HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-24, Page 3.­i�..­- 1 -1 11". � I I- yw_� T. i�_. Z 5 X"I., M It fflpq,� as q arm! V.&M 04 �rl, AM ox 1A qyx%ea 4 No U, rql44.W.00kly eurlo YOM �bly :his f ar "WP V 'Ake flivil'' Oil: _44 that W lar)y d�d Vill K $a TJ a #1 any ung, 0 9k thenii, 7"� us W', IP47- pr ,A 159,m her -J -4. W � . 4.1*1 ng� L p te. .......... ever did, V*b t d "at A wa -w i, P .''s nee TU JFP P and grgI -was Prtace hi 09* You, exaciDAY every year that 'de, as;", A r For w 1*i,.ng at any spo- -U cine roe. whbw'would be Newmar. 0,t ne'e, a k s n B Manager. ket, �6m, Asiiot, Goodwood� Cowes, a rAtt10 aa -,q, W "Ut., seek to -cho*e Jum to --do �"'hve SAMT VZpQS1T ROM ?op_ RENZ Sandringham, foreign spas, Scot -land, and,so on. Their, visits to Paris Germs b, 9 erved the exhi erous would be regular and Ahe routine passio.71 in. somiie bird especially would be observed there. Now the present does storks. Karl e' celebrated 'HAPPY CHILDIROOD. th soil. If the ends of the I" prince noth- Ing regul arly except fudfil his offIcial ngagemerAs. He n&turaliVt, tell t k riangl,,, g or t tragedy mate was MATTER OF HEALTH br (tip,), which protrude never goes to New- awa I y a young.pr 0410r, I ' ',-wooed the fe- from the soil are about �welve inches market and hardly evbr to any flat male. She then Let Baby's Own Tablets Keep Your CbLildmn in length this will be Aufficient. It rates, except upon- compulsion. He S , ba a tually been heard to describe wel;comed hi m. O'ho'-d"T'i when the old Well. will be found these in one year will the Derby as a great waste timel bird was off fragW4� 4ing the guilt)f Little children very quickly get out make nice plants. Layering may be done equally satsfacto'r'ly dPlr'ng' of Re hardly ever shoots, he never goes pair flew to his, marsh and killed him. Murders amoiij� fish are rare, bf sorts. By prompt treatment they itate Summer or Autunin. yachting, he has no box at the Opera, if we discount ldlljto,��'that involves can usually just as quickly be set right Grapes, and he only plays cards if he'eannot get out of 'it. survival of the fitteif The swordfis 11 again. Most of their troubles arise in the first Grapes may also be layered either . King 'T6vard could not has the reputation 0%, being the star place from the stomach or bowels,, that Is why a good oleaning- now or rurifig Spring. In*auy case, it is wise to select the growths' !A- sleep until he h, d � -, cards at night, and King killer of the deep, Deliberately he will stab a whale iwi.keore of but is th� first thing described by the doctor. Formerly castor oil was tended to be layered'before pruning times arrives in Spring. They' may 'also G--;--, until he gave up bridge when idge came in, holding that t r I ing places for the vicious Sport,,10 the thing, and finish him off, Insects; particu- the means used to bring this -about- be raised as forementioned �jr one game well he larly bees and aats,,JisPlaY wicked now -a -days Baby's Own Tablets d� the same work, but without trouble cuttings. ln�extremely cold _,)cali. ties the cuttings 'may be wasn't g to the trouble of re- arning I all t was a steady bridge traits. Ants massed , ariny fashion to the parolat or discomfort to -the lit- tied in bundles imd be. inse,-I.Ed in moist plaver. will assault and rar: -age a neighbor state, destroy the I bitants Ve one. Children take Baby's Own sand in a cold cellp.,. over Winter, If -aced 1%en look at what the prince does that his father and and carry off the youn, for slaves. rXablets happily because there is no tiasty taste and because no gripling callousing is in so much more quickly will tne cuttings root when grandfather nev- er did. - He has a passion -for bunt- Buchner, the German naturalist, is an authority on briga-Ad bees. He lafter-pains follow their use. placed in nursery lines in Spring out- Ing, he plays golf, swims sq Plays uwh, does hard do- scribes them as baniling together for As a specific for childhood indiges- %ton, vomiting, c onstipation, colic. doors. Cuttings of grapes be made when pruning in S mi!y also some walking, and dances uncieremonliously, and ' vlg'Qr- plunder like professional highway - These eolds, teething pains, etc., there is n pring. Raspberries. OV91Y. He has broken down the tra- ditions men. renegade�citizens of the hive grow too lazy to work. Theywill thing to equal Baby's Own T::,iets. Tbiiy never do harm and P,',,rays do The propagation of the raspberry is oT the simplest nature. It of two generations of royal- ty, and has set up�new precedents. form their own freeb6oting colony 'good. The Tablets are -,.d by medi- may be accomplished either during Sprin i In short, the Prince holds tAp the Ii and attack well -stocked hives or richly ladem workers returninghome. olne dealers or by rn,�`l at 25 cents or Autumn. a It is only necessary to ght end and the heavy end of his job as well as they can be done. It has been discovered that there lbox from The D-. Williams' Medicine carefully lift the one-year-o;ld suck- he leaves out the middle only If are bees and ants that are fond of Co., Brockvill,�, Unt, ers (young plants) which have run out on underground stems some lit- fellows like myself notice it. old their I'dram,"! which they come PROAIAGATING SMALL FRUIT tle distance from the parent and to these the across in certain flowers and in de- caying fruit. A tipsy bee (toes not The propagation of small fruits plant proper distances a- part. In this position they will yield their fruit. Great Rejoicing by act unlike a drunken man, reeling in flight, falling helplessly on its back during Autumn is a universal prac- Blackberries. and finally sleeping it off. Lombroso tize. Cuttings are largeV employed A way to quickly propagate plants Rheum atic Cripples asserted that intoxicants were the at this time. Among the kinds are of the blackberry is by layers. If cause of crime among many animals 'goat's gooseberries, black and red currants, and grapes, and by division ( suckers) the growths are pegged or pinned and cited the sheep and of Abyssinia, which go on regular raspberries and blackberries. From down into loose soil as advised for gooseberries and currantis, roots will If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or Legs, Rheuma Will Help You sprees, eating the beans of the coffee Perhaps the kinds to be raised by quickly be emitted, as it is the nature or Nothing to Pay plant. the most curLous case 'euttings wiill ripened and sturdy growths should be selected. These of this plant also to root from the on record was that of a goose in New Jersey some years ago. The should be cut to about nine inches joints along the stem. In all cases however, nine to twelve inches of the fowl became addicted to beer and in length. They should be severed tip of each growth so layered-*,�ould Get a bottle of Rheuma today and would scream ond scold -at a regui-ar just below a bud at their lower end protrude out of the soil. wear a satisfied smile on your face to- hour unless it got what it wanted. end above a bud at the upper. They Strawberries. morrow. If delayed too long -beyond its ex - should then be inserted in a shelter- Unless strawberries can be plant- It's a remedy that is astonishing pectation, the goose would run after. ed and semi -shaded position in the ed during Autumn, say inoAugust the whole country, and it's just as people and nip their clothe -s. So far igarden to about half their depth. or September, in time to all w them good for gout, sciatica and lumbago as a, be ascertained, there is only Six inches apart is a fair distance, to make good root growth and to as for rheumatism. one counterfeiter in the animal and should be regarded as the min, - become established, they r ,hould not It drives the poisonous waste from world----counterfei ter in the sense of rnum, for the plants when rooted —11 be planted. Better to defer propa- the joints and muscles that's the bamboozing its neighbors This is have to remain at least a full season gation untilb Spring. Whatever time, secret of Rheuma's success. the English cuckoo, which will lay without being removed. how4er, the stock may be increased, But we don't ask. you to take our eggs, cleverly disguised, in other It is essential that the cuttings the strong and vigorous one -season word for it; go to C. Aberhart or any birds, nests. be properly firmed, and if the runners are the best plants to set go dru and got a bottle of weadier and soil is dry water should out. Divisions'of the old plants are RhV--a if it doesn't do as we be applied, especiaily should the nil be a warm one. With the ap� undesirable. Small Fruit BAshes An promise ur money back. It will be there waiting for you. BEF-9 BECOME ROBBER$ IF proach of Winter a covering of lit- Asset. Whether you propagate TEMPTED BY SWREV5 i I ter or a mixture of this and leaves, your own small fruite or not you should cer- Though notxd for their industry, ishould be placed over the cuttings. So protected they should survive the tainly give the planting of these SOME ANIMALS NO BETTER bees are aPt, at times, to seize fin ,Winter, and in Spring those vrbich valu"le subjects a consideTatiGn. Whether Spring or Autumn planted, THAN HUMANS opportunity to get rich quickly. Should they get the chance have successfully calloused will root it will not matter if you only plant. Before one of the recent a essions of se -1 cunng sweet,- withollt working for quickly and make considerable growth Buy the bushes if you are not pre- of the British Association for the Ad. them, they are not slow to take ad.' during the first Summer. Goose- prared to propagate. The health- berries and currants so raised should Ancement of Science, held at Ox- ford, Julian vantage of it, with the result that' eving properties of the fruits in if properly pruned, bear fair crops in themselves is a recommendation,. t, HuxleS p, the biologis+ confirmed the facts set down b; in a few minu s thor i. an p r te P .4 u rou which mav mean the third year, after rooting, and in say nothing of the money -saving Charles Dar -win on the instinct of not only robbing, hut death of be,,s and Rtings to - the fourth and succeeding years factor. It is a gres t thing to have yield maximum crops, weather condi- -ourt-ghip in the animal world, and pass ers-by. the fruit cellar filled over Winter tions and other factors being favor- with fruits in sealers, From a small d"cribed the gallantry of r.rabs and spiders under the spell of love. The It ir the beekveper's business,, therefore, to reali7P that able. ! garden area you may obtain suffici- Another way to raise gooseberries, grandson of the famous Thomas Hux- prevvn- tion i. -k better than cure and to take: ent for a whole year. currants and also blackl>erries is by ley confined his field of vision to the tender passion among the lower Vare that robbing dneq not start�' Rays A. H. W, Birrh. the process known as layering. This PRINCE OF WALES MAKES consists in Y31inply bending spe- cieg. But numerous naturalists, from apiarist, Dom - inion Fxperiment.al Farms. young TRADITION TO SUIT SELF branches down to the ground and Linnaeus down, have left on record the As sw"ti arc, the rf,ot of the trou- pegging them into a mold of soil When the Prince of Wales recent- effiect-; Of various emotions ai; seen in the actions ble, thev should never be exposed in' the and covering a few inches of their ly addressed the Royal British As- of animals. Hate fear, raze and jealousy play a major part apiary, even fb,,ijgh during a beavY flow they mi��ht remain there in animal society, just as they do untouched. I limong hurnans. Singular as it may With thi.-c in n1ind the beekeever, iRound, there are sneak thieves, high'- �arly in the -hnuld see th.it' way robloem, kidnappers, drunkards h4ves containing dond colonies have and murderef,; among ins�-cts, hird-, the entrances rin-od ind that they' and other animals, both domestic ore removed froni tho apiary as, and wild. Fven courherfeiting is not soon As PO-iOlo. 11-- tbnt the hive-' unknown! rntran"s of weak r,,'onies are re- Fverybody has heard Of the roglip (111ced in Size. AQ fbi� - gives thpq elephant. Kipling mAdp him the sub rolnnieq . a better rh!ince to defend ject of a short story. A rogue plp- homes. NN* 1, - n, there are pbant seemingly goes wrong out, of mr-prilp-t coloni"'.. 11" ought to re sbeer perversity, though his-apolo- oupen them �;oon. f,,r s colony with- Special Introductory Offer gists excuse him on the ground of -It A rlux-en 000q n,l make a stout' COOK 's BAKING PO W DER insanity. Destruction incarnate. this big brute runs amuck. The herd of r"Sistanep. When !;!Ilf- or no nectar i' coming in nn,l ?)­ bees FRIEND which h`e is a member drives him oil, are: v,arrhing everl-A-t- ror it, colonyl 1/2 1 b. 1 lb 1 7C, 2 9C and he is condemned t4l live and die alone. Once affected. be ­�Iminatio­ sb-i!J e -a -%e entire -Tv.' If. however, reg. price 19c reg price. 32,c goes from th(,\' n-st be made,� bad to worse. In his native India, trinke them brior md cover all� Gdaranteed Quality—Contains No Alum where he is known ws "horR," he will suners ternpornrik- r -,moved with uproot trpes, tear down bouses and ru hber-clofbs, or �n,-L­ In removing' rN CHEESECanadian Finest 2 !1b]. try to kill man and beast. Until ex- terminated, he is a terror to boney with beo f­r1r,,­. let him see that. ho!m-n Ne -w the muntryside. Hors" can he outlaws. all cracks the suners above the eqcap(­ nr- closed, othfer- I I I Western cowboys and wranglers tell wise the ung-iiarriml �upers will bei Domino Blend Re CHERRIES Fresh Milled endless yarns Of thesw- wicked qpeci- milickly robbed niit : nl-r) that wheril TEAPa�cked A%:l in British Coftimbis 29Tcin mer's of horsefl".h that cannot be won by kindness the supers are rpnio—d for extrac- ROUED nor beaten into tion they are rm-rrod immediately. 731 Holley BISCUITS:2 lb. 25c ofiedienco. They ViCiOURly attack their companions of the corral and It is necesysnry th.9t hi,; honp7bousp. be. made bee -tight -ird if.q Window,..; lb. Bar OATS d-) their cunnin!� best . screenpd. *o murder , T,,gtpr in flip se"on when Richwello 79c Potkot Size " 100 211 doz. c Ms. 25 I their maMer.q. Th s type of bad'hors e has been studied in tbp cavalry of feeding for Winter. 10 him give the syrup late in the qft--rnnon or in the D.S.L. BTAlk 63 MATCH 15 France by Radet, R distinguished Pven.lng and make qnre that the French vA�rinary surgron. l4e not- feMers do not. leak. Globe-Brand NEW PACK Bayarde Brand ef] that the head df the, animal dif- By ahservnnre or thest suggk-s- Dominion Brand Choice Quality ing fered in shape from the normal, bt-- narrow, with a retreating fore- tifOnS, the beekeeper will be saved 71111ch trouMe, for- robbing once PEARS 'Fancy Q-1ity TOMATOES bosil. fall has left a record of cer- tmin that rfarted is somotim- very difficult in Light Syrup PEAS mares kidnapped foRls and hid in to stop. Large Tin away an Wort to kpelp them 2 Tins W> Me, ]NO. 3 Size 1 2 Tins2 foT r-ame them�talvpq. Mqpinw; noted the. frr,,.qk fn assies, according to the New York T�mes. A man in Illinois has invented a I - . in 0 #5C fumless peach. In npptmranre it is BRASSO 1 4c& ___ 23c — DOMINO CATSUP 19c riberate Few w(nild siftpect the dog of dp- -said wickednest. Yet there linve to he m1w-h like n large. plilml but 60 ,SANIFLUSH 29C H'P. SAUCE 28c !'� been sheep-itifling dogs that, like calls its voung rike an aprio'D*. —Ottavua Journal. CHIPSO Quicksuds 2 3C YiA USTARD 13c I,pbants, A111V lead model 11ves until STAR AMMONIA'3 for 260. 90,01- QUIEN OLIVES 39c a trivsterious Change takes place. Then they develop into night as- S.O.S. �r Pots and Pans 'i Sc OIL" OIL 25c qassins. and They may be called Jekvll Hyde dogs, spetving the Master ftril for ffto UA* giving f%partfc. CHOICE -CA LEMONS darkneas with his flocks, sit ]day, and in the , transforfnIng themselves FITS Wars 01 rench's world-ftwoungrep. arri,tionfornp opsy into villains slyiTy Atealing out to and phs—simple murder ddebcei�ss victimq. Monkeys s =90 Mwouftea , Toetlmonf 6ftin N, of bn oM baboons o nize teTtl. #M, � . , , st4 thrnbers, 70 A a 777777777�v lar b S 'M Plunder oreh*JA and, ng� L p te. .......... Men's N ew Fall suits IMPRESSIVELY GOOD WEAR—Wear is usually the first quality considered by the wise buyer of men's cloth- ing. Though fit, style, color and general good appearance must be satisNed, the Suit must first of all easily meet the demand for good wear, at a moderate PRICE. This store has always, above all things, em- phasized the Wearing qualities of its Men's Suits, and the acid test of over twenty years of this policy has annually added an ever in- creasing flow of permanent customers to our store, who always buy their clothing here BECAUSE IT PAYS. The New Fall Suits are here; all the new colorings, patterns and styles are fully repre- sented, and every suit is specially built to WEAR—and this important point, you can- not buy the equal of these superior suits for less money anywhere. PRICES $15.00 to $35.00 types,t -eir,$1.1'. uality most particullaarly, th, feet fit and s4per161r-,.,_1'­ _t.� manship have, place outstandingly, eM 1 might well tay. theyr, rivals. Yet ibe Coats are, 310twit14'', very modemtely'priced. Come in and see t�iA WOU'_ derful display of Coats— dressy and becoming in ev:- ery detail, unsurpassed in at� tractive beauty, and at prie�. es well within the reach, Of-, every pocketbook. $15 tto $35 For Wom-en, Misses, School Girls and Little Totts Immensely Smart in Style, Fabric and Fit Here in these lovely new Fall Dresses is beauty and rieNiess of design and color as I)Ieasing to t.he eye as their very moderate prices is to the 1)ocketbook. One of tht� most Satisfying features of the purchase of one of these new dresses is the knowledge that back of these garments is the reputation of the foremost dress- makers of Canada. Every garment is the very last word in authentic style, made of the very best material's, and priced at amazing tow figures. Come in and see them. Price $5 to $40 STE WIT AV` BRONi, Seafort nv� JFP _Ay Men's N ew Fall suits IMPRESSIVELY GOOD WEAR—Wear is usually the first quality considered by the wise buyer of men's cloth- ing. Though fit, style, color and general good appearance must be satisNed, the Suit must first of all easily meet the demand for good wear, at a moderate PRICE. This store has always, above all things, em- phasized the Wearing qualities of its Men's Suits, and the acid test of over twenty years of this policy has annually added an ever in- creasing flow of permanent customers to our store, who always buy their clothing here BECAUSE IT PAYS. The New Fall Suits are here; all the new colorings, patterns and styles are fully repre- sented, and every suit is specially built to WEAR—and this important point, you can- not buy the equal of these superior suits for less money anywhere. PRICES $15.00 to $35.00 types,t -eir,$1.1'. uality most particullaarly, th, feet fit and s4per161r-,.,_1'­ _t.� manship have, place outstandingly, eM 1 might well tay. theyr, rivals. Yet ibe Coats are, 310twit14'', very modemtely'priced. Come in and see t�iA WOU'_ derful display of Coats— dressy and becoming in ev:- ery detail, unsurpassed in at� tractive beauty, and at prie�. es well within the reach, Of-, every pocketbook. $15 tto $35 For Wom-en, Misses, School Girls and Little Totts Immensely Smart in Style, Fabric and Fit Here in these lovely new Fall Dresses is beauty and rieNiess of design and color as I)Ieasing to t.he eye as their very moderate prices is to the 1)ocketbook. One of tht� most Satisfying features of the purchase of one of these new dresses is the knowledge that back of these garments is the reputation of the foremost dress- makers of Canada. Every garment is the very last word in authentic style, made of the very best material's, and priced at amazing tow figures. Come in and see them. Price $5 to $40 STE WIT AV` BRONi, Seafort nv�