HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-24, Page 1I 1, , - I 1 W :' , :: , , �, , '� ,:, :'. -',1 ,' � � I I,' '��t­ ,c I 11 I �.,'::, - I , I I I , - I I I I � I 1, 1� I , I , �, j4, T� , , ..��",� . , - � " - . . I - --1 ­,"', . . .... I - 11. - - , .1 - .. ' -1 - 11 14; - N �',��,;, �'l , � -, ,� , �, - - � - 1.11, � I ­ � - i '� - — ­­_­ , -—.11- ­­. ­­WV,�-11, . _-1 -7 �-­� I- I ler.1—W ­­­ ;.,;_.,T1' ;.,�,:-,�'.W,'..,,-.�, - �",`, lt� I -W ir 4:7; , .�,:., , .:�,� ..:`,i_ I" -);�-4w,_�'J . .1, , , A, �, , , �, �M�-L%'�:V ."N'�, !,��'? - 7,21', ­�04 ,, ," . . -_ ,.� ;� -.IiL,�,n,�=�,J��"JA .1. � � ­ I I '-_-­.,­,. . , 1-1. ;,­'. I'll" ... �,., 1.11,11r., a LI � .��i ­­_. �:­­_. - . 6- .� ,� fr:, 1 1 gy, 111R,'.--.-,;- .", ­;, ��:;­�, ,","­,­111��.­ - - v, �, . ,. ,�,% �,,i­.,T, A � ,. I., ,. 0- . .. - - ­- -��'11. ..1.1 ­­_­ � 111-11- -1.1 1.111-1 I U- . "11q.,"�, 1 ,,�'.O I "%`-7`1,7� .1;,r. 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X"', , ,. , , . � ': s ,*"M411% 'Af , " _ 14" I'll, �� "I'll I.", r�­_ , I V - , . - 0�". �x'�,­J,Jja$ , - , . , .. ,_ If,- , " Im I .111, - � �%,Rii,. ; * I - . , 1 , .; I " , . , ,; q . .1 � I � ..'_ I '", .11 ...... ,4 a �­, "., "tl_�'i""'. " - - :.. . . .,� 1'1.� 1. I . V ''a' . I , V, -PIW -- -A-V I I V_ ". ; ,,,�L;w , � ;, 1, �� I, , , - , I I . 11 - ", �, ,., dott NO . - , .%,., V p , ,tbe 4 . '. .. " .,�464, ­,-, I , ig.46� 0, . , . � , I , �, , � ., . � I , � , � . . - 1.3 _!,., I ,% *P��, im,,:& ) X au IV An I . . E", ,. � to,th d ", , mu lo,the 4 : 1111�­­, - , " ".... .. � MT I w , , , . 119 11. "'", 1, . - ". , " . ", � ; knit$� . 1C. A. , 5 Ruxig ,4 44 ,0 ;; , , WX%v -ibw"-�, _29g.,",;`c�-; " ., �'�`�, , , `�;oioe'; - 1, -, , " , �m � . -, ., " �, . � thd 'Of . , , I A* 14 1. _7 � , I . _1 .1 � '4'oM.T !14, , - ,. " " " , , 01;1 , , ,4. _tl. -, `,._`:1 ' - '. " $' ' " I , I _. - 860, I " ", , ,O '; R �',��-,, � _I 1.� I I ,- . , ";� " ,, igg"u, r, 00h . MI -� ,,, � vj" . # , "'' '' - . - , , 1, " - A) i I: I . � , , I - . , � - vote,$ I 4., V , a7lx . W,,;.", � - , _V .��. . I—. . - ".), q 'k - ,Q 4, I. I J - ag pr i -b LIMBO, - , A' _t,_''. X I 1. 1�tl11;_.,#%*,­.,�A!'f, 0*_ . ... , �� ,.��",,R . � , � - , �#* � � - , "'�, , W.,r '' -J Joil � , � , . " -, ]ROdO, (4 Cz, �It�, , Ci : - , on I -:,-.:, ,..� �,�;v�,,, �1�, i . ip " ,y..A 9 11a'i . , ""'d 4,10 " . � - � , *1; ' ... 1 � I I I V9 ­ . - lrl�.-, llx�vg , 0 , '. �� . , fi�� qqq; -di, -0 ­,- 3-44, 't, ; ?�,­­�4.'#,! ­,... 99 - , , ____ I , � ", 0 _N�ul 91011 ,,, , , . - , , ti 'ta ; , L �', (' "&. ( A ' th 'm ,,, I I i I I 1P r, - , ,, & ." � 41 tboli� I ., �. � q� A _- t. L. 11 - - , No, -` . _! ��,,, " -1 ", : " A-'�Vofia; -14�­P. .nlwdp bland,, �`Rv&,j , 'i.�v y '�";,,44'�,l � 4 , - � . III ., ..: " '' ., � �� . I., - L ,R, , ". , I - '44 72 . . , � ,�ft,s, LuWy, '10 g RE",�; . . f'j 1pre - - I ; , :A, . ,", � N , " ` Or *�;P) 'C. 9111,80A.- White Le Nw . -,4 � t'. �� " .r**y -.,, �' "--, ',��#41 kA *0.,, JA t...."i ...... : __�A - I 1, . � 61 , ft. � 0 U � . 40 -, ff . I _;84$, , : . , Ek"O , ­- IV, 11 � , ,,I, ". P. ", .�,�: - - � 4 0 . i` 0 .. 99. , t . .1 , - -0. -44 closing w,Q7*,: 4 secr4z, m _,9W I I .. ,. ' 'L I . . - No;, 11 ...... 57 60 . ,'. L' I ,# '. . , " . ­%�".a ­ * .... - , (CY 0, Whitbigii� A, Doan, (h). Q,Avy�- sierve . , " icap -in -mind 11' Xabrt,: Ubg . i . .11 7-J&'A'6;,110AJ'0T1AY_ Woo ,_ I .,;, ftnT4 - ,, - A% � � " . ", ,Iw � f 110%ing, wave, 016 T by U00,M8 ` " 4*''- 403: 6. N I D. I ............... 68 ,,:� I . ilJ,;",,, . I , ,,,A 111 �,,.,��, I "''i I 0 , . 4A 77 C. ;of 15, r . . '. " �,, I''. IMM , , - , *004, H- Whiting, (5T) G- HWW-064 tiers 14 a I _ . ' 1, 1p!�, Q IV . . _' ' " - ! . 1 -,�� - , -. ,� �.. — — , - No.' 48 ... *'....... 1. 62 1 . . ., .110� I r , - �WWW -V , - . . � 17.!X11 _X;!_V, , I il,&01111 61"Y"A " i , " - ,� I " : _o, . � -_ ­ (c. I . ,,,, #.0 . - - � 1. ,;pq Af-p " " �,,i,,,, ," ,6, � � - X. L I , , , I" _`� 4 � olgjp';�� �',"­. j"' "j,'. ­,� 6 �;,­".,, _��, :. � � , � ,,�. 75 � - I I . . -no W'e (p) Q 111"Wo9d, C, M31(lo-on. I , , , . � 4% . I I I I , � I I a , . - . I . '0 - I �'# i � - , I . . I 440ar ., ­1'­_;1,�,.-,.­"',, 1�­ ", - . . eghorns, v o, 4870 ' 6217 i773 6201NO,, 6 ........ . � � 42 75 . Br "' d 1�i . I , . � _0 - .1 , . � , .,; , - - . �: L . 'I . ­ _,, MeMillan , ]a .q' egi . I I Tl,, or & R) -W. I , . N � lkl?, "'MR. -I! , ..�: I , . . ''I . b3l Maj- for X Ilan -1,158. -� I - ... X . �4' I - Wv; "".. IN, I M , . .. � . ", ., I , '. L , ,,, , *'. Doan; Brown- Leg�horns, i�� �_'_. � I.. .� ,,,!";),�,,�v�i�,�'.�,,�v,i�.�, J � " I . grity - , 11 ." . 18� " � - . , , - WM,ting, ._V'1111�11 ., ,� . . - _ . . __ -1 "i ,�:, , Z �, I . , , , _�, . . I '. ­�. -, - , 11op, ..-'a-. . - ERBYTHRIAL, OF . . I �� - ­�L.'.�­' -, ,", . I . . a At . (c � A. Doan, (4) A -Doan and 2nd ; , . . I �, ,R7171-.�,�­­­113.11.11 A - I ­ 14 ''A I ­­. " - - lw.0�1. 4 '....-le.... . 1 114 �. -- ' $5. . . - - . . Wroxeter. ! I d '16,* , _7 ,1_i�!, - ,--1 1�� � IVS White Minoreas; (er A� p) W. Hearn - 1. ;, , .��.�� . � ,,, �.� - - , " , , � , � � I I .".,��,,��.t",!;,,�,�,;".,",��,�I 11 W 60 . , ,q . . sp , . - , . " ,-N& ... � . . 1 '04 . ,� W.A.S. PR Z N . - :., Ii2 - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . " .,- . , 0 � ,- - ­_A� %.� , �: ,�, � �L4 - , . -'� . "­,!�,��%.�. . . _� ,; ,&' f; No. I ............ .. 108 74 . > and 2nd; Andalusians, (c) Mrs. W. ' J� `!;' , gr ; �, . " *:: *:: - - - ' 65 ' I I . *& mtr� . .1 �� , 1. ��, : NO., , 4 - - - 85 NORTH HURON RETURNS' Recapitulation � I I :. I VDIA Wi.it MaU�� V, " b*, ',%I � " - � � "P. 5 ........ : ...... 51 75 The official declaration bi the re- Ashfield .............. 5'67 407, Ti 51, - . .%,­��, ''I Bowden, ,(h) A. Doan, Mrs. Bowden The annual conference of the Con- ' Lot Yisit F4wAr4s­ stgre, on, pip"' 161 ) , i. ; I . . ' : .'% - - I oNs (er & p) Mrs. W. Bowden and 2nd,' tinaing Presbyterian Presbyterial of I will be Ouv*el f . I . � '. " ,;, � = ana ,aveeial I * ... .. .. I -T 0V 1 . XD. 6 .............. 96 75 turning offieler for the olection of Sep. Blyth ............... 155 I 24 jr .� 1% V Anconas, (c, h,,,cr & p), A. Doan; ms,n's Missionary Society, -was J` -�- � - - - -�' , - 5 I v &� ULM , the Wo russ - Will pay you Wen to- 00al, F_ A, rr!ll � . - - - tember 14th in North Huron gives J. B �*Os ............ 292 6 , , ' - , I Golden Polands, (c & h) -A. Doam; A. held on Tuesday afternoon qnd e � .',-,-�­,�' 4. 'p, I . . . 580 414 W. King, Progretsive candidate, a Colborne ............ 313 . Seafor . I � I V�n_ , ..., ol � I I 1;v"F,L'. , I -q I ,, ' � - 20?. 1 - ;, ON. Polands, (e & h) A. Dtoan and ing in First Breezes. - Aft - ..,1-?v',F I �1, ;,� .s.,,"", Presbyterian Chureh, and ' q_,",.. .1,, '- .111, - - Clinton. 114 144 majority of 251 votes over H. J. A. Goderich ........... 7oo ,,�, 1.08 - 2nd; Black Ramb.uTgs, (c and h) A. SeafOrth. Over one hundred ladies Sauder ar�rtd .family a . 4i t, . Fisher, of Kitchmer, *,or, � _ � No� 1 .............. MacEwan, Conservatirvp-- Grey ................. 748 V�� �A _' 8 9 4 :oTW' , - �� Doan; Campines, Silver, (e & h) H from the outside auxiliaries iver,6 . _.. : � j� , , 14 , M.", �� . . . . . I .. No, 2 ............... 143 171 . The total vote was larger than that Howiek ....... _.... 60 , " `715 1926, A. Pym. and 2 "" ling ewL Whiting, A. Doan, (p), H. Whiting present. 1. gue�ts of Mrs. F A. ' s�� UO- - George M. rl,sher*and daw - ,;-,-,.,.�:.w7W1, ."7 � ' � - I .. r- - "i , Z", 1,11'e, ,�, ,., Mae 2nd; evi* � `;W A. Py. and 2nd; B. B. Red Game, (h) A, The President, Mrs. F. H. Larki 1?. .W 11 No. 3 ................ 14-2 ' - 149 6f October, 1925, by 924 -vot&, MT. Morris ..-�.-.:-.-.:::: *1,�. 384 A. Pym and � 4091 1 �, , ;!z. ,, � . :��!�;,,�Z'W . , No. 4 .......... � ... 98 143 King -getting 508 more and M; - Turnberry .... . r 11- - ., is - .�'��t�". , , P , "I lam, of Waterloo, are vi � '�i"Z`�4 274 ��.,,-'�F-7,­ ' * Doan; A. 0. V. Game, (c & h) A. presided, The� devotional exe * _ L' 1� " , and 2nd. . �,. -0:, � , - . I - , . , rc'5e-9 Fisher's aunt, Mrs. P., A. � a - ",'­,", � Ewaii 421 more than Mr. Spotten last East Wawanosh ..... 409 278 Shropshiredowns _�.:,A ."' �",,'­�,,��. - , - �- 497 W6 year. I . West Wawanosh ..... 38& 6 . ,,, * rain, j, Doan, (er & p) H. Whiting; Bantams, were conducted by the Goderich Aux- M,, Carty and son, dju - 1-1, �0� , � , " '�.� I . Son- shea4i.J.'n Game, (c & b) C. Pearce, (cr & p) Riary. Mrs. Larkin welcomed the Mth Green, , , a ip§ , l� �'� ,, _ ,I . _jg ram, J. � - I - . Exeter. FollovAng, are the figures by polling Wingharn ........... 456 582 , -, - Qi'v- of Detr,iouft, a. I , .,..,- - � Manson & Son ewe"" ng raised A. Doan;. Golden Seabright (h), H. delegates, after which remarks from - "' � i k No. I ............... 65 198 sub -divisions:, I Wroxeter ........... 1o8 . of Mrs. Green. -Mr. and of: � t", I N'. , 74 lambs in 1926, Y. Mano"O" `& Son and Whiting and 2nd; Silver Seabright, the treasurer and supply secretary Windsor, left for home on Mond'ay r , `,,.`-,',�`,� -1. � No. Z ........ * ....... 129 . 175 Ashfield. — 2no; shearling eWe,4.1Z_-_nson & Son (c) H_ Wqiiting and 2nd, (h & er) H. followed. . - * , No. 8 .......... : ... 114 146- King MacL'wan 5845 5594 after spending a coupdo a weeks iiij . -�_,�,'� t and 2nd; ewe lamb, 1.' on & Son Whiting; A. 0. V. Bantams, (c) A. Miss Bessie MeMurchy, correspond- Mr. 1,-,F;i . .11 , :`I4, . . . . . . No. 4 ..- ... -, -_- - - - 36 64 No. I .............. 52 97 Majority for J. W. King -251. . , 1�1 MRS C. Wills' cottage. -Mrs. Bror.k,. ­'.. � . ,.:.�4... and 2nd. � . , Doan and 2nd, (b) H. Whiting, A. ing and international secretary of the of Po �. �_"IL.. I I - - � , 1- . _�.. ��� I � �A - No. 2 .............. 68 86 - rt Dovier, has been visiting Mrs, 11 �. 11 . I 1 V., . .1 , I , . . . __ Uncolns-Aged r*m,',':George Pen- Doan, (cr and p), H. Whiting; Hoa- Toronto Council, gave a comprehens- J, Toms for the pas,t couple of W , , :� , '�:L�, �o - 1. , ep 1 344 5,83 No. 3 .............. 80 73 hale- shearling ram, T4.* ,ks. . , ", ,�"" �:�__ � Hensall. No. 4 .............. 62 77 EXETER FALL FAIR ._"wden; ram dans, (c & h) A. Doan; Red Caps, ive view of the work iq-its various -Rob,ert Penhale has been buylog " " �"' , !aml�, George Penhale_,�4# � (c & h) H. Whiting, Mrs. W. Bow- aspects. �---,�,�', apples in this district and lqfb for , ­',"` � - 106 No, 5 .............. 111 20 Anyone who thin" that the day of having raised lambs �,;;f 1926 T dEn; Sumatra Game, (h) H. Whit- during the past year there have been ... ,"'. 1. No. I .............. 100 ,4 2irid; ewe Miss MeMurchy stated that , , the West Tuesday with a ear load.� , 1-1­�'�_, - - ' * ' . No. 2 ................ 116 84 No. 6 .............. 91 27 the rural fall fair has passed, would Snowden, G. Penhale- A',earling'ewe, ing; white Rocks, (c, h, cr & p) T. more applicants for work at Mr. Lloyd H*djons is at the te I 1.�., I- otaag,e : 1. I I v._ - - No. 7 .............. 103 27 have been undeceived had he or she G. Penhale, T, S�o�di;i� ewe lamb, Snowden: Black Giant, (c) J. Steacy, home and abroad than at anytime in for a short tirn,e ag-ain doing some . I I ':�;­ . " I . , I I , 216 190 - - visited Exeter on Wednesday of this G. Penhale and 2nd. �_:,.�- I. Hill, (h) I. Hill, J. %teacy, (cr) J. the bilatory of the society, fifty per- painting. -We extend hea . "!'';. 14, rty congrat. .. , .1 Bayfield. 567 407 week, the second day of the Exeter Leicester­Shearling-�,i�dm, W. Me- Steacy, (p) J, Steacy and 2nd: A. 0. sons having volunteered for mission ulations to . , " , Mr. George Castle on his 4;� I . � , , No. I ............... 56 154 Blyth. Society's annual fall fair and seen Allister; ram lamb, W. XgAllis,ter and V. FOwl, tre & h) A. Doan, W, Lut- work. The ladies' quartette of Myth. Marriage to Miss Hicks, of Goderich, 1,_,,.111 . Tuckersmith. No. 1 .............. 89 122 not only the crowd but the mber 2nd; ewe having raised J , ambs in 1926, sang a selection, which was greativ on Saturday last. After a mator trip ,!., I I nu man, (cr) W. Lutman, �nit W. Lut- 1, I ... - " , , , � � I , No. I ............... 112 63 No. 2 ........... � 66 123 and excellence of the exhibits. The W. � McAllister and 2iW- tewe lam man and 2nd; Bronze Turkeys, (c) appreciated. The minister, Rev. F. to Niagara Falls, they'took up houae- .. � .., - , , 13, ��z 15 , , I No. 2 .............. 108 72 - - morning was anything but promising, W.. McAllister and Zzid;. one pen of Yr.q. W. Bowden, (h, cr & p') Mrs. H. Larkin, presented the greetings of , keeping in the groom's new cottage. �', � I � . 1� . No. 4 ............... IZ6 43 Brussels. C 4'. , I No. 3 .... � ......... . 94 29 155 245 rain falling at intervals, but the wea- sheel) to consist of l.ram J year or W. Bowden & 2nd: Tou!eouq�(, Gees(-, the Presbytery. Representatives from -Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. M Leod and ."Z.: , , ther did not seem to have any ap- overi' 1 ewe, I shearling. ewr,, I ewe (c) Mrs- W. Bow&en, (h, cr & p), the Auxiliary and Mission Bands gave daughters, Elsie and Louise, motored ,. . . �; I '. , � � ..... - _., No. 5 .............. 111 51 No. 1A ............ 72 79 preciable effect on the - attendance. lamb -A. Pym, George Penhale; best Mrs. W. Bowden and 2rd- Pekin interesting it,ems concerzing the work to Port Dover and spent the week I �t._,;, ,_ , - 2.. -I.. 1, No. 6 ............ %. 101 45 No. IB ............. 76 63 And the Fair merited the attendance weather lamb, any breed; A. Pyrri and ducks, (c & 'h) A. Doan. H. Whiting, in their own organizations. Mrs. John end there -The Bayfield annual Fair "...'­ . - No. 2 .............. 104 104 as it is doubtful if Exeter ever had a 2nd. (er & p) H. Whiting; Rouen ducks, Fraser, of Bayfield, offered the clos- next Tuesday and Wednesday prom- � ,4,-. ` ­­ * . � 14 _." J � 1 647 303 Colborne. better show, either indoors or on the Judge-Jantes Roy, Mitchell. A. Doan, T. Snowden: A. 0. V. du.?l,s, ing prayer. After a social half hour, es to be a good one as usuati and ;�,, . , ­-�, .1 McKI11op. No. I ............... 95 80 field. Fruit, vegetables, ladies' work, HOGS (rl A. Doan. IT, Whiting. (h) H. supper was served in the basement to with good weather the prospects are - No. 1 ............... 173 18 No. 2 ............... 26 64 merchants' (fleplaysi hop$es, Jeattle, Yorkshire -Boar 2 yeaxs old and IN'hit.irz, A.. Doan, (cr & n) A. Doan: some two hundred people. that all records for exhibits and at- . �`. I . �;il , � No. 2 .............. 165 102 No. 3 .............. 110 83 poultry, in fact every department had over, G. Miners; boar I year- old and Anv other vqrfetv rabbits, (,)Id) H. Rev. Dr. Larkin presided at the i tendance will be broken. The even- ,1, . � - No. 3 .............. 1446 57 No. 4 .............. 82 .25 a full entry and represented quality, I Wbiting, 0. Hunkin, (dop) 11. Whit- . . �'�` " � I No. 4 ............... 96 115 - - -_ I - ____ - I vening .session. Miss McMurchy gave I ing performance at ihe town hall oq. , , 11 1. not surpassed anywhere. The follow- - - --.--- ing, (y. h ) C. Pearce, (v. doe) t". e 'I'll" , - 313 252 ing.is a list of the successful ex- an informing talk on the general sit- I Wednesdav will be well worth attend- io��11 . I . ler"U Pearce, colloctirin of piw,,nns, ff. uation. Sh-e was followed by Rev. F. ing. Members of the Young People's � "I 580 292 Goderich. * hibit6rs in the outdoor department, Whiting anti 2nd- B. . 4... I arrc�d Rock Spe- (;, Vesey, who ha,s been ninte-en yearil, Society are giving two plays, "Pat*s ,:A I , , , , , Hullett. No. I A ............. 45 119 the imize winners in the indoor show pial, (c) Mrs.. C. Sinw. " in Korea and is at present on furl- I Matrinionial Ventures" and "Neigh- ....;,J No. I .............. 146 37 No. TB . - 65 116 will be given next week: - � ­­­­ Yeacphes '- No. 2 .............. 123 84 No. 2A .. ... I ....... 63 105 HORSES - ough. Mr. Ves,ey is a plea -sing speak- I bors." From past performances you . �,�! . 'k I ".1, No. 3 .............. 66 41 No. 2B ............. 62 119 Gener4l Purposie-Brood mare ae- I er and gave a graphic picture of mis- may look for something good. The ... , � z I - — . , �.Z I ..� P, No. 4 .............. 114 78 No. 3A ............. 56 88 companied by foal -W. Hodge and . I HURON PRESBYTERIAL �jon work there. A splendid pro- plays given last year were greatly I ,?;. " gramme of music included a selec- appreciated and these will, no doubt, ..,?,..;, , "V). , , �, - No. 19 .............. 30 44 No. 3B ............. 51 105 2nd, J. Manson & Son; foal, foaled in Good Grade bushel haskets The Centre Section of Huron Pres- don by the choir,'a quartette by Jas. be equally guod. The town hall will 11 o�� No. 6 .............. 99 56 No. 4A ............. 74 104 192&--W. Hodge and 2nd, G. Hep- 11; I , �oll I . No. 7 .............. 96 58 No. 413 ............. 88 122 burn. fffly or gelding 3 years old, G. of peaches to arrive. Call or byt.erial held a Missionary Confer- T. ,Scott, John Beattie, M. R. Rennie probably be packed as u-sual. Come , ,, - ence 11 ,;�' I", .,;(" 1 38 82 Hepburn; filly or gelding 2 years old, * in North Side United 0hurch, anti D. L. Reid, and a well rendered early. -Mrs. Buchan has returned , � I.,. - - - No. 6A ............. phone your ordells. 1 - 3 . � 674 398 No. 5B ............. 24 . . Seaforth, on Tuesday, September 21, solo by ,James T. Scott. A vote of from a visit to Durham. -Airs. Wal- 'L� '. -1 99 W. Hooper; filly or gelding 1 year 1. � . . . . . . . I , �., - Usborne. No, _ 6A .............. 52 145 old, W. Decker and 2nd; diploma for at 10 a.m. The chair was taken by thanks was moved by Rev. James ter Westlake was visiting in Detroit � 1, t � . . I ., . ,. Mrs. McUunald, of Egmondville, and Forite, of Exeter, and seconded by last week. -There may not have been 1'�, � ,A No. I .............. 41 79 No. 6B ............. 77 10i best animal, any age, W. Decker. 11 .5�.., � .11 . , devotional exercises were led by Rev. R. C. McDermid, of Goderich. quite so many tourists in Bayfield .."".�,� No. 2 .............. 77 86 No. 7 .............. 62 182 Agricultural -Brood mare accomr FEEDING 1-..'., " $I members from Varna, Goshen and A large and interested attendance this season as last, but those who ""r�,� , 11 . I NO. 8 I ............... 88 29 Advance Poll ....... 3 12 panied by foal, F. Elleringtou, W. . . �#11 , cll , � 11 . I NW_",#m%-�%'VV.r.-..- �-�-vv­ 14-r --.,-,So - ,--.. ., - - I- ­;., ..­.. -1, . Blake Auxiliaries. Mrs. Lane, of was present at both meetings. came were better pleased than ever ... .4"t 11 i � , —'Afi1ler,--E-- Xing,, fool, foaled in 19-24, i_., I ..... 53 75 760 1443 Seaforth, in a few well chosen re- and many here for the' first time �, ... "". 1, 140. 5 .. ....... E. K.ing, W. Miller, W. Hooper, filly .0. ;, I .ii.... 1. 190. 6 .............. 21 651 Grey. or gelding 3 years old, W.,Hamilton; MOLAS��ES marks, extended a hearty welcome to were so interested that they purchas- I 111- . No. 7 .............. 54 79 N 1 96 the delegates. The roil call was an- ed property and purpose building. �t. . - . �w(�red by Auxiliari(�-, Circk�s an I - Sump have already commenced. Some 1 - - , ""- 0 42 filly or gelding 2 years old, W. North- For Fall Delivery i Z(�RICH , , , - N,: 2 .* .* .' : ........... 114 37 cott; filly or gelding 1 year old, W. I 408 40-2 1 No. 3 .............. 87 Pand,. All roports w,-ry interesting Nutes. - Zurich school fair was held ot' the real est,atc transfers were : : .��., " 40 Mifler; team, W. Hamilton & Son- -,!, Stephen. No, 4 _____ 99 40 animal, any age, W' Will have two car loads I)e .1 ", t ;111,1 hv!pfril. wosloy-Willis W. M. S.; ,oi Tue,day anti proved to be an in- Two lots sold I)y F. A, Edwards to . I- 11.1. 1 I ent, thf- large,t dL'l4-j,­i*,,ion: ()ntaiiiii't--i-t-sling event. although the attend- Miss Fairbairn. ,)f Dvtroit; twenty- . . , I . I ' four- lots hv I-b( rt Blair to Joseph . .,� I., No. I .............. 49 138 No. ISA ............. 60 46 Hamilton & Son. quality of Feedin�,, Molasses. .,,,-,,,,,t Auxiliary had Sent the larg- :in(-(, was not F10 large as in s,ome form- . �kl, I No. 2 .............. 40 67 No. 5B ............. 72 47 Heavy Dralight-Brood mare ac- � � 11. No. 3 .............. 94 74 No. 6 .............. 112 Price ri,dit. 1 , ,t ,uni of nioney to the Branch I t. r , � 52 companied by foal, F. Ellering-ton ; 1- ,-i- voarn, owing to the fact, no dou ) Tir i of I.-,odioi; ',hr(tv cottages and !. . _ . � Trt.a�or,,r, and Seafort.h North Sid" :Fa'� farmers are to,) busy at presont. :;,.?(j fvvt of harid by W. R. Jowett to ,.,.", .:,. � No. 4 .......... : ... 141 64 No. 7 .............. 108 30 foal, foaled in 1926, F. Ellerington; � Get in touch with us. - -Lroit, and one lot to ': �! , - I — — I Auxi'liary has the largest merriber-, ll,,wpvf�r, th(,,,(. th No. 5 .............. 90 37 filly or gelding 3 years old, K. Me- . � ., at at.tend(,d w e rc Mt. Burch, of Do � No. 6 .............. 131 89 748 3.14 Kellar; beam, K. McKellar, E. Pym; . hip. nanis-ly, 109. tre,tied to a variety of vompvtitinn� .Mr. Counter, of Clinton; the property ... I , � - , ' ' :1, I No. 7 - - � ........... 78 35 Howick. .- d'pl,oma for best animal any age K. Tho tiet-d of forming more Mission � � ports, kite flying, etc. The aftor. formi-,rly owywd b.� Mrs. Cowie, sold . ­��, 7 ' � - �1, - a w as o,?o11 wa . .. !, I I No. I .............. 95 97 McKellar. �, ideal 'and all seemed to enjov . - . �v o, . No. 8 .............. 41 6G I I lIandst and more Mission Circle I I,v Mrs. Varney, ,of Di�troit, to Mr. ­�! . I ; No. 9 � ............. 92 59 I No. 2 .............. 122 13-9 Sim-mon's Special -W. Northcott; , ro-�,vd, The leader of Bruevfield 'he evrnt to the full. Five srhool'si "'ighinian, 1-17 Dt"'Joit.; a lot on "I �. . W. G. N Vie a ' rPpr(-svnt(-d_ --Mr. J. Key. sr , ( .", � — — 39 Mi,si,iti Rand gave ,ome excellent ,.k t - r(, 'hiiii(Iliy Strvvt s,�!d liy,,Thomas Bail- . , No. .9 A ......... � . I 1, q1 Southcott Bros. Special -E. King; limn,ti-r-, to Mission Band workers, �Irl,l wife, have moved into the hciu.�t;'''y to Mr. Poian, -. 1. I ) etroit. Several I I . . , 11, . . � � '�� -756 629 No, 3B ............. 59 99 Taman's Special, F. FIlierington; Bank _Jd L I t ce " � , -m-i-inctits have been , 11 , � Hay. Walton �h.twing maps and rhart.s �ho h . ntly varated by Mrs. F. Gilhuley' building impt !!�, . No. 4 A ............. 66 84 of Commerce Special -K. McKelilar. . .1 I ­ im,part-d to, illostrate the stud� book, 'and -h were a fine cot- �t I . . 1�' 1, No. I .............. 61 38 N Judge -D. Willoughlby, Elmrwood. -h, v ,A. -n- iisini�. She also arivised nii'Vf4l into the living apartment- ' tage by Miss Rankin on the lot she �,­,, 1. o. 4B ............. 83 77 THONF 232 r 32 M r. MrK. S. Johnston have made, soniv ,if whir ., No. 2 .............. 81 22 No. ry ............... ,89 1q3 Carriage -Foal, foaled in 1926, J. I , ", __ - having thi, children dramatize the: ;0�ovo tht- harylware store occu*.d 1) purehased of .1(,hii I"cid. Mr. Dunn 11, � No. 3 .............. 186 97 No. 6 .............. 76 ?1 M,an.son & Son and 2nd; filly or geld- --- - —'----- y ! has moiv,A th(- h..t;s,. he bought of . ­," No. 4 ........ � . � ... 156 . 611 — — ing 3 yeam old, J. Manson & Son; under 2, G. Miners; I-ar under one ' t'n 1, v. '.bihnston & Kall-ifleisch.--Mr. G. J ' I...", ' No. 5 .............. 89 151 616 715 filly or gelding I year old, E. Wal- year, G. Miners; sow _' � vars or over, , M'�,(�c Wank!v, Scarlvtt and John-, Thiel, liveryman, of this villago. has :hf, Dupt,is vsia!v and had it placedon , � I ,� 7., 1 i� ,, No, 6 .............. 123 61 - ,,,, to rt-nd,-r-wl ,is a trio. "Go Yo." ld his fine tvarn r,f dapple grpys to! comvw fmindat;on ;ind a 1-ii-xv cement 1.11 Morris. per and Diploma-, single carriage G. Miners; sow I \-,,i, ,dd and under, I � - ,',� . ' "' No. 7 ............... r5a 221 No. I .............. 99 48 horse, Ifarksey Bros., E. Walper, G. 2, G. Miners: ,,(, , 1--r 1 year, G. . Mr, If­gw cf,nducted a "Round .1 party at Clinton and rereivvd a 1 front platforin hti.,!; Mr. Burch has � ��_­ w ',*" Tablp," !o which the d p 1-andsorm, figur(- foir th,-m. -Mr. .1. 1 mmle grt-at impi-m-litews to the cot.- ..� No. 8 ........ legAtes I I ;1 . - ...... 93 15 No. 2 .............. 79 84 Clark; lady driver, Mrs. 1. Moir, Mrs. Miners and 2nd. 1pll I I tages hought of \N. R. Jowt-tt. Percy - , — — ,r(,uvht th(,ir prnb1,c-m,;. Many toPic'; i Df�ehs-r, Jr., has rMorned from Tor- ;,r I No. 3 .............. 93 58 F. Reqtemeyer, Migg 11(flen Hicks. Tgmworth--Boar wA,r I year, of. f intort-st were discus-od. � olto nr.,l T,(indon e,ohihitions and ww; Tippot, 1,� Imildinv ;i iwat and com- _� , 845 331 i No. 4 .............. 91 65 Judge -A. Findlay, Chatsworth. Manson & Son; so,A 2 �,-Rrs or over, � '; i for!ahle o­(,!:;Lgf- ,in iil� "�irw. Wc�slon 4 11 b6 Stanley. No. 5 ..... r ......... 86 68 Roadstw.-rs-Brood mare accompan- J. Manson & Sim mid � -'?id; sow one I Mrs. Veriner, of Clinton, toll nf the �;.,ceg,1`0 in oarrvi ig ofT a gnod1v .1, , I I � pl,,ndid 1�;ilv that IhAd bovyi 'sent liv I I Brim. RI -1. hll-� !h t1w foundation 1�; No. 1 .............. 66 32 1 No. 6 .............. 151 61 ied by foal, S. Hey, R. Stewart; foal, year old and undvi- !,x,-, J. Manson 1 `1 in hl�r nf thv priz(,s in tho ,t,in(inr-_ "I I ' ' ' I '. ". I , . I the Prv.-�hvivrinl to thi, qcho -s, 1�� No. 2 .............. 80 . 31 — — foaled in 1926, R. Stewart, S. Hey; & Son and 2nd; sow onder one year, (it home i hrod llns� of hni--vs, Miss Ppnrl Me I fio- Mr. D,,i;!ii'�; ( -tiage; Mis. Ken- .11: .1 No. 3 .............. 67 38 599 384 filly or gelding 2 years old, S. Hey, J. Man -on & Son and 2nd. I In Rritish, Columbia. Cormicl<- .anti tw-i brother-, John and 11""v l""11 ;111 """it'( ot to, hcr fine cot- I .:: , I . � � I ,# No. 4 ............... 48 167 Turnberry. J. Gardiner; filly or gelding 1 year Glenn's Meat Market Special - G. ,, The affir-T10011 sessi'M WFIS W--ld- MI -red, of Detroit. are visiting rrla 1 :aix;,; Mr. %ki':inin How :, having his ,- No. 5 ........ � ..... 23 76 No. IA ............. 60 78 d (,ver by Mrs. Hogg, who called i1t)-' lives h -,r(, this w(,(,k.---Nfr. and M ' (,,,!.1ag(- inipi,1v,,d I,-,- �!:wco, being � old, R. Stewart, S. Hi -y, F. Ellering- Miners. r�; , . .. �� I . .. I No. 6 .............. 85 52 No. IB .............. 78 41 ton; single roadster in harness and - POULTPY On thf- WAItOrl di'leglIN'S to) conduct p. N&-. St,wk,opf. f,f Kitchener, visit ed ; dmit, h , i N��­!,w Bro,. ()of, of the , .�... .. No. 7 .............. 56 3 No. 2 .............. 156 65 buggy, Robert M,cl,aren, Dr. Bang- Any variety Cochill -, to), A. Doa 1h, d,-v,&,mal vxercise-�_ rit the home of the latfer's parent, I `­" inill-.3 aw. iwpr,)x,-nn(,nt.-; is tho I I 1� ,,,I . — — ( n Mrs. 1), C, Mar(;r(-K,)r , n " . No. 3 .............. 83 60 hart, M. Elliott, W. Decker. nrod 2nd, (h) A. l)--:i!i and 2nd, er f London, V r. and .Mrs. T. .Johnstnp. over Sun- i �%,,J.k of inipr.,ving 'rritilty Church by I 11. . , , I ) gak-v n irio�t. inspiring and 130ft'ng' day. -Mr. and Mr��. Henry Tfowtoldl h,�iv'lykg new flimrs, new seat.s, interior � � I 1, 1 425 399 No. 4 .............. 97 so CATTLE, A. Doan and 2nd, (lot 11. V&iti-ng, A. ,,ddri��s, not. long since she had' 'I ' -, %� �. 11 .� . I Goderich Township. I — — Shorthorna - Aged cow, M,-Ivin Doan; Silver Grey P.,rkings, (c) , ! , I ra m I I � 1. %,i�;itpd relatives in Kitch -;ilk anti cviliiig redecorated anti .I.- 11 H. vi,itoii Cairo, India, an(] other lands, "' I paiwed and extorii.r woodwork paint.- . I -ner -,vi-r Ih-- wf,r,k Pnd.- Mr. ,and Mr-. .1 .1 'No 48 90 East Wawanosh. t7wo year old heifer, Melvin Crich, F. Whiting, J. Stacey, 1,.r & P) H. Whit- , ,., �, . � V N o. I .............. 59 122 474 274 Cricith, Geo. Hunter, Oestricher Bros.; Whiting, Mrs. W, 11-wden,, (h) H. w hi -re wf,inen are criishod beneath ). It is hoped 'to have the woirk ., ;,, - 2 .............. 11. Rlopp ,,in(] family. (if 1,tratford, , ", � No. 3 .............. 81 99 No. L .............. 66 88 Ellerington, Detstrirlier Bros; one year ing: ,Buff OrpinKt,)v,. wr and p), C. the Mohrimmedrin. The sorrows and vis-ii,cl relative-.; bprk- (in Sunday. -Mr. r,,mpIvt4,(f so as to, have the opening . 11 ,� " . I hijrd--ris And linpolossricss (if 'those I I I svrxncos (in Sundoty, October 12th. It . �, No. 4 .............. 31 82 nd Mrs. .1. Schwartz, of Dotr,,it, viq . �A' "- No - 2 .............. 98 - 92 old hetifer, Melvin Crich, Oestricher Millson; any othr 1, V:ffipty OTping- wom(�n made her feel that when sho ' !I � is planned to hn-,r a stipper in tho . .... . . � No. 5 .... � ........ � 74 7 I'' ted at the home of thf, latter', par-, . I � 11 -3 No. I .............. 1 03 54 Bros., T. Moodie; heifer calf, E. Pym, tons, (c & b), A. I :10: Bar�ed Ply- got. back t.o her own country sho ' is, Mr. and Mrq, J: Fusq. nn Sun. i,rown lf.rill ,�n Tur-Iny ovening foi- �'. .. 1, l '4 1 No. 6 .............. 49 51 No. 4 .............. 88 47 Melvin Crich, Oestricher Bros.; bull mouth Rocks, (r) (;. fleywood, R wool Id toll the women of the W.M.S.'"" lf.winK, Or!(,her lith. The mem,ber.-; �;�� * .,� I., � i — — I No. 5 ....... * ...... 64 42 calf, R Pym, Oestricher Bros. and Sanders, (b ant] , i - A. Doan, G. , .1ay. - Mr. F. Thiel is Rltvnding th- ­., � :". C�� .! 1. I that for the h)vs.-ingq We enjoy " '; %, vi?dina of hvr -iFler at Kitchene- f,f Thi- rhm-t h and congregation and . i 11.1." 1� 11 . 342 516 — — 3rd;, --bulb 1 year or over, E. Pym, Heywood, (p), A. 1),,:w- R. Sfln4ders; we 'his we,pk,---R(,v. 11. Romhe is rittend- �, .. .,;.*, should be doing ten times what .ic-,, forimr parishiotwrs are re -pond- .111 I , ,,, . � . , ) . . tions � � P�'� Summary. 409 273 Melvin Crich, Oestricber Bros.; A.O.V. Plymouth P,wl, 4. (e & h). A. are doinz fnr lfi,�rinns, and that she I ,nz a Meeting or the ministerial as- imr ri),��,! i0w,%Ik with quhscrip . 'i Maj. for West Wawanosh. diploma for best animal, -any age, Doan, (cr) C. Milkwi. ff, Whiting, was j11st going in be a ,,ppst,­ to t1lo, , ,o . ,;, 'i ," , "..' , . , . - '' McMillan Hicks McM. Hks., No. 1 .............. 59 110 Melvin Crich. intion at. W.9tvrInn this Week- hrit w1wri th,, work is completed �i !", .11 �' I - .')'. �� !!! , �� wo . Stephen - nion who d-) not holong to the W. 1-ist .q.qtnrdnv while ,Mrs, P. Kropf- e\(,ry-)iirL- will I ... lillid for. - - Mr. I . -, " . � " . � 766 620 127 No. 2 .............. 56 97 Herefords -One year old heifer, — — - _. M. q, Taiking from Isa. ('32-10 Find - .Fii- -' Mi,rion Nl--riwr has gnne to London . ",:,i .1� 11 � I Seaforth 5,80 414 166 No. 8 .............. 38 92 O'Neil Bros.; heifer calf, O'Neil Bros.; , and Miss M. ss were going ov,,7 ... 1, . from Isa. 15, sihe beggeti the women 'he swamp rna(i Past of Zurich, Mrq. to mt--n I tho T,,chnical School. -Mrs. " I I. , . - bull calf, O'Neil Bros. and second ; I . . I - - Dr. S. Banks Nelson ,.,f the W,NT.S. in he active in ro,stor-; K. -f ho was driving the. ear, lo -C [[,all is brilding a fi,imo- on the prop- �11 . � - I 01) . w � I : . I -------- ____ diploma for best animall, any age, ' i "I , I A .1 ,( ,,i�iv sho 1-t-Ci-ntly ase .. , . . - - O'Neil Bros. ing thp hiwhvray hnrk to God, to try, mtrnl and flne car left the road ant] , . piirch - d from Mr. ..,:� 1� I I - - . OF HAMITNON t.n t.ake the ruhbi-,h (tiiiestinnabit, ,,dled over in the ditch. No on(, was ; I I it rry Da rr,,w. Tiw Motbodist church '', �, I.. , '., , � Jersey�Aged cow, G. Hunkin, Rr. antwomenfs) from the paths of our; , ;-imj-lv hiirt bul the car was nirarlv proper!v has been stild t4 Mr. Thos. , ...'. I � , . . I '. Gambrill; diploma for best animal, ". , I Will deliver a lAvttire, entitled -n yourg people. It as nNo th.,i, t,,t,l wreek.-Mr. C. Unrtleil), Hrowriott. foi- $1,0oo. He intpn& ,�, � � l . a any age, G. Hunkin. I ow of wro,pking ']it, cliiirrh ind using the .� . 11, 4. �� vtrork nf the W, M. S. to 'make a high- I (- ."jorich, wa.s n visitor in town on I ,­, , . material in the eroction of some !11��.: t . , �� , � . � .111 1'1'� Board of HealthNotice Holsteins -Aged cow, C. Prouty and ME BRITISH EMPIRE'S way for thv foreigner who romrs to i Tuesday. �p %., , .,,,�",: ,;- L��- ld heifer, C. our land, especially for thp. poor houses. � _� ­ �, . SHOP WINDOW a ...... 2 .. � .. I . Prouty, 1. Arrmtrong, J. - Kernick ; �', �, , . " . I . .,,,,, " I .�, mothers, who do not learn our Liherals Celphrate, - TileMay night, Plater -McLeod. - A very pretty, . . _11." '. . ­ . f, T. * .. , I., 11 - I crie ymT old heifer, C. Prouty, �.. . V % 6 1 - - ---* of Intigi)nvo, or our ways as their chi!- qeptr�mbpr 14t.h, will Ii -e retnemberAd -Pdding tonk place on Wednesday, 1. " � . . I - illnstrated by one hundred pictures ' . � ... 11 I . I � ....".. �3 i I - , � I . I . � I Brock and 9rd; heifer calf, C. Prouty, the Wembley Exhibition. dren do, and the church seem�st fn be bK the resident,s of Zurich and all September 15th. sit the home of Mr. .11 . �. 11"­.� . .. I " .1 " . � I I T. Brock, J. Kerhick; diploma forbest thoe only institution that, cares Rt all. Ilinise thst were here. that evening for anti Mr-. W. -I. McTx,oid, Louisa St., "�.:W, .k . I % j.'� � I ". , � . � The lower room, s of the Public School haVobeen ,animal, any age, C. Prouty. Dr. Nelson is noted for his fear� There are 5.1 nationalities now in mFLny years. The victory of M,r, T. when their eldest dRughter, Lucy �­i.,' 1; . ..i t ,.- I . . Grades -Aged cow, F. Elleyington, less speaking, his wit and originality. (-,an.adR. Then, trio, th,- W. M. S. Mcgi-l-loin, the Liberal candidate in Rarriet MrLeod, li,ecame the wife of , � " .� I . 1 '7.1" �. I cloged lin-til Oretobei 4th, owing to the prevalence of C. Prouty, J. Vantamp; 1 year old . .�i; .. I �� whooping cough, , This ineasure has been undertaken heifer, F. Ellerington; 2 year old Patriode Songs by Percy L. W. niiist Tnskp a hizbway for the wo-rntpn �:nuth Tfurrin, and return of the King Mr. Charles Arthur Plater, of De- I �.�� . , , 1, . and c4hildrpn of foreig'n lands, who Government was celebrated in a way troit. Thf, bride was al4erided by . ,, 1, �� . �, I ' stepir, F. Ellerington and 2nd and 3rd; Parn6worth, of Brantford; P_ W. have rat the (, � .. 11.1 for the ­pUrpose, of �6leatting 6p the epidemic, and the ra , q pel. If the women ifint. was a credit to thp. Liberals of Miss 17,ett-a Mernor, while Mr. John , , " ` 2 1, �� . ne year old steer, F. Ellerington and Rateman and Ja.s. T. Scott. of Seaforth � of this rotmtry emild only see McLeod, brother of the bride, was .. ,; 'ti "I . , the this riding. W'hen it became known . . � .",� Z� .� . I 't ,:. ,$.,p , � - I , 1� I co-operation orthe eitii6i is, respectfully requested, ' 0 lf, O'Neill Bros.; sen- ' 0 9 OOTnR an e bride was given a- ,.2.11 , 1� .�. . � , , & , . , 0� � � . ,��",i�` , , k11 CARDNO'S OPERA HALL misiery of the women and elhildren in that. Mr. McMillan was elected, w rd r ,. m . Th , I ..�� Jor calf, J. T. Rern, J. Kernick; I ,, . �- .,.4, N,, X, I -, I .1 ... , Notice ig h6raby, given by the Local Board of Tndia .qnd Pwvpt, they wolild surely wa.s r"Pived firro- that he would ar- way by li,er father, Mr. W 1. Me -I, �; , 1. ,� , . . 11 .- , 11 I . . ­ �', ".11 I � - ftloma for beat animal any age, J. . ��',U'l 1; . :-,�;, t. ", . . Ilealth that -all p6r-sos'W1Tdii = w7b i h do mo,, than ,, do to .send the Word ri- in Znrich with some of t.he prrom- Leod, while Rev, F. H. Paul] tied thev , , 1-901 I � , , t '�� " ­�,j, . ' ' � OOP'ng COUg T. Mm. Thursday, Oct 7th of Life to them. inent T,ib*-rsl-.s of the riding in an hour nuptial knot before a bank of beauti. , -,;��;;o,��,, I . � �, an t; 4 ' � ,,!:, ,�, 1 . 1. ,-�V`i��,,�, 1 ', ,,,., or . eop agious, dib6ft.& 0 trudar suspicion of Baby Beef Compoetition-4. T. Rlern, Mrs. Lane And Mi%s J's'net, Urivs and prepArations were made for a full flowers. Mrs. Pau,11 sang "DaWA-L', . Afktj'��e�,�, j, �� , V".ot,h�r: , T ­ f I 11 . . ,:��,�,,,,"L�., '­. I ,�.,k ". , �_� ;, _:.� 'I' 1� . ,�, , %. �i,-�;,,. i � "­ thwsii�e must.b6 . V J. Xeftick. Tickets, 35 centm.. n. ri, , ,& layed the ding .=41to, *1 1, i. 1.11 - kbtlit Ktridtly- oil th6Ar,,'0*n preiniseg. 11 , , I , .1 rendered. a plPm!ing duet. Mrs. Tel celebration fitting to the ocensio i 9" nd P ed , :� � - ,�,��,,�4 , ,,,� - " 'I ; I i �111' '�1`2'T­t I ,ludga-William Charters. . ford. of Myth, preq�pntpd the. cIRirh,q Mr. McMillan And pLrtv arrived With A tA%tY InUCh WILS Sergved. = h1% ,- - " --,�; I'l �$il . ,,, '. � I . 1. �.k'-, , , wo of fillurld', to bowp V, �, %Ati ihi§ 'hotiee will I I , ..'' 1 L. ;FP7-.4:,,,,', ,,,��, I J �Ip � . .,,� -Z 1. I . I I 1� I 1:� �% ­�, I . . � I . ­ k . SEEL 14fterved Sents, 50 cents of ChriRf4an qtowni-fiship h,ringing out thv bag pipe hand frQM Clinton, aTIA . couple left by motor lot a -i k I.I... - 109 A lull � 14 10 - .. '111 I Nitt k i * 10 :. I I I 1� �) I � I I " . I - . - , . ,� ,.�-. �1' I -.1. 2 � i iktod.4ad if .6"Ift-044664, , � , 1��,t,. �.Proqecu- Dur,86t Itorri-Ewe knrib, J. Virginia. where they voill r0,8146 �,�., �i"�%� � . -.1. I . .. - 1. 2 - 1. 2 1, � I - 1. 2 . I L . M411- Plan opens Manday, Oct4o,k 4th, at the cisim up our personality, pe -r- a torch light procesaian, headed I , ,4",;�:f '�� , I I I �� .. . '­.' I I ,�. ,. I � 7 �! I I .son & Soh and, 2nd. I . Guosits were present from -PM* JDO. ,,'�'�, . �� , ,�..'� e. 11,Q*,., , � ,_ ,; .. I - , - I . Allyethart's Drug Store, hapis we ,are the only nn,- who Pould the hand aild Mr. McMillan occupyl . _.. � � �'i, I,, � � , I . , 1: , ", , " I I I . 1_. I I 1 " , , I , I - , - q'T ` ., �. - '. I ­J�,:,w.,:, , "I . " ,,,��.qj,., �:. . I .1, 11� � ,. Rayd -d "­` .�' � "' , ." .4. ";., , I _1 �, - I . " , 14- - - stratfoTdii 1� "I'll, ........... .. . ­;..� .,.; t'.;_9 f11.11 "I " j�,�, . �­ 01&VO D0*ni---ffhea1'1ln9 tOX-4 A. . ffifluencie a certaln pe"on or da a the sent af honor, paraded the gtra er, , ell I ., V,� I ', , : J . -, . __ �, :-�'.. , .. old dh _,��,',: ,'X: �. �.­7 -, 1. ­�, I . , , �, , 'T , . I . ,,r I , .. 1.0�`11.:,� ,.��`,� .11 , . . _,� ,�', - �, . "', ". .111-41 �� .. 'T i �r . - ', , , " -X"",; ,, PyM and V*Aer tho ampices of *6.'Aj�tglieali certAirt drod acct-,ptahly� for an hour amid dheer"s alftlx4t r"e pRbea. They ks" the bmtVIshei' � I 11,11.: , _�:111X� r ZV�T.� .11'.'��.­&, ,',',',,�N�i�,�,,�P,wk-�.. 4� - ­.­ I,f I.,2-- 1 ... I I , � .� , 1- _��.,' ,% ,� 1� �,;A -1, � , , . . ��` 1. , ­jZV�T�.� �IL � ­Lk_,� - ­ � "; - �. . , " X� ............ :L,� - ,,, � - 11 W'', , � I � �.. 1-1. .1 �,._, - 111. 1� � � 5 11� 1111';i�. '' . . :fu. I - , . N, '�.­ 1 , � r , � ,04wr. Seaf6m; lbost Of fAelads. � ,�.� R'�,-Ijl �� . . � I Quftlk- Be, a Committee on ResoluUovs, inp. Later all we -At, to flia I.. 4, . I , , , ,.J� . . I , . ,� �. . . . . I . . � . . � . ,L '. �:,. -, - ,, , ,�,. '� , - I . � - . %%� .. . I.. .,;""I �. "�,.__ ,,, , ' . ,., �, . , A,y ."Zil I I 1, ­� - . I � � I. I . . - '�,'­:,. " ' .. I � .. � 11. - -4 ' ' - I � � " �'. :� I , . '. , ,,,,, , ,:� 'I, . 11 . - ", I. ' .- I I . I � . � I ... ""', i i ­ `1�1, �,1'4 � " . :� I , �1_.­',� , ., , . I . , 1, - :. i I , - . '­ I _�, _,; . . I - I 11 I " ,,, Z� . . I . � . � I I -, ,- -i'�,,�,,.,,,Ii,�',#',�l,kil�.,",,.z ._�:;,��,i.vi;,v,,.,� _­� I W111 i ;�,_:'t_*., ,V.-_ . ��v 1�. I , '.1111, ., ": ,. , `'i�� '... �: �,."`�­_�,-,'. ,;_.,-,1 :­, �, - . I.. , A .1 . .. . , ", — . �* IR .. ,,:,",*.� ,,.�'.-,',,�,�..�,.,.�,.,,t.,:.-�'.-,,.��.,, . I '. . 1� 11 �� .1- , ,,,� ��%, - I - . � 1, I ,; "."I � , " , - , � . . ,��i�� �,� ,,, , �, ��, . A �i i.�.-, ,��: ,; "�­,�,:2"