The Huron Expositor, 1926-09-10, Page 2got Mo M-1009
N your, e9w$
'th G -ok
i Mora qOa; all(l Vela
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07, 71,
777 t�AN. .&;
?Vll.�",_ AYKI��
(By isaberliAmiltw "IF111-111 out.) A
tl* 110
MOT _k
ReVive Vby work, 0, Lordl
r Mighty arm make b
Th) �404
With the voice which
wakes the ;0
I lLr% I dead, A
ruent ovo
'L%Y people �hear. yo,',, ,r FrogreAsitie
ABU U144tr
under our conditiot T4e
11 ri es MistudtTA- m
Revive Thy work, 0 Lordl ituch a4vert4aed eti
and Rotolthill, have not fruitqd'herp as
I ml, v
Commom W11
Create soul thirst for Thee, st: 04, R �p BELOV
yet,, but the writer has seen -the R
of life,
hungering for the bread
And -s where it appear- Qrder in the,,, brave day , Of 914
0 may our spirits be. �p other place 66
ad to be the most promising fall b6ar- Pepys., writing in his diar '60'
—Albert Midland. -tells how$ Aho P.i4T of. B in, hr='
RMINS NO Ing soit yet introduced, 1.6A A)e-
-hat time dug his elbow 4 4r- V
Canadians must remember that ctvr of t 0% Prot#
�r outh, ily into tile side of the. MaTquis Of Branch, report I r
Revive us Which men crop .6
ns that many green
fills are not as long as fur0m
A5H PIT 'f
-d' The Marq 1A niercialt aOjJj,&�
0 Loi Cleanse our ber- Dorchester. , alp replied,
thoughts and kindle in our hearts a This Ond. Duke of Buckingba', jj.'
ries afe frozen on the vines. 7�, �per
wheif ir
y 1'a%�d wheff1hir
flame of sacred love -that- vle may be Peeessitstes a considerablediscount conti Us POP r, barrels, ds com ad *it
more and more willing to enter upon from the fall yields reported from was uneasy and the Marquis replied, barrels in 19a6 and 66 per d#pt. br_'�c
year "
a fuller service and deeper sacrifice other quarters.. 'Yes,, 'and that he durst n9t do this a five-year avexije. Last 044
for the advancement of Thy kingdom. anywhere else, Tile Duke replied tario shipped 4,151 caA' R appiqov
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour. that he would 4nd thgt be wa§, a and figuring upon the present �stf-*
Amen. betbeT man than himself. Lord Dor- mate 3,573 car's should. be ahilip04.
ROWS IN PARLIAMENT ARE AN year. Alth6ugh the seisoit
S. S. LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 12 A cheater exclaimed that he Hed, and this
OLD STORY upon this the Duke of Buckingham started out two weeks late, the frttit
Lesson Title—Gifts for the Taber- struck his hat off, and* took him by I,, sizing well and color _indicationO
Houses of- Par- the perlwig and.-pul-led it aside and are good. The crop.,is n as- 9A
Recently the British ot h
nacle. liament have been the scene of Al- held him. .'My Lord Chamberlain and as last year, but the fruit is7wle
Lesson Passage—Exodus 35:20-29. most unparalleled disorder, little Of others interposed and both We're or- distributed through .'.the tr6es, ancl�
Golden Text—Prov. 3:9. -wer." Dueb e s I wi f 0 11 �
itions _t
When Moses remained for forty which seems to have been recorded in deted to the To Wre t1l th av Table co d i I ip t 03to
days in the Mount the children our local press. Several honorable fashionable among, members of the peoited -will siz6� N,velll, thb,
Wung C.Ornmom,3 1-n comparatively recent
and even noble gentlemen have s
Israel took occasion to make a golden comparing more favorably wi 3hat
at other gentlemen, whom they did times. It is recorded that Disraeli of last year. In Easte�n.,'P�aoM'410
calf to go before them as their leader not Zonsider equally noble or honor- challenged O'Connell after the latter varieties promising A -jciod'�- e14
saying, "As for this Moses, the mail yX . rei
able, and what used to be cafied hi Fa e, &irk -
that brought us up out of the land g! I had called him "a descendant of the'Duchess, Wealthy,' meu�
of Egypt. we wot not what is 1) words have passed in high quarters- impenitent thief on the cross," I and *Golden Russet, While M61ntosli*
come of him." After Moses had af. The Labor members are blamed for O'Connell, however, had taken a vowlamol Spy are light. In Western Ou�
fected a reconciliation between God the trouble, although it may be.POint- against duelifig after killing D'Ester- tario varieties pr6mliAtig a'ful$ Yield
ed out that there were frequent dis- re twenty years before and I are Duchess, Wealthy,, Golden Rus -
and Israel for this great sin he wes graceful scenes before Labor mem- ly wore a blacli kid glove oil his rign' set, King, Bal6vin a�d 'Fameus'e�
called of Cad to go again up i nto bers were ever heard of. Of late the hand as a mark df 'repentance for and in some districts Greening. Tri
the Mount, taking with him two Labor members have been under a the deed. some sections thYoughout the prov-
tab] . es of stone upon which God wrote severe strain due to the general strike ince scab is becoming quite prevaleInt
again the ten commandments. To try and the long drawn out struggle in SUMMER HEAT HARD ON apd side worm is in evidence. Un -
the people, God kept Moses away an- the coal industry. When they think BABY sprayed, orchards'are especially scab -
other forty days and when he re- of the children of miners going hun-
turned there was evidence that God gry, and those they hold responsible No season of the year is so danger- by.
bad been present with him. 'Other for it rolling in comfort, they are ous to the life of little ones as is the
evidence than the writing upon the apt to speak in unexpurgated teTMS.- summer. The excessive 'heat throws
stones for Moses' face shone so that gifts of that On the other hand when Liberals and the little stomach out of order. so American wood alcohol must not bdr
Aaron and all the people were afraid tained by liany hundreds of Conservatives regard some of the quickly that unless prompt.aid is qt 4ccepted as a fair exchange for Can-
to approach him. Moses "wist not amount, by m-hi(h I oilshevists, who band, the baby may be beyond all adian wood ppip—Chathain News�
that the skin of his face shone," and clergymen, and women have Labor members as B efore the mother realizes
I'lie need for such a would murder them in their beds to- human help b
seeing the fear on their faces, ht" been trained, .,, 9'ree of acerbity is he is ill. Summer is the season when Happy Bird Marriages.
called to them. Aaron and the rulers fund, which %N u .I not detract from morrow, some de tum, dysentry Charles A. David in Americair
to their communica- diarrhoea,, cholera, infan I ..I I". .. .
drew near an,l the support regular work, likely to creep in prevalent, Any ofl Magazine.
of the congregation A and colic are most
be talked with them. Afterwards all was stated in luarterly interces tions. It . is, in fact, as natural as � these troubles may prove deadly ifi One reason why mated bir4. get
be other, approached nearer to hear sioll paper i1i 1904. Mary Jant, is distressing. heory is that not promptly treated. During the along so pleasantly Is that a bir(I
all that the Lord had spoken to him. Hutchings, tht- blind woman in the The conventional t summer the mothers, best friend isl lover keeps on being a tover. He does!
He gave them the instructions he had 'workhouse, r(;i.l of it in the Braille the Labor members are trying to Baby's own Tablets. They regulate I not drop the delicate little attentions&
received concerning the observance of; edition of the paper, sent in her lit- bring all Government into disrepute, the bowels, sweeten the stomach and, so dear to the feminine heart, but
the Sabbath, concerning the contri-I tle offering, thk: first gift received, I just as the Irish members sought keep baby heaq-thy. The Tablets arelcontinues to bring her the reddest
bution that was to be made for the, and when it w:t,� reported other gifts to prove the British Parliament's in -
erecting of the tabernacle and the began to flow i n and have never ability to govern Ireland by show- sold by medicine dealers or by mail at cherry, and to sing for her his latest
ol its owl, 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams, songs, until the youngest birdling I*
furnishings thereof and how the peo- ceased. Her -\Im contribution was' ing its inability to contr side de- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i feathered and gone.
ade every ycar untif her death.— proceedings. But leaving a
ple were to contribute of their pos- in liberate policy on the part of min-
ise-,sion.- for this purpose. Missionary Review. ority groups, it can -not be said that
-Moses having made know-ri to them
I . any incidents in Parliament to -day
I the will of God, they retired to their are so provocative of disorder as
own tents and began to carry Out 111.1 EVERBEARING STRAWBERRIES incidents, in the past. If the Speaker
esy of members, what must be said
Istirn-d him up, and every one whorsi
1 in,tructions, "every one who,;e heart Ls affrontt-d to -day by the discourt-
While everbearing strawberries
his sPirit made willing and they lean hardly be con-idered a commer- T�
brought the Lord's offering to the cial crop for general use, yet such of Sir John Eliot and his com-
work t)f the tabernacle of the congre- a!dvances, have been made with the in- panions in 1629, who were convicted FOR YOUR BARN ROOF
gation, and for all his service, and troduction of newer varities, that they for actuail assault upon the Speaker)
for the huly garments." It would ap- are -worth a trial in many places. In the early days of the ninGteenth Use Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither gales, rain,
pear that some amongst them were The fall yi�eld from these varieties century and upon an evening not
Israelites in name only for they is much lower than from the June soon forgotten by those privileged to snow nor frost can budge them and they last for years.
well to part with sorts. This necessitates a higher be present, Parliament was shocked The low price and small laying cost make them the most
loved their gold too ty Sir George Rose, a country baronet
it, either at the command of God or price if the rk,turns per acre are to Ith and influence, who economical roof of exceptional value. You can lav them over the
by the good example of others who be comparab1c. Some of the best of great wea
varieties have, at the Central Expen-- entered the Chamber far gone in old shingles.
gave cheerfully and willingly. inebriety and called upon the Speak -
The offerings were of various mental Farm, yielded at the rate of
k i n ds. Some, both men and women, 2000 to 2500 lwxes per acre, t1ke first er for a comic song. As soon as the
brought gold and precious stones, fall, and then have given a June crop Speaker recovered his breath be or-
other-, not so rich, brought goat's the foiflowi*ng season at the rate of Oered the sergedilt-at-arins to take
4000-5OdO boxes, with a second fa'l tl�ie honorable member into custody
hair and ram's skins. They brought I since be insisted that be would not
equel to the first.
i "according to what a man hath and crop abow
To obtain the best results, fall beg the pardon of "the little man in
not according to what he hath not." the big wig."
planting <1 -f -ms to be advisable. 13y.
(2 Cor. 8:12). On December 10th, 1770, the House
Then too, besides the ornaments for planting III ��eptembcr, the plants be- of Lords gravely afffronted the House
personal adornment which the wo- come wt -11 c.,tablished, and are tlll]� al member . s of
in a po.�itiwl to form a large nurnlwr of Commons. Sever
men parted with they gave the work o runrwr, for the next fall's crmi. the Commons were waiting at the
()f their hands. "And all the women f an- bar of Lords to bring in a bill, when
Lord Gower moved that the House j
that were wise -hearted did spin with As m,,.,' �-aneties of eVeTbearer,
their hands, and brought that whieft not rapi,i riinner makers, plan theni o f Lords be "cleared of strangers."
not niore than one foot apart in th -
and o! t fall crop 1 . Th(-reupon the members were hustled
they had spun, both of blue of fin rows, and I' the fin
purple, and of scarlet, and be a fi-atim- stagger them and put in out. with the crowd. Furious, they
linen. And all the women whose returned to their own House, reported
hearts stirred them up in wisdom a, double r,�w one foot apart, lezivinl� Ill(- insult they . had received, and t;he 13iraWar'Id 100fing!CCLLimiWd Brantford, Ontario
spun goat's hair." thr" and ;I half feet between centres ('o rn in o n- too, Was "cleared o f
Men Ehe children of Israel were of douhli, rows. b, str-angers," including any Lords :wh-)
,g �gyp In thi�z %Y;iy a very large num _r , nppf�nvd to he upon the premise�;. Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
le r t they borrowed of the h.
Egyptians jewels of silver and jewels of yoting pkints can be established by on Brantford Roofing rendered by
the next. witumn. Failing this, vvry 'ne venerated Burke used language
of gold and raiment. And the Lord early gpringr planting of well mature J ii. the House of Commons, which N Cluff & Sons, Seaforth
gave t�e people favor in the sight of and ('�Ir ly plants is necessary. would he considered shocking to -
the Egyptians, so that they lent them A- the fruit buds of these fa -11 bear- (is , Y, . once comparing the North
such R are formed shortly after th Q niinistry to a party of courtesans,
thing% as they required (Ex- er
odus 12:35-36). That was the source - while Charles James Fox th4atened
from which these rich gifts came or- yOung plants root, an application or that. the �ame ministry should ex-
iginally and the rulers, having more a nitT0gV1 . 11-119 fertilizer, sometime in I piato, its crimes upon the scaffold.
influence with the Egyptians, would enrly hd.N. has been found very help- tt was being assail-
ful in pronioting productiveness in' In 1973, when Pi
most likely receive more generously ed by Fox, he was so sick as the Te -
so that they bad in their possession the f ll. ,ult of indulgence in wine that he
I t 1.9 wk-igable Of course t.o kpop,
precious stones. Of these they gav-1 the blo(on picked off during the. first had to hold Open one of the smaller
..,onyx stones, and stones to be set, year until :he first of July. After doors, of the chamber and divide his A
for the ephod, and for the breast that, however, they should be per- time between hk nausea and the as
plate." "Thus was the tabernacle mitted to fruit at will. We hive not qauIL9 of his adversary. It is one of
- t,i obtain resultg from the ents of Parliament,
furnished from the riches of a hea- been AN( the historic incid
then coun try— prophetic of the day ovsl 4 the bloom the second that when Disraeli rose to make his
when the Gentiles should be brought maiden speech he was greeted with
into the gospel tabernacle and their derisive laughter and insulting ejacu-
silver and their gold with them." lations. Nowadays, every member's
(Matthew Henry).
maiden speech is heard witbcourtesy.
"The children of Israel brought a When the Parliament Act abolish -
willing offering unto the Lord, every FORGIRLS ing the veto power of the House of
man and woman, whose heart Tnade, ords on money bills, was introduced,
,is howled down for al -
them willing to bring, for all man- Asquith w,
rnf)qt an hour and was called a liar
6 Per of work which the Lord had corn- WHO WORK
manded to be made by the hand of and a traitor. The Iyand of Conserva- Ak
I tive interrupters was led '6y Lord
Moses." One powerful element, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Hugh CeciJ, and on this account
doubtless, of this extraordinary open -
1, +pA liberality was the remem- comnound Is a Great Friend— earned the name of "Hughligans."
We stock Crenoid in bulk. it is time to prepare now
Brin * r cans and have for your heating, and as the
I g in you greater part of furnace
hen house and stable disin- heating is the location of
fected for winter, as no pre- registers, the proper size of
paration reaches microbes, pipes, we have no hesitancy
lice, flies, etc., just the same in offering our opinion as no
as Cnnoid. one in these parts have o
Per gallon ........... $1.25 longer, wider or more sue
Per one-half gallon ..... 65c cessful experience, the ben�
fit of which goes with ou
Per quart ............. 35c furnace.
'I 'I & A
.Geo,, A. S"flis S, 0 n s
mniat Our Orgardzation M(aans To You
Expert buyers search the markets of the world for the
best Merchan dise—T rained super -visors examine the stores
daily and exact cleanliness, courtesy and fresh foods in
every store—Expert managers and clerks relieve you Of
tedious selection of groceries and render the personal
service every shopper appreciates—Foods of a maintained
high quality at low prices. All this and more is what is
back of the Dominion Store where you shop.
SPECIAL One I Oc package
only a Limited Given wi6 lbs. MACARONI dgo C
supply purchase of 3 SPACHETH &-d5
Telfer's SHIPMENTS of NEW Aylmer
Duplex Cream PACK Merchandise BEANS
BISCUITS 35,c,. Just Arrived 2 ti-- 25c -
13 oz '. Pail 2 tins IV y 3
BuTrER21C '
St"dard QttalitY 25c SOAP, 15c -
I Mayfield Victory Brand
Brand Red Pitted 3 111. Jar SOUR
4 Larg
471cb. JAM 49 Bettl: 40c
DOMINO 4 lb. Tin Shirriffs QUAKER
BLEND Shirriff"s True Vanilla
Engfish C C -ith S i ldv -3 3 C Large
Breakfast731b. 6 9 pl.t� Frkg. 29C
1 Spoon
These Prices i. affect for oue week from date of this paper 142-C
Did Ycu "Nugget
kour Shoes this Morning?
Did you draw a pleasing contrast
between your own clean, bright shoes
and the shabby footwear of some
other fellows?
66 99
Black- Tan- Toney Red -Dark Brown
and White
Fireproo Wallboar
Nailed in large boards direct to studdingo
right lover damaged walls or faded wallpaper.
Easily; quickly applied, without muss, at
m—stprisingly low cost.
Gyproc will not burn. It is heat, cold and
sound V.4%latins. Makes a continuous wall
i)h r6A tfiat is very light. in weigh Drop
I*%- "cl vie will, gladly explain Gyproc's exceift-
ror, sale ]By
Hon. C. F. G. Masterman, -a Liberal
the- Old
ne*ly stttrwd by tho soefdtjr for the. 171*111MM GOAPOtWd roubg puppVt"' 0d, - 00th6i. . gehiTol-
Propagation of A& 069pel, 911d tliftt Advice J,
vb;- mp ap6ke r4b16 *orhber,
gifUls ri#w, reptasenUd b almost itmom I
y A-vit Off Whir. ?40
0, 1"10i If 10
d6,AiA"io1%-yi#x& logo 1hhn
� Oki, M,
TMS *4S th#- 0
't Wj
t "M
L � Q
'LLS-, ".14
116t Lim
, J
Ad' 91W�
- T— -1
. I to
brance o e r 11r, .6 r,
ornaments to Aaron for the making
It Mops ]rain and Kestores Ilealtli
ex -Minister, recalls that "as a Paem-
of the golden calf. But along with
her of Pailliament I Irave heard one
*his motive would mingle a higher
Toronto, Ontario. —"I work in a
of those joyful spirits, a noble lord
and nobler one. Love to God who had
factory and I would'have to get away
from ork every time I was sick-
now on the front benches. interrupt
ing one of Sir Alfred Mond's first
to graciously pardoned their great
sin and had not deprived them of His
Th. dT.yg�n g -down pains and cramp,
were very bad, but my back was
speeches on free trade by loud ex
presence actuated them. Gratitude
terrible. It h%jrtso that I couldn't
bortatio ns to back to Jerusalem.'
I ha" beard another -noble lord
and humble remembrance made them
willing and ready to pour their con-
lie down with it. I -board some of the
, ris talking ar t Lydia E. Pink-
fam's Jompound,
-'thouting to Mr. Asquith to 'go back
to his bottle! I have heard
Gbod Crops, Goo(t
tributions in the treasury of their
vegetable and they
told me to t it, I have taken about
accuse my friend, Will Thorne,
of TORONTO BRANCHE8 - Health, and his saviu
Cor. Hai, & Adelaide Ste.;
Joseph Parker says that their en-
a dozen btl' ,'oflt anAlt has d..
being drunk in the House, and com-
549 Danforth Ave.; Cor. the Governmett Savin ce"
thusiastic response cured. their -rnur-
me a lot of good. I.. never have any
pelled by the Speaker next day
to University' & Dundas, $t. Wily shouldn't he be happy?
muring. The moment they began to
to So
ains or sore baelt now, and not
teen off from work a day sinee I have
apologize abjectly." He also mention-
ed the occasion when Hon. Ronald
OTHER BRANGH�S ATt YOU caft open a Savings accoubtt
*Ork they ceased complain.
to -day a Church must go to work if
taken it. I r end the Vegeta-
ble Compou =,40 I have the op. i
McNeill, -now Secretary to the Trea�
Hainilton, Newh3atketo -hort dther by mail or in pemii.
Ottawa, Me 4ptlar Will do t6
it would enjoy the spirit 6f 11tity
and pLfaea. Let us all hear Heavelf's
�Orttmity.0[6� Otto, 21 Howie
venue, Torofti,'Oftatio.
sirry, burled a brass botind
book at Winston Churchill, HAA
Owen Sdi&04 start---aAd
It Pembroke, Seafb"h- It-
Catharill At Wig . YWU may Make withdrawal$ Any,
sweet appeal for servite and for sac-
"The Ad#$'�* 4 a Friencr'
Vot been but slightly defleeUd
might have blind6d him. In the A-Ays
". . y
it .4 -LA "
WaIltefton, w6iA time without notice.
Hanover Q..-1 A was terribly
`an� OW
a *,*odd,fimos I almost -
of the Natioi�hlftts sceliti 61 dig-
so 1. M. McMillan, Mcknagor
Hours 9.80 a.M. aturday 946 aaft. to 5 p.m., 1 pan. to -80 O.'ra.-
Fund Began In a Workhouse
fainted. I usedAddohousowork un-
order w4ere fr6queyit, wid 86 a tn in
otable epith�ts were hilget,7 fterZ5
Branchi A M. Vc*iltan, Maaagei
Twenty years ago gi poof woman
ta it few mon",4& liad iometim
I hadta leave Jj esi
d to bad.
the :floor of the 'Mage I woft
ia g PAh. &aturday mo �Owm. to 6 pam'. 7 Pm to #A11 OXA.
'n a Workhouse i -d Devaitsbire, total17
bUM and deaf,' sent a little 'gift of
fivb shillingg for eettain wok, then
sm now a m0% * 't�e %'I
Jii - tting
#IX y1pats, from ,
r Kimono v7q 1,06k 101A
Hmly, now Gq-0er-ftOv0q*0ft1. iof tht
Iii-sh PftO gi;Aei. 8P�610 d.� M 109h
'Peo t(t #tms bJ9bt6d, .#t'd ni-410016tit
ne*ly stttrwd by tho soefdtjr for the. 171*111MM GOAPOtWd roubg puppVt"' 0d, - 00th6i. . gehiTol-
Propagation of A& 069pel, 911d tliftt Advice J,
vb;- mp ap6ke r4b16 *orhber,
gifUls ri#w, reptasenUd b almost itmom I
y A-vit Off Whir. ?40
0, 1"10i If 10
d6,AiA"io1%-yi#x& logo 1hhn
� Oki, M,
TMS *4S th#- 0
't Wj
t "M
L � Q
'LLS-, ".14
116t Lim
, J
Ad' 91W�
- T— -1
. I to