HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-24, Page 5•v,tklg/,ii ht' Jr. :r. 5: SI is ftr -f ,d ueili friends fie, a11, li Lyon, • . pen lit Tbulrsdaga at a hone a ' d Mrs.W. Lvoal -'4 z W returned aflter• . �p ant ls9t 'wit11':1V iso Me; ; a4a Mr.' and mss: }] c w 0011, of Auburn,: Were callera. t1 village last- Tuesday. Miss. 411$, .returned. atter. , a sit.with relatives here. LI' ES',CQ 1V1vMA.RKET V.Luion Stoec ',Yards, - Toroflu, September 21. -Hogs in a 1lig t run .sold eteadY to a quail• ter higher Itdidn last week, the bulls of.thiek smooths moving at 11% cents iamb.' and a +thew at 12 -cents on the same..baaia, '• a:Receipts today - were 5,150 cattle, 655 •delves, 1400 hogs and 4,040 sheep and 'Marla. .-Oal'E' surety was light, and with deatand iris the prices were steady to stronger, the +hulk of choice weals selling from 12 to 18 •cants per pound, and a few priviies from 181/4 to 13%-ceerts. Medium veals, heavy, brought '10 4o 11 colas, and grassers from 4aa to 6 meats pet pound. l4uotationaa* Heavy steers, choice, $7.50 .to $8.00; do. good •$7.00 to 57.25: buffeter steers, choice, 56.76 to 57.00; do., good, 56,00, to 56.50; do;, com,- aeon, $4.60 to 55.75; bwteher cows, choice, 55.00 to 55.50; do., fair to. good, 54.00 .to 54.75; butcher bulls, good,• 5.4.50 to $5.50 ; bologtrae, 43.50 to 54.00 t tannersand cut. tors, 12.50 40 53.00; good mush cows 570.00 4w $109.00; .:springers, ,choice, $80.00 4 $115a indiums comas, $45.00 do $60.00: feeders; good, 46.0Q.to 56.50; do., fair, $6.00 tp�$6.00; oalvea, sehoice, 612.00 to '518.50:. do. good, 59.00 in $11.00; do., medium!, $7.00 to 59.00; ge'asse s, :$4.50 to 56.00;good bombs, $13.50 to 518.75; .ie., bucks, 511.50 to $11.75; good light sheep, 56.00 to 57.00; heavy sheep and bucks, $4.00 to 55.50; hogs, thick smooths, fed and meter- ed, $12.25 to 512.50; do., f.o.b., 811.75 TO $12.00; do., country points, 511.50 to 5+1.;5 ; do„ off cars, $12.75 to $13.00; sele t prem- ium, $2.42 to $2.46. =FEMALE AGENTS WANTED 'Part ors, furl time, appointing subagents Steady inca.,e assured. Write immediately THE SANTILLA CQ., Dept. 33, 1'. O. Bax 436. MontreaL Extra Money This Fall in spare or full time, taking orders for "Im- perial Art" Christmas Greeting Cards. 5100 ®esily earned in a month. Liberal commis- sion. Sample book free. BRITISH CANADIAN, 63 Wellingston St. West, Toronto. DRAIN TENDERS Tenders for the repair of the Buchanan Drain. McKillop Township, will be received iry the undersigned up to Monday, September 27th. 1926, when tenders willl be opened at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, at 2.30 -p.m. Ten per cent. contract to accompany tender. 'Work to be done according to plans and specifications of engineer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Plans, etc., at Clerk's Office, Lot 35, Con- cession 8, McKillop Township. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, Seaforth, R. R. 2. 8067-1 DRAIN TENDERS Tenders for the repair of the McCallum rDrain, McKillop Township, will be received by the undersigned up to Monday. September 27th, 1928, when tenders will be opened at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, at 1.30 p.m. Ten per cent of contract to accompany tender. Work to be done aocording to plans and specifications of engineer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. •Plans and specifications at Clerk's Office, Lot 35, Concession 3, McKillop Township. JOHN MCNAY, Clerk. Seaforth, R. R. 2. 3067-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Ls hereby given under the statutes in that behalf, that all persons having any claims against Thomas Francis Meagher, late of the Village of Dublin. Perth County, gentleman. who died on the lath day of August, 1926, are required to sena to the undersigned solicitor for the Executer, full rparticulars in writing and verified by affi- davit, of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. on nr before the 5th October, 1926, after which date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said rleceesed, hnving regard Only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth. Ont., this 10th day of September. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 14066-3 STANDARDINE 5 TUBE RADIO a�5 COAST TO COAST—NO IDLE BOAST D. X. Engineering and Sales Co., Limited 20 BLOOR ST. W. Toronto. 3067-12 THE THIRD ANNUAL owing Match mf Huron Co. Plowman's Association will be held One-half Mile West of Walton 1,THURSD.A.Y, OCTOBER 7 $350.00 IN CASH PRIZES Also Fine List of Special' Awards 'Entries received up to October lst For further particulars and prize lists write or phone L. E. CARDIFF Seeretary-Treasurer 711MNE, 614' s BRUSSELS. .8061-2 ']r �,t "met 001#0 }t da0ak}t era of t ie r 11W'tIo 417 014154d x e' -of Ueosp1I, O,yil t. Mesio$ to.els p1 oo 'thhe , very 0 rtes •tad }unfelt thanks t9 i le°� d Rushy k1Ad 0i1400'001173,14141 ruu�+il ; mine to tlieir late. mother'd.0 log; SIer ilinera and after her death aladfol t eF awns} beautifu3 wreathe and, flowers~ e'f a1,1 1d d0,".und kind service given 8067.4 • Make Poultry Pay • -farmer$ and back-yardete can make good money from poultry. We show you bow. No guess work. No dosses, Ask now for particiliars about oar Home Study Poultry Course. Dept, W-2. 46 floor West Toronto. SHAW SCHOOLS, LIMITk1D. 8067-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES WALL FOR .$A,LE.--i8OR S, .W' A YEAR old Black Bull. Apply on Lot, 1, Conces- sion 1, Mullett, or- phone 616 ring,' 2, Clin- ton. Li. G. DALE, Seaforth. 8067x1 WANTED.—LIVE POULTRY. HICLAST cash prices paid for poultry aelivered Tuesday of arch week. THOMAS i31O11ELL; Seaforth„'. 8066$[ FOR SALE.—A BA",li, 84x56, IN GOOD shape; also a quantity of good haat void be sold right for quick eige. Apply to R. W. IdoMILL,..16, Lot 83, ncessio-n 8, Me- Kil1op, or phone 84 on 286. Seaforth. 3066x4 i'0R SALE. -6i/, ACRES OF FARM LAND with frame house, barn, chicken house and orchard. About half way between Sea - forth and Kippen. Price very reasonable. Apply 101 Linwood Street, London. 8065-tf S TRAYED ON TO ..THE PROPERTY OF the undersigned, Lot 17. Concession 7, McKillop, some time ago, a red heifer. Own- er may have name by proving property and Paying charges. ROBERT B. HOGG. R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 8065x3 FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 80, 7th Concession, Hibbert Township. Splen- did improved 100 acre farm, beat buildings In Perth County; well fenced and drained. Come to see growing crops.. Apply R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 8061-tf QOW STRAYED ON TO LOT 9, CONCES- eion 8, Tuckersmith. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for crop injured by sow. ADDly to L. PURDY, Kip - pen, or phone 84 on 134, Seaforth- 805911 FOR SALE. -,LOT 11, CONCESSION 6. Hallett, containing 100 acres, all cleared and fenced and 65 acres well drained: bal- ance good pasture: 6 acres fall wheat, and fall plowing done. Fair buildings ; two wells with windmnill. One and a quarter miles from school. church and store. Cheap for a quick sale. Apply on the premises to ROY LAWSON. R. R. 1, Clinton. 8067x3 FARM FOR SALE,—OHI. BEAUTIFULLY situated 50 acre farm, 114 miles east of Sea5orth. Lot 5, Concession 1, Tnckersmith, on the Government Highway. Newly tile drained, barn 34x50 newly shingled, good dwelling, 10 rooms; 8 acres of alfalfa, 15 acres oats, balance seeded to mixed bay. Im- mediate possession.. Apply to P. DILL, Dublin. 8068-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE„ LOT 6. on the 1st Concession, Stanley Township, containing 97 acres. First class land in a high state of cultivation; well drained and fenoed; 10 care, bush, small orchard, good two storey frame house with hard and soft water. Barn 52x60 with good stabling under- neath : implement hoose 26x40 and pig house 24x40. Two good wells and windmill at barn. The farm is situated one mile from school and 11/5 mile,,' from Kippen. Rural mail and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particular, apply to R. P. Bell, Box 382, Seaforth. 3057 -td AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK.—The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Ernest Townshend to sell by public auc- tion nt Mr. George Holland's barn, 1 mile southwest of Clinton, on the Bayfield Road. on Saturday, September 26th, commencing at 1.00 o'clock. sharp, the following : General purpose horse 4 years old. heavy draft mare 11 years old, Durham cow with calf at feet. 3 Holstein cows with calf at foot, 2 part Jersey cows with calf at foot, Hereford row with calf at foot, Hereford cow due to leash - en in December, Hereford cow doe to frnehen in March, Hereford cow due to freshen in April, Durham cow due to freshen in Marsh. Holstein row milking good. These cows are all young and a choice lot. Three Holstein heifers due to freshen this fall, 3 Durham heifer due to freshen this fall, 10 two-year old heifers. 18 !sat fall calves, 2 spring calves, Hereford hull. Sow with 10 pirs six weeks old. Terms.- Six months' credit to be given on furnishing bankable paper or a discount of 6 per cent.. per annum off for rash. or sin additional 6 months' credit given with 6 per cent. per annum added. No re- serve as proprietor has no stable. ERNEST TOWh1SHF.ND, Proprietor; George H. El- liott, Auctioneer. 1066-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, iM- PLF.MFNTS AND HOISSEHOi.D EF- FECTS.- Mr. Oscar W. Reed has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 24, Concession 11. Hibbert. 2 miles west of Cromarty. nn Thnradny. Oetnber 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m.. the following, Horses - One brood mare supDOsed to he in foal to Mekwira, 1 horse 10 year. okL 1 big driver good single nr deuhle. 1 gelding 2 year old. Gat.tle-1 thoroughbred Cow Princes of Norval and --146067-- due December 29th: 1 thorough- bred heifer 1 rear old Fri &mw of Norval 3rd —217786-- : 1 cow due November 6th. 1 cow due November 9th, 1 heifer with calf at foot, bred again : I heifer with calf at loot. bred again; 1 cow with sal f a5 foot. 1 freshly calved cow with calf at font, two heifers 2 years old. 1 ateer 2 years old. two yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer. Hogs -One young brood sow ; also 100 Barred Rock hens and 60 Barred Rock pullets. implements. - One % wagon, 1 pair bobsleighe, 1 democrat. 2 top .buggies, 1 Portland cutter, 1 disc, 1 Oliver riding plow, 1 gang plow, 1 No. 21 Cockshntt plow, 1 'iron platy. 2 sugar ket- tine, 1 large sap tank. 1 40 -gallon gasoline barrel, 1 40 -gallon barrel, 1 emery grinder. a quantity of belting, 1 6 'horsepower Gould. Shapely and Muir gasoline engine. 1 cru her. d Chatham fanning mill. 1 hay loader, set of breeching human nearly new, set of work harness. set of single harness. 1 Melothe eream separator, brae machine; 1 crosscut maw, 1 buckaaw, 1 pulper, 1 set of scales 2000 lba. rapacity, wheelbarrow, 1 cutting box, 1 grass seeder, 1 stoneboat, 1 gravel box. two spring seats, 1 25 -gallon milk ran, 1 Moffat ran -cm -monk stave. 1 kitchen cupboard, 1 par- lor suite. 1 dining mom wench, a bedroom suites, 1 rng 9x12. 6 dining room chairs, one $stair carpet, 2 dining mom tables, a quantity of dishes; 13 loads of first cut hay mostly alfalfa, 8 loads timothy hay. 1 ton of millet, 700 bushels of oats, 100 bushels nate and hurley, 100 huahels of oats and wheat, 30 rows of mangolds 40 rods long, 15 roma of Corn 40 rods long, 12 rows sorghum 40 rods long, la taws turnips 40 pods long. 41 quantity of hardwood split, a. gnantity of sawed rails. some furnace wood, spades, ahovels. forks, chains, whif8etrees, necicyok v , scythe and numerotm other malaise found on a farm. Terms. --A11 sums of 510.00 and under. cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit givon on furnishing approved joint notes on x111 but hay and Maim, ithich cells be sold eh six months' credit. Five per cent. ori for earth on credit amounts. RAIIRWI' ii0'Gf1AR'1Tt. Proprietor; Oscar W. Reed, Auctioneer; Rieh- erd Hoggarbh, Clerk- SOG7,2 gRai i M tor. a s Ho o (e 0. }Ala;>� ` Cott: oppmti'te 'Q'. ohJxposit i , lee. g.. T , '... 11nes' 'Tesid e,: Goderich 0 4j ROA, West... Chas. Holmes' 0 :wesi(iglllce; North Main Brest. '0 0 "Hewers furnksbed on droit 'e} 0 notice. All kinds . of up. 0 O bolstering neatly done. '0 O Phones; 119 or'254 J. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4'0 0 ®0 0 U CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voter$• List 1926, Municipality of the Vil- lage of Ha mall, County of Buren. Notice is hereby given that I have corn - plied with Section 9 of The Voters' List Ant and that I have pasted up at MY office at Mansel., on the lath day of September, 1926, tt'a list of a11 persona entitled to vote in the 4:Ad, Mun cip'al,ity- for Merubere of Parliament and at„"344ur8e5pa'l Elections, and' that such list tamable - there for inspection. Anti. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the dart day for appeal being the 4th day of October, 1926. Dated this 16th day of September-, 1926. A. MURDOCK, Clerk at Henson. 3066-8 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES The undersigned is :the authoriz- ed agent for Dublin and district. Office and Residence opposite Public SchooL Phone 30. G. K. HOLLAND Dublin, Ont. FARMERS' FERTILIZER Having taken over the agency of the late James Cowan for the. Farm- ers' Fertiliser Co., Wingham, I will be pleased to MI all orders of both old and new customers, and give any in- formation within my knowledge. Al- so Agricultural Lime. ANDREW ARCHIBALD, Seaforth. Bole 282. Flume 44W. D. H. McINNES Chiropractor Electricity Used of Wingham, will be at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 3054-tf i HIE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: J. Connolly, Goderich - - President Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice-president D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; W. E. Hincbley, Seaforth; John Mur- ray, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gode- rich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodbagen. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clin- ton; James Connolly, Goderlch; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 8, Seaforth; J. G Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Oarlock; George McCartney, No. 8, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Bromfield. JAMES WATSON SEAFORTH, ONT. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT representing only the best Can- adian , British and American Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including— FIRE, LIFE. ACCIDENT, AUTO- MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISKS. —Also REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT Representing "Huron and Erie" Mortgage Corporation, of London, Ontario. Prompt attention paid to placing risks and adjusting of claims. Business established 60 reuse, guaranteeing good service. OFFICE PHONIC, 88. RESIDENCE PHONE. de. d TheJohnRankin Agency Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate, yyy�i+ llyy2:6r ey to Loan ro U . . FunArkt Licenaj O • Beast Mot4 equip O Charges 0 Flowers turn - 0 Nights Callil Phone ' 176 cio0 andd Iver. e -drawn oate. on abort Iqy Calle 'Phone 421. 0.000000};* >">00 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0000 "10000 W. J. CLARY 0 Licensed Eutb$ber and O Funeral LlhreCtor. 0 Up-to-date Rorie,. and Motor O Equipian t. O Night and ;Day Service. 0 O Phone 19-22 Dublin.,O 0 0 O 000000'00000 O O O 0 O 0 00000000-4000 O O • W. J. Walker & Son o O O O W. J. Walker, Funeral sir O 0 rector and Embalmer. O 0 O 0 Motor or Hone Equipment. O O Cara or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested. O 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 That Suit Looking ? Shabby • No money for a new one? Never mind. Bring in all your old clothes. We will make them look like new AND KEEP THEM LIKE NEW at a surprisingly low cost. Our method is the one used by the valets of the Elite, Just Phone 227 SYDNEY DUNGEY COMMERCIAL HOTEL Work Called For and Delivered A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet, small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, been, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2958-tf SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONT. STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Six weeks' additional time given to students coming from Seaforth by train. Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly Qualified Staff? The only School that Teaches real PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAIN- ING FROM START TO FINISH Where High School Students and Teachers are taught SPECIALIZED expert training in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and SECRE- TARIAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a good position, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES:—Commercial. Stenographic, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Com. Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged. For full information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal. Phone 198. Tractors & Separators 1-10-21) Tractor, :,;most as good as new and ]-22x36 Thresher in good operative condition, complete with drive holt 5900.00 1 Goodison Separa' r complete with L'eeder and Stacker$300.00 1 Bell Imperial 21-1o, almost as good as new $650.011 1-21 El. P. Bell i:. I alit Stearn h:nginr, 1-20 H. P. Coodison Second Hants Engine. 1-20 11. P. White second hand Stearn Engine. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co., SEAFORTH, ONT:1RIO 1067-3 TheNewFallOvercoats ARE HE \DY FOR YOl 12 iNSPE('TION Tweeds. Ve'..ur' and Cravenette Cloths. Single and double breasted style; -rne new colors. Of court,$ <, n:tve the more conervat.rce overcoats in plain, medium and d;-'', -hades in plain ('hest:.rfielris. Prices. One $15,00 to $29.50 P. J. KELLY, STRATFORD ( 1 t11IIiER AND iiABEM) \SHF.K way fare pn:'I from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or ear, on purchases of $20.00 or over. Fireproof wallboard 3 THE FIRST ST You can and you will succeed if you are willing to take the first step. A thorough and complete training is absolutely essential to the success of your future.. On account DI .our individual instruction, students may enter any day. Write" for free catalogue. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont. AMALGAMATED WITH McLACHLAN BUSINESS COMEGE R. F. Lumsden, B.A., Principal. They're Here The New Clothes for Fall SUIT AND OVERCOAT VALUES TOO GOOD TO IGNORE And'we're putting it mildly when we say they're the finest we've ever shown. They're here in the co,-rect styles for Fall—smart as •only Society Brand can make them. They're here in new fabrics—unus- ual fabrics—unusual weaves orig- inated by and eilclusive with Society Brand. In rich Autumn colors, too. But there is no use trying to de- scribe them here. You'll have to see for yourself! You're certain to enjoy choosing from all these good things, and your certain to find what you want, at the price you want to pay. These finest made -in - Canada clothes have never been of- fered atsuch remarkable value as, this Fall. Suits andOvercoats $15to29.50 Biltmore Hats for Men (THE MASTER HAT OT' CANADA) Wonderful quality and modern styles. Snap brim or Alpine or Fedora sh.tpe; fancy or plain hands. Light Grey, Pearl, Tan, Brown and Champagne shades. $2.95 to $5.00 Won't burn or warp. Saves time, labor and money. Resists heat, Bold and sound. OCBOAR SHEATHING Better than lumber. Makes stronger walls. Keeps out cold and heat, (and is easily and economically erected. For Sale By G. A. Sills & Sons Fashion's favorite Dresses \EW F:\i.i, SILKS, CREPE -BACK S.\TiNS AND SILK FLAT (RRPF.S Stylrs for eirvs 1, :rfternrrn and in- frrmal evening wear. featuring aria tarn-do•.vn rollers, now high necks, now long sleeves, including dnYman rffcrts; r,.,w pleatings, new colored r ml,roi l ria,, and new bloused hacks. Model-. for women and misses. Black an+I every color that's new. PRICES: $7,95 to $25. Collars and Cuffs of Oppossum, Moufflon, Tribetine or SealineFurs Each 1oat in this wonderful assortment. hears the hallmark of the exquisite taste one finds in much higher priced garments. Fine qual- ity tweak, suedines, duvetyens and needlepoint are the materials from wh.ch they are fashioned. All lined throughout with fancy br'.o arlr nr silk linings. $12.50 to $35 iT COSTS LiTTLE TO DRESS WEI,I. AT R. J. GIBB'S of 3t? r4,