HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-10, Page 3AUM Ww­) POW',1 m., rqg XM "y W �eg A., k 54 1 QPP .7 A P WIA, Arl �0 0 or, Taw, 8Qr� t MRA A z. f4 1" that a�*� the le,44 -,�t �Wd their'q# tw axe tr I cap"�04, "Ono e,)*q,0ervPd fig., 11 " T 0 ly fox a 11 itt the % J" 1pil UP or A4d QAidow� #cpd 9*4 ttillm �tei6',Pf the- Saigmal The *0rk is, 4Woupteow Uas of- exT MUTOeS, una "M -the loeal "IT1409% 'OPT -per , Word. -Vq - , Id A wvuot -*100 X01#12,0'k, Iw� Mote bot 'of ''to , n �ner;lcsn ga 119 arity org iz stern, A14 a, c ever crim. coverlixtheu, ql.*,o 'M . W #66 mid, -ft "due xq,� yr-, 'ok , ej wio".b,� !sy . There arp,, many cAAe% 10 Oft, Pda. fnal0" lb6l *On viell versed w e 110 'Way JrCa 3Fr q� Car at ftgad cif !sig vM n her W" ei ely in want g�spsa� enWn#erf "' - ng, gnd send them out -w and deserv' nee. Honest ornwit a burglary, as a plumber -would mill 7 F as well as,� lers elect to send out h* 'Men to repair a leak. ""n VA. QUO of the =any travel qu re 'kely to meet shi tgb QU17 etting sid tires, le W Y. M.11y Inwer. wi$h adversity 4q4W a C! for ddeli*ua: 11016& others who WOU4, r dream of r-Wery Pa'y CARE�FRBR GASOLINE GYPSIES begging, start, oiA equa I fl- Re6il* Book� "'he- ntry working ;rl Theife'are the days when upon the narseed, to cross t ,,I,' their way as the Y doing d v0p3r. SON*TVING MUST BE DONE AND highways may be seen an unus they-, ual jobs. Favorite *I* N.'..4p) L4 DONE RIGHT NOW—QUICk and interesting spectacle which did of all these D.,C 175 groups are C Ii an oa eal, not exist until a few Years ago, Let- (.though tal a'i d Florida Hollows in Cheeks and Neck Growing the observer, es Of 44 times in the taking his life in his Deeper Every Week latter state may lessened the Qd.,.Yenture close to the edge of migration somewhat late). eetfs the double stream of tarffic. Amid "few of th anced of the 4L Ab, Tens of thousands of thin, run-down the unending procession of those A men—yes, and women. too—are get- motor gypsdes a "tels at night; ting disco,uraged—.-are giving up all automobiles which are only a short and distane'e from home and contains per- the hardiest idal.. their beds hope. of ever, beiirii� abl� to take on son$ N.%o are out merely for a few under the stars, but: gle most utsual flesh and *look healthy and strong. -T -a few . hours *f Is device is to seek on� - ' ;,*f the autonio- -All such people can, stop worrying usiness or bile camps which h4�'6a'.`Pprung up in and start to' smile and eujoy� life pigb I r h91 will discern many. ex - I ­iples of a different type. These try, but particularly ji6 the west, in great numbers thro��w ut the coun- now for McCoy's Cod Liver.Extrsv ars are less well cared for, they are recent years. Sonrri;�f �1he municipal Tiblets which any druggist wi:1 ,d1l F WOMEN MAKE FORTUNES JUST on all about are putting 2­ih Olt ir- fact battered, dusty and sometimes camps are so attracth�6' that tourists Kosts of skinny folks every (lay. unpainted. They proceed as a r.ule show a disposition -to _ -, gA-r in them LIKE THEIR 'MENFOLK On' at a somewhat slower pace, having Overlong, and make n a *Oman, tire,', %,,cdak and dis- e�e I essary a rule couraged, gained :3 pounds W. live learned that it's dogged that does it. that no car be kept txqire more than Now that Mrs. Jacob Baur, one of -weeks and nom, 'eels fine. The running boards on both sides are three or four days At:a time. There - the leading millionaire business :wo- We all I --,, tQ the livers of Cod piled high wi* well worn, dust-cov- after the visitor must movk- on, even inen of the. United -States, is retiring, Fish P-,,, Yull of vitalizing flesh pro- 'red baggage and camp equipment-- if it be only to the next town, from zhe leaves' Mrs. Edith * Rockefeller vitarnines and these same vita- so high indeed that the passengers which he returne a dg* later. McCormick pretty much at the head _xnes of,the highest class are found sometimes are forced to make their Many a romance begins in the auto of that particular field. in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- entrances and exits not in the con- camps, is continued in tWcnLy towns But she isn't relinquishing a !-ad- lets---engar coated and as easylo take, ven'tion2l way through the doors, but from Keokuk to Needles, -and culmin- enlialp in politics and socie'y which as candy. by the system of scrarnble-up-and- ates in marriage -and the inevitable somewhat rivals that o' -Jrs. Medill And this shows what faith the fall -over. These passengers are them- honey -moon, a tour of a few thousand McCormick, another' f,, the outstand- makers have in McCoy's for they say- selves likely to be battered. They wear miles in the bridegiroqrsa's var, There ing women of f1s � U. S. This field, if any thin person don't gain at least' old clothes, both sexes, indiscrin-dnate- are children Who grow up ,;Pending bericeforth, i�, ) receive more of Mrs. 5 pounds in 30 days your druggist ly employing as habiliments knickers more days on the road than they do Eaur's af'-:-don. will give you your money back—and or overalls. ' Their faces are tanned in houses. The State of Oregon is so In tl-�: last eighteen yaars she has only 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask any They are, in short, gasoline gypsies' concerned over the future of these maad�! herself a real leader in inaus- live pharamacist anywhere in North automobile nomads, the newest an4 little wanderers that it ha -t actually try as active vice-president ang mem- or South America. oddest product of our machine age. wade the experiment of putting a ber of the board of the Liquid Car- But be sure to get McCoy's, the It is by nu means impossible that ;�hool in an auto camp, and requir- lborile Company. Now she is -Arith- original and genuine. they may be the portent of significant ing every child whose parents visit ;hawing from that work. Mrs. changes in our civilization. longer than three da . ys to turn their 'Rockefeller McCormick, continuing as No one knows how many of thesdo- offspring over to the teschvr for the the force behind one, of Chicago's SAFES YIELD LIKE WOOD To automobile tourists there are, but, inculcation of what must, one would leading real estate businesses, stands their number undoubtedly runs into think, be the most epis*dic t-ducation rather unchallenged as the outstand- "JUICIT' GANG millions. Few cars are not used for in the world. Ing business woman from now on. long distance travel at one time or These two women have done much Powerful and siknt apparatus another, and many of them are de We play more than our aric"tors to explode the theory that there is which, when plugged Into an electric- - did, ard the automobile is now an Itut little place in industry and busi- al circuit, can cut through a steel saf v oted to little else. So many persons integral part of the proce.". It is C now take their vacations in this man- doubtful whether the Florida boom, mesa for members of their sex. They as easily as if it wore made of wood nier that summer resorts of the old both have dealt on an equal footing is being used by a gang of burglar- fashioned type have been seriously or the -similar phenomena in other scientists responsible for recent burg parts of the country, -would have Vith meh and both have found sue- - affected, while a whole industry has reached their great proportions were eess in a big way. laries that are baffling the police in grown up (or been revived) of road - While Mrs. Baur has made mil London, it is believea. it not for the new attiltuflo of mind side merchants and innkeepers cater- of which the long-distarief, motorist lions in industry, she has found time It is certain the gang is the most ing to the need, of the new itiner- in such an excellent exemplar. This 'to become a factor in local politics expert and scientific that ever has ,t,. latter day mobility is having all -and a recognized personage in Chi- operated in London. The police are ne scope of this roadside businegs �eago society. trying to ascertain the exact nature orts of consequences: it k breaking however, has disappointed the high sown parochialism, it is creating a Mrs. Medill McCormick probably of the instrument which can cut the expectations once held for it. The population which nowhere putA its has the edge over her as a political staunchest steel and gives results typical long distance tourist spends roots down very deep, it is standard - leader, but Mrs. Baar during the showing a remarkable knowledge of prisingly little, except for the all- izing sections of the country which sur ril primaries as a candidate for engineering and electricity has been important gasoline, oil, tires and re- ngress gave Congressman Fred applied to the purpose of crime. once bad a flavor of theirpwn. The Britten considerable worry. She Not only have these new -method pairs to the car. He wean outing hot dog stands Find fillinIr Stati clothes which last a long time; he Dixie are indNtinguishable 07roo(fi plans in -the future to extend her ac- burglars brought compact and power- soon becomes a wary and infrequent tivities in that direction. ful apparatus in -to use, far better purchaser even of his favorite souv- those of Cape Cod or the San Joa- Mrs. Baur's rise to high pJace in than the bulky drills and jinunies enirs and picture postcards. It da quin. You may like it or you rnayl Fousingess, politics and society is of and noisy explosives of the old-time li bly stated that one may tour the not, but the process will, go on. The the story -book kind, but she attri- cracksman, but also they have be_ re in country in on wheels, and on whetis butes it to a definite set of rules. To trayed an almost uncanny knowledge country in a not -boo -expensive car, it will rem-nin.—The New Republic. of safes and buildings. with comfort and even som* luxury, gain success, she says, a woman must It would seem they kave marked for less money than it costs to Isive ----------- have confidence, wide knowledge, abil- out a certain type of business for an equal length of time in the aver- GR`TTING THE HINDENBURG fty to execute knowledge acquired, ability to think, a reserve of persev- their atterstions. Their first victims age commuting suburb outside one of were Gould & Palmer, Ltd., whole_ our big cities. The Geman cruiser Hindenburg' erance and of patience, and ability to sale jewelers in Alderagate street, The gasoline gypsies are., of cour-.e sunk by her crew ovt,r six years ago' concentrate on one thing at a time. of all classes, and drive every sort of at Scapa Flov.-, is NY he afloat -again' By following those rules, Mrs. Baur E. C. and their latest, Hardys, manu- car from the huge imported in six monils.s. How is it to be done, who came to Chicago from a small facturing jewelers in Woodstock St-, limousine, and what will happen theril 1[ndian bown as a stenographer, found Oxford Street, W., whose safes were complete with chauffeur and maid, to cut by means of an instrument, the 'the tenth -hand flivver, bought for $50 Already twenty --one smaller war -1 or assembled from odds and ends ships have been brought. to, the sur -1 found in the vacant lot next to the face by mean,.q of wirfs passed underl garage. 'Me type most frequentlY them from floating d(wks, but the I encountered on the roads however, hi Hindenburg, with a tonnage of 27,-] the happy man. His car cost, say, a 000, in much too heavy for that. She thousand dollars. He himself has a is to be made to risr of her own ac - Converts smoke and few thousand dollars in the bank. He cord by having the wator pumped out, is travelling for pleasure, but is not of her. I averse to doing a little business as To do this all hf,r port holes and - gase.-s into hea well, if chance should throw some in all the eight 1'spa r,wks" the Ger-i his way. He in accompanied by his mans opened to sink hor. will have tol 19 1k wife and family, which varies all the be covered with patohvq of concretel Happy Thought Air -blast way from babes in arms to the al- or steel. To get n t the sea cocks,, Ar, *Y most -full-grown son of daughter whdch are round h,d­ in her hull,� The air -blast device does this by contemptuous of father's driving Rn� two feet across, it will be necessary mixing heated air above the fire inclined to -be somewhat scornful of to make tunnels in tho sea-bed on with smoke and gases from the thp� whole enterpri-,e. the barnacles and seaweed that coverl fuel. It causes them to bum . Distance covered is the ruling pas- her bottom. . I Sion of the motor peripatptics. Al- All this will tAke twvIve divers sixl instead of escaping up the -chim- most reverontly they show one an- mont.bi, but when tfif, " v -have done ney. other their speedometer registers, in- forty pumps will pump out something, Complete combustion of all fuel dicating that they have done 800, like 60,000 tons of water in twelve 1,00 hours, and the Rind,nbiirg will then is secured through the shell -bar 0 or 6,000 miles since, leaving ce home. Many of them are also stat- slowly -rise to the mirra grate which admits the free istical wizards who know just how And what th4,n' '4ho �ill be Mrs passage of air through the fire. HappT Thought many miles they have obtained from aground arid broken up for scrap, the Air -blast each gallon of gas or quart of oil, value of which will ho more than Because of the fact that moist air absorbs more heat than keeping the figures in little red worth tbe Cost. A r1er that the re - leather memorandum books, which Tn'aining big ships will be raised, at - dry air,,less fuel is required are stored invariably in the upper the rate of two a .\ear, till Scapa to keep the house comfort - A lefthand vest pocket. In many Flow is clear of thern. able when the air - is moist -j� the paision for coaxing economical service out of the car seems to dom- the full size Hygienic inate all others; only the vaguest Vapor Pan is correctly pro - 7 ideas are entertained of places visit - portioned and placed to ed, savo in relation to the life hk- A provide the' exact degree tory of Me motor. Tuloa becomes of moisture for health. place where we got the extra good gas and did so well"; Spokane Come in and let us demon- r=3 E-= is remembered by the expensive pis- strate to you how the All- 99 ton ring trouble experienced there, One town is very -like another; how cast will give you all the is any good motor gypsy to tell them healthful. warmth you need apart except by the blowout in Niles, -4 spur and save you money 0'r c -_- the foul spark plug at Schenectady9 here is a subdivision of th write for. compl6te details. a 'auto - There is a Happy Thought Fla mobile tourist which deserves special Fumace for every type of mention—the tramp -on -wheels. A con- 4idemble population of me-ndicant's j 6d honlo- now exists which has abandoned _W10 Made in Pipe and Pipsl*" xsww f brakebeams in favor of travelling from town to town in its own motors. 2S ROBERT E. REID They always have a carefully-plan-ned y to teil—they are deserving me- seaf,014h, 0111L chanics on theieway to San Diego or That delicious Tucson, where a good job awaits them. In the last town but one, they flavor of fi-esh /�MAOVAT-VJRAN met hard luck in the shape of illness N or accident. Now they ask- a little gives a nevv assiataa*--food, or money for gaso- Jine, Or both. Many a householder thrill to every bite. who has, learned to steel his heart A Wrigley's is good ag&instthe Pleas of the old fashioned la dit-own of? his guard by bobo i r, with its imIrlicatiot and good for yow. si t of the an ra settled place in the social order, A46 and holps the 0atedhanilo" on his way.; -v, �n If., All %w NA"Zo HVW 140$hWoRy A*aetfte YOU W AT^ are no 06 t.s. Thii i Sib'a Ign rtistically dies edthiat thok At �mm Wboml`�, fouildation of your geueral appe�rxaee., 'You, w*, ttlem—you will be enraptured with'therA, and SO IoVely ne* designs'and ideas are ineolvnratedfn I All the latest models that good old Dame Pashi0n,," stamped with her approval are here in podly nux6ers. There is no question about g6tting a coat that. will delight you, because everythinf' worth while is here. And, 'of course, you always buy a little bit better at S�tewarVs. Prices $15.00 to $65,,00 That carry that Distinctive Difference and cost no more. The new Fall Hats for women now on display in our Millinery Department are, we think, the very smartest designs it is possible to produce. You must see them to really appreciate their delightful styles and attractive trimmings. Come in any dAy; our staff of milliners will be delighted to show you what is new and correct for FaU. You will be agreeabi� surprised at the very reasonable price for which you can get your new Fall hat. Boy -Proof Suits for School Listen, Mother—Your boy has a right to be just as well dressed as the botber boys. It helps him—to be -not elab- orately dressed, but neat and tidy; he will be more am- bitious and feel equal to the other boys. It does not cost much to keep him well dressed. Just come in here and look at the new Suits, built to wear of sturdy cloth, nice fi�ll shades, neat, dressy styles in all sizes --and when we tell you the price you will realize that our boys' suits are indeed reasonable. Prices $5.95 to $13.50 iXen's Fall Sulo ts of Unusual Attractiveness, Of course you Would expect to find all the new colorings and I)atterns here --that is always the case. The point we wish to particularly emphasize is, the price. We are making a special effort t( -.v meet the popular demand for good reliable suits at a medium price. You will agree when you see these New Suits that we have succeeded, and remember, every Suit oarries our personal guarantee. SO,% Snag Proof, the Best Overall in the Trade The greatest amount of comfort and wear it is pogsible to put into Overalls are in these Snag Proof garments. Wear one pair and you are pen-nanently convinced. PRICE. . . . . . $1.95 A n a 7 HVW 140$hWoRy A*aetfte YOU W AT^ are no 06 t.s. Thii i Sib'a Ign rtistically dies edthiat thok At �mm Wboml`�, fouildation of your geueral appe�rxaee., 'You, w*, ttlem—you will be enraptured with'therA, and SO IoVely ne* designs'and ideas are ineolvnratedfn I All the latest models that good old Dame Pashi0n,," stamped with her approval are here in podly nux6ers. There is no question about g6tting a coat that. will delight you, because everythinf' worth while is here. And, 'of course, you always buy a little bit better at S�tewarVs. Prices $15.00 to $65,,00 That carry that Distinctive Difference and cost no more. The new Fall Hats for women now on display in our Millinery Department are, we think, the very smartest designs it is possible to produce. You must see them to really appreciate their delightful styles and attractive trimmings. Come in any dAy; our staff of milliners will be delighted to show you what is new and correct for FaU. You will be agreeabi� surprised at the very reasonable price for which you can get your new Fall hat. Boy -Proof Suits for School Listen, Mother—Your boy has a right to be just as well dressed as the botber boys. It helps him—to be -not elab- orately dressed, but neat and tidy; he will be more am- bitious and feel equal to the other boys. It does not cost much to keep him well dressed. Just come in here and look at the new Suits, built to wear of sturdy cloth, nice fi�ll shades, neat, dressy styles in all sizes --and when we tell you the price you will realize that our boys' suits are indeed reasonable. Prices $5.95 to $13.50 iXen's Fall Sulo ts of Unusual Attractiveness, Of course you Would expect to find all the new colorings and I)atterns here --that is always the case. The point we wish to particularly emphasize is, the price. We are making a special effort t( -.v meet the popular demand for good reliable suits at a medium price. You will agree when you see these New Suits that we have succeeded, and remember, every Suit oarries our personal guarantee. SO,% Snag Proof, the Best Overall in the Trade The greatest amount of comfort and wear it is pogsible to put into Overalls are in these Snag Proof garments. Wear one pair and you are pen-nanently convinced. PRICE. . . . . . $1.95 A