ing,"'she replied -simply. ing, and I'm glaid you've gotten , younk as I used to be, and there are market, and getting, ovt��qlves dislik- �. .1. , I , I 01.010 I ,,, , . inws , Lin qu � -0 I W filt job. lRe's. just sparring for ga us "In I 11 40i . *0*:�,�, � any number of ideas which would h4,6 ed by our neighV.ours,,,4w I xmq -,W�- 1. "But how could you know? .1 didn,t know each other. I've no doubt yo�i, � . _, p managed' time, likut.he'll lose out." : of flesh, milk in .s ils es - . � .. ,A� 0,40 telegra h because I wanted to slir �J ---- .red to me twenty years ago'but to Ineet- half of it this:'i6ar and pro- espe .. , I � I'll, ..... , - ", oi EX41 � I - ,p - find life a little lonely sometimes, ­ A if to indicate that lie consid/ered UAL This is espe I'll, � olill,vx I , ­ , , 0 � I "'� I . . � A� " , � , , . - , I I . . ., I � . . ,;: 7. ." , LL ' do not,occur to me now.". cu,�.e An eXtensi,on, of, PIA-11nonths on . , , " 1 " � , I ­ , . .� � prise my"fatheir, and the instant the . "Sometimes, Mr. ]Bryce P, - the -balance d . the ;natter oliosed, the Colonel drew .. 11 ­ 1. ,4,, ;1:.1A1.1 1, " �. ��� � boat touched the dock, I went over- "HOW'S my father?"' . I "All right, John Cardigan. I for, "That is us. 4 ". I % his chair toward the fire, picked up a I R "" I .."I.-........— ­ '­' I 1� I,Z,�-,.. ,q,, �,-� I—- __111 - � � give you. Now, -then, continiie to Penningtor(Ijk' way. H,e . I . I L . 0 . - . .:: � 1.�, � ., ; �', " � . .4 '';�, . :e� .,; 0, - , 'I, , I . . .1 .f4.d1.1,,, r side and came directly -her4. I didn't "Splendid, Prve taken good C"Are of listen: to the north of that g,keat 'Plays With us as a -oat, does with a magazine, and c6mmenced idly to slit � 1�. f I . "I . I , 1, .. �� even *hit for the crew to run out him for you." - ' ­ the pages. Shirley studied the back Int drhW and' 'Z- 11 the gangplank -so I knoW noliody "Moira, you" block of timber held by you and, Pen- mouse, knowing,, like 'the cat, that , re 11 sweetheart of a is.wear'y' of, -Playing, he will of hi� 'head for some time, then got � are Ir. . � _ . . O h rom, ly, lr,.Olj,� , I_ ..... , L'�,.�'. W P LLL. � � could have told you I was due.- I don't know how we ever man- the Trinidad Redwood Timber Comp- evour us. And no , w en we are out some fancy work and commenced �, 0 1 '', 1, " .. 1. � �,�, � girl. nington lie . the redwood holdings of when he F � ; � "That is quite right, Mr. Bryce. aged* to wiggle kti-ong without you.,, any. 11 . deeper dn debt than ewr, when the plying her needle. And she plied 1,t, T"OMAS —_ - _1 _­ ..." NpbiDdy told me you were coming, but Fraternally -almost Patern9bly - he "Never heard of them before." market is 'lower and more sluggish a thought, nebulous ai first, gradual- � THAT IT HAS BEEN SOM. FOR ri I ' . I -AM - A _F I just knew, when I heard tht Noyo gave her radiant cheek three light lit- - ly took form'in her he -ad until event- AND IS TO -DAY A GREATER 1FLf1ER"TV"FA'1&TfyVy9A , ". "Well, timber away in there in than it has been in fifteen years, to 1. BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEA" FOR JTO, 11 I you -were aboard, and I didn't look private office. He nd has never been well hope to meet.. the intmwt and the NUMEROUS OURATIVE: OUALITI[Ek whistling as she made the dock, that tle,pats as hie strode past her to the back of b,y. ually she murmured loud enough for was in a hurry to next payment to the sinking fund the Colonel to hear: I up when you entered the office because get to his desk, upon which he could advertised, because it is regarded as I I I __ --_F, ". , . 11 T)raetically inaccessible. taxes my optimism. Bry "I'll do it." � I ., !�,,, . __,. � , ,i� � I I � _�_ . . . . . . . �� ...... . By extend- , I - . , , __ I wanted t6 verify my -my susRicion. see through the open door a pile of can't be done. , ee, it just "Do what?" Pennington queried. I 11 , ing his logging-rdad and adding to . . We'd. b>ive our road � . ,� , 1 � ��_'Ipv! - I 11 , . . _., �', .. ­ . "You had a bunch, Moira. Do you letters and orders, and a moment lat- his roll�ng stock, Pe about half completed when we'd bust "Some -thing nice for somebody who . ­ . �� get those telepathic messages very er he was deep in a perusal of them, rinington could up in business-, indeed, the minute did something nice for me," she an- I _- . , 11 11 L 11 , . . � I .. often?" He was crossing the office oblivious to the fact that ever and make it accessilyllp, but he will not. swered. . " , . , He figures on -buying all that'bacic Pennington suspected; we were par- ' 0 1 to shake her hand, anon the girl turned upon him her timber rather cheap when he get, alleling his line, he'd cboke off our "That.MeTavish girDVI he sug- I �, "I've never noticed particularly- brooding, Madonnalik& glance. around to it, for the reason that tho wind. I tell You it can't be done." gested. � " -% 0 that is, until I came to work here. But That night, Bryce and his father Our First� Shipmh nt A di I Trinidad Redwood Timber Company ,YBut Bryce contradicted him earnest- "Poor Moiral Isn't she swe'et, L - I - %; -I always know when you�are return- as was theif'custom after nner, re cannot possibly mill 'its timber un- - "It can be done,""he-said "Gre- Uncle Seth? I'm going_to give her ing'after a considerable absence." She Paired to the library, where the til a railroad connects its holdings gory knows nothing of our fi*nancial that black suit of mine. I've scarce- . gave him her hand. "I'm so glad you bustling and motherly Mrs, Tully serv- condition. Our rating In the reports ly worn it—" Winter Coats is H e. r e., are back." ed their cbffee. This good soul, af- with the outside world. They can of the commercial agenci "I thought so," he interrupted with "Why?" -he demanded bluntly. ter the democratic fashion in vogue hold it until their corporation fran- es is,as good an indulgent yawn. "Well, do what- I � . She flushed. "I ---A really don't in many Western communities, had cbise expires, and it will not Ij as it ever was, and a man.s I sufficieritly in nerease broke tdll somebody -finds it ouJ ever ever makes for your happiness, my know, Mr. Bryce." never been regarded as a servant; value to pay tilkis.11 "What do you mean?" dear. That's all money is for." � BLUE CHEVIOTS AND WHITNEYS � "Well, then," he pexsisted, "what neither did she so regard herself. "I wonder why the blamed fools "I mean that if we can start build- About two o'clock the following af- do you think makes you glad?" She -was John Cardigan's housekeep- ever b,ought -in there, Bryce,'! ing our road and have it half com- ternoon old Judge Moore, of the Su- Prices—$20.90, $22.00, $25.00 "I bad been thinking how nice it er, and as such she had for a quarter "When they bought, it ,looked like pleted before Pennington jumps on perior Court of Humboldt County, would be to have you back, Mr. of a century siarved father and son a good buy. You will remember that us,- Gregory drifted into Bryce Cardigan's office, Secure yours while stock is, complete .. Bryce. When you enter the office, their meals and theft seated herself some ten years ago a company wa,� will simply have to come it's like a breeze rustling the tops of at the table with them. This ar- ircorporated with the idea of biii1ding to our aid in self-defense. Once lic. sat down uninvited, and lifted his lung See these Coats in any event the Redwoods. And your a railroad from Grant's Pass, Ore- ties up with us, he's comnint.o(i Lo legs to the top of an adjacent chair. Best Material, full lined neatly tailored. father rangempt had but one drawback, al- a- the- task of seeing us through. If wQ "Well Bryce, my boy," he began, "a I misses you so; he talks to me a though this did not present itself un- gon, on the line of the Southern P fall, he must pick us up little bird tells me your daddy is con- ou. Why, of til after Bryce's return to Sequoia cific, down the Oregon and California us, whether he wants and carry sidering the sale of Cardigan's Red - coast to tap the redwood belt." to or not; and course we miss you; anybody would." and his assumption of the direction "I remember. There was a big I will so arrange the deal that he woods, or the Valley of the Giants, as Do not crowd us with your fall suit this season, As he held her hand, he glanced or the Cardigan destinies. For Mn. will have to. I can do it, I tvii vou.­ your paternal ancestor prefers to re- dow-n at it and noted how greatly it Tully had a failing common to ratiny whoop and hurrah and then the pro- . fer to that little old quarter -section but have your selection made at once and your position died aborn-in'. The enginvors John Cardigan raised his hand. bad changed during the past few of her s+.,3Z; she possessed for other "No," he said firmly, "I will not a) onder on the edge of town. How - months. The skin was no longer People's business an interest abso- found that the cost of construction - out Y name on the order book at earliest possible moment. through that mountainous low you to do this. That way -thaL about it?" Tough and brown, and the fingerq, lutely incapable of satisfaction-aTA country is the Pennington method. -Ir w.- Bryce stared at him a moment formerly stiff -and swol,lvn from hRrd she -as, in addition, garrulous be- was prohibitive." fall, my son, we pass out like g(-ntle_ questioningly. "Yes, Judge," he re- work, were growing more shapely. yond be;ief. The library was the Well, before the project died, Greg- men, not blackguards. We will no' plied, "we'll sell, if we get our price.',, ory and his associates believed that 3. ,; R.E. BRIGHT, Seaforth From her bond his glance roved over one ,spot in the house which at the it was going to survive. They &­ take advantage of this man Gregor I - "Well," his visitor drawled, "I have the girl, noting the improvement -s in beginning of her employment John cided to climb in on the ground floor' faith. If he joins forces,',�with us, we , a client -who might be persuaded. Prn her dress, and'the way the thick, Cardigan had indicated to Mrs. Tully -had some advance, insid.e infOTMa- lay our hand on the tible and IOL here to talk turkey, What's yourl Dress Well and Succeed wavy black bair was piled on top of aF sanctuary for him and his; hence, him look." � P rice ? " her vhapely head. having served the coffee this even- tion that the -road was to'be built ; "Then he'll never join han(Ls with ri " Bryce par- TAILORING AND HABERDASHERY "It hadn't occurred to me before, ing, the amiable creature withdrew, so they quietly gathered together _ Phone42 thirty thousand acres of good stuff us, partner. We're done.'P ed, .111 want you to answer a. ques ' "We're not done, my son. We havc: . & Moira.11 he Raid with a bright im- although not without a pang as she tion."' personal smile that robbed his Ye- reflected upon the probable nature of and then sart down to wait for the one alternative, and I'm goin "Let her fly," said Judge Moore. , railroad. And they are -till waiting, it. sag to take "Are you, diqctly or indirectly, ac, --- ------- . --.-------- --- - - -, - ____ xnark Of all suggestion of masculine their conv6rsation and the void which I Gregory, by the way, is the president I've got to --for your ke. Mort flattery, "but it seerns to me I'm un- must inevitably result by reason of of the Trin4dad Redwood Timber Com- over, your mother would have wdshed ing for Colonel Pennington?" . - - . � usually glad to see -you, also. You've the absence of her advice and friend- I pany. He's' an Edinburgh man, an I it so." "That's none of your tusiness, been fixing your hair different." , ly co-operation and sympathy. I "You don't mean—" young man -at least, it would be none I The -soft -lambent glow leaped again No sonner had Mrs. Tully depart- I the fly American promoters got him ,, 1. - I to put up the price of the timber an ! . Yes, I do. I'm going to sell Pen� I of your business if I were, directly� into Kpira's eyes. He had noticed ed than Bryce rose and closed the rtgaged their interests to him nington my Valley of the Gi,nL,. I or indireculy, acting for that uncon- A A ber-particularly. "Do you like my door behind her. John Cardigan , then mo Thank God, that quarter-spetton d ... i victA-d thief. To the best of my in- I Fine Shetlain d Pony op -1 as security for the advance. bair done that way?" .she inquirerl ei,ed the conversation with a content- closed on their note- five years sI,�o,­ not belong to the Cardigan Redwoui formation and belief, Colonel Pen -1 eagerly. . ed grunt: Lumber Company. It is my persona: nington doesn't figure in this deal in . "I don't know whether I do or not. "Plug the key -hole, son," he conJ ."And there is with his useless tim. . ! 1 ber!" John Cardigan murmured property, and it is n,,t mortgaged. any way, shape, or manner; and as' &-�>. I � It's unusual—for you. You look tinued. "I believe you have some- thoughtfully. "The poor Scotch suck- Pennington can never foreclose on it you know, I've been your daddy'*s I To "Lie Given �i. mighty sweetly old-fashioned with it thing on your rnind—and you knowl ery 11 nd until he get,,; it, twenty-fivu friend for thirty years." I - oe what like an old- how Mrs. Tully resents tn,e closing of hundred acres of virgin timler on Still Bryce was not convinced, not -1 fashioned of my that do,or. Estimable soul that she I "He isn't poor. The purcha�e 'of _ uerreoty h is Squaw Creek are valueless—nay, a withstanding the fact that he would ; dag -pe i that ,timber didn't even dent I Awa 111N .... "I - _­. mother. Is this new style the latest is, I have known her to eavesdrop. bank -roll. He's what they call in source of expense to him. Bryce, he have staked his honour on the Judge'.q I y "I I in hairdressing in sequoia?" She can't help it, poor thing! She E,ngland a tinned -goods manufactur- has to have it; and he'll pay the veracity. Nobody knew better thani � , I "I think so. Mr. Bryce. I copied it was born that way." I ,er—purveyor to His Majesty the price, -hen he knows I mean busi- he in what devious ways the Colonel! . from Colonel Pennington's niece, Miss Bryce clipped a cigar and held a I King, and all that. But he wool,, ness." worked, his wonders to perform. . I Sumner." lighted match while his fath,er "srnok- like to sell his timber, and being With a sweeping gesture he waved "Well," he said, "your query 1,111 I "Ob," )ie replie dbriefly. "You've eds up." Then he slipped into thel Scotch, naturally he desires to sell it aside the argument that rose to his rather ,sudden, Judge, but still I can� Tnet her, have you? I didn't know ea. y -chair beside the old man. I "Lead me to the telephone - I will state frank- I profit. In order to create a son's lips. , name you a price.. ly, however, that I believe it to be � "Well, John Cardigan," he began� at a he commanded; and Bryce, recogniz- ree . --- W - I she was in Sequoia still." market for it, however, he has to , . I �� � � I 66 � , gerly, "fate ripped a big hole in � his sire's unalterable determina- over your head. We have several 11 11 , "She's been away, but she came va have an oublet to that market. We ing I - �� � - back last week. I -went to the Val- our dark cloud the other day and supply the outlet—with his help; aKd I t'on obeyed. times refused to sell to Colonel Pen- ley of the Giants last Saturday after- -showed me .some of the silver lining. what happens? Why, timber that "Find Pennington's number in the nington for a hundred thousand dol - ,0, I've been making bad medicine for Y out thousands i noon cost him fifty and seventy-five cents telephone -book,', John Cardigan com- 18rs," Every Contest Store is busy 9-1ving Bryce interrupted. "You didn't tell Colonel Pennington. Partner, the pill per thousand feet stumpage—and the manded next. (Continued - next week) my father about the tree that -was I'm rolling for that scheming scoun- actual timber will overrun the aruis- Bryce found it, and his father pro- — - of votes to those interested in helping their favorite cut, did you?" he demanided sharplv. drel will surely nauseate him when er's estimate every time ­—will be ceeded to get the Colonel on the wire. THE BURIAL OF A—R M—n Boy or Girl win the Pony. Who is going to win it'! CIN0.99 lit swallows it." 7" worth two dollarsr and fifty cents— "Pennington,"' be .qaiti hoarsely, "this Not a (-beer was heard, not a feeble I No one can tell until the last votes are counted. "Good girl! He mustn't know. Go "What's in the wind, boy. I peThaps more."' is John Cardigan qpvaking. I've de- -note I on, Moira. I interrupted you." "We're going to parallel Penning- - The elder Cardigan turned slowly ,ided tp sell you that (luarter-section As home from the bus . tlings Art. � Thousands of votes are voted each day and the "I met Mi." Sumner up there. She ton's Icgging-road." . that blocks your timfwr on Squaw hurried; � . dges are busy counting them. Pick out your fav- ' , , "Inasmuch as that wilil cost close 1 n 'his chair and bent his sightless Creek." Not a stalwnrt exchanged a hip-flask� 31-1 . was lost; she'd followed tiie old trail upon his son. "Well, weli," bv ork hard f or him or her. Ballot box is into the timber, and when the trees to three quarters of a million dollars, gaze . "Indeed," the Co+onid purred. "I shot orite and w -I,oqt all sense I , m of the opinion that we're not go- cried impatiently. bad an idea yo,u w(,ry going to pre- 0'er (hi, ground wherp our hero w(,, shut out the sun, she . ng to do anything (if the sort." "He loans us the money to builrl sent it to. the city for a natural buried. at J. E. Keating's Drug Store. Of direction. She was terril-Ay frigh"t- I ,, our road. We build dt—on through ened and eming when I found her ! Perhaps. Nevertheless, if I can our timber and into his, The collat- park." . Every boy and girl would like to own a Pony. Think of the end b'rougbt � her home." demonstrate to R certain party that 11 f've chaffied my mind, too. I've We buried him d(vp on election nighti pleasure in store for the winner of this Contest. Get in at the start "Well, 16 s -wan, Moira! W -hat was it will not cost more than three quar- eral security which we put up will be a twenty -five -years contract to haul decided norb to buy-- fit my last offer. when tht� boys from the polls were, and get your friends and the folks at home to help you. 8'he doing 'in our timbeT?" ters of a million, he'll loan me the his logs to tidewater on Humboldt Good -night" ' _ returning, I . oney." Slowly John Card�gan hung the re O'er oursmuggrled moonshine bubbling i NOTE.—No person or persons connected with the Contest Stores "$be told me that once when ,she in . $11 Bay, at a base fraight-rate of one . 1 was a little girl, you bad taken be -r c The old man .shook his head the dollar and fifty cents, with an increaso ceiver On the 'book, turned and grop- bright or their Brothers or Sisters will be allowed in the Contest, and no for a ride on your ponv up to your lon't believe it, Bryce. Who's of twenty-five cents per thousand ev- ed for his son. Whon he found him, And our fag -ends dimly burning. I sympathy contestanLq will b,e allowed to enter. Everyone entering mother's- grave. And it seems she craiy man?" eTY five years thereafter, and an op. the old man held him for a moment I must be capable Of WOTking' and bustling for votes. Contest starts bad a great curiosity to q.e,e tbats-pot "His name is Gregory. He's tion for a renewal, of the contract up- in his arims. "Lead me upstairs, No usviess medals. adorned his breast, I Saturday, September 18tb, and ends the night of December 11th. agai Scotch." or. expiration, at the rate of freight ,on," he murmured pressently. I'll n and -started out without sayinz ,, m For the foe at the front never found ; a word to any one. Poor dear! She Now I know hes crazy. When he last paid. We also grant him per- tired. I'm going to bed." him; Miss Kerr, of the Do -minion Bank, has been appointed to count was in a sad state when I found her." hands you the money, you'll find he's Uetual booming -space for his logs in When Colonel Seth Pennington But he lay like a Tory taking his reat up the votes each week and Mr. Jam" Mullen, Manager of the Bank "HOW fortunate You found herl I've talking reall money but thinking of the slough which we own and where tMrned from the teleplao-ne and faced With the Te-Irgram wrapped around of Commerce, and IVIT. Robert Jones, Manager of the Dominion Bank, Tnet Miss Somney three or four times. Confederate greenbacks. For a sane we now store our logs until needed .his niece, Shirley read his triumph in him. - have been appointed Judges to check up the counting of the votes and That was when she first came to Se- Scotchman to loan that much money In addition we sell him, his face. "Old Cardigan hag capitu- decide on the winner, -which decision is final. ___ _ . � without collateral security WOUld be at the mill. leted at last," he cried exultingly. Sad and ssilt were the tears that we — __ uivalent to exposing his spinfilcord at a reasonable figure, suffleient land ,'We've played a waiting game and shed The following Merchants will give You votes on all cash pur- 4 eq � ' fronting on tidewater to enable him I've won; he just telephoned to say And our face-, were Wreathed in and tickling it with a rat-tail file." to erect a sawmill, lay out his yards, chases and cash paid on accounts of 25 cents and up. Ask for them. Great, Rejoici ng y Bryce laughed. "Pal," he declar- and build a dock out into the deep he'd Accept my last offer for his sorrow; A, , ,PP1 ed, ,,if you And I have any brains, water. . Valley of the Giants, as the senti- But we smiled as the Globe's explW- ed"m atic Cr es they must roll around in our skulls "Thus Gregory will have that meintal old fool calls that quarter- tion we read F. W. WIGG, J. E. KEATING, , 1. like buckshot in a tin pan. Here which he hasn't got now—an outlet section of huge Tedwoods that blocks And sought from It solace to bor- /,- we've been sitting for three months, to his market by water; and when the the outlet to our Squaw Cr I Belt tizn- rG'X. Boots and Shoes. Seaforth Pharmacy. . and twiddling our thumbs, or lying ruilroad to Sequoia ibuilds in fronathe Toer." If So Ckijrled You Can't Use Arms or k nights, trying tqlacberne a wa,v "But you're -not going to buy it. We Lho4ht, as of ballot, we made up I awa e South, it will conn�et with the road # � . Legs,,'. �heuma Will Help You or out of our difficulties, when if we'd which we have built from Sequoia up You told him so, Uncle Seth,' his bed ROSS J. SPROAT, ]BEATTIE BROS., , 146thitig to Pay had the sense -that God gives geese into Township Nine to the north- "Of course I'm not &*oing to buy And bundled him into it pronto, Groceries. SmaR Wares & China. ­ � we would have solved tke ,problem ' it­a� MY last -offer. It's worth five How tbe Grits, and Progressives would � . �, ., �0 I I , , long ago and ceased worrying. Lis- !'1_1___=F!___ . I thousand dollars in the open -market rule in his stead, � Qe-t, u jbottle ,,of Rheuma today and ten, now, with all your ears. '*hen ... m fifty thousan� And we full of gl.?om in Toronto. Wei&A satifified atalle on your face to- Bill Henderson wanted to build the . . for it. Now I'll give him"five." J. F. DALY, W. M. STEWART, , 1-1 .. . . I I "I wonder 'why he wants to sell," Lightly they'll speak of our leader 3UOVr0*r : " logging railbroad Which he afterward . Garage & Jewelry Store. Groceries. I WA� - A. koaied,y that, is astonishing sold. to Pennington and which Pen- . . . I ,� 1 �� Shirley amused. "From what Bryce that's gone, thd,,:�',*Uolo. 46uAtry,, and it's Just as ringtun is now usin,� as a club to beat I . 11 ., - . t 1: 16v� goti ns out, did be have the money . . I � I Cardigan told me once, his father at- And with Doucet's fables upbraid f, seiatida and lumbago our brall , I ta,6hes a SOntiniental valud to that him; I , I D. H. STEWART, THE HIMON EXPOSIT01% " , , ast 16t.tfi4&dt1A*1 to build It" I .1 of woods; -his wife is biried But little hell reek if they let him lie 6 I f I , � ii;� or*i th,646hronous waste from "No. " - . =; it's—or rather, it used to te— on Mleats & Provisions. Newspaper SUbs�oPtioltIZI!% the -4 "14 si.—that's tho I a , , �� 014t� , � W16 � fascle t,whero did he g*t It?" I � sort of shrine to the old gentlefnan.'y In the bush where the voters haye , _­­ ­­­, _. I , 1� "I loaned It to kim He only bad VO AdMig It because his% d6s- . 1, . � I... 11 ..... . . , - I - Zoe, J� a ghftma,b '#�caesd. I build I i �, I laid Min. � .., . . �, �, 11 I .. 11�'fit �* - our About eight IW168 6f road to parate. U he. *Wwn'f testeTfug On - ., .. 11 . .',�..-�, , . :� ., & �dofi%` *9'k you to tAke � �, ;�" -.1 1, . , 11 , . - 1W V#rge bf ba , eaft I . . i �' [ so I could. afford to aceblnmo- B611otUx is in J. 9.4'.1k eg Drug 81 M A VOTAr tipgo tq 0. AberhaTt Of any then, . ten he'd never But half our heavy task was done . * It . I . " , ',�'! I I. "I '. I C. � , . I . � I ' *­ -, � . ­� . , , , _91, � % W 11, him. 11 10t itiO OUt ��P, for the standing amotmeed ift: 0 . , U rug A * IPA-& 64 a bottlo Of date , . . i% t , gaVio' him, t Pen n re- Whet dawn oler the city was bTeak- . .. I I 11 I 11 1. 1­.� , - . . , I'., I v,�)_10,; �tM 901y. "'I'll sty Wt,, r tae . . . , j,.L: �.'�," . ' I '�L . '�, ... .� 11 , .. ut og NO, We "llow .. P1 , il�ti , I , .1 I �_ 11 — __ , . ..... � I . . � . I I i , I I I` I AIA - 41 1 &E �'A kl�;*A� , I -d the distaht 11"Iff6li* ; . . � '.. ��,: .1� , , 1, I.." �! ,". �� he ii,t ­ "Sn't 6 � I!, I I . ,� , 1, , , I , � wigy, ��Ad - "Whyp Ila gave" Me a tett-10414 Coll- ­..... I I � ii -1 -0614IN44." '�*-" ALIVId W# 'heal " i ,��_ � : . . " , ­ _11- . . . . . . W 1- ---- 6 1.j . I 4.,-.1 ...!, , I . . I I 11 1, ��,�',­14.4�,-,, 1',�­,.7j,, � I. 5� I I -A%.&,. % - .,a -­ ­ . 11.-- ­ ­ - — ,�'...10�,­ - . �'. . 'U* , .1 z il. 11111 fm- ­ I i , * 'you, - our low at -4.1,41!, 11 , . ."', 'p - ,,� ., � ,I�W, A' t — I :�� V , :� . � I "M :� i ON ,did -be OW -you bAck?" U4, "; I .1, ., 1� .1: Al , -:, "" 11 . I'— I . , I .. "I :: ,K,� - . ­� � � i U64 . � ,; ;1i, .11, . . I-; 1. - . ��"'.N .., � A - "kt".1111 . , , , ­ , I I � -, -4: _�I! ' " .­�, �:,�,�i,r,A��'�' �� '.� "' '��'�'L ' � � ''. . - ;.�, ,RW I , 'r , tj�,�" �L" ". W . ' I 0 *411%�, for I tftd 11WI&A'aling 1 40 I I , 1�,;'­`L�,-:.­,yjl.� " N`:''5",'�.v " "". 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