HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-10-01, Page 3�q )M�.M,k O'N P Z; 5,i Mr-� '4� ir 0— FA -." ix V a , W wl�llpm -A P Ivw W 4 C 4 , " x1givo, A01 er thp, va.4", PX� el,� 6� It Wtruly� dejicjou� OU�-Iialf cupfuls of, water Wneg4r, 6% level cupfuls oj �31194r,'I bottle liquId, pectin gi�eey c*ring i 'Cu � LT, e a vai n t lea"�- Xx water and. vine' g0r, add coloring to give t4p, d, -- . eq#0,407� esirect-s,11ade a4d "Ps' 0ESjARD1N$ stir until dissdlVed; - add" one I cupful Thousands of people, In every mint leaves that have fiftt been 'fart of Canada, arc-raPidly'winniiig slightly crushed, and, �i - ck Wmer Ior,'ten health -and strength with the' -Minutes. Skim out �the JeOvvp; add -]kelp of "Frult-a-tives.11 sugar and bring to,11le boll. - �When Mrs. Napoleon D�sjardins. of. boiling, add liquid. *edtiny statilng Grand Falls, N. B, says she, took �Wnstautly, and bring aggii to a ful' several 1101tes of this I mar,�-elloils, rQllitag boil, iind bo1$­fj)jr. . . I -fmit- medicine for pain in the back minute- Remove :from *nk)_4aLf COnstillation'. "They did tbe fire, lt� m6 gvc-d stanq for one minute.0 sk6 and, Po-ar i1nmediately and'I am relie;ved of' qviekli -in-t6. -hot stQri�zed- these troubles. Now r always keeo'.a Wh�n cold cover vnth'smoking hot h0X of "F�rult�a-oxes­ jyj the house�', Paraflin and seal.,Bottle in the small_ Th'5 gertuille fruit lia4!chie — est glasses obtainablf.. r1irc% f m. fresh fruit' juiceis,' m-_ . . Eftilivh ' Chutney. terisified and combined with tonics One -pound grapes 'or raisins, ten is Nature's 'Gvvn remedy for cor. large app%j, peeled aXd cored, five ,-Xe&!_-10 Ce�lstll�ation, Pain in the large o: �ons, Peeled, 1% Pound brown -Brick, Stoa-tach, Kidney and Bladder si7gar, 2" tablespoonfuls salt, I Ounee Troubles; foj! P�I:ifYing the Blood; I �urrY powder, 11/2 pints vinegAr, one and building up the general bf-7"'A. teaspoonful each cinnamon, nutmeg Get a box Yourself—talc-,.� �he­m and allspice. according to dirnctions­- '. see how K4tbod: Stone grapes, chop av� quickly you, too, I(eel better. Ples and onions fine add all the other dealers. ingredients, and si�lmer until thick rare being taken that mixture does' not scorch, FAVO-dTE TESTED RECIPES ---------- K�dneys With Baked Tomatoes. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS May Obtain Relief by Enriching Select the number of kidneys you the Blood Through the Use of wish to serve and allow one tomato -Dr. Williams, Pink Pills. for each kidney. Soak the kidneys In the days of our grandfathirs one hour in cold water, pare and trim rheumatism was thought to be the them, then plunge them into boiling unavoidable penalty of middle life water for one minute. Split and sea- and old age. Almost every elderly son with salt and pepper, place in Person had rheumatism, as well as baking dish. Between the kidneys many Younk people. it was thought place the tornatcres, which have be"en that rheumatism was due to exposure cut into halves; sprinkle the tomatoes to cold and dampness, and it was with chopped omion, salt and pepper, treated with linaments and hot appli- and a little sugar, if desired. Dot cations which sometimes gave tem - %all with bits of butter. Bake in a porary relief but did not remove the 'hot oven until kidneys are tender trouble. In those days there were and tomatoes and onions are soft-- many rheumatic cripples. Now med- about fifteen minutes. Slices of ba.- ical science understands that rheum - con may be used instead of the but- atis- is a disease Of the blood and ter. Any small kidneys may be us- that with good red blood any man or ed. woman of any age can defy rheuma- Fish Baked In Casserole. tism. There are now many elderly Skin a fresh cod, �ut in pieces, dip People who have riever felt a twinge in flour, fry a light brown color. Take of rheumatism, because they have three onions and five large potatoes, kept their blood in good condition, slice thin. Line a casserole with a and there are many who have can - layer of onions, then of potatoes, q,,r-ed it by building upr their -weak, sprinkle with Ralt pepper and flo,r, watery blood, The blood -enriching .and a little finel� chopped parsley,.' quialities of Dr, Williams' Pink Pill, Next add a layer of fish,and continue �S becoming every Year more widely until dish is full, having potatoes on known and the more general use of the top. Barely fill dish vaith water, these Pills have robbed rheumatism of cover and bake one and one-half its terrors. At the first sign of thin bours in a moderate oven. Serve in impure blood protect yourself agains; .casserole. This is a favorite fish t e ravages of disease by taking Dr. dish, and will serve an appetizing Williams' Pink Pills, They have rneall to a good sized family. helped thousands—if you give them Luncheon Dish. a fair trial they will not disappoint Slightly beat an egg and add to You- Their value in the case of it one-quarter cup of milk. Cut rheumatism is proved by the state - bread in half-inch slices, then cut merit of Mr, Finlay Beaton, Black - round with a biscuit cutter, having stone, N.S., who says:—,,I feel it a the rounds about the size of a slice duty - to tell YOU Of the wonderful of tomato. Fry bacon until a deli- beriefit'l deHved from the use of Dr. cate brown. When,it is cooked, re- Wil'liams' Pink Pills, I suffered un - move it from the pan and keep it told agony from rheumatism and a warm. Fry one small strip of bacon run-dovm condition, The trouble left for 46ach person. Dip the rounds of me incapable of work of any kind, bread into the egg mixture and fry and for a part of the , time I was un - In the hot bacon fat. If there is nOt able to mOve without the asaistance Isufficient fat, add a little more. Re- of 'a cane. I took different medicine ]move fried bread to hot plates or a from doctors, and also other remedies platter and spread with Paris pate. that were recommended, but did Fry a slice of Peeled tomato for each not improve and had about given up person. Place the tomato on the hope Of getting better when a friend fried bread, lay the strip of bacon on advised me to try Dr. Williams, Pink top, put in the oven to reheat for a Pills. I did this with the result that Inoment, and serve very hot, within four months I was as well a Risott(x man as ever I had been. I can say This is an Italian recipe, and it may that I was a complete wreck when I be the means of using up any bits of began using Dr. Will,liams' Pink Pills Xneat that the housekeeper has on and that this medicine mpletely band, or it may be made 'with cheese built up my health. Th- co s was some land tomato only. Wash one cupful years ago, and I have ba'd no return of rice and turn it into a frying pan of the trouble since. I give this containing two tablespoons of melt- statement hoping it will benefit ed butter. Stir over a moderate beat others." until it begins to take on a golden YOU can get these pills from any tinge and then add two cups canned medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a tomatoes which have been pressed box from The Dr. Willi�wms, Medicine through a sieve and one cup strained Co., Brockville, Ont.' 'stock. Cover and cook slowly untill ---------- 0— the rice- is tender and has absorbed CLEAN-UP OF CATTLE T. B. ijeaTlY all the liquid, -Which wiltj take MEANS FEWER T. B. HOGS about forty minutes. when half With current progress in eradicat- done add salt and paprika to taste. ing tuberculosis from cattle, a notice- Xf necessary to stir, use a fork, so able decline of the same disease as not to break the grains, Just be- among swine is taking place. This fore removing from the fire add a announcement by the Bureau �f An - tablespoon of butter cut in.bits and imal. industry, Unit)ed State, half a cup grated cheese. De- 11alf a cup partment of Agriculture, is based on of any minced meat or Poultry can, be field observations and by records of tubstituted for the cheese, both ham the Federal meat inspection serv-ice. and sausage being particularly, good. A striking example of, the effect Scalloped Cabbage. of the work has been received by the Place four cupfuls of chopped Young departmeiit from an Iowa packing Cabbage in a mixing bov1% shake over company, wNeb has ','kept books" on it tWO teaspoonfuls of flour, one-half such %ss", for'the last seven years. te"IIP0071flil Pa rika, 1/2 teaspoonful In 1919, the average loss per hog t43 It!: f_w gregs 0� CAyenite -pepper, caused by tuberculous infection Was a8poonful mustard, and I CUP 75 cents. This figure is the..eOn6mjc loss for hogs slaughtered in the * 0 plant. In 19,20 the loss dgelined to 66 cents, in 1921 bo 0 cents, and -in ka22 Ito a2 cents. Since V2S the loss as Mcirned further to 26 el�nt%, Patther evidence is giveift bY the report for Hardin Cojm�; 10 Which is an area accreclit*d, hs V64: fk0m, lbonne, tuberculosis. Dor. '.04 ANM,%- OF. r- a �,("Lue Ontus' Period more than Eft-,� 006 ih r4rt� shipped from this The New Exclusive V Dresses ARE RECEIVING UNSTINTED PRAISE We are sure you will ad- m.it that Seaforth never had a dress display that in any way approaches- our special showing for this Fall. They are all so stunning, every dress seems to be try- ing to 6utshine its neighbor. Straight lines are dominat- ing the style for Fall. Flannels, Poiret Twills, Charmeuse and Jerseys for street wear; Silk, Crepes, Canton Crepes, Satin Back Crepes, Taffeta, Crepe Ro- maine for dress wear. Every pogsible wanted color is represented. Every size is here. PRICES: $5 to. $38.75 Men'sNew Felt H.ats. FOR FALL This store, always a leading hat store, is again demonstrating its strength in an exceed- ingly attractive dNplay of New Felt Hats. I Greys, Sands, a n d Browns are the leading Shades, and the wide rim. 11 12 vp Ph gig RT ze and, �u "I a, on t] S2 a ng just what you *aa,ii,agsat md. Our; swk, f, L here early. Evwy gi�rW entds fairly brlj.�Oia'�g` ; for your Fall Pequirements.. It will P 31y You tP.. see. FALL KILLINERY In Full Swing The Millinery Department is a vqry attractive depart- ment these days. The naw Fall Hlhts are as distinctive and smart as they are attractive in price. Charming i_R all the glory of their new Autumn shades, these lovely new hats are receiving the keen admiration of every vis- itor to P the department. You will be delighted with this season s styles—they are so attractive and becoming. Come in and spend a few pleasant minute,-, inspecting this delightful assemblage of New Hats. The" Largest, the mostcom- plete stock of the SM'artest Suits and Light Fall Overcoats, "THEY SURE ARE SWELL" You really must come in and see our Fall display of Men's Suits and Overcoats.- There are so many dif- ferent styles and colors to choose from we could not possibly describe them all. In preparing this big sl�owing we bought Aonly the very best lines from only the foremost makers, with the result that we have r �ght now in our store the very cream Of this Fall's production. You simp- ly can not afford to pass these beau- ti-ful Suits and Coats. And, as is al- ways the case, you save when you buy here. 11, .1M z'i & An'A F, Wom,'ens- Coats.. TI11AT WE RAVE NEVER EQUALLED BEFORE You will fairly revel in our display of New Coats. There are so many attrae- tive coats you hardly know which to look at first. Browns, Wine, Navy, Sand and Grey are the out,_ standing shades. Fur trim - m , ing is liberally used. The styles arein the new straight lines and Dahnan effects. You will wonder that a store even as bi as, ours 9 71 could have so many new and attractive coats. Come in and see them. - PRICES: $15 to $6-0 I Medium Weight Underwear FOR MEN Penman's Merino or Mottled Underwear ; elastic cuffs, full size, made up to the usual Penman standard. Siz- es 34 to 44 ....... $1.00 Medium weight Com. binations in a flat knit, long sleeves and ankle length. Sizes, 34 to 44. Price .......... . to% ite cOum"Y 4114 PA4,qqht*red 'with all ay. ft"'Oftid 108fo eitused by, tdb, F., F 0 eevtg ea h This V I 4 i�-Akfh 09 the gw, 4. "tM f!�� eabout W 4 1w, Al 10, f 7, .1', _ft� ROS IE T -WART "up S� �;!5r -g7 ift, iiih . ... .. ms, A P"'. �A11,-.1'­,".. 41- 771, 1 j w, �4- gl"`X '110 m 4XR'.PD,41 Mill A, 5 ! PON, N -t Tim `0 A, 'we "WMI, so e-Aiifis! sty les- are Al made big Fri* you buy. ff�o '000 The New Exclusive V Dresses ARE RECEIVING UNSTINTED PRAISE We are sure you will ad- m.it that Seaforth never had a dress display that in any way approaches- our special showing for this Fall. They are all so stunning, every dress seems to be try- ing to 6utshine its neighbor. Straight lines are dominat- ing the style for Fall. Flannels, Poiret Twills, Charmeuse and Jerseys for street wear; Silk, Crepes, Canton Crepes, Satin Back Crepes, Taffeta, Crepe Ro- maine for dress wear. Every pogsible wanted color is represented. Every size is here. PRICES: $5 to. $38.75 Men'sNew Felt H.ats. FOR FALL This store, always a leading hat store, is again demonstrating its strength in an exceed- ingly attractive dNplay of New Felt Hats. I Greys, Sands, a n d Browns are the leading Shades, and the wide rim. 11 12 vp Ph gig RT ze and, �u "I a, on t] S2 a ng just what you *aa,ii,agsat md. Our; swk, f, L here early. Evwy gi�rW entds fairly brlj.�Oia'�g` ; for your Fall Pequirements.. It will P 31y You tP.. see. FALL KILLINERY In Full Swing The Millinery Department is a vqry attractive depart- ment these days. The naw Fall Hlhts are as distinctive and smart as they are attractive in price. Charming i_R all the glory of their new Autumn shades, these lovely new hats are receiving the keen admiration of every vis- itor to P the department. You will be delighted with this season s styles—they are so attractive and becoming. Come in and spend a few pleasant minute,-, inspecting this delightful assemblage of New Hats. The" Largest, the mostcom- plete stock of the SM'artest Suits and Light Fall Overcoats, "THEY SURE ARE SWELL" You really must come in and see our Fall display of Men's Suits and Overcoats.- There are so many dif- ferent styles and colors to choose from we could not possibly describe them all. In preparing this big sl�owing we bought Aonly the very best lines from only the foremost makers, with the result that we have r �ght now in our store the very cream Of this Fall's production. You simp- ly can not afford to pass these beau- ti-ful Suits and Coats. And, as is al- ways the case, you save when you buy here. 11, .1M z'i & An'A F, Wom,'ens- Coats.. TI11AT WE RAVE NEVER EQUALLED BEFORE You will fairly revel in our display of New Coats. There are so many attrae- tive coats you hardly know which to look at first. Browns, Wine, Navy, Sand and Grey are the out,_ standing shades. Fur trim - m , ing is liberally used. The styles arein the new straight lines and Dahnan effects. You will wonder that a store even as bi as, ours 9 71 could have so many new and attractive coats. Come in and see them. - PRICES: $15 to $6-0 I Medium Weight Underwear FOR MEN Penman's Merino or Mottled Underwear ; elastic cuffs, full size, made up to the usual Penman standard. Siz- es 34 to 44 ....... $1.00 Medium weight Com. binations in a flat knit, long sleeves and ankle length. Sizes, 34 to 44. Price .......... . to% ite cOum"Y 4114 PA4,qqht*red 'with all ay. ft"'Oftid 108fo eitused by, tdb, F., F 0 eevtg ea h This V I 4 i�-Akfh 09 the gw, 4. "tM f!�� eabout W 4 1w, Al 10, f 7, .1', _ft� ROS IE T -WART "up S� �;!5r -g7 ift, iiih . ... .. ms, A P"'. �A11,-.1'­,".. 41- 771, 1 j w,