HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-24, Page 2IT -7 1 1 " IILI)141,1!�11!�� _,�� , 71�111­ ,��,� ­�'­,­-,',,;_­,,­., � I , `7111, I ", �,_� I �, - , , I 1, � ,­,.,_., . , . �� ", , '' �'; 11 - . �., , 11 ­. 1�,­'J,­L,.,1i ,�! '1�1:., e..,�:K,to�,"' � .�;;,�, ," , , ,� ,'�'-, 1 I I �, 1, '­:::�., I, .r %, - I � �.,,�1,11 ��4 . . . . . . .. ,,, 4 I ,r�'- ',� . � � 11 � I , " . , - , ,­_­ ,�� i I ---.--_1-.. !'', . �, - i "I :� ,�, - I _�_ � � I ...._ .1 .. ­ .. 11 - -,- _. � P�� s � "I'll, I. -I I I 1 11 � ... "I I .1, I.. �; ,. ; � . . .., 1, - , ,.� � g NW�­­_­­­ I. �.i �, r ,. 11 "I i � 1.� . . I , `1�*,, , % ,f , , , "I � �b 1.10"r ,. . " , " � � :T - % .., ;, � ,o, �, IF-' i� tig . k, , ' 'i I- z ,", , ,,�.,,�,.,. . I 01 ��,, �, " I , .� U ,,, ,�k ,,, � - , , :� , 4 i I � , I � -1 , : 11 I. , ", I �� , -P _ , I , 1. 1, , ,, � !�3"'R � , ,., .11 1, I 1. . . 11 11, " . 1_1, 0'al 1. ­`�!, . XK,0,�, - , , , .1 . . I . , 11 I I � " "' �01,*:!%,��J_, - " ..,. , 1, . I 11.�_(X*0*440.to God,049 I'll, j. �, :, �)" .. �"v ,�`, RM :1 r; -;,7" 1 . . - � I , 4�,W.�:V6. ;", , - .14 i* - 1, �" ^ �, � ;,.. -- �.111'?r­ I ' .�� � �" . � , ", . 1-11- 11 I;- ;7 '. 1, .. .. 't , . ,4' �. ", . N 1 ", . , I � I Q - ;19r Vig .Ito: I . i ... _, , , , I TI , , . � P , Inown; � -, .� �� Warranted againot blavin, � 't;D men'bis, deed§ malte It ,11� I'll �.n .11, I ,4% � , , ni�" I'll, . �V ye to Him, sing paulmis, proclaimi: '� -, �:;., _, . I 11 _�, 1. . -, .�% 1. .�. VIV ,iii bedo 4i r f. " 'a" 'I ,, � ;trong body and tube�, au4latge ' % wondrous woke each one. i I � 1�.!, �.�, , 44 ., ,W,wa, � V . . . 1i ;�_, �AOW, , Tprjnlropiol' '44' - . - � �� �,�:, ., . ..! - I �Y, � -II., I I . I N ,�". � ­* ...... �­ - I _�"?�',.,.. I i ., W� " A? - ' q - � , ... �illylllle I . t;�:,�,1,1: ... :%� " , I �.`M'I Remember all His wiin4rous worus., : �,;,',.,,�- � Ao W 9 th'4 ' ' , '. f�' --- V_,�,",'�7'_­ -"I?f, �',. ; I!. % , , , �, "W � The marvels He hath done; I " ;� ,� ��'.. ­ 11 �,.&AUd 44d with prots 14, - 41t.ko I � . � ,,.ot* ,� � " �­ f , ...''. Isiet".. 0, * ,J� . I � " �, , - - "­.. 1. .. ­ V� �1 ft I I"i . Spring. WI -150. -, �, � , I ,",� , .. � . � 1, .1 . . , 40, 1. . -9 , I . ­�� I., - �_ I. �, �, .. `.�'. `C:'�­�,,c, ­­Iz� The -righteous judgments o His mouth .,,� V .. . - �i,�,�,,� ., *1.45 each. �', ,,, IT . h4., , N :.�� .'-'.�:�� ri, MRi %� ..""':., , �, :,Oould, endurp, the � I V-0 ,, ... ,... " , .1- I ... may ,* , , , . , . or.q� ­.� ." ;." .�� -, 44f 1,;�,,.:-1141,1 -1:��,��'.. . o -b -,�.�,,, :� ,:�� ,'��'. � , I ,.)p ;aulia i, - , - 'I ,, ' . , �t' - 1,1,:1 ", Remember them each one. .. , ­­, ­, ', 11*31 e-- - , , I , 3 ,2.j, I � � -;i �, , , I , �;,.�, -Psalm 105. ,1 li ... kiisons - U50" the #7 , , . .. 11 . I . , I J%Jp.tAq,s of.a gweenhous ow �Sow - - . , ,:;, _ ,,e may n , D I , . � ,i. �,,",,4,,,..�,, � �,, "', V 1' , 'R ,.� jii e, seou ,of English Wa W-1-owers aild -, -- ,. . , S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 26th, 1926 . � IR 'i'l I: "; '' I- , ,­�,;,, �,..�­11= MBER-WIE STOCK ALWAYS ;;; ��. 4�� �1 . , . 1�1 . I I , 114. I i D#iaiers 4nd in spring they- will bje in - " � : Lesson Title -Review: Early Lead- 1. �.,�,� %� I, 11 I. I I . . � , . ,R) LIM-For building or whitewashing. �, ,�, possesuion of beitutiful plants of many I era of Igrael. Z, - �i �i��,', � �, colors -(,the former deb 'LL PLASTER -For immediate use. ,�:.",! - J ghtfully per- I . ,� . ,A Lesson Passage -Psalm 105:1-8. "I . . , 11 � - -_ . kuziied when in flower) -to set out in ., ... � LF -AND CEMENT -Always fresh. Golden Text -Heb. 12:1, 2. th,6 beds. In the planting ,of these � ' � 11 " %, July 4th -'Israel Ensalved in Egypt. beds a spacing of ni-ne to twelve in- % I 1117.�,�,�"-.r!.. �� Also sole agents for GYPROC . -Exodus 1:1-14; Pa. 94.14. , ches may reasonably be allowed the - I � .. - I t ,ill ,,�-,�,:!`,-:,�";. :": , When Jacob migrated to Egypt the plants. Individual beds of Hyacinths, == �11­ "I � --,I a band consisted of seventy souls. At Tulips and Narcissi are -go common "A., �, . - �, �`, A '�' ` the time of to -day's lesson his deseen- that it will not be necessary to say exp , ��"Z; , � .11 111,;, 1. "I. , ks- 11 Sons- I . other than that the depth to Ill Q . 1 .,.:"."A� , , - , �. ­­.�. 1�1 G e0e A'* Is & , dants were so numerous and pros- � , . .. 1. I , . ant ,,, ,,.��', . 11 ,�,�I � perous that the king, becoming afraid the bulbs should be about five nches a '11- VAI ", i � I, "It .. 0"r''. they might join against him in case and -their spacing five or six inches.- ­1 . M� - a 46 , --- , ___ , �','��... of war with another nation and so 9 III -1i , Most delightfull combinations of due I __ R ", ", 0 pass from under his sway, laid plans bulbous and Spring flowering plants gFe , , I I I. .. I " , �..� � of many kinds may next month be 11 V to destroy their number without act- ) ',� " - ually seeming to do so, but his plans planted. 'Me practice should be to a c "I � � 1. 11 �, � , I _�� . ShampeS Id'ImSt lon"AW ... iled him nothing but rather work- I k utilize bulbs which grow somewhat doe,. , P;_ I r9*0 ed to the ultimate extraordinary de- taller than the dwarf plants used to lY t ,,.�,,, �,�";", __ ?. , et1p. ,�� �� 10 when you shine them with "Nugg velopment of the Hebrews into a na- carpet the ground. Thus Darwin ace " . �, , 1, - :1, �.,,,,, I tion of two millions of souls. Tulips with Myosotis or Phlox Arno- nes �, : 'Y, It water -proofs and protects the leather. "I 1?r, - "Nugget" Tan Polish preserves the July Ilth-Childhood and Education � 'A ena Would go well together. Hya- he r 1, rj�,�,, of Moses. . einths with Arabis or Aubretia or las , , . �'. original colour of tan shoes. -Ex. 2:1-10; Acts 7:22. . F , � 1, � . .. -Pansies or Violas would be proper. lorn �,'��' � , 66 99 -Prov, 22:6. Moss und . . � ,,, The second son of Arnram and With Hyaciliths the common �'�', - 11 �g, A Pink Phlox could also be used. Daf- c a.n '. Jochebf,d was born when the King's X;,t,v' will "� .. ]MUGGET fodils with -Polyanthus Primroses of . � I -1 edict that every male child at birth suitable colors or with Pansies of vIc-' , I., . � I I -1. . be thrown into the river Nile, was in A yellow shades preferably make nice met ,;; -1 ,. I - I force. They managed to hide him 94 1''.." Shoe§Pohsh for three months and then consigned combinations. 11, . I i In all cases where a combination 'a- :: _ . Black -Tan -Toney Red -Dark Brown I ii'm to the care of the river, hoping 1:121 99 . - !!: 0 0 . �, of bulbs and other flowers are em- , r". 1! I � .. I. . - and White f - -1!ZP1 ,' -� �' -1`- that he might in some way be spar- , ployed the bulbs should be spaced tha ,-. - - , - � 9 - td. The King's daughter found him, W a , inte , ��� I �4�� �` U I , ,'�' was coristra 11(1( )y t e mother -love ,�' about seven inches apart the carpet. " I I I ing plants being interspersed. Some- ccm , � , . __ - _­___ __ - - - ­ - liosse.,;sing lit-?, when the helpless babe times when beds are so Vi'anted . a his �..., cried as �he looked into the basket, , - -7 ; , . , . --- - - -_ considerable money savin him I �;.: I- to adopt him. ' Through the sugges- the ., forbid wrong doing, wrong thinking effected as fewer bulbs are required. I, �. ,Iin(� , I tion of Miriam, who had b,een set to Inose who would not it I A, I - ,::,;. watch bv her inother, the babe's own arid wrong des ' mig between man and plant the $too �', I " - �Spring flowering plants,in artificial 11,: i� - . nieh �1, �:- �; , , -N . . mother 'became his nurse until .such man and,enjoii;, 1,,ve as the fulfilling I �.. ., I � _. ,I i,��_ time ,I, he went to live at the. palace, uf the law. arrangement in beds may mass them -I � I � � (I .. - )_-,,"1- , "', , . where, as the adopted son of Phar- Sept. 5't&�The Tent of Meeting. in the border. Bulbous plants when thii ' ji�_' - , 11 - noh's daughter, lie was learn I ' 11 -Exodus :i�i. in flower in spring and eirly sum- and � - E��_ #, If)(, wi,dmn of the Egyptians and be -1 -Exodus :;3: I 1. . mer add greatly to its appearance, pers , �. /,", be ? ,,�, % - I I s and in de(As. I After the ch,:-iren of Israel -made Barren and forlorn indeed would be I ,� I % .1 -0 came mighty in word., 'borders if we did not brighten The "" . �, 11 , Juh- 181li-The Call of Moses. the golden call' M,).�es pitched his tent! c I .. - 11 ur .1 - _. __ .. , 0 . -I I:,,, -orn. the camp and � them up a little in spring. The ta e Mt� � _ I - '-­ __ I -Fxodus 3:10-15; 4:10-12. 1 at some dist, fi . 11 r ti . "I 1. � . growing bulbous plants 'I., Mo�zr�s while feeding sheep was at- � iL became the iti­�-,;ng place between , may be ,", imassed in numbers of about nine or =7 �- " � racted by a strange sight. He turn.! the Lord and '.\) - s. There he inter-, Al I . twelve and planted in any space . ,�.., Try these Recsp' /e, 5 fo r I "i aside to invostigate a bush burn- cvded for them �-t �,'UlSe of their great' which is not crowded by the tall grow- . :1 I,- 4&. ing and yet. not being consurned. A sin and'God w! ­,%,,,red, saying, "My I -11 ,,� I -e. the voice of God, called him I presence shall g . with thee, and I I Ing or spreading perennialis. The I .11.zl I %,)i( ., 1, :. I and said he was ,zending him to de- I %vill give theL' - - --," .Moses pleaded I smaller ones should properly be . ,�, G -9-9 as- . � 1�ver the 11chrews out of the land .If, yet again tha! (i ,.i would reveal H'.31 M sm near the front of the border. I F IZ59 V I i nes, � glory to him :, , ; was made to hide I -,�,� I M I gypt. Mo.4es I argued lik unfit .., . I - wilu would have the low' grow- - , � . AN Ili scvvral Nv;t%:, htiL God overruled: In a cleft of !i i,,ck ' and see Hisling forms of herbaceous plants to �I. I them ail atid ri:�survd Moses Ile would I _�hadow, as it -,� !, as God passed by- � flower next spring should set them , �' , , ­_ ;cortainly Ite with hinn. Thu.,; it wa.v Sept- 12tb--4;ill- for the Tabernaele.,out now. Miss Ping Phlox and P. , . ,Ili The quantities "EASY MADE's I .Moses war; calli-d and prepared to be -Exodus 35:20-29. Amoena, Arabis or Rock Cress. The &� 1� are exact; the Put in an earthen jar:- � the deliverer of the children of Israel. -Prov. 3:1). , � . ... � yellow perennial Alyssurn, Dwarf e-ar- .- !Jub. 25th -The Passover. Wben Mom- ­'urned from his se- )y flowering Pffik$, and similar de- -_ directions sim- l gallon vinegar . I ��� I i I cup Keen's D.S.F. Mustard I -Exodus 12:17, 2; 21-28. con sojourn I , I rty days in the' ,�;t,;, ple. just follow i lightful and valuable subjects -will do �� �. I cup salt i -11 Co r. 5:7. 1 Mount, he gav�. '­ the people the in- I far better next spring if well estab- � I:�; the recipes, mak- Add onions, 5liced green tomatoes, sman , -r tht' ninth plag I - I . � �� . ".,. ing sure that yoLi Aft( ue upon the, structions be i:.,i received for the' lished before they flower. They will I r, cucumber.%, and cover in the usual way. : f -*g'., ptiall,;, (;,)d commanded Moses to: building and � ­i,hing of the Tab-. ., These pick.les wil be ready to cat at the r require a little protection 5. "" use KEEN'S end of six weeks,] and will keep perfectly. , lin-paro the lsratAfte-s for th(,ir de- ernacle. Th, :� -ple responded wil- I ,� .; I over winter especially the first year. 11 11. d MUSTARD,and I parture. for Pharaoh would thrust � lingly, giving I-:' : heir gold, their pr,- � It is too late to obtain the best re - 11 � ­ , . �,, your Pickles will "DELICIOUS" , them out (In finding the first-born in cious stones, tii !- fine linen and their! sults by planting in spring when the I 11 t : , 1. be an entire 1 quart small onions - every Egyptians home dead. As! wOrk, showing - heir appreciation of plants are in full bud or in many I - I,. 11 11 -1. success. 1 quart cucumbers .Moses instructed, a lamb was sacri-' (;(A's mercy i: `.,rgiving their great . '11� I large cauliflower � feed. the blood sprinkled upon the! -in and contiw..- g His presence with cases in flower. � i , 1. -1 and door posts, the flesh roast- them in their . in-neyings. - i,�, Write for our 2 heads celery � ihitt .11 1.1-11 Free Recipe Book 2 red peppers . ed and eaten aft,er the people were � Sept. 19th--4)hvdience to Law. � : Peel onions, cut vegetables in small pieces, I all dressvd rvady for a hurried exit. _Leviticu- 26. .1 , , 1.1, "'.1 It contains other cover with wcak brine and let stand over- This feast of the passover was to be -Lev. 10:9. Quick Pile Relief �, I 11-1 excellent recipes for night. In the morning bring to a boil and (,[).served by future generations as a i Man's d0ty to God is restated in 'M,�:, Pickles, Chow- drain off. reminder how Lheir houses were pass- I this lesson and many promises of Dr. Leonhardt's Ilem-Ruid is igaar- ,� , 11 . �..� Chow, Cntsup, Rel- Tae sugar. I cup flour, 6 -d over when God smote the rgypL- bernporal �,­l spiritual bi-essing,; to anteed to hanish any form of Pile ,.. 5 , . ,. t , . , tablespoonruls Kecn D.S.F. Mustard, I i I _ , "., ish--s, Salads, Salad tablespoonful turmeric and 2 quarts vin� iring in His final judgment. g of these c(imoI1;trI,l_ misery, or money back. It " � I follow th(. �­vpin L. gives .... , Dressings, Sand- gar. Boil this mixture for twenty min- August Ist-The Deliverance at the rneat,,;, I�;% - -i. To these are added (luiC,k action even in old, stubl;orn , I -iches, etc. Mailed utes, stirring continually. Pour over veg, Red Sea. great , tables hot. Let stand ten days, stirring I and !vrHble pun:shments are cuses. flem-Roid is a harmless tab- ,, - P . FREE on request. every day, tljcn bot,.e. -FxDdus 1.3.-17-22; 14:10-16. threaten -i hould they break the h -t that removes blx)od congestion in , I , ... 1: COLMAN-K-PEAT fr'� A 'k T : : J 17p; -Exodus 15:2. , co,venaw, !h,, Israelites made whi-i 'he lower bowel -the cause of piles. r !g, ',� , ,4 ; gr*,�,jy,!,,v,�,�.,�..q � .y ", �,�, , 6 ., X � , �; I V�­ ­­­­.I,,J,- . ,X",�, "il "t I � 111. pl'li�', ., - ­---� . 1. " im - 1,,�� -9 '4, *1 . %�] I'll" "I i.,.�Ii � 1: '51_ , P 'i, . �,4. 'i I �. _�""�",N.g ,f, �', " ,7.,_ � , i ,� . ,. I _ ,, , I , . ;�", .. ,Ae . I I - ,� �, ,. I I . � Y .1 1��.X :%', � ,�� . , -!"'.' ,� " �., �� . ,- , " �, -, I I , "I ;, ; t.�, r,�,!,_*PF,,�i,� "I'll �� .... 11 I I , �, 11. 1, I , � t� .;'.., � , .21, . , ., . I , I , I , "� I I _ ,, ,�2,: 1,4 I , _0 � , �, , , .11 ".. V. 0.1- � - I .", , , 11 1, �" , , �, I , A ?. � .1 2 , , - , 11 "I". 1 '.11 , � � 4�� �"' �&,W'1111 , � - ;!,,.- . I �', I A.- � Z . " .�, � I � ,� � ..�' , - � ­ ,�., � I , ; , ..,.*,, , � , � . - �, , . ", F . I i � , I :_�� , �. I 11 ��d,t, 40; i� ,,�4 , " '. I . . . ".. :� , , - �, ��,��,�, . � � � I-. 11 � I'll 1 _."�.I,.�',,4­ �; .111"'.1-1. 1� " " , " �. '­� , .- , , - � _ , , . , , . ,�:! � , I ,,, " � 1�'; .. , . " � �, i I �­ ". . 1, o I �"!. I,; ��, .�;. I -�,�,� . . � �' , : i , �� i i I _� �,I,.`;�,: . . . .1 .111, .. ., . . I . . ", ,�,�'7.��. , � , , I., - . I ��,, e I 11 . .1 ��..'.,�..� " ,:� � ;; j: ., , '. I , , ,. !, 11 � - , 11 �. , -,4.,;; ., , I � "_ ENO* � , � , . I . -, : � , , , . ,;� , " . 1, . �,,! ;� 1: ,.", ".". �-; �'J. kA: , , I ­,­ 1 . , � , .", ; . - ,� ,�' � - I I , � ," fl, 1- I— . � . . . � . ", 11� 1, " . I � I ,. . , I—. � ­ ,", '�*:, " �e 1, -, ­­ , , 0 * - , ;_ , "' , "' , * `_` , � , '� ` , .1 , 1. 0� 1 014 i , "' -if � I .. - .0 -i e 11 ,�::, � 11 .- *- � , I I I � , , � , ,�,,� '. :� �', : � V.'.,T­ � .I' - �',' , W " ask*-- 4 * ,� th �"'.", "''" I � 1� , I.- I.. I eqted of me-" � went 'abroad and, shortly thereafte* uotations from the book follow as the very elements which I looltecia eted by the New York Times:' upon as particularly obnoxious an(I 'Well,then," I said,"what did in- detrimental to the common w-eal sue,* e you to make the run on the Pro-' ceeded craftily in insinuating them- ssive ticket?' ' selves again near the seat of power. He shoved his head forward with My work and aim, the people's work haracteristic gesture: 'If a man and aim were in jeopardy.****! a thing which he discerns clear- Thousands, hundreds oi thousands* o be against his interest, if he called to me to come to the rescue i3a epts the burden, strain and bitter- order to preserve from imminent men- s of a fight, at the end of which ace that which had been won for the sees discomforture, defeat and people during my Administration apCI ing disability; if he leads a for- to prevent the Republican Party from hope, if he spends himself in an. acquiescing in the aseendency of re- ertaking which, almost certainly aetionary and sel�-seekinlg elements., yield him no reward, but rather " 'The voice of the primaries in 191?. bring him harm, loss and disser- was - unmistakable and, I venture to , how would you diagnose his think, unprecedented. The Republi- ives ?, can Convention refused to heed that, the answer voice . . . . A wave of red-hot indig- ' I started to suggest. nation and protest swept over the mil - 'The answer is,' he interrupted, lions who had voted for me in the t his motives disregard personal primaries. They were not the kind rests, that he is actuated by a of men and women, and theirs was pelling sense of what his duty, -not the teinper to take the' proceedings conscience and his station require of the Chic'ago Convention lying down. to do, irrespective of the cost or They looked to me as their leader. consequen ' ces to him. They now called upon me to head an 'During my Administration I independent, movement. It was a- d for certain policies and gainst my judgment and my inclina- tods, for certain fundamental tion, and I told them s.q, but throijigh gs and aims in our national life, the mouth of spokesman after spokes - against influences, practices and man they insisted. In loyalty, honor onalities that I . believed should and duty there was nothing for me to fought, defeated and eliminated. do but to heed their call and make niasses of the people supported the race with all my might, regardless and hailed me as a deliverer. of present or future consequences to , � '1141 ing left the Presidency, I . =::�_ . ___ - myself."' - . . ... 1" I �� ii I I C% 6, , ": , , I,, � �'.. . , . . , , .. , , '. I . - �_�� -, I ', ,��, I �, .11, - W * � 41�i � - . I .1� , . .- � I. 1, ... I . � I ,.. �� , , : , , Cz. ". � 0 ". �, , - I _- ,R- lai �., , % . ,� , . . ,1. 4� . � ,� . �, � -1 . %7. , , I I � _ S� . . - Pro&d Your Summer Collage From Fire I Underwriters give lower imurance rates on summer cottages roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates because they are &e resistant and cannot be ignited by burning shingles or _'11-r. - , I flying emb era. ig ./ ,� , I... - 1 .4N it If . - -1 11_1� I - . - J=�,� .11, . , � , , - a M LC , Dept. Tho childrerLuf Israel were well on they sa:& "All the words which tho It brings joyful relief q�ickly and - - -, I _1____AW____1V_ - � . 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal - . .-, - their way to the pri)mj."d land when Lord hwh -,iid will we do." Should saf,:y or costs nothing. C. Aberhart - ___ _- gC ­ , �� -i , God turned them out of the direct they acc, o' the punishments and Tv- :ind druggists everywhere sell it with ,Braiifford.Roofm Wa Brantford, 0ntario . . 1�­ ­. -Ike confemion God woul,l t.his guarantee. Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service ,:. "I., path as there were many needed les- pent and ir . ,, � It A , .i - 111111il -i -, -hem nor take His pres- on Brantford Roofing rendered by , .o son for thpm 'to )earn. One was the not riji , r' I ". A% I ence from !henL I __ 40 - .1 ,,;,� I � legson of faith, and this came to the -.i N. Cluff & Sons, - - - Seaforth I&I'. I 11 I ii�!114W - when Moses commanded them to 40 1 NVt4V PA11CI1WV17T'r DAV AQ i?. 'I- . march towards the Red Sea as the I 2 � aids I PI-ANTIN(; SPRING FLOWERING' ,.� c 4" . . � ­ . ,,� - ctigestion I only possible wa,. of escape from the PLANTS i PROGREFSIVE . I . . . � '. . pursuing Egyptians. At Moses' up- I Thv late Colonel Theodore Foose- '�; I - I lifted hand, in which he. held th- rod If vim w�Iuld have the most beau,'_ .... I 4" _�� - - um ­d on former occa,,ions to work ful �vds ,,f Spring flowering ]an ". eft is quoted by Otto H. Kahn, bank- , I . I . �,N'F . i ; p "'; � er, Chairman of the Metro,politan Op- 1111ra.,:lP%, the water�; divided and they, i� t t e m a' v_;: , marched o I era Company, and recent visitor to , � ,1. __ _­� 0. . ver on dry land, but theljority of Ith-i subjects. When a con -Toronto, in a new book he'has written, =� ­ -- _­�_,_____=�� � is ,l:_,_t !. , time to plan h .� .... I'll. ' I . . . . . 1, ,��,.- 4-N ­ I I Egyptians follk)wing were drowneckisideration ;-i being given to choicf.' .: I ": ,_�, I '. � I and God's word fulfilled. "The: of bulbs. as having said he knew he was prae- '.. � 1;F-` F-gy-ptians whom ye have seen to- 1 t ically signing hi& political death war - V; �.- , . plants the so-called Dut,ch _.... ,-f 6 I I i should lo, induded as with thesc, aloiw . I,- 1, , I rant when he agreed to run as a Pro- . �� 1�o - � I (lay. yip. shall see them again no more it is imp,,��ible to make attractive .. 1. � . I 1 1 �, gressive candidate for President _11 ir)j-�J -.1 - I I forever." I t,eds. If, howeve�r, in their arrange- in ((,;,. k I I - . Aug. 8th -The Givin%r of the Manna. 1 1912. Mr. Kahn tells how the Colonel 'I, . I rn,pnt bulkm% - T". I t Irl?, plants are associated I asked his advice concerning a propos- . I y -Exodus 16:1-36. with dwarf caxpeting plant.s, supipr') 11 '_,� I Rl_� , - i -John 6:35. ed inheritance tax which the Colonel , .,.� _J_� ,�Ir. Irl I - .w .1 . arTangvnients may be affected. I w 1, I 4 � The children of Israel Complained advocate in a speech � I.. I as about to t", I - . A Spring flowering plants, are many. I about six months bef6re his death. 'I. ": 1\ I .... 11 . 1� hitteilly that they were facing starva- From their ranks we m ay select: Mr. Kahn describes how he told Col- �: _-1X , � I tion on their way to the promised dwarf fl,)wvring kinds for Imost ,r,.v I 11 :1 ,... 'Z I - -,. , �L� , I � _17� - . land. God heard their murmurings wrel Roosevelt that the proposed tax 11 �.�, I A. '! , , combinati(m with bulbs or even for I - - ., I I I . and raine^d bread from heaven, and in some instances would wipe out a , �.�. �, . L "I rA I for forty years they were thus mir- - -_ - -_ - - ____ - . I rnan's estate., and how tlw former "I I- 0�01 . 1/1 aculously fed. Two conditions were President reluctantly modified his � I T- i I attached to this gift ; they were to proposal. "A few reminiscences of 1:11A , 2 ., .; ! 'I 11 � - :1. I � gather just enough each morning to Conversations With Late Colonel I I ill, , 'i! last that day hut on the sixth day 11 Theodore Rvoswvellt," is the caption 11­/.� , , `J I, wOMAN COULD , :-, � . � .. P'.1 0 . . . they were to gather and prepare a of the chapter devoted to Colonel ..� , 4', � . . . . . I double portion and keep the seventh Roo,sevelt. The title of the book is .,�. ?;_ ,I � t day holy unto the Lord. HARDLY WALK "Of Many Things," and it includes ."; �". I I i I p ..... �'. ..I 1 :51 . 4f Aug. 15th-Jethro's Wise Counsel. - eqsays and public addresses by Mr. , .1 � . -Exodus 18:1-27. Mrs. Horn Tefls how Lydia E. K,,h,. lioni & Liveright, Inc., pub- .. , "� :� ,��_ �_ 5 ];,Pliers of thr book, in a preface t -x- , """ , -Mark 13:34. RIJ& PinUam's Vegetable Compo 1 V'r,­4 � F,--' When the children of Israel reach- flain that it was the publishers' idea Q , . W'.� 11'0,;,� - ed Sinai. Moses, father-in-law came Restored Her Health to put, the collecti;n into book form, 1, . �� wi, , �i_' to see him and heard from his own de9pite-the fact that most of the 1 I . � 4 - �1, N � (" lips the gr6at deliverance they had Hamilton.Ont.-'I have taken Lydia essays and addresseg had been pub- �Zl 1,.; H E , experienced in Egypt and in the wild- i E. Pinkham' I Ve b'e C - und lished in part in the newspapers and ?-- -;, - 1, :rd ,oulod 9t be .,I Hie saw how great V1.1 , �, erness jotirney. in other publications. ;�Fg !f. 11! wAb"u"t, LLI uvw. �� 1, I was the task Moses was accomplish- , , I bad a f emale In the chapter on Colonel Roose- -, .2. ing and advised him not to try to be �* I �0, 11 "I Foy the Hohdqs �1 ftouble so badly I velt. Mr. Kahn explains that it was I'll ! ? �, udge but to , could hardly walic in the wiritpr , �11 111 - � choose out pious, able, unselfish men I and I was all run- , I or� T first, it looked like a bopeless task to save enough to h* him. Moses saw the wisdom down and could ,qqked Collionel Roosevelt why he 1`11-1 accepted the ProgTessive nomination , ,. ,�, .. . to visit the old land. But as time went or% of this advice and adopted it. hardly get around 'k. A ion in 1912, when the fight was well � 1- '�. � . the feZ %71,ars deposited systematically in the Government Aug. 22ud-The Ten Commandments. to do my honae- �� .... 12'. 1 .. I .. nigh hopeless. He quotes the Colonel ,1�,�.W 7 . , � Savmlgs Office grew and grew - and soon there was Duties to God. work. I would be 1.11 -Exodus 20:1-11. inbed three or as replying: �N ,�'. , , , - ,�.,�,i,,,' 7 . enoUgh. -Deut. 6:5. four days at a �,- .t , �, ��'-Iv,� isl rr.�. time, I was told "You dolubtle-as know much more ,� �. ',� .1, , Mone�j deposited here is secured by the total wealth of Pt)ur commandments d*al with . ., ;�f,q, I ,�� . about finance than I do, but you .i - ME by afriend to try " 'I . __ : the Province, and may be withdrdwn witbout nGtice. man'i dutv to God. In them God your Vegetabld-Comp6and. I di and . I - ��, ,�; � can't tell me anything about politics. .1 14. '. ,,��, I'��:., calls Israel to love him with all "tbine by the urnel zook two bottles was ;;,�q . � Of course I was aware in 1912 of the , ,, �12 ,1 .11 A dollar will do to start. heart and with all thy sotd, and with be , , ; aftund again. I things you point out. Of , �1 11, . ., 1. . I � gamin to 1949t took ""I, . " all thy might," thus course I had I ",:'It. I. I, - 0WNT0 BRmcmes- co'. I W, no illusions as to winning in a three- - , ". I, Z making Him ten bot es in all, and now I am all , , 111,Z,; ! � �, "", I __ . Bay & Adelaide 8U.- S49 Danforth Ave.; Cor. , 1. .'� �, 1. i tvosW abd Dandas SL above all gods. Tarael is command- bt again and doing my own work. . � . � . � . �". � , Lin OTHER BRANCHItS AT.- Aylmer, Branifordi, cornered fight. -arse I realized ' , , 'L ��� 0; , . I ' Of co .... �,: 1� lit I , , n* �6.ravkat, Oftown. Owen sound, Pambroke, Seafarth, St. Catharines; ed to refrain from vain use - of the Mve six grovvn�ups to work for, so I �,,_. � �yl & , ,,I -, 111. �� ­;��.� , 1� .... ID� . I :. rOrk, Wkdr that it wotild put me out of the run- � 16, it ton, wQsiack. 3 HolY Name and enjoined to I have plent or Used Lydia 1,�`!,-,, ytoho. I tLls ning In 1916 and probably forever. �111, '. ... �1- , I � I .11 look fo .",:` It"C', .­ 9 't interest of their souts and 2 _ . - I ea,farth laranch, J. M. McMillan, Manager the bes inkham 8� S , ative Wash, and I . � 'Q. ,'­�., , �6­ trmk it is goo -1 t-1 owe my health Moreover, n)Y getion in running a- , , oo , !:.�!",�, � Y�,, , �,;�,� .: - I ,l'taiii- __. ftm,L to!; p.m. Saturday 9.30 a,m. to s p.m., 7 p.m. to 9.10 pin.' bodies by keeping one da % " , 7 i -A seven , f , , �' .. �'.' :�L . � as a d4ty of rest and communi-A w&� to the �dblo,Gompounil, and I gRiAst the RePubliCat ticket meant ­ , � - 11. 4".�;',-. , :,. � !,,�?,,, 11 f think if m6re q� it W9a uf*d women breaking�_ done friendships and inti. ' -i , ',,I ,�, ,�,;,, 1.��... I. � God. . , . - - ,�,.,,,�� - 2.1f -_.,_V1_.'.__, I (Zn would be be , PV_ I W9u,Ld not b6 tnate affiliatious of a lif4time. r ,��, ,,, : . � Aug. 20th -The Ten COMI"Sudments, Q rotfflea to Mau. V ­_ r - -.1 , tduch more. "- "And furthetmore, I saw quite ,�� L 'r 'L, I', 1. Mrs, lftltw,� -0*.28 St.Matthews clearly that, even if, by a miracle, �,T,411,�JV" , '' -NGS OFFICE - -UXodue 90-129-M. Avft (4k�­0nU%q6- I the inconceivable contingeticy of -, i 1, ,.1,;`- , � N �� ',��Ilil� ; -T&O. 1,0418, , , , � "bropm flowil, lattvOtra `i�;,�Is' DO 19 . . � :� MAINWAMAT The &M . , 6 election should coute true, ma,hy of -11;1-11 . . . . coramandmelit a 6ing $n4vfeaki y4iA E.- Mk- thoa,� most ,Mt1"1iJA0Hft11 , for me � , , � , , � is 0*cel. , � IMN P . . �l, . hwtbt to pareing, ww,�, ham, V 1,14"', udlift , ul I I � dirgug fhe - 1j% " _ ;1�6E � ,�, 1".".", � . _ . " - " I - axin- I # Me% , 0 tv. Y' campar would soon ac- � . DO$ PARK dAtib,* of ,0611 life "T -ha U', d tUf 1"UX"M Ta e It J= I; dthe and tur, tat ift because, .... � -��"�,�,,,� f ,'�.. � Q_ L . I � I : , �iw I ... " �`-.�,�14� .If Is , IF ifit, I Sga ...'..., I "'T'll"'."J . ". ­� ' I rodks Ae dtpldle rwe§ th;a *6*%P# 4 d if' i i�'?,mid , *,6199 hot, and c6uw 1.4- .� u -11-1 I �'. �1;1 � ­ C4 1 ... . ... : ­­....- . . I � ,�11­ I - L, - _- - I_ - _­ - ____ - --­ - - - , - A0*10% Cosaveirta, sinowhe an'd do gases max,ito be .4 a t **' 4ft1*%y Happ Thawouzigh"A Allir-blast Im _ 1-1 e - ast device does this by mixing heated air'above the fire with smoke an� gases from the fuel. It causes them to burn instead of escaping up the chim- ney. Complete combustion of all fuel is secured through the shell -bar grate which admits the free passage of air through the fire. Happy Thought Because of the fact that moist air Air -blast absorbs more he;it than :,: """I'"",'"" 1111,11,11, ,�- _� dry air, less fuel is reiquired - � ___ :', tp keep the house comfort- .­_ ��. - �Z i�_ =�­ 4-.�� able when the air is moist ==:r� �, ==;�_ 1 4;� - the full size Hygienic � .. - Vapor Pan is correctly pro- i I - p4ortioned and placed to � I 9�. provide the exact degree E-= � E� = � of moisture for health. F__ LZ -_ Come in and let us demon- R I � - strate to ,,ou bow the All- � - I cast will give you all the t�- 10f - I � healthful warmth you need ER and save you money or �.Z Fy I 11 . vvTite for complete details. - . , . I_- , � 9� ? There is a Happy Thought �.­ I Furnace for every type of' , I home. - Made in Pipe and Pipet*" ROBERT E. REID - 1 Seafarth, Ont. .. , %J.J, '.`�P� , . ��� ,'�, .Xis I at, 1. �_ � IM , � INEEM t� � �.Tj�gw�aiw=v , . �','11!.��""�'.I'I�',­� -.1,,",j, � � ,� g­gj. ,!,�;�,%, .11- . ­ I - 11 � ,'7,:�,�,,'f, 1�;,RTN,�a ,',��,,,�:,4��,��i,�,�,.,����,q;,.I �"_',I,'';::­ 1_ 17?"I"IM13YAM �,�""ILLI�,��,-�,�W,Tl"�;""�m, %, �T--�'ll�ll.�,�,;�'ll",�%";�l',�,I �k, pi, �-I,,� , 1 ��� I � �� ,I, _ " , I ­" ­' ""�� ­�'� 17,�f,;."O �', 15 .,1 F, V ............. ,11.1 1111­1�'.­,� '11­� �­;, "", � 1,7.,! , , Gx,��, ", 11 . !;�_ _ " ,,,,,r - ,�_ �, - "i- I'll PIM ""'v p0M.., va 4 'gg-, & ,%g� 1 &W, i g" gg ,,� Mq",fil.tt ',,� , , � . ,J - . ;, " _ � 1 :,�-, � I 1���'�' �,­ �­!;-�',%, _ , , ,�, , ­� 1, ,,,j� ',7,� , 1`1� St -.0.1 ­ "' - � r, , 'I I , J '� "I �,��:r ', l� " , � � �, ,:L,�,�� �1:1",�:' ,� � ,, ZVI r,,,. g'r.'V.g� - ,wr . � I " ,:� � , ,,��: � � �'. I ,�� � � ';�,,' - _�� ­_ 4 � 1, I I I . �! I , k L�;r " ',,:�' � , , � : , �, � , ", `�,1 ­� , -,�­ ­,:�'­ ­F�� . "I I 1� ;, , � " , 1, ,I �_: - ,,, , , , �'; ";,� � " ,., , , ­ , I I I , 7 , i I g! . 'p � , I 1""jt'�', [, �, ! '' 7 ­",�, g� , , � 'RE"'ill, I xggi, , , I;' ­�"�� .",,�",����%""'�"11,�'L�i". _'I'.� � ��� j,� , _,., V, �, P�%:,� Z,X, , � " ".L �, " �,��,, ;,, ,,,, , , �,',,',I� . ,�_ ��,,�,�� 1,11", i" "110 "'13 "11i . �g�� 1� k 1110 - 11 11 � i',,�,tir,�mN�,,!7"""k!'�,-,,��O.""� 1'1.�' k �M .� Vt511,1251"RN I M1.142MM"t 51'r I' �.,;,�, �11.11, ,��1,11,1�"I'l.,�r,,,,,,,�l.,,;�174"', t:_,U'110.141300 �!­ ,,�� - ,, ", it � (��!",! 'I ��� =I k % . " V ,475 110. , I , 1_ '*'il;iil4�l47. 11 W N'��,��,,,,,,�.",�.,,,,.,,,��""",,A;�,,'��r,���"IF�l"",��,,�F i,� �,,i , , �`I , � IN � , ", Rr OR , , ,� ? �, k � 1"? � M. "N ,� ,�,,��'? ,!!�_!�"', , , , , , ,7,,;! ":., ­, KZI� _11- I. , 1�, � � � , - , , - " , 7., , , ,. "� � . , . , �. �,"_ , ., - ,g;o , I I ,t .... .. . ,� " ­V'�I� ­1� , ".­ .9, -I, ­ 1,4A , :1� � , " I ,. . , " RIM MR, , ,,, � I I 11, , �� I I I I � , , ,� �:; I ,- I � I , � . �,�,, � . , ,,,�. - 11�`,_ ,";_ " 7. 1 �`i".,��,,- t'Ri,if",�Z".., , , 7 1 . , . "', I I , I , , '11,t�,,T " � , L ; .... ��� � � I 11 11 , 4 ., 1 - I I . I 1. I . � 1. , , 1, ��,6 ,�X. i, , ".. � " �iZ�,,�11 ,. � - , ,iji�,I�� jg',�&'i�u ... a"ii"-�-iiiiiwi,",-..�-"I�6�.",.L-��-�,�-,�,:-���,-�,� Lg"16��,,�Ilfi , ," ..... � ,,,, , , A-Iigillu�; ;I I �� .�, �' I I I �­ " ''5"7 , � I 1, ,j ., 0", ,6��%4,��g".gl � , '' , � . , I e,", ,,, � , I � ­:�;$;,%,,,� . � _ . � ILI J,.;�.Ak�,�Pkl,_,� �11.1_1 - , ,��.,,, ��, ,,� �, I 111; 1, I � � �" . . , 1. 'I 1 6, i", � W"- ""�-MA; ,�, I,Iwi- .ii...b��11'1­1 I I � I i I I ,. I �."� _1 .�.�M,111 W1.11, � e .. ,"""."­�_ W,':L�f1"':"­1 1'.`,',��'!'� -