The Huron Expositor, 1926-09-24, Page 6r�, 'i A W
Pere tziliix
'00 sigis of'thio natvre�are iiato on,
short By rooted in closed aar4ea framw6
0A6'av4orAnt, says that from which they must be- removed T� W!" i who is to found a profit -
IMA. I � :.
,he h4A. 4 -revel
0 quiribqi v*r W1114 wWch to when cold weather arrives, or in boxes at JLerd of Pure bred dairy , R-obb
the ZeWo it he failed to, shoot
shoot' therefore, be careful to
whelor -4 or pets in the greephouse or warm ca qu
killed La the jwae-
window. StarP V oundation $to& Of known ou JUal
ra- Ahis time there wag uo weakening It is not we,11 to make the cutt gs
g strains and then keep logo 90TIO.""IT,
at the lest nitiment, and the negro of beddmg plants of too great leingth- wee(ftg "d invariably usizAg bulls of daiv J�fi
te legisla lain ftodfyi�l � 0
be an even m Three or four joints in length will be the bies't he can
-uld ore fired a charge of shot into Judge
roducing families XftCt
par the fact Smith. Hg� thein turned and fled. ample. It is especially desirable that obtaiA. if ii 0fW&Wr ovory 'i otol"%
_ y stAiiry but for 11 of the heifers he pro -
Why will be pleaded and The two murderers reached Batche- a sharp knife be used in this as in duce& &1!o, to be worthy of their pure
allowed. Insanity like sui- tor's car and hurried back to the all cases, sb as to prevent a tearing breediW and profitable at the pall. for COUGHS, COLDS
farm, the negro. little "Ll INA,
112 al U
gas a tendency of removing the to his —bin of the stems- Torn cuttings often There axe lots of scruh pure bred and. BRONCHITIS driving, WWI h01141ingly
p 1 and Batchelor to his wife and child. rot off in the soil. It is essenti t Jm ro m
and glamor from crimes of al tha cows -,t as unp fitable as so e ft
It might be argued, of He was there for half an hour before soft�wqoded cuttings be very careful- grades and acrubs and worse in that
that there is insanity in ey- he was aroused by relati-,es burst- ly watered; only, however, when the they mask as superior on'account of MENOWWWWWWWO in r0tion" unsultmMe, Anil
fie fbodo,. postorlj*. JW fifes,
murder, for Clarence Darrow laid ing in with news of the terrible soil is approaching dryness should breeding and actually are counterfits of drin)tIng water or 241neralo, ni
'-ft—sm the dictum that all murdem crime. He went at or -,e to lie scene water be applied_ of the went kind.
%tion during the resting Ve
Iall into one of two classes; either and seemed overwhe'.ned with Now is the time to propagate ffappily� however, there are many The man who does not brood his own and neglect to allow resting Vol
tbgy are the result of a love affair emotion. When the police set to perennials such as Plilay, Shasta Pure bred and high grade cows that dairy animalls rarely finds the boa& all influence advoreeg Wlk Yield
or they are committed to cover up work on the case they found the Daisies, Paeonies, Delphiniums, Iris, are WeAdJd. persistent, profitable type of producing cows. They can anyone may upset 0 oulations of
a lesser mime. the man who kills inevitable shell which had been GaAlardia, and in fact most of the milk producers and they are tress- ures to be prized and perpetuvAed. owner basiod upon breeding.
the woman whom he once loved or ejected from the automatic. Marks hardy kinds. This, of course, may
perhaps loves at the moment of com- on it showed the sort of gunt that be done in Spring as well. In all
miting -the crime, as was the case in had exploded it, and the number of cases the pieces or divisions should
Toronto a short time ago, may well 12. gauge automatic shotipins in the �)ear crowns or buds from which in
be considered insane., And the bur- neighborhood was limited. More- Spring the growths will start, It
glar who murders his victim in a over news came to the sheriff Of is better to err on the side of mak-
panic lest he be arrested for bur- Batchelor and Leonard having been ing the divisions large than small,
glary may also be insane to some ex- seen in the motor car a short dis- as the more quickly will pleasing ere s e adlo
tent. tance from Judge Smith's home Lffects be possible from the plant -
Judge Smith was a typical South- shortly before the crime. After tha irgs.
ern gentleman, admired and respect- funeral both men were arrested, and when intended to raise a large
ed by all who knew him and a mosz. after a short grilling both confessed. stock of perennials and which are
*d for
kindly, charitable man, who never Relatives of Batchelor are Prepar- not needed for immediate planting ^U— I 'a
turned anyone from his door, whether ed to swear that he had acted -- in the borders, smaller divisions
black or white, who sought his help. I centrically for some months before may be made and these be set out
He was moderately wealthy, having the murder, and his defence of insan- in nursery Lines for a year, where
some $60,000 worth of property and ity may be successful. they will grow to a good size for bor-
insurance policies amounting to $30,- der use.
000. He had two children, a son, and There are alIzo many shrubs
Elizabeth, a daughter, who was the WHEN YOUNG GIRLS which may be propagated by div -i -
wife of Batchelor. Batchelor had al GROW PALE AND THIN sion of the roots; among these are
moderately prosperous cotton farm i I ecirfain Lilac-, Japanese Roses, Snow -
near the judge's home where he liv-'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Should be I berry, and even Spiraea Van Houttii,
ed in apparent happiness with his! Taken to Enrich the Blood. �Japanese Flowering Quince, and near -
charming wife and a little child. Tu Iv all shrubs which have a tendency
supplement his income he had bpen- 11
I When girls grow weak, pale and to sucker or branch out from the root
ed a gas filling station, which the thin, parents should not neglect these sto.cks. These divisions will very
judge had financed. When the old symptoms, to do so means danger. �quickly develop into useful shrubs.
gentleman and Mrs. Smith died it The girl in her teens cannot, develop Orly the divisions which possess roots
-was known that the estAte ld be into robust womanhood without an should be utilized.
divided between the two L, ,
wndren a bundant supply of rich, red blood in i Now is the time to propagate the
Is -
and it is Batchelor's explanation of her veins. It is the lack of this thal pring flowering bulbs of all kinds,
the marder that he was in a hurry to is the great trouble with nine gi tulips (Darwins) and Daffodils,
come into possession of the money out of ten. Dr. Williams' PiRk Pills plant the large bulbs where to
that was destined for his wife. He �ave achieved world-wide fame for flower and the smaller ones (offsets)
said that he felt that his wife was their remarkable blood -making pro- In nursery lines for one or two years.
not having the comforts she had perti.s. In these pills there is vigor- Divide other stored kinds and set
been accustomed to in her father's ous health, with glowing cheeks and them out where desired. Wherever
home, so to add to these comforts sparkling eyivi for every weak, pale, the masses of Spring flowering plants
he decided to murder her father. It girl. The value of the pills in cases 1 have become large these may also be
was not the idea of a rational man, of this kind is shown by the state� d'vided. Among tbe-se will] be Snow -
but as we have said murderers are ment of Mrs. Winnifred Rutty, Bar- 1 4 S
drops, Crocus. Scillas, Chionodoxas,
generally irrational on some subjects ton Street; West, Hamilton, Out., who Dog's Tooth Violets, Lilies of many
at least. i
� says:—"About two years, ago my I kinds, and Eranthis or Winter Aeon -
Nor was it the act of a rational eldest girl got into very bad health. ite. Fall is the proper time to propa- C 1,V_
man to take a farm hand into his I took her to a doctor who advised gate all these, as to disturb them
confidence as Batchelor did Hayes having her tonsils removed, saying in Spring when growth r4EN TUNE
Leonard. Leonard is a young negro, this was the seat of the trouble. We place will be very harmful. is taking
who worked for Batchelor to whom ad them removed, but it did not help
lie owed money. Though he seems to her and she seemed to have absorbed
so ;nuch nois&n from the troubl-
have been about the lowest form of �
laborer, but slightly removed in the ahe did not pick up at all. She could IRRIGATION REDUCES WATER NE thousand Radio Dealers, when asked what the public wanted in radio this year, answered:,
indimtrial scale from a m or an�jneither eat nor siteep, and what food (1) Elimination of battenes; (2) Simplicity of installation and operation, and (3) Tone
ox, he had a second -1111% car, she did take did not digest. Then she CORE IN APPLES 0
which he had )>ought with inorrey !developed a cough that kept her quality and volume. The new 1927 Rogers Batteryless Radio is the only Radio that embodies
advanced by Batchelor. He also owed !awake at night, and went down in Water core, a serious disease of ap- all of these features. They combine total elimination of batteries with extreme Simplicity, ex -
his employer other sums and thus weight to 95 pounds. A neighbor pies occurring in practically every
felt under a special obligation to�said to me, 'You have tried so many�important apple -growing section oX quisite to-ne q.uality and volume that can be regulated from a whisper to a roar. There are fourteen
him. Some three mon-ths ago Bat- things why not try Dr. Willia the world, may be reduced consider- d;.,;tincti,,,e points 'in the 1927 Rogers, many of which can be found in a few high-priced radios, a
chelor approached Leonard and said: ; ms Pink ably by hbera)b irrigation and - by - of which can be found in many radios, but all of which can be found in no other radio in the.
Pills?' I got some and b�efore sh., f ei�
"I want you to kill Judge Smith for ; finLsbed the second box she began to , picking the fruit a, the proper ma -
me." To this Leonard replied: "Don't show improvement. zoorld. Yet the prices are very modest. To buy any radio without first seeing and hearing the
you know we both would be She continued *TitY, according to Dr. Ckarles
doing the use of the pills for some time and Brooks, pathologist of the United new Rogers is but to cheat yourself and purchase regrets.
wrong?" Batchelor said: "I ain't is now in the pink of condition, able States DePartment of Agriculture.
girving a damn about that; this kill- to work and play, and eat and sleep . Six years of investigation have serv-
Ing has got Lo be done if I do it my- with all her old-time vigor, These ed to show that contrary to the pre -
se -Lf, and if I do, not a soul will know statements can be verified by neigh- vailing opinion, the disease occurs AM The Rogers op$rates direct from any light socket on any alternating
about it" The negro had not the boxv who watched her restored from when the 8uPPlY of water iu the soil current. No cfiemicals;- no charger; no attachments. You ust Plug
courage wholly to reject the pro- if] health to perfect health." is inadequate rather than when it is
Posal but trifled with it. Half a If Your medicine dewler dopm not excessive. The real cause of the In—Then Tune In." The Rogers uses the raw current through its
dozen times Batchelor despatched keep these pills you can get them trouble, however, is in connection 24atteries super -power unit that automatically regulates all voltages for A, B and
him to the Smith home with strict mail at 50c a box from . by with high temperatures, intense sun -
injunctions not to return The Dr. Wil- C Circuits and takes care of all variations of line voltage after once installed.
before he liams, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lighL, and the accompanying high- I
had murdered Judge Smith. Leonard Eap concentration in the fruit. Not the slightest hum nor power noise can pass into the speaker. It costs about
says he was promised $400 in cash The w-atery or glassy appearance 4c a week to operate daily, and you get uniform, everlasting power from the day
and a cancellation of his debts as AUTUMN PROPAGATION OF of the flesh of the apple, a charagter- 3,ou plug in --forever more.
soon as the judge was out of the istic disting-uishing water core from
way. Two or three times Batchelor GARDEN SI'BJE(.,Ts alit other apple diseases, is due to the
went to the Smith home and sat filling of the intercellular spaces with
chatting with his faither-in-raw fullf Usually two seasons at which cell sap instead of air. When water Ho Aerial In most homes the Rogers will function without any aerial whatever, either
expecting that every moment a bullet Plarits maY be propagated are re- is not available in sufficient quantity outside or built in loop—and with less disturbance than when an aerial is
vvnu!d crash throtigirpthe window and cogni7ed—Spring and Autumn. They high temperatures and intense sun- used. Except for occasional houses so constructed that an ae ial is needed (as
open his way to a moderate fortune. are raisM more largely by seeds light cause the sap in the fruit to
But every time Leonard's nerve and by cuttings in the Spring and,concentrate and ex(�rt enormous with ordinary radio sets), the Rogers can be installed and tunerl in in 2 minutes
would fail him and he Would re- by cuttings or other vegetative 1 pressure on the cell tissues to a point 21 secorilds.
turn to his little cabin to suffer the means in the Autumn. Plant Pro- where., they break down. In irrigated
savage upbraidings of the disappoint- Pagation in any form is very inter- regions; experiments showed that ap-
ed Batchebor when he came back. -ting practice and may be enjoyed pies from heavily irrigated trees de -
Fin -ally the negro felt that he would by ev(,n the veriest amateur. Every veloped less water core than those
51,ffMgle Dial ControlCombined with Simplicity of installation is ease of opera -
have no peace of mind as ]ong as garden has facilities for carrying on from lightly irrigated tree.s. Also t A Single tuning dial, vernier control, with wave
Judge Smith continued, to live anti the work- less water core developed when light
on Auguist Wth, last, he made up his It is true that soft irrigation was follow( lengths indicated on the face of the dial, enables you to turie in station after sta-
mind and told wowled ani -d by heavy ir-
Batchelor that this leafy cuttings should he ".stuck"' rigation than when the pqctice was tion easily and quickly or locate any desired station at will. On August 26, 1926,
time he surely would not fail. At in a Karden frame or window. or in reversed. I
five o'clock in the afternook Bat- some enclo-wd and well-light*'d com- in a Parkdale home in Toronto, 31 stations were tuned in and logged with one
chelor came along in his car lo the partment. Ordinary Picking at the proTx,r stage of ma- turning "of the dial (never turning backwards) and without touching any other
field glass sealers turity is the most practicable preven- rol on the set.
where Leonard was picking wili furnish the compartment if in' Live now known for the trouble, es- cont
cotton and drove him to the farm of verted over the cuttings and under pecially in the non -irrigated regions.
Batchelor Sr. They got out. and !hem many kinds 0 fbedding allid The study showed that water c,ore,
Leonard was instructed to dHve a �Ahvr plants May he raised. In th might in"reaso as much as ()o per Tone Quality By the addition of an A/C Power Tube the pos-
truck to a nearby vi+lage. He did qo case of the h a rd wooded or rip(ne;'] clent. in ten days after the proper
and Batch(,Inr followed in his own growth cutting,; of shrubs wh'ich -
car. Under thr back qoat w.9s an1have shed thoir if-av", these may time for picking. Exceptiolmal volume sible volume has been greatly increased and the
automatic Phot gun loaded with require no cover, but should never quality of tone infinitely improved. The volume
buckshot- when it got dark Leonard be p;aevd in ally Position to which can be ad'usted from a whisper to a roar by a turn of one knob, without cutting
got into the Batchelor car aml �:unlight has arcess until they aro PERSISTENT MILKING out or in i any of the tubes. When you once bear the new Rogers you wi
was driven t4) a spot near the judgP'q root,ed. That is, if not, covered with at its fidelity of tone reproduction on all instruments and voices. ill marvel
]home which is in the village, bm the sealprq. INHERITED ABILITY
set back a consid 1-1
era e il stan(,.,
from the road and concealed by tree�t
Hard wood cutt.ingq nf m a ny
shrub,; May nf)w be taken. These
Beginners in dairying and some
and bushes. Together the two crnwi-
may he cut to a length of ,ix or
who -should have learned by experi-
Free Demonstration
ed through the grounds until at last
Leonard with the shoot gun arrived at
fight inchpi;. At. the lower end they
should be severed just below a joint
enee are puzzled to account for the
fact that., Itimilarly fed, some cows
Added to the above are a dozen otber
and qt the upper just above a joint,
or if the
persist in milking close UP to calv-
ing time whi,le others "dry off" far
points of advantage
that combine to make the Rogers the one'set that can
cuttings would be too short
if severpd at the top this need not
too soon to make keeping them pro-
you you hoped for in a Radio, If you are prepared to
be done. When prepared the cut-
fitable, says a writer in The Mari-
time Farmer.
purchasc a Rogers, providing it mcets YOUr expectations in
ting% shou d he inserted in light
sandy FK)il in
We are often asked how a persist -
every respect, w� will instal one in your home free of charge.
a sbaded Position in
the garden and should be well ftrm-
ent milker may be' made to stop
secreting milk
You will be the judge. If it is all we say—and you are
ed and watered. Insert lialf their
iength. Mock
so that she may be
rested before "fresihening" and as of-
entirely satiBfied—payment can be made' in cash or spread
Oranges, Weigeliaa,
DelltziaS, Privets, Hydrangeas
ten are asked to explain why a weN
over three to twelve months for a slight charge.
other commonly grown kinds may be
fed cow suddenly shrinks in her milk
yield and even drier; up entirely three
The single -dial, batteryless sets are $275,00
Hybrid tea. Hybrid perpPtuR1 and
or four months before having her
for tab)e model complete except for loud speaker (loud
After EvcTy Meal
Climbing Roses may be propagated
in the same way as the forpmention-
Some of the men who make such in-
quiries breed -and raise their
speakers $25 to W).
ed shrubs. The cuttings should, how-
ever, be taken off thoroughly ripened
heifers; others buy 11springers" 'Or
"fresh" cows in the
for Queen Anne Console Cabinet with built-in loud speaker.
It dom"t take much
grawths. A little later in the year
and they may be
market and sell
them for what they will bring when
6th er Rogers A and B Batteryless Sets:
tb kftp you 1A ftim
either in,
sorted i n
the soil outdoorg or bL- tied in bunclips
they no longer give a profitable re -
turn in niii1k. Both proballily logie
Three tu"be tabl%models $140-00 and
asks a
Ptid be heeled in boxes of moist sand sight
of tire fact that persistence in
siscoo. (2 -dial
in a coot cellar over Winter. The
Propagation of roses for cuttings im. quaility
milk flow, as the amount and
of the milk produced, is large -
Five tube table models $2-10,00 atfP 0.00. (3 -&Al
41, after ever?
however, only advised in our warmer �'ly
qoutbern localities. If placed out- capaci
a matter of inherited ability and
Zlefits Wet% lealer'. w,
doors, they shotild be covered 'th A cow bred from a long line of deep
milking cows and sired by a bull
tite gLtld With the advent of September from similar
ought m*ogt be given to the pro- animals, naturally tends to give not
pagation of our ordinary gardeyi onfly, a liarge quantity of milk, but to SEAFORt" NT,
PlarAA sueb as Gemniumq, fibrous maintain such production pemistent-
T,�$te -rooted Begonias, Coleug and many ly, provide& she Is ProPerly fed and
'are lused M the b s, Carea
Proft Wffi r. The mere, fact t1lat -a cow
'tmn CIA these plan-bg is puft br*d is no agsur;krig6 that she
Pr utfoih M% ther
Of6ft t4ll prove- a Persistent milk prod-acer.
'Ara 't
DW, 6 tdkoti t6 #".and peT�j?
"te( Ohio hai�e beenraised simply on
q. V.,
n. 'A"
- , _ ;41 P
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_!.' 0 �_
'10, 1 W
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